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To protect weed from Monsanto patenting, company begins mapping cannabis genome

by Jay Syrmopoulos

Portland, OR – A pioneering biotechnology startup has launched an online interactive guide that maps the genetic evolution of the cannabis genome, allowing for specific strains of marijuana that are already in the public domain a form of protection from patenting by large biotech firms such as Monsanto.

After two years of collecting samples, sequencing the plant’s DNA and developing the software to allow for a 3-D visualization of the collected data, the company was ready to unveil their long-awaited project.

“Sample collection was a huge part of this process,” Carolyn White, Sales and Marketing Manager at Phylos Bioscience told the Willamette Weekly. “One side was a collaboration with growers, dispensaries and labs to collect modern samples, and the other a process of hunting down ancient landrace strains from all over the world.”

The Portland company, fittingly on 4/20, went online with its interactive guide, which the company calls Galaxy.

According to a report in The New York Times:

“The resulting visualization will offer anyone the ability to easily travel in cyberspace through a three-dimensional projection of the genetic information drawn from sequencing samples of the plant, which is increasingly being legalized for medical and recreational use in states throughout the country…

Phylos has created a colorful 3-D map that visually represents the statistical relationships between different breeds of the plant. The company hopes that having genetic information easily available will help bring order to a business that began underground and is now making a commercial transition.

Over time, the scientists believe, this sort of visual map can be applied to other types of plants, or even to animals.”

“We’ve collected samples from all over the world, and cataloged the genetic information encoded in their DNA,” Dr. Holmes, Phylos’s chief science officer and molecular and evolutionary biologist, in addition to being a co-founder of Phylos Bioscience, told the NY Times, relating the DNA sequencing to an actual bar code in terms of identification and evolutionary relationship relative to other samples.

The data could theoretically help protect the intellectual property rights of growers from potential big business interests, such as Monsanto, from gaining a patent foothold in the growing industry.

Due to the social media attention given to the subject, Monsanto has attempted to refute any interest in producing GMO cannabis, posting on their website that the companies reported interest in GMO marijuana is nothing more than “an Internet rumor.”

Additionally, on April 25, Monsanto spokeswoman Charla Lord told the Willamette Week that the company will not be getting involved in the marijuana business.

“Monsanto has not, is not and has no plans for working on cultivating cannabis,” Lord told WW.
Contrary to the public statements by Lord, White says that he expects companies like Monsanto will attempt to eventually patent cannabis.

“We think Big Pharma and Big Ag will be the primary audience after patents, and it will likely require writing new DNA in to the plant,” White told WW. “None of the folks at Phylos really see patenting as a viable tool for the average breeder.”

Phylos looks to assist in pushing more data into the public domain as a hedge against patenting by large bio-agribusiness as information in the public domain can’t be patented after one year.

“You can’t patent anything that’s been in the public domain longer than a year,” White told WW. “We set out to bring more knowledge and transparency to the industry and that’s still what we’re doing.”

The next step for the innovative company is the launch of a commercial sequencing product to allow for anyone to send in a sample to Phylos and have it sequenced. The sample would be placed into the Galaxy, with the customer being given a detailed analysis of the strains sequenced data.

California may be on the brink of a monster earthquake

Experts warn the San Andreas fault is ‘ready to go’

by Isabelle Z.

As Californians go about their daily lives, many of them remain blissfully unaware of the threat lurking in the background: a monster earthquake that scientists say is long overdue.

Southern California Earthquake Center director, Thomas Jordan, remarked that the fault has been unusually uneventful since 1857, when the last big earthquake to hit a southern section struck the area from Monterey County to the San Gabriel Mountains near L.A., in a quake that registered 7.9 on the Richter scale.

Scientists are now saying that arrival of the type of massive earthquake that normally strikes every few hundred years is just a matter of time, and it could leave thousands or even tens of thousands of people dead or homeless in its wake.

Jordan told the National Earthquake Conference in Long Beach, “The springs on the San Andreas system have been wound very, very tight and the southern San Andreas fault, in particular, looks like it’s locked, loaded and ready to go.”

He added that other areas of the fault, which measures 810 miles in total, are also highly vulnerable. Scientists believe that the Pacific plate should move northwest of the North American plate about 16 feet every century in order to relieve stress, but this has not been happening, which means that stress has been building up to unsustainable levels for more than 100 years.

