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Scholar’s mission: help modern readers discover a Mayan creation story

Book enables modern readers to connect to an ancient story


by Rich Tenorio


When Ilan Stavans first learned about the Popol Vuh as a teenager growing up in Mexico City, he was fascinated by the millennia-old Mayan tale. Decades later, Stavans reconnected with the text and saw it as comparable to other foundational narratives from world civilizations, such as the Bible. Yet he noted a key difference: unlike these classics, the Popol Vuh had remained obscure.

Now Stavans — an acclaimed scholar of the humanities, Latin America and Latino culture at Amherst College — is helping modern readers connect to the ancient story that began as an oral tradition among the K’iche people, who are part of the Maya.

Stavans has released Popol Vuh: A Retelling, a book-length version of the narrative that he hopes will interest a mainstream audience. The book features illustrations from Salvadoran artist Gabriela Larios, whose artwork provides a crucial dimension, Stavans said, as does the foreword by Homero Aridjis, Mexico’s former ambassador to UNESCO.

“My intent in this retelling was to insert the Popol Vuh into the canon of world classics, sagas that represent the birth and development of a nation,” Stavans said. “I have always been puzzled by the total absence of pre-Columbian indigenous aboriginal narratives that tell the story of the various peoples of the Americas prior to the arrival in 1492 of the Europeans in a way that is comparable to The Iliad and the Odyssey, to the Nordic sagas of Beowulf and other similar stories, and even to religious texts like the Bible, the Ramayana, and the Quran.”

Stavans drew multiple comparisons between the Popol Vuh and these texts.“If you see the Ramayana, if you see the Bible, you see literary texts that tell us stories about the gods and humans interacting,” he said. “Stories like the Ramayana are about genealogy, explaining how a people acquired its identity, what its mission is in life.

”That’s what he sees in the Popol Vuh, which he describes as “a beautiful story” about “how the world was created. At the center of it are fallible humans. Within the humans, there’s a kind of selection of one people that is going to honor the deities. That people are the K’iche.”

Stavans lamented that when he was younger, the Popol Vuh and another foundational Mayan text, the Chilam Balam, were treated as anthropological or archaeological items, not as books. He said that he was “angry at the way [that] throughout Mexican history, indigenous cultures had been, like many people in time, fossilized, turned into fossils, seen as historical artifacts, historical entities, not incorporated in any meaningful way into the lens of daily life in Mexico, and even less so in Mexican culture.”


Myke Towers signs global distribution deal with Warner Music Latina

by the El Reportero‘s news services


After a two-year courtship, and rising above offers from multiple competing labels, Warner Latina and Warner Records have jointly signed an exclusive global distribution deal with Puerto Rican rising star Myke Towers and his independent label, Whiteworld Music.

The deal was spearheaded by Warner Music Latina president Iñigo Zabala, who brought Towers to the attention of Warner Records global heads at a time when music in Spanish is a global force, a fact highlighted by Towers’ remarkable success as an independent artist.

In the past 12 months alone, the 27-year-old has placed seven songs on the top 10 of Billboard’s Hot Latin Songs chart, two songs on Billboard’s Global Ex U.S. chart, six songs on the Spotify 200 chart (more than any other Latin act) and is currently No. 8 on YouTube’s Global artist chart while his video of “Bandido” with Juhn is No. 2 on the service’s Global chart this week.

No wonder that while Towers sings in Spanish, Warner sees him as a completely global act. “He is one of our most important signings of the past year,” Warner Records Co-Chairman & COO Tom Corson says bluntly.

That import has already been tested, most impactfully in “Me gusta,” the Anitta track released last September where Warner paired Towers with the Brazilian star and Cardi B.

As it turns out, Towers has been on Warner Latin’s sights since 2017, when he first started releasing music. But the label’s approach began in earnest in 2019, after he collaborated with Warner Music Latina group Piso 21.

“We formally contacted him in April 2019, when he released his single ‘Si Se Da,’” says Zabala, president of Warner Music Latin America & Iberia. “At that point, it was clear he was a very, very special artist. We always presented to them [Towers’ management] that we were the better partner to help them globalize Myke’s music. It’s been a long conversation, but it’s been very successful.”

7 healthy reasons to add more flaxseed oil to your diet

by Brocky Wilson


02/02/2021 / – Flaxseed oil may not be as popular as other kitchen oils, but it sure ranks among the healthiest. Sometimes called linseed oil, flaxseed oil is made from ground and pressed flaxseed, a delicious superfood rich in omega-3 fatty acids and other important nutrients.

