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Lunada spring season opener featuring Bonafide Rojas & Fish Varas

­by the El Reportero’s staff

Los trabajos maestros del pintor nicaragüene Omar d’ León estarán en exhibición en la Galería Paul Mahder en S.F. el jueves 2: de febrero a las 6 p.m.Nicaragüan painter Omar de León marster’s works will be in exhibition at Paul Mahder Gallery in S.F. on Thursday, Feb. 2. at 6 p.m.

The spring season of Lunada kicks off with stellar Nuyorican poets from the Boogie Down Bronx. Bonafide Rojas, on tour in the Bay with his second book of poetry entitled When the City Sleeps, will be sharing the stage with recent transplant to the Bay, Fish Vargas, the founding host and co-curator of the award-winning Acentos Bronx Poetry Showcase. This night will continue Lunada’s tradition in being the Bay Area’s only full m oon bilingual literary ritual, performance gathering, and open mic.

Each Lunada features community poets, local legends, visiting mystics, and other mero meros of the stage. Curated by Sandra Garcia Rivera. Musicians and first timers always welcome.

Open mic sign-ups begin up at 7:15 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 7. Admission $5, or FREE with food dish to share/Galería membership.

Chico & Rita: Passion, music and culture

Oscar-winning director Fernando Trueba (Belle Epoque) and Spain’s most famous and successful designer Javier Mariscal create a passionate and animated love story.

Close collaborators and friends for many years, Trueba and Mariscal celebrate their passion for the music and culture of Cuba with an epic story of love and heartbreak, set against the color and bustle of Havana, New York, Las Vegas, Hollywood and Paris in the late 1940s and early ‘50s.

In CHICO & RITA, a gifted songwriter and beautiful singer chase their dreams – and each other – from Havana to New York and Las Vegas. Chico is a young piano player with big dreams. Rita is a beautiful singer with an extraordinary voice.

Music and romantic desire unite them, but their journey – in the tradition of the Latin ballad, the bolero – brings heartache and torment. With an original soundtrack by legendary Cuban pianist, bandleader and composer Bebo Valdés, Chico & Rita captures a definitive moment in the evolution of jazz music.

The film features music by jazz legends Thelonious Monk, Cole Porter, Dizzy Gillespie and Freddy Cole (brother of Nat King Cole).

Landmark Theatres Engagements begin Friday, Feb. 17, 2012

Landmark Theatres venue tbd, San Francisco (415) 276-4893.

Brazilian Carnaval Ball 45 years of tradition

When the lights turn on on Saturday, February 18, , if it is cold or hot in Río, Bahía and all over Latin America it’s very hot.

This year will be the forty-fifth, “Friends of Brazil Carnival Ball”, a fantasy of music without stopping, dances and celebrations. At the tropical place Cafe Cocomo Club, 650 Indiana St. (On Mariposa Street).

Featuring one of the most successful band directly from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil/Brazil, playing much samba, Axe, Regaee, Olodum, Timbalada and Salsa.

­And from Bahia, Brazil comes a special guest, the group Viva Brazil. Plus the colors and exoticos dancers of Aquarela, with its fantastic and colored disguises of Carnival of Rio.

This night the Brazilian community invites all the Latino community to come and celebrate this great Brazilian tradition.

Saturday, Feb. 18, at 9:30 at Café Cocomo Club, 650 Indiana St. @ Mariposa Street, San Francisco.

Mexican actress Daniela Romo recovering from breast cancer surgery, quimo next


by the El Reportero’s news services

Daniela RomoDaniela Romo

Mexican actress Daniela Romo is recovering after surgery to remove a malignant breast tumor, one of her friends told Efe.

“Daniela is fine,” theater producer Tina Galindo said. “They detected a malignant tumor, but thanks to their finding it in time they operated and now she is undergoing chemotherapy.”

The surgery took place on Nov. 4, Romo said Tuesday night in a letter to the media, thanking fans for their support and explaining that she had not discussed her condition because she did not want to upset them.

The entertainment publication TV Notas recently reported on Romo’s cancer and said she has been dealing with the illness since October “in silence and surrounded by love.”

TV Notas published photos of the actress arriving at a hospital that ­specializes in cancer cases and provided some details of her treatment.

The 52-year-old Romo has been in show business for nearly four decades as a singer and actress.

