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Ex-attorney general denies accepting bribes from Colombian narco

Witness in Guzmán trial said attorneys general and 70 Federal Police were on his payroll

by the El Reportero’s wire services

More testimony of wrongdoing by former high-ranking officials in the Mexican government has emerged in the trial against former Sinaloa Cartel capo Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán in New York.

Ignacio Morales Lechuga is the latest ex-politician to be implicated after Colombian drug trafficker and witness Jorge Milton Cifuentes Villa declared that he had been on his payroll.

Morales is now a notary public in Mexico City but was the federal attorney general between 1991 and 1993 in the latter years of president Carlos Salinas de Gortari’s administration.

In his deposition, Cifuentes declared that he had bribed attorneys general in Mexico along with 70 Federal Police who protected his drug trafficking operations in the country.

Cifuentes, who used to be the principal supplier of cocaine to the Sinaloa Cartel, added that the officials on his payroll did not know they were employed by him because they dealt with a front man.

Morales declared the accusations were “completely false and defamatory.”

He has asked the federal Attorney General’s office to request a certified copy of the witness’s statement from the government of the United States.

Cifuentes told the court that his front man, Juan de Dios Rodríguez Valladares, operated the warehouse where the cocaine was stored in Mexico City. But things turned sour after the Colombian suspected Rodríguez of stealing their product and the latter attempted to kill Cifuentes.

The Colombian paid two police officers US $500,000 to apprehend Rodríguez and turn him over to the cartel. He was subsequently stabbed to death.

Guzmán’s trial was told at the start that the Sinaloa Cartel had bribed ex-presidents Enrique Peña Nieto and Felipe Calderón. Several other former officials have been identified by witnesses as having accepted cartel payoffs.

Source: El Universal (sp), Milenio (sp)

Mexico denies agreement with US on Central American migrants

MEXICO, DF, Dec 21 – Mexico on Friday denied the existence of an agreement with the United States that describes it as the ”third safe State” for Central American migrants, as a result of the decision to return them while their asylum application progresses.

The secretary of Foreign Affairs, Marcelo Ebrard, clarified in the morning press conference of President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador that this is not Mexico’s case, because it is a measure taken under the laws of the United States.

Mexico is reacting to this resolution, which is specific to the sphere and jurisdiction of the United States, and in that case, there is no question of signing a treaty or an agreement, in which our country accepts to be a third safe State. We have simply adopted a stance for humanitarian reasons. Mexico will have to define if the people who are in our territory today, who pass to the US, have an interview in the United States and if that country returns them as their situation is evaluated, Mexico will have to resolve if they are deported or accepts them, because it is not a treaty. And they know that we would not accept such a deal because we have told them several times.

Ebrard noted that what we have to solve is whether we accept or deport those people who are now on Mexican territory, and that the overwhelming majority are from Central American, not only in Tijuana, but in other points of the border.

Lopez Obrador trusts in creation of Mexican National Guard

The President of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, expressed Thursday his expectation that the Congress of the Republic will approve the creation of the National Guard to fight violence and corruption.

The president, in his traditional morning press conference at the National Palace after his daily meeting with his security cabinet, ratified Security Secretary Alfonso Durazo’s statements that if the proposal is not approved in the House of Representatives, he will withdraw the army to its garrisons.

The hypothetical decision generated criticisms regarding that there is fully aware of the police forces’ ineffectiveness in the battle against delinquency, which citizens’ denunciations involve with corruption.

Criticism generally turns around that in its first phase the National Guard will be integrated by the army, sailors and federal police for which, they consider, the security would be militarized.

Mexican president, Trump discuss migration and employment

by the El Reportero’s wire services

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said Wednesday that he spoke by phone with Donald Trump about the migration crisis in Central America and the idea of applying a joint program of development that puts an end to it.

The president shared a photo in the social media in which he appears accompanied by the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Marcelo Ebrad, at the moment he was talking with his neighbor with whom he shares, as a transit country to the United States, the migratory exodus.

The idea insisted by López Obrador is to organize a joint program of development that generates jobs and improves the living conditions of Hondurans, Guatemalans, and Salvadorans, especially young people, and thus attack the root causes of migration, as well as the social and criminal violence in those countries.

Saving the distances, the Mexican president compares that program with the controversial Marshal Plan that the United States applied in Europe after the Second World War and that, in the Central American case, would be executed jointly by both countries and Canada, the other partner of the trilateral free trade treaty known as T-MEC.

The development plan would also extend to Mexico with the aim of creating jobs and also curbing the national migration to the neighboring country, which Trump criticizes so much.

Through Twitter, the Mexican president reported that ‘in respectful and friendly terms, we spoke about the migration issue and the possibility of implementing a joint program of development and job creation in Central America and our country,’ he added.

On Wednesday, when he delivered his morning press conference, López Obrador suddenly left after reporting that he was going to have a phone call. We talk tomorrow, he said.