The Ancient Greeks and Romans loved snacking on flaxseed to boost their nutrition. Meanwhile, in the middle ages, Charlemagne was such an ardent believer of flaxseed’s health benefits that he ordered his people to eat more of it.

If you’re looking to bring more flavor to your diet while keeping things healthy, flaxseed oil is an excellent choice. It has a crisp, nutty flavor and an aroma reminiscent of sunflower seeds. Add it to cereal, smoothies, salads and other raw meals to enrich their taste. Take note that flaxseed oil is best eaten raw due to its low smoke point, meaning it burns easily.

7 Health benefits of flaxseed oil

Here are a few reasons to add more flaxseed oil to your diet:

  1. Lowers cancer risk

Flaxseed oil stands tall among anti-cancer superfoods. It’s a rich source of phenols known to reduce breast cancer risk and is packed with linoorbitides, potent antioxidants known to protect suppress tumor growth. Moreover, it has the highest level of omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) of any vegetable oil. Research shows that ALA helps curb the growth of cancer cells and even eliminate them outright.

  1. Boosts heart health

Many cooking oils are often held in contempt because they worsen heart health – but not flaxseed oil. Omega-3 eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) keep your blood pressure and cholesterol levels in check, and studies show that flaxseed oil supplements can increase EPA and DHA levels in the body. This is because the body converts ALA to EPA and DHA upon intake.

  1. Reduces inflammation

Though inflammation is a perfectly natural response to infections, it can spiral out of control and persist for a long time, which can contribute to serious conditions like heart disease, cancer and Type 2 diabetes over time.

Thankfully, flaxseed oil is rich in omega-3s. Studies show that these healthy fats can reduce the production of pro-inflammatory molecules. Many researchers have also observed a consistent link between higher omega-3 intake and reduced inflammation.

  1. Aids digestion

Constipation causes uncomfortable sensations that can put a damper on your day. If you ever get constipated, be sure to add more flaxseed oil to your diet. It has laxative properties proven to aid in digestion and cleanse your bowels.

A study of hemodialysis patients shows that daily supplementation of flaxseed oil can relieve constipation. Another study, this time of people with irritable bowel syndrome, found that flaxseeds help lower inflammation associated with constipation and diarrhea.

  1. Makes skin look younger

Want better skin? Eat more flaxseed oil. Thanks once again to its rich omega-3 profile, the oil can make your skin look younger and more radiant. One study shows that omega-3s offer protection against skin problems like premature skin aging, hyperpigmentation, skin cancer and dermatitis symptoms like dry skin.

Other studies also suggest that flaxseed oil helps lower skin cell inflammation and repair damaged skin. The oil can further support skin health due to its high ALA content. Low ALA levels in the body have been linked to skin problems.

  1. Promotes weight loss

Many diets have a reputation for being bland, but that’s not necessarily true. Nutty and richly textured, flaxseed oil is a delicious superfood that sits squarely with your weight loss plans. It suppresses your appetite and keeps food moving along your digestive system. Dieters can go nuts over this one and still keep their weight off.

  1. Reduces menopause symptoms

Menopause causes symptoms like hot flushes, poor sex drive and difficulty sleeping that can make anyone grumpy. Fortunately, flaxseed oil is a terrific remedy for menopause symptoms. One study of menopausal women shows that flaxseed oil supplements can decrease hot flashes and improve quality of life.

Kitchen oils come aplenty, but few satisfy your dietary and culinary needs quite like flaxseed oil. Tasty and nutrient-rich, this oil confers a wide range of health benefits while bringing more flavor to meals. Add more flaxseed oil to your diet and eat it raw. With its low smoke point, this superfood works best in salads, sauces, juices and desserts. (Natural News).

Money sent home broke the previous annual record by 11 percent

Remittances surpass US $40-billion mark; analysts’ outlook brightens for 2021


by the El Reportero‘s wire services


Mexicans working abroad sent more than US $40 billion home last year, breaking the previous record for remittances by 11.4 percent.

Despite the coronavirus pandemic and associated economic restrictions, Mexicans working abroad, mainly in the United States, sent $40.6 billion to Mexico in 2020, an increase of almost $4.2 billion compared to 2019 when the previous annual record of $36.44 billion was set.

