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Thanks to Amazon, the government will soon be able to track your face

by Peter Asaro, Kelly Gates, Woodrow Hartzog, Lilly Irani, Evan Selinger and Lucy Suchman

Amazon, the company synonymous with online shopping, is supplying facial recognition technology to government and law enforcement agencies over its web services platform. Branded Rekognition, the technology is every bit as dystopian as it sounds.

Given the enormous reach of Amazon’s cloud platform and how easily organizations can integrate new applications into their operations, it’s disturbing that the company can offer a powerful platform-based surveillance technology without any public input, oversight or regulation. Amazon should not have free rein to develop and profit from new surveillance technologies without regard for their effects on civil liberties and human rights. Acquiescing to the technological and economic imperatives of these companies places our democracy on precarious footing.

A coalition of civil liberties and human rights organizations have sounded the alarm, including the American Civil Liberties Union. They are asking Amazon to stop supplying its facial recognition technology to government and law enforcement agencies. Amazon shareholders and Amazon workers have joined them, voicing opposition to the company’s involvement in the business of government and police surveillance. Because of the privacy and related concerns, momentum is building.

The city of Orlando dropped its pilot program use of Rekognition. Brian Brakeen, CEO of the facial recognition company Kairos, took a stand and said his company wouldn’t sell the technology to the government. “In the hands of government surveillance programs and law enforcement agencies,” Brakeen writes, “there’s simply no way that face recognition software will be not used to harm citizens.”

As academics who have studied information technologies and privacy, including the social implications of face recognition and biometrics, we share these reservations. We are calling on Amazon to get out of the surveillance business. Our demand is as strong as it is urgent and sensible.

We don’t want Amazon to merely adjust the functions of its facial recognition technology or update its policies for proper use. The only responsible course of action involves Amazon doing a complete about-face. It must stop building the facial recognition infrastructure for law enforcement agencies and the government and be committed to never return to the business in the future.

Facial recognition technology poses serious and imminent threats to civil liberties and human rights. As workers at Amazon explained in a letter to Jeff Bezos, there is no need to wait and see if the police or government agencies will abuse the technology. It is already clear that ubiquitous, automated facial recognition is well suited for discriminating against people of color, targeting political activists, and otherwise supporting militaristic and authoritarian modes of government. There is little doubt that the adoption of an infrastructure of networked cameras connected to databases of known faces by artificial intelligence tools will eliminate privacy in public and allow the identification, location, and tracking of individuals, linking their behaviors, actions and the people they meet to their identities.

Amazon is not your average large and powerful company. It collects a huge amount of personal information about people, including their buying habits and what they watch and read. The company’s Echo and Alexa products, give it access to audio recordings of what people say in their homes. It is just a step away from adding cameras to these devices, and, indeed, Amazon already markets a camera for its cloud network. Most people using home shopping devices would be surprised to discover that the technology could easily be archiving their faces for use in police databases. Imagine, for example, Apple taking the data collected through its Face ID phone feature and repackaging and reselling it to the Department of Homeland Security or local police.

When should a tech company refuse to build tools for the government?

In fact, given the blurring line between public policing and private security, and between government security agencies and their private contractors, we question whether a moratorium on government and law enforcement uses of Rekognition would go far enough. The security industry has long touted the public safety benefits of facial recognition technology. But a functioning facial recognition system that can consistently and accurately identify specific, targeted individuals requires building a surveillance infrastructure of unprecedented scope and scale, powered by machine learning algorithms and perpetually expanding databases of identity information. The threat that such a massive, automated surveillance apparatus poses to society far outweighs the security benefits it could provide. At the very least, it would require an equally vast system for oversight, transparency and public input, one that neither Amazon nor any government agency has even begun to develop.

Amazon and the information technology industry have lobbied hard to ensure their platforms can operate and expand in a largely unregulated environment. Public policy, the claim goes, cannot keep pace with innovation. If they believe this assertion, then these companies cannot in good faith claim that their responsibilities are limited to securing the assurance that customers abide by established policies and laws. When government practices violate civil liberties, Amazon has a choice to make. Will it blindly accelerate and exacerbate violations of human rights, or will it take responsibility for its powerful technologies?

(The authors are affiliated with the following institutions: Peter Asaro, the New School; Kelly Gates, University of California, San Diego; Woodrow Hartzog, Northeastern University; Lilliy Irani, University of California, San Diego; Evan Selinger, Rochester Institute of Technology; and Lucy Suchman, Lancaster University).

A Border Patrol agent violated the Fourth Amendment when he shot across the US-Mexico border, striking boy 10 times

“The court made clear that the Constitution does not stop at the border, and that agents should not have constitutional immunity to fatally shoot Mexican teenagers on the other side of the border fence”

by Kevin Gosztola

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled a United States Border Patrol agent did not have “qualified immunity” and could be sued for violating the Fourth Amendment, when he shot across the border and killed a boy in Mexico.

“The court made clear that the Constitution does not stop at the border, and that agents should not have constitutional immunity to fatally shoot Mexican teenagers on the other side of the border fence,” declared Lee Gelernt, the deputy director of the American Civil Liberties Union’s Immigrants’ Rights Project. “The ruling could not have come at a more important time, when this administration is seeking to further militarize the border.”

