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First poetry act to commenmorate Rubén Darío’s birthday

­by El Reportero staff

Rubén DaríoRubén Darío

The commemoration of the poet Ruben Dario will take place in the Bohemian Evening, Friday, January 20th, free of charge. There will be poetry readers and verses by Luis Echegoyen, Efrain Escobar, Lester Aviles, Silvio Saenz, Frankie Palacios, Byron Cabrera and more. Lelenitas Cakes, 3743 Mission St., San Francisco, CA. To see pictures from last year’s event go to

To close the Darian month, you are also invited to the second presentation of the dancing show: El Güegüense and Noche Cultural by the Folkloric Ballet from Nicaragua Viva e Hijos del Maíz, there will also be music by Carlos del Sol. Tickets are already on sale for this event that will take place Saturday, February 4th. Doors open at 6pm, limited availability. For more information go to:

8th Annual Voices of Latin Rock Autism Awareness Benefit

The 8th Annual Voices of Latin Rock Autism Awareness Benefit will feature The Family Stone, Blanca, Miles of Will with Miles Schon (son of Neal Schon of Journey) and Will Champlin (son of Bill Champlin of Chicago and Sons of Champlin), The Voices of Latin Rock All-Star Band, led by Vernon Black, including Karl Perazo, Tony Lindsay, Carlos Reyes and many more special guests. Thursday, January 26, at 6:00 p.m. at Bimbo’s 365 Club, San Francisco. Tickets are $175 – $199 table seat and $55 general admission.

Nicaragua´s General Consulate will set up a mobile Consulate

Nicaragua´s General Consulate will set up a mobile Consulate Saturday, January 28th, in Santa Clara at 2729 Chromite Dr. Apt. A, Santa Clara from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. For more information call (415) 7656821 or email

San Francisco Public Library’s Teen Computer Corps program offers free computer lessons for seniors

Teen Computer Corps is an innovative program that connects computer-savvy teenagers with older adult library patrons hoping to improve their basic computer skills. The program seeks to address the digital divide faced by many library patrons over 50. Teen volunteers will work one-on-one helping seniors get acquainted with the latest technology in San Francisco Public Library’s computer training center at the Main and at branches.

Interested teen volunteers may contact SFPL’s Volunteer Coordinator  Kai Wilson at or (415) 557-4251 to inquire about becoming a Teen Computer Corps volunteer member.

On tour from Chile singer and songwriter Catalina Claro

Pianist, composer, multi-instrumentalist, and singer Catalina Claro returns to La Peña for a concert of her captivating original songs. ­Catalina has written scores for films, TV, and theater and has shared the stage with Víctor Manuel, Ana Belén, Cirque du Soleil, y Tonino Carotone. She is also an outstanding piano player with a master in digital arts from the Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain. She was awarded first prize as the best interpreter in the Chopin Competition sponsored by the late renowned pianist Claudio Arrau. She has also performed with Fura dels Baus, Luis Alberto Spinetta, and León Gieco and has toured in 20 countries around the world.

Catalina sings and performs from her vast repertoire which includes Mexican songs, Neruda’s poems of love, Shamanistic songs from Peru’s rainforest, and original tunes. Friday February 10, 2012. $15 gen. – 8pm. La Peña Cultural Center, 3105 Shattuck Ave. Berkeley


Mexican filmmaker to make part 2 of Mexico’s blockbuster A Day Without a Mexican

­by the El Reportero’s news services

El director mexicano Sergio Arau y su esposa, la actriz Yareli Arismendi, preparan la secuela del film Un día sin mexicanos.Mexican director Sergio Arau and his wife, actress Yareli Arismendi, prepare the sequence of the film A day without Mexicans.

Mexican director Sergio Arau and his wife, actress Yareli Arismendi, are working on a sequel to the film “A Day Without a Mexican” to keep the subject of immigrants in the public eye.

“It’s going to be called Another Day Without a Mexican, and of course we’re a little scared because ‘Part 2’ of anything is rarely good, but we think we have to keep the public focused on this subject,” the filmmaker told Efe in an interview.

While the original film got moviegoers thinking about what would happen to the city of Los Angeles if someday all its Hispanics disappeared, the sequel will address the harsh immigration law Arizona adopted in 2010, SB 1070, and copycat measures in states such as Alabama and Utah, Arau said.