Remittances increased 17.4 percent in December compared to the same month of 2019, rising to $3.66 billion, the highest level since March.

Generous economic support in the United States amid the pandemic, a “very competitive” dollar-peso exchange rate and a “deep contraction” of the economy and employment in Mexico may have acted as driving forces for Mexicans abroad to send more money home, according to Goldman Sachs’ chief Latin America economist Alberto Ramos.

He said the record remittances in 2020 would help offset tourism sector losses. Remittances, over 95 percent of which came from the United States, accounted for about 3.8 percent of GDP last year, according to calculations by economists.

Money sent to Mexico from abroad was even more important last year than it is usually as the economy slumped by 8.5 percent and many people lost their jobs or saw their income fall considerably.

Analysts are forecasting a better 2021 in economic terms, even though Mexico currently faces a new peak of the coronavirus pandemic with no end in clear sight.

Thirty-six groups of Mexican and foreign analysts and economic experts consulted by the central bank are predicting, on average, growth of 3.5 percent this year, up from a 3.44 percent average response in the Bank of México’s previous survey. The consensus forecast for 2022 is 2.5 percent growth, slightly lower than the 2.6 percent previously predicted.

Internal economic conditions such as market weakness and uncertainty were cited as barriers to growth by 44 percent of those consulted by the central bank while 31 percent said that internal political uncertainty and insecurity could hinder the expansion of the economy. Only 10 percent of analysts cited external factors as a hindrance to growth.

About two-thirds of those consulted said that now is not a good time to invest in Mexico while only 12 percent said the opposite. The remainder expressed doubt about whether now is a good time or not to invest.

The federal government has been criticized for not being very investor-friendly, especially in the energy sector.

The analysts and economic experts predict that US $25.45 billion in direct foreign investment will flow into Mexico this year, an amount slightly higher than their previous forecast.

Source: El Financiero (sp), El Universal (sp)

California’s election rules could make a Newsom recall a wild ride

by John Myers

Sacramento Bureau Chief


SACRAMENTO – There is very little set in stone for a recall election in which voters could remove Gov. Gavin Newsom from office beyond the ballot’s basic question of whether the governor should keep his job.

Recall elections have been the electoral equivalent of a comet making its way through the solar system. Of the 55 attempts in California history to qualify a gubernatorial recall, only one, the dismissal of then-Gov. Gray Davis in 2003, has made it to the ballot. That is likely to change by year’s end, as backers of the effort to oust Newsom are on the verge of triggering a special statewide election this fall.

Though the tally of signatures on recall petitions won’t be complete until next month, there are significant issues to be sorted out. With flexible timelines and unusual rules, the coming months could be some of the most raucous political times in recent memory.

Voters can strike their names from recall petitions

The rules governing a recall election offer an unusual escape clause for voters who signed the petition that was circulated by Newsom’s critics: They can change their minds.

State election law provides 30 business days — beginning when, as expected, Secretary of State Shirley Weber announces enough signatures have been collected on the recall petition — for voters to remove their names from the list. A voter choosing to do so would have to file a request, in writing, with the elections office in his county of residence.

Could enough voters remove their names to block the election? Probably not. Recall supporters have gathered more than 2 million signatures, with so many of them being deemed valid in the early review by elections officials that nothing short of a major, well-orchestrated campaign could muster enough defections to change the course of the campaign.

Even if the governor’s allies wanted to mount such an effort, they would probably have to convince a large number of Republican voters, who make up the strong majority of signatories, according to recall backers. But some level of Democratic effort could attract attention and fuel partisan bickering once Weber announces the preliminary tally of signatures no later than April 29.

Recall candidates could have 24 hours to join the race

One of the most intriguing possibilities is that candidates vying to replace Newsom could have as little as 24 hours to file their paperwork for a spot on the ballot.

Recall ballots include a two-part question. Voters would be asked whether they want to remove Newsom from office and, in the event a majority chooses to do so, which candidate they would then want to take his place as governor. In the 2003 recall of Davis, won by Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger, the ballot featured an only-in-California list of 135 hopefuls including pop culture celebrities, ordinary citizens, politicians and pundits.

By law, Newsom could not run as a candidate on the replacement portion of the ballot.

In a gubernatorial recall, replacement candidates would have to file their paperwork — along with a fee of almost $4,200 or, in lieu of a fee, submit at least 7,000 voter signatures — no later than 59 days before election day. But here’s where things get interesting: The election could be held as soