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Sonoma County ballot measure would ban large livestock farms

Los intereses agrícolas de todo el estado están contribuyendo a los esfuerzos para derrotar la Medida J en el condado de Sonoma, que busca prohibir las operaciones concentradas de alimentación animal. -- Agricultural interests from around the state are contributing to efforts to defeat Measure J in Sonoma County, which seeks to ban concentrated animal feeding operations. (Marcelo/Adobe Stock)

by Suzanne Potter, Producer

Public News Service

This November, voters in Sonoma County will decide on a first-of-its-kind proposal, known as “Measure J,” to ban large concentrated animal feeding operations.

The industrial farms primarily raise chickens, ducks and cattle.

Kristina Garfinkel, a Santa Rosa resident and an organizer with the Coalition to End Factory Farming, said the large operations tend to have poor records when it comes to animal welfare and spark environmental concerns with the odor and runoff from the lagoons of animal waste.

“They pollute water with nitrates, phosphates,” Garfinkel outlined. “They also pollute the air through greenhouse gas emissions and they’re also just perfect vectors to spread very contagious diseases, such as avian flu and things like that.”

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the state monitor the water supply near large farms on a regular basis. The operations are also subject to state rules on animal welfare and often participate in voluntary organic certification programs.

The measure would give the large farms three years to either reduce the size of their herds or flocks, or wind down operations, and it would require the county to retrain any workers who lose their jobs.

Randi Black, dairy adviser for the University of California Cooperative Extension, said Measure J would cost the county millions.

“There is a pretty large impact on both our local agricultural economy but also on our workforce,” Black noted. “Both being able to be employed but also on our county budget, in order to provide the mandated training.”

Also, the language of the ballot has created a new controversy surrounding the already-contentious ballot measure seeking to ban larger livestock and poultry farms in Sonoma County: Could the ballot language prejudice voters?

But in July, the Board of Supervisors voted 4-1 to remove that preface, which the county contends is inaccurate and violates California’s election code, which mandates neutral wording on the ballot.

A similar proposed ban will be on the ballot in Berkeley this fall but since the city does not have any such large operations, the measure would prevent any future large animal farms from coming in.

Olympic welcome in Guatemala to athletes returning from Paris

Campeona y recordista Adriana Ruano de Guatemala--Champion and record holder Adriana Ruano from Guatemala.

by the El Reportero‘s wire services

Guatemala City, August 14 – An Olympic welcome will liven up the streets of this capital today in honor of the members of the national delegation returning from Paris, among them the champion and record holder Adriana Ruano.

Our athletes have written a new page in the sporting history of the country, announced the organizers, and urged not to miss the caravan that will start at 11:45, local time, from the capital’s La Aurora International Airport.

The Guatemalan Olympic Committee detailed that the route will touch emblematic points of the city such as the Plaza Obelisco, Plaza España, Municipalidad de Guatemala, Palacio de los Deportes, Plaza Espíritu Ganador and Avenida Reforma to end at the InterContinental hotel.

The organization also announced, after the welcome, a press conference with the athletes, who will be joined by some who arrived earlier.

On Saturday 17, in the central Plaza de la Constitución, Guatemalans will be able to pay homage to the Olympic Chapines, who will be received on the presidential balcony.

“Our athletes have elevated the name of Guatemala by placing us in a prominent position in the Olympic medal table of Latin America. This is an achievement that fills the entire nation with pride,” said President Bernardo Arévalo.

The Minister of Culture and Sports Liwy Grazioso highlighted, for her part, the importance of the event, while mentioning the government’s commitment to supporting the participants and highlighting their achievements.

“It is essential to recognize the effort of our athletes and their role in carrying our flag to international competitions,” said the minister.

The land of the quetzal, which has participated in the Olympic Games since Helsinki 1952, only had the silver medal of the race walker Erick Barrondo, won 12 years ago, in London 2012.

With the gold of Ruano and the bronze of Jean Pierre Brol, both in shooting, it entered the medal table for the second time and finished in 60th place.

Guatemala was the only country from Central America in the medal table, and in Latin America, it was even placed above Mexico (65), Colombia (66) and Panama (74).

Mexico attacks Israel for its actions in Gaza

The number of dead caused by the war in the Palestinian enclave since Oct. 7 has risen to 39,929, mostly children and women

Mexico urged Israel to stop military operations that cause civilian deaths in the Gaza Strip, especially attacks on schools and important buildings, according to the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE).

“A ceasefire and the start of negotiations for a solution to the conflict are urgently needed,” the SRE wrote on its X page.

“The Government of Mexico condemns and regrets that Israeli operations against schools and other essential infrastructure in the Gaza Strip continue,” the statement said.

The Mexican Foreign Ministry noted that “these attacks have cost multiple lives of innocent civilians and are totally contrary to international humanitarian law.”

  • Since the start of the escalation on Oct. 7, 2023, there have been numerous attacks on schools, hospitals and other Gazan buildings by the Israel Defense Forces, leaving numerous victims among the Palestinian civilian population.
  • The death toll caused by the Israeli war in the Gaza Strip since October 7 has risen to 39,929, mostly children and women. The wounded have risen to 92,240.