“I see it as similar to when Robert Rodríguez made El Maricahi and later made Desperado – it’s really the same movie but done bigger, with more investment and a much wider distribution, because what really excites us is getting the message to more people,” he said. A Day Without a Mexican, which came out in 2004, was the second biggest box-office hit in the history of Mexican movies, but in the United States it was basically seen only in California, Arau said.

The fact of having made it with a Mexican studio put some limitations on its distribution, so this time he’s going at it with more financing as well as a more complete, more up-to-date screenplay, but always keeping Arau’s characteristic sense of humor and critical thinking.

If all goes as planned, Another Day Without Mexicans will be in movie theaters by late 2012. “We hope to be in theInforaters before the Mayan prophecy comes true,” he laughed.

At 60, Arau also plans to assemble an integrated collection of his work as painter, musician and caricaturist, passions he has indulged simultaneously since he was a teenager.

“I’ve been very critical with my caricatures and drawings, a defender of Mexican identity with my paintings, and created with my buddies in the Botellita de Jérez group our own version of Mexican rock, full of satire and humor,” he said.

Colombian Designer Adriana Castro nominated for Rising Star Award

Colombian designer Adriana Castro is among the nominees for the Fashion Group International’s Rising Star Award in the category of Accessories.

Castro recently received the 2011 Miami Award in the Women’s Handbags category and also had the honor of opening the 3rd Bogota International Fashion Week.

Her accessories and ­handbags of exotic animal skins that include alligator, ostrich and python have been welcomed into the wardrobes of celebrities like Eva Longoria, Jennifer Lopez, Kim Kardashian, Heidi Klum and Sarah Jessica Parker.

Famed stylist Patricia Field chose five of her handbags to accessorize leading ladies in the movie “Sex and the City 2.” Her designs have also been featured in Vogue. This is the third straight year that Castro has received this nomination. On previous occasions the prestigious award went to such trendsetters as Joseph Altuzarra and Tory Burch.

Woman dies in immigration custody as a result of hunger strike

­Compiled by the El Reportero’s staff

A woman in Illinois has died as a result of nearly month-long hunger strike after she was arrested and set to be deported.

Lyvita Gomes, 52, is said to have died of malnutrition at the Lake County Jail. She was arrested on December 14, 2011 after she missed a court date for a resisting arrest charge, though her run ins with the law began when she failed to show up for jury duty.

After not reporting to serve on the jury, police went looking for her. When found, she would not cooperate. She was then charged with resisting arrest for refusing to put her arms behind her back. Upon being booked, it was discovered that a hold had been placed on her by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and she was turned over to the immigration authorities.

Shortly after being taken in my ICE, she began the hunger strike that would ultimately take her life. Though the reason for the strike is unclear, it is thought she stopped eating to protest her likely deportation.

The medical examiner stated that Gomez died of malnutrition and dehydration.

No family or friends have come forward to claim Gomes’ body.

Homeland Security begins random armed checkpoints

In Nazi Germany, “SS” was the abbreviation for the homeland protection squads. In the U.S. government, “SS” stands for “Social Security,” although some people visiting their local Social Security office may be beginning to wonder. reports, ”Residents of Leesburg, Florida were shocked to see their local Social Security office turned into a random Homeland Security checkpoint Tuesday morning, as DHS officers armed with semiautomatic rifles and accompanied by sniffer dogs checked identifications of locals.”

“With their blue and white SUVs circled around the Main Street office, at least one official was posted on the door with a semiautomatic rifle, randomly checking identifications. And other officers, some with K-9s, sifted through the building,” reports the Daily Commercial.

The activity was part of Operation Shield, an unannounced drill conducted by the DHS’ Federal Protective Service centered around “detecting the presence of unauthorized persons and potentially disruptive or dangerous activities.”

Thomas Milligan, district manager for the Social Security Administration office, said staff were not informed their offices were about to be stormed by armed FPS officers. DHS officials refused to answer questions asked by local media and left with no explanation at noon. (This item reported by Joel McDurmon, at the blog American Vision News).

Bilderberg 2011 The Rockefeller World Order and the High Priests of Globalization

FROM THE EDITOR: In continuing with our research and coverage of significant issues that have and are currently affecting our way of life, the following article, written by Andrew Gavin Marshall brings us into a long journey of historical passages about the Bilderberg group, a little known organization that has much to do with the policies that decide world events, such as future wars, countries invasions, mass destructions in other countries, or formation of new ‘free’ trade agreements for the benefit of the world ruling elite and the consolidation of a New World Order, and leading to the culmination of a New World Government to enslave humanity.