7-Year-old migrant girl dies of dehydration and shock in Border Patrol custody

A 7-year-old Guatemalan girl who crossed the southern border into the United States illegally earlier this month died of dehydration and shock after being apprehended by the U.S. Border Patrol in New Mexico.

The girl and her father were part of a group of 163 people who surrendered to Border Patrol officers on the night of Dec. 6, south of Lordsburg N.M., according to the Washington Post, which first reported the story.

Eight hours after the girl and her father were apprehended and taken into custody, she began having seizures and her body temperature was measured at 105.7 degrees by emergency responders. The Post reports, citing a CBP statement, that the girl “reportedly had not eaten or consumed water for several days.”

Nicaragua: Sandinista deputies annul the legal status of Cenidh and let’s make Democracy

With 70 votes in favor and 17 against, the majority of Sandinista deputies of the National Assembly canceled the legal status of the Nicaraguan Center for Human Rights (Cenidh), which is run by the activist Vilma Núñez de Escorcia.

Minutes before, with a vote of 70 votes in favor and 16 against, they also approved annulling the legal status of the agency Hagamos Democracia, which is chaired by Luciano García.

The request had been presented on December 12 as a matter of urgency by the Sandinista deputy Filiberto Rodríguez, at the request of the Ministry of the Interior.

The argument of the deputy Rodriguez to request such cancellation, is that these agencies have been given to activities that do not correspond to their purposes and that have collaborated with the attempted coup plans in recent months in Nicaragua.

The 80-year-old activist reiterated her “commitment” to continue defending human rights “until my physical strength allows me to do so”.

Why is there a war on Christmas?


Dear readers:

As we come to a close of 2018, and enter into 2019, just a few days from our press time is our memorable celebration of one of our most ancient celebrations in mankind: Christianity, I want to wish you all MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR! I bring to you this great article, written by John F. McManus, about how this memorable celebration of peace and love, is being challenged by atheists in the whole society. Marvin R.

by John F. McManus

The Christian beliefs of America’s forefathers and residents supplied the bedrock upon which the United States was built. But the Founding Fathers who did the building never intended to use the power of government to favor any particular religious view. They knew that religion would be necessary to guide the conduct of the people. So they carefully balanced the need for government with the need for religion.

When the Founders insisted in the First Amendment that there should be “no law respecting the establishment of religion,” they never intended to create a Godless state. They knew that temporal happiness would flow from the peoples’ religious views that bound them to moral principles. The government would be ruled by law, they believed, and the people would be limited by a freely accepted moral code such as the Ten Commandments.

George Washington summed up what the Founders expected when he stated: “And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.”

The sound foundation written into our nation’s beginning resulted in self-reliant people possessed of virtue anchored in religion. It was a benign fostering of religious consciousness, not a mandate issued by government.

But times are changing. For many years, individuals and organizations have worked to destroy the beneficial influence of religion. One of the most notable casualties is the downgrading of Christmas. Converting the birth of Christ into a celebration featuring snowmen and reindeer, and substituting “Happy Holidays” for “Merry Christmas,” indicate that the birth of the Babe in the crib is under attack. And the attack comes from the courts, not just in the commercial life of the nation.

It was in 1958 that New Jersey’s large Bamberger’s department store departed from longstanding practice and substituted various United Nations symbols and emblems in place of its traditional Christmas displays. Other than some raised eyebrows, no serious objections were raised and a campaign to have other stores do likewise in 1959 was begun. But the infant John Birch Society (formed in December 1958) learned of plans to have other area stores follow the Bamberger lead. A hastily created letter-writing campaign aimed at storeowners and managers in the region succeeded in persuading them, even Bamberger’s, to display the customary Christmas decorations.

However, the war on Christmas continued and court rulings started banning anything even hinting at the religious meaning of the great day. Soon, the most brazen perversion of the annual celebration saw promotion of UNICEF greeting cards in place of traditional Christmas cards. Many of UNICEF’s offerings had been created by known Communists. More letter-writing by Birch Society members and friends put an end to that.

By 2005, FOX news host John Gibson authored an entire book about the campaign attacking Christmas. His The War on Christmas: How the Liberal Plot to Ban the Sacred Christian Holiday Is Worse Than You Thought awakened many. But the war continued. We now find religious floats no longer in annual Christmas parades. Corporations have told employees to offer “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas” when dealing with the public. For many, a “Christmas Tree” has become a “Holiday Tree.” And manger scenes with the Babe in a crib surrounded by Mary, Joseph, the Magi, and some shepherds no longer appear on property housing public buildings thanks to challenges raised by the American Civil Liberties Union.

Reliance on a tortured meaning of the First Amendment has become a battering ram used to diminish and ultimately ban the true meaning of Christmas. Who gains in this campaign? The obvious answer is those who want to remake our nation’s fundamentals so the United States can fit nicely into a UN-led new world order.