Jordan feels that the state needs to prepare itself for such a devastating event, and commended the city of Los Angeles for its plans to reinforce the city’s older buildings made of concrete, as well is its telecommunications networks. The fault does not run under the city itself, but could rock it nevertheless.
According to the U.S. Geological Survey, a 7.8-magnitude quake could cause as many as 1,800 deaths, 50,000 injuries, and damages totaling $200 billion, in the course of just two minutes.

An earthquake of this magnitude has not been seen since 1857, when a quake that started in Parkfield, Monterey County, worked its way down the fault for 185 miles, before heading east from Los Angeles. The power of the quake caused it to liquefy soil and destroy countless buildings, although it is important to note that the areas affected were not nearly as built up at that time as they are now.

Next quake could be even worse than predicted

Making matters even worse, some experts believe that the next earthquake could coincide with one rippling along the adjacent San Jacinto fault line, which happens to run through more densely populated cities, and could escalate the devastation to much higher levels than predicted. This is what is believed to have occurred in 1812, and there is a strong chance that it could happen again, as past geological events are considered good indicators of future ones.

While Jordan praised L.A. for its preparedness, other experts believe that the area is not adequately prepared for such a devastating natural disaster.
Professor Lisa Grant Ludwig of the University of California said, “In southern California, much of our infrastructure was built to withstand a rupture of either the San Andreas or San Jacinto faults, but not both at the same time.”

California officials have been working together with state and military officials to set out plans for what to do when “The Big One” strikes. It is believed that civilian and military personnel and equipment would be deployed, including cargo planes, ships and helicopters, along with thousands of soldiers, emergency officials and medical personnel.

The Washington State Army National Guard’s Lt. Col. Clayton Braun said, “The response will be orders of magnitude larger than Hurricane Katrina or Super Storm Sandy.”

Preparedness is key to surviving a natural disaster

With experts predicting that a 7.8-magnitude San Andreas fault quake could cut off all four of the area’s aqueducts at one time – thereby cutting off more than 70 percent of Southern California’s water supply – it is important for people to be aware of the possibilities and prepare accordingly.

People living in the area and its surroundings need to prepare themselves for the possibility of being cut off from electricity, food, water and lines of communication and transportation. In addition, it is important to keep in mind that law enforcement can become so overwhelmed in such events that criminals and opportunists could get away with widespread burglary and looting. Therefore, it is essential to have a good supply of drinkable water, nutritious food that does not need to be cooked, a battery-powered radio, water filtration devices, emergency medical supplies and self-defense items, to name just a few.

The next earthquake is a question of when, not if, and those who take adequate measures now have the best chance of survival.

Mothers of missing children ask for justice in Mexico City

MEX04. CIUDAD DE MÉXICO (MÉXICO), 10/05/2016.- Familiares de personas desaparecidas participan en la V Marcha de la Dignidad Nacional hoy, martes 10 de mayo de 2016, en el centro de Ciudad de México (México). EFE/Alex Cruz

by the El Reportero’s wire services

Hundreds of mothers from various Mexican states demonstrated today, on mother’s day, for fifth year in a row across one of the main streets of Mexico city to ask for justice.

Participants in the “5th demonstration of national dignity, mothers seeking their sons, daughters, truth and justice”, started at the Monumento a la Madre to reach the obelisk to angel de la Independencia, one of the sites of regular meetings for demonstrations and social demands.

This year, the demonstrators ask for the inclusion of the victims’ families to draft the general law against the forced disappearance.

Gregoria Ortiz from Pachuca, state of Hidalgo, told Prensa Latina news agency “as mothers we don’t have anything to celebrate today and we gather here every May 10”.

Ortiz does not know the whereabouts of her son Gustavo Alberto de la Cruz, 12, who was at that time in his first year of high school and was last seen on march 21, 2007, on his way to school.

“We demand justice and also that institutions in charge, the work of which is almost non-existing, do something to find our missing people. I have been four years searching for my daughter”, said Rocío Uribe, from Mexico state, who is a member of the “Red de Madres Buscando a sus Hijos” (network of mothers searching for their children).

According to estimates published here, the whereabouts of more than 26,000 mexicans remain unknown.