The ACLU was among attorneys that brought the suit on behalf of the family of José Antonio Elena Rodríguez. The 16-year-old boy was killed on Oct. 10, 2012, in Nogales, Mexico, while walking on a street that “runs parallel to the border.”

According to the allegations against Border Patrol Officer Lonnie Swartz, Rodriguez fired at least 14 bullets across the border. The boy was hit by about 10 bullets.

Rodriguez “was not committing a crime. He did not throw rocks or engage in any violence or threatening behavior against anyone or anything, and he did not otherwise pose a threat to Swartz or anyone else. He was just walking down a street in Mexico.”

The boy was on Calle Internacional, which the decision [PDF] describes as a “main thoroughfare lined with commercial and residential buildings.”

“The American side of the border is on high ground, atop a cliff or rock wall that rises from the level of Calle Internacional. The ground on the American side is around 25 feet higher than the road, and a border fence rises another 20 or 25 feet above that.”

As the decision notes, “Nogales, Mexico, and Nogales, Arizona, are in some respects one town divided by the border fence. Families live on both sides of the border, and people go from one side to the other to visit and shop.”

The boy’s grandparents live in Arizona, and his grandmother would often stay with him when his mother was at work.

“Based on the facts alleged in the complaint, Swartz violated the Fourth Amendment. It is inconceivable that any reasonable officer could have thought that he or she should kill [Rodriguez] for no reason,” the appeals court states.

The appeals court maintains Swartz could not argue the Fourth Amendment did not apply because Rodriguez was a Mexican citizen on Mexican soil. “[Swartz] acted on American soil subject to American law.”

“Applying the Constitution in this case would simply say that American officers must not shoot innocent non-threatening people for no reason,” the appeals court adds. “Enforcing that rule would not unduly restrict what the United States could do either here or abroad. So under the particular circumstances of this case, [Rodriguez] had a Fourth Amendment right to be free from the objectively unreasonable use of deadly force by an American agent acting on American soil.”

Swartz did not know whether the boy was a U.S. citizen or not. “Thus, Swartz is not entitled to qualified immunity on the bizarre ground that [Rodriguez] was not an American.”
Additionally, the appeals court addresses a federal district court’s dismissal of the family’s Fifth Amendment claim. The district court dismissed the Fifth Amendment claim because it found the Fourth Amendment applied.

“If the Fourth Amendment does not apply because [Rodríguez] was in Mexico, then the Fifth Amendment “shocks the conscience” test may still apply. Swartz’s conduct would fail that test.”

“We cannot imagine anyone whose conscience would not be shocked by the cold-blooded murder of an innocent person walking down the street in Mexico or Canada by a U.S. Border Patrol agent on the American side of the border.”

The U.S. government attempted to have the lawsuit dismissed by arguing that allowing Rodriguez’s family to seek damages because the “cross-border nature of the shooting implicates foreign policy.” Yet, the government never specified what policy was implicated.

All the U.S. government could come up with to support this argument is that both the U.S. and Mexican governments have a bilateral council to “address border violence, use of force, and ways to address and mitigate incidents of border violence.” Though, especially under President Donald Trump, it’s ridiculous to suggest that any of those meetings would focus on the violence of U.S. Border Patrol agents.

“Just as national security cannot be used as a talisman to ward off inconvenient claims, neither does the ‘mere incantation’ of the magic words ‘foreign policy’” cause a remedy for unconstitutional conduct to disappear.

In other immigration related news:

Worker accused of sexually abusing eight minors in immigrant shelter

According to ProPublica, a youth caregiver employed by Southwest Key was charged with eleven offenses after authorities accused him of sexual abuse of at least eight unaccompanied immigrant children for almost a year in one of the shelters of the company in Mesa, Arizona, according to the federal court records.

The allegations against Levian D. Pacheco, who is HIV positive, include that he subjected two of the adolescents to oral sex and tried to force himself on one of them to penetrate his anus. The other six adolescents, between 15 and 17 years old, said that Pacheco had handcuffed them on their clothes. According to the petition filed with the court to establish the prosecution case, it is alleged that all incidents occurred between August 2016 and July 2017.

Laura Pausini conquered Guatemalans hearts

by the El Reportero’s news services 


Italian singer Laura Pausini conquered the hearts of her Guatemalan fans, who today keep the flavor of a concert full of emotions and surprises.  


On the eve, Pausini made a musical tour of the best of her hits such as In your absenceWhen you loves somebodyLonelinessOn the other hand, no and Strange lovers, themes she accompanied with anecdotes of her life and always sheltered by the affection of the public. 


The singer arrived in Guatemala from the hand of her World Wide Tour to celebrate 25 years of her professional career and to promote her latest album, Hazte sentir.  


‘Wonderful and ‘incredible’ were the words most used by fans to define her presentation on the stage of Forum Majadas, accompanied by a select group of musicians. 


The singer-songwriter made an aside to include the new musical proposals of her most recent album Hazte sentir, in particular, the song No one has said, which she recorded with the Cuban duo Gente de Zona, and put everyone to dance. 



