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Farmworker groups march on Driscoll’s corporate headquaters, call for boycott

by ZH

WATSONVILLE, CA – A loose circle of people, many dressed in green t-shirts bearing the message “Boycott Driscolls!”, stood around in an empty space in the parking lot shared by an Applebee’s, a AAA, and Watsonville’s Green Valley Cinema.

“Does anyone want to make a sign?” asked Michael of the Watsonville Brown Berets, carrying a bag of markers and white posterboard. Three people took him up on the idea and kneeled on the asphalt to sketch out designs. Boycott Driscolls!, #sanquintín, and Union Contract for Farmworkers were some of the slogans that flowed out of their marker tips, as well as images of crossed out strawberries.

The circle grew over the next half hour as cars drove up and unloaded passengers with more signs and banners. Organizers with the Santa Cruz support committee for the now cross-border Driscoll’s berry boycott walked between small groups in the circle and handed press releases to media representatives.

“Si se puede lograr tener una reunión, por favor?” asked Ramon Torres, trying to gather together the assembled people, who then numbered nearly forty. Torres, president of a Washington state berry-pickers union called FUJ or Familias Unidas por la Justicia, is on a month-long tour of Oregon and California to publicize the union’s struggles with their employer, Sakuma Brothers. However, FUJ’s beef extends to Driscoll’s because Sakuma distributes its berries through the larger company. The press release distributed by the local support committee explains further: “FUJ first called for a boycott of Sakuma in 2013 after signed agreements made in mediated negotiation between the company and an elected committee of 11 workers were all broken by the company. In 2014 FUJ called for a boycott of Driscoll’s when Sakuma stopped using their own label and had workers picking directly into Driscoll’s flats.” Torres is accompanied by Lazaro Matamoro, also a berrypicker and member of Familias Unidas.

FUJ was not the only farmworker union present. Gloria Gracida, a representative from el Sindicato Independiente Nacional Democrático de Jornaleros Agrícolas – a recently formed union representing upwards of 80,000 campesinos (field workers) in San Quintín, Baja California – stood alongside the FUJ members. On March 17th, to begin her part of the coastal boycott tour, Gracida walked for four days from San Quintín to Tijuana before crossing the border there to participate in the California-Oregon tour.

These people gathered on March 31 to march to Driscoll’s corporate headquarters in Watsonville and deliver a message asking the company to pressure its client growers to bargain for and respect agreements made with independent unions of farmworkers. The march began just before noon and traveled a short distance down the road to the Driscoll’s building, a one-story building located in a complex of glass-fronted offices and parking lots. The marchers stopped on the sidewalk before the office, where they displayed signs and listened to speeches from Torres and Gracida.
Speaking in Spanish and accompanied by a translator, Gracida highlighted the brutal working conditions under which she and other campesinos in Baja exist.

“I have seen many little girls (niñas) and women working in the fields [who become] sick from agricultural chemicals, [who are] raped and sexually harrassed in the fields. For this we shout ‘Boycott Driscoll’s!’”

Gracida also demanded that workers receive fair compensation for their labor.

“Driscoll’s website says workers receive between five and nine dollars per hour in San Quintín,” she said, “Eso es una mentira [a lie]! Driscoll’s is slavery!”

She then issued a challenge to the company to refute her claims.

“Here in front of Driscoll’s, I challenge you to declare publicly that it’s true or false that workers in Mexico make six dollars for twelve hours of work!”

Driscoll’s corporate website states that it has a zero tolerance policy for child labor, coercion, abuse, harrassment, and health and safety conditions posing immediate threat to life and limb. It also states that violations of this zero tolerance policy must be corrected immediately by suppliers or result in termination of business relations. This policy is the lynchpin on which the workers demands swing. They say the company can pressure its suppliers to change their practices.

Ramon Torres spoke to the simple, specific demands of the farmworker unions, highlighting requests for medical care, dignified and sanitary housing for workers, pensions, a fifteen-dollar minimum wage, and union contracts for workers organized independently of larger, more established unions. These demands would provide long term stability to farmworker families. “You have the power to stop exploitation,” Torres said, “Our children don’t deserve the fields, they deserve opportunity!”