Due to its length, it will be divided into many parts. So please sit tight on your seat for a long ride, and hope that at the end, you’d have learned a big chunk of history.

by Andrew Gavin Marshall

Global Research

Ninth part

Recently by Andrew Gavin Marshall: The Logic of Imperial Insanity and the Road to World War III

To say we were striving for a one-world government is exaggerated, but not wholly unfair. Those of us in Bilderberg felt we couldn’t go on forever fighting one another for nothing and killing people and rendering millions homeless. So we felt that a single community throughout the world would be a good thing.

~ Denis Healey, 30-year member of the Steering Committee of the Bilderberg Group

Will Hutton, the former editor of the Observer, who had been invited to Bilderberg meetings in the past, once famously referred to the group as “the high priests of globalization.”

Hutton has said that “people take part in these networks in order to influence the way the world works,” and to create, as he put it, “the international common sense” of policy. The Chairman of the Bilderberg Group, Viscount Etienne Davignon, stated that, “I don’t think (we are) a global ruling class because I don’t think a global ruling class exists. I simply think it’s people who have influence interested to speak to other people who have influence.”

G. William Domhoff is a professor of Psychology and Sociology at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and has written about the Bilderberg Group. In an interview, he discounted thenotion that the study of such groups is relegated to the realm of conspiracy theory, and instead explained that he studies “how elites strive to develop consensus, which is through such publicly observable organizations as corporate boards and the policy-planning network, which can be studied in detail, and which are reported on in the media in at least a halfway accurate manner.”

Bilderbergers have long been advocates of global governance and ‘global government,’ and ‘crisis’ is always an excellent means through which to advance their agendas. Just as the Greek crisis has stepped up calls for the formation of a ‘European economic government,’ an idea which has been sought out for much longer than Greece has been in crisis, so too is the global economic crisis an excuse to advance the cause of ‘global economic governance.’

Outgoing Managing Director of the IMF, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, stated in May of 2010 that, “crisis is an opportunity,” and he called for “a new global currency issued by a global central bank, with robust governance and institutional features,” and that the “global central bank could also serve as a lender of last resort.” However, he stated, “I fear we are still very far from that level of global collaboration.” Unless, of course, the world continues to descend into economic and financial ruin, as any astute economic observer would likely warn is taking place.

Following the April 2009 G20 summit, “plans were announced for implementing the creation of a new global currency to replace the US dollar’s role as the world reserve currency.” Point 19 of the communiqué released by the G20 at the end of the Summit stated, “We have agreed to support a general SDR allocation which will inject $250bn (£170bn) into the world economy and increase global liquidity.”

SDRs, or Special Drawing Rights, are “a synthetic paper currency issued by the International Monetary Fund.” As the Telegraph reported, “the G20 leaders have activated the IMF’s power to create money and begin global ‘quantitative easing’. In doing so, they are putting a de facto world currency into play. It is outside the control of any sovereign body.” The Washington Post reported that the IMF is poised to transform “into a veritable United Nations for the global economy”: It would have vastly expanded authority to act as a global banker to governments rich and poor. And with more flexibility to effectively print its own money, it would have ­the ability to inject liquidity into global markets in a way once limited to major central banks, including the U.S. Federal Reserve… the IMF is all but certain to take a central role in managing the world economy. As a result, Washington is poised to become the power center for global financial policy, much as the United Nations has long made New York the world center for diplomacy.

Ron Paul is the only candidate with the momentum to challenge Romny

by Paul Joseph Watson

Ron Paul’s second place in New Hampshire confirms him as the only candidate going into South Carolina and Florida with any kind of momentum to challenge Mitt Romney, with support for Santorum, Gingrich and Huntsman collapsing.

Jon Huntsman’s one chance to insert himself into the top tier by beating Ron Paul to second in New Hampshire has failed. Despite the establishment media attempting to use Huntsman as a Ron Paul spoiler, in addition to dirty tricks on behalf of the Huntsman campaign in creating an anti-Huntsman video and blaming it on Paul supporters, the former Obama administration official didn’t even get close to Paul last night.

