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Legal immigrants without medical insurance will be denied residence

by the El Reportero wire services


The Donald Trump Administration enacted a ban that will deny entry visas to legal immigrants who cannot prove they will have medical insurance or the ability to pay for their medical expenses when obtaining permanent residence or green cards in the United States.

Trump issued the presidential proclamation “Suspension of Entry of Immigrants Who Will Financially Burden the United States Healthcare System,” ordering US consular officials to deny immigrant visas to foreigners who want to live in the United States unless “they are covered by health insurance approved ”or can demonstrate that they have“ the financial resources to pay reasonably foreseeable medical costs ”

The order, effective as of Nov. 3, was announced Friday by the White House. This is Trump’s latest measure in his strategy to reduce both legal and irregular immigration.

The proclamation indicates that immigrants will be banned from entering the country unless they acquire health insurance less than 30 days after entering or have enough money to cover any medical expenses.

If you sponsor a green card for a family member, you must sign a strict contract with the US.

The president justified the argued decree that legal immigrants are three times more likely than US citizens to lack health insurance, which makes them a burden on the health system and US taxpayers.

“While our health care system faces the challenges caused by unpaid medical care, the US government is aggravating the problem by admitting thousands of foreigners who have not demonstrated any capacity to pay for their medical expenses, ”Trump said in his proclamation.

Who is affected by the entry ban

The new rule applies to people who apply for immigrant visas from abroad, and not to those who are already on US soil. It does not affect those who are already legal permanent residents, or asylum seekers, refugees or minors.

Doug Rand, an immigration policy expert, co-founder of the national immigration organization Boundless, disaggregated the information in an analysis of the proclamation as follows:

  • The decree affects foreigners who apply for legal permanent resident status in a consular office of the State Department and not people who are in the United States and ask for the green card through adjustment of status.
  • It would not affect the children of US citizens, but apparently the spouses of US citizens and immediate family members of legal permanent residents.
  • It would also affect the parents of US citizens who cannot “demonstrate to the satisfaction of the consular officer that foreign medical care will not impose a substantial burden on the United States health care system.”

“This new immigration ban is based on the same legal authorities as the previous ban on traveling to people from mainly Muslim-majority countries, as well as the asylum ban,” Rand wrote, noting that the measure differs from the final rule on the public charge (Inadmissibility on Public Charge Grounds) as a cause of inadmissibility to the United States, effective as of October 15.

What type of insurance is needed

The required health insurance can be purchased individually or through an employer, and can be short-term or catastrophic illness coverage.

Medicaid coverage does not count. And an immigrant will not be able to obtain a visa if they use subsidies from the Affordable Health Care Act (ACA), better known as Obamacare, to acquire their policy. The federal government pays the subsidies.

“Although legal immigrants are candidates for ACA grants, they would remain in limbo because the proclamation does not consider subsidized coverage insurance,” Larry Leavitt, executive vice president of health policies at Kaiser Family Foundation, a group of insurance experts health, wrote on Twitter.

Mexican senator: pot could be legal by end of month, but no state company will sell it

A Pemex for pot not likely, says Senate leader but draft marijuana law is under way


by Mexico News Daily


A proposal to create a state-owned company to control the sale and distribution of marijuana in a regulated market appears to have no chance of succeeding: neither President López Obrador nor the ruling party’s leader in the Senate have offered support for the idea.

Mario Delgado, leader of the Morena party in the lower house of Congress, presented a bill on Tuesday that proposed that a state company called Cannsalud would have exclusive authority to purchase marijuana from legal producers and sell it to both authorized franchisees – who would supply the recreational retail market – and pharmaceutical companies.

On Wednesday, he clarified that his draft General Law for the Control of Cannabis was a purely personal proposal that doesn’t have the backing of the president and other Morena lawmakers.

The deputy rejected claims made on social media that his bill, which would also allow adults to grow up to six cannabis plants for personal use, would turn Mexico into a narco-state.

Delgado explained that under his proposal, 25% of marijuana sales profits would go to the implementation of social programs in communities where authorities have eradicated illegal cannabis crops and 20 percent would be spent on the detection and treatment of drug addiction.

