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The 20 ways to boost your immunity to colds and flu without using vaccines

by Mike Adams

The big winter flu shot vaccine push is on! You are about to be bombarded with endless messages to “get vaccinated!” They’re even starting to lay a guilt trip on those who refuse vaccinations, illogically claiming that your lack of a vaccine somehow causes other people who are already vaccinated to catch the flu. Yeah, I know, it makes no sense, but then again the entire vaccine industry is based on the same fantasy logic as unicorns, fairies, leprechauns and garden gnomes.

And, for the record, all the healthiest people walking around who don’t catch the flu are the ones who refuse flu shots while taking care of their immune system. It’s the vaccinated people who always seem to be sick for one reason or another, have you noticed?

In any case, it’s important to find ways to boost your immune system and shield yourself from colds and the flu without resorting to jabbing yourself in the arm with a cocktail of mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum and MSG. Oh yes, all those things are found in vaccines, according to the CDC.

In fact, if you really like shooting up with brain-damaging mercury and essentially giving yourself a chemical lobotomy, just take more vaccines! It’s the only legal way to inject these chemicals into your body where they will quickly enter your bloodstream and be delivered right to your brain! So to avoid all that, here’s my list of the top 20 ways to boost your immune system without resorting to deadly vaccines and all the toxic additives they contain.

The top 20 ways to boost your immunity to colds and flu without using a vaccine

1) Take a vitamin D supplement every day. Check our Vitamin D guide for details about choosing the proper dosage.

2) Get as much sunlight as you can for as late into the year as you can manage. Even getting sunlight on just your face helps produce more vitamin D in your body.

3) Drink immune boost beverages like organic Cocoa Mojo, which contains a blend of 4 medicinal mushrooms.

4) Use a high-quality air filter in your home to filter out bacteria and mold spores that may be circulating inside your home.

5) Get regular exercise to boost your circulation and immune strength. This exercise should be frequent and moderate. Do not overstress yourself at the gym, or your immune system will be temporarily compromised.

6) Take supplements especially designed to protect your respiratory tract. These include Lomatium, Osha, Elderberry and more.

7) Take measures to minimize your exposure to immune-damaging chemicals such as those you’ll find in laundry products, cosmetics, personal care products and fragrance products. The artificial fragrance chemicals found in most of these products are carcinogenic and cause liver damage.

8) Get off all medications that you can safely eliminate! Work with a naturo-path to accomplish this, of course, as quitting medications cold turkey can also be dangerous. Most medications suppress your immune system, liver function, kidney function and even your reproductive function.

9) Eat more meals that are rich in pungent spices. Eat more curry, which is rich in turmeric. Eat more ginger. Eat more cilantro, rosemary, thyme and other rich spices. This includes cloves and nutmeg, two spices you’ll typically find in eggnog drinks.

10) Clean up your diet. If you’re eating cheese and drinking processed milk, those substances are to be avoided during the winter

influenza season, especially. In many people, cheese and dairy products tend to cause sinus stuffiness, which is really a lack of sinus circulation. This can make you more susceptible to physically catching and harboring a virus floating around.

11) Boost your trace minerals intake, especially zinc. Both zinc and selenium are hugely important for immune function. Zinc is especially well known for functioning as a shield support against many viral attacks. One of the best ways to boost your trace minerals intake is to switch to a natural sea salt or a high-mineral salt.

12) Move your lymph! Re-bounders (mini trampolines) are great for this purpose. Jumping rope also works, as does just hopping in place for a few minutes each day. You can also do arm rotations and other

simple movements to keep your lymph circulating.

13) Take immune protective herbal tinctures such as golden seal, garlic, echinacea, osha root and elderberry. All of these herbs are found in the Ener-­food Herbal Medicine Cabinet – intermediate.

14)While you’re at it, wash your hands more frequently.

15) At the same time, demand high levels of hygiene by those around you. Ask them to wash their hands, for example.

16) Have an emergency supply of colloidal silver available. Not only do you want the liquid colloidal silver, you may also want to consider an inhalable form of silver like what you’ll find in the Silver Lungs product.

17) Get plenty of sleep. A lack of sleep compromises the immune system.

18) Reduce your levels of chronic stress, if possible.

19) Drink more “live” vegetable juice. If that sounds too cold, make yourself some warm but raw vegetable soups. Search online for recipes.

20) Laugh a little! Watch some comedy movies, or spend some fun time with family and friends. Laughter boosts immune function at many levels. It’s good for your body and your mental health.

Monsanto tries to criminalize saving seed, drags farmer into court

por Summer Tierney

As if its costly genetic tampering with the whole natural world weren’t brazen enough, Monsanto continues to bully and intimidate farmers across the United States, hoping this time to push its agenda through the highest court in the justice system.