Ask a non-Christian American if he or she is harmed by Christian fellow Americans who live according to the moral strictures of the Christian religion. Be prepared for a speedy negative response. What George Washington stated so many years ago is a correct analysis of human nature. Expecting morality to prevail without religion is an absurdity. And we add that an absence of morality is a huge step toward creating conditions where a would-be ruler will deal with chaos by establishing tyranny.

Like many similar traditions that have made America the envy of the world, keeping the real meaning of Christmas alive cannot be overstated. Merry Christmas to all!

(John F. McManus is president emeritus of The John Birch Society).

Declassified DoD report warns US at risk of total collapse, millions of deaths from EMP attack


Dear readers:

The following article, written by Jay Symopoulos for the The Free Thought Project site and published in May, take us to a different level of understanding of what could cause an interruption of the electrical grid in the country. Has anyone of you ever imagined anything like this could happen and what would be the devastating consequences for most of the services that we all depend on? – Marvin R.

A shocking report, commissioned by Congress and carried out by the Department of Defense on Electromagnetic Pulse, has just been declassified showing the extreme threat the US faces from an EMP attack

by Jay Syrmopoulos

Washington, D.C. – A newly declassified report by the recently re-established Commission to Assess the Threat to the from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack warns that the threat posed by an EMP attack could jeopardize “modern civilization,” return a lifestyle last seen in the 1800’s and leave millions of people dead across the United States.

The executive report, entitled Assessing the Threat from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP), predicts that the smallest EMP attack on the US electrical grid could have a devastating effect on the supply chain for at least a year or more – depending upon the scale of the attack – starving much of the country of electricity, water, food, transportation and telephone/internet service.

“A long-term outage owing to EMP could disable most critical supply chains, leaving the U.S. population living in conditions similar to centuries past, prior to the advent of electric power,” said the newly declassified July 2017 report.

“In the 1800s, the U.S. population was less than 60 million, and those people had many skills and assets necessary for survival without today’s infrastructure. An extended blackout today could result in the death of a large fraction of the American people through the effects of societal collapse, disease, and starvation. While national planning and preparation for such events could help mitigate the damage, few such actions are currently underway or even being contemplated,” added the executive summary.

The new report in many ways paralleled the previous commissions’ recommendations but included the distinct possibility of an EMP from a potential atmospheric nuclear blast by Russia, China or North Korea rather than solely focusing on solar events.

The Washington Examiner reported that “three reports on the issue have been declassified by the Pentagon and seven more are awaiting clearance.”

A declassified report from Peter Vincent Pry, a former member of a previous EMP commission, advisor to the current commission, and executive director of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security notes the potential magnitude of an EMP catastrophe.
In his report, entitled “Life Without Electricity,” Pry highlights the extreme devastation expected:

• Social Order: Looting requires dusk to dawn curfew. People become refugees as they flee powerless homes. Work force becomes differently employed at scavenging for basics, including water, food, and shelter.

• Communications: No TV, radio, or phone service.

• Transportation: Gas pumps inoperable. Failure of signal lights and street lights impedes traffic, stops traffic after dark. No mass transit metro service. Airlines stopped.

• Water and Food: No running water. Stoves and refrigerators inoperable. People melt snow, boil water, and cook over open fires. Local food supplies exhausted. Most stores close due to blackout.

• Energy: Oil and natural gas flows stop.

• Emergency Medical: Hospitals operate in dark. Patients on dialysis and other life support threatened. Medications administered and babies born by flashlight.

• Death and Injury: Casualties from exposure, carbon dioxide poisoning and house fires increase.

The executive report notes that the scenario proposed by Pry could potentially be a long-term situation due to damage the EMP which would make repairing the electrical grid much more difficult.

“The United States — and modern civilization more generally — faces a present and continuing existential threat from naturally occurring and man-made electromagnetic pulse assault and related attacks on military and critical national infrastructures. A nationwide blackout of the electric power grid and grid-dependent critical infrastructures — communications, transportation, sanitation, food and water supply — could plausibly last a year or longer. Many of the systems designed to provide renewable, stand-alone power in case of an emergency, such as generators, uninterruptible power supplies, and renewable energy grid components, are also vulnerable to EMP attack,” said the 27-page report.

The report urges coordination between governmental agencies to harden protections, which many experts have testified could be done relatively cheaply, an EMP czar to oversee readiness, and running simulation EMP attacks against current systems to test preparedness.

“With the development of small nuclear arsenals and long-range missiles by new, radical U.S. adversaries, the threat of a nuclear EMP attack against the U.S. becomes one of the few ways that such a country could inflict devastating damage to the United States,” concluded the report. It added, “It is critical, therefore, that the U.S. national leadership address the EMP threat as a critical and existential issue, and give a high priority to assuring the leadership is engaged and the necessary steps are taken to protect the country from EMP.”

Furthermore, the report notes that despite the attention given to the issue by the Trump administration, there is federal infighting, with the DoD, which has already factored EMP protection into its current planning, failing to distribute information to private and civilian agencies attempting to make similar preparations.

