Tuesday, July 16, 2024
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Hacer ‘Making ‘climate candy’ from upcycled fruits and veggiesdulces climáticos’ a partir de frutas y verduras recicladas

Rotten fruit and vegetable waste in a dumpster

by Suzanne Potter

Worldwide, 40 percent of food is wasted but a new candy company is trying to make a dent in it and fight climate change to boot.

The company is called Climate Candy and their Faves fruit chews are made from imperfect-looking fruits and vegetables.

Amy Keller, CEO of Climate Candy, said about 10 percent of all greenhouse gas comes from landfills, where food waste rots and produces methane.

“20 billion pounds of produce goes to waste each year, simply because they are excess, or not perfectly shaped for grocery stores,” Keller pointed out. “Meanwhile, climate change is escalating, people are going hungry. We found this to be unacceptable, wasting so much food, all while running out of land, water and healthy soil.”

In 1906, Keller’s family founded Spangler Foods, which makes Dum Dum lollipops, Circus Peanuts and Sweethearts. In 2018, she combined the family business with her interest in global health and cofounded Climate Candy. She noted her goal is to reduce food waste, and thus lower the amount of land disturbed to grow crops, while helping farmers sell their full harvest.

Keller explained Climate Candy is about making a lower carbon footprint, sustainable packaging and upcycled ingredients.

“If we can just help people realize their power, in our highest potential solution to heal ourselves and the planet is just what we choose to eat,” Keller asserted. “That includes all of us. That’s really been our secret to success.”

The candy is made from a puree of carrots and beets and flavored with many different fruits, including cherry, apple, blueberry, raspberry, lemon, orange and strawberry.


Mobile units aim to ‘Make Summer Fair’ for rural low-income kids

Mobile units are rolling out in rural California communities this summer to help keep kids engaged and combat learning loss.

The nonprofit Save the Children’s “Make Summer Fair” campaign provides books and educational resources in areas where summer learning opportunities are limited.

Lucero Chávez Ramírez, California state director for Save the Children, said kids can lose two months’ worth of learning while school is out.

Bolivia summons the Argentine ambassador due to statements by the Milei Government

photo: Military in front of the government palace in Plaza Murillo, in La Paz, Bolivia, on June 26, 2024Gaston Brito Miserocchi

by the El Reportero‘s wire services

Similarly, the highest Bolivian diplomatic representative in Argentine territory, Ramiro Tapia, was called for consultations

The interim Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bolivia, María Nela Prada, reported this Monday that she will summon the Argentine ambassador in La Paz, Marcelo Adrián Massoni, due to the statements of the presidency of that country where the failed coup attempt was called false. State against President Luis Arce, which occurred on June 26.

Likewise, she announced that the Bolivian ambassador in Buenos Aires, Ramiro Tapia, was called for consultations in his country of origin.

Prada stated that this determination was made “in respect for the sovereignty” of her country and to “express her energetic rejection” of what was stated by Javier Milei’s Administration.

Diplomatic tension

This decision was informed after the Andean country issued a statement rejecting the claims of the Argentine Government that described the attempted coup against Arce as “false complaint”, which it called “fraudulent.” According to the position of the Casa Rosada, which separates itself from the majority of countries in the region that condemned what happened, “the story spread was hardly credible and the arguments did not fit with the sociopolitical context of the Latin American country.”

For its part, La Paz points out that there is an “excess and unacceptable denialism”, which is why it urges Argentina to “inform itself and act within the framework of the principles of respect for sovereignty and non-intervention in the internal affairs of other States. in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and International Law”.


New Panamanian president committed to transforming the country

The new president of Panama, José Raúl Mulino, asserted today that the first policies of his Government for the 2024-2029 mandate will allow the transformation of a country that he inherits with many accumulated economic and social problems.

In the speech after receiving the presidential sash, Mulino announced flagship programs such as the First job since August and the star work of his administration, the train that will link the city of Panama and the western city of David, in Chiriquí, for which he will count with the experience of Spain.

Likewise, he announced that among his priorities will be the reform of the Social Security Fund and recovering an economy that receives a common public debt of more than 50 billion dollars.

In that direction he mentioned the recovery of the Social Security Fund, which will not be privatized, he indicated, but that it is necessary to restructure and recover benefit programs such as Disability, Old Age and Death, access to medications and surgical services.