The Supreme Court agreed last week to hear an appeal regarding Monsanto’s case against Knox County, Indiana soybean farmer Vernon Hugh Bowman. Monsanto has pursued a lawsuit against the 74-year-old claiming Bowman made unauthorized use of its patent-protected Roundup Ready seeds. Bowman reportedly purchased additional, cheaper seed from a local grain elevator and used it to plant a late-season crop. He repeated this activity over a period of eight years beginning in 1999, continually saving and planting the new seeds generated by the commodity elevator crop.

Though Bowman was saving seeds from only the elevator crop, nature was doing what nature does best. With the Monsanto variety in the 90-percent majority over the other crop on Bowman’s 299-acre farm, it was only a matter of time before contamination occurred.

When it did, and Monsanto learned of Bowman’s seed harvesting activities, they sent their well-funded attorneys after him for patent infringement.

Bowman lost his case in the lower courts in 2009 and was ordered to pay Monsanto more than $84,000 in damages and costs. Then came a subsequent decision last year from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, which ruled that “once a grower, like Bowman, plants the commodity seeds containing Monsanto’s Roundup Ready technology and the next generation of seed develops, the grower has created a newly infringing article.”

The ruling fully supported the policies of Monsanto, the chemical company that also genetically engineers seeds to be either pesticide-producing (to kill pests, by breaking open their stomachs) or pesticide-resistant (to encourage the spraying of crops with more chemicals). The company prohibits farmers who purchase and grow their genetically modified seeds from saving or reusing the seeds for future planting, thereby forcing those farmers to purchase new seeds each year. It’s a business model that so far has allowed the chemical giant to increase sales of both its Roundup pesticide and its GM seeds, while simultaneously putting small, struggling farmers out of business.

But Bowman’s team would not surrender. Having come this far in a longstanding battle against the biotech giant, he and opponents of genetic engineering hope the Supreme Court will overturn the appellate decision when it hears the case this winter.

Obama Administration pressures court to perpetuate Monsanto agenda

A decision by the Supreme Court on this case could send huge ripples throughout the biotech industry, seriously impacting patents involving DNA molecules, nanotechnologies and other self-replicating sciences. That was the warning from the Obama Administration, in a filing that urged the court not to take the case. It stated that “the incentive to invest in innovation and research might well be diminished” by a ruling against Monsanto that reduced the normal 20-year patent protection term to just one year, or even to a single growing season. The administration advised the justices that it would not be appropriate for them to address the implications of patent protectionism versus traditional farming techniques, stating outright that “Congress is better equipped than is this court” for such a task.

Monsanto agreed with that reasoning, insisting to the court that a decision in favor of the farmer would irrevocably harm its business model and that its “ability to protect its patented technology would effectively be lost as soon as the first generation of the product was introduced into the market.”

But if previous rulings by the Supreme Court are any indication, Monsanto may not have much reason to worry. Lest we forget, it was a 1980 Supreme Court decision (Diamond v. Chakrabarty) that paved the way for the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to begin granting patents on specific life forms in 1985. Since that time, Monsanto has aggressively sought and acquired more bio-engineering and seed patents than other biotech company. So it makes sense that a decision against them now would upset their idea of balance.

Farmers and freedom-lovers stand up to biotech bully

The legal cat-and-mouse game Monsanto has been playing for years now, targeting roughly 500 farming plantations for investigation and actually filing about 145 lawsuits annually, might finally be turning to bite them in their backside.

As anger builds over Monsanto’s unethical business practices, farmers and community members all over the country are beginning to organize against the biotech giant. In a case that’s currently pending review by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit in Manhattan, New York, more than 300,000 individuals and 4,500 farms have brought the legal fight to Monsanto’s door step (Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association et al. vs. Monsanto) seeking a ruling forbidding Monsanto to sue them for patent infringement if their crops become contaminated by Monsanto’s GM seed.

In California, the battleground is the November ballot box. Debates are heating up over Proposition 37, which asks voters to decide whether to require labeling of genetically engineered foods. Several health-conscious organizations are working hard to ensure the real information gets to the people. You can support the cause at: and

Leading the education campaign is the Institute for Responsible Technology, which has, with help from a generous donor, made the new and groundbreaking film Genetic Roulette available for free viewing all week, from October 10-17. Visit (­ to watch and share this amazing and informative film.


Did Jesus die a bacherlor? Why the Vatican and historians say yes

Marvin J. RamirezMarvin J. Ramirez

FROM THE EDITOR: Dear readers: Much controversy has been said about Jesus Christ’s civil status, whether he got married or died single. The following article is very interesting. It details points of view with historical narrative that might teach you some new information about Him. Hope you enjoy the following article by Richard Sorensen. MR.