The reality is that an EMP could be delivered from a small ship off the coast of the United States, thus meaning that states that are without operating ICBM programs could still deliver a devastating attack that kill millions and, at least temporarily, take the US back to being an 1800’s agrarian society.

This should serve as food for thought when we choose hostile aggression with other nations over international diplomacy. Rather than spending hundreds of billions of dollars yearly on managing an expansive military empire meant to control the flow of goods and money for multinational corporations, perhaps the money would better spend on the actual defense of the United States by preparing for the potential eventuality of an EMP incident here at home.

AMLO takes power after an unstable transition and broken campaign promises


Dear readers:

If most of you, who had followed the political campaign of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, had any questions o there was a vacuum of information regarding the new Mexican president’s real political or philosophical perspective, this article, written by Luis Gómez Romero, will bring some light to you. This article was written two days before AMLO was consecrated as the new Mexico’s leader. Marvin R.

But how he will use that power is a worry given the events of the last five months

by Luis Gómez Romero

Five months after he won a landslide victory in Mexico’s 2018 presidential election on promises to “transform” the country, leftist Andrés Manuel López Obrador will be sworn into office on Dec. 1.

The prolonged transition period – currently one of the the world’s lengthiest – has given Mexicans a preview of what presidential leadership will look like under López Obrador: aggressive.

Since its July 1 general election, Mexico has effectively been run by parallel governments with very different agendas. President Enrique Peña Nieto, Mexico’s conservative and highly unpopular outgoing leader, has all but disappeared from the public eye, even as tensions with the United States over the treatment of Central American migrants run high.

Meanwhile, López Obrador has been increasingly visible, offering asylum and temporary work permits to refugees, pushing his legislative priorities and deciding the fate of major infrastructure projects – though, strictly speaking, he cannot follow through on any of these decisions until after his inauguration on Saturday.

The president-elect’s disregard for constitutional restrictions has many political analysts in the country, myself included, concerned about how he will use his executive power once in office.

Since July, López Obrador has unilaterally called two “people’s polls,” circumventing a constitutional requirement that all popular referenda be approved by the Supreme Court and administered by the national election authority.

In October, his Morena party hired a private polling firm to ask Mexicans in 538 towns near the nation’s capital to vote on whether to cancel Mexico City’s controversial, extravagantly over-budget and environmentally disastrous – but much-needed – new international airport.

Seventy per cent of the nearly 1.1 million people who cast their ballots wanted to scrap the $13.3-billion project, which López Obrador had harshly criticized on the campaign trail.

Opposition lawmakers and protesters retorted that Mexican law requires a 40% voter turnout for a popular referendum to be considered binding. López Obrador polled 1.1 million people in a country of 130 million.

Nonetheless, the president-elect immediately announced the termination of the airport project in favor of revamping an unused military airport north of the capital.

As engineers, academics and the business sector also denounced the decision to scrap the new airport, the Mexican peso plummeted amid investor concern about national stability.

López Obrador responded to criticism with a populist evasion, saying simply that “the people are wise.”

A month later, López Obrador’s transitional government called another unconstitutional referendum to decide the fate of another major infrastructure project. In late November, 900,000 voters determined that the Mexican government should build the Maya train, a 1,500-kilometer rail line that would connect five southern Mexican states and the Yucatán peninsula.

Not consulted prior to the referendum: the Mayan communities traversed by the proposed railroad and who, by law, must be included in all decision-making that impacts their indigenous territories.

Nonetheless, López Obrador has declared that the rail project will be completed by the end of his six-year term.

López Obrador’s misuse of direct democracy to expand his executive powers while not even president sends worrisome signals about how he will govern Mexico.

The Mexican presidency is already an enormously powerful office. It was designed that way in the 1920s by the authoritarian Institutional Revolutionary Party, known as the PRI, which ruled the country virtually uncontested for nearly the entire 20th century.
After 80 years in power, the PRI lost the presidency in 2000 but was restored to power with President Peña Nieto in 2012.

López Obrador, a former Mexico City mayor who has unsuccessfully run for president twice before, won this year in large part because he promised to make Mexico’s centralized, stagnant political system more inclusive and consultative.

He pledged to root out corruption, reduce violence, restructure Mexico’s energy sector, respect the human rights of migrants and spur growth in the country’s most impoverished areas.

Legislatively, López Obrador will have the power to push through his transformative agenda.

His political party, Morena, secured majorities in both the Mexican Senate and lower Chamber of Deputies in July’s election. That also gives López Obrador the right to replace up to two justices on Mexico’s Supreme Court.
But some recently announced policies have surprised Mexicans who thought they elected a leftist champion of workers rights and social inclusion.

As part of his plan to slash public spending and eradicate corruption, López Obrador has released an austerity budget that includes laying off 70 percent of non-unionized Mexican government workers. An estimated 276,290 public employees will lose their jobs, according to Viridiana Ríos, an expert on the Mexican economy.

Bureaucrats who remain will be asked to work from Monday through Saturday for over eight hours a day.