Central America at the Olympics

by Madeline Mendieta

The 2024 Olympic Games in France have been characterized by countless controversies. A controversial opening ceremony, the participation of some athletes who raised a stir due to their backgrounds, types of chromosomes, excess hormones, statements about food, comfort of the rooms, Christian and Catholic religious people offended by the staging of the first day, even Pope Bergoglio made statements on the matter, among others.

But despite the controversy, athletes from 204 countries have shed blood, sweat and tears in the 32 disciplines that for a couple of weeks have competed for the gold, silver and bronze medals to return triumphantly to their countries and prepare for the following competitions.

Central America participated with more than 40 athletes and according to some experts they have been the best for the region because they have stood out during this Olympic day in sports that are not always conventional.

The region has always had socio-political difficulties that have prevented athletes from having all the conditions that other countries offer them. In addition, it is an area that struggles with extreme poverty, war conflicts, unemployment and violence. However, since the approval of the respective Olympic committees, the region has maintained its participation with some exceptions that have been due to political issues, such was the case of Nicaragua that did not attend the Seoul 1988 games.

Pope Francis said that “to break down prejudices, to promote esteem where there is contempt and distrust, and friendship where there is hatred.” Although the Central America in conflict now only remains in the history books and in the references, there are still many challenges to overcome. Mainly, the budgetary support destined for sports as an option for children to join any discipline.

Panama, according to Forbes magazine, is the country in the region that invests the most with 65.3 million dollars. According to the media Teletica, Costa Rica has a budget for the year 2024 of 12,000 million colones. The newspaper 19 Digital points out that the budget for sports activities in Nicaragua corresponds to C$177,002,000.00 equivalent to 4.83 million dollars. The Salvadoran government’s “Fiscal Transparency” portal indicates that its budget is $31.4 million dollars for this year. Honduras, the newspaper La Prensa pointed out, had a 100 percent increase for this year, which corresponds to L635 million lempiras.

The budgets are not sufficient to cover all the needs of athletes in each country. According to the article written by PhD. Kristin Scardamalia, for the Hispanic Latino Behavioral Health Center of Excellence, “participation in youth gangs is a serious public health problem with important implications for the young people involved.” After the wars in the 80s, the proliferation of youth gang groups was a problem that involved many agents such as the government, religious entities and non-governmental organizations.

One of the factors, in addition to extreme poverty, was the lack of spaces for recreation, sports and studies. The most extreme case has been the maximum security prisons established by the government of El Salvador. Although the demand for sports spaces is still not sufficient, it has been verified that there are opportunities to practice sports, and the levels of violence are decreasing. There is still a need to invest much more in sports education. Public investment requires that its budget be better distributed to the most popular sectors.

Since the first participation in the Olympics, Central America has won 11 medals to date.

Eduardo López, sports columnist for AS (online sports newspaper) summarizes in the following table all the medals obtained by the Central American participation.

Central American medals in the Olympic Games

Guatemala (1 gold, 1 silver, 1 bronze)

Erick Barrondo | silver | athletics | 20 km walk | London 2012

Jean Pierre Brol | bronze | shooting | men’s trap | Paris 2024

Adriana Ruano | gold | shooting | women’s trap | Paris 2024


Costa Rica (1 gold, 1 silver, 2 bronze)

Silvia Poll | silver | swimming | 200m freestyle | Seoul 1988

Claudia Poll | gold | swimming | 200m freestyle | Atlanta 1996

Claudia Poll | bronze | swimming | 200m freestyle | Sydney 2000

Claudia Poll | bronze | swimming | 400m freestyle | Sydney 2000


Panama (2 gold, 2 bronze)

Lloyd LaBeach | bronze | athletics | 100m flat | London 1948

Lloyd LaBeach | bronze | athletics | 200m flat | London 1948

Irving Saladino | gold | athletics | long jump | Beijing 2008

Atheyna Bylon | gold | boxing | women’s 75kg | Paris 2024


This Sunday, Aug. 11, the games ended. The athletes celebrated their own victories and waved the flag so that millions of citizens from every corner of Central America could feel the emotion.

The closing ceremony did not have so many contradictions among the spectators; the organizing committee, together with the creators of the artistic and cultural element, have put as an ingredient what Pope Francis has summarized in his letter issued by the Olympic Games: “May the Olympic Games in Paris be an unmissable occasion for all those who come from all over the world to discover and appreciate each other, to break down prejudices, to promote esteem where there is contempt and distrust, and friendship where there is hatred.”

Sports culture is a culture of peace, of understanding, of union between peoples without distinctions of language or race. Just as the motto of France says: Liberty, equality, fraternity.

See you in four years!

Writer and poet Madeline Mendieta, is daughter of the late Nicaraguan rock guitarist, René ‘Manito’ Mendieta, RIP.

Diets for weight management: Can a high-protein diet help you lose weight?

by Joanne Washburn

A high-protein diet is exactly what it sounds like. It’s an eating plan that emphasizes consuming larger amounts of protein than carbohydrates, which generally make up about 45 to 65 percent of your daily calorie intake.

Protein is an important building block of your bones, muscles, cartilage, skin and blood. Therefore, you need to consume large amounts of protein to stay healthy. Protein also supports healthy muscle recovery, ensures healthy immune function and helps maintain good gut health, among other benefits.