Salvadoran government reiterates refusal to dialogue with gangs

The government of El Salvador reaffirmed today its strong stance regarding the conduction of dialogues, negotiations, agreements or arrangements that would lead to strengthen the organization of gangs or their activities.

The Salvadoran presidential spokesman Eugenio Chicas said at a press conference that this administration keeps fighting against insecurity.

He highlighted that the administration of Salvador Sánchez Cerén has established participation mechanisms in order to formulate policies of the National Council on Citizen Security and Coexistence.

He also said that in this context are included the extraordinary measures approved and implemented on April 1 in order to reduce crime.

The official urged for national unity to support the effort of police officers and soldiers, who risk their lives in the fight against criminal groups to protect the population.

He said that any factor that distracts from the course and clouds the trust can be an advantage for criminals.

Countdown for Chapo Guzmán’s extradition to U.S. begins

Mexican drug lord ‘’El Chapo’’ Guzmán starts today a countdown before a judge approves his extradition to the United States.

The head of the Sinaloa cartel is being held at a special cell in a prison in Ciudad Juarez, in the northern state of Chihuahua, only a few dozen kilometers away from the United States.

A security detail including Mexican members and others from the United States Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), guarded Guzman’s transfer from a high security prison in the capital. Hours before the operation, a Mexican federal judge ruled in favor of the extradition to the United States, therefore the Mexican Foreign Ministry has 30 days to materialize his delivery to authorities in the U.S., where El Chapo is facing charges in several courts.

El Chapo’s lawyer José Refugio Rodríguez had said he was convinced by Mexican authorities would favor an extradition of his client to the United States.
The extradition resource in drug trafficking cases is not new in Mexico; however the government had previously said it would prefer to judge Guzman in the country.

EL Chapo has broken out from Mexican prisons twice in the past.

Facebook and City of EPA sponsor literacy event

Compiled by the El Reportero’s staff

Bring Me A Book, in partnership with the City of East Palo Alto and Facebook, present the Sixth Annual Reading Bonanza in the Park, East Palo Alto.

Families are encouraged to join in the fun of reading with youth, from babies to teenagers.

Lots of books will be given to all youth attending. There will be FREE FOOD, refreshments, snacks, and many giveaways. Prizes, including a Mac laptop!, will be given away throughout the day to youth participants.

In the Read Aloud Tent, adults of all language and reading levels will be given practical tips on reading aloud with their children at home.
The East Palo Alto San Mateo County library will host the Imagination Playground. College Track will be hosting their Fifth Annual “Spell It Out” Spelling Bee for middle and high school students where winners at both levels will be awarded a Mac laptop.

The event will take place on Saturday, May 14, 2016 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Bell Street Park, 550 Bell Street, East Palo Alto, CA. This is a free fun family literacy expo open to the public.

The new San Francisco Museum of Modern Art opens to the public

SFMOMA is one of the foremost museums of modern and contemporary art, with an exemplary collection of more than 33,000 works of architecture and design, media arts, painting, photography and sculpture, as well as a groundbreaking 100-year partnership to show the Doris and Donald Fisher Collection, one of the world’s greatest private collections of postwar and contemporary art.

To celebrate the grand opening of the new SFMOMA on May 14, the museum is hosting ribbon cutting festivities beginning at 8:30 a.m. SFMOMA distributed more than 5,000 free timed tickets for Opening Day and tickets are now sold out.

Designed by Snøhetta, the expanded SFMOMA offers free access to ground-floor galleries and free admission for visitors 18 and younger.
Visitors with timed tickets are encouraged to arrive 30 minutes prior to their ticket time and the museum will open to ticket holders at 11 a.m.

Neighboring institutions in the Yerba Buena cultural district also are offering free admission on May 14, with performances and artistic activations throughout the day. While tickets to the museum’s galleries on free Opening Day are sold out, tickets are available to purchase online for May 15 and onward at

SFSOMA is located at 151 Third Street, San Francisco. Visit or call 415.357.4000 for more information.

Paramount Pictures and Leonardo DiCaprio’s Appian Way land Cuban-American film, The Corporation

by the El Reportero’s news services


Rock The Moon Productions’ Film Division announced today that it has sold the rights to develop the film The Corporation to Paramount Pictures in partnership with DiCaprio’s Appian Way. The Corporation will star Academy Award winner Benicio Del Toro as Cuban mob boss, Jose Miguel Battle Sr.