FROM THE AUTHOR: In the article below, author and religious historian Richard Sorensen provides evidence that the recent papyrus controversy is, “at best proof that one person who lived several hundred years later believed something that was widely believed to be untrue.” He also points out that if the Vatican and many academics are correct, it is – at worst – a “fake.”

by Richard Sorensen

Perhaps for the first time in recent history, the Vatican and a majority of academics are in agreement. The Vatican raised doubts this week about the now well-known papyrus that alludes to Jesus having a wife, describing it as a fake. Meanwhile, scholars have also expressed concerns about the fragment’s authenticity, noting its form and grammar look suspicious, as well as the fact that it was purchased on the market without a clear origin.

But this is nothing new. Attempts to link Jesus to a wife (and therefore make him totally human) are perennial. Around AD 300 the church leader Arius started teaching that Jesus was created by God, and thus not divine. His teachings became known as Arianism, and giving Jesus a wife would further advance this theory. Arius lived in Alexandria, Egypt – ironically the same general area where the Gnostic gospels were found at Nag Hammadi as well as the papyrus now in question.

Arianism was the main topic of debate at the Council of Nicea in AD 325, attended by the emperor Constantine, and was decisively rejected by the majority of church leaders. But like any teaching, some continued to believe it (for example, Mormonism has an Arian view of Jesus as an exalted man). So it should not be surprising that the so-called Gospel of Mary Magdalene, Gospel of Philip, Gospel of Thomas, and this new fragment have similar theological underpinnings. But we have solid proof to the contrary:

– People who knew Jesus and spent time with him – his disciples, apostles, and the authors of the New Testament books – regarded him as both human and divine. Based on his life and death he was truly human. He also claimed to be God (e.g., “I and the father are one”). If he was not divine, then his sacrifice on the cross would not have been sufficient payment and therefore useless. The early church leaders also carefully considered the dual nature of Christ and the apostle Paul wrote about it, so the issue was settled long before Arius came on the scene.

– Arianism and the Gnostic “gospels” came much later (approximately AD 140 – 400) after all of primary accounts were dead. There were a number of groups with their own philosophies/theologies often quite different from actual Christianity, and each group had their own axe to grind. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that someone would speculate that Jesus had been married.

– If Jesus had a wife, the apostles would certainly have known about it because he lived and spent a lot of time with them during his 3+ years of ministry. Jewish writers tended to be euphemistic about sex, but they certainly didn’t hide it, and if it were true it would have come out. Jesus did meet and interact with women, which was very unusual for a Rabbi of his day, but there are no hints of any actual relationships in the New Testament or any other writings from that time.

– Finally, Jesus had serious enemies who sought any and all possible grounds to denounce him. The only thing they came up with was a charge of blasphemy for claiming to be God. After Jesus’ death and resurrection, his enemies felt threatened by the Christian movement, and could have sought to discredit it by providing evidence that Jesus was a womanizer or adulterer. But there was no hint of this.

In fact, the only other documentary support for a woman having an intimate relationship with Jesus is a confusing statement from the Gnostic Gospel of Philip (written long after Philip’s death), which says the following: “The companion of the Savior is Mary Magdalene. Christ loved her more than all the disciples and used to kiss her often on her mouth. The rest of the disciples were offended by this and expressed disapproval. They said to him, ‘Why do you love her more than all of us?’”

Most assume that the above account, taken from a Gnostic writing, amounts to religious fiction. However, some have taken it literally and alleged from­the above quote that Mary Magdalene was Jesus’ spouse or consort – this is the same line of thinking put forth in The Da Vinci Code. If that were the case, then why would the disciples, who were married men with their own wives, object to him kissing her and “loving her more than them?” Even the Gnostic writings never claim that Jesus and Mary were married, nor do they claim that there was any sexual relationship or that any children were born to them.

If you’re still skeptical, consider this: if you read a contemporary book about Abraham Lincoln, written by the descendants of John Wilkes Booth, claiming that Mary Todd Lincoln was not the president’s wife, would you find that a trustworthy source? The Vatican and many historians believe this document is a fake. At best, the papyrus only offers us proof that one person who lived several hundred years later believed something that was widely believed to be untrue.

Richard Sorensen is the author of Unholy Grail, a new speculative fiction series that links Judas to Mary Magdalene and turns The Holy Grail debate made popular by The Da Vinci Code on its head. Sorensen is a member of Cranston Christian Fellowship in Rhode Island, where he lives with his wife. For more information, visit

Bohemian Nights of pure poetry


by the El Reportero’s staff

A poetry nonprofit event to promote culture and literature. The organizer, poet Katia Barillas, started this weekly event with the main objective of promoting her book, a poetry collection of 451 unpublished works authored by her on March 11th this year. It also seeks to encourage other poets and amateurs to open up and participate in these readings.

Every Wednesday from 6-8 pm at Restaurant Los Yaquis, in 324 South Van Ness Ave, between 14th and 15th Streets, San Francisco.

Seeds of Film screening in support of Prop 37

In the spirit of health and well-being of all Americans, Nutiva is presenting free public screening of the film “Seeds of Freedom,” a 30-minute film about the affect of GMO seeds on global farming in support of the November 6, 2012 Prop. 37 Right To Know.