López Obrador justifies the downsizing by quoting Benito Juárez, the celebrated indigenous president who ruled Mexico from 1858 to 1872. Juárez thought public officials should live in “honorable modesty,” avoiding idleness and excess.

Few doubt that Mexico’s government bureaucracy is bloated, and that expunging the rampant corruption of Peña Nieto’s PRI will require serious restructuring. However, the working conditions López Obrador proposes violate Mexican labor standards, which guarantee job security and an eight-hour work day.

There’s a logistical problem here, too. Implementing López Obrador’s ambitious policy agenda asks a lot of Mexico’s federal government. The president-elect now intends to transform his nation with an underpaid, overworked and understaffed bureaucracy.

López Obrador has angered other supporters by breaking a key campaign promise.

As a candidate, López Obrador pledged to reduce violence in Mexico by de-escalating the country’s war on drugs. Rather than using soldiers to fight crime, as Mexico has done since 2006, he said he would professionalize the Mexican police and grant pardons to low-level drug traffickers willing to leave their illicit business.

The security plan was underdeveloped, and when pressed for details on the campaign trail, López Obrador simply responded that Mexico needs “justice,” not “revenge.”

But voters recognized the sound logic behind his diagnosis. Numerous studies show that Mexico’s military crackdown on organized crime actually caused violence to skyrocket.

The number of criminal groups operating in Mexico surged from 20 in 2007, the year after the full-frontal war on drugs began, to 200 in 2011, according to the Mexican university CIDE. By last year, Mexico had 85 homicides a day – the highest murder rate since record-keeping began in the 1980s.

López Obrador has since radically changed his strategy for “pacifying” Mexico.

On November 14, the president-elect released a National Security Plan that continues to rely on the Mexican armed forces for fighting crime. Lawmakers from his Morena party have introduced a bill to create a National Guard, a new crime-fighting force that would combine military and civilian police under a single military command.

Mexican political pundit Denise Dresser has dubbed López Obrador’s strategy as the current cartel war “on steroids.” Security expert Alejandro Madrazo wrote in The New York Times that the decision is a “historic error” that squanders the opportunity to have a national dialogue about the role of the military in law enforcement.

Mexicans gave López Obrador a mandate to revolutionize the government so that it finally works for them. The president-elect’s power grabs, austerity budget and U-turn on security are early signs that he may not deliver the transformation they so eagerly await.

(Luis Gómez Romero is a senior lecturer in human rights, constitutional law and legal theory at the University of Wollongong. This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license).

Thanksgiving: Why some Americans don’t celebrate the controversial holiday


Dear readers:

Right on the day of celebration of Thanksgiving, I bring two different perspectives of why this holiday is something that we should not feel proud of. One is from Alexandra Wilts and Chelsea Ritschel, and the other one by Nicolo Breedove. – Marvin R.

The holiday is viewed by many to be a celebration of the conquest of Native Americans

by Alexandra Wilts and Chelsea Ritschel

For many Americans, Thanksgiving is a special, beloved holiday for eating turkey – or a vegetarian main course option – and spending time with friends and family.

However, for others, the celebration is deeply controversial – as Thanksgiving has a contentious history that goes far beyond when the first feast was held.

In addition to a holiday steeped with cultural appropriation, the period of history in America is frequently white-washed – which leads many Americans to ignore the holiday.

Thanksgiving is considered by some to be a “national day of mourning”

Like Columbus Day, the holiday is viewed by many to be a celebration of the conquest of Native Americans by colonists.

Many Native Americans see Thanksgiving as an embellished narrative of “Pilgrims and Natives looking past their differences” to break bread.

Professor Robert Jensen of the University of Texas at Austin said: “One indication of moral progress in the United States would be the replacement of Thanksgiving Day and its self-indulgent family feasting with a National Day of Atonement accompanied by a self-reflective collective fasting.”

Americans are frequently guilty of cultural appropriation in their celebrations

Young children are taught about Thanksgiving in school, where they often learn of the first feast through crafts and drawings. In addition to depictions of turkeys, the Mayflower and the Pilgrims, many children decorate Native American headdresses – which frequently bare no resemblance to the headdresses, clothes and feathers worn by the Wampanoag Indians.

These inaccurate historical references are perpetrated each year, making the battle for equality and accurate representation an ongoing one for Native Americans in America.

Happy National Genocide (Thanksgiving) Day!

by Nicole Breedlove

In 1637 the body of a white man was discovered dead in a boat. Armed settlers — which we tell our children were God fearing, gentle, sharing, kind Pilgrims — invaded a Pequot village. They also set the village, which included many children, on fire.

Thanksgiving has never been a celebratory holiday in my family. Whenever my family did cook we always gave thanks that all the Native Americans weren’t wiped out when Columbus “discovered” America. I never understood why my family was so against Thanksgiving. In school we drew turkeys with our hands and it was a happy time. It meant a couple of days off from school. My teachers made it seem like Thanksgiving was a holiday to look forward to. The New York City public education system told me what Thanksgiving was all about. I was very careful to regurgitate what they taught me when tested so I wouldn’t get a failing grade. When I was older though I was told the truth by my family.