She has appeared in telenovelas such as “Triunfo del amor,” “Alborada” and “Sortilegio.”

Marc Anthony launches non-profit to help disadvantaged kids in Latin America

International singing star Marc Anthony and entertainment impresario Henry Cardenas announced Thursday the launch of the Maestro Cares Foundation, a non-profit to aid disadvantaged children in Latin America.

“I’m blessed to be a part of this project. There are millions of children suffering throughout Latin America. Maestro Cares seeks to make a positive impact in their lives,” Anthony said in a statement.

An orphanage in the Dominican Republic the singer visited last month will be the first recipient of funds from Maestro Cares.

“I’m grateful to Henry Cardenas for his contributions to this initiative and we are both eager to get started. I hope Maestro Cares will inspire others to do the same,” said Anthony, who has sold more than 12 million albums worldwide.

Cardenas said the foundation’s goal is to help create “healthy and safe environments” for children in Latin America as well as addressing the youngsters’ academic needs.

“Education is key for Maestro Cares because it will bring the children closer to their dreams. They are our future leaders,” Cardenas said.

Salma Hayek and Antonio Banderas announced as presenters on Golden Globes

While Ricky Gervais makes the Hollywood audience squirm as host of this Sunday’s presentation of the Golden Globes many other stars will be serving as presenters. The Hollywood Foreign Press Association that hosts the Golden Globes today announced some of the presenters it booked and the list includes Salma Hayek and Antonio Banderas. The duo starred together in the ‘Puss in Boots’ hit from last year. Other presenters include Nicole Kidman, Natalie Portman, Jake Gyllenhall, Melissa McCarthy, Clive Owen and Freida Pinto.

AZ Latino candidate forced to withdraw do to poor English skills

­Compiled by the El Reportero’s staff

Alejandrina Cabrera, a candidate for city council in San Luis, Arizona, was forced to withdraw from the election because of her lack of fluency in English, the Yuma Sun reported Thursday.

­Yuma County Superior Court Judge John Nelson on Wednesday evening, after a lengthy court session, ordered that Cabrera’s name be removed from the ballots for the municipal election in March.

Nelson ruled that Cabrera is incapable of carrying out the public duties of the post she was running for because she does not speak English well enough, coming to that decision after analyzing the conclusions of an expert in socio-linguistics who said that despite her efforts the candidate had not achieved an acceptable level of fluency.

Arizona state laws establish that a person in public office must speak English, but Cabrera’s lawyer argued that the standards for English fluency are not precisely defined.

The legal proceedings were begun after San Luis Mayor Juan Carlos Escamilla in December asked for Cabrera’s level of English fluency to be officially determined.

The candidate, who has been very critical of Escamilla, acknowledged during the hearing that she speaks “little English,” but she said that it is enough for her to be able to perform adequately in the post for which she was running.

Escamilla, who went to the same high school as Cabrera, said in an interview with local television that he is not 100 percent fluent in English himself, but he can get by well and can “write, read and speak very well.”

In San Luis, which is on the border with Mexico, more than 90 percent of the population is Hispanic and the language used in a large portion of the local households is Spanish, according to Census data.

NLGSF asks Federal Court to certify class action by Oscar Grant protesters

In a filing today, a team of National Lawyers Guild attorneys asks the federal court to allow a law enforcement misconduct lawsuit against the Oakland Police and Alameda County Sheriff to proceed as a class action. The four named plaintiffs, including one NLG Legal Observer, seek to represent a class of 150 people who were arrested en masse on November 5, 2010, the day that former police officer Johannes Mehserle was sentenced.

The proposed class action, Spalding et al. v. Oakland, No. C11-2867 TEH, challenges the 2010 mass misdemeanor arrests and the prolonged detention of arrestees in the Alameda County Jails.

The case is being heard by U.S. District Court Judge Thelton Henderson as a related case to the ongoing proceedings in the lawsuits brought by victims of the “Riders” OPD gang. Earlier this week, in response to the Department’s glacial pace in completing the reform process agreed on in the 2003 Riders settlement, Judge Henderson stripped decision-making power from OPD, placing the Department under greatly increased oversight by monitors and bringing it one step closer to federal receivership. Last week, the monitor expressed particular concern over the OPD response to Occupy Oakland.