Following each screening are panel discussions about the integrity of our food system, featuring speakers supporting the Campaign to Support ‘The Right To Know’ and Yes On California Prop 37.

At East Bay Center for the Performing Arts, 339 11th Street, Richmond, California. On Wednesday, Oct. 24 at 6 pm. Admission is free.

Caravanserai 15th Anniversary Party with Ruckatan

This is a Santana Band tribute that will take place at Club Fox, 2209 Broadway St. Redwood City, California.

Now in it’s 15th year, Caravanserai has established itself as the most widely known Santana Tribute band in the country. This is the group the San Jose Metro declared “The Top Santana Tribute” and the San Francisco Examiner called “The Country’s Pre-eminent Santana Tribute Band”.

Originally a replication of Rock and Roll Hall of Fame band Santana’s legendary early days, Caravanserai has grown to include material from all eras of Santana’s 30-year history. Painstaking care has been taken in the recreation of early and new music performed by this band of journeymen from the San Francisco Bay Area.

All the instrumentation used by Santana over the years are here, with some of the best musicians in the Bay Area.

Ruckatan Latin Tribe is composed of seven players who have all contributed to the local Latin Rock scene in the Bay Area and internationally with various Latin, Reggae and Rock acts. Ruckatan is a fusion of Latin and Reggae.

On Saturday Nov. 3, at 8 p.m. Tickets: $12 adv. / $15 door. For info call at 650.369.7770 or Latin Rock Inc

­Hive PopUp Digital Media Workshops for Teens

Free digital media workshops including: 3D printing (faces and action heroes); claymation studio; DJ turntable skills; environmental poetry and issues; filming and digital flipbooks; lego building; mobile citizen journalism video-making; multi-plane animation; motion gaming technology and 3D avatars; recording and radio broadcasting; PopCorn and Thimble toolkits.

Two days of digital media literacy and fun for middle and high school youth (ages 11-18). Media and arts organizations will offer free tools and workshops for youth to play with the web, remix, remake, and recreate to save the earth.

Oct. 26 & 27, Ortega Branch Library, 3223 Ortega St., San Francisco.

Porn star Isabel Sarli named Argentina Ambassador of Pop Culture


by the El Reportero’s staff

Darco RosaDarco Rosa

Known as the first Argentina woman to appear full nude in a film, 77-year-old soft-core porn star Isabel Sarli has just been named the country’s official ambassador of pop culture.

Born Hilda Isabel Gorrindo Sarli Tito in 1935, Sarli was crowned Miss Argentina in 1955. She went on to use her good looks and hourglass figure in more than 30 sexploitation films, which made her an international Latin American star.

Sarli has filmed in Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Mexico, Paraguay, and Venezuela, with some of her films even attracting attention in the U.S. across the pond in the European countries.

On October 12, Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner officially named Sarli Argentina’s Ambassador of Popular Cultural, saying, “Isabel Sarli is considered a true representative of the national culture, as much for her acting skills in films as for being considered a popular icon of her day and an emblematic figure of Argentine cinema.”

Juan Luis Guerra and Juanes Celebrate 2012 Latin Grammy Nominations

Juanes and Juan Luis Guerra celebrated their Latin Grammy nominations in Miami after a joint project that came to fruition in the Colombian artist’s album “Tr3s Presents Juanes: MTV Unplugged.”

Juanes was ominated for Album of the Year and Best Long Form Video, Record of the Year and Song of the Year – for the cut “Azul Sabina.”

While the pair are awaiting the Nov. 15 Latin Grammy gala in Las Vegas, they both are releasing details about the joint concert they will give at New York City’s Barclays Center on Nov. 24.

Each performer will sing his best numbers and they said they “hoped” the concert would spark poesíainterest in a joint tour nextyear.

­The concert and possible tour are the product of the great chemistry between the two men that crystallized in an album like “MTV Unplugged,” which Juanes described as being full of “incredible and very refreshing” songs.

Puerto Rican singer Draco Rosa is cancer-free after more than 18 months of treatment, his representative, Angelo Medina, announced Wednesday.

“Today, after almost two years, we’re celebrating his complete recovery from this devastating illness,” Medina said.

Draco Rosa announced in April 2011 that he had been diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma near his liver and he began undergoing treatment in a specialized medical center.

Medina said that he was “really thrilled and proud to see the poise and courage with which Draco faced this disease.”

“Basically, two years have passed in which he grew as a human being and we’ve seen how this man, so full of feeling, has been like the best gladiator. He’s a warrior,” Medina emphasized.

­The singer of “Esto es vida,” “Reza por mi,” “Frio,” “Vagabundo” and “Blanca mujer” and the composer of hits for Ricky Martin, will release his latest album – “Vida” – in February 2013.