Ecuador to celebrate National Day of Culture 


Ecuador will celebrate the National Day of Culture on August 9 with musical, scenic and recreational shows in different territories of the country, according to authorities.  


That day also marks the 74th anniversary of the creation of the Ecuadorian House of Culture (CCE), which has its main headquarters in this capital. 


The Ministry of Culture and Heritage reported on its website about the inauguration on Thursday of the exhibition Art in action, whose objective is the strengthening of national identity. 


Artists from different parts of the country will present about 55 works, among them, three-dimensional sculptures, as part of the exhibition that will remain open until the 31st in the Juan Villafuerte Hall in Quito. 


At the headquarters of the CCE, the National Ballet of Ecuador and several groups of that institution will be presented, such as the Choir, the Camerata and the Musical ensemble, among others. 


In February, the Minister of Culture and Heritage of Ecuador, Raúl Pérez, highlighted the work done in the field of arts in this country in 2017, which he considered a fruitful year and with many achievements for the sector. 



Chile’s SANFIC Film Festival to exhibit attractive program 


Almost all the films awarded at this year’s Cannes Film Festival will be at the traditional SANFIC event from Aug. 19 to 26, with Spanish actress Maribel Verdu as a guest of honor.  


The 14th edition of the Santiago International Film Festival (SANFIC) will exhibit a multifaceted program that repeats a successful experience with children and adolescents. 


However, the section ‘Masters of Cinema’ seems the most solid option of the event with the premiere for Chile -and in many cases for Latin America and the Caribbean- of recent feature films by prestigious filmmakers. 


According to Carlos Nuñez, SANFIC’s artistic director, there will be excellent movies such as Dogman (Italy-France), by Matteo Garrone; BlacKkKlansman (United States), by Spike Lee, and 3 Faces (Iran), by Jafar Panahi. For the second time, will be held the section SANFIC Educa, which will screen eight feature films and two short films devoted to 54 schools in this capital and more than 6,000 students, with the idea of also bringing the festival to other regions of Chile. 


More than a hundred productions from 25 countries will be shown at the traditional Santiago meeting with the seventh art, which includes competitions in the national and international sections, each with nine films. 



La Tocada Music Festival celebrates its 5th Anniversary 


La Tocada music festival celebrated its 5th anniversary featuring some of the biggest names in alternative and pop music, and finds a new home the Los Angeles State Historic Park last Saturday, Aug. 4. The 2-stages music event produced by Live Nation and Frías Entertainment lineup included unforgettable performances by Café Tacvba, Panteón Rococó, Mon Laferte, Jesse & Joy, Molotov, Porter, Little Jesus, Caloncho and Camilo Séptimo. 

Fresh Yerba Buena Gardens Festival

Brasil en los  jardines: Pragandaia con carta especial Marcos Costa 


Compilado por el  El Reportero  del personal 


Ninguna ciudad en las Américas cuenta con una presencia cultural africana más rica y profunda que Salvador da Bahia en el noreste de Brasil, y el conjunto de la vocalista Dandara Odara Pragandaia sirve como un conducto para los sonidos de este hervidero musical mundial. Nacida y criada en Salvador, ganó reconocimiento temprano en el popular combo axé de Bahía Banda Relógio.  


A lo largo de los años ha actuado con Gilberto Gil y Jorge Ben Jor y compartió escenarios con leyendas del Carnaval Bahiano como Carlinhos Brown, Chiclete com Banana, Ivete Sangalo, Ilê Aiyê y Olodum. Como director de orquesta, Odara comienza con un sensual swing bahiano y agrega ritmos 

18 de agosto de 2018, gratis. Al aire libre. Yerba Buena Gardens Mission St. entre 3rd y 4th Sts., San Francisco. 



Bobi Céspedes Band en c unrt con Pellejo Seco y el invitado especial John Santos 


Una sonera del estilo cubano clásico y una sacerdotisa de la diáspora de Yorùbán, Bobi Céspedes integra elementos folclóricos y modernos cubanos para crear un sonido auténtico y de clase mundial.  


El conjunto electrizante de Bobi Céspedes presenta a algunos de los mejores músicos de jazz latino del área de la Bahía, incluidos Marco Díaz, Saúl Sierra-Alonso, Julio Pérez, José Roberto Hernández, Lichi Fuentes y John Santos. Bobi se unirá al cartel de una de las bandas cubanas más ingeniosas del área de la Bahía, Pellejo Seco, cuya música proviene del mundo del folclore afrocubano, lo último en música bailable de La Habana, jazz latino y flamenco, bossa nova y jazz / rock fusión.  


Una parte del teatro será limpiada para una pista de baile, ¡así que prepárense para escuchar los sonidos de Afro Cuba y más allá! 


Sábado, 18 de agosto. Recepción VIP 6:30 p.m. Puertas abiertas – 7 p. M. Concierto – 8 p. M. En Brava Theatre, 2781 24th St, San Francisco @ York Street. 