Upon release of martial law documents the plan for America’s destruction becomes apparent

by Saman Mohammadi
The Excavator

The top news story of 2011 is not the assassination of Osama Bin Laden (a CIA psyop), but the advancement of the Martial Law agenda in America under the public radar.

On Wednesday, Dec. 21, published a brand new Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) document dated Nov. 18, 2011, that “that show military involvement in a FEMA-led takeover within the United States under partially-classified Continuity of Government (COG) plans,” and designate “the American people as ‘enemies’ under a live military tracking system known as Blue Force Situational Awareness (BFSA).”

The FEMA document, appearing under the headline “National Continuity Programs (NCP) Program and Mission Support Services (PAMSS),” ask contractors to assist FEMA in national emergencies. But don’t let the bureaucratic language fool you. This is really a Martial Law document. FEMA is not interested in emergency preparedness, but in establishing a military dictatorship in the United States.

Ordinary Americans are classified as the enemy in this FEMA document, and similar Martial Law documents, such as this one from Halliburton/KBR that published on Tuesday, December 6, 2011. The militaristic language that appears in these Martial Law documents, and in the draconian NDAA bill that the treacherous Congress passed last week, suggests that the hijacked U.S. government desires that there be insurgents and domestic terrorists in the United States.

The traitors in Washington need enemies, both foreign and domestic, in order for the politically and morally bankrupt National Security State to remain relevant and powerful in American society. This is a militarist and secret system that is led by the most evil personalities in the 21st century who create fake enemies (Al-Qaeda) and stage false flag terrorist attacks (9/11) just to remain in power. The word restraint does not exist in their vocabulary.

The day will come when the traitors in Washington, led by President Obama, will issue orders to the military and police to fire on Americans and enforce Martial Law. At that point, even the most blind and ignorant people will probably come to the obvious conclusion that it is not Al-Qaeda who desires the destruction of America, but the hijacked and treasonous U.S. government.

Much like in Iraq and other occupied countries, the hijacked U.S. government is reaching out to private contractors like KBR to help the U.S. military and Homeland Security implement Martial Law.

Government thugs and private contractors will be used to control the population in critical areas of the country after the coming economic collapse, as well as to contain and eliminate domestic threats, meaning any American citizen who does not want a hijacked military and blood-soaked mercenaries occupying America.

The idea that America will come under military occupation sounds foreign, but it shouldn’t, because the dark road that was taken by the murderous thieves in Washington after 9/11 would eventually lead to such a crisis.

What is written down in FEMA papers and similar Martial Law documents must be put into a larger political and historical context. America’s political system did not suddenly transform into a tyrannical beast overnight.

The rise of the shadow state, and its evil twin brother, the police state, has been decades in the making. The culture of the police has been so dramatically altered during this time that for many brainwashed police officers the implementation of Martial Law is a natural and necessary response to emergencies and crises.

After three decades of a traumatic war on drugs, military rhetoric comes naturally to hardened police officers, who don’t see themselves as protectors of the law and the public but as warriors of the state fighting terrorists, criminals, protesters, and drug dealers.

All of these threats, by the way, are invented and exaggerated. If the war on drugs and the war on terror are ended, the warriors of the state will be forced to redefine their identity and occupation because without endless wars to be fought and without enemies to be killed then there is no use for a warrior class.

And society doesn’t really need a warrior class. Our common interests and our democratic values are not threatened by “terrorists,” but by an international oligarchy. Police officers and military men need to grasp this reality. And they also need to realize that by blindly accepting a state of war, and viewing the American population as the enemy, they – the warriors of the state – become the real enemies of the public and the rule of law. But the biggest enemies are the philosophical masters who stand above the brainwashed warriors and define their goals as noble and heroic, but direct their will towards evil ends.

If the facts were known, Martial Law in America, and North America, would be defeated before it is even implemented. A military dictatorship won’t last for long if enough people speak up and fight back. We have the numbers, the truth, and the bravery to reclaim freedom for future generations to live happily and prosper in this new century. The traitors and terrorists in Washington are not on the right side of history. They are cowards to be defeated, not giants to be feared.

And the truth is they are scared and ashamed, that’s why they do everything in secret. The shameful FEMA document was posted on a government website called, but was immediately taken down after radio host Alex Jones alerted his listeners to the existence of the document and discussed its broader significance. This shows that the hijacked U.S. government is controlled by very frightened and pathetic people who know they are crossing a red line by quietly setting up a military dictatorship in America.