Indeed, with Huntsman performing best amongst voters opposed to the Tea Party, he stands no chance of performing well in the more conservative states. Huntsman isn’t even on the ballot in Arizona, Virginia or Illinois. In South Carolina he is currently polling less than Comedy Central host Stephen Colbert.

Meanwhile, Rick Santorum’s second place in Iowa was followed by a poor fifth place finish in New Hampshire. After pouring money into the state, visiting more than 30 times and making it a top priority, Santorum was expected to achieve somewhere between 10-20% of the vote yet ended up with a disappointing 9.3 per cent.

With limited funds remaining after a New Hampshire gamble that failed to pay off, Santorum’s campaign, and his current potential third place finish in South Carolina and Florida, is under threat. Ron Paul’s ads lambasting Santorum as “a corporate lobbyist and Washington politician” with “a record of betrayal” are also eating away at his support amongst conservatives.

“The momentum has dissipated. You can’t save political capital, you have to spend it right away. He took his capital and let it dissipate,” said Larry Sabato, a political science professor at the University of Virginia.

Meanwhile, Newt Gingrich, who the polls suggest is Romney’s closest rival in South Carolina and Florida, had his campaign hire a cavernous ballroom at the Radisson Manchester for last night’s primary that ended up being barely a quarter full as Gingrich stumbled in fourth place with 10 per cent.

Gingrich, who has cut an insreasingly angry and aloof figure over the past few weeks, didn’t even bother to congratulate Romney or Paul on their success. One of his aides has also been accused of assaulting a woman for carrying a sign at a campaign stop. Gingrich’s support has been savaged by 96% of all Super PAC money being spent attacking his candidacy, ­illustrating the fact that Republicans clearly don’t want to see him challenge Obama in a fight Gingrich would almost certainly lose.

After emerging as a clear frontrunner, Gingrich’s numbers have dropped off alarmingly. Ron Paul’s debate attack on Gingrich when he labeled him a “chicken hawk” has undoubtedly made red state conservatives think twice about supporting a man who enthusiastically supported Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats’ attempt to impose a carbon tax on the American people under the discredited pseudo-science of global warming.

Polls show that Ron Paul is the only other candidate besides Romney who has a good chance of beating Barack Obama in a hyothetical head to head. He trumps all the other challengers to Romney in terms of electibility.

The key for Ron Paul is the fact that is Romney takes South Carolina and Florida, several if not all of the other candidates will suspend their campaigns or drop out altogether. This will force the media to frame Paul as Romney’s adversary and will allow Paul to unleash a barrage of attacks exposing Romney’s record as a big government RINO Republican.

Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

Can the Triquis go home?

por David Bacon

Mujeres, hombres y sus niños indígenas de Triqui marchan por las calles de la ciudad de Oaxaca, para protestar contra una ola de: asesinatos en su comunidad de San Juan Copala en Oaxaca. (PHOTO BY DAVID BACON)Indigenous Triqui women, men and their children march through the streets of Oaxaca city, to protest against a wave of killing in their home community of San Juan Copala in Oaxaca. (PHOTO BY DAVID BACON)

­OAXACA, MEXICO – Just before Christmas, the women and children who’d spent 17 months living on the sidewalk outside the governor’s palace in Oaxaca announced they were going home. In the spring of 2010, these refugees abandoned their homes in San Juan Copala, the ceremonial center of the Triqui people. Many houses were burned after they left.

Stringing tarps and ropes across the palacio’s outdoor colonnade, they set up their planton, an impromptu community of sleeping and cooking areas across the sidewalk from the zocalo, the plaza at Oaxaca’s heart. It looked hauntingly similar to the settlements of the Occupy protesters that spread across the United States last fall, but rather than fighting to remain in their tents, the Triqui families in the planton were fighting for the right not to live there, for the right to go home.

Finally, this December, they announced an agreement with representatives of Gabino Cue, elected governor last July, who promised to protect the families if they returned to San Juan Copala. Still, many question whether they can really go back safely. Even more importantly, they ask what can bring an end to the violence that has claimed the lives of at least 500 people over the last two decades.

This question is not just debated on the sidewalk by the zocalo, or only in Oaxaca. It is asked, albeit in whispers, by migrant farm workers in Baja California and Sinaloa, in northern Mexico, and in Hollister and Greenfield, in California’s Salinas Valley.