Two Driscoll’s employees came out from the offices with a plastic jug of water and paper cups for the protestors, as well as a sign printed on office paper stating Driscoll’s respect for the assembled people’s right to be present and a request that such protest occur peacefully. They were met with hisses and boos from the crowd. One person yelled, “Water? This is bullshit, they want justice, not your water!” Gracida stated that the water was an insult, saying that the same respectful treatment is lacking in Baja, where workers commonly carry water with them in empty soda cans because no clean water is available in the fields.

The Driscoll’s employees spoke to the assembled crowd. “We admire your passion,” they said. Torres then held an extended conversation with them. “Do you know that kids in Washington berry fields get paid only 85 percent of what adults are paid? Talk to your bosses.” He reiterated a central demand of the boycott movement as well, saying, “We want a union contract.”

The protest continued on until about 1pm. Marchers gathered before the Driscoll’s office to take a group photo with signs and banners. Representatives from community organizations including the Center for Farmworker Families, the International Migrants Alliance, and the Watsonville Brown Berets took turns on the megaphone with messages of support.

Hillary’s rigged Primary victories are showing the world presidents are selected – not elected

by Jay Syrmopoulos

Phoenix, AZ – The fix is apparently in for the 2016 Democratic presidential primaries, after massive voter suppression was reported in the Arizona Democratic primary.

In 2012, Maricopa County had 200 polling locations open on primary day, but reduced the number of polling stations to only 60 for 2016.

The extreme reduction of polling locations served to create wait times of over 5 hours to cast a ballot; an extreme amount of time that working class citizens often don’t have the luxury of waiting.

Maricopa County Recorder Helen Purcell, who was responsible for the reduction in polling places in 2016, attempted to justify her actions by claiming that voter turnout was traditionally low, so she simply reduced the number of polling locations to save money.

Indicative of something more nefarious afoot, Pima County, home to Tucson, had almost double the number of polling locations open compared to Maricopa County, even though Pima County is only approximately one-third the size.

On top of having far too few polling locations open in general, the lack of stations in densely populated Latino neighborhoods indicate something far more organized, given that almost 41 percent of Phoenix residents are Latino.
“In my district, there is only one polling place,’’ Democratic State Senator Martin Quezada told “In my neighboring district, LD 30, there are no polling places.”

“It is no coincidence many poor and predominantly Latino areas didn’t get a polling place,” editorial columnist Elvia Díaz wrote Tuesday night.

These types of anomalies are seemingly par for the course though when it comes to establishment political elites like Hillary Clinton, which begs the question; are elections being rigged?

A statistical analysis of the 2008 to 2012 vote results revealed that widespread electronic vote rigging taking place, exposing that over 1 million votes were switched from other GOP candidates, to Mitt Romney, during the 2012 GOP presidential primary.

“This substantial effect exceeds reasonable statistical bounds and we calculate that the probability of such election results happening by chance is beyond typical or even extreme,” Francois Choquette, co-author of the analysis said.

Think back to 2008, Clinton was facing upstart candidate Barack Obama, who had just won Iowa and had a commanding lead going into New Hampshire in both pre-election polls, as well as exit polling on election night.

But the final results were dramatically different from the polls, in which every one had Obama winning with an average lead of 8.3 percent, yet Clinton ended up winning by 2.6 percent, somehow unaccountably gaining 10 percentage points over night.

Adding to the suspicion, various pre-election polls had been fairly precise in their predictions for all other candidates in the same race, but had mysteriously miscalled the numbers for Clinton and Obama.

Interestingly, the hand-counted paper ballot results favored Obama, while Clinton won in the districts where electronic voting machines secretly counted ballots.
Clinton: statewide optical scan tally: 52.73 percent
Obama: statewide optical scan tally: 47.27 percent
Clinton: statewide hand-count tally: 46.75 percent
Obama: statewide hand-count tally: 53.25 percent
According to a report featured in Truth-out:

Hillary Clinton’s upset win was imagined by some as a fix perpetrated by rogue elements among her more conservative New Hampshire Democratic backers. Others pointed the finger at Republican operatives who they believe may have orchestrated her victory, judging Obama the stronger horse against Romney (or any other GOP candidate).