But Morena Senate leader Ricardo Monreal poured cold water on Delgado’s state pot company, declaring that there should be a regulated market for marijuana but not one in which the government has a monopoly.

He also said that the Senate has nearly completed its own bill for the legalization and regulation of marijuana.

“…We’re very close to having a draft marijuana law,” Monreal said, adding that he will seek input from Delgado and other lower house lawmakers.

The Senate is looking at 12 different proposals on legalization and regulation that were discussed at recent open Senate sessions, the senator said.

“…If the Chamber of Deputies proposal is added, that’s 13. The idea is to try to make the best law possible. We’ve spent hours and hours debating this issue in the Senate and we’re going to respectfully invite [deputies] so that they join us in the next debates,” Monreal said.

The senator predicted that marijuana will be legalized by the end of the month and said that he was open to other aspects of Delgado’s bill being included in the final draft voted on by lawmakers.

“…We’re thinking that we’ll bring the law out, approve it, at the end of October. That’s the schedule we have. I’ll speak personally [to Delgado] so that the proposals contained in the initiative presented yesterday [Tuesday] can be considered here [in the Senate] . . .”

Source: El Universal (sp), El Financiero (sp) 

6 months later, ‘the perfect robbery’ remains a mystery

Thieves got away with US $2.4 million in Guanajuato airport heist

Six months after a band of armed thieves stole US $2.4 million worth of United States and Canadian dollars in just three minutes at Guanajuato International Airport, the crime remains unsolved.

Even though the brazen heist took place in a federal zone, the federal Attorney General’s Office (FGR) delegated the investigation to its counterpart in Guanajuato, the newspaper Milenio reported on Friday. Neither state nor federal authorities have provided an update about the progress of the probe.

On the night of Wednesday, April 3, between six and eight men carried out what one former security official described as “the perfect robbery.”

Using a truck disguised with a fake Aeroméxico logo, the men breached security to enter the runway area, where they intercepted an airport service vehicle that was in the process of delivering the cash to a waiting plane.

The money had arrived at the airport in a PanAmericano armored truck in order to be sent to Mexico City.

The armed men stole 14 of 18 bags of cash from a sole unarmed PanAmericano guard and two airport employees traveling across the tarmac in a luggage transport vehicle.

The thieves then loaded the money into their truck, drove to the perimeter of the airport property and escaped through a wire fence in which a large opening had been cut.

Airport operator Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico said in a statement that the thieves entered the airport, carried out the robbery and left within a period of three minutes.

Shortly after the incident, police found the truck that was used and recovered two of the stolen bags of cash. They later found two more bags of cash in another abandoned vehicle.

Juan Miguel Alcántara Soria, former head of the National Public Security System, claimed that “the perfect robbery” was made possible by “flaws” of the authorities responsible for providing security at the airport – the Federal Police outside the facility and the army in the terminal and runway area.

When the robbery occurred, military personnel were in the baggage collection area. By the time they realized what had happened, the thieves had already left the airport. Federal and state police as well as the army conducted a joint search but made no arrests.

Alcántara told Milenio that the Guanajuato office of the FGR, not state authorities, should be carrying out the investigation into the crime, adding that the absence of progress in the case is an example of the kind of impunity that plagues Guanajuato and the whole country.

Source: Milenio (sp).

For the Minister we are all suspicious

Télam, 26/10/2016 Buenos Aires - El ramal del ferrocarril de la Línea Roca, estuvieron interrumpido durante esta madrugada. Hall central de la Estación Constiitución. Foto: Brigo

The police may request the DNI (National ID) on the trains by decision of Patricia Bullrich


by the El Reportero’s wire services


The Ministry of Security launched a program that she baptized “Train Offenders.” It dismisses the presumption of innocence and authorizes the security forces to demand the identity document from any person they consider suspicious.

The Ministry of Security has launched a program that enables police, gendarmes and prefects to demand the identity document from anyone who travels on trains and whose physical characteristics may be considered suspicious of committing or have committed a crime.

