Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Home Blog Page 359

Why and how microwave cooking caused cancer

by Mike Adams

The big winter flu shot vaccine push is on! You are about to be bombarded with endless messages to “get vaccinated!” They’re even starting to lay a guilt trip on those who refuse vaccinations, illogically claiming that your lack of a vaccine somehow causes other people who are already vaccinated to catch the flu. Yeah, I know, it makes no sense, but then again the entire vaccine industry is based on the same fantasy logic as unicorns, fairies, leprechauns and garden gnomes.

And, for the record, all the healthiest people walking around who don’t catch the flu are the ones who refuse flu shots while taking care of their immune system. It’s the vaccinated people who always seem to be sick for one reason or another, have you noticed?

In any case, it’s important to find ways to boost your immune system and shield yourself from colds and the flu without resorting to jabbing yourself in the arm with a cocktail of mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum and MSG. Oh yes, all those things are found in vaccines, according to the CDC.

In fact, if you really like shooting up with brain-damaging mercury and essentially giving yourself a chemical lobotomy, just take more vaccines! It’s the only legal way to inject these chemicals into your body where they will quickly enter your bloodstream and be delivered right to your brain!

So to avoid all that, here’s my list of the top 20 ways to boost your immune system without resorting to deadly vaccines and all the toxic additives they contain.

The top 20 ways to boost your immunity to colds and flu without using a vaccine

1) Take a vitamin D supplement every day. Check our Vitamin D guide for details about choosing the proper dosage.

2) Get as much sunlight as you can for as late into the year as you can manage. Even getting sunlight on just your face helps produce more vitamin D in your body.

3) Drink immune-boost beverages like organic Cocoa Mojo, which contains a blend of 4 medicinal mushrooms.

4) Use a high-quality air filter in your home to filter out bacteria and mold spores that may be circulating inside your home.

5) Get regular exercise to boost your circulation and immune strength. This exercise should be frequent and moderate. Do not overstress yourself at the gym, or your immune system will be temporarily compromised.

6) Take supplements especially designed to protect your respiratory tract. These include Lomatium, Osha, Elderberry and more.

7) Take measures to minimize your exposure to immune-damaging chemicals such as those you’ll find in laundry products, cosmetics, personal care products and fragrance products. The artificial fragrance chemicals found in most of these products are carcinogenic and cause liver damage.

8) Get off all medications that you can safely eliminate! Work with a naturo ­path to accomplish this, of course, as quitting medications cold turkey can also be dangerous. Most medications suppress your immune system, liver function, kidney function and even your reproductive function.

9) Eat more meals that are rich in pungent spices. Eat more curry, which is rich in turmeric. Eat more ginger. Eat more cilantro, rosemary, thyme and other rich spices. This includes cloves and nutmeg, two spices you’ll typically find in eggnog drinks.

10) Clean up your diet. If you’re eating cheese and drinking processed milk, those substances are to be avoided during the winter influenza season, especially. In many people, cheese and dairy products tend to cause sinus stuffiness, which is really a lack of sinus circulation. This can make you more susceptible to physically catching and harboring a virus floating around.

11) Boost your trace minerals intake, especially zinc. Both zinc and selenium are hugely important for immune function. Zinc is especially well known for functioning as a shield support against many viral attacks. One of the best ways to boost your trace minerals intake is to switch to a natural sea salt or a high-mineral salt.

Castro rolls out much-trumpeted migration reform

­by the El Reportero’s wire services

­Raúl CastroRaúl Castro

The Cuban government threw the gauntlet down to the U.S. this week by announcing significant changes to its migration policy. The timing of the announcement of the reform, which will lift strict travel restrictions for most Cubans, was carefully chosen. It coincides with the 50th anniversary of the Cuban missile crisis, and could be interpreted as a symbolic challenge to the US, just weeks before presidential elections, to move beyond its Cold War policy towards Cuba by relaxing its own stringent restrictions. Reported by Latin News.

Colombian peace talks get underway

The top two representatives of the State and the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (Farc), former Vice-President Humberto de la Calle Lombana (1994-1996) and ‘Iván Márquez’ (Luciano Marin Arango) respectively, addressed on Oct. 18 the Colombian people in separate messages from Oslo, Norway, formally establishing the peace negotiations that aim to end Colombia’s half-century-old internal conflict. Reported by Latin News.

Nicaragua maintains economic growth despite structural challenges

Nicaragua will end 2012 with a 5-percent growth of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP), according to estimates by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), while some structural backwardness must be still overcome.

ECLAC thinks that 2012 prospects’ main support lies in the increase in exports and investments, showing better dynamism in job generation.

From January to September 2012, the FOB value of exportations increased 16.3 percent in contrast to the same period in 2011, since incomes reached 2,74,100,000 USD, according to official statistics.

The private secretary for National Policies in the Daniel Ortega administration, Paul Oquist, considers that Nicaragua is undergoing a process marked by job generation, and the reduction of poverty and inequality.

From 2007 to 2011, the country doubled exports and tripled investments, while the number of employed people went from 2.89 million in 2006 to 2,934,000 in 2011.

Compared to other Central American countries, Nicaragua shows the greatest structural backwardness in its economy, particularly in the agricultural sector, which guarantees the main income from export.

­Mothers of missing immigrants visit Tamaulipas, Mexico

Mothers of missing immigrants from Central American are continuing their tour of Tamaulipas state, in northern Mexico, to demand a search for their children.

The mothers were welcomed by local authorities and civil organizations in Reynosa city, and attended a mass in memory of immigrants who have died traveling to the United States.

The 60 members of the caravan, coming from Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua, are carrying out a tour of 14 Mexican states.

During their stay in the country, they will address the Senate, to express their demands.

Many immigrants are victims of robberies, extortion, kidnapping, and even homicides by criminal groups and corrupt local authorities as they make their way through Mexican territory to the United States.

Side effects of GMOs – Ask your doctor if CANCER is right for you


by S. D. Wells
Natural News

If I sprayed your salad with some “RAID” roach killer right now, just a little bit right on the lettuce and maybe a little more on the tomatoes, would you still eat it all, and just assume your body will simply filter out those “small amounts” of toxins? Better yet, what if I paid for it, a nice big, tasty, “bug killer” salad that you could even take outside and no bugs would bother you at all, would you eat it? How about this: If I sprayed a quick shot of some Raid ant killer into your orange juice or your apple juice right in front of you, would you drink it, especially if you’d save 25 cents on every drink you drank from now on? What if most vegetables, fruits, and fruit juice drinks were sold that way, and cheaper than the “Non-Raid” food, would you still buy them? Wouldn’t that pay off for you in the long run? I guess not, because you’re not stupid, are you?

What if the NUMBER ONE SIDE EFFECT of your medication was CANCER, would you still take it, just to temporarily make that headache go away, or maybe to make a little muscle ache disappear for a few hours? GMO means food and medicine are genetically modified, with bacteria and sometimes with viruses, or with weed killer, worm killer, bug killer and people killer. “Pesticide food” is well planned out and has been for decades. Let’s look at history for proof.

Pesticide food timeline 1920 – German chemical companies are hired by Adolf Hitler to create mustard gas, pesticides, and insecticides to be used to gas enemy soldiers at the front lines and in the trenches of WWI.

1940 – Hitler uses odorless gas created by the pharmaceutical conglomerate I.G. Farben (Monsanto, Hoescht, BASF and Bayer) to gas to death millions of Jews in WWII atrocity at Auschwitz and other concentration camps. (http://www.naturalnews.com).

1950s – Hitler’s scientists and “deadly gas” creators are sentenced for their war crimes of enslavement and murder. The scientists somehow only get put in prison for four to seven years for mass murder, and when they get out of jail, the U.S. government and major pharmaceutical firms hire them to work on food chemicals and pesticides for American farmlands (The “birth” of GMO). (http://frank.mtsu.edu/~baustin/trials3.html).

1960s – United States uses Agent Orange (created by Monsanto and Dow Chemical) to burn down the thick forestry of Vietnam, but millions of Vietnamese families get cancer from it, and tens of thousands of U.S. soldiers come home with cancer, most to die from it in less than a decade. (http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Monsanto).

1980 – Aspartame, a genetically modified sugar substitute, banned for decades, was pushed through the system/legislation by Donald Rumsfeld and Ronald Reagan, who fired the head of the FDA and put in place their own partner in crime, right from the first day Reagan took office (http://rense.com/general33/legal.htm). This toxification of millions of innocent Americans auspiciously timed for the “weight loss” craze phase of the 1980s. Rumsfeld just happened to be the CEO of Searle Pharmaceutical, and Searle profited in the billions. So much for “insider trading” laws and “conflicts of interest.” The U.S. government was blatantly breeding cancer and selling it as food.

1990s – Reign of the biotech “Big Agriculture” and pharmaceutical giants: Monsanto, Dow, Dupont, Hoescht, BASF, and Bayer (German mass murdering scientists and their disciples) continue intense work on the real GMO “frankenfoods” that are most popular in the United States: cancer-causing corn and cancer-causing soy, both resistant to the pesticide ingredients used in Vietnam.(http://www.naturalnews.com/036484_Bayer_Nazi_war_crimes.html).

2001 – George W. Bush and his conspiring vice President, Dick Cheney, under advisement from Donald Rumsfeld, subsidize CORN AND SOY in the U.S., helping Monsanto Corporation basically enslave U.S. farmers with seed, equipment, and pesticide “deals” where they are legally bound to use toxic RoundUp pesticide on RoundUp Ready crops, the ones that contain pesticide in the seeds.