Recently, health enthusiasts have been looking into protein for its potential role in weight loss. Previous studies show that protein can make it easier for you to curb your appetite because it can keep you feeling full for longer. As such, protein could help you lose weight or maintain a healthy weight.

Read on to learn more about how a high-protein diet can aid in weight loss.

A high-protein diet for weight loss

There are no hard and fast rules as to what goes into a high-protein diet. Generally, it includes different protein sources like beef, lean pork, poultry, fish, seafood, dairy products, eggs and healthy oils. A high-protein diet also usually restricts carbohydrates, such as bread, pasta, rice, lentils and starchy fruits and vegetables.

A high-protein diet can help you lose weight in many ways. For starters, protein affects levels of certain hormones that influence how full you feel after eating, like ghrelin and glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1). Ghrelin is the hormone that triggers hunger, while GLP-1 is an appetite-reducing hormone.

With protein, your body also burns more calories, For example, if you eat 100 calories of protein, your body will burn 2o to 30 percent of those calories while processing the protein. But if you eat 100 calories of carbohydrates, your body will only burn five to 10 percent of those calories while processing the carbohydrates.

In addition, high protein intake can speed up your metabolism, making you burn more calories even during sleep.

To put it simply, you can lose weight on a high-protein diet. But there’s a caveat. According to experts, the main issue with high-protein diets is they usually restrict carbohydrates, even the healthy ones.

If you don’t get enough carbohydrates, your blood sugar levels could drop to below the normal range. This may cause you to feel hungrier, prompting snacking or overeating. You could end up gaining weight instead of losing it.

Most foods high in carbohydrates are also rich in soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber dissolves in water. It is transformed into a gel-like substance, which blocks fats that would otherwise be digested and absorbed.

Insoluble fiber, on the other hand, is the indigestible material that attracts water to your stool, making it easier to pass. As such, insoluble fiber helps prevent gastrointestinal blockage and constipation, among other digestive issues.

If you don’t get enough fiber because you’re too busy focusing on protein, it could lead to serious health problems, such as colon cancer and high blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Some studies also found that a high-protein diet can put stress on your kidneys and cause dehydration. A high-protein diet that includes fatty cuts of meat can also raise your risk of heart disease and other chronic diseases.

If you plan to go on a high-protein diet, make sure to include lean sources of protein and healthy carbohydrates like whole grains, beans and sweet potatoes. Don’t forget about your vegetables, too.

Progressives, Hispanics are not ‘Latinx,’ stop trying to Anglicize our Spanish language  

Progressives, Hispanics are not ‘Latinx,’ stop trying to Anglicize our Spanish language  

by Giancarlo Sopo

When Yale professor Cydney Dupree and her colleague analyzed more than two decades worth of political speeches and conducted experiments searching for bias when communicating with racial minorities, they were surprised by what they discovered. According to their report, published this year in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, conservatives generally addressed whites and minorities similarly, but liberals were likelier to modify their speech and “patronize minorities stereotyped as lower status and less competent.”

Dupree cautioned that although liberals might be “well-intentioned” and “see themselves as allies,” they could be unwittingly contributing to racial division by dumbing down their language. In light of minorities understandably feeling marginalized, journalists, corporations and politicians would be wise to heed the professor’s warning. Instead, they are ignoring it.

One of the most notable examples of corporate America and politicians changing how they speak to ingratiate themselves with minorities is the growing use of “Latinx” as a descriptor for Latinos. What began in the 2000s among activists has now gained currency among marketers, media personalities and progressives. The intentions behind “Latinx” may be benign, but as the son of immigrants who grew up in a community with “English-only” ordinances, I am among the many Americans who consider it an absurd Anglicization of a language that generations struggled to conserve.

Spanish doesn’t need to be changed

Progressives argue that Latinx fixes the gendered nature of Spanish, which they maintain is unfair to women and excludes individuals who do not identify as male or female. It is true that nouns are gendered in Spanish, but it is unclear what, if any, problem this poses to Americans.

English is not grammatically gendered; “Latinos” is inclusive in both languages, and substitutes like “Latin” and “Hispanic” can adequately describe the population that is Latino and nonbinary. Taken to its logical conclusion, a push for gender-neutral Spanish nouns requires dismantling a language spoken by 572 million people across the world.

In my new country, an old debate: My family escaped socialism, now my fellow Democrats think we should move the party in its direction

Yet some maintain that Spanish is insufficiently “woke.” Marketers are now targeting Latinx consumers, and Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., marked Hispanic Heritage Month by promising in English and Spanish to champion “Latinx families.”

Thanks, but marketing executives and politicians should understand that many of our families do not want to be called Latinx. The fact that the word is controversial makes its usage especially strange, since modern social norms discourage applying loaded terms to minority groups.

As deputy editor of Latino Rebels, Héctor Luis Alamo described Latinx as “the bulldozing of Spanish.”

In a column for the Los Angeles Times, a Hispanic writer noted that millennial media outlets who used it found their pages “flooded with negative reactions, with some calling the term ‘ridiculous,’ ‘stupid’ and ‘offensive.’”

Alejandrina González, a Mexican-American Stanford University student, told me that millennials who view Latinx as liberating have it backwards. “Changing our language is the opposite of empowering,” she said.

Not only is Latinx “laughably incomprehensible to any Spanish speaker without some fluency in English,” as two Latino Swarthmore College students argued in 2015, its use has been formally rejected by the Real Academia Española, the official body of linguists that preserves the language’s integrity. Who knew it was progressive to abrogate foreign grammar standards?