Mixtecos have been leaving Oaxaca for decades, driven mostly by the endemic poverty of the Mexican countryside, says Gaspar Rivera Salgado, a Mixteco professor at UCLA and past coordinator of the Binational Front of Indigenous Organizations. Yet for many years the Triquis, who were equally poor and live in the same region, stayed put. Their migration only began when the violence in their communities made life unbearable.

Once displaced, they began to migrate within the Mixteca region, then within Oaxaca, and then within Mexico. They traveled north, following other Oaxacans to San Quintin in the 1980s, and then in the 1990s, to California.

Triqui migrants might have escaped the violence, but not the political presence of the groups they were fleeing. Wherever they went, the Movement for the Unification of the Triqui Struggle (MULT) and the Social Welfare Group of the Triqui Region (UBISORT) sent agents, requiring people to pay monetary quotas and participate in mobilizations.

In the 1980s, Triqui activists organized MULT. “It was a grassroots organization to fight the caciques (rural political bosses) overcontrol of land, forests and other natural resources,” says Rivera Salgado. “The caciques were so violent that MULT members had to arm themselves. Eventually, those armed men became a paramilitary group. The caciques were overcome, but what began as a grassroots organization became something different. There was no transition to a civil society form of organization.”

Eventually MULT itself fractured into factions. One faction became UBISORT, which began fighting MULT for political control of Triqui communities. Oaxaca’s repressive state government used the conflict to enhance its own control. UBISORT was organized with the support of then-governor Jose Murat, and became a political support base for Oaxaca’s old governing party, the PRI (Party of the Institutionalized Revolution). MULT organized its own political party, the Popular Unity Party. But behind the parties were the guns.

“A civil war went on between them,” Rivera Salgado says. In 2006, Raul Marcial Perez, a leader of UBISORT, was assassinated. Then in October, 2010, Heriberto Pazos, the founder of MULT, was gunned down in the streets of Oaxaca city.

In the only municipio that remained in Triqui hand, San Martin Itunyoso, Antonio Jacinto López Martínez, a MULT leader, was elected president in 2004, but then couldn’t take office because of threats, and fled to the nearby city of Tlaxiaco. Last October, as he was crossing the street there with two members of his family, a ­gunman shot him in the head. Many others were killed in years of violence and retribution.

The High Cost of Migration

For Triquies, migration has had a high cost – they’ve had to fight for survival wherever they went.

“They faced tremendous racism and prejudice,” Rivera Salgado charges. “They’re always the outsiders, treated like savages.” Over the course of some 25 years, so many have fled the political murders plaguing their homeland that they’ve formed towns like Nueva Colonia Triqui, or New Triqui Town, in Baja’s San Quintin Valley. In that colonia, or in California’s Triqui neighborhoods, people ask whether peace is possible, and if it were, would they go home too?

“People left looking for a better future, but they worry about the safety of their families at home,” says activist Elvira Santos (whose name has been changed), pointing to the fear that many Triquis share of reprisals for speaking publicly not only against themselves, but also against their families in Oaxaca. “They’ll think twice before going back because the conflicts and the same armed groups are still there.”

In north Mexico, migrants found farm labor camps with dirt floors and no electricity. When they wanted homes for children and families, Triquis and other indigenous migrants had to mount land invasions, building houses on Federal land, and then awaiting the police sent to evict them.


Fact: 80% of U.S. pharmaceuticals made with overseas ingredients, nearly have never inspected

by Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

Big Pharma advocates (the few that exist outside the corrupt government structure and the drug industry itself) regularly defend the industry with claims that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) maintains strict regulatory protocols that ensure safety. But a new report reveals that not only are most drug ingredients sourced from unregulated foreign sources, but nearly half of all drug production facilities are located overseas, most of which have never been inspected by FDA.

Issued by the U.S. Government Accountability Office, the new report says up to 40 percent of all pharmaceuticals sold in the U.S. are actually manufactured overseas in countries like India and China. A whopping 80 percent of all ingredients used to manufacture drugs, including those manufactured in the US, reportedly come from overseas as well. And the FDA has inspected a mere 11 percent of all foreign drug manufacturing facilities, as opposed to the 40 percent it has inspected domestically.