1940-2012 – No U.S. legislation restricting pesticides in food. The most evil biotech companies are allowed to “police themselves.” The government sets no limits on the amount of RoundUp contained in corn and soy, nor how much can be sprayed on them as well. No FDA regulations for GMO infant food, including GM pesticide in infant formulas. “Biotech” becomes the fancy umbrella name for PESTICIDE FOOD MANUFACTURERS (http://www.naturalnews.com/033926_infant_formula_corn_syrup.html), (http://www.naturalnews.com/029863_Similac_infant_formula.html).

September, 2012 – French scientists conclude FIRST EVER long-term study of GMO on rats; extensive research PROVING GMO CORN causes horrific tumors in rats, killing 70 percent of females early, long before their average two-year life expectancy.

(http://www.naturalnews.com/037424_Monsanto_GM_corn_French_study.html), (http://www.naturalnews.com)

October, 2012 – Europe-wide ban on Monsanto GM corn imminent in wake of French study linking it to cancer. Russia also bans all GM corn imports. (http://www.naturalnews.com/037328_Russia_GMO_Monsanto.html).

October 2012 – Monsanto, Dow Chemical, Dupont, Bayer, Dean Foods (the dairy giant), General Mills, Kellogg’s and Smucker a­re fighting to keep GMO foods UNLABELED 2so cancer can be perpetuated! Insurance companies invest in FAST FOOD industry, thus banking on more people getting cancer. (http://abcnews.go.com)

To make matters worse, several “organic” food companies sell out to the GM owned corporate elite. (http://www.naturalnews.com/036834_Kashi_Larabar_boycott.html).

2013 and beyond: No end in sight: Most VACCINES AND FLU SHOTS contain GMO ingredients. Chemotherapy (AKA “agent orange”) is pushed on the masses as a viable treatment for people who have been steadily consuming pesticide, fluoride, bleach, aspartame, MSG and GMO. (http://www.gmasw.com/ao_terms.htm), (http://www.naturalnews.com/033584_Dr_Maurice_Hilleman_SV40.html), (http://www.naturalnews.com)

Side effects of GMO for ALL ANIMALS

Attention all humans, you are animals also, remember? Human beings have over 90 percent the same genetic make-up (DNA) as monkeys, dogs, cats, and rats. (http://news.nationalgeographic.com)

When you consume GMO corn chips, cereals, wheat products, soy “milk,” and the like, you are heading off a HEALTH CLIFF. Turn around now! Stop eating GMO, and that includes meat and milk which comes from animals shot up with GM hormones, steroids, and the “corporate” animals which eat GM feed like corn and alfalfa. (http://www.consortiumjournal.com/2012/32)

Find out exactly how to quit eating GMO food right now. Find out how to help get all GM food labeled! (http://justlabelit.org/) Side effects of long-term GM food consumption include liver cancer, kidney cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer (for men too), thyroid tumors, Parkinson’s disease, infertility, birth defects, autism and brain tumors.

The dreaded diagnosis of cancer has been linked in over 260 studies worldwide to agrochemicals. (http://www.organicconsumers.org/articles/article_26429.cfm), (http://www.nationofchange.org)

The three-tier cure for cancer:

1. Drink spring water: If you don’t trust it in plastic bottles due to bisphenol/BPA, just find natural springs near where you live. (http://www.findaspring.com/).

2. Eat only “Certified Organic” food or grow your own. (http://www.raw-wisdom.com/organic).

3. Eat superfoods. (http://www.raw-wisdom.com/organic).

Remember, knowledge is power, and no person or organization can ever take it away fro­m you. Remember that the body is the temple of the soul, so treat it that way. Otherwise, if you’re still considering a GMO food diet or regimen, be sure and ask your doctor if CANCER is right for you.

Vote for those candidates who are pro-liberty – dump those who are not

Marvin J. RamirezMarvin J. Ramirez

FROM THE EDITOR: Dear readers: As we approach the end of the line to deposit the vote on this Nov. 6, election, it is imperative – if you’re going to vote – that you understand what is really at stake here. Regardless that we have a one-party, two-faction system, disguised as the Democratic and Republican parties, and that they work for the same master, the codes and statutes that will be created out of those ‘bills’ that will be in the ballot, will enslave you Americans more than what you already now.

I just received the letter below from Campaign for Liberty, which highlights important questions that were asked to those democrat and republican officials running for office. In the link, you will see who responded and how they responded.

Remember, if they are not for protecting your liberty don’t vote for them, regardless what mainstream media or community organizations in your area recommend you to vote for.

Are you tired of the antics of our legislators in Sacramento?

Have you had enough of politicians who verbally claim fidelity to limited government and personal liberty while campaigning but then do the polar opposite after they win the election?

Many of our elected officials on the federal level seem to blatantly ignore our Constitution and Bill of Rights. And many state officials carry that Big Government philosophy over right into our own backyards.

Every year, new laws are passed limiting our rights and giving unelected bureaucrats new authority to interfere in our lives.

It is imperative we work to repeal the laws that legislators and bureaucrats are using to trample our rights and instead pass common-sense laws that protect our liberty.

That is why California Campaign for Liberty is working on a Candidate Survey Program. Each candidate for state legislature received a survey of seven important questions — questions that officially put candidates on record on liberty issues.

Candidates were asked where they stand on:

• Real ID (also known as Dangerous ID)

• Red light cameras

• Constitutional Carry

• Nullifying ObamaCare

• No-knock warrants

• TSA pat-downs

• State health care exchanges

Click here to learn where your candidates stand on these important issues. http://www.campaignforliberty.org/surveys/california-state-legislative-candidates/.

As we work toward liberty, it is critical to have current and potential legislators on record concerning constitutional issues. Therefore, it is vital we receive responses from as many candidates as possible.

Some candidates don’t want to go on the record – they are using evasive maneuvers to avoid responding to our questions.

Their silence betrays them. If they can’t be trusted to answer basic liberty questions, they certainly can’t be trusted to vote correctly if elected.

If your candidates have not yet answered our questions, please take a moment to contact them and ask them to complete and return their Campaign for Liberty survey right away.In Liberty, Deborah Wells Senior Director of State Operations Campaign for Liberty

P.S. Click here to view current survey results.

P.P.S. Campaign for Liberty does not support or endorse candidates for office. The goal of the Campaign for Liberty survey is only for keeping candidates true to their word should they be elected. It should not be construed as an endorsement of any candidate.

You are encouraged to research each of your candidates to make an informed decision on their positions.

Below is the questionnaire sent to the candidates to the House and the Senate.

California State Legislative Candidates

Dear Supporter,

Campaign for Liberty gave candidates for State House and Senate an opportunity to provide a straight answer to the following questions. The candida­tes’ answers can be seen below the list of questions.


• Will you oppose efforts to cooperate with a national ID card system and vote to block all state funding for and cooperation with any national ID scheme including Real ID and Pass ID programs?

• Do you oppose the use of unmanned devices being used for law enforcement and used in order to fine citizens?

• Will you support a “Constitutional Carry” bill that would allow any law-abiding citizen to carry a firearm concealed without a permit?

• Will you support legislation to nullify ObamaCare and authorize state and local law enforcement to arrest federal officials attempting to implement the unconstitutional health care scheme known as ObamaCare?

• Will you support legislation to end the use of “no knock” warrants?

• Will you support legislation that would allow TSA agents to be charged with sexual assault if they use invasive “pat-down” procedures?

Do you oppose taking federal money to create a state health insurance exchange?

Obama and Ronmey: War no matter who wins election

by Kurt Nimmo

Once again emphasizing there is no fundamental difference between Obama and Romney when it comes to attacking Iran, the American Jewish Committee has published the answers to a questionnaire sent to the candidates.

From the Jewish Telegraphic Agency website: “I am prepared to use all elements of American power” to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, Obama said in the questionnaires released Oct. 18 by the AJC, “including a political effort to further isolate Iran, a diplomatic effort to sustain our coalition, an economic effort that has imposed crippling sanctions, and a military effort to be prepared for any contingency.”

Romney’s response was nearly identical: “I will press for ever tightening sanctions on the regime, acting multilaterally where we can and unilaterally where we must, and leave no doubt in the mind of the regime’s leaders that the military option remains on the table.”

Romney tried to make political points by sucking up to Israel and the Israeli lobby in the United States: “Unlike President Obama, I understand that distancing the U.S. from Israel doesn’t earn us credibility in the Arab world or bring peace closer,” he said.

“Instead, it encourages Palestinians to hold out and wait for Washington to deliver more Israeli concessions.”

Romney said he plans to create “regional directors” who “will possess unified budgetary and policy authority.”

The JTA’s response to this development: “With such powers concentrated in an individual, pro-Israel groups would likely closely watch and want to influence whomever a Romney administration would name to the Middle East post.”

In fact, pro-Israel neocons already dictate Romney’s Middle East foreign policy. Fifteen of the 22 members of Romney’s foreign policy team were policy advisers under Bush, and six of them are former members of PNAC, Joseph Sarkisian points out.

Neocons from the American Enterprise Institute, the BrookingsInstitute, and the Hudson Institute dominate Romney’s advisors. “The American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) thinks highly of these policy advisers, who are all ardent supporters of the Israeli desire to end Iran’s nuclear program with force if necessary,” writes Sarkisian.

“Just like in Iraq, there is no verifiable proof of WMD in Iran, yet once again the same group of people want to use the same methods to start a similar war for the interests of the few, with no regard for the consequences,” he concludes.

Poll results are, of course, highly misleading, but if we are to believe the latest results Romney and Obama are locked in a dead heat sixteen days out from the election.

Establishment fount Forbes predicts that if Obama gets re-elected, Israel will attack Iran in January, a move that will undoubtedly be supported by the United States.

Despite Romney’s coterie of neocons, Democrat Chuck Schumer believes Obama is more likely to attack Iran than his opponent. “I’ll tell you this on Iran, and I’ve said this to a couple of Romney supporters who agree, that if the sanctions fail, and military action is warranted, a re-elected President Obama is far more likely to launch that kind of military action, probably in concert with Israel, than would Mitt Romney,” Schumer told CNN in September.

Following Obama’s lackadaisical performance during the first debate, his administration “leaked” a plan for striking Iran’s nuclear facilities. CFR member and visiting scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, David Rothkopf, wrote in Foreign Policy earlier this month that the White House and Israeli officials “assert that the two sides behind the scenes have come closer together in their views [regarding Iran] in recent days.”

Rothkopf quoted a “source close to the discussions” as saying that a surgical strike aimed at Iran’s enrichment facilities “might take only ‘a couple of hours’” at best and would be conducted by air using bombers and drones.

­Despite the outcome of the election, a strike on Iran – limited, surgical or otherwise – will occur within the next few months, if not weeks.

Caravanserai15th Anniversary party with Ruckatan


by the El Reportero’s staff

La estrella de Jazz Bill Ortiz (Santana) meció la noche con el grupo Jeroglífico en ‘Biscuits and Jazz’ club: el 19 de octubre, donde se le unieron los miembros de Santana, el cantante Tony Linds y trombonista Marty Wehner. (PHOTO BY WILL GAMARRA)(Santana) Jazz star Bill Ortiz rocked the night with Hieroglyphics at ‘Biscuits and Blues’ club on Oct. 19, where he was joined by Santana members singer Tony Linds and trombone player Marty Wehner. ­(PHOTO BY WILL GAMARRA)

This is a Santana Band tribute that will take place at Club Fox, 2209 Broadway St. Redwood City, California.

Now in it’s 15th year, Caravanserai has established itself as the most widely known Santana Tribute band in the country. This is the group the San Jose Metro declared “The Top Santana Tribute” and the San Francisco Examiner called “The Country’s Pre-eminent Santana Tribute Band”.

Originally a replication of Rock and Roll Hall of Fame band Santana’s legendary early days, Caravanserai has grown to include material from all eras of Santana’s 30-year history. Painstaking care has been taken in the recreation of early and new music performed by this band of journeymen from the San Francisco Bay Area.

All the instrumentation used by Santana over the years are here, with some of the best musicians in the Bay Area.

Ruckatan Latin Tribe is composed of seven players who have all contributed to the local Latin Rock scene in the Bay Area and internationally with various Latin, Reggae and Rock acts. Ruckatan is a fusion of Latin and Reggae.

On Saturday Nov. 3, at 8 p.m. Tickets: $12 adv. / $15 door. For info call at 650.369.7770 or Latin Rock Inc.

Hive PopUp digital media workshops for teens

Free digital media workshops including: 3D printing (faces and action heroes); claymation studio; DJ turntable skills; environmental poetry and issues; filming and digital flipbooks; lego building; mobile citizen journalism video-making; multi-plane animation; motion gaming technology and 3D avatars; recording and radio broadcasting; PopCorn and Thimble toolkits.

Two days of digital media literacy and fun for middle and high school youth (ages 11-18). Media and arts organizations will offer free tools and workshops for youth to play with the web, remix, remake, and recreate to save the earth.

Oct. 26 & 27, Ortega Branch Library, 3223 Ortega St., San Francisco.

­In The Beginning Was Fox & Cinnamon,” a solo exhibition

A solo exhibition by artist Mercedes Dorame, opening this weekend. As a member of the Gabrielino Tongva Indians of California – a tribe not federally recognized, and therefore has no reservation land – Dorame brings her large-scale photographic works to Galería in search and exploration of her roots and historical background.

Members’ preview 6:30pm. Opening Sat. Oct 27. Artist reception 7:30pm Free & open to the public.

Annual “Día de los Muertos Festival”FREE!

Arts, crafts, food, music, altars honoring those who’ve left before us & more. (Fruitvale Transit Village Oakland). Three stages with live entertainment!

Avoid traffic hassles, parking and take BART to Fruitvale Bart Exit and it’s right there. Sunday, Oct. 28th, 2012., 10:00 a.m. till 5:00 p.m. at 3340 East 12th Street, Oakland, California.

Presented in part by “Unity Council”. A non-profit community event.

New e-book edition of Don Quijote may be closest to Miguel Cervantes original

by the El Reportero’s news services

Don Quijote ebookDon Quijote ebook

In the same building in which Juan de la Cuesta printed “Don Quixote” between 1605 and 1615, Madrid’s Sociedad Cervantina on Tuesday presented the e-book edition most faithful to the original magnum opus of Miguel de Cervantes, a volume put out by the Bolchiro publishing house.­

After viewing the e-book for many years like the giants the Spanish knight errant thought he saw in the windmills of La Mancha, the tale of Don Quixote has now broken into the new format.