Aaron Dykes explained why the government’s censorship of the document is unwarranted in his article, “Government censors document revealing plans to wage war on Americans”: “The government-linked document we posted was marked ‘Source Selection Sensitive’ but not considered classified. Further, it was listed publicly on a government website that was soliciting bids for government contracts. However, despite its public classification, it contains information that clearly is NOT intended to gain wide publicity.”

This document does not tell us anything new. We’ve known for years that there is a conspiracy to destroy America and other Western nations through an engineered economic collapse and a false global war of terror that has been used to legitimize the destruction of basic human rights in the West.

Some facts can no longer be denied and dismissed. It is not a theory that is America is being destroyed by the traitors and terrorists in Washington. It is reality. It is self-evident.

Fortunately, the hijacked U.S. government has no public credibility. Its systematic policy of deceit and fraud, its destruction of the Constitution, and its illegal implementation of Martial Law will backfire severely.

American law professor and lawyer Jonathan Turley said on C-SPAN on Dec. 19, 2011 that most Americans do not fear any foreign threats like Al-Qaeda, but their own unresponsive and out-of-control government: “We’ve had three polls in the last year and they all show the same thing. The American people say that they are more afraid of the government than they are outside forces like terrorists. So there’s this disconnect. The majority of Americans are actually very concerned about the loss of rights, but Congress, both Democrats and Republicans, can’t move harder against privacy. And this is part of the cynical calculation. I think that President Obama made this calculation early on and decided that no one would be to the right of him on terrorism and national security, and he has taken the Democratic party with him on that.

­So you have this remarkable disconnect, where the majority of citizens are going, ‘We’re really concerned about this. We are fearful of our own government,’ and yet it’s just not translating on the hill.”

In the near future, Washington may not even exist. The wild wolves of  the new world order in the shadow CIA, and their partners in crime in the shadow Mossad, could burn down Washington D.C. in a false flag attack and relocate in Denver, Colorado.

They have already turned the heart of New York City into a pit of ashes, so what’s stopping them from doing the same to the heart of the capital in the heart of the present global order, Washington D.C?

These psychopathic maniacs are capable of carrying out the greatest acts of evil and destruction in human history. Loss of life on an epic scale means nothing to them. They desire mass death and mass destruction.

In their eyes, they believe they must destroy the basic foundations of America, from the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to the grand architecture of Washington D.C., before they can move on and establish their fascist global dictatorship upon the ruins of the old age.

If such a dark and scary scenario unfolds, if Washington is destroyed by the lawless power elite, then Colorado will become America’s green zone, out of which America’s shadow terrorist state will wage war against a politically awakened and rebellious population.

Bilderberg 2011 The Rockefeller World Order and the High Priests of Globalization

FROM THE EDITOR: In continuing with our research and coverage of significant issues that have and are currently affecting our way of life, the following article, written by Andrew Gavin Marshall brings us into a long journey of historical passages about the Bilderberg group, a little known organization that has much to do with the policies that decide world events, such as future wars, countries invasions, mass destructions in other countries, or formation of new ‘free’ trade agreements for the benefit of the world ruling elite and the consolidation of a New World Order, and leading to the culmination of a New World Government to enslave humanity.

Due to its length, it will be divided into many parts. So please sit tight on your seat for a long ride, and hope that at the end, you’d have learned a big chunk of history.

by Andrew Gavin Marshall

Global Research

Tenth part

Recently by Andrew Gavin Marshall: The Logic of Imperial Insanity and the Road to World War III

To say we were striving for a one-world government is exaggerated, but not wholly unfair. Those of us in Bilderberg felt we couldn’t go on forever fighting one another for nothing and killing people and rendering millions homeless. So we felt that a single community throughout the world would be a good thing.

~ Denis Healey, 30-year member of the Steering Committee of the Bilderberg Group

— While the IMF is pushed to the forefront of the global currency agenda, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) remains as the true authority in terms of ‘global governance’ over all. As the IMF’s magazine, Finance and Development, stated in 2009, “the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), established in 1930, is the central and the oldest focal point for coordination of global governance arrangements.” Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the European Central Bank (ECB) and long-time Bilderberg participant, gave a speech at the Council on Foreign Relations in April of 2010 in which he explained that, “the significant transformation of global governance that we are engineering today is illustrated by three examples”:

First, the emergence of the G20 as the prime group for global economic governance at the level of ministers, governors and heads of state or government. Second, the establishment of the Global Economy Meeting of central bank governors under the auspices of the BIS as the prime group for the governance of central bank cooperation. And third, the extension of Financial Stability Board membership to include all the systemic emerging market economies.