As it happens, the Premier Voting Machine company, which controlled over three-quarters of the New Hampshire primary, was actually the same Republican-friendly Diebold Voting Machine Company involved in the controversial upset victory by President George W. Bush over John Kerry in Ohio in 2004. (The company had just switched names).

Diebold CEO Walden O’Dell, who had publicly pledged to deliver Ohio to Bush in 2004, was later mired in widespread accusations of a conspiracy to rig out Kerry late on election night in Ohio. Top cyber-security experts charged that Karl Rove’s online vote-gathering apparatus used a “man in the middle” hack to alter the results, in collusion with the ultra partisan Ohio secretary of state, Kenneth Blackwell, the co-chair of the Committee to Re-Elect George W. Bush.

The man who built the vote-tabulating system, GOP tech guru Michael Connell, died in a suspicious private plane crash after being subpoenaed and then compelled to testify against Rove. Two election officials were eventually convicted of rigging the Ohio recount.

Programming the counting for the 2008 New Hampshire primary was a little known company called LHS Associates, which used the same infamous GEMS software long proven to be easily manipulated by insiders to alter the outcome of the election and produce a matching, fraudulent poll tape report.

With such entrenched political elites working to game the system, is there actually any hope that our elections are representative?

Sadly, the answer is no.

Even after being made aware of the vulnerabilities of the voting machines, by computer expert Harri Hursti, prior to the 2008 NH primary, the New Hampshire State House Subcommittee on Election Equipment chose to continue to use the easily tampered with software.

Over the course of this election cycle, one thing has become apparent; the political elite and the party bosses are the ones that select the President of the United States, citizen voting is simply a formality to provide legitimacy to the ruling elite.

Presidents are selected, not elected. – Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Key witness in Berta Caceres killing leaves Honduras

by the El Reportero’s wire services

Mexican Gustavo Castro, the main witness of the killing of indigenous leader and ecologist Berta Cáceres today left Honduras after being held by the authorities for several weeks.
The environmental activist left the capital of Honduras early this morning in an Avianca airline flight to San Salvador.
According to local radio stations, Castro arrived at Toncontín international airport under strong police security, accompanied by the Mexican ambassador to Honduras, Dolores Jiménez, and other officials of the diplomatic mission in Tegucigalpa.
The Mexican sociologist was finally allowed to leave the country after receiving authorization from a judge in Intibuca, who lifted the restriction imposed by the authorities as part of the investigation process.
The Public Ministry said in a statement that it was possible that they would request the presence of the witness in the future if new issues emerged in the investigation process.

Boxing, the Sport of Gentlemen

March 26
At Oakland, Calif. (HBO): Andre Ward vs. Sullivan Barrera, 12 rounds, light heavyweights; Joseph Diaz vs. Jayson Velez, 10 rounds, featherweights; Maurice Hooker vs. Wilfrido Buelvas, 10 rounds, junior welterweights; Daniel Franco vs. German Meraz, 8 rounds, featherweights; Rudy Puga Jr. vs. Carlos Lozano, 6 rounds, middleweights; Junior Younan vs. Cristian Solorzano, 4 rounds, super middleweights; Zhang Zhilei vs. TBA, 4 rounds, heavyweights; Aaron Coley vs. Urmat Ryskeldiev, 6 round, junior middleweights

At Sheffield, England: Kell Brook vs. Kevin Bizier, 12 rounds, for Brook’s IBF welterweight title; Luke Campbell vs. Gary Sykes, 12 rounds, for vacant Commonwealth lightweight title; Andy Townend vs. Craig Poxton, 10 rounds, junior lightweights; Dave Allen vs. Richard Towers, 10 rounds, heavyweights; Leigh Wood vs. Lee Glover, 10 rounds, featherweights; Adam Etches vs. TBA, 10 rounds, middleweights; Lee Appleyard vs. Josh Baillie, 6 rounds, junior lightweights; Jamie Robinson vs. Dean Byrne, 6 rounds, junior welterweights; Jordan Gill vs. TBA, 6 rounds, lightweights
At London: Nick Blackwell vs. Chris Eubank Jr., 12 rounds, for Blackwell’s British middleweight title; Hughie Fury vs. Nagy Aguilera, 12 rounds, heavyweights; Ricky Boylan vs. TBA, 6 rounds, junior welterweights; Frank Buglioni vs. TBA, 8 or 10 rounds, super middleweights