As of 2007, there were an estimated 152 registered drug manufacturing facilities in Canada, 299 in Indian, and 566 in China, which together total 1,017 facilities. However, FDA has only conducted 368 inspections among these countries and their drug manufacturing facilities, which means 649 facilities have never received an inspection. And if these 368 inspections include multiple inspections at the same facility, then that number is even lower.

This is all shocking news, of course, considering the volume of drugs that is now produced overseas. The common over-thecounter (OTC) pain drug aspirin, for instance, is almost entirely produced in China. The acid reflux drug Prilosec (omeprazole), is also manufactured primarily in Puerto Rico and India, according to the report.

For years, drug companies have been shutting down domestic drug manufacturing facilities and moving production overseas. A 2009 report in The New York Times explains that most of the ingredients used for manufacturing critical drugs like antibiotics, allergy medicines, diabetes medications, and high blood pressure medications, are now almost exclusively produced in either China or India (

And what is even more disturbing is the growing number of people that are seriously injured or killed because of tainted drugs produced  overseas — and how little has been done to address this problem. In 2008, for instance, it was reported that at least 81 people in the US died from a tainted heparin drug produced in India. The drug contained an ingredient that had been sourced from, you guessed it, China (­

Nicaragua’s Daniel Ortega begins third presidential períod

by the El Reportero’s news services

Daniel OrtegaDaniel Ortega

The impression that violence in Mexico may be about to reach a plateau has been gaining ground. David Shirk, director of the University of San Diego’s Trans-Border Institute (TBI), has ventured that 2011 may be the peak year, and that the pattern for a subsequent decline of drug-related violence could well be discerned in what he dubs the ‘Tijuana model’.

Chile inches forward

The student education protests in Chile have been largely defused by the government led by President Sebastián Piñera, which finally managed to outmanoeuvre the students by securing approval for the US$60bn 2012 budget in congress. The protests have been taxing, not only on the government but also on the political system as a whole. Political actors now recognise that Chile must contemplate fundamental political reforms to address some of the wider issues raised by the protestors (and the large section of the population that backed them).

Navy moves into Veracruz

The Mexican admiralty announced on Dec. 21 that marines would replace the state police in the state of Veracruz’s main conurbation, Veracruz-Boca del Río.

Ecuadorian Court ruling against U.S. Oil company for pollution

Press media and others affected by environmental pollution stressed the ruling of the Provincial Court of Sucumbíos against the U. S. oil company Chevron-Texaco, forced to pay over eight billion dollars for contaminating the Amazon.

The Single Chamber of the Sucumbíos Court issued its ruling on appeal, confirming the responsibility of Chevron-Texaco in a case that the settlers and natives of the Amazon have been pursuinbg for 18 years.

The plaintiffs, some Ecuadorian Amazon communities represented by U.S lawyers in Ecuador, claimed a compensation of 113 billion dollars and initiated the case in 1993 for alleged contamination caused by Texaco.

Judge Nicholas Zambrano, on Feb. 14, 2011, found the company guilty and indicated that it must pay 18 billion dollars to rehabilitate the environment, contaminated by throwing oil and liquid pollutants affecting rivers, streams, land and the environment.

The lawsuit, filed for damages caused between 1964 and 1990, when the oil company operated in Ecuador’s Amazon region, includes injury to the health of the inhabitants of the area and hundreds of deaths from diseases caused by pollution.

Humala tightens the ship with sweeping cabinet change

Peru’s President Ollanta Humala waited just 136 days before replacing his prime minister and half of his cabinet. It is unprecedented in recent history for a starting cabinet to last such a short time. The prime minister, Salomón Lerner, resigned on 10 December. The catalyst was the social unrest in the north-western department of Cajamarca over the proposed Conga copper and gold mine – but this alone would not have triggered his departure. The underlying reason was his failure to unite a pluralist cabinet behind Humala’s central policy – economic growth with social inclusion – leaving the government looking incoherent and disorganised. His successor, Humala’s former military instructor, Oscar Valdés, will impose more order, but at what cost?

­In other news in Peru, the Mayor of Lima Susana Villarán said on Jan. 3, that a process to revoke her mandate and remove her from office is an attempt to derail her administration and will only hurt “the poor.”

Israeli lobby launch new super PAC effort to bring down Ron Paul

by Patrick Henningsen

For decades, lobbies and special interests have ruled Capitol Hill, with PACs effectively steering the outcome of every major political campaign by injecting money and buying influence. Now we find out that Texas Congressman and GOP candidate Ron Paul has been targeted by a new breed of PAC, this time with foreign backing.

In recent years, activists and advocates have won back some ground in terms of placing limits and disclosure on campaign donations from individuals, businesses and have attempted to rein in some of the financial influence of political action committees (PACs). Just when one dragon was slayed, another, more menacing one was born. Enter the world of the Super PAC.

As 501c organizations, these new Super PACs take advantage of recent election funding rulings which allow corporations, unions and wealthy individuals to operate totally independently – and spend as much as they wish on election campaign media packages. Super PACs can also hold fundraisers to solicit money from donors – with no limits. The rise of the Super PAC has meant a complete runaround of any campaign ethics, or campaign finance regulation.

Where the game was often played according to how much special interests could buy a candidate, the game has now shifted into darker areas, namely, how special interests can take down, and eliminate a candidate during the early part of an election cycle. South Carolina residents are currently being slammed with a record number of Super PAC-funded TV adverts, some of which are negative in nature. More shocking is the fact that all these Super PAC ads are being paid for by just a handful of wealthy donors and establishment syndicates.

According to a recent article in the Washington Post this week, David Donnelly, National Campaigns Director for the Public Campaign Action Fund revealed, “There are probably fewer than 100 people who are fueling 90 percent of this outside money right now.” The report also adds:

In total, these new and unrestrained political action committees spent more than $15 million supporting GOP candidates in Iowa and New Hampshire and are now outspending the official campaigns in South Carolina by 2 to 1, according to advertising and expenditure data.

Out of this small handful of mega-rich donors, the Israeli lobby is represented heavily. The Washington Post adds here: And casino magnate Sheldon Adelson recently dashed off a $5 million check to a group backing former House speaker Newt Gingrich (Ga.), marking what may be the largest single political contribution in U.S. history. Adelson is well known for supporting hard-line policies favoring Israel while also advocating measures that would benefit the gambling industry.

This level of allowable interference in US campaigns has seen Super PACs propping up certain alternate horses in the political race, in order to take votes away from the any serious rival to Establishment’s front-runner of choice. Based on election results and major polling, Mitt Romney’s only serious rival coming out of New Hampshire would be Ron Paul, yet, large sums of money are still flowing elsewhere in the field. Why?

In terms of the remaining GOP field, one could not find a more unappealing and unpopular candidate to commit millions in PAC funds for the duration of the primaries than Rick Santorum. Similarly, a complete non-runner and failure in all polling, John Huntsman, managed to bag a cool $2.5 million late in the game from the Super PAC, ‘Our Destiny’, which floated his campaign through Iowa and New Hampshire. Both men have secured some heavy backing, but skeptics should really be asking after these primaries have concluded, how a candidate with no real national support base could continue through the primaries – at such a great expense.

Likewise, the career of Newt Gingrich has long since peaked, with many mainstream political pundits even categorizing him as ‘unelectable’, but his recent record-breaking PAC donation from the Israeli lobby establishment figure Sheldon Adelson now begins to make sense. Note that Adelson is also an active financial supporter and media arm for Benjamin Netanyahu’s political career in Israel.

Ron Paul is the only GOP candidate who is not overtly ‘pro-Israel’ in the popular neoconservative sense. On January 13, in the run-up to the pivotal South Carolina GOP primary, the Emergency Committee for Israel, run by neoconservative thinker William Kristol, released an ad in which its Director Gary Bauer makes a plea to voters – not endorsing any candidate, rather, telling conservatives that they must reject Congressman Ron Paul as their GOP candidate, deriding his foreign policy views with respect to America’s ‘special relationship’ with Israel, and fighting the War on Terror – concluding that, “We can do better than Ron Paul”. See their advert here:

In reality, Ron Paul has broadcast a consistent message over the years, one which firmly places America first, and foreign entanglements last. He is the only GOP candidate who pledges to bring the troops home, cut off foreign military aid to countries overseas and lastly, he is not supporting any form of military showdown with Iran. For these reasons, his platform comes into direct conflict with the state of Israel – who is advocating the opposite, making him a target of this latest foreign interest Super PAC attack.