In concluding his speech, Trichet emphasized that, “global governance is of the essence to improve decisively the resilience of the global financial system.” The following month, Trichet spoke at the Bank of Korea, where he said, “central bank cooperation 2is part of a more general trend that is reshaping global governance, and which has been spurred by the global financial crisis,” and that, “it is therefore not surprising that the crisis has led to even better recognition of their increased economic importance and need for full integration into global governance.” Once again, Trichet identified the BIS and its “various fora” – such as the Global Economy Meeting and the Financial Stability Board – as the “main channel” for central bank cooperation.

For more on ‘Global Government’ and the global economic crisis, see: Andrew Gavin Marshall, “Crisis is an Opportunity”: Engineering a Global Depression to Create a Global Government, Global Research, 26 October 2010.

Rockefeller’s Dream

David Rockefeller celebrated his 96th birthday during last weekend’s Bilderberg meeting, and is one of if not the only remaining original founders of the group in 1954. If the Bilderberg Group represents the “high priests of globalization,” then David Rockefeller is the ‘Pope’.

James Wolfensohn represents the importance of the Rockefellers to not only America, but to the whole process of globalization. James D. Wolfensohn, an Australian national, was President of the World Bank from 1995-2005, and has since founded and leads his private firm, Wolfensohn & Company, LLC. He has also been a long-time Steering Committee member of the Bilderberg Group, and has served as an Honorary Trustee of the Brookings Institution, a major American think tank, as well as a Trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation, and is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Wolfensohn’s father, Hyman, was employed by James Armand de Rothschild of the Rothschild banking dynasty, after whom James was named. His father taught him how to “cultivate mentors, friends and contacts of influence.” Wolfensohn rose quickly through the financial world, and as his father had lived in service to the Rothschild’s – the dominant family of the 19th century – James Wolfensohn lived in service to the Rockefellers, arguably the dominant family of the 20th century. On the event of David Rockefeller’s 90th birthday, James Wolfensohn, speaking at the Council on Foreign Relations, stated:

[T]he person who had perhaps the greatest influence on my life professionally in this country, and I’m very happy to say personally there afterwards, is David Rockefeller, who first met me at the Harvard Business School in 1957 or ‘58… [At the beginning of the 20th century] as we looked at the world, a family, the Rockefeller family, decided that the issues were not just national for the United States, were not just related to the rich countries. And where, extraordinarily and amazingly, David’s grandfather set up the Rockefeller Foundation, the purpose of which was to take a global view.­

Domestic workers and their children march for rights

­por David Bacon

Trabajadores domésticos y sus hijos marchan en frente del edificio de la capital del Estado de California.: (PHOTO BY DAVID BACON)Domestic workers and their children march and rally outside the California State Capitol building.  (PHOTO BY DAVID BACON)

SACRAMENTO, California – Early Tuesday morning busses of domestic workers and their children began arriving at the huge grassy mall in front of California’s state capitol building. Dozens of Mexican, Filipina and African American moms, kids in tow, poured out onto the steps leading into the legislature’s chamber. When the crowd grew to several hundred, they took up their placards, pushed their strollers out in front, and began marching around the building.

Some of the kids had clearly done things like this before. One five-year-old raised her fist in the air as the crowd chanted, calling on members of the state Assembly and Senate to pass the Domestic Workers Bill of Rights. Another girl, who looked about three, knew the chant by heart: “We are the children, mighty mighty children, fighting for justice and our future.” She didn’t miss a beat, and as one of the organizers held the bullhorn up to her mouth she did a little militant dance to accompany it.

With balloons and even a couple of clowns, it all seemed very festive. But the happy atmosphere didn’t hide a more unpleasant truth. Many of the moms there probably see less of their own children than the youngsters they care for. And in the case of those caring for the aged, sick or disabled, the conditions of that work can seem like something a century ago.