The initiative legalizes the presumption of suspicion for wearing a face, skin color, a cap with a visor or wool, posture when standing, a way of looking, a run of a run, music that you listen to, a way of speaking and how much criteria you think of representative of the security forces who want to rely on Resolution 845/2019 signed by Patricia Bullrich.


The Minister of Security resolves:


ARTICLE 10. – The “TRAIN OFFENSERS PROGRAM” will be created, that will work in the orbit of this MINISTRY OF SECURITY, and that will have as its purpose the prevention of crimes in the System of public transport of passenger trains.

ARTICLE 20. – Instruct the police and security forces in order to maximize the collection and control powers that are proper in areas of income, egress, transit and / or permanence of people who use public transport on train trains. passengers, aiming, through the verification of their identity, the verification of the possible existence and / or validity of restrictive measures of a judicial nature.


The program was launched through its Official Gazette publication and bears the name “Train Offenders”, that is, it will monitor people who may commit an offense there, something that, incidentally, does not always imply a crime.

The recitals of the resolution explain that the purpose of the program is “crime prevention” only on trains that are used daily by 1.2 million workers traveling from the province of Buenos Aires to the Federal Capital.

It is not the first time that Patricia Bullrich focuses her train safety policies. Since the beginning of this year, when she launched the use of the questioned Laser guns, she said that one of the places of use of these weapons would be the railway stations. “On trains, people often stop and the policeman has no chance of getting out quickly if there is an aggression. He has to walk among people and, in that case, the use of a common weapon is more complicated than an intermediate one,” she said.

With “Train Offenders”, agents are entitled to request to any person “the presentation of the national identity document”, whose delivery “will be mandatory in all circumstances”, as established by the text disseminated by the Ministry of Security.

The data of the person will be consulted in a database, and if it is proven that he has a criminal record “they will be communicated to the relevant judicial authority, drawing a record” that will make it available to that authority. That is, at least, it will be retained.

However, the trains themselves will not be the only place where agents, gendarmes or prefects will ask for the DNI. There will also be control “in areas of entry, exit, transit and/or permanence of people who use public transport on passenger trains.” That is to say that the halls of stations, ticket offices, rest sectors, platforms and wagons will be practically militarized.

As she said with the Lasers, the Security portfolio maintains that “Offenders in Trains” seeks to “protect the freedom, life and heritage of the inhabitants” and put the magnifying glass on the “danger or modalities that compromise freedom and life of the people.

Chucho Valdés with Kenny Garrett and others  

Compiled by the El Reportero’s staff


Master Cuban pianist ChuchoValdés performs with his Bata Quartet and guests: alto saxophonist Kenny Garrett, Joey DeFrancesco, Dianne Reeves, and Regina Carter.

The magnificent Cuban pianist and his Jazz Batá Quartet go to town with a series of superior guests during their four-night residency, including the rollicking B-3 organist Joey DeFrancesco, the blazing alto saxophonist Kenny Garrett and ace violinist Regina Carter.

On Oct. 3-6, at the SFJAZZ Center, 201 Franklin Street, San Francisco. (The Oct. 5 show with Dianne Reeves is sold out).


The Adrian Áreas Latin Jazz Quintet @ Lakehouse Jazz In SF

Get ready to enjoy one of the most memorable and cool evenings with one prominent percussionist of new times: Adrián Aréas, and his Latin Jazz Quintet.

Adrian Areas is a percussionist from the San Francisco Bay Area. Born with music in his blood, since he is the son of percussionist José Chepito Aréas, founding member of the Santana Band.

He plays the drums, timbales, bongoes and tumbadoras since he was 1 years old, and his earliest achieve are playing for the opening Cow Place in 1976 with Santana at the age of 3, played drums for the of Channel 4 Just Kidding program and in it you can catch him playing timbales with his dad at the 15th anniversary of the Santana band.

Adrian has a unique style while giving voice and life to his instruments and spice to any melodies.