When he asserted that he will revive the economy with the recovery of foreign investment and confidence, he indicated that he will put more chen chen (money) in the pockets of Panamanians with infrastructure works, biofuel production, social housing and tourism taking advantage of the potential maritime and air connection that the isthmus has, among others.

The new president explained that in international politics it is key that Panama joins as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council from January 2025.

Panama, a country that defends peace, will further promote its relations with the region, he indicated and advanced his contacts with Brazilian President Luis Inácio Lula da Silva so that the Central American country joins the Southern Common Market.

Regarding the growing irregular migration, he stressed that it will have the cooperation of neighboring countries such as Colombia and Costa Rica, used as transit and will also collect from destination nations such as the United States to stop flows and confront international organized crime groups that profit from that business, damned money as he cataloged it.

Mulino stated that this country ‘will no longer be a transit country’ for irregular migrants who arrive by the thousands after crossing the Darién jungle, the natural border with Colombia, on their journey to the United States.

Putin: The protector of Ukraine


The content in this article does not represent the views of El Reportero or its staff, it is the opinion of the writer.

by Paul Craig Roberts

June 27, 2024 – Has anyone noticed that Putin is conducting his “limited military operation,” by which he means limited to Donbas and the former Russian territories that are again part of Russia, as a response to US/NATO/Ukrainian initiatives? When the Russian military strikes outside the limited combat zone, it is usually a response to a Ukrainian strike into Russia out of the combat zone. After 2.5 years of conflict, Putin has made no effort to win the war. He doesn’t even seem to understand that Russia is at war, not engaged in a limited police action.

Paul Craig Roberts

Putin has left the Ukrainian government in functioning order and has not interfered with Zelensky’s ability to continue the conflict. Kiev is intact. The government in Kiev is intact. Nothing has been done to close Ukraine’s borders from Western armament supplies. The entire initiative of the conflict is with the West. The West acts, and Putin responds. There are no Russian initiatives. Indeed, Russia was forced into the conflict by the West’s initiatives.

This is not the way to fight a war.

It is Putin’s refusal to fight and win a war that is causing the enormous expansion–the ever widening–of the war.

Notice that the Kremlin’s response to the US missile attack on Crimean civilians and a public beach is to call in the American ambassador and complain, to investigate, to send condolences, not to destroy and occupy Kiev. After all this time haven’t the Russians learned that no one pays any attention to their complaints? Why does Putin think he can shame the shameless West? Why does the Kremlin worry about over-responding to attacks? https://sputnikglobe.com/20240627/putin-will-not-take-the-bait-russia-will-respond-prudently-to-crimea-attack-1119148707.html Washington doesn’t worry about over-provoking Russia.

Let me be clear, I am on humanity’s side. I don’t want nuclear war. Putin should never have entered a conflict when he did not intend a quick victory before Washington/NATO could get involved and widen the war.

Now that French troops are in Ukraine, now that US/NATO personnel are conducting the targeting of the US long-range missiles on Russian civilians, and now that Russia is faced with the likelihood of NATO troops entering Ukraine, Putin’s response is to play into Washington’s hands by speaking of bringing North Korean troops into the conflict. Imagine the propaganda damage. North Korea is even more demonized than Russia and Putin.

Why does Putin want to widen the conflict instead of quickly winning it?

Is the reason that his central bank director convinced him Russia lacked the resources to conduct a real war? Is this why Putin endlessly emphasizes Russian nuclear capability? Does Putin lack the resources to conduct conventional war? With his central bank director’s 16% interest rates hindering the Russian economy, perhaps it is so. Putin’s central bank director left Russian central bank reserves in Western depositories where Washington could seize them. Was this incompetence or an act of treason? Washington has decided that the interest income earned by the seized Russian central bank reserves will be given to Ukraine to continue the war. So Russia’s own central bank reserves are financing Ukraine’s ability to conduct war against Russia.

When the Soviet Union collapsed, Russia, especially the youth, were corrupted for years by Washington’s propaganda. They lost their national consciousness and became “citizens of the West.” Has Russian youth escaped from this delusion, or does it still rule?

The question before us is: Does Russia have leadership capable of comprehending that Russia has an enemy intent on her destruction and dismemberment, or will the Kremlin finally realize this at the last minute, too late to avoid nuclear war?

It is extraordinary that the fate of the world rests on Russian misperception and inadequate response to the West’s intent. As a result of Putin’s inability to act decisively, he was drawn into a conflict that has become open-ended, involving, at least in plans, troops from foreign countries. To pretend that such a conflict is a “limited military operation” is an act of irresponsibility, even evidence of reality denial.

Russia is at war with the West. She got there because she refused to acknowledge the fact. Grasping reality remains a challenge for the Kremlin which continues to enable the Ukraine conflict to spin out of control rather than use the force to decisively terminate the conflict before it ends in World War III.

Russia Considers, Russia Considers, but Never does anything.

And so the provocations continue and worsen and “are edging closer to the point of no return.”

Does it ever occur to the Kremlin that doing something, rather than “considering,” might stop the march to the point of no return?

After a 4-year legal battle, Monsanto drops lawsuit against Mexico’s GM corn ban

by Mexico News Daily

In what is being called a significant victory for Mexico, Monsanto has withdrawn its legal challenge against the 2020 presidential decree aimed at banning glyphosate and genetically modified (GM) corn for human consumption.

The National Council of Humanities, Sciences and Technologies (Conahcyt) heralded the decision as “a triumph for life, health and food sovereignty.”

Monsanto’s subsidiaries, Semillas y Agroproductos Monsanto and Monsanto Comercial, ratified their withdrawal on June 25.

Monsanto produces the herbicide Roundup, one of several glyphosate-based products that are used in the cultivation of genetically modified organisms (GMO) such as Roundup Ready corn, cotton and soybeans. A common genetic modification makes crops resistant to glyphosate, allowing farmers to apply large amounts of the weed-killer to GMO crops.

The legal battle was initiated in response to President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s 2020 decree to ban the widely used but controversial herbicide, which the World Health Organization (WHO) has classified as a “probable carcinogen,” though its safety remains a subject of debate.

The battle included over 30 amparo (judicial protective order) suits aiming to declare the decree unconstitutional. In July 2022, for example, Bayer, which acquired Monsanto six years ago, obtained a court order against the application of the decree.

However, the majority of the cases concluded with rulings unfavorable to the corporations involved.

Conahcyt provided scientific and legal defenses, presenting more than 250 pieces of evidence to support the decree.

Judge Francisco Rebolledo Peña’s July 2022 ruling in favor of Monsanto was appealed by the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat), the Federal Commission for Protection against Sanitary Risks (Cofepris) and Conahcyt.

Citing human rights and environmental safety concerns, the appeal eventually led to Mexico’s Fourth Collegiate Court on Administrative Matters rejecting Monsanto’s arguments. Earlier this year, that same body slapped down an amparo brought by Walmart Mexico against the nation’s updated tobacco control law, which added promotional and advertising bans to the nationwide ban against smoking in public areas.

Monsanto’s retreat is not its first legal setback. The company has faced extensive litigation in the United States, paying billions in punitive damages and settlements linked to glyphosate’s carcinogenic risks.

Internal documents revealed during the trials in Mexico indicated that Monsanto was aware of glyphosate’s cancer risks and engaged in misleading scientific practices and discrediting independent researchers.

The 2020 decree was replaced by a 2023 decree, which reaffirmed the initial ban and introduced additional restrictions on GM corn.

That led to Mexico also facing anger from the United States, which was not happy over Mexico’s plan to ban the importation of GM corn for use in dough and tortillas by 2024, then gradually phase out imports of GM corn for any kind of human consumption and then for use as animal feed.

In 2023, the U.S. government announced it had requested the establishment of a dispute settlement panel to resolve the issue.

Monsanto also wanted to suspend the 2023 decree, and a few months ago, Mexico seemed to be giving in a bit when it postponed the glyphosate ban citing lack of available alternatives.

Mexico is home to dozens of native corn varieties. Roundup Ready corn, of course, is not one of them. (Conabio)

In shooting down Monsanto’s latest legal challenges, Judge Elizabeth Trejo Galán emphasized the precedence of public over private interest.

Conahcyt noted in a press release that it continues to support alternative agricultural practices and bioinputs, highlighting their effectiveness in various regions.

Noting that the legal victory over Monsanto underscores Mexico’s commitment to safeguarding public health and environmental integrity, Conahcyt vowed to continue its efforts to ensure that GM corn and glyphosate are removed from the Mexican food supply.

With reports from Regeneración, Reforma and Por Esto

Funded by big tech? Calif. lawmakers debate the future of journalism

On June 27, the California Senate moved to advance Senate Bill (SB) 1327 which would impose a charge on major digital technology platforms to fund local news

by Antonio Ray Harvey

Last month, Sen. Steven Glazer (D-Orinda) vowed to bring back a journalism support bill he authored that had hit a snag in the legislative process.

A few weeks later, the lawmaker lived up to his promise.

On June 27, the California Senate moved to advance Senate Bill (SB) 1327 with a 27-7 vote under the Urgency Clause – special language contained in legislation that privileges it to take immediate effect after the governor signs it.

SB 1327 would impose a charge – called a “data extraction mitigation fee” in the bill — on major digital technology platforms such as Meta, Amazon, and Google to fund local news. Glazer pulled the bill from the floor in May when he discovered he didn’t have the minimum two-thirds votes for passage. Now that he has generated enough support to move the bill forward, Glazer called his push to pass it a “rescue effort.”

SB 1327 is now on its way to the Assembly for review.

“We are in a moment of peril in our democracy, and our hollowed-out newsrooms are in the center of that crisis. Let me provide some context – democracies are the exception in human history. It’s not if they will fail. it’s a matter of when they will fail,” Glazer said during the opening of his presentation during a hearing for the bill on the Senate floor.

Glazer continued, “Ours is 248 years young. Seventy-one percent of the world’s population is under autocracies. Now, in countries such as Hungary, Argentina, and Turkey, we see these democracies teetering. You simply have to see their actions to curtail and take control of independent news media that was keeping these democracies honest. The canary in the democracy mine is independent news.”

A vote on the urgency clause must precede a vote on the bill and requires a two-thirds vote for passage. Glazer’s bill got exactly the amount needed to move off the Senate floor.

Seven Senate Republicans voted against SB 1327, including Senate Majority Leader Brian Dahle (R-Bieber). Sen. Scott Thomas Wilk (R-Lancaster) was the lone member of the party that voted in favor of the bill.

SB 1327 has been getting pushback from digital tech giants and some publishers that are worried about losing advertising, the supposed threat of government influence, discrimination against larger publishers, and nonprofit newsrooms getting a slice of the mitigation fee.

Sen. Roger Niello (R-Roseville) voted against the bill. During the debate on the floor, Niello said it gives him “great pause to entertain a proposal” where over half the journalism industries today are “owned by hedge funds and individual investors,” he said.

The lawmaker who owns several high-end car dealerships added that the bill could bring “unintended consequences such as capital venture groups reaping the profits, should SB 1327 become law.

“That’s one of the things that happens when an industry goes through a drastic evolution…investors come in to take advantage of potential profit opportunities and investment opportunities,” Niello said of his concerns with SB 1327. “I am an unabashed capitalist myself. But they are not buying these newspaper groups for the sake of the mission of news reporting. To them it’s a business deal.”

Sen. Bill Dodd (D-Napa), who voted in favor of the bill, also had some concerns. He wants to make sure SB 1327 is legislation that would not fall into the hands of hedge funds that would purchase newspapers solely to reap funds because of the mitigation fee.

“What I’d like to see, by the time it comes back to the floor is that we have an opportunity to kind of see — maybe not a firm spending program — but at least something that has been thought out particularly so we’re not funding hedge funds,” Dodd said.

To qualify for the tax credit, news media outlets must initially circulate or distribute news content within the state of California and operate internet platforms.

SB 1327 proposes a 7.25% on gross receipts derived from data extraction transactions, according to the bill’s language. At the end of his presentation, Glazer made it clear that media outlets do not have to accept funds through the tax credit.

“This measure is content neutral (and) ownership neutral,” Glazer said. “If a publisher of an outlet doesn’t want to have the connection with a government through a tax credit, they don’t have to take it.”

Fees extracted from digital technology companies with a minimum of $2.5 billion in annual advertising revenue would provide $500 million in employment tax credits to news organizations in California. An additional $400 million in extracted fees would go directly to schools.

Sen. Lola Smallwood-Cuevas (D-Los Angeles) spoke about the ways public opinion, politics and civic life have been influenced by misinformation and disinformation since the decline of the journalism industry. A member of the California Legislative Black Caucus (CLBC), Smallwood-Cuevas is a former journalist.

“These are efforts to make a difference,” Smallwood said of SB 1327. “I must applaud the author for his work particularly because the alternative must also include building a representative workforce within the newspaper industry, which this bill takes into account — ensuring that those who look like California tell the story of California.”