Domestic workers often don’t get a break to eat, even working many more than the eight-hour workday considered normal for most workers. Others cook for the families they work for, but can’t use the same implements to cook for themselves. If they have to sleep in the homes of clients, they often have to get up during the night several times to perform basic services for them, like taking them to the bathroom, or giving them medicine. And the night is considered a rest period, for which they sometimes don’t get paid. One Filipina caregiver from the East Bay explained that she sleeps in the same bed as her client. “What I’d like would be a bed where I could sleep by myself,” she said.

Even at five or six, the kids marching with their moms are old enough to understand a little of those bitter truths. When one young girl, who looked about kindergarten age, held up a sign saying “trabajo digno,” or “decent work,” she knew enough to explain, “she doesn’t get enough money, and she works too hard.” Last year the state Assembly passed AB 889, authored by Assembly members Tom Ammiano and V. Manuel Perez, that would give domestic workers some state-recognized rights in their efforts to curb abusive conditions.

It would provide meal and rest breaks, overtime and reporting pay as enjoyed by other workers, and expand domestic workers’ access to workers compensation. In addition, it would guarantee eight hours of sleep for those who work around the clock, and allow them to use kitchen facilities.

The bill would affect the 200,000 people who work in California domestic service, who are almost entirely women, and immigrants or people of color. While domestic workers face the same excuses for substandard conditions faced by other women, namely that they’re only working to supplement the income of men, most of them are either the sole source of income for their families, or are bringing home pay that their families can’t live without. One woman explained that she was still working many more than 40 hours a week, and was in her 70s.

The Domestic Workers Bill of Rights is modeled on one that was enacted in New York State in 2010. It is supported by dozens of statewide worker and community advocates, including the California Labor Federation and many other unions, Filipino Advocates for Justice, the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles, Mujeres Unidas y Activas, the Women’s Collective of the San Francisco Day Labor Program, a number of churches and synagogues, and Hand in Hand, the Domestic Workers Employers Association. Its main opponent is the business association for agencies that provide domestic workers to clients.

At the end of the last session of the legislature, ­the bill was in the appropriations committee of the state Senate. The marchers hoped to pry the bill loose, get it passed through the Senate, and convince Governor Jerry Brown to sign it. One of several legislators who spoke to the crowd, Watsonville Assembly member Bill Monning explained in Spanish, “This bill is just, and we’re going to make sure it becomes law and that domestic workers finally get the same basic rights as other workers.”


Health insurance company offer junk food reward for vaccnating your baby

by Mike Adams

“Will vaccinate my baby for food!” That seems to be the goal of a program launched last year by the UnitedHealthcare health insurance company of Michigan. It has resorted to enticing parents with junk food to convince them to inject their infants with potentially deadly vaccines containing brain-damaging chemicals. This has been revealed in a letter acquired by NaturalNews and signed by Stephanie Esters, a vaccine-pushing RN who works for UnitedHealthcare.

The letter declares “Get a FREE $20 McDonalds, Rite Aid, Target or Meijer Gift Card when your child gets recommended shots before their second birthday.” It even goes on to offer a “FREE ride to the doctor” for those who are so poor that they don’t own cars.

Childhood vaccines, of course, are loaded with extremely toxic chemical adjuvants — chemicals designed to cause neurological inflammation in order to invoke an immunological reaction. Vaccines also contain both mercury and aluminum, both of which are highly toxic brain poisons. This is why many children who are injected with such vaccines become autistic virtually overnight (their brains are poisoned beyond their biological threshold).

While the fundamental science of inoculation is debatable, the adding of neuro-toxic chemicals to today’s vaccines — which are then injected into children in huge numbers (over 100 vaccines given to a typical child) — turns them into chemical weapons being used to medically assault innocent children. Marrying this chemical weapons program with a junk food incentive program is the height of medical stupidity. It makes about as much sense as eating fried chicken to cure breast cancer (­

Such a program obviously targets lower-income families which tend to be predominantly black or Latino, according to national statistics. The RN behind this nauseating vaccinate-for-food campaign is Stephanie Esters, an African American woman, demonstrating the black-on-black medical violence being committed against African American children in America every day.

Rewarding vaccines with toxic junk food?

Perhaps the most outrageous part of this entire eugenics scheme which may have already killed an unknown number of little black babies is that the reward for being injected with neurologically-damaging chemical vaccines is a gift certificate for disease-promoting “dead” junk food.