He has played and performed with Tito Puente, Carlos Patato Valdez, Jerry Gonzalez, Santana, Journey, The Doobie Bros, The Steve Miller Band, Joe Satriani, Arturo Sandoval and now currently working with the Gregg Rolie Band (founder of Santana Band and Journey). In addition, Adrian has recorded with prestigious bands such as; Steve Miller Band, Mingus Amungus Live in Cuba, Michael Franti & Spearhead, Braxton Bothers and The Gregg Rolie Band. Adrian is part of the Project de Congueros with Jaz Sawyer and Javier Navarrette. Adrian has recently recorded on the upcoming Alphonso Johnson solo Album (Master Bassist).

Don’t miss his upcoming show on Friday, Oct. 4, 2019 at 7:30 – 9:30 p.m., at the Stow Lake Boathouse, 50 Stow Lake Drive East, San Francisco. You will have a chance to meet his charming mother Elizabeth Zuniga, who hardly misses his shows.


Salsa in the Mission with Emilio Pérez and Tito Thumas and New Caní group

Come and celebrate summer time with an excellent and spicy Latin jazz and salsa band with salsa and tropical music for the soul, on the dance floor with Grupo New Caní.

Playing congas Emilio Pérez, timbales Tito Tumas, first voice Fidel Hernández González (Cuban), vibraphone Dan Neville, bass guitar Edilson Martínez, trombone Lizeth Martínez, saxophone Steve Marshall, as well as other unexpected guest musicians.

At restaurant Cavas-22. Full bar and Mexican and international food, at 22nd Street @ Bartlett, opposite Café Revolution. Fridays and Saturdays, from 8 to 11:30 p.m.


San Francisco International Airport (SFO)

Looking for a fun volunteer opportunity? #SFO will be hosting our annual Emergency Exercise on Wednesday, Oct. 2 from 9 a.m. to noon.

We are looking for volunteers to participate in this training exercise to role play as an aircraft passenger, family and friends of a passenger, or other exciting roles.

Lunch and parking validation will be provided. Volunteers must be 18 and older and will be required to sign a hold harmless form; ages 16-17 may participate with parent/guardian consent.


SF’s author Jorge Argueta to talk about recent book on immigrants

by the El Reportero news services


Salvadorian and longtime SF resident author Jorge Argueta will discuss his newest book, Caravan to the North: Misael’s Long Walk as well as his many other bilingual children’s books and short stories that cover themes related to Latino culture and traditions, nature, and the immigrant experience.

This event will take place during Teach Central America Week on Oct. 7, 2019 in Washington, DC.

Argueta is a Salvadoran award-winning poet and author of many highly acclaimed bilingual children’s books and short stories, covering themes related to Latino culture and traditions, nature, and the immigrant experience. He immigrated to the United States in the 1980s during the Salvadoran Civil War.

A native of El Salvador and a Pipil Nahua Indian who immigrated to the United States as a teenager. An award-winning poet, he is also the author of several critically acclaimed bilingual picture books, including A Movie in My Pillow/Una película en mi almohada and Xochitl and the Flowers/Xóchitl, la niña de las flores. “There is a piece of El Salvador in everything I write,” Argueta told an interviewer in Críticas, adding that his works “are not only my own stories but also the story of thousands of Salvadoran children who left their country during the civil war of the 80s.”


José José, the prince of the song dies

José José, whose real name was José Rómulo Sosa Ortiz, gave his soul to the Creator this Saturday, Sept. 28, 2019 in Miami. He was 71 years old.

The prince of the song, who was born in Mexico City on Feb. 17, 1948 in the popular Clavería neighborhood, north of the capital, had long fought against pancreatic cancer.

José José was known for his romantic ballads as El Triste, La Nave del Olvido, El Amar y El Querer and Gavilán or Paloma ”, among other successes.

The Mexican artist published a video two years ago where he told his followers that he was ill.

It was said that José José died in a hospital in Homestead, Florida, where he was being treated for several months due to complications derived from pancreatic cancer.

He is survived by his wife Sara Salazar, with whom he married in 1995, and their six children.


Iñárritu gives master class at UNAM and in live broadcast

Mexican filmmaker Alejandro González Iñárritu held a master class last Wednesday at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). It was a special class for students of the National School of Cinematic Arts (ENAC).

During the master class the degree of Doctor Honoris Causa was awarded to the Oscar-winning film director as Best Director for Birdman.

In recent days, Iñárritu warned that the trends currently imposed by the rapid narrative that is made for streaming projects, such as the series, have influenced the way of making and watching cinema, since its function is to keep the audience constantly captive and entertaining.

Speaking to Variety, González Iñárritu explained that the Seventh Art “needs much more contemplation, a little more patience, it must be a little more mysterious, more impenetrable, more poetic and touching.

“It’s changing so fast that movies now have to please the audience immediately. They have to be global and they have to earn a lot of money, so now they become a ‘Coca-Cola’ commercial that has to please the world,” he said.

Request for Qualifications

The Peralta Community College District is calling for sealed qualification /proposal packages from qualified firms to provide Bond Program Management Services (Measure A & G) – (RFQ/P No. 19-20/04) to be delivered to the Purchasing Department, at 501 5th Avenue, Oakland, California 94606, until October 22, 2019 by 2:00 P.M.


The RFQ/P process is designed to select a qualified firm to assist in establishing the overall organizational structure of the Bond program, developing appropriate delivery methods for each project, procuring one or more design, project and construction management firms to manage the design and on-site construction activity of each project. The firm will also help in coordination and communication with each of the campuses, assisting the District with the procurement of appropriate consultants and contractors, and otherwise generally perform the scope of basic services outlined in this RFQ/P.


A Mandatory meeting will be held on October 1, 2019 at 10:00 A.M in the District’s Administrative Boardroom located at 333 East 8th Street, Oakland, CA 94606.


Copies of the pre-qualification/proposal documents may be obtained at Peralta Community College District, Office of Purchasing, 501 5th Avenue, Oakland, California, 94606, Phone (510) 466-7225, Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., or by visiting our website at: and clicking on “Business Opportunities” and then on “List of Current RFPs/Bids” to download the RFQ/P packet.


Publication Dates: September 20, 2019 and September 27, 2019

Climate change activist Sweden’s Greta Thunberg  

by John F. McManus


If you haven’t heard of Sweden’s Greta Thunberg by now, you surely haven’t been paying attention. The 16-year-old “climate activist” has received an enormous flood of media attention over the past year.

Already a phenomenon in her home country and other parts of Europe, Ms. Thunberg arrived in New York after a publicity-seeking two-week journey across the Atlantic on a solar-powered yacht. She refuses to travel by air because, she is convinced, planes spew carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The yacht did carry fuel in case a need arose to get away from dangerous weather.

Unlike other teens selected as spokespersons for some cause, Ms. Thunberg has occasionally seemed unenamored with microphones and podia. She has, in the past, summed up her message with a terse, “I don’t want you to listen to me. I want you to listen to the scientists.” That’s a piece of sound advice but it appears that the young Swede doesn’t know who are competent scientists and who are spreading unreliable claims of impending catastrophe.

After debarking from the yacht that brought her to America, she made a number of public appearances in the city and in Washington. Stops included an Amnesty International Awards ceremony, the United Nations, The Daily Show with host Trevor Noah, and CBS’s Good Morning America. Off to Washington, she met with House members, visited with Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and told a Senate task force that she and her youthful collaborators didn’t want any praise while adding, “Don’t invite us here to tell us how inspiring we are without doing anything about it.”

While with members of Congress, Ms. Thunberg submitted the report issued last year by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). She obviously doesn’t know that this report, claiming that human-produced carbon dioxide is warming the planet, has been shown to be based on unreliable computer models. IPCC’s report is the work of a grand total of 53 IPCC writers, not all of them scientists. On the other hand, there are 31,000 American scientists —  9,000 of whom have earned PhDs — who do not agree with the Anthropogenic Global Warming (humans are to blame) theory. Ms. Thunberg should follow her own advice and “listen to the scientists.”

At the recent annual opening session of the UN General Assembly, Ms. Thunberg once again showed herself to be a determined advocate of the unproven claims of climate doomsayers. Speaking for the world’s youngsters, she chastised the planet’s leaders for having “stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words.” Nevertheless she boasted that millions of the world’s young people “have done our homework” about the climate crisis. Aiming an angry summation at current world leaders, she told the UN gathering, “How dare you! You have stolen my dreams and my childhood.”

Here’s what the young Swede needs to know. “Climate change” is happening all the time. But, as many scientists are saying, it isn’t caused by human activity. Fluctuations in temperature and other weather events regularly come and go, rise and fall, and produce both benefits and harm. Ms. Thunberg needs to factor this bit of information into her presentations.

The sad truth here in America is that we now have several members of Congress and some leading candidates for president swallowing the claim that “humans are the cause of climate change.” The “Green New Deal” advocates have gone so far as to call for terminating all air travel because airplanes put carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. But carbon dioxide amounts to only 400 parts per million — .04 percent — of our atmosphere.

Ms. Thunberg and millions of others captivated by unreliable environmental claims need a wake-up call. On July 25th at the 13th International Conference on Climate Change held in our nation’s capital, Dr. Roy Spencer, a highly credentialed University of Alabama (Huntsville) meteorologist, delivered one:

There is no climate crisis. Even if all the warming we’ve seen in any observational dataset is due to increasing carbon dioxide, which I don’t believe it is, it’s probably too small for any person to feel in their lifetime.

And Dr. Hal Lewis, a 57-year member of the American Physical Society (APS), has offered an explanation of what is happening. He stated:

I am forced, with no pleasure at all, to offer my resignation from the American Physical Society. It is of course, the global warming scam, with the (literally) trillions of dollars driving it, that has corrupted so many scientists, and has carried the APS before it like a rogue wave. It is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen I my long life as a physicist.

Greta Thunberg should be told to take book an airplane flight to get back to Sweden. Skip another two-week trip on that yacht. And be assured that the plane ride won’t be worsening the non-problem that has captured her attention.

Democrats reveal the real purpose of the impeachment investigation


Dear readers:


Perhaps most of you read and watch mainstream media everyday as your mantra of the day, don’t you? And perhaps your brain is trained to receive and believe as true everything they dictate to you as a daily dose of how things are going in our daily lives – setting up the perspective for you. And because when a lie is repeated over and over, at the end it becomes the true – do you agree? And this thinking applies to the hot issues of the moment in the political arena. And today, the hot issue is the impeachment of Donald Trump. But do you believe that the mainstream media do manipulate your perspective of things, to fulfill some group agenda?

The following two short pieces – written by Paul Craig Roberts and Tyler Durden consecutively – bring you different perspectives of why the impeachment is now in the front burner; but their analyses are opposite to what mainstream media portraits you. By the way, both authors are currently banned from publishing in Facebook. I wonder why. – Marvin Ramírez


Democrats reveal the real purpose of the impeachment investigation


by Paul Craig Roberts



The Democrats know that there is no impeachable offense. What they intend to do is to use the investigation to look into every aspect of Trump’s life and try to make dirt out of things unrelated to his talk with the Ukrainian president. This “impeachment investigation” is a political act to help their candidate win the next presidential election.

Democrats themselves describe it in this way. For example, here is how Rob Kall, the director of one of the progressive Democrat websites, described the purpose of the investigation:

“The idea should be to keep the impeachment going as long as possible, with new testimonies and new releases of disclosures of alleged corruption and treason on a regular basis.

“Looking at impeachment as a process for removing the president is the wrong way of thinking about it. Looking at it as a key that gives access to investigative tools is the smarter, more strategic, way of looking at it.

“Ideally, it will get so bad for Trump that the Republicans will end up putting up someone else to run in the general election.

“But keeping him under investigation, at least through the November election, will increasingly erode the support of both Trump and the Republican party brand, making a Democratic takeover of the Senate and the White House, and an increased control of the House even more likely.”

In other words, it is a political power play

The outcome depends on whether Americans see the impeachment investigation as another orchestrated hoax like Russiagate or whether they fall for the hoax as they initially did with the Russiagate investigation.

The United States does not have a media. It has a propaganda ministry that helps the ruling elites control the explanations that Americans are given. Polls show that Americans have lost confidence in the media. If so, the impeachment investigation will backfire on the Democrats.

The ultimate purpose of the constant attacks on Trump is to teach the American voters that electing a president who is disapproved by the Establishment is futile. The Establishment simply will not permit any change and will frustrate and destroy any president not selected by them as a candidate.

This is the real way so-called “American democracy” works. The establishment guides the selection of the Democrat and Republican candidates. Whichever wins, the Establishment wins. This didn’t happen in Trump’s case, and so he has to be prevented from altering the Establishment’s agendas.


NYTimes ‘outs’ Ukraine-call “whistleblower” as CIA officer


by Tyler Durden



Soon after the Ukraine-gate “whistleblower” complaint was made public, questions about the source’s knowledge and background began to rise, as one former CIA officer noted very specifically:

The way this complaint was written suggested the author had a lot of help. I know from my work on the House Intel Commitee staff that many whistleblowers go directly to the intel oversight committees. Did this whistleblower first meet with House Intel committee members?

My view is that this whistleblower complaint is too convenient and too perfect to come from a typical whistleblower. Were other IC officers involved? Were outside groups opposed to the president involved?

This complaint will further damage Intelligence Community (IC) relations with the White House for many years to come because IC officers appear to be politicizing presidential phone calls with foreign officials and their access to the president and his activities in the White House.

Worst of all, this IC officer — and probably others — have blatantly crossed the line into policy.

And sure enough, if The New York Times is to be believed, the complainant is a C.I.A. officer who was detailed to work at the White House at one point, according to three people familiar with his identity.

The man has since returned to the C.I.A., the people said.

The NYTimes, of course, puts its spin on the news, claiming that the whistle-blower’s expertise will likely add to lawmakers’ confidence about the merits of his complaint. However, given the current state of affairs, we suspect it will simply remind a deeply divided nation of the bias and prejudice that exists behind the President’s back. 

As Chuck Schumer once warned Trump:

“Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community – they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you… So, even for a practical supposedly hard-nosed businessman, he’s being really dumb to do this.”

We wonder how many more ways they have left.

Delicious, nutritious, health-promoting: There are many reasons to eat an apple every day

by Melissa Smith


The old saying is indeed true: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”

Many studies have explored the health benefits of apples. Here are just some evidence-based health benefits you can get from eating an apple:

  1. It can ward off cancers.Various studies examined the anti-cancer potential of apples. For example, a case-control study published in the Reviews on Environmental Health revealed that eating apples reduced the risk of colorectal cancer. Another study, which was published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, identified 12 triterpenoid compounds in apple peels that inhibited the spread of — or completely killed — various cancer cells, including liver, colon, and breast cancer cells. (Related: Antioxidant-rich organic apple peels possess potent anti-cancer benefits).
  2. It aids in weight loss. You can add apples to your weight loss diet. A study on overweight women published in the journal Nutrition demonstrated that eating fruits like apples and pears every day for 12 weeks resulted in weight loss.
  3. It prevents atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis, or the hardening of the arteries, can be prevented by eating apples or drinking apple juice. In an animal study published in the journal Nutrients, researchers found that polyphenols in apples prevented the formation of plaque within the arteries. Another animal study, which was published in the journal Lipids in Health and Disease, showed that drinking apple juice can prevent the progression of atherosclerosis induced by a high-fat diet because of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
  4. It promotes hair growth. Apples can also be beneficial to people who suffer from hair loss. A study published in the journal Science of the Total Environment showed that a compound called procyanidin B-2 extracted from apples promoted hair growth in a cell model.
  5. It protects against advanced glycation end-products (AGEs). AGEs are harmful substances primarily linked to the oxidation of blood sugars, which become caramelized when exposed to oxidants. They then bind to cell structures, causing damage. A study published in the journal Phytochemistry reported that the leaves of apples exhibited potent anti-AGE activity.
  6. It protects against brain aging. Apples also have protective effects against brain aging. One study in aged mice revealed that apples prevented oxidative damage and impaired maze performance. Another mice study showed that consuming apple juice reduced the production of unhealthy amyloid-beta levels, which are linked to Alzheimer’s disease, in the mice’s brains.
  7. It supports oral health. Eating apples also promotes oral health and prevents diseases. A study published in the journal Phytotherapy Research revealed that the quercetin in apples exhibited antimicrobial effects on periodontal pathogens. Additionally, apple polyphenol also protects against periodontal ligament cell destruction associated with Porphyromonas gingivalis infection, according to a study published in the Journal of Periodontology.
  8. It treats diarrhea. A study published in the journal Arzneimittelforschung revealed that consuming apple pectin combined with chamomile shortened the course of diarrhea and relieved its associated symptoms.

Choose organic apples

Consuming apples will improve your health, given that they aren’t coated in toxic, cancer-causing pesticides and herbicides. It is worth noting that apples belong to the Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) Dirty Dozen list, which includes the produce with the most pesticides. Therefore, make sure that you’re consuming organic apples.



Abortion foes challenge Oaxaca vote for decriminalization

Catholic and pro-life organizations are arguing that the Oaxaca constitution still prohibits abortion


by Mexico News Daily


Religious organizations in Oaxaca are asking for an injunction against a law passed on Wednesday that legalized abortion in the state.

Jeshúa Rangel, a lawyer for the Catholic Archdiocese of Antequera, said the church has asked for an injunction, and that signatures are being gathered for a collective injunction as well.

Estefanía Ricci, spokesperson for the pro-life group Provida, said her organization will start a campaign to punish the Morena party, which controls the Oaxaca Congress, for passing the bill.

“With their actions, they’ve lost the people’s trust, so we are going to punish them at the ballot boxes,” she said.

Rodrigo Iban Cortez, president of the National Family Front, a conservative Catholic group, called the bill “completely illegal and arbitrary” because it violates language in the Oaxaca constitution that protects life starting at conception.

“You can’t decriminalize abortion with legislation, in the penal code, and keep penalizing it in the constitution, which wasn’t changed, and still protects life starting at conception,” he said.

Morena Deputy Hilda Pérez said Congress is planning to change the constitution to remove the contradiction. However, she added that according to current Supreme Court jurisprudence, the language in the state constitution is not legitimate grounds to strike down the law.

Source: Milenio (sp)


In at least 11 states, decriminalization of abortion not on the agenda

In four states, decriminalization initiatives have been introduced but are on hold


Although two states have legalized abortion in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, state deputies from another 11 states have confirmed with the newspaper Milenio that their congresses have no plans to introduce legislation to remove criminal penalties for it.

In the states of Querétaro, Sinaloa, Jalisco, Nayarit, Yucatán, Baja California, Baja California Sur, Sonora, Baja California, Morelos and Nuevo León, abortion is currently illegal and deputies do not plan to change that.

In Querétaro, abortion is illegal even in cases where the life of the mother is at risk, but representatives for the National Action Party-dominated Congress have said they will not consider any new legislation on the issue.

In Baja California, Morena party Deputy Milena Quiroga said her state is one of the “most advanced” in terms of allowing abortion in cases of rape, when the mother’s health is at risk and when serious genetic problems are detected in the fetus, and that she thinks changing the state’s abortion law is unnecessary.

In Morelos, a group of protesters gathered in the zócalo in Cuernavaca on Wednesday to demand the legalization of abortion. Morelos currently only allows abortion in certain cases.

Karina Chumacero, spokesperson for the pro-choice group Marea Verde, said the fact that abortion was decriminalized in Oaxaca, a largely conservative, traditional state, should show congresses in other states that similar initiatives are possible.

“This opens the doors for other states to ask their representatives to decriminalize abortion,” she said. “We want to end the criminalization of women who get abortions, and we want motherhood to be a choice.”

Initiatives to legalize abortion have been introduced but are currently frozen in another four states: México, Tabasco, Veracruz and Tamaulipas.

Congresses in some other states plan to vote on initiatives to legalize abortion later in the year, including Hidalgo, Durango and Colima.

According to federal crime statistics, state prosecutors had 427 investigations open for the crime of abortion last August.

Source: Milenio (s).p