What happened to multiculturalism? 

Rather than making Latinos feel included, progressives are implying the way our families speak is fundamentally inadequate for the United States and progressive American culture. This is offensive to the 85 percent of Hispanics who, like my parents, speak Spanish to their children and whose most treasured heirlooms are often family traditions and memories in Spanish. Mine include the mellifluous sound of the baritone voice of my “abuelo,” mom’s favorite boleros and dad’s military stories.

Has their language joined the ranks of comedian Dave Chapelle, the Betsy Ross flag, and the interminable list of people and things that perturb our politically correct sensibilities?

Ultimately, what Hispanic Americans who take pride in our heritage see in “Latinx” is progressive preening attempting to solve a nonexistent problem at the expense of a beautiful language that Chicanos and other Latinos endured corporal punishment and bigotry to defend. Liberals should also realize it is impossible to reconcile their professed values — like multiculturalism, education and pronoun autonomy — with the peculiar strain of 2019 progressivism that seeks to radically change our language, disregards linguistic practices, and disavows our right to determine how we are described.

Gender-nonconforming Americans should be treated with compassion and respect. If someone wants to be called Latinx, that is fine, but the label should not be forced upon all Latinos. Hispanic Americans face plenty of challenges. The last thing we need are progressives “wokesplaining” how to speak Spanish.

Giancarlo Sopo is a public relations strategist and a 2019 National Review Institute regional fellow in Dallas. Follow him on Twitter: @GiancarloSopo.

Audit: California risked millions in homelessness funds due to poor anti-fraud protections

A critical new federal audit calls out California for doing too little to prevent fraudulent spending of homelessness funds. Nearly $320 million was at risk

by Marisa Kendall


California put hundreds of millions of homelessness dollars at risk because of its “disorganized” and “chaotic” anti-fraud policies, according to a critical federal audit released today.

The audit analyzed California’s Department of Housing and Community Development, which oversees the state’s homelessness programs. It gave the California agency its lowest possible ranking, finding that it lacked adequate policies to prevent, detect and respond to fraud. As a result, the audit found, the state agency failed to properly protect $319.5 million in federal homelessness funds, which were distributed during the COVID-19 pandemic, from the possibility of misuse.

The audit did not uncover any new instances of fraud.

“Fraud poses a significant risk to the integrity of federal programs and erodes public trust in government,” Inspector General Rae Oliver Davis, with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, said in a news release. “Enhancing its robust antifraud program will help the California Department of Housing and Community Development ensure that its pandemic grant funds, and future homelessness assistance funds, are safeguarded from fraud.”

With the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the federal government poured $4 billion into its Emergency Solutions Grant program, which was intended to help people struggling with homelessness. California’s share of that pot was $319.5 million — a 2,505 percent increase from its typical annual allotment. With that huge influx of money also came an increased risk that bad actors would attempt to use those funds for nefarious purposes. But California failed to adequately step up its anti-fraud measures, according to the federal housing department.

In a response, the state housing department said it will take steps to implement the feds’ recommendations and improve its anti-fraud measures.

“HCD is committed to a systematic and comprehensive approach to the management of risks, including fraud risk, as an integral part of its strategy formulation and implementation,” Director Gustavo Velasquez wrote in a letter to the federal housing department.

In a statement to CalMatters, the state housing agency said that work has already begun. “Since the audit, HCD has worked with HUD to address all…audit recommendations to ensure that the framework strengthens fraud risk detection and reflects leading industry standards and best practices,” the agency said in an email.

The audit found California failed to prioritize fraud prevention in its administration of homelessness funds. The state didn’t perform regular fraud risk assessments, develop a plan to identify and swiftly address potential fraud, or have a process in place to evaluate the effectiveness of its anti-fraud policies, according to the audit. Those failures run counter to best practices the federal housing department expects all recipients of federal homelessness funds to follow.

When the state did uncover alleged fraud, it dropped the ball in its response, according to the audit.

In March 2022, the state housing department found out a local law enforcement agency was investigating potential fraud and misuse of Emergency Solutions Grant funding. The state agency did not report that allegation in the proper channels because, in part, officials worried doing so could create a publicity risk, according to the audit. The agency finally reported the incident nearly a year and a half later — and only after federal auditors started asking questions, according to the audit.

In assessing the state housing department’s response to the potential fraud, the audit found that the department did not re-assess its exposure to suspected fraud, “repeat its internal control processes” to work against fraud, or develop written policy “to convey expectations of senior leaders to manage fraud risks.”

“HCD and (the Division of Federal Financial Assistance) did not have an antifraud strategy to respond to fraud risks specific to the department,” the audit states.

Neither the feds nor the state housing department provided additional details about that alleged fraud. Because the case was under active investigation, the state housing department refrained from further documentation or public discussion of the case, the state housing department told CalMatters.

The audit’s results weren’t surprising to Sen. Dave Cortese, a Democrat from Santa Clara County who recently backed a separate audit of the state’s homelessness programs. That audit, which came out last month, found the state fails to track what it’s spending on homelessness, and which programs are working.

The newer federal audit seems to underscore a broader lack of accountability in the homelessness sector, he said.