The Corporation is the first deal for Appian Way since moving to Paramount. Leonardo DiCaprio and Jennifer Davisson-Killoran will be producing alongside Tony González and Jaydee Freixas as well as The Picture Company’s Andrew Rona and Alex Heinemann. David Matthews, a staff writer on HBO’s Vinyl and Boardwalk Empire, will write the screenplay.

A bidding war erupted last week between all the major Hollywood studios and producers over the rights to the book by best-selling author, T.J. English, The Corporation: An Epic Story of the Cuban-American Underworld, which Gonzalez and Freixas controlled.  Paramount prevailed in a record setting deal handled by Paradigm.

The Corporation was based on a 100-page proposal by English who is author of various titles including Born to Kill, The Savage City, and the wildly popular bestseller Havana Nocturne. English has also written for the TV series, NYPD Blue  The nonfiction book will be published in winter 2017 by William Morrow. It is being referred to as a Cuban version of The Godfather and American Gangster.


Cuban Trobadour Songwriter Silvio Rodríguez in Spain

As the end of a large tour on Spain started at the beginning of April, Cuban songwriter and singer Silvio Rodriguez will offer a concert at the neighborhood of Vallecas, Madrid, next Wednesday.

Reediting a project setarted six years ago in Cuba, with his presentations in humble places in Havana and other places of the island, Silvio Rodriguez will perform in this district of Madrid, which is distinguished by its working and cultural tradition.

During the recital on May 4 in the Villa Vallecas Auditorium, the Cuban will share stage with old friends: Spaniards Luis Eduardo Aute, Ismael Serrano and Luis Pastor (special participation), reads the poster of the evening.

After nine years of absence, Silvio returned to the Spanish stage on day 3, and since then toured the cities of San Sebastian, La Coruña, Gijón, Zaragoza, Barcelona, Las Palmas, Córdoba and Madrid.

3rd Annual Premios Platino For Ibero-American Cinema

Uruguayan Natalia Oreiro and Spaniard Santiago Segura will host the awards gala which will be held on July 24th in Punta del Este, Uruguay. The event will be broadcast live by TNT and open channels in the various countries represented.

Among the feature films that are still in the running for the awards are titles that have been widely praised in the most prestigious festivals. El abrazo de la serpiente, directed by Ciro Guerra; before being nominated for an Oscar, triumphed in the film festivals of Mar del Plata, Montreal and Cannes, among others. Cannes Film Festival also received warmly La Tierra y la sombra director César Acevedo and Paulina, directed by Santiago Mitre.


The Maya – Language of Beauty exhibit in Berlin

With approximately 300 artworks including many Mexican national treasures, this exhibition explores the magnificent and varied forms of artistic expression developed by the Maya, with a focus on a fundamental aspect of pre-Hispanic art: the body.

Flourishing on the Yucatán Peninsula between 500 B.C. and 1500 A.D., the Maya achieved a degree of artistic sophistication—in reliefs, busts, and clay and stone figurines—that placed them far ahead of all other contemporary cultures on their continent.

The event is organized jointly by the German and Mexican governments.

The individual and the covert op; nine notes that clarify freedom

by Jon Rappoport

“The mind has no obligation to be a container.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

ONE: The elite men who manipulate the masses do stand outside The Collective, but they’re not free. Their only power comes from diminishing the power of others.
They don’t know any other kind of power.
The idea that, within themselves, as individuals, they have creative fire is completely and utterly foreign to them.

TWO: Every major covert op has the same concealed objective: “defeat the enemy and thereby gain more control.”
But control over what?
Beyond the usual answers, the root answer is: “control over the mind.”
Why? Because if perception and thought can be channeled, directed, reduced, and weakened, then it doesn’t matter what humans do to resist other types of control. They will always go down the wrong path. They will always operate within limited and bounded territory. They will always ignore their own authentic power.
I’m talking about power that exceeds the “normal” and “average” ability to influence the stream of cause and effect.
The “prison” of cause and effect is a concept that is floated as part of the basic covert op to convince people they are small, diminished, and at the mercy of larger forces.
But underneath it all, humans have the capacity to “jump the chain” and become, as it were, “first causes.”
And not in some minor way.
Unfortunately, the popular view of how this can be accomplished is often rooted in New Age notions: the instantaneous fix; the Disneyesque manifestation; the “surrender to the universe.”
These are psy-op versions of the real thing, floated as part of the overall covert op to engage the gullible among us.
“Jumping the chain” is actually a matter of reversing the op. In other words, instead of accepting the mural of reality that has been created for us, each person creates his own.
Without compromise.
Beyond the covert op, every human has the capacity to act in ways that change the flow of time, the architecture of space, and the sources of energy.
The degree to which an individual believes this is impossible mirrors his acceptance of the basic covert op on planet Earth.