La Patronal, concierto gratuito 


Oriunda de la capital peruana, Lima, La Patronal es una singular banda de música con raíces en la tradición de las fiestas populares (o ferias de la ciudad) comunes en las aldeas rurales de América Latina. Los descendientes directos de músicos rurales de Perú, los miembros de La Patronal combinan su conocimiento de primera mano de la cultura popular con sus estudios de música formales para celebrar su herencia.  


Con percusiones contagiosas, vientos y vientos vibrantes, y los vívidos aspectos visuales de las fiestas populares, incluidas las máscaras y la danza tradicional, las animadas actuaciones de La Patronal alientan, no exigen, la participación del público y el baile.  


TALLER DE DANZA PRE-CONCIERTO. A partir del mediodía, un taller de danza interactiva explora diferentes danzas del Perú: cumbia, marinera, morenada y toril. El taller invita a los participantes a aprender movimientos básicos y aprender las diferencias entre los géneros, y a aprender la historia en la que se basan los bailes. 


El 30 de agosto, a las 12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m., en Esplanade, Yerba Buena Gardens, Mission St. entre 3rd y 4th Sts., San Francisco. 



Teatro Nahual comenzará sus clases de actuación este mes 


COMENZAREMOS NUESTRAS CLASES ACTUANDO CLASSE. Tenemos un grupo de estudiantes matriculados. ¿Quién más se inscribe en las clases de actuación? Contáctanos para más información! 


Teatro Nahual te invita a unirte a las clases de actuación: Módulo I y Módulo 2 impartido por Verónica Meza. El curso de acción incluye: “Clases de vocalización y canto” con el instructor Aldo Adrián. Las clases de “Maquillaje básico” con la instructora Cenorina Delgado, y las clases de “Ética Actoral” con el instructor Miguel Martínez. ¡Comunícate con nosotros! El 25 de agosto; 

Drinking yam bean root or guava juice can improve your heart health

by Michelle Simmons

In Thailand, there are a lot of fruits available. Yam bean (Pachyrhizus erosus, L.) and guava (Psidium guajava, L.) are two of the most commonly consumed fruits in Thailand. In a study published in the journal BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, researchers from Mahidol University in Thailand evaluated the heart health benefits of yam bean root juice and guava fruit juice in healthy people.

For the study, the researchers recruited 30 healthy participants who were then divided into three groups. Every group was randomly assigned to drink 500 milliliters of freshly made yam bean root juice, guava fruit juice, or water. Yam bean and guava are available throughout the year and are not expensive, thus, consumable by all population. (Related: 13 Medicinal Benefits of Guava and Guava Leaves.)

In addition, the researchers assessed the systemic nitrate and nitrite concentrations, heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, serum K+ concentrations, ex vivo platelet aggregation, and plasma cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) concentrations at the beginning of the study and at different time points after the consumption of the drinks.

The researchers found that both yam bean root and guava fruit juices demonstrated inhibitory effects against collagen-induced platelet aggregation. The yam bean root juice had a significant amount of dietary nitrate which was absorbed and further transformed to nitrite in the body after drinking the juice.

Participants who consumed yam bean root juice experienced a reduction in diastolic blood pressure. Meanwhile, those who consumed guava juice not only had a reduction in diastolic blood pressure but only in systolic blood pressure and heart rate.

Based on the findings of the study, the researchers concluded that the consumption of yam bean root juice or guava fruit juice could potentially enhance cardiovascular health due to their roles in platelet inhibition and blood pressure reduction.

Other fruits and vegetables to juice for heart health

In the U.S., approximately 610,000 people die because of heart disease each year – which is one in every four deaths, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Furthermore, heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the U.S.

Studies have proven that a plant-based diet rich in anti-inflammatory compounds and nutrients boosts heart health. These compounds and nutrients reduce inflammation inside the vessel walls and protect the cells from free radical damage. Most experts suggest that consuming five to seven servings of fruits and vegetables can help in the prevention of heart disease. One of the best ways to consume fruits and vegetables is through juicing.

Unlike smoothies, which generally contain more fiber and more fruit, fresh juices can be filled with dark leafy greens and many red, orange, and/or purple vegetables and fruits to help maximize the nutrients in every glass. Here are other fruits and vegetables that can be juiced and consumed on a regular basis to prevent heart disease:

Beets – Research revealed that beet juice lowered blood pressure six hours after drinking the juice.
– Celery – The juice of celery contains anti-hypertensive properties because of phthalides. These naturally-occurring compounds relax the tissues of the artery walls to enhance blood flow and lower blood pressure.
– Cranberries – Cranberries are rich in polyphenols which help reduce heart disease risk. Research has shown that regular consumption of cranberry juice decreased arterial stiffness, which occurs as a result of atherosclerosis.
– Garlic – Garlic juice may not be palatable but it is rich in substances that prevent blood platelets from clumping, which lowers the chance of fatal blood clots from forming and helps improve circulation. Garlic also helps prevent atherosclerosis, a leading cause of heart attacks and strokes.
– Red grapes – Red grape juice protects against oxidized LDL cholesterol, which can cause hardened arteries. In addition, red grapes contain resveratrol which helps prevent platelets from sticking together.
– Pomegranate – Pomegranate juice can lower blood pressure. It is also packed with anti-inflammatory antioxidants that will protect the cardiovascular system from tissue damage and inflammation. (Natural News).