My great, great, great, great grandfather was a part of a band of Black Indians in Florida, hence my unique and Native American-sounding last name. It seems I come from a long line of warriors and activists. I am a revolutionary not by choice but by lineage. When I did finally learn, there was no stopping me. Whenever someone asked what I was doing for Thanksgiving I proudly stated that I no longer celebrate it. Thanksgiving day should be known as National Land Theft and American Genocide Day.

I learned that in 1637 the body of a white man was discovered dead in a boat. Armed settlers — which we tell our children were God fearing, gentle, sharing, kind Pilgrims — invaded a Pequot village. They also set the village, which included many children, on fire. Those who were lucky enough to escape the fire were systematically sought, hunted down and killed. While many, including historians, still debate what exactly happened this day, also known as the Pequot Massacre, it directly led to the creation of “Thanksgiving Day.” This is what the governor of Bay Colony had to say days after the massacre, “A day of thanksgiving. Thanking God that they had eliminated over 700 men, women and children.”

William B. Newell, a Penobscot Indian and former chairman of the Anthropology Department at the University of Connecticut stated, “Gathered in this place of meeting, they were attacked by mercenaries and English and Dutch. The Indians were ordered from the building and as they came forth were shot down, The rest were burned alive in the building. The very next day the governor declared a Thanksgiving Day. For the next 100 years, every Thanksgiving Day ordained by a Governor was in honor of the bloody victory, thanking God that the battle had been won.”

When I finally found out the origins of Thanksgiving it made me nauseous. Never again will I celebrate a holiday I know nothing about until I investigate its origins. I am very thankful, pun intended, that I learned about the origins of this holiday. It is a reminder that history can be rewritten and if told enough times eventually becomes the truth!

People always tell me to forget the past. I should just let it go and move on. Why do people of color always have to forget?! Would you tell a Jewish person to forget about the holocaust and just move on?! Would you tell the family of those who lost their lives on 9/11 to just forget about it?! So why are our tragedies forgettable and others are not?! I WILL NEVER forget! I will ALWAYS honor those who lost their lives unjustifiable.

So when you sit down to dinner this year, look at your family, serve the food and tell each other what you are most thankful for, think about the origins of Thanksgiving. Think about the countless Native Americans who lost their lives so you can carve a turkey and get the best deals on Black Friday. Say a prayer for them, especially the children, who died simply because of the color of their skin.

Tijuana migrant numbers down by 3,000

No one knows where they are, most of those who remain have moved to a new, dryer shelter

by the El Reportero’s wire services

The whereabouts of around 3,000 Central American migrants is unknown after fewer than half of those in a Tijuana shelter were transferred to a new location.

More than 6,200 mainly Honduran migrants have arrived in the northern border city since mid-November and most had been staying in a sports complex that was converted into a temporary shelter.

However, government authorities announced last week that the migrants would be transferred from the Benito Juárez sports complex, whose grounds had become a quagmire after heavy rain, to a 9,000-square-meter-piece of land known as El Barretal, which is located in Tijuana’s eastern outskirts. “…the rest, around 3,000 [migrants], nobody knows where they are,” he said.

Senators Nominate Erika Contreras as Secretary of the Senate

SACRAMENTO – Senate President pro Tempore Toni Atkins (D-San Diego) and Senator Bob Hertzberg (D-Van Nuys) have introduced Senate Resolution 2, nominating Erika Contreras to serve as the next California Secretary of the Senate. The procedural measure, adopted at the beginning of each legislative session, nominates each of the three elected officers of the Senate: the Senate President pro Tempore, the Secretary of the Senate, and the Senate Sergeant-at-Arms.

“Erika is deeply familiar with the inner workings of the Senate and has a profound appreciation for our traditions,” Atkins said. “I’m confident she has the skills and temperament to guide this chamber into the future.”

Contreras was born in Aguascalientes, Mexico, and raised in the San Fernando Valley. Her family was granted legal residency following the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, and she later earned her citizenship in 1998. She is a graduate of the University of California, Santa Barbara, with degrees in Sociology and Spanish. She lives in Sacramento with her partner, Hector Betancourt, and their two children.

Mexico to drill new wells in Campeche to stop decreased extraction

The Mexican Government ordered the drilling of new wells in Campeche with the hope of stopping the fall in extraction that has turned the country from a net exporter to a partial importer of hydrocarbons.

The announcement was made by President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, who said that he will travel to that state in the Gulf to attend the beginning of the drilling of a battery of wells that should contribute to producing more crude oil.

The president is convinced that it is possible to reverse the crisis so it is necessary to extract more oil with new drilling and reactivate those wells that are declining, but without applying harmful techniques to the environment such as fracking, a practice denounced by environmentalists and scientists.