THREE: When people speak about “hope for all of us,” they rarely refer to the power of the individual.
That’s because they are blinded by the Group. They have no other option.
They’re looking through the lens of the collective.
They judge their work solely by the effect it has on others, and they judge themselves solely by the effect others have on them.

FOUR: When the individual sets a goal that is outside the consensus and the status quo, he himself is outside the consensus.
The degree of organization he creates, in order to achieve the goal, doesn’t have to be traditional, symmetrical, balanced. Organization should be a function of the actions that will achieve the goal. The actions should dictate the organization.

FIVE: Freedom means the individual can change his mind at any moment. It also means that, if he doesn’t change his mind, and instead follows a straight path, he is going to have to keep referring back to the original vision that gave birth to the enterprise he’s engaged in. He’s going to have to keep inspiring himself in that way. Otherwise, his energy will stagnate. He will become less important than the pattern.

SIX: Storyline, when applied to a person’s life, makes no sense unless he is inventing it. Otherwise, it’s random, and the only forward motion is like something a machine would produce as it grinds ahead.

SEVEN: Many people are slaves of pattern. They believe if they do A, they should then do B, and then C. They see no other options. It makes sense to them to follow pattern. But the pattern doesn’t lead to a desired outcome. It just circles around and puts a person back where he started from.

EIGHT: If “things as they are” has any life at all, it comes from anticipating that imagination is going to transform it.
NINE: So-called Enlightenment isn’t a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. It’s the result of the individual freely creating new realities.
Jon Rappoport is the author of three explosive collections, The Matrix Revealed, Exit From The Matrix, And Power Outside The Matrix.

John F. Kennedy vs. the Federal Reserve – Part One of a Series


My research on controversial topics continue to pay off. I found this excellent and interesting article, which, due to its length, it will be published in parts. In this piece you will learn about how is that President John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s Executive Order 11110, gave the Treasury Department Constitutional power to again create and issue currency -money – without going through the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank, that is what is currently done now. It suggests that JFK was kill for that reason. FIRST PART OF A SERIES.


On June 4, 1963, a virtually unknown Presidential decree, Executive Order 11110, was signed with the authority to basically strip the Bank of its power to loan money to the United States Federal Government at interest. With the stroke of a pen, President Kennedy declared that the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank would soon be out of business. The Christian Law Fellowship has exhaustively researched this matter through the Federal Register and Library of Congress. We can now safely conclude that this Executive Order has never been repealed, amended, or superceded by any subsequent Executive Order. In simple terms, it is still valid.

When President John Fitzgerald Kennedy – the author of Profiles in Courage -signed this Order, it returned to the federal government, specifically the Treasury Department, the Constitutional power to create and issue currency -money – without going through the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank. President Kennedy’s Executive Order 11110 [the full text is displayed further below] gave the Treasury Department the explicit authority: “to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury.” This means that for every ounce of silver in the U.S. Treasury’s vault, the government could introduce new money into circulation based on the silver bullion physically held there. As a result, more than $4 billion in United States Notes were brought into circulation in $2 and $5 denominations. $10 and $20 United States Notes were never circulated but were being printed by the Treasury Department when Kennedy was assassinated. It appears obvious that President Kennedy knew the Federal Reserve Notes being used as the purported legal currency were contrary to the Constitution of the United States of America.

“United States Notes” were issued as an interest-free and debt-free currency backed by silver reserves in the U.S. Treasury. We compared a “Federal Reserve Note” issued from the private central bank of the United States (the Federal Reserve Bank a/k/a Federal Reserve System), with a “United States Note” from the U.S. Treasury issued by President Kennedy’s Executive Order. They almost look alike, except one says “Federal Reserve Note” on the top while the other says “United States Note”. Also, the Federal Reserve Note has a green seal and serial number while the United States Note has a red seal and serial number.