Cervantes expert and professor at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid Florencio Sevilla, as a representative of old school academic rigor; Bolchiro editor Pablo Nolla, as the leader of the new technology, and actor Jose Sacristan, a symbol of the oral tradition for interpreting Don Quixote on different occasions, all attended the ceremony to publicly present the electronic edition.

“We’ve joined with absolute harmony the most up-to-date technological advances with the most demanding critical and philological guarantees,” Sevilla said about the e-book, the cover of which shows, symbolically, a piece of paper torn into four sections, each of which bears one of the following syllables: don, qui, jo and te.

The edition includes 296 high-quality Gustav Dore engravings, 3,444 notes on the original text that appear as pop-up windows to facilitate the reading experience and an introduction with a chronology and critical analysis of the work.

The e-book was created using the most modern technology in the publishing field, the ePub3 format, and is on sale online.

Pitbull refuses to take stage in Bolivia over safety concerns

Pitbull cited safety problems when he declined to take the stage for a concert in the eastern Bolivian city of Santa Cruz, but Ruckatan-media accounts Wednesday said he made the decision after two of the promoter’s employees were arrested.

The Cuban-American rapper said on Twitter that he while felt bad about canceling Tuesday night’s show, his decision was motivated by concern for the safety of his fans.

Santa Cruz’s police chief, Col. Lily Cortez, told reporters that two people, one of them a foreign national, were arrested at the venue with a loaded gun, a baseball bat and a forged Bolivian police credential.

Released within hours, the two men were employees of the company that organized the concert, media outlets said.

The promoters promised to reschedule the concert, but did not set a date, and the roughly 12,000 fans who came to Santa Cruz’s Tahuichi stadium to see Pitbull perform did not hide their disappointment.

Pitbull’s concert Wednesday night in La Paz will proceed as planned, promoter Boris Navarro said.

Mexico: a place where death is seriously a saint


­by Orsetta Bellini

Doña Enriqueta, fundadora del altar a la Santa Muerte del Barrio de Tepito, en la Ciudad de México observa su obra.: (PHOTO BY BY ORSETTA BELLANI)Mrs.Enriqueta, founder of the altar to the Holy Death of the Neighborhood of Tepito, in Mexico City observes her work. (PHOTO BY BY ORSETTA BELLANI)

On the night of Oct. 31 of each year, in Mexico City thousands of people gather around the 1500 shrines dedicated to Santa Muerte (Holy Death). The figure of Santa Muerte, also called “White Girl” is the image of the bony death wearing a scythe in one hand and with the other hand it holds the globe. The White Girl wears gold when asked for economic favors, black when asked for full protection or red when the devotee asks for love.

Her representations are found in all Mexican markets: statues, posters, necklaces, charms. The Santa Muerte is present on the altars of the peripheries of large cities and some small communities, in the dashboards of cars, in shirts or even in the tattoos of their young ­faithful.

The Santa Muerte is considered the Saint for drug traffickers, prostitutes, homosexuals and all those who are not accepted by the Catholic Church. In reality,her worship goes beyond this: according to the local press, the Santa Muerte has a number of faithful estimated between 5 and 10 million. In 2011 the Archbishop Norberto Rivera of Mexico City announced the arrival of a group of exorcists, to win back the lost souls.

The Santa Muerte doesn’t have bishops and is venerated in the houses, in the streets, in makeshift chapels. The most famous shrine is the one founded by Doña Queta, in the neighborhood of Tepito, where the rosary in her honor is prayed on the first day of each month. The most important night of prayer is on October 31st, the night of the dead according to the Catholic religion. “The Catholic Church does not recognize Santa Muerte because it does not understand her, it does not speak with her. Every month I travel from Cuernavaca (about a hundred miles south of Mexico City) to Tepito’s altar to pray, she is good, she helps me and protects me,” says Madam Teresa, as she hugs and kisses the statue of the White Girl she carries with her.

In Mexico, the worship of the death dates back to 1600 and has increased its number of followers especially in recent years, perhaps because of the collective trauma that has imposed a new way to relate to her: the war on drugs undertaken by the Mexican government, which in six years has caused more than 50,000 victims.

When the Spanish conquered America to devastate it and convert it to Catholicism, the indigenous religions were banned. To limit the loss of their culture, indigenous people created an interesting form of religious syncretism: mixing Christian and pagan symbols, they found a way to worship their idols by “disguising” them as saints.

In Tepito the faithful line up to touch the altar of Doña Queta accompanied by mariachis, traditional Mexican bands of trumpets and guitars. They exchange views on the miracles performed by the Santa Muerte and bring statues, flowers, incense, cigarettes, beer and liquor as an offering.