The new album will include duets with artists such as Juanes, Shakira, Martin, Juan Luis Guerra, Alejandro Sanz, Ruben Blades, Andres Calamaro, Enrique Bunbury, Marc Anthony, Romeo, Jose Feliciano, Ednita Nazario, Tego Calderon, Calle 13 and Mana.

Monsanto could pay $7.5 billion settlement to millions of Brazilian farmers

by Ethan A. Huff

For at least a decade, Monsanto, the world’s most evil corporation, has been illegally charging Brazilian farmers growing the company’s genetically-modified (GM) crops a two percent tax on production, and a three percent tax for cross-contamination of seed, say plaintiffs in a new lawsuit. And according to CorpWatch, the agri-giant could soon have to fork over $7.5 billion in reimbursements to more than five million Brazilian farmers as a result of these blatant crimes.

Oddly enough, Monsanto’s very presence in Brazil was predicated on fraud, as its GM soy seeds were first smuggled into the country illegally back in 1998. Fast forward about 13 years and nearly 75 million acres of arable land in Brazil are now occupied by Monsanto’s GM crops, the vast majority of which constitute Roundup Ready soy.

But the en­tire Monsanto growing system for GMOs, which prohibits farmers from freely saving seeds and reusing them the following year — and in this case, requires farmers to pay private taxes directly to Monsanto to do so — is entirely against the law in Brazil. Even though former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio “Lula” Da Silva basically grand­fathered-in legalization for Monsanto’s GM crops back in 2005 because they were already being widely grown in the country illegally, Monsanto is still breaking the law by levying taxes against farmers and requiring them to pay royalties.

“The law gives producers the right to multiply the seeds they buy and nowhere in the world is there a requirement to pay (again),” said Jane Berwanger, a lawyer representing the Brazilian farmers in the case, concerning Monsanto’s illegal user fees and taxes. “Producers are in effect paying a private tax on production.”

Back in April, a judge in Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil’s southernmost state, ruled that Monsanto’s user fees were illegal, and ordered the company to not only stop collecting them, but also to begin reimbursing farmers in that state for all fees collected since 2004. This judge also noted that Monsanto’s Roundup Ready seed patent has also already expired in Brazil.

Monsanto is attempting to appeal this decision, of course, but in the process could be making its final penalty even worse. And in response to this appeal, the Brazilian Supreme Court has decided that the Rio Grande Do Sul court’s ultimate ruling, whatever that ends up being, will apply to every farmer throughout the country, and not just in Rio Grande Do Sul, which could make the final penalty for Monsanto upwards of $7.5 billion.

Monsanto has indicated that it plans to continue collecting fees and charging taxes until the courts issue their final ruling on the matter. But this ruling is not expected to be issued until 2014.

In other Monsanto related news:

92 percent of Americans want the FDA to label GMO foods – Sign this labeling petition if you’re one of them

by Ethan A. Huff
Natural News

An overwhelming majority of Americans believe the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has a legal responsibility to require proper labeling of foods containing genetically-modified organisms (GMOs). But to this day, the FDA refuses to comply with the demands of the American people, who it is supposed to represent, or with the law, which is why your help is needed to force this rogue agency to finally step up and do the right thing.

Based on a number of different polls conducted, anywhere between 90 and 95 percent of people living in the U.S. want GMOs to be labeled. According to the new GMO labeling campaign Just Label It!, 92 percent of Americans want to know whether or not the foods they buy contain GMOs, especially when these foods are being fed to young children.

“While our reasons for wanting to know what’s in our food may vary, what unifies us is the belief that it’s our right,” says the Just Label It! campaign about mandatory GMO labeling. “Without labeling of GE (genetically engineered) foods, we cannot make informed choices about our food.”

This is why Just Label It! has created an online petition addressed to FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg that urges the agency to stand up for food transparency, and label GMOs. So far, more than 1.1 million people have signed this petition since it was first created just a few short months ago, and Just Label It! is now aiming to reach 1.2 million signatures as part of its next campaign goal. You can access and sign the petition here:

Since March, more than 300,000 additional signatures have been gathered by Just Label It! (, and several dozen new partner organizations have also joined in to support the initiative. (


PAN stands to reap benefits of Mexico’s post electoral legal tussle

­by Latin Briefs and Prensa Latina

Andrés Manuel López ObradorAndrés Manuel López Obrador

Mexico’s defeated leftist presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador is once again refusing to go quietly. He is preparing a legal challenge alleging that the victor Enrique Peña Nieto benefited from massive vote buying and campaign overspending by the Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI), as well as media bias. He is insisting that the elections should be annulled or invalidated.

Intriguingly, the ruling Partido Acción Nacional (PAN) is levelling exactly the same charges at Peña Nieto while, pointedly, refusing to present a joint legal challenge with the Partido Revolucionario Democrático (PRD) and recognising his victory.

Venezuela gets its Mercosur wish

After a bit of deft maneuvering by Brazil and Argentina, Venezuela will be formally welcomed as a full member of the Southern Common Market (Mercosur, founded by Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay) on 31 July next.