It’s clearly an encouragement for parents to feed their babies obesity-inducing junk food that will also promote diabetes (rampant among blacks), prostate cancer (super deadly among black men) and breast cancer (a huge money-maker for the criminal cancer industry which preys upon black women). Wash it down with a cocktail of phosphoric acid and aspartame — also known as a “diet soda” — and then give yourself even more cancer and heart disease with some fries!

This is what United Healthcare encourages its customers to do? Are they so stupid that they do not realize such eating habits will increase the health-related claims against their own company?

Obviously, if UnitedHealthcare actually wanted to improve the health of low-income children in Michigan, they would reward them with a bottle of nutritional supplements or superfoods. Give the kid some organic CocoChia bars from Living Fuel! Or buy some Boku Superfood for the family!

But no, the reward for being injected with chemical vaccines is more chemicals courtesy of the hormone-injected, antibiotics-laced, GMO-fed toxic processed beef garbage sold by McDonald’s. Did you know their Chicken McNuggets are made with a silicone chemical that’s also used in Silly Putty? (

Vaccine incentive programs increasingly prey on those living in poverty

The most disturbing trend in vaccine marketing today is that grocery stores and pharmacies are now resorting to marketing gimmicks and giveaways to entice parents into injecting their children with potentially deadly vaccines.

Safeway stores, for example, recently announced a 10 percent discount offgrocery purchases for those who agreed to be vaccinated on the spot. ( NaturalNews also caught Walgreens stores rewarding their own employees with iPad prizes if they “recruited” customers to get injected with a vaccine shot. (

This is all part of the vaccine eugenics agenda, of course, which specifically targets minorities and low-income families. Obviously a well-to-do family isn’t going to be enticed by $20 worth of McDonald’s junk food, but a poorly-informed mother living paycheck to paycheck — just barely scraping by on government assistance programs — may be more than willing to trade the health of her child for a $20 meal at McDonald’s. Especially if all the nurses and doctors assure her that vaccines are good for her children… and vaccines never cause autism, she will be told.

The whole point of vaccines is, of course, to depopulate the planet through infertility side effects or direct mortality of those receiving the vaccines. This has been openly and unambiguously admitted by the No. 1 financial contributor to vaccine research around the world — Mr. Bill Gates. In an open, public speech recorded on video, Mr. Gates explains that vaccines can help reduce world population.

Specifically, his exact quote is:

“The world today has 6.8 billion people… that’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.” (

Castro on U.S. politics: Robot better than a Republican or Obamatales

­by the El Reportero’s news services

Fidel CastroFidel Castro

In a brief article entitled “The Best President for the United States,” Fidel Castro took the opportunity to slam U.S. chief executive Barack Obama, “for whom, in his desperate quest for reelection, the dreams of (Martin) Luther King are more light years away than Earth is from the nearest habitable planet.”

In his opinion, worse still are the Republican hopefuls and the leaders of the Tea Party movement because any one of them “packs more nuclear arms on their backs than ideas about peace in their heads.”

The retired Cuban leader’s comments were inspired by a scientific news article about the creation of a nanocable that would allow the development of the first “quantum computer.”

“Isn’t it perhaps obvious that worst of all is the absence of a robot in the White House able to govern the United States and prevent a war that could put an end to our species?” Fidel Castro writes.

He also expresses his conviction that 90 percent of Americans, “particularly Hispanics, blacks and the growing number of an impoverished middle class, would vote for a robot.

Monday’s article is the second by Fidel Castro in less than a week after almost two months of silence.

Obama Administration Extends Hold on El Salvadoran deportations

The Department of Homeland Security citing “ongoing disruptions” from the 2001 earthquakes in El Salvadoran asked the administration to extend the freeze on Salvadoran deportations.

Today the Obama administration granted the extension until September 9, 2013 – basically protecting El Salvadoran undocumented immigrants from deportation back to their native country.

This temporary protected status was granted in great part to “the substantial, but temporary, disruption of living conditions in El Salvador resulting from a series of earthquakes in 2001, and El Salvador remains unable, temporarily, to handle adequately the return of its nationals,” according to Homeland Security.

This protected status benefits some 215,000 Salvadorans living here.