Some people approach the altar walking around the neighborhood on their knees, and many faithful come from far away. Mrs. Ana Hidalgo, from a city that is located about three hours from the capital, says: “They fired nine shots at my son and the doctors said he would have died. A friend of mine brought me a statue of the White Girl and ever since my son’s health started to improve. The Santa Muerte is good and is a beautiful woman. Julio from the city of Cuernavaca agrees: “The White Girl is a beautiful woman: the beauty of a woman has nothing to do with her appearance but with her inner self. Throughout a year, while praying, the Holy Death appeared before me, but I did not direct my prayers to her. Then I had a car accident, I thought I was going to die, but I survived. Since then, when I have the chance, I always go to the altar of Tepito to pray to the White Girl. And she gave me another miracle: my wife was pregnant and the doctors said my son would not be born. But in the end, thanks to her, he was born.”

Analysts: Guatemala facing worst political crisis of 2012


­by the El Reportero’s wire services

Otto Pérez MolinaOtto Pérez Molina

Guatemalan analysts believe the government of Otto Perez is now facing the worst political crisis of his nine months in office, following the recent clash between soldiers and peasants with six dead and over 30 injured. Certainly, what happened in the southwestern department of Totonicapan last October 4 has placed the Otto Perez government at its worst political moment, criticized former deputy Anibal Garcia.

In Garcia’s view, this is a crisis caused by the government itself, because “with its repressive measures, it has only managed to revive people’s fear of the Army, as in times of armed conflict,” noted the former parlamentarian, as quoted by the media. (http://www.s21.com.gt­)

Luis Linares from the Association for Research and Social Studies, considered the October 4 riots at Kilometer 170 of the Inter-American highway a critical moment for the current administration.

In that sense, Linares called for the executive branch to have more consistency in its strategy to achieve “a change in the way it addresses social problems, because the conflict comes from unmet needs.”

Says Latin News: Chávez triumphs but Capriles could ultimately be the victor

It was closer – but the Venezuelan opposition remains unable to answer the electoral phenomenon that is President Hugo Chávez. Chávez will be the longest-serving democratically elected head of state in Latin American history if he completes his term in 2019. Chávez ran out a comfortable winner with 8.1m votes and an 11-percentage point advantage over his rival Henrique Capriles Radonski. He took all but two of the country’s 23 states. Capriles, however, won his electoral spurs, taking 6.5m votes, far more than previous challengers. If poor health prevents Chávez from finishing his term, Capriles would be in pole position to capitalise in fresh elections.

Mexican immigration plan causes concern in Honduras

The announcement of a new Immigration policy by the future Mexican government in its southern border is cause of concern to Hondurans, who in increasing numbers cross that country to reach the United States in search of opportunities.

The measure, disclosed by Arnulfo Valdivia, coordinator of immigration issues of the transition team of the future Mexican government, was released by the newspaper La Prensa and immedi­ately received comments.

Valdivia said the new administration headed by President-elected, Enrique Peña Nieto, expects to install 10 migratory posts in the border with Guatemala to control entries to Mexico.

According to that plan, all Guatemalans who want to work legally in the border states of Chiapas, Tabasco, Campeche and Quintana Roo can do it properly documented, in order to regularize the labor market.

Organizations that defend Honduran migrantsâÖ rights expressed their concern to the newspaper La Prensa and they think the measure has an undercurrent and violates human rights.

They think that if that plan is implemented, the Central American countriesâÖ fight to promote respect for undocumented peopleâÖs rights will be wasted. (Prensa Latina contributed to this report).



Google allegedly manipulating search results favoring big brands over small business

by Donna Anderson

The New York Times reported this morning that the Federal Trade Commission is preparing a recommendation that the government sue Google for allegedly manipulating search results to favor its own products and big brand shopping websites. The investigation, which began more than a year ago, is the most far-reaching antitrust investigation of a corporation since the landmark federal case against Microsoft in the late 1990s.

Google has been accused of using its vast power over the Internet to give unfair advantage to certain advertisers, namely big name shopping sites and companies which they own, and to discriminate against small business Adwords advertisers competing in the same verticals. While the mainstream media makes it appear that this is a recent development, Google have, in reality, been perfecting their technique for manipulating search results since as far back as 2004, all under the guise of “providing a better search experience.”

In December 2004, just before the big Christmas rush for online shoppers, Darren Rowse of Problogger.net lost more than two-thirds of the traffic to his digital camera website. For those who aren’t familiar with Rowse he’s one of the most respected bloggers on the Internet. So for Google to claim there were “quality issues” with his site is like saying Nike doesn’t know how to make athletic shoes.

Rowse, however, sucked it up because at that time, no one really suspected that Google might be using their powers for evil. Remember, the changes were all being made to “improve the experience for the searcher.”