“The biggest reason of all that it’s frustrating is these are public sector dollars, they’re tax payer dollars,” Cortese said. “It’s disrespectful to the taxpayers to say, ‘Gee, we don’t really know what happened here to your money.’”

Assemblymember Josh Hoover, a Republican from Folsom who co-authored the request for the earlier statewide audit, agreed.

“Once again, California is failing to meet the mark on homelessness,” he said in an emailed statement. “If we truly want to solve homelessness, we have to start by holding our own bureaucracies accountable.”

Despite finding multiple holes in the California agency’s anti-fraud practices, the feds provided no evidence that fraud actually was rampant in the agency. Aside from the March 2022 case, the federal housing department stopped short of calling out any specific instances of suspected fraud. But that could come later: The feds recently launched a second audit looking into improper payments of Emergency Solutions Grants, which could include fraud. That report is expected some time next year.

The federal housing department also is auditing the agencies that administered Emergency Solutions Grants in Honolulu and New York City. Those results have not yet been published.

Fraud allegations have already surfaced in other programs overseen by California’s housing department. Earlier this year, the state agency sued a Los Angeles developer that received $114 million to develop homeless housing through the state’s Homekey program.

Though the majority of the COVID-era Emergency Solutions Grant funds have been distributed, California’s lack of fraud protections could continue to put future programs in jeopardy, the auditors wrote.

Expanded Benefits: PG&E Increases Energy Bill Assistance, Expands REACH Program to Help More Customers

More eligible customers can receive up to a $2,000 bill credit under new guidelines

Corporate news

Oakland, Calif. — To provide additional financial assistance to more households with past-due energy bills, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) is amending mid-year guidelines for the Energy Assistance Through Community Assistance (REACH) program Asistencia energética a través de ayuda comunitaria (REACH). REACH and the REACH triple match help eligible low- to moderate-income customers pay their past-due energy bills and help prevent service disconnections.

“We want to make sure more customers have the support they need to pay their energy bills,” said Vincent Davis, PG&E Senior Vice President of Customer Experience. “With a stronger bill credit and broader income eligibility, we can provide greater financial relief to households that need it most”

“I understand the hardships currently affecting many residents who are struggling to pay their bills,” said Fresno Mayor Jerry Dyer. “I support any savings initiatives that can be passed along to residents who are struggling financially and have fallen behind on their PG&E bills. “I am hopeful that the REACH program can provide much-needed relief on those residents’ energy bills, and that policymakers will take steps to stabilize them.”

Based on recent customer data, PG&E anticipates that approximately 65,000 additional customers will be eligible for REACH assistance and the REACH triple match under the new guidelines. More than 3,500 applications have been approved in Fresno County since January, resulting in more than $2 million in financial assistance, the highest amount in PG&E’s service territory.

“Many Fresno residents are already struggling with overdue energy bills and are unable to make payments on time. “The REACH program offers critical relief, ensuring that families in some of the highest-poverty areas in the country can stay cool and safe without sacrificing their basic needs,” said Fresno City Council President Annalisa Perea.

PG&E has provided more than $17.2 million in financial assistance to more than 25,000 income-eligible customers through REACH and the REACH triple match since January.

Benefits Expanded and How to Apply

– Duplicate Bill Credit: The maximum credit on a customer’s bill that can be applied to a past due balance has been increased from $1,000 to $2,000 for REACH and REACH Triple Match (the total must not be more than the customer’s past due amount).

– Increased Income Cap: A larger group of income-eligible customers now qualify for REACH Triple Match which provides a 3-to-1 match on customer payments of $50 or more to further reduce an unpaid balance. For example, a family of four earning up to $156,000 a year could qualify for assistance.

– The REACH and REACH Triple Match income limits are set at different thresholds and both use federal income guidelines.-

Amount of Past Due Balance: Eligible customers can now participate in the program regardless of their past due balance, which was previously limited to $2,000. Customers on a payment plan are now also eligible.

– Additional benefits available for 2024 recipients: Eligible customers who already participated in REACH or the REACH triple match will be offered the opportunity to participate a second time under the new guidelines with a total benefit of up to $2,000 available for 2024.

The revised criteria are intended to help more customers cope with high past due amounts, especially during the hot summer months when energy use typically peaks. Information on how to apply for the program is online (aquí) here.

Dollar Energy Fund

PG&E recently contributed $55 million to support the nonprofit Dollar Energy Fund (DEF), marking an expansion of the REACH program. This contribution is funded through PG&E and not from customer rates. DEF operates separately from PG&E.

DEF, a nonprofit entity, administers the REACH program funds, which operate through 170 offices in Northern and Central California. PG&E customers, including those who need language assistance or help with their applications, can contact an agency in their county or apply online at Applicants can also call 1-800-933-9677 for assistance.

Other Income-Eligible Assistance Programs

PG&E has other assistance programs to help income-eligible customers pay their energy bills:

– California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE): Provides a monthly discount of 20 percent or more on gas and electric bills. New federal income eligibility guidelines apply.

Family Electric Rate Assistance (FERA): Provides an 18 percent monthly discount on electricity for households with three or more people. New federal income eligibility guidelines apply.

– Energy Savings Assistance (ESA): Provides energy-saving upgrades at no charge. New federal income eligibility guidelines apply.

Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP): A federally funded, state-supervised assistance program that provides a one-time payment of up to $1,000 on past-due bills to help low-income households pay for heating or cooling their homes.

Other programs include Medical Baseline, which offers a lower monthly rate for customers with certain medical conditions.

How meal sequencing with protein and veggies can improve health

by News Editors

Exploring the benefits of starting meals with protein or vegetables to manage weight and balance blood sugar levels.

Georgina Djan, a health coaching student from South Africa, discovered a powerful strategy to combat stubborn belly fat and boost her energy: meal sequencing. By changing the order in which she consumed her food, she found significant improvements in her health and well-being.

“I had never struggled with my weight, even after having four children,” Djan shared with The Epoch Times. However, after her youngest child was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, she turned to comfort eating, resulting in weight gain around her midsection that seemed impossible to shed.

The Science of Meal Sequencing

Meal sequencing involves starting meals with vegetables or proteins before consuming carbohydrates. This approach is backed by scientific studies that highlight its benefits. A study published in Diabetes Care found that eating vegetables and proteins before carbohydrates significantly reduced post-meal blood sugar levels by up to 36.7%.

Further research in the Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications in 2019 revealed that individuals focusing on meal sequence lost more weight compared to those following traditional dietary guidelines. Additionally, a 2020 review in Nutrients suggested that this approach can prevent Type 2 diabetes and obesity. Consuming protein or fat before carbohydrates enhances the secretion of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), which helps regulate insulin, suppress appetite, and delay gastric emptying.

Practical Benefits

In practical terms, meal sequencing can help manage blood sugar and support weight loss. A study in Diabetes Care showed that taking whey protein before or with a high-carb meal significantly lowered blood sugar levels in Type 2 diabetes patients, similar to the effects of some diabetes medications.

Nutritional therapist Nicky Denvir explained to The Epoch Times that starchy carbohydrates are quickly digested and absorbed when eaten first, leading to rapid glucose spikes. In contrast, proteins, which undergo initial digestion in the stomach, slow down carbohydrate absorption, resulting in more stable blood sugar levels.

Veggies Before Carbs

Starting meals with vegetables also plays a crucial role in managing blood sugar. A study in the Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that eating vegetables before carbohydrates led to better glycemic control compared to traditional portion-based meal plans. Participants in this study achieved significant improvements in their HbA1c levels, a key marker of long-term blood sugar control.

Soluble fibers in vegetables, like psyllium husk, help regulate blood sugar by delaying gastric emptying and forming a gel matrix in the intestine, which slows glucose absorption. Studies have shown that consuming 5 to 15 grams of psyllium before carbohydrate-rich meals can significantly reduce blood sugar spikes.

Sustained Energy and Improved Mood

Mary Curristin, a nutritionist from ART Health Solutions, emphasized that starting meals with vegetables or proteins can help maintain steady energy levels throughout the day, preventing energy dips and enhancing productivity. A well-balanced diet rich in essential nutrients supports optimal brain function and mood stability.

Djan’s experience underscores these benefits. During a visit to Johannesburg, friends noticed her slimmer figure and flatter stomach. Beyond the physical changes, she also felt more energized and positive about life. “I found myself waking up energized and feeling more positive about life,” she said.

Implementing Meal Sequencing

To adopt meal sequencing, start with vegetables and proteins before consuming carbohydrates in each meal. For example, if having pasta or a sandwich for lunch, begin with a salad and some lean protein like turkey.

Some studies suggest eating slowly and waiting a few minutes before consuming carbohydrates can be beneficial. The Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications study recommended eating vegetables and proteins first, then waiting five minutes before consuming carbohydrates to improve glycemia.

2023 study published in Nutrients found that the order of food intake—vegetables first and carbohydrates last—improves blood sugar levels and insulin concentrations, even if the meal is eaten quickly.


Meal sequencing offers a simple yet effective strategy for improving metabolic health, managing weight, and maintaining steady energy levels. By starting meals with vegetables or proteins, you can experience significant benefits for your overall health and well-being.



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a General Presidential Election will be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL QUALIFIED PERSONS that an election will be held for the following offices in the County of San Mateo, State of California, for the purpose of electing members to the Federal, State, County, Municipal, School, Special and Advisory Offices listed below:

Federal and State Offices:

President/Vice President: 4-year term commencing January 20, 2024 2025

U.S. Senator (Full Term) – 6-year term beginning January 3, 2025

U.S. Senator (Partial/Unexpired Term) – This special vacancy election is for the remainder of the unexpired term in the United States Senate, which ends January 3, 2025

U.S. Representative in Congress, Districts 15 and 16 – 2-year terms each beginning January 3, 2025

State Senate, Districts 11 and 13 – 4-year terms each beginning December 2, 2024

State Assembly, Districts 19, 21, and 23 – 2-year terms each beginning December 2, 2024

County Offices:

Board of Supervisors: District 4 – 4-year term beginning January 6, 2024 2025

School Districts:

Bayshore Elementary School District: two 4-year terms; two 2-year terms

Belmont-Redwood Shores School District, Trust Areas 2 and 4: 4-year terms each

Brisbane School District: two 4-year terms

Burlingame School District, Trust Areas 2, 3, and 5: 4-year terms each

Cabrillo Unified School District, Trust Areas B and D: 4-year terms each

Hillsborough City School District: two 4-year terms

Jefferson Elementary School District: two 4-year terms

Jefferson Union High School District: two 4-year terms

La Honda-Pescadero Unified School District: three 4-year terms

Las Lomitas Elementary School District: two 4-year terms; 2-year term

Menlo Park City School District: two 4-year terms

Millbrae Elementary School District: two 4-year terms; 2-year term

Pacifica School District: two 4-year terms

Portola Valley Elementary School District: three 4-year terms

Ravenswood City School District: two 4-year terms

Redwood City School District, Trust Areas 1, 3, and 4: 4-year term each

San Bruno Park School District, Trust Areas 1 and 4: 4-year term each

San Carlos School District: two 4-year terms

San Mateo County Board of Education, Trust Areas 4, 5, 6, and 7: one 4-year term each

San Mateo County Community College District, Trust Areas 1, 3, and 5: one 4-year term each

San Mateo Union High School District, Trust Areas 1, 3, and 5: one 4-year term each Trust 2 and 4: one 4-year term each

San Mateo-Foster City School District, Trust Areas 3, 4, and 5: one 4-year term each

Sequoia Union High School District, Trust Areas B, C, and E: one 4-year term each

South San Francisco Unified School District, Trust Areas A and B: one 4-year term each

Woodside Elementary School District: two 4-year terms

Qualifications for Governing Board member positions pursuant to the Education Code are: any registered voter who is a resident of the school district, and for trust area races, a registered voter of the trust area, and not disqualified by the Constitution or state laws from holding civil office.


Special Districts:

Bayshore Sanitary District: three 4-year terms

Broadmoor Police Protection District: 4-year term

Coastside County Water District, Zones 1, 3, and 4: 4-year terms each

Coastside Fire Protection District, Districts A and B: 4-year terms each

Colma Fire Protection District: two 4-year terms

East Palo Alto Sanitary District: three 4-year terms

Granada Community Services District: two 4-year terms

Highlands Recreation District: two 4-year terms; 2-year term

Ladera Recreation District: two 4-year terms

Menlo Park Fire Protection District: two 4-year terms

Mid-Peninsula Water District, Divisions 1 and 2: 4-year term each

Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District, Division 7: 4-year term

Montara Sanitary and Water District, Divisions 2 and 4: 4-year term each

Montara Sanitary and Water District, At Large: 2-year term

North Coast County Water District, Zones C and D: 4-year term each

Peninsula Health Care District: two 4-year terms

San Mateo County Port District, Districts 1, 4, and 5: 4-year term each

Sequoia Health Care District, Zones B and D: 4-year term

West Bay Sanitary District: three 4-year terms

Westborough Water District, Zones 1, 3, and 5: 4-year terms each

Woodside Fire Protection District: two 4-year terms

Advisory Councils:

Central Coast Community Council: three 4-year terms

Pescadero City Advisory Council, District 1: six 4-year terms

Pescadero City Advisory Council, District 2, 3, and 4: two 4-year seats each

Pescadero City Advisory Council, At Large: 4-year term

Qualifications for the offices of Member, of the Board of Directors pursuant to the main charter of the district provide that the candidate be a registered voter of the district, and for races with divisions, zones, sections, and districts, that he be a registered voter of the division, zone, section, or district, who is … not disqualified by the Constitution or the laws of the state from holding civil office and all other specifications contained in the main charter of the district.

Declarations of candidacy and nomination papers for qualified candidates who wish to run for any of the elective offices may be obtained from the San Mateo County Registration and Elections Division, 40 Tower Road, San Mateo, CA 94402, 650.312.5222, beginning July 15, 2024, and must be filed by 5:00 p.m. on August 9, 2024. If any qualified officeholder fails to file nomination papers by the date and time stated, voters will have until 5:00 p.m. on August 14, 2024 to nominate candidates other than the officeholder of such office.

The supervisory authority shall make appointments to each elective office in accordance with §§5326 and 5328 of the Education Code and §§10515 of the Election Code in the event there are no candidates or an insufficient number of candidates for such office and a petition for election has not been filed within the time prescribed by law, which expires no later than 5:00 p.m. on August 14, 2024.


I FURTHER PROCLAIM that at such election there shall be submitted to a vote of the electors such proposed constitutional amendments, questions, propositions, and initiatives as the Constitution and laws of this State require them to be submitted.

NOTICE IS GIVEN that principal arguments for or against the initiatives may be submitted in written form to the San Mateo County Registration and Elections Division, 40 Tower Road, San Mateo, CA 94402, for printing and distribution to the voters, in accordance with the provisions of the California Elections Code, not later than 5:00 p.m. on August 13, 2024. Rebuttal arguments by the authors of such principal arguments may be submitted in like form not later than 5:00 p.m. on August 20, 2024.

The printed arguments submitted to the voters will be titled either “Argument in Favor of Measure ” or “Argument Against Measure ,” and “Rebuttal to Argument in Favor of Measure ___” or “Rebuttal to Argument Against Measure ___,” respectively.

All arguments on the above-named ballot measures must be accompanied by the following model statement, which must be signed by each proponent and each proponent, if different, of the argument:

The undersigned proponent(s) or proponent(s) of the ___________ (main/rebuttal) argument (for/against) the Ballot Measure for the _____________________________ (name of election) for the _____________________________ (name of jurisdiction) to be held on _________ (election date), hereby declare that said argument is true and correct to the best of his or her knowledge and belief.