PG&E Customer Livestream Event: How PG&E is Preparing for Summer Wildfire Risk and Increased Energy Demand

Company Announces Temporary Bill Decrease Begins in July

June 24, 2024 -Oakland, Calif—Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) is hosting a “Summer Readiness” livestream for customers on Wednesday, June 26. Topics will include a temporary 9% electric rate decrease that will help lower electric bills during the hot summer months.

Additionally, PG&E leaders and the California Independent System Operator will discuss actions to help ensure safe and reliable electric service this summer when wildfire risk and energy demand typically peak.

What: PG&E Summer Readiness Event
When: Wednesday, June 26 at 11 a.m. (PT)
Speakers: Rod Robinson, PG&E, Vice President of Electric System Operations
Aditya Jayam Prabhakar, CAISO, Director of Resource Assessment and Planning
Gillian Clegg, PG&E, Vice President of Energy Policy and Procurement
Aaron Johnson, PG&E, Senior Vice President of Local Customer Engagement
How to Watch: Link to watch live on Microsoft Teams – click here
Link to watch live on YouTube – click here

The “Summer Readiness” event will be livestreamed from PG&E’s Hazard Awareness & Warning Center (HAWC) in San Ramon, which serves as the 24/7 hub for monitoring wildfire risks and for wildfire coordination, prevention, and response efforts across Northern and Central California. The HAWC also serves as the base to monitor potential natural disasters and the impact to PG&E’s electric and gas system to ensure the continued safety of customers and the hometowns the company serves.

About PG&E

Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a subsidiary of PG&E Corporation (NYSE:PCG), is a combined natural gas and electric utility serving more than 16 million people across 70,000 square miles in Northern and Central California. For more information, visit pge.com and pge.com/news.

MACLA Gallery opens exhibition From Where I Am

by Magdy Zara

During the months of June and July, the gallery of the Latin American Art and Culture Movement (MACLA) will be showing the exhibition Desde Donde Am, which shares the perspective of what the artists consider will be topics of interest in the next electoral season.

This exhibition features works by Stephanie Barajas, William Camargo, Alex Knowbody, Adriana Martín, Xelestial Moreno and Luz Miguel Ozuna.

During this exhibition visitors will be able to take their own photographs in the gallery and display them within the exhibition, encouraging dialogue and reflection. This is an opportunity to link art with politics, and see how images can influence and reflect public consciousness during this crucial time.

The exhibition From Where I Am opened to the general public on Sept. 7 and concludes on Aug. 11 of the current year. Gallery hours are:

Wednesday – Friday: Open from 12 noon to 7 p.m.

Saturday and Sunday: Open from 12 noon to 5 p.m.

MACLA is located at 510 Calle 1 Sur, San José.


La Llorona Opera arrived in San José

The chilling and beloved story of La Llorona came to San José from the hands of the Ópera Cultura company.

This masterfully performed work explores the disturbing story of La Llorona, this time exploring themes of emotionality, machismo, Marianism, and the duality between humanity and monstrosity.

The production of this Opera is led by stage director Allie Bailey and a predominantly female team of designers, who are committed to bringing this powerful story to life and presenting it through a feminist lens, challenging traditional views.

The play will be presented at the Teatro La Plaza, 1700 Alum Rock Avenue in San José. On Saturday, June 22 and Sunday, June 23.

For tickets and more information, visit: www.operacultura.org bit.ly/Llorona2024


Circo Caballero returns with a masterful presentation

With more than 50 artists on stage, with beautiful dancers, eccentric costumes, singers and much more, Circus Cabalero, which comes to San Francisco to delight adults and children with its circus show.

This is considered the largest circus show in Latin America, since it has more than 50 artists from different parts of the world: Africa, USA, Spain, Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Cuba and Italy.

The presentations will be between June 27 and July 14 starting at 7 p.m. Tickets cost between $10 and $45. The big tent will be located at 66th Ave and Fwy I-880 in front of the Oracle Arena.

CA tech job-training program expands with $15 million grant

by Suzanne Potter

Help is available for people looking to break out of a low-wage, “go-nowhere” job because the nonprofit Merit America is expanding its training courses, thanks to a huge new grant.

Crankstart, a family foundation based in San Francisco, is giving more than $15 million over the next few years.

Connor Diemand-Youman co-founder and co-CEO of Merit America, said they have trained 10,000 learners across the U.S. since 2018.