­President of the National Action Party (PAN), Gustavo Madero, said that the presidential candidate Enrique Peña Nieto most stop claiming because there were really irregularities in the elections of July 1.

Mexican coalition challenges elections

Madero faced the statements of Peña Nieto, aspiring to the presidency by the coalition of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) and Green Ecologist, who described as false the buying of votes in his favor, said the daily La Jornada.

He also said that the former Governor of the State of Mexico is still lying, because his party wins election with money and deception. This occurred in this election, he said.

Madero added that his party is convinced of two things: they did not win the elction and that there were serious flaws that must be analyzed, punished and corrected.

He said that to date there has been agreed to coordinate efforts to ensure that they can punish and correct the detected irregularities in the use of surveys for propaganda purposes.

In addition, there were also assessed what is related to the exceeding of the limit of campaign spending, the interference of the governors in the electoral process and the case Monex, which as experts have warned fits into the scheme of money laundering.

Today expires the deadline for political parties submit their deputies with the authorities and not until Sept. 6, in which the Electoral Tribunal of Judicial Power of the Federation has given its decision on the classification of the elections.

According to the final count of the IFE is ratified in the lead with 38.21 percent of the votes to Peña Nieto, followed by López Obrador, with 31.59, and the PAN Josefina Vázquez Mota with 25.41.


‘Agenda 21’ micro-apartment scheme being beta-tested in N.Y.

by Susanne Posel

The globalist design for micro-apartments is being championed by New York’s Mayor Michael Bloomberg. These “studio and one-bedroom apartments” will be no bigger than 275 to 300 sq ft. These tiny living spaces are smaller than currently allowed by building regulations, according to a statement by Bloomberg’s office; however the zoning regulations will be waived in over to construct the first of many compact pack ‘em and stack ‘em housing model in the city-owned area of Kips Bay.

The intention is to construct an area in NY that accommodates restricted housing space, eliminates car use in favor for walking and bicycling and promotes mass transit. Herding the expanding population into dense areas and smaller living spaces will instill the new class of poor and obligate their psychological transition toward accepting the Agenda 21 megacity concept .

According to the globalists at America 2050, “metropolitan regions will be an interlocking economic system, shared natural resources and ecosystems, and common transportation systems link these population centers together.”

Bloomberg stated: “Developing housing that matches how New Yorkers live today is critical to the city’s continued growth, future competitiveness and long-term economic success.”

Bloomberg has announced this “ New Housing Marketplace Plan ” with directives toward financing 165,000 units that are more affordable than anything on the current market. By 2014, these units are expected to be competing to get New Yorkers out of their large apartments and single-family houses and into a tiny space to maximize functionality in a clear move toward creating Agenda 21 megacities out of existing spaces.

David Bragdon, director of the Office of Long-Term Planning and Sustainability asserts that: “New Yorkers can be better served by adapting the city’s apartment models to allow more efficient and sustainable homes. Today’s announcement is fulfillment of the pledge in PlaNYC, the Mayor’s long-term sustainability strategy, to update the City’s regulations to better accommodate the population and demographics of the future.”

PLaNYC 2030 is a scheme by Bloomberg, which was devised in 2007, to “prepare the city for one million more residents” to create housing in line with Agenda 21 policies in conjunction with “over 25 City agencies to work toward the vision of a greener, greater New York.”

The initiative includes transformation of hundreds of acres of land into “new parkland” and micro-sized units that are built adjacent to public transit systems. These plans will force New Yorkers out of their cars and into highly-dense areas where living space is severely limited in an effort to “reduce greenhouse gas emissions 13% below 2005 levels.”

A request made by the Department of Housing Preservation and Development states that the program called adAPT NYC is specifically aimed at the building of smaller homes in accommodation for the growing population in NY.

Robert K. Steel, deputy mayor for Economic Development stated: “Under Mayor Bloomberg’s leadership, New York City continues to be a magnet for talent from around the world and around the five boroughs, and with this new model for development of affordable housing, we will help ensure that New Yorkers have more options that meet their housing needs. This innovative public-private partnership will build on the Bloomberg Administration’s track record of leveraging private-sector expertise and resources to develop quality affordable housing.”

As one, two and three bedroom; as well as single-family homes sky-rocket in price in NY, these small apartments are being promoted. Seventy-five of the micro-sized units will include kitchens and bathrooms; however interior design will depend on affordability and innovative layouts that maximize space.

City planners of the future hope to have this concept spread across the nation; where young “urbanites” flock to smaller living spaces that are equal to dormitory-style living. Lowering prices will attract those on fixed incomes. Officials in Manhattan, who estimate that 46.3% of households consist of a single person, are marketing these micro-units for those who spend more time socializing outside the home.