López Obrador reiterated that in his administration in the next few years, he will not bid for hydrocarbon exploitation contracts, until they show results, because with the energy reform only 2 percent of Petroleos Mexicanos (PEMEX)’s public investment have come from abroad and it has not produced ‘a barrel of oil.’

He added, ‘We cannot be granting territories for the extraction of hydrocarbons if there is no investment and, most importantly, if there is no production.’

However, he clarified that all 110 contracts awarded in the oil rounds will not be canceled so that there is no distrust.

He made it clear that those who received those contracts must show that they are going to invest and produce oil. Based on the results we have, we will make the corresponding decision. Our commitment is to give a truce of three years for results, because we do not want them to have the concession titles and only to speculate.

Eating radishes can diminish symptoms of clinical depression

by Ellaine Castillo

Antidepressants are some of the most common medications that people take. Based on a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 10.7 percent of Americans take this type of medication. This is a great cause for concern not only because it means that more people are suffering from depression, but also because antidepressants are known for their adverse side effects and high cost. To reduce the need for conventional antidepressants, researchers are now focused on finding alternative treatments such as medicinal plants, which are safe, effective, and cheap. Fortunately, there are many natural products with potential use as remedies for depression. These include the rat-tailed radish (Raphanus caudatus) whose antidepressant activity was determined by a team of Pakistani researchers from the University of Karachi and Hamdard University.

The rat-tailed radish is widely consumed in many Asian and European countries. But previous studies have shown that its applications go beyond the kitchen since it also has therapeutic use against cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer, and gastric disorders. Moreover, the rat-tailed radish exhibits hepatoprotective and antioxidant properties. The observed beneficial properties of this plant are due to the presence of alkaloids, anthocyanins, and isothiocyanate compounds, which are also associated with neuro-pharmacological potential. Unfortunately, there are no prior studies that look at the antidepressant activity of rat-tailed radish.

In this study, which was published in the African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines, the researchers collected ethanolic extracts from dried rat-tailed radish and administered varying doses (250, 500, and 1000 milligrams per kilogram) of these to male Swiss albino mice. Aside from this, there are two other groups serving as the negative and positive control, which were given a normal saline solution and the antidepressant Fluoxetine.

Two tests were used to determine the effects of rat-tailed radish on depression-like behavior in mice, which often manifests as immobility. One of these is the forced swim test. As its name implies, this test involves forcing mice to swim in an open cylindrical container and observing if they would struggle or just float motionlessly. The other test used was the tail suspension test, which involves hanging the mice by their tails and observing for any signs of movement. Results of these two tests showed that all three doses of rat-tailed radish caused significant improvements in depression-like behavior, as exhibited by reduced immobility time. Moreover, the extent of the plant’s antidepressant activity was comparable to Fluoxetine.

“Raphanus sativus is a rich source of flavonoids, alkaloids, anthocynins and isothiocyanate compounds. Hence, it may be safely suggested that antidepressant-like activity of Raphanus caudatus in the current investigation could be due to presence of these bioactive constituents,” said the authors of the study.

Overall, these results prove that rat-tailed radish has potential use as a natural remedy for depression due to the bioactive compounds that it contains. However, the researchers still recommend further investigations to determine the specific compounds involved in this therapeutic application. (Related: Beat depression without drugs: These are the best supplements and activities that work faster and better than prescription medicine.)

More information about depression

Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses in the world. A recent fact sheet published by the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that more than 300 million people suffer from depression. People with this condition exhibit depleted concentrations of the neurotransmitters dopamine, epinephrine, and serotonin, which are important for maintaining mood. To help you determine if you’re suffering from depression, here are some symptoms of this condition:

Low energy levels
Loss of interest
Changes in appetite
Sleeping problems
Suicidal thoughts

(Natural News).

Glucosamine slows down aging by supporting connective tissue

by Ben Fuchs

Connective tissue (CT) is one of the four types of tissues that form the human body. (The others are the nervous, muscle and covering or “epithelial” tissue.) The connective tissue supports all the other tissues by binding them together. The connective tissue also nourishes, oxygenates, electrifies and detoxifies all the cells of the body. The connective tissue includes bones and the internal material within which the various organs of the body are embedded. The skin gets its resilience from supportive connective tissue, that is located in the dermis. The heart sits on a framework of connective tissue. The strength and elasticity of the arteries, veins, capillaries and lymphatic vessels depends on connective tissue, while even the blood itself is a type of liquid (actually gel) connective tissue.

Interestingly, the cells that compose the connective tissue are NOT connected to each other. They come close but they don’t touch. Rather, the spaces between CT cells are filled in with “grout”, which is really a type of jelly or biological gel substance, that is secreted from connective tissue producing cells (fibroblasts). This gel plays a major determining factor in the health of the connective tissue.

This jelly-like material is a type of matrix and, because it is secreted outside of cells, it is called an extra-cellular matrix or ECM. This ECM is the prime determinant of the health of connective tissue and the body as whole. That’s because, the way the system works, the ECM is responsible for feeding, breathing and detoxifying cells. Once the ECM becomes defective or clogged up, with cell breakdown, death and disease begins. When we talk about connective tissue disease, when we talk about aging, when we talk about cancer, when we talk about ALL health challenges, what we are really talking about is some defect in the extracellular matrix. So, while all disease is cell disease, cell disease begins with a defective ECM.