From this event, one can state as fact – not theory, that Israel and its supporters in the US are actively working to derail Ron Paul’s race towards the GOP nomination, and the Presidency. This fact alone, should be cause for alarm from even the most moderate of public corridors.

Should a foreign country, in this case Israel, be allowed to buy a significant influence through the media in American democratic elections? Should candidates be allowed to accept donations – even indirectly, from foreign interest PACs or agents thereof, thus creating a serious conflict of interest, and threat to national security?

Democracy for hire?

Once the GOP primaries are finished and the opposition nominee is selected, you will then see the pro-Democratic Super PACS sprung into action. President Obama’s hands will remain clean until that time, ­but the Democrats could very well fall on this same sword should public outrage in America reach significant levels.

With such an over-arching umbrella of influence determining its outcome, one can only conclude that the American democratic system of elections has been manipulated and twisted to such a degree by powerful3special interests, that major elections in the US cannot be classed as either free or fair. Rather they have warped into cynical, stage-managed events, engineered by the few in order to achieve a particular outcome.

What does this say about the state of America in 2012? To this point, Donnelly sums it up: “When you think about the amazing impact that this small number of people have on deciding the election, on the information that people will have on who to vote for, it’s mind-boggling.”

Surely, the American people cannot be a winner in this current climate of campaign high finance and open corruption. Much worse however, in this current set-up the true winner of a genuine democratic race – can never be known.

Many will be understandably outraged to know how this game is being played behind the scenes. If there was ever a time for election reform, it is 2012.

Jerry García documentary coming this spring – includes never-before seen performances

by the El Reportero news services

Jerry GarcíaJerry García

A three-hour conversation film maker, Malcolm Leo, had with the late – great Jerry Garcia will be the basis of a new feature length documentary reports Deadline.

Leo is a well known and respected music documentarian who conducted the interview back in 1987, at the pinnacle of The Grateful Dead’s leaders success. The documentary will include concert footage, music and the linchpin – never-before seen performances of the group.

The film will also include Garcia’s eldest daughter Annabelle.

Leo who will be working with John Hartmann expects the film to be ready in Spring of 2012. The duo did a teaser, short film clip this last summer for Jerry Garcia Day.

The film attempts to capture Garcia iconic status as head of the ultimate band that was formed in 1965 and disbanded in 1995 when Garcia died, giving their fans 30-years of music memories.

Celebrity Apprentice, Miss Universe Dayana Mendoza chooses Latino Commission on AIDS as her charity.

The Latino Commission on AIDS announced it is honored to be Miss Universe 2008 Dayana Mendoza’s Charity Choice for the 2012 Celebrity Apprentice TV Show.

The former Miss Universe has been deemed a “Madrina” to the organization for her ongoing support, and “as our champion.” “Madrinas” & “Padrinos” (Godmother & Godfather) of the ­organization are those individuals that commit themselves to promote support, prevention and education related to HIV/AIDS.

The role of Madrina/Padrino in the Latino/Hispanic culture is an extended and important family member on whom a family relies for support.

“It is important to me to show my commitment and support for those impacted by HIV/AIDS. I encourage all individuals to take the HIV Test, to learn the facts about AIDS and seek community and medical care” stated Miss Universe 2008 Dayana Mendoza said.

Demi Lovato to perform in Chile at Iquique Festival in February

Former Disney Channel actress Demi Lovato will appear this February at the Iquique Festival in northern Chile, where she will share the stage with Colombian pop star Juanes, organization sources said Saturday.

With this performance the 19-year-old singer of Mexican, Irish and Italian descent will make her third appearance in Chile, where in 2009 she sang backup for the Jonas Brothers, an American boy band, and where in May 2010 fans turned out to catch her solo act.

­The contest kicks off Feb. 3 with performances by the trio comprising Spain’s Alex Ubago, the Colombian Jorge Villamizar and Lena Burke from Cuba, who will then cede the spotlight to Chilean singer El Gitano and reggaeton star Tito El Bambino.

On Feb. 4, Juanes and Demi Lovato will alternate onstage, while the next day, the last day of the festival, will feature Chilean balladeer Myriam Hernandez and Mexico’s Juan Gabriel.

Lovato starred as Allison “Sonny” Munroe on the Disney Channel children’s sitcom “Sonny with a Chance” in 2009 and 2010, but she announced last year after undergoing treatment for an eating disorder that she would not be returning to the show.