Teatro Nahual presents Leyendas y Realidades

Compiled by the El Reportero’s staff

Continue the shows on Saturday, March 19 with a reception at the Mexican Museum at 6 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. for the event of “Leyendas and Realidades.” We will also have the special participation of Fuego, the new Mexican folkloric ballet and danza academy. Sunday, March 20 at 3 p.m. and Saturday, March 26 at 7:30 p.m. At 14271 Story Road, San Jose.
Purchase your tickest at the door or at:


Absolute beginning Taiko workshop with Bruce Ghent

Learn the ancient art of Japanese Taiko drumming with Sensei Bruce ‘Mui’ Ghent. The Introductory Taiko class will cover basic fundamental skills and history which will prepare students to advance to the next level of classes.

Beginners ages 12-adult, with little or no music experience are welcome. Taiko drumming is a rigorous physical activity. Bring water and wear clothes to exercise. Class is taught with traditional martial arts etiquette and discipline as outlined in the student handbook supplied.

For more information, contact Bruce “Mui” Ghent at or visit
Through April 10: Sundays, 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m., at the Dance Mission Theater. To register call 415-826-4441 or email

“What is the Scandal? – The ignored cry of an Immigrant”

Eliana is a Venezuelan actress who arrived to San Francisco after falling in love with a raising politician from San Francisco. She leaves behind her country and career, so when their new son is born her new family becomes her only priority. However cultural differences, language barrier, her fear to lose her son because her immigration status, racial bias and a highly publicize political scandal will break her family until she almost loses it.

Based on a true story, What is the Scandal has been seen for over 2,000 people in NY and San Francisco, and the story has been eye-opening for some and cathartic for others. After 34 performances of this dramatic comedy and plenty of feedback, 3 Lopez Productions took the time to work in the evolution of the play rewriting several scenes in order to explore the effects of criminalization, family bonds and self transformation in a more intimate and personal way.

Performed by Eliana López, directed by Alfonso López and Produced by Ivette Carolina Agudelo. At the Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts, on March 25, from 8 to 9:30 p.m. For more info call 415- 70-5543, by email: To see the trailer:

Tenth Grande Auction of Books to be held in Mexico City

by the El Reportero’s news services

The tenth edition of the Grand Auction of Books will gather from today until March 29, in Mexico City, 200 exhibitors and more than 500 publishing houses.

According to the organizers, the objective of this event is to give a second chance to books that were not sold during their exhibition in bookstores this city.

They added that publications of fiction, poetry, essays, biography, science, children’s literature, photography, design, architecture and specialized topics, will be exhibited in an area of 2,300 square meters.

Other activities involving various writers, among them Benito Taibo will take place in parallel to the bookselling.
Tributes to William Shakespeare and Miguel de Cervantes for the fourth centennial of their deaths, and the Nicaraguan poet Ruben Dario (1867-1916) a century after his death will be part of the program.

This is an event that benefits readers and publishers, while for the latter it is a way to sell copies which by law cannot donate or give away.

Therefore they offer them to book lovers at prices thought for this event.

The organizers expect to surpass attendance of previous years at the National Auditorium and receive in this editorial exhibition more than 60,000 visitors.

Mexico to be present at the Moscow Festival

Mexico will be present at the 13th Festival Moscow Meet Friends to be held from May 24 to 29 in Moscow, where the country will show the cultural richness of the so-called Huasteca region.

The trios La Nueva Herencia, from Tamaulipas; Alondras Huastecas, from San Luis Potosi, and Tradición Serrana, from Puebla, were selected to participate in the meeting, according to a statement from the Ministry of Culture.