“At Merit America, we believe that low-wage work should be a launching pad, not a life sentence,” Diemand-Youman explained. “If we can provide the right coaching and support, everyone anywhere should be able to access family-sustaining wages and a career that they love, not just a job that they have to show up to. And this is the American dream.”

He pointed out Merit America facilitates online courses on tech skills with intensive career coaching and peer support on a flexible schedule to accommodate learners currently in the workforce. The programs average about 25 hours a week for 20 weeks, and cover topics like data analytics, project management and cybersecurity.

A study by the University of Virginia found alumni of the program see their average salaries jump from $26,000 a year to $50,000, three months or more after graduation.

Diemand-Yauman noted the program costs a maximum of $5,700, which learners pay off over five years once they graduate and get a job making at least $40,000 dollars a year.

“We designed the programs to be fast, flexible and affordable,” Diemand-Yauman emphasized. “Which we find are the main barriers for folks who are stuck in low-wage work and want to get into a new career.”

Merit America estimated the new partnership will allow the program to serve 2,000 more learners, driving about $200 million in wage gains. Anyone over 18 can apply.

Nearly 1.4 million undocumented migrants detected in Mexico so far this year

Un grupo de migrantes camina por la carretera en mayo, pasando por el estado de Puebla en su camino hacia la Ciudad de México. -- A group of migrants walks down the highway in May, passing through the state of Puebla on their way to Mexico City. (Mireya Novo/Cuartoscuro.

by Mexico News Daily 

In the first five months of the year, almost 1.4 million undocumented foreigners were detected traveling in Mexico without entry authorization, the National Immigration Institute (INM) said Sunday.

The INM said in a statement that “through various immigration verification actions” between January and May, it located and “rescued” just over 1.39 million “foreign persons traveling through the country in an irregular condition.”

The figure is almost double the number of encounters authorities had with undocumented foreigners in Mexico in all of last year, according to data from the International Organization for Migration. In turn, the 2023 statistics showed a 77 percent increase in such encounters compared to 2022.

Most migrants who enter Mexico in an irregular fashion do so at Mexico’s southern border with Guatemala before attempting to make the long, arduous and dangerous journey through the country to the northern border to enter the United States, either legally or illegally.

According to the INM, citizens from 177 countries — or around 90 percent of the world’s nations — were detected traveling irregularly through Mexico in the first five months of 2024. It said that those people came from “the five continents” of the world,” but the majority left other countries in the Americas.

The data shows that more than 377,000 of the 1.39 million irregular migrants detected between January and May, or 27 percent, came to Mexico from Venezuela, a country where citizens “suffer repression and a humanitarian crisis,” according to Human Rights Watch.

The next biggest cohorts of irregular migrants came from:

  • Guatemala (209,540)
  • Honduras (144,499)
  • Ecuador (136,699)
  • Haiti (107,432)
  • Colombia (70,371)
  • El Salvador (52,636)
  • Nicaragua (45,364)
  • Peru (28,167)
  • Cuba (27,404)

Beyond the Western Hemisphere, the largest source countries for irregular migrants to Mexico so far this year were Senegal (20,847); Guinea (19,922); China (13,780); Mauritania (9,757); India (8,914); and Angola (7,037).

The INM also said that more than 738,000 of the irregular migrants detected in the first five months of the year, or 53 percent of the total, were men traveling on their own.

Just under 363,000 were unaccompanied women, while the remainder were migrants traveling with other family members. Among the latter cohort were 154,291 adults and 135,151 children.

The INM said it took unaccompanied adult foreigners to “immigration stations,” or detention centers, while families went to facilities operated by the DIF family services agency. It didn’t say how many of those people Mexico deported to their countries of origin.

“The INM works and conducts itself with adherence to current migration laws and within the framework of unconditional respect for the human rights of migrants traveling through our country. Upon being rescued, they cease to be exposed to criminal groups and migrant traffickers,” the institute’s statement concluded.

In addition to sending migrants to detention centers, Mexican immigration authorities “round them up across the country and dump them in the southern Mexican cities of Villahermosa and Tapachula,” the Associated Press reported last week.

“Some have been punted back as many as six times,” the news agency added.

Migration to the United States via Mexico has increased significantly during the presidential terms of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador in Mexico and Joe Biden in the United States.

U.S Customs and Border Protection encountered a record high of almost 2.5 million migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border in fiscal year 2023, which ended in September.