President Kennedy was assassinated on Nov. 22, 1963 and the United States Notes he had issued were immediately taken out of circulation. Federal Reserve Notes continued to serve as the legal currency of the nation. According to the United States Secret Service, 99 percent of all U.S. paper “currency” circulating in 1999 are Federal Reserve Notes.

Kennedy knew that if the silver-backed United States Notes were widely circulated, they would have eliminated the demand for Federal Reserve Notes. This is a very simple matter of economics. The USN was backed by silver and the FRN was not backed by anything of intrinsic value. Executive Order 11110 should have prevented the national debt from reaching its current level (virtually all of the nearly $9 trillion in federal debt has been created since 1963) if LBJ or any subsequent President were to enforce it. It would have almost immediately given the U.S. Government the ability to repay its debt without going to the private Federal Reserve Banks and being charged interest to create new “money”. Executive Order 11110 gave the U.S.A. the ability to, once again, create its own money backed by silver and realm value worth something.

Again, according to our own research, just five months after Kennedy was assassinated, no more of the Series 1958 “Silver Certificates” were issued either, and they were subsequently removed from circulation. Perhaps the assassination of JFK was a warning to all future presidents not to interfere with the private Federal Reserve’s control over the creation of money. It seems very apparent that President Kennedy challenged the “powers that exist behind U.S. and world finance”. With true patriotic courage, JFK boldly faced the two most successful vehicles that have ever been used to drive up debt:

1) war (Viet Nam); and,
2) the creation of money by a privately owned central bank. His efforts to have all U.S. troops out of Vietnam by 1965 combined with Executive Order 11110 would have destroyed the profits and control of the private Federal Reserve Bank.

Grow your own superfoods in your home garden this year

by Jon E. Dougherty

When most people think of the term “superfood,” they think of exotic fruits or imported vegetables from places with foreign names and distant locales. In reality, many of the foods you likely eat and even grow in your own garden are superfoods.

The common definition of a superfood is any food (fruit, vegetable, etc.) that you can consume that has a high concentration of nutrients and anti-oxidants. Many of these are probably foods that your mother told you that you had to eat if you wanted to leave the dinner table or to grow up to be big and strong.

Here is a list of superfoods that will grow in just about any location in the northern hemisphere with a growing season of 3 months or more. If you start from seeds, you will likely need to start them indoors before the spring thaw to maximize your growing time outdoors.

Broccoli – is probably the best-known and most often cited superfood that is commonly grown in home garden plots. Broccoli has several benefits including being a great source of antioxidants.

1. Carrots – are likely the other most well-known of superfoods that are commonly grown and eaten in the U.S. Carrots are thick with phytonutrients, antioxidants, and nearly every vitamin you can name.

2. Garlic – a favorite spice for cooking, this stuff is loaded with nearly everything good for you that you can imagine. It’s a known cardiovascular booster, an anti-microbial, and more.

3. Green Beans – have to be one of the easiest things to grow and are grown both in garden plots and potted indoors to vine up walls or along racks. Beans are good for kidney stones, arthritis, and are packed with minerals.

4. Spinach – isn’t just for Popeye, Olive. It’s a very easy plant to grow, gives edible leaves throughout the season, and has some of the highest concentrations of vitamins A and C and folic acid you can get.

5. Squash – of nearly any type is great for you. Acorn, Butternut, Pumpkins, and many others are packed with fiber, vitamin C, manganese, vitamin B6, potassium, and much more.

6. Tomatoes – are everyone’s favorite garden vegetable (fruit, actually) to grow and the subject of intense scrutiny and competition. Tomatoes are also full of antioxidants, vitamin C, and light acids that aid digestion.

7. These are just a few of the many superfoods you can grow in your own garden this year to promote better health. Gardening can not only be a fun, healthy way to spend your spare time this summer, but it can also lower your food bills, raise your health and nutritional levels, and bring your family closer together!

Start gardening and grow your own superfoods this spring!

San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee ignores calls for meeting with hunger strikers #frisco5

by Josh Wolf

After spending two weeks without food, the bodies of the five people camped outside of the Mission Police Station are growing weak, but their commitment to seeing San Francisco’s police chief step down remains strong.