Libertad Garcia, general director of Tamaulipas Institute for Culture and the Arts, said that ‘the Huasteca music for us represents identity, represents a region of the bravest natural and cultural representations for Tamaulipas’.

Moscow Meet Friends Festival is organized by the International Foundation Vladimir Spivakov, with the direct participation of the Moscow government and the Department of Culture of the Russian city, and organizations like Unesco, she said.

All this representation will show the great cultural richness of the Huasteca region through songs and dance from this important region of the country, with a brief participation in the inaugural event of the festival and two concerts of approximately 40 minutes each.

The Huasteca includes the northern state of Veracruz, southern Tamaulipas, the Sierra Gorda of Queretaro and San Luis Potosi and Hidalgo areas and to a lesser extent some areas of Puebla.

A sample of the culture of this area of the country is the sones and huastecos huapangos to be heard in that festival.
The Rolling Stones closed their performances in Mexico with a concert during which their leader Mick Jagger made fun of Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump.

Jagger made some comments in Spanish to their fans’ delight at a packed Foro Sol yesterday night in their second and last concert, including vowing that the US tycoon would go on that Mexican stage.

This was the penultimate leg of his Latin American tour Ole, which have also included Santiago de Chile, Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Porto Alegre, Lima, Bogota, and is scheduled to end in Havana, Cuba, on March 25, at the fields of Ciudad Deportiva (Sports City).

Brussels attacks: the next step: bye bye Europa

by Jon Rappoport

Hours after Donald Trump suggested the US should downsizeits role in NATO, bombs went off in Brussels.

In the wake of the attacks, the Globalist party line is shaping up: Downsize? Absolutely not. NATO must respond. Led by the US, it must, wait for it, invade Syria, an ISIS stronghold. With ground troops.

Don’t even bother trying to figure out the logic behind that idea. It goes something like this: get rid of President Assad (who is in a war against ISIS) because somehow the Brussels attack is all his fault.

Led by the US, NATO should attack ISIS in Syria—ISIS, the group funded and backed and armed by the US government (see here and here). Perfect.


I can just hear a US general trying to decipher his marching orders: “Let’s see, we have to go into Syria and get rid of President Assad, and he’s the one fighting against ISIS. Hmm. And we also have to decimate ISIS. In other words, we should more or less level the whole country, wipe out everybody, and turn the place into a wasteland worse than the wasteland it already is. Right? And while we’re doing that, we have to ignore the fact that our government shipped weapons to ISIS from Libya (see here). How about this instead? Locate the key people who are urging this insane military campaign and put them in prison where they can’t do more harm. Or let’s launch an operation against the moon. That would be good, too.”

French President Hollande is also right up there on the insanity index. His latest statement, after the Brussels attacks, assures one and all that this is a war against Europe, not merely Belgium. But he is the one who has been asserting that Europe has no right to question the flood of immigrants streaming across the continent. Border controls? No, no. What possible relationship could any of these immigrants have to terror attacks? They were trained outside Europe on how to mount bombing operations against civilian populations, after which they came into Europe with that intention? Sure, but so what?

Housed within Brussels, of course, is the headquarters of the European Union, which is Globalism Inc. for Europe. Its covert aim is to drown all nations of the continent in immigrants, so that within a few decades there will be no more recognizable countries—at which point a simple declaration that all of Europe is one indivisible entity will carry the day. This intention must never be spoken of. It must be hidden. Instead, the population of Europe must enlist in a universal, what shall we call it, Tolerance Corps, grinning from ear to ear wherever they go, urging acceptance of the new status quo, now and then grieving as new terror attacks blow people up. Who could doubt the efficacy and wisdom of this plan?

Do not offend the people who are blowing you up. Do not realize who is covertly backing the people who are blowing you up. Instead, rely on these backers to stop the people who are blowing you up.

Keep smiling. Don’t worry, be happy. All is well. Your tolerance and compassion and good cheer will earn you a gold star on the heavenly blackboard. Keep opening your door to all who enter. Extend them a helping hand, just as your government does. Your visitors will make your land a better place. Let us all sing a hymn of joy.

The realities of the situation don’t matter. The only thing that matters is your basic desire for kindness. You must give lip service to that. You must sing the hymn, because it marks you as a good person. Stop thinking. Mark yourself as a good person.

The US/Globalist wars of decimation in the Middle East and Northern Africa? The blowback from the wars? Not important. Not relevant. Well, they are relevant in one respect. You personally are guilty for those wars. Therefore, you must now surrender to whatever happens. You must give up everything as a sign of your humility and guilt. You have no right to defend yourselves. Nor do you have the right to insist that your governments defend you. Of course not.

Everything is all right. Everybody is all right. We are everybody.

One great cheese glob of the coming utopia.

Somewhere in the bowels of the EU headquarters, a high-ranking official is standing in front of a mirror, applying tan base to his parched pale face, combing his sparse hair, rehearsing his upcoming statement to the press:
“Let’s see. Reality versus appearance. The reality is, this is perfect for us. An attack within a mile of our building. We couldn’t have anything to do with it. We’re victims. We’ve been making sure the governments of Europe keep their borders open, to let in terrorists, and so on. Now, when I appear before reporters…the appearance. I need to affect an expression of outrage mixed with sadness. Dignified. Do dignified. ‘The terrible events of today, the assault on Europe, on the stability of society. We will not rest until we bring the criminals to justice. At the same time, we must not fall into the trap of believing that all people coming to our lands are’…no, scratch that last part. Too early for that. The bodies are still lying on the ground. Stay with the outrage and the sadness. And assurances that we will work harder to gain control over the situation. We all stand united. Together. Our thoughts are with the grieving families…”

He walks out into a large hall, exits the building, and stands before a throng of reporters. He nods, steps to a podium. He looks out into the distance, as if summoning up a greater understanding.

But he already understands. He understands very well.

Only a complete fool wouldn’t.

(Jon Rappoport is the author of three explosive collections, The Matrix Revealed, Exit From The Matrix, and Power Outside The Matrix).

7 strange questions about Brussels terrorist attacks not covered by media


Dear readers: I am publishing the following article on the recent Brussels terror attack, which highlights very important questions that will probably make you think a little bit, since the mainstream media has been quite about it. It’s very important that we, as the people who mostly get affected by this type of events, be able to see other points of views to help us shape in our understanding of this type of world events. The article’s author is Michael Snider of the Economic Collapse. THIS IS PART 1 OF TWO.

7 strange questions about the Brussels terror attacks that the mainstream media is not asking

by Michael Snider
Economic Collapse

The horrific terror attacks in Brussels, Belgium on March 22, 2016 are going to reverberate in our memories for years to come, and perhaps that was the intention.

Terror attacks are designed to create fear and to get attention, and these attacks have definitely done both. On Tuesday morning, two huge explosions ripped through Zaventem Airport in Brussels as travelers were getting ready to board their morning flights. You can view some raw footage of one of the bomb blasts right here. Just a short while later, another huge explosion was reported at a metro station just yards away from the European Commission headquarters. At this point, CNN says that at least 30 people have died and about 230 people are wounded as a result of these bombings. But what was the real motive for these attacks? The following are 7 strange questions about the Brussels terror attacks that the mainstream media is not asking…

#1 Why would Brussels be such a prime target for terror attacks?

Most Americans don’t understand how important the city of Brussels is. For one thing, it is the headquarters of the NATO alliance, and defense ministers from 49 different nations met there last month to discuss a potential ground invasion of Syria.

Secondly, it is also the unofficial capital of the European Union. The following comes from Wikipedia…
“The European Union has no official capital, and no plans to declare one, but Brussels hosts the official seats of the European Commission, Council of the European Union, and European Council, as well as a seat (officially the second seat but de facto the most important one) of the European Parliament.”

Over the years Brussels has become a key symbol for European integration, so if you wanted to conduct an attack that the entire European Union would feel, Brussels would be a good choice. And many European leaders are already coming out and declaring that the attack on Brussels was an attack on Europe as a whole…

French President Francois Hollande said Tuesday’s attacks in Brussels that killed at least 26 people struck at “the whole of Europe”.