Signed ________________


Main arguments shall not exceed 300 words. Only one argument for and one argument against each ballot measure shall be selected to be printed and distributed to voters. Arguments may not contain more than five signatures.

The authors of the main arguments for or against each ballot measure may draft and submit rebuttal arguments not to exceed 250 words. The authors may authorize in writing any other person or persons to draft, submit, or sign the rebuttal argument. Rebuttal arguments may not bear more than five signatures.

NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that a 10-calendar-day inspection period shall be established for public review of such arguments. During that period, any registered voter qualified to vote on the ballot measures, or the election official, may seek an order or writ of mandamus requiring that some or all of the material be amended or struck out. The review period for the main arguments for or against ballot measures shall begin at 5:00 p.m. on August 13, 2024, and shall end at 5:00 p.m. on August 19, 2024. The period for review of rebuttals to the principal arguments for or against ballot measures shall begin at 5:00 p.m. on August 20, 2024, and end at 5:00 p.m. on August 30, 2024.

NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that at such election polling places will be open between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. on the day thereof.

NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all ballots for the Election to be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, shall be counted at the location indicated below:

San Mateo County

Registration and Elections Division

40 Tower Road

San Mateo, CA 94402

Las Cafeteras: Opening night of San Jose Jazz Summer Fest

by the El Reportero staff

Las Cafeteras have taken the music scene by storm with their infectious live performances and have crossed many genres and borders along the way. Their eclectic sound and high-energy performances have taken them around the world playing shows at Bonnaroo, the Hollywood Bowl, WOMAD, Montreal Jazz Festival and beyond.

Born and raised in East LA, Las Cafeteras are remixing roots music as modern-day troubadours.

They are a sonic explosion of Afro-Mexican rhythms, electronic beats and powerful rhymes that document stories of a community seeking to “build a world where many worlds fit.” From Afro-Mexican to Americana, soul to son jarocho, and roots to rock and hip-hop, Las Cafeteras take folk music into the future.

The band honors the past by using electrifying traditional instrumentation like the 8-string jarana, 4-string requinto, quijada (donkey jawbone) and tarima (a wooden platform). Las Cafeteras sing in five distinct languages: English, Spanish, Spanglish, love and justice. They believe everyone understands at least one of those languages.

One of Summer Fest 2024’s must-see discoveries, Lucía Gutiérrez Rebolloso, was crowned the winner of the Sarah Vaughan International Jazz Vocal Competition in 2022.

Lucía Gutiérrez

She hails from Veracruz and is steeped in son jarocho, a traditional regional style that blends Spanish, African and indigenous Mexican influences.

At the Fest, you’ll be treated to a bewitching set of Mexican folkloric and traditional jazz standards, sung in both Spanish and English. Tickets and passes are on sale now!

– Sábado 10 de agosto a las 12:30 p.m. en el California Theatre Stage.

San Francisco Shakespeare Festival brings its production for 3 weekends

Thought to be Shakespeare’s last solo written play, The Tempest is a classic tale with complex characters, intricate plot, and profound themes. Our relaxing outdoor setting provides an opportunity to see high quality, professional theater, free of charge. Treat yourself to some Shakespeare this season, for a moment that is sure to bring you a touch of The Bard!

Along with Shakespeare in the Park, other exciting FREE events in Redwood City include: Music in the Park on Wednesdays; Movies on the Square on Thursdays; Music on the Square on Fridays; Pub in the Park on Saturdays; Kids Rock! Concert Series on Sundays, plus special outdoor exhibits featuring ART on the Square. More info at

From August 10 through August 25, offering 6 p.m. shows on both Saturdays and Sundays. Red Morton Park, Valota Road side, 1455 Madison Ave, Redwood City, 94063.

Root Division Presents: Introductions 2024

Established in 2007, Introductions is one of Root Division’s signature exhibitions, showcasing the talents of twelve emerging Bay Area artists without gallery representation. Artists are selected through a rigorous review process by a panel of three prominent arts professionals based on the conceptSual and formal strength of their work. The resulting exhibition provides a snapshot of the Bay Area’s artistic landscape featuring a diverse range of media and subject matter.

Among the participating students include: Kevin Lopez, Sophia Ramírez, Tamara Suárez Porras

Exhibition Dates: Aug 14 – Sept 21, 2024 | Gallery Hours:  Wednesday–Saturday, 2-6 p.m. | Opening Reception: Sept. 14, 2024 from 7–9 p.m., at 1131 Mission St. San Francisco

Kids Rock! 2024

Because Kids Get To Rock Too!

Redwood City concludes its beloved Kids Music Series back on Courthouse Square with Asheba on August 18. MCd by Redwood City’s own, Andy-Z, the Master of Music and Play, this series brings high energy and tons of fun to both kids and adults on Courthouse Square! Because Kids get to Rock too!

Sponsored by Redwood City’s Public Library and Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department, this series provides a safe and fun environment for kids to dance and enjoy live music. Your family will be thrilled to enjoy free live music, along with an inflatable play-land and more! Sunday, Aug. 18 – Asheba, 10 a.m.-12 p.m., Courthouse Square, Redwood City, CA.