AMLO effect? Consumer confidence spiked percent in July

“Los consumidores definitivamente han dado un voto positivo a los resultados electorales”, dice el economista  


por Mexico News Daily 


El índice de confianza del consumidor de México se disparó bruscamente en julio a su nivel más alto en más de una década, inmediatamente después de Andrés Manuel López Obrador, conocido como AMLO, ganó una victoria abrumadora en las elecciones presidenciales. 


El índice subió un 14.8 por ciento el mes pasado, el Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas (Inegi) ayer, para alcanzar los 101.7 puntos. 


La fecha del análisis fue 90 por ciento de los analistas encuestados por la agencia de noticias Bloomberg y el más alto desde marzo de 2008 cuando alcanzó 102.3 puntos. 


El único aumento comparable en la confianza del consumidor se produjo en febrero del año pasado cuando el índice aumentó en poco más del 13 por ciento. 


Sin embargo, el resultado fue al siguiente  gasolinazo  de enero de 2017, cuando los precios del combustible aumentaron bruscamente para dar un gran golpe de confianza. 


“Definitivamente, los consumidores han dado un voto positivo a los resultados electorales”, dijo Joan Enric Domene, economista de la firma de corretaje Invex Casa de Bolsa. 


“La gente aún no ha visto una mejora sustancial en su calidad de vida, pero están contentos con el resultado”. 


El índice también subió un 17.8 por ciento en comparación con julio del año pasado. 


The Inegi data is based on the National Consumer Confidence Survey that the institute carries out during the first 20 days of each month in conjunction with the Bank of México. 


Confidence about Mexico’s economic outlook over the next 12 months increased by 31.9 percent compared to figures from the previous month, the biggest single-month jump recorded in the history of the survey. 


Respondents’ confidence in their own purchasing power over the next year also increased, albeit by a lesser 11.3 percent. 


The percentage of people who said they currently had plans to buy furniture, a television, a washing machine or another domestic appliance increased by13 percent compared to June figures. 


The peso has also fared better since López Obrador’s election, appreciating 6.3 percent against the US dollar. A greenback currently buys just over 18.5 Mexican pesos. 


Following his July 1 triumph, the president-elect and his prospective cabinet sought to calm fears surrounding the next government’s economic plans, a move which analysts believe has reassured investors and contributed to the peso’s strong performance. 


Although household consumer confidence is up, Domene said that the same confidence hasn’t manifested itself in the business community. 


“There are loose ends that the private sector is waiting to see tied up by this new government,” he said. 


“Surely, in the next few months, investment from the private sector will be more reticent than consumer spending.” 


López Obrador will take office for a six-year term on Dec. 1. 


Source: El Financiero (sp), Bloomberg (en). 



In other Mexican news: 



New labor secretary will push to raise minimum wage, doubling it in the north 


The wage is currently seven pesos below the threshold set by the federal government for well-being  



The new government’s nominee for labor and social welfare secretary has pledged that Mexico’s next government will work toward increasing the minimum wage, and even double it in the north of the country. 


The current daily minimum wage is 88.36 pesos (US $4.72), seven pesos below the threshold set by the federal government for well-being. 


Luisa María Alcalde told broadcaster Radio Fórmula yesterday that she will approach Mexico’s central bank to discuss the issue. 


The Mexican Employers’ Federation, or Coparmex, pushed hard in late 2017 for an increase in line with the well-being level set by Coneval, the social development agency, and it is doing so again now. 


Coparmex head Gustavo de Hoyos said today he would like to see the wage raised to at least 100 pesos by the end of the year, observing that he had met with Alcalde and found there were commonalities regarding an increase in line with a level established by the United Nations. 


He also said it was “one of those subjects in which we concur significantly with the new president” and hoped the agency that sets the wage would meet soon so as to finish the year with a wage possibly as high as 102 or 103 pesos. 


Meanwhile, Alcalde also spoke yesterday regarding the plan to move the Secretariat of Labor and Social Welfare to León, Guanajuato, one of several departmental moves planned by López Obrador. 


She said there was no hurry nor a set timeline but didn’t rule out the possibility that the department might have shifted there by the start of next year. 


Alcalde also said she was aware of the constraints raised earlier in the week by Guanajuato Governor Miguel Márquez, who warned that the state doesn’t have the necessary infrastructure to accommodate the move and resulting influx in population. 


She said the incoming administration was aware of the limitations. 


“Of course, we understand that there could be certain problems so the idea is that it [the move] is going to be gradual,” she said. 


“I don’t think that there will be any problem and we’re going to convince [the governor] that, on the contrary, this is an idea that intends there be development in the whole country, so that not all the secretariats are centralized, which will help make growth more even across the nation’s territory,” Alcalde explained. 


El profesor de derecho de 30 años y ex diputado federal ha publicado varios artículos que abogan por salarios más altos en México. 


La integrante más joven del gabinete de López Obrador será la encargada de presentar el esquema de aprendizaje llamado “Jóvenes construyendo el futuro”. 