“Through the attacks in Brussels, the whole of Europe has been hit,” Hollande said in a statement, urging the continent to take “vital steps in the face of the seriousness of the threat”.

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said: “We are at war. Over the past few months in Europe, we have endured several acts of war.”

#2 Was Donald Trump right about Brussels?

During an interview with Fox Business Network anchor Maria Bartiromo earlier this year, Donald Trump specifically pointed to Brussels as an example of what he wanted to avoid in this country…

The Republican presidential front-runner said Brussels, the capital of Belgium, had been particularly transformed. Belgium has been home to a number of recent terror plots, and was linked to the November attack on Paris, France, that left 130 people dead.

“You go to Brussels — I was in Brussels a long time ago, 20 years ago, so beautiful, everything is so beautiful — it’s like living in a hellhole right now,” Trump continued. “You go to these different places. There is something going on.”
#3 Why are there some Islamic ghettos in Brussels that are considered to be “off-limits” for non-Muslims?

Of course this is not just true in Brussels. All over Europe there are sections of major cities that have been completely and totally taken over by radical Muslims. In Belgium, the rapid growth of the Islamic community has some politicians dreaming of turning that nation into a Sharia-compliant country within just a couple of decades. The following comes from Infowars…

These ghettos, which are in fact large areas of Brussels, are considered off-limits to Europeans and radical Muslims will likely comprise the majority of the population within 20 years.

“I think we have to sensitize people, make them understand the advantages to having Islamic people and Islamic laws, and then it will be completely natural to have Islamic laws and we will become an Islamic state,” a Muslim politician from Brussels, Redouane Ahrouch, said to a reporter in 2012. “In Belgium, of course!.”

“I am for the Sharia. Islamic law, I am for it. It is a long-term struggle that will take decades or a century, but the movement has been launched.”


Can you get diabetes from eating to much sugar?

by nikulpatel

When it comes to diabetes we all think that patient must have eaten too much sugar. However, relation between sugar and diabetes is always a subject of debate having different explanations. Let’s try to understand the myth of sugar and diabetes

Does sugar cause diabetes?

Diabetes can be categorized into two types: Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition which restricts your immune system of producing essential insulin and stop the entire process of converting glucose into energy. It surges the glucose level into bloodstream that increases the risk of getting type 1 diabetes. Thus, eating too much sugar in such condition can trigger body’s glucose level badly.

Type 1 diabetes can also be genetic.

Sugar plays an indirect role when it comes to Type 2 diabetes. Being an overweight which actually considered to be the main cause of type 2 diabetes.

Habit of eating foods high in calories makes you gain weight. Sugary beverages and sweeteners with added sugar contain too much calories than our body needs. Thus, our poor habit of eating high calorie food actually increase the chances of getting type 2 diabetes.

If I have been diagnosed with diabetes, can I eat sugar?

Diagnosed with Diabetes doesn’t mean that you have to cut sugar from your diet. You can still enjoy sugary foods occasionally but it should be in control and balanced diet. You can still have small servings of your favorite deserts once in a while. Small servings or substitutes of sugary foods like fruits, juices, and fruit salad help you to manage with your diabetes without cutting sugar completely from your diet.

Eating too much sugar can make it difficult to manage with diabetes especially for overweight people. Thus, now you should ask yourself that how many grams of sugar should you have a day.

Thus, American Heart Association (AHA) has provided a healthy amount of daily sugar intake for men and women.
• Men: 150 calories per day (37.5 grams or 9 teaspoons)
• Women: 100 calories per day (25 grams or 6 teaspoons)

Should I avoid sugar completely?

No, you should not. Sugar is also an essential element for our body and plays a vital role to keep your glucose level in balance. You can consume natural sugar from fruits, juices, and other natural sweeteners. What we need to avoid is foods that come with added sugar. This is something which you should not eat too much especially when you have been diagnosed with diabetes.