El Salvador’s President Mauricio Funes Apologizes for ­Massacre of 1981

President Mauricio Funes formally apologized on Monday for the Salvadoran army’s 1981 slaughter of nearly 1,000 people in and around the town of El Mozote.

“For this massacre, for the aberrant violations of human rights and for the abuses perpetrated … I ask forgiveness from the victims’ families in the name of the Salvadoran state,” he said at a ceremony in El Mozote, some 200 kilometers (120 miles) northeast of the capital.

The center-left president visited the town as part of observances of the 20th anniversary of the peace accords that ended El Salvador’s 1980-1992 civil war.

“I ask forgiveness from the Salvadoran people, who were victims of this kind of atrocious violence,” Funes said with tears in his eyes.

Officers and men of the Atlacatl Rapid Reaction Infantry Battalion killed more than 900 people, most of them minors, in the El Mozote area during the period of Dec. 10-13, 1981.

The secret behind SOPA – the so called piracy bill

by Paul Joseph Watson

The secret behind SOPA, the so-called anti-piracy bill which is today the target of an unprecedented backlash with Wikileaks and other major ­websites ‘going dark’ to protest the legislation, has nothing to do with piracy or copyright theft – it’s about the formal effort to mimic Communist China’s system of Internet censorship.

But don’t take our word for it, listen to what Joe Lieberman, co-sponsor of PIPA, SOPA’s sister version in the Senate, said about the purpose of behind the US government’s efforts to control the Internet under the guise of cybersecurity.

Lieberman characterized fears that the US government would use such powers to censor political content as “total misinformation,” yet goes on to admit that the purpose behind the agenda is to mimic China’s ability to “disconnect parts of its Internet in case of war,” adding, “we need that here too”.

Of course, Communist China’s “war” is not against foreign terrorists or hackers, it’s targeted against people who dare to use the Internet to express dissent against government atrocities or corruption. China’s system of Internet policing is about crushing freedom of speech and has nothing to do with legitimate security concerns as Lieberman well knows.

Having largely failed in his bid to use fears over cyberwarfare, bearing in mind it was the United States and Israel who launched the Stuxnet attack, to achieve the ultimate goal of Internet control, Lieberman has returned with the same agenda only under a different guise – the Protect Intellectual Property Act – of which he is the co-sponsor.

Whether the justification is cybersecurity or anti-piracy, the end game remains the ability to seize control over the Internet and shut down websites on a whim.

Indeed, this is merely the act of legally codifying what is already taking place. Lieberman himself was instrumental in having the whistleblower website Wikileaks shut down when Amazon axed Wikileaks from its servers after being pressured to do so by

Edmundo Alizaga, brother of the ex boxing champeon Mike Galo passes away


­por Marvin Ramírez

Fallece Edmundo AlizagaFallece Edmundo Alizaga

The world boxing champion Mike Galo could not speak. His words got stuck in his throat as he tried to address his family and friends at the Valencia Mortuary who came to say the last good-bye to his brother Edmundo Alizaga. Mr. Alizaga died of old age on Monday, January 2, 2012 at the Methodist Hospital in Elk Grove, California. He was 85.

The Driscoll’s Valencia St. Serra Mortuary was full to capacity with many friends and family. A blessing mass by a priest from Mission Dolores Basilica and a spiritual solidarity speech by Rev. Thomas Hernández, filled the heart of those in attendance ­on Sunday, January 8.

Mr. Alizaga, who was born in March 6, 1926, came from Nicaragua to San Francisco after the Nicaragua Revolution in 1982. Mr. Alizaga was a business-owner in Nicaragua for 30 years and was a popular figure among the Nicaraguan community in Northern California. He was known as a friendly person who enjoyed dancing and boxing. He also enjoyed being well dressed. “My brother was everything to me, he guided me, he taught me how to dance…,” Galo said as he wept when the concrete plates were being placed on the ground at the Holy Cross Cemetery.

He is survived by five daughters: Nubia King, Daisy Alizaga, Grace Alizaga, Estrella Alizaga, Hazel Alizaga and three sons: Roger Alizaga, Douglas Alizaga, Lucas Baca; one sister: Esperanza Cruz and three brothers: Julio Alizaga, Mike Galo Alizaga, William Galo Alizaga. 26 grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren also survive Mr. Alizaga.

The staff of El Reportero send their sincere condolences to Mike and the rest of the family.