Alcalde dijo que el programa será fundamental para el plan del nuevo gobierno de proporcionar oportunidades de empleo a los jóvenes del país. 

López Obrador y su gabinete tomarán posesión el 1 de diciembre. 


Fuente:  Milenio  ( sp ),  El Universal  ( sp ) . 

Electoral tribunal formalizes López Obrador as next Mexican president

por los servicios de cable de El Reportero

Aunque el mundo electoral lo reconoce como tal, Andrés Manuel López Obrador lo formalizó como el ganador de las elecciones del 1 de julio y el próximo presidente constitucional de México.

Por unanimidad, vindicando el carácter democrático y legítimo del proceso electoral, los magistrados del Tribunal Electoral del Poder Judicial de la Federación (Tepjf) aprobaron el informe en el que certificaron las elecciones presidenciales. También respaldaron la entrega del certificado del Presidente electo al candidato de la coalición Juntos Haremos Historia, Andrés Manuel López Obrador.


“Solo quienes han obtenido el poder a través del proceso electoral tienen el capital político y la moral para ejercer”, argumenta la magistrada del Tepjf, Janine Otalora.


Antes de este paso legal, López Obrador se abstuvo de participar en eventos oficiales, incluida la reciente Cumbre de las Américas, aunque fue invitado por el presidente Enrique Peña Nieto.


También prometió respetar el mandato de Peña Nieto hasta el último momento, aunque haya tenido que tomar medidas con las que cambiar el país, incluso pacificarlo en la actual ola de violencia y delincuencia, y reducir la pobreza.


El 1 de diciembre, López Obrador es juramentado por el Congreso de la Unión como Presidente de la República para el período 2018-2024.


Gracias a Amazon, el gobierno pronto poder rastrear tu rostro

Defensores de los derechos civiles preocupados por la tecnología de reconocimiento facial de Amazon

Washington, DC – Los miembros del Congreso dirigieron una carta bipartidista al presidente, presidente y CEO de Amazon, Jeff Bezos, solicitando una reunión sobre la nueva tecnología de reconocimiento facial de Amazon, marcada y vendida como “Amazon Rekognition”.

 La carta, firmada por 25 miembros del Congreso, la cual puede tener sobre los votantes de la ACLU, los resultados de su propia prueba y la de 28 miembros del Congreso fueron identificados erróneamente. como presuntos delincuentes. Entre los partidos se encontraban el representante Gómez, el representante Lewis y el representante Garrett. Según la ACLU, el 40 por ciento de los partidos falsos de Rekognition fueron de personas de color, un porcentaje del 20 por ciento del Congreso.


Guatemala establece una plataforma para encontrar mujeres desaparecidas

Guatemala ha establecido una plataforma para el tratamiento de mujeres denunciadas como desaparecidas, una cifra que permanece en rojo debido a su relación con la discriminación de género.


La procuradora general Consuelo Porras explicó que el mecanismo llamado Isabel Claudina es una alerta que los familiares pueden activar en la Fiscalía y la Policía cuando se sospecha un delito.


El nombre derivado de la unión de las adolescentes María Isabel Véliz Franco y Claudina Isabel Velásquez Paíz, que fueron encontradas muertas después de ser reportadas como desaparecidas en 2001 y 2015 respectivamente, en el municipio de Mixco y la capital.


Según Porras, en el caso de Claudina, los padres, al enterarse de que estaba perdida y en peligro, a la policía a la policía, pero la policía a la esperaban 24 horas para la denuncia que había desaparecido.


Su cuerpo fue encontrado un día después en la colonia Roosevelt por los Bomberos Voluntarios antes de una llamada anónima.


Las estadísticas del Ministerio Público informaron que en este país centroamericano dos mujeres desaparecen a diario por diferentes motivos, en su mayoría asociados a la violencia de género.

La Fiscalía informó 287 casos solo de enero a mayo, especialmente en la capital.


Las partes mexicanas serán disueltas

Los partidos mexicanos Social Encounter (PES) y New Alliance (PANAL) están a punto de perder su registro oficial después de caer por debajo del tres por ciento exigido por la ley en las elecciones del 1 de julio.

El Instituto Nacional Electoral (INE) espera que el Tribunal Electoral del Poder Judicial Federal notifique oficialmente el rechazo a los desafíos presentados por ambos grupos, para decidir sobre su disolución.


El PES y el PANAL no alcanzó el mínimo del tres por ciento en las elecciones federales, elecciones presidenciales, para senadores y diputados en el día en que Andrés Manuel López Obrador se convirtió en el presidente electo de México.

Obrador prevaleció con la coalición Juntos Haremos Historia, que integró el Movimiento Nacional de Regeneración, el Partido Laborista y el PSE.


El PANAL apoyó la candidatura presidencial de José Antonio Meade, del Partido Revolucionario Internacional, que fue el tercero en la votación para presidente.