They are known as the #frisco5 and have been on a hunger strike since April 21, and they are calling for Mayor Ed Lee to fire Police Chief Greg Suhr or for him to resign on his own. So far, both the mayor and the chief have refused to consider their demand.

The most recent person killed by the San Francisco Police Department was Jose Luis Gongora-Pat, who was shot on April 7.

Gongora-Pat had been living in a tent on the 400 block of Shotwell Street when the police were called regarding a man with a knife. Although multiple witnesses have said that Gongora-Pat was neither holding the knife nor posed any threat to the responding officers, he was shot repeatedly within 30-seconds after the police arrived.

Gongora-Pat’s death follows that of Mario Woods who was killed by the SFPD in December of last year, and Amilcar Pérez-López who was killed in February of that same year. Last month, a civil jury ruled that the police department wouldn’t be held responsible for the killing of Alex Nieto who was shot by police on March 21, 2014.

These numerous deaths under the command of Chief Suhr have ignited a broad community coalition that have been advocating for the chief to step down for months.

On April 15, at a celebration in Dolores Park to commemorate 4/15 day — the area code for San Francisco — Ilyich Sato, who is more widely known as the rapper Equipto, announced that he would be starting a hunger strike with his mother Maria Cristina Gutiérrez. The two pledged to refuse food until Chief Suhr stepped down or was fired by the mayor.

By the time that they began fasting, three additional activists agreed to join the hunger strike and the #Frisco5 was born. The additional strikers include Edwin Lindo, a lawyer and community activist who is a candidate for Supervisor in District 9; Averi Selassie Blackwell, a rapper, community activist and father to a young child who he has said helped catalyze his decision to take part in the hunger strike, and Ike Ali Pinkston who runs the Companeros Del Barrio Preschool with Gutiérrez.

On Tuesday, May 3, hundreds of people filled the block of Valencia street between 17th and 18th street to show their support for the hunger strikers. The large contingent planned to march to City Hall to meet with the Mayor, but it remained uncertain if the mayor would agree to meet with them.

Without any advanced notice, Mayor Lee had stopped by to visit the hunger strikers the day before their planned rally, but they said they were frustrated and angry by the mayor’s approach. They said they already had plans to meet with the mayor the following day and would only participate in a conversation if he was willing to fire the chief. After thirty minutes, the mayor quietly exited through a side door to the police station, the same way that he had arrived earlier in the day.

Severely weakened from nearly two weeks without food, the hunger strikers were helped into wheel chairs for the mile-long march and by volunteers from UCSF who pushed them along as they led the march to City Hall.

When the crowd arrived at City Hall, supporters flanked both sides along Civic Center Plaza and ushered the #frisco5 up the wheelchair ramp and into the building. As they entered the building and headed to the Mayor’s Office the crowd rallied outside and waited for updates.

“It took a hunger strike to make me feel alive in a city that feels dead,” said poet Tony Robles during the rally. “It took a hunger strike to clear my veins of all that digital cholesterol. It took a hunger strike to show that we could be tender without legal tender.”

Meanwhile, according the mayor’s twitter feed, the mayor was meeting with “merchants on 3rd St in the Bayview to discuss how City can support small business.”

About an hour later, Lee posted that he was “Touring Pier 80 shelter as #SF receives $4.5m from @HUDgov to house & support our homeless residents.”

“The Mayor’s a coward,” said Yayne Abeba, the media liaison for the #Frisco5. “He won’t even come back to City Hall.”

With the mayor absent from his office in room 200, the contingent of folks inside City Hall moved into the chamber for the Board of Supervisors during their regular weekly meeting.

During that meeting, supporters and participants in the strike spoke out and addressed the supervisors, but the city broadcaster SFGovTV cut off the broadcast and instead broadcast a static graphic that said, “Please stand by, this meeting is in recess.”

About two hours after they entered city hall, the #frisco5 came out to address their supporters.
“Now we’re powerful because we have shown the world that we were trying to reach out to those who said that they are representing our people in there and they did not respond. So there will be no more negotiations. There will be no more talking to any of these people,” said Gutiérrez, one of the #frisco5. “There will be only a constant struggle, not only by us that are not going to eat, but each one of you that are going to follow the mayor everywhere that he is, and you tell him that he has to save our life and that he has to fire the chief of police.”