Similar programs are slated for San Francisco where developers are currently seeking state approval for rentals as small as 150 sq ft. These apartments would be the size of a parking space . Under the guise of addressing the 42% of residents in San Francisco who live alone, Patrick Kennedy, developer who built the Berkeley bungalow, states that this maximization of space “meets the needs of that demographic.”

Scott Wiener, project supervisor, claims that under proposed legislation developers would be allowed to build units with just 150 square feet of living space. It would also require a separate kitchen, bathroom and closet for a ENDtotal of 220 square feet.

­“The tenement problem was big families in very small (spaces),” Bloomberg said. “We’re not talking about that. We’re talking about one or two people who want something they can afford, and they don’t entertain or need big space.”

Bloomberg’s officials assert that this is not a scheme to warehouse the poor in NY; however what else could it be?

Kerri White, housing advocate and director for the Urban Homesteading Assistance Board , claims that these living conditions are good and that “the general attitude toward space and how we use space is very different in New York City. People are used to living in smaller quarters.”

The Ultimate Desilusion: Queen Elizabeth controls and has amended U.S. Social Security

Marvin J. RamirezMarvin J. Ramirez

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR:Just like the people who found this article, written by Stephen Kimbol Ames and sent it to me, I am sharing it with you. I hope, as always, that you all learn new perspectives that our schools and universities never dare to teach us or the mainstream media to analyze, research and present to us.

It is absolutely mind blowing! says the sender. “This paper will shock even those who think that they know what has happened and what is now taking place. The deception is incredible.”

This paper is not opinion, according to the unidentified sender, all is documented. “Now, what people have to realize is there are remedies for the problems that not just America faces, but the World. There are people all over the World who know what is going on and they are doing something about it. People all over the United States of America are emerging victorious over the images in their minds. Let us not forget the absolute astonishing amount of debt discharges that have taken place over the last few months. What is happening in America is unbelievable. People are coming out of the delusions, they have figured and realized that the United States is a fiction and that it only exists in our minds.

Tens of thousands of people now know that the “United States” does not exist and that it never has. There is no such thing as the National debt or a loan from the bank. Has any one ever seen “current credit money?” The entire governmental system only exists in your mind.

The Ultimate Delusion

by Stephen Kimbol Ames

Part 4 and last one of a series

All taxpayers have an Individual Master File which is in code. By using IRS Publication 6209, which is over 400 pages, there is a blocking series which shows the taxpayer the type of tax that is being paid. Most taxpayers fall under a 300-399 blocking series, which 6209 states is reserved, but by going to BMF 300-399 which is the Business Master File in 6209 prior to 1991, this was U.S.-U.K. Tax Claims, meaning taxpayers are considered a business and involved in commerce and are held liable for taxes via a treaty between the U.S. and the U.K., payable to the U.K. The form that is supposed to be used for this is form 8288, FIRPTA-Foreign Investment Real Property Tax Account. The 8288 form is in the Law Enforcement Manual of the IRS, chapter 3. The OMB’s-paper-Office of Management and Budget, in the Department of Treasury, List of Active Information collections, Approved Under Paperwork Reduction Act is where form 8288 is found under OMB number 1545-0902, which says U.S. with holding tax return for dispositions by foreign persons, of U.S. Form #8288, #8288a.

These codes have since been changed to read as follows: IMF 300-309, Barred Assessment, CP 55 generated valid for MFT-30, which is the code for the 1040 form. IMF 310-399 reads the same as IMF 300-309, BMF 390-399 reads U.S.-U.K. Tax Treaty Claims. Isn’t it INCREDIBLE that a 1040 form is a payment of a tax to the U.K.? Everybody is always looking to 26 U.S.C. for the law that makes one liable for the so called Income Tax but, it is not in there because it is not a Tax, it is debt collection through a private contract called the Constitution of the United States Article Six, Section One and various agreements. Is a cow paying an income tax when the machine gets connected to it’s udders ? The answer is no. I have never known a cow that owns property or has been compensated for its labor. You own nothing that your labor has ever produced. You don’t even own your labor or yourself. Your labor is measured in current credit money, which is debt. You are allowed to retain a small portion of your labor so that you can have food, clothing shelter and most of all breed more slaves.

You see, we are cows, the IRS is company who milks the cows and the United States Inc. is the veterinarian who takes care of the herd and Great Britain is the Owner of the farm in fee simple. The farm is held in allodium by the Pope. Now the picture will become much clearer after reading the next few paragraphs. We will now show the Popes involvement in the scheme of things. “Convinced that the principles of religion contribute most powerfully to keep nations in the state of passive obedience which they owe to their princes, the high contracting parties declare it to be their intention to sustain in their respective states, those measures which the clergy may adopt with the aim of ameliorating their interests, so intimately connected with the preservation of the authority of the princes; and the contracting powers join in offering their thanks to the Pope for what he has already done for them, and solicit his constant cooperation in their views of submitting the nations.” Article (3) Treaty of Varona (1822)

If the Sovereign Pontiff should nevertheless, insist on his law being observed he must be obeyed. Bened. XIV., De Syn. Dioec, lib, ix., c. vii., n. 4. Prati, 1844. Pontifical laws moreover become obligatory without being accepted or confirmed by secular rulers. Syllabus, prop. 28, 29, 44. Hence the jus nationale, (Federal Law) or the exceptional ecclesiastical laws prevalent in the United States, may be abolished at any time by the Sovereign Pontiff. Elements of Ecclesiastical Law. Vol. I 53-54. So could this be shown that the Pope rules the world?