Cartilage is a classic example of ECM. Collagen is a component of the ECM. Hyaluronic acid is a component of the ECM, as is chondroitin, bone, tendons, ligaments, muscle, and even blood (aside from the red and white cells). That means that pretty much all health issues that involve the structure of the body are at least partially issues with the extra-cellular matrix.

That makes working on producing a healthy ECM a critical element of health, wellness and anti-aging. Once the ECM is formed, there’s not much that can be done, but what we can do is work on tomorrows ECM. That means working with fibroblasts by ingesting nutrients that support the health of the fibroblasts and giving the body raw materials that the fibroblasts can use to make a healthy ECM.

One of the most important of these supportive nutrients is a glucose derivative called glucosamine, an abundant sugar molecule that is produced in the human body. It’s found in cartilaginous foods like pig snouts and chicken feet, as well as the shells of shrimp, crabs and lobsters. Mushrooms are also a good source of this important biological raw material. Of course, the most important source of glucosamine, for most folks, is in dietary supplements, where it is derived primarily from the chitin, that forms the exoskeleton of crustaceans (crabs, prawns, and lobsters), as well as the cells of fungi.

Once ingested, glucosamine enters into the blood stream and is delivered to the fibroblasts (the cells that form the connective tissue). There it plays a key role in the production of hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulfate, as well as keratan sulfate, which, along with collagen, are the most important components of the extracellular matrix. In fact, glucosamine production is the rate-limiting step in GAG synthesis. Without it, the ECM could not be produced. By eating glucosamine rich foods and by using glucosamine as a nutritional supplement, the production of a healthy extracellular matrix can be supported.

9 Ways glucosamine can slow down the aging process and keep you healthy

1. Strengthens circulatory vessels
2. Liquifies Blood improving delivery of nutrients to extremities
3. Improves production of bone mass
4. Prevents fine lines and wrinkles
5. Supports skin moisturization and reduces dry skin
6. Facilitates electrical conduction in the heart
7. Supports intestines, improving symptoms of Leaky Gut Syndrome and bowel disease
8. Enhances the production of joint cartilage and reduces arthritis inflammation
9. Helps reduce receding gums and helps prevent gum disease.

A healthy, organic diet reduces the risk of cancer by a whopping 65 percent

by Ellaine Castillo

Many people believe that having a healthy organic diet helps decrease the risk of certain diseases. A recent study helped prove that claim, establishing that a healthy diet can reduce the risk of cancer by up to 65 percent.

For the lead author, Dr. Ashish Deshmukh of the University of Florida, the study findings reveal that it is important that a person’s total diet remain balanced, rather than focusing on specific nutritional components. This means that a person’s diet must contain different nutrients derived from various sources, such as vegetables, fruits and dairy products. Apart from this, the food consumed should also be organic and should contain clean proteins, unprocessed carbohydrates and non-toxic fats.

The researchers came to this conclusion when evaluating the information from the Third National Survey of Health and Nutrition Examination (NHNES III), which collected data from almost 34,000 people from 1988 to 1994. From the data set, 1,200 participants were diagnosed with cancer in the time of the study.

Those who participated in the survey kept a food diary where they tracked what they ate during the day. These documented diets were classified according to nutritional quality, following the dietary guidelines of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

Then the participants were followed for 17 years; During that time, half of the initial respondents have already died. However, those who were able to maintain a balanced and nutritious diet reduced their risk of dying early due to cancer and other causes by 65 percent, compared to those whose diets were considered of low nutritional quality.

“It is also crucial that cancer survivors work with their dietitians to identify a balanced diet regimen and then follow that regimen,” Deshmukh added. “There is no harm [from] healthy eating.”

Other ways to reduce the risk of cancer

In addition to having a healthy diet, other ways to naturally reduce the risk of cancer include:

• Avoid tobacco: different types of cancer, such as throat, lung and kidney cancer, have already been linked to tobacco exposure. This is not only limited to smoking tobacco, it also includes chewing it, as well as exposure to secondhand smoke.

• Exercise: maintaining a healthy lifestyle not only includes a healthy diet, it also includes having enough physical activity during the day. This will help you maintain a healthy weight, which is important since it has been determined that obesity is a risk factor for some types of cancer. For adults, at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity (such as a quick walk) or 75 minutes of vigorous activity (or activities that make you sweat) a week are recommended.

• Stay away from too much sunlight: the harmful rays of the sun can cause the development of skin cancer, one of the most common types of cancer. These are stronger between 10:00 a.m. at 4:00 p.m., so avoid going out during these times. Covering exposed areas and avoiding sunlamps also reduces the risk of skin cancer.Read more news and developments about cancer prevention and treatment by visiting

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