A few years passed and on February 25, 2009, Aaron Wall of SEOBook.com published a revealing post. After yet another of Google’s famous updates, Google Executive Chariman Eric Schmidt was asked about Google’s agenda regarding brands and cleaning up the Internet.

“The internet is fast becoming a ‘cesspool’ where false information thrives,” Google CEO Eric Schmidt said yesterday. Speaking with an audience of magazine executives visiting the Google campus here as part of their annual industry conference, he said their brands were increasingly important signals that content can be trusted.”

“Brands are the solution, not the problem,” Mr. Schmidt said. “Brands are how you sort out the cesspool.”

“Brand affinity is clearly hard wired,” he said. “It is so fundamental to human existence that it’s not going away. It must have a genetic component.

Using a rank checking tool, Wall also made a few startling discoveries. Small business websites and blogs that had previously been ranking for generic keywords were now being replaced in the search engine results pages (SERPS) by big name brands. For example, for the generic keyword “health insurance” the un-brand website healthinsurancefinders.com was bumped down the list and Eatna.com appeared over night, from out of nowhere, at the number two spot.

In December 2010, Google launched Google Instant which presumed to read searchers’ minds and help them with their typing. All you had to do was go to your Google search box and start typing and, based on the letters you entered Google would provide the most popular search terms. Now you didn’t need to waste all the time pecking around on your keyboard, you could just type A or B or Z and Google would show you the most popular search terms.

When they were accused of using Google Instant to manipulate search results, Google’s head of search, Amit Sinhal, denied the allegations, stating that the reason Amazon or Target kept popping up when searchers typed in A or T was because they were the most logical results based on statistics.

However, Courtney Mills at IneedHits.com found that for 21 out of the 26 letters of the alphabet, the first suggestion that came up was always a name brand.

Moving ahead to February and March of 2011 when Google unleashed their Panda and Farmer updates even more small business sites were dropped from the SERPs while big brand websites moved up to take their place.

TheFind, ShopWiki,BizRate, Kaboodle, and Shopping.com, all competitors of Google Shopping. Merchant Circle, InsiderPages, American Towns, Roadside America and CitiTownInfo, competitors of Google Maps. TravelPod, MyTravelGuide and Trails.com, in direct competition with Google Places. Dozens of high ranking article directories and answer sites. All of these sites were removed from the Google index or buried so deep they were no longer a threat.

An in-depth article at GrowMap.com by on February 27, 2011 states that Internet shopping search engine TheFind.com showed more than 4,400 stores with over 138,000 matching results when searching for the keyword “business card holders” but Google only showed five results. And those five results were Amazon, eBags, Buy.com, Walmart and Office Depot, all big brand online shopping sites.

In a similar GrowMap article inspired by eCommerce expert Rob Snell, author of “Yahoo! Stores for Dummies” the author states “Google KNOWS which of your keyword phrases convert! And they’re taking that converting traffic away from small business and handing it to their big brand buddies.”

In essence, Google Adwords advertisers are paying high bid rates for exact match keyword phrases. After the advertisers do the legwork to promote those keywords, Google is handing them over to the favored big brand stores allowing them to highjack the searchers, even if the ads aren’t relevant. And typically Google helps them along by initiating another of the famous “updates” during the peak of the holiday season, just in time for those big brand stores to snag the lion’s share of the business, crushing small business websites who rely on those holiday sales.

According to the New York Times, the FTC has been questioning NexTag, a comparison shopping service that, since June, has been known as Wize Commerce. NexTag executives say in the last year their online traffic coming from Google search has fallen by half.

Google’s answer is, they’re trying to clean up the Web and eliminate spam and weak content, and make the Internet a more pleasing place for searchers to hang out. By doing so, and by implementing all their complicated algorithms, they’re merely making it easier for people to search the Web and quickly find what they’re looking for.

Google said in a statement on Friday, “We are happy to answer any questions that regulators have about our business.” In the past it has said many times that “competition is a click away.”

But what they don’t say is that they’re burying the links. The only sites that are “one click away” are the sites Google wants you to see. Google is cleaning up the web and they are making it easier for users to find what they’re looking for because they’re eliminating most of the competition so they can create a perfect Utopian society on the Internet.

But top quality websites are disappearing from the Web over night. Small business advertisers who typically spend $300 in a month are watching their coffers get sucked dry in a single day, with zero return on their investment because Google gave the keywords to their competitors and their ads are being shown on parked webpages.

If the FTC does decide to pursue the lawsuit, the New York Times says, “The most probable outcome of the antitrust investigations of Google,” antitrust experts say, “is a settlement. The broad principle, would be an agreement not to discriminate in favor of its products over smaller competitors.”

The commission staff currently has a 100-page report drafted which is ­still being reviewed and the FTC is in the process of hiring a legal team to take Google to court. Three out of the five FTC commissioners would be required to vote in favor of the lawsuit before any action can be taken. Jon Leibowitz, chairman of the FTC said a final decision will be made before the end of this year.