­The Pope (Vicar of Christ) claims to be the ultimate owner of everything in the World. See Treaty of 1213, Papal Bulls of 1455 and 1492.

Don’t let this information alarm you because without it you cannot be free, You have to understand that all slavery and freedom originates in the mind. When your mind allows you to accept and understand that the United States, Great Britain and the Vatican are corporations which are nothing but fictional entities which have been placed into your mind, you will understand that our slavery is because we believe in fictions.


Another case of mistaken identity

por José de la Isla
Hispanic Link News Service

MEXICO CITY – Former Arizona Governor Raul H. Castro, 96, was detained by border agents June 12 while he was driven on his way to his birthday party from his home town along the border Nogales to Tucson. Besides serving as governor from 1974 to 1977 he is a former U.S. ambassador to El Salvador, Bolivia and Argentina.

Castro, a frail man, had undergone hospital testing on his pacemaker the previous day, the likely reason the sensor went off.

He was put through secondary screening under a tent in 100 degree weather while he wore a business suit. His wife and driver complained but Castro later downplayed the incident, saying the U.S. Border Patrol agents were just doing their job. There has been a large public outcry about the lack of discernment and onsite discretion—the lack of judgment instead of buzz-cut, procedure manual unthinking.

This is the third known such stop Castro has undergone, and not for the same reason.

The first occurred when he was out repairing a fence at his own property and agents stopped by. They asked for his work card and left after Castro pointed out the farm entrance’s sign reading “Judge Castro.”

Another time in San Diego, the incident ended when someone recognized Castro and said “Governor, how are you?”

Would you know former Governor Raul Castro if you saw him?

You should. For U.S. history’s sake.

In January 1974, after Gerald Ford was in office only three months following Richard Nixon’s resignation, the new president went to Arizona, showing a sudden interest in border affairs since the Republican nomination convention was only months away. He went to meet his Mexican counterpart president Luís Echevarría. They talked about oil trade and the farm worker shortage in the U.S. It also happens that Castro, a Democrat, was running neck and neck with Republican Russ Williams. Ford’s trip to the border was actually intended to help Williams in his re-election bid.

At the time, another Mexican-immigrant scare was in full swing (not unlike the Red Scare, Catholic Scares, Witch Hunts, etc.) and Attorney General William Saxby was telling the public he would round up and deport a million unauthorized aliens. Hardly anyone was saying it out loud, but with a wink and a nod implying, Castro wasn’t —shall we say — fit to be governor of a U.S. state, given that he was born in Mexico. Never mind his public service record.

This kind of discrediting is the stuff with which the public is dooped, fearmongers used to dumb down our national understanding of who the public is and actually to appease wacko elements. Castro countered the effect of Ford’s visit by meeting separately with President Echeverría to discuss Arizona-Mexico relations.

Castro had lost to Williams four years before by 7,000 votes. But he won in 1974, in the comeback race. The former Tucson D.A. and judge now had name recognition statewide, he was better financed, and had a twin-engine airplane to get around in.

While he lost Maricopa County (Phoenix), Castro won three Navajo Native American counties with 9,000 votes, the result of a successful voter registration drive. It was triple the previous year’s registration, and about 60 percent of those who registered actually voted, compared to previous elections when turn-outs were low.

Raúl H. Castro was one of two Latino governors elected that year. Jerry Apodaca won the gubernatorial race in New Mexico. It was the beginning to a new kind of electoral success. A Latino consciousness was forming about a role that joined local and state with presidential campaigns and national politics.

As a community and a constituency, the first step was recognition of itself as a group and issues and concerns. The realization set in motion politicians, regardless of Democratic or Republican affiliation, to become responsive. Once that became clear, Latinos increasingly became candidates for office, supported by voter registration campaigns. Latinos have influenced presidential campaigns since 1960. Don’t believe the press about all that “Sleeping Giant” bull or whether they will turn out or not or who will be VP. That’s not, never has been, the issue. There’s a half-century history about that already.

­Responsiveness to the issues and to the moment at hand. Castro, the ambassador and governor, represents that.

The dumb border officials who stereotype with fake ethnocentric observations are only evidence of wholesale seconddegree profiling. Casualness about this is a throwback to the times before the ascent of Raúl Castro and others of his generation who reformed things.

It looks now like the jungle has grown back over the Arizona sand. w