Obama prepares to send troops into Syria

Meanwhile the US is already planning their next major coup

by Claire Bernish

A nonviolent coup to depose a democratically-elected president and install some of the most corrupt politicians — who, not coincidentally happen to be favored by the U.S. political establishment — is currently underway in Brazil. As the public’s attention zeroes on the readying of troops for deployment to Syria, the U.S. government has been able to quietly lend its approval to the crooked and baseless move to oust Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff.

Indeed, though the controversy over quintupling U.S. ground troops in Syria — despite vows by the Obama administration at least 16 times there would be ‘no boots on the ground’ — constitutes a valid and pertinent debate, it can’t be allowed to obfuscate what’s taking place in Brazil.

To understand the importance of the ongoing tumult, you need only look at who matters to both the Brazilian and U.S. political elite — and it clearly isn’t the 54 million people who re-elected Brazil’s first female president just 18 months ago.

In fact, the U.S. State Department has all but publicly asserted its support for the usurpation of power by Brazil’s center-right Social Democracy Party (PDSB) — perhaps because, as has been suggested by many, U.S. fingerprints are all over the coup. What better way to thwart Brazil’s successful dealings with Russia and China, as part of the BRICS economic alliance, than to insert an oligarchical leader whose party heavily favors U.S. interests.

First, it’s necessary to revisit the mechanics of the coup as well as the controversy surrounding those involved.

Brazil’s lower house of Congress voted to impeach Rousseff on April 17 on the premise of her alleged complicity in albeit relatively minor corruption. But the true impetus for Rousseff’s removal, contrary to the narrative championed by Brazil’s corporate media, is transparently evidenced in those calling for it — and in whom they wish to replace her with.

Bruno Araújo, a congressman who has been implicated as possibly receiving funds from a construction giant embroiled in a corruption scandal, helped tip the vote for impeachment earlier this month. Araújo, as the Intercept reported, belongs to the same PDSB party that lost four elections in a row to Rousseff’s Worker’s Party (PT).

“[T]he most important means for understanding the truly anti-democratic nature of what’s taking place,” the Intercept’s Glenn Greenwald explained, “is to look at the person whom Brazilian oligarchs and their media organs are trying to install as president: the corruption-tainted, deeply unpopular, oligarch-serving Vice President Michael Temer.”

For all the negative attention trained on Rousseff, Temer’s unpopular image and duplicitous dealings are worse, and could be worthy of his own impeachment proceedings. And he isn’t alone.

“Altogether, 60 percent of the 594 members of Brazil’s Congress face serious charges like bribery, electoral fraud, illegal deforestation, kidnapping and homicide,” as The New York Times cited corruption watchdog, Transparency Brazil.

But PDSB seeks to bypass that not-at-all minor detail through Rouseff’s impeachment — which, if successful, would automatically bring Temer to power — much to the satisfaction of the United States government.

To wit, another major figure pushing for the removal of Rousseff, Senator Aloysio Nunes, traveled to Washington, D.C., the day after the impeachment vote to consult with the third most powerful State Department official, Thomas Shannon, in a closed-door meeting.

As co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research, Mark Weisbrot, explained in an article for the Huffington Post, Shannon had no obligatory duty to meet with Nunes — but his doing so sent a clear message of at least tacit acceptance of the impeachment proceedings by the White House.

U.S. support of the current coup echoes that of the previous Brazilian coup in 1964 — a violent usurpation of power by U.S.-friendly dictator, during which Dilma Rousseff, herself, became a victim of physical torture.

But perhaps the most telling indication of U.S. support for deposing Rousseff can be found in a detail of Nunes recent Washington trip. As the Intercept’s Andrew Fishman explained in an interview with Democracy Now, Nunes was a guest at a private luncheon thrown by the Albright Stonebridge Group — a firm cofounded by the former CEO of Kellogg and Madeleine Albright, former secretary of state under Bill Clinton.

“[O]ne of the senior advisers affiliated with the Albright Stonebridge Group,” Fishman, who is located in Brazil, noted, “is the leader of an organization down here that’s very involved in the push against the Dilma government.”

He added that “while the U.S. government hasn’t made any official stance” on Rousseff’s impending impeachment, “it seems pretty obvious as to what their stance is and which side they’re supporting or would support.”