Earlier this month, Biden issued an executive order that prevents migrants from making asylum claims at the U.S.-Mexico border at times when crossings between legal ports of entry surge.

The New York Times described the order as “the most restrictive border policy instituted by Mr. Biden, or any other modern Democrat,” while the office of Mike Johnson, Republican speaker of the United States House of Representatives, said it was an “election-year border charade.”


The ever widening war

Paul Craig Roberts

by Paul Craig Roberts

British Foreign Minister Says “We must go after everything Russian.”

“We will show Putin that we are completely behind Ukraine: we will chase the money and the oil, we will stop the gas, we will stop the ships,” declared British Foreign Minister Cameron.

The UK is “hunting” companies that do business with Russia “all over the world,” Cameron said. “We will sanction companies in China, in Turkey, in Kyrgyzstan, even in Israel, that we believe are supplying dual-use material” to Russia, he added.

This is the consequence of Putin’s ill-considered “limited military operation in Ukraine.” It is extraordinary that Russian intelligence failed to inform Putin that a slow-poke war would permit the West to become involved, thereby turning it into a war between NATO and Russia.

Putin still speaks of negotiating a peace with Ukraine despite the fact that Ukraine, NATO, and Washington have made it completely clear that the only terms for peace are Russia’s withdrawal from Ukraine including Crimea, payment for damages and dead Ukrainians and acceptance of NATO membership for Ukraine.

One can only wonder at the complete lack of realism as the West brings war to Russia.

Is it the Kremlin’s plan to be a sitting duck and only respond defensively after Russia is attacked, or has Putin issued a final warning? Two days ago Putin said that the selfishness and hypocrisy of the West has produced a dangerous situation “bringing the world close to the point of no return.” Putin’s words call to mind Serbian President Vucic’s statement that “the train has left the station and no one can stop it.” https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2024/06/13/the-train-has-left-the-station-and-no-one-can-stop-it/

Putin said that the calls of Western leaders “to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia, which has the largest arsenal of nuclear weapons, demonstrate the extreme adventurism of Western politicians. They either do not understand the scale of the threat they themselves create, or they are simply obsessed with the belief in their own impunity and their own exclusivity. Both can turn into a tragedy.”

It is extraordinary that not only the Western world but the entire world ignores the dangerous situation described by Putin. Why hasn’t the UN imposed sanctions on Washington for provoking nuclear war? Why is it patriotic to promote war but not peace? I have been warning much longer than has Putin, and my reward has been to be called names and put on lists of Russian “agents/dupes.”

The pending war could have been avoided if the West had abided by the Minsk Agreement. The agreement kept Donbas in Ukraine by providing the two republics with some autonomy to stop Ukraine’s attacks on the Donbas population. Putin supported the agreement for 8 years despite continuing provocations. As the German Chancellor and President of France admitted, the West only pretended to support the Minsk Agreement while the West built a large Ukrainian army capable of subjugating the Donbas republics.

Before intervening in February 2022, Putin and Lavrov made a last effort to negotiate a mutual security agreement with the West, but was cold-shouldered by the West. Clearly, the West intended a conflict from the beginning.

What was the West thinking?

Why did Putin think Russia’s intervention could be limited to Donbas? Putin watched Washington overthrow the Ukrainian government, insert a puppet, demonize and attack the Russian population of Donbas, refuse all Russian proposals to avoid conflict, and force Russia into protecting the Russian areas that had been attached to Ukraine by Soviet leaders. The West certainly knew that the Kremlin could not simply sit on its hands while the Russian population was massacred.

In Putin’s defense, perhaps he is too humane to comprehend the evil that has the West in its grasp. Perhaps his central bank director and Russian neoliberal economists told him Russia could not afford a war. Perhaps Putin thought the West would come to its senses.

But the West hasn’t come to its senses. The West is intentionally driving toward a war with Russia. As President Vucic says “no one is attempting to stop the war. Nobody is speaking about peace. Peace is almost a forbidden word.”

It is an extraordinary situation. As the late Steven Cohen and I emphasized once we saw the West fomenting the conflict with Russia, the situation is more dangerous than the Cuban Missile Crisis. At that time Washington understood the necessity of defusing tensions. Today Washington intentionally worsens tensions, and there is no concern about the consequences.

My conclusion is that the West has lost touch with reality and is bringing death and destruction upon itself.