Small changes can make a big difference and help you to reduce your sugar intake.

Ways to reduce sugar intake

• Replace your usual chocolates, sweets and cakes with fruits
• Try natural yogurt with fruits and nuts instead of other sugary stuff
• Try to reduce the sugar in your daily drinks and meals
• Cook yourself to make sure what is in your food
• Read Nutrition facts labels before buying food products

Learn sugar’s aliases because sometimes manufacturers uses sugar aliases on labels such as high fructose corn syrup, dried cane syrup, invert sugar, molasses, sucrose, brown rice syrup, honey, and maple syrup
To minimize the rapid blood sugar fall and rise, combine protein, healthy fats and fiber with your meal
Avoid fake sugars

In brief, we can come to one conclusion that sugar can be one of the causes of diabetes as some extent. (Natural News).

Chained students demand Democrats to stop deportations of Central American children


by Fernando A. Torres
Special for El Reportero

More than 50 young students, most of them from UC of Berkeley and Mills College, held a protest in downtown – Monday, March 14 – to demand the Democratic Party and the Obama administration, the immediate expansion of the (TPS) Temporary Protected Status program to stop the imprisonment and deportation of Central American refugee children fleeing violence and economic, political and environmental devastation.

David Lemus, UC Berkeley student and spokesman for Central American Refugees in Action, CARA, acronym in English, said that refugee children are the most suffering “because violence in Central America is tremendous. El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, are the most violent countries in the world, therefore we know that any child or any person who is deported it is very possible that he will be killed. The Central American community has suffered violence and trauma for decades, civil wars and genocides. Then we are saying that we don’t want that community to suffer. We want that the children who are fleeing the violence remain here,” said Lemus.

According to data released by the Organization Alliance for human Rights, between 2009 and 2015, more than 60,000 children have escaped from Central America and hundreds of them are experiencing incarceration in private prisons managed by the Department of Homeland Security.

Surrounded by police and private guards, nine students are chained lying in the lobby floor of the building where is located the office of Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein – member of the Judiciary Committee and the Subcommittee on immigration, refugees and border security – blocking the entry and the exit of the main building at Post and Market streets.

In January, more than 140 members of Congress sent a letter to President Barack Obama demanding an immediate stop to the raids of deportation. Politicians, mostly Latinos, denounced and strongly condemned the Department of Homeland Security and asked to immediately implement the temporary protected status until the Government proposes a comprehensive strategy towards refugees.

“Dianne Feinstein did not sign it. We want that the children remain and not to send them to detention facilities because a Center is a prison. The deportation is something very cruel, is to remove you from the street and get you into a place for months. Some of these children come running away from much trauma, and come to experience more traumas in detention centers! We have to get them out of there, those kids have to stay, they have to go to school,” said Lemus.

Holding a huge banner, Christopher López, UC Berkeley student, said that this situation has been transformed into a crisis which roots lie in the policy of the United States to Central America.

“We want Sen. Feinstein to hear us, because she has been a Democrat who has criticized the money that the Government the United States continues to give to the armies of Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. We think that now is the time to demand that it stop all raids, deportations and that please expand the TPS because we are in a humanitarian crisis,” López said.

The students, who kept themselves shackled for more than three hours, were arrested by the police but (detention) “is the risk that some will take to ensure that this is heard not only in San Francisco, but throughout the nation with the intention that in presidential debates talk about the deportations,” said López.

According to Lemus as Democrats owe much to Latinos and therefore “we are trying to charge them a political price … because President Obama and all Democrats came with promises saying that they will help the community, but who order the raids is the President. We have to remember that at the moment, that were the Democrats who deported those refugee children. Instead of deporting them we are asking to give them a TPS so that they can stay,” said Lemus.

Arely Zimmerman, Professor of Ethnic Studies at Mills College, said that the Democrats have a debt.

“Latinos have supported them (to Dianne Feinstein) and have supported the Democratic Party in the elections, and it is time that they respond to issues that matter to us. That they should not pay us attention only when there are elections, and they want our vote. That they really work with us and especially with these young people who are the next civic and political leaders of this country,” she said.