What’s happening at Cha Cha Cha in the SF Mission District in music

Compiled by the El Reportero’s staff

Duende Del Sur is a Latin music group inspired by rumba flamenca, boleros and jazz. Damián Nuñez on piano & vocals, Garsha Shavankhani on cajon, Jose Vergelin on percussion, Francisco Ferrer on guitar, Chris Mayorga on bass, Matt Kelly on trumpet & Rasul Grayson on saxophone. Tuesday, Aug. 7, at 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Also at Cha Cha Cha:

Key Elements is a Latin/Brazilian Jazz ensemble and features Patricia Thumas on piano, Robin Nzingah Smith on sax, Sue “Suki” Kaye on percussion, Colin O’Leary on bass. Enjoy their vibrant and infectious rhythms for listening and dancing. Tuesday, Aug. 14, 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.

29th Annual San Jose Jazz Summer Fest

San Jose Jazz Summer Fest returns for its 29th festival season from Friday, Aug. 10 – Sunday, August 12 in and around Plaza de César Chávez Park in downtown San Jose.

A showcase for jazz, blues, funk, R&B, salsa, world and related genres, SJZ Summer Fest is nationally recognized as one of the biggest Latin festivals in the country and a magnet for international artists, who have marquee performance opportunities in Northern California. Above and beyond any other year, SJZ Summer Fest 2018 illuminates the depths of electrifying global jazz happening around the world by supporting new Summer Fest artists hailing from Cuba, Australia, Switzerland, Argentina, Spain, Ghana, Japan and Luxembourg.

A standout summer destination for music lovers and families alike, the three-day event includes 120+ performances on 12 stages, attracting tens of thousands of visitors to downtown throughout the weekend.

The 29th Annual San Jose Jazz Summer Fest 2018 features an acclaimed lineup, and today San Jose Jazz announces its initial round of confirmed artists including Sobrato Organization Main Stage headliners: Kool & the Gang; Herb Alpert and Lani Hall; Lalah Hathaway; Booker T.’s Stax Revue: A Journey Through Soul, Blues and R&B; Goapele; Yissy & Bandancha; Nachito Herrera Trio; and Vincent Herring’s Story of Jazz: 100 Years.

Friday, Aug. 10 – Sunday, Aug. 12, 2018, Plaza de César Chavez Park, Downtown San Jose. Event Info:

Celebrating Colombian filmmakers creativity

PANORAMA COLOMBIA showcases Aug. 17-19, 2018 some of the most stimulating works made by a new generation filmmakers in Colombia.

Four feature films and a program of shorts make up a series that celebrates not only the talent and the creativity of the Colombian directors, but also a cultural expression through its cinematography and story-telling. Images, screening links and interviews with select directors available upon request.

Among the films is Amazona – In this skillfully constructed personal film, director Clare Weiskopf explores motherhood and its lace of the spectrum between persona freedom and parental responsibility.

While expecting her own first child, Clare visits her mother Val in the Amazon region of Colombia in order to heal the wounds of the past and make sense of the elder woman’s decision to leave her children behind to live in the jungle after a family tragedy. In the process, she opens a fascinating dialogue about sacrifice, guilt and self-determination.

A Q&A via Skype with director Clare Weskopf will follow the screening! Sunday, Aug. 19, 3:30 p.m., at Roxie Theater, 3117 16th Street, San Francisco.

Chile’s SANFIC Film Festival to exhibit attractive program

Singer Willie Nelson to release tribute album to Frank Sinatra

by the El Reportero‘s news services

American Willie Nelson, an icon of country music, will release a tribute album to the legendary singer Frank Sinatra on September 14, titled My Way and recorded by Legacy Recordings, according to specialized media.

My Way brings together classic songs from the American song book popularized by Sinatra throughout his career, enriched by the peculiar way of Nelson’s singing and string and brass arrangements under the production of the experienced Buddy Cannon and Matt Rollings.

The 80-year-old singer and composer of country music plays in My Way classics such as Summer Wind, Fly Me To The Moon, I’ll Be Around, What Is This Thing Called Love, It Was A Very Good Year, and the one that gives title to the album, considered one of the greatest successes of Sinatra’s career.

Nelson and Sinatra were friends who shared the stage, and on more than one occasion made public their admiration for each other’s work, says a note published by Legacy Recordings on its official website.

This is the second production released by Nelson this year, after Last Man Standing, in circulation since April, and the 12th album recorded by Legacy, a division of Sony Music.

My Way will be released in digital formats, compact disc and vinyl, and is now available for pre-sale on Nelson’s official website:

Hollywood to produce another movie with African characters

Disney company will produce a film called Sadé, which highlights the important role of African characters in that film industry, according to Deadline site.

The movie will be focused on the story of the first African princess -Sadé- and is an Ola Shokunbi and Lindsey Reed Palmer’s original idea, under the direction of Rick Famuyiwa (Confirmation, 2016). It tells the misadventures of a young African woman whose kingdom is threatened by a mysterious evil force.

According to the producers, Sadé is not the first Disney film starred by a black princess, but it will be one of the most attractive because of the description of the landscapes where the events take place (fictional, but in any African locality).

In 2009, Disney studios premiered the animated film Tiana and the Toad, whose main character is a New Orleans waitress who, in the midst of the jazz revolution, dreamed of running her own restaurant, a production that grossed more than 267 million dollars at the box office and got three Oscar nominations.

The company’s decision to go for what will be its first fairy tale set in Africa with black characters follows the great success obtained at the beginning of 2018 by ‘Black Panther,’ the first film starred by an African superhero.

Plácido Domingo and Other Stars Close Lyric Season in Spain

MADRID, Spain – Spanish tenor Plácido Domingo close on July 25 the lyric season that began in 2017 at the Teatro Real of this capital, where he will again be accompanied by other opera stars of the international arena.

The Albanian soprano Ermonela Jaho and the German tenor Jonas Kaufmann will perform together with Domingo in that coliseum to commemorate the 20th anniversary of its reopening and the bicentennial of its foundation, the institution reported.

In the first segment of the concert on Wednesday, Kaufmann will include opera arias by French composers Camille Sain, Camille Saint-Saëns, Charles Gounod; in addition to Georges Bizet, Jacques F. Halévy and Jules Massenet, an important author known for his operas of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

During the second half of the recital there will be arias from Richard Wagner: Die Walküre (The Valkyrie); Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg (The master-singers of Nuremberg); and Lohengrin.

The opera program of July 26 will feature the two best-known operas by Massenet (1842-1912): Manon (1884) and Werther (1992).

The work Thaïs (1894), by Massenet, recently performed by Domingo, after the American lyric soprano Renée Fleming, will also be performed on Thursday.

The individual vs. the reality machine

by Jon Rappoport

Technocratic mystics believe (or pretend to believe) that hooking up brains to a super-computer Cloud will bring on a miracle:

Humans will have instantaneous access to truth, facts, and bottom lines on any subject under the sun. The connection will be automatic.

Putting aside the vast neurological problems in achieving this fantastical hookup, the whole assumption is cockeyed, because censorship is actually the guiding principle.
“We will tell you everything you need to know and exclude everything we decide you shouldn’t think about.”

In other words, the brain-Cloud hookup is major media to the nth degree. Piles of nonsense, deception, omission, lies, and official stories. Mind control.

No need for tech giants like Google and Facebook to de-list, hide, and warn about “dangerous information.” It will be erased.

If that’s a miracle, it’s diabolical.

The brain-Cloud connection would constitute a Reality Machine in action, turning out reams of fabricated falsities, thereby building a landscape of perception which is a self-referential bubble.

You would see the shapes of a society that has been created for you.

Estimates of the approaching power of computers are based on their capacity to process information; nothing more. It’s absurd to infer a computer that can process faster than the human brain will be possessed of greater truth. Is a plane whose payload is bombs more truthful than a Piper Cub?

No, something else is going on here. The preposterous “utopia” of brain-computer merge is a front and a cover for the agenda of turning humans into machines. In that regard, the brain would be the Holy Grail. Make it into a slave that produces a chosen reality of perception and thought…

At that point, the individual would go the way of the dinosaur. Which is the whole point of technocracy.

As I keep saying, in any plan that seeks to encompass the whole human race, the individual is the wild card. He has the capacity to see through false realities; and more than that, he can, on his own, invent new unforeseen realities of startling dimensions. This power may be latent, but it is there.

Some 50 years after my collaboration with an extraordinary healer in New York, Richard Jenkins—whom I write about in my book, The Secret Behind Secret Societies—I assembled my collection, Exit From The Matrix. It contains many imagination exercises designed to acquaint individuals with more of this latent power, first-hand.

Life on Earth has been distorted through many lenses over time; and the latest of these lenses involves the promotion of technology to impart the idea that humans can “evolve to a higher stage” by merging their brains with computers.

This is a sham.

Computers can offer us many things; but deeper perception of the truth by automatic reflex, and increased creative power via stimulus-response, are not on the list.
The rejection of that future is a cardinal necessity.

Technocracy is failed mind control

Whether we know it or not, like it or not, want it or not, we are engaged in a struggle, and that struggle concerns the individual human spirit—understanding it, experiencing it, defending it against attacks.

The spirit isn’t some vague ghost or apparition. It’s front and center, even in this blind world. It animates action. It has great power. It defies reduction.

The spirit proliferates thought and vision. It doesn’t settle for simplistic harmonies. It isn’t a happy-happy rainbow. It isn’t a child’s fairy tale.

You aren’t a brain.

If you were your brain, freedom wouldn’t exist and we could all pack it up and go home and forget about life and the future.

Therefore, no super brain computer is going to supply you with freedom. It’s going to enforce automatic reflexes based on somebody’s algorithms.

Technocracy is all about “best answer.” It’s a fairy tale in which all humans go along with a master plan—people submitting to a program about how to perceive reality. This complex program is devised to hide the fact that the individual can invent new reality on a radical scale.

That is how the projection of mass reality is achieved: by spreading amnesia about the capacity of every individual human to create without limit.
Technocracy is a mirror of that amnesia.

Technocracy is a surrender to that amnesia. It’s a blockbuster movie loaded with special effects that hide its paucity of real ideas.

Our response depends on our understanding and conviction about what we are. Free and intensely creative beings, or sub-machines connected to the Big Machine.
(Jon Rappoport is the author of three explosive collections, The Matrix Revealed, Exit From The Matrix, and Power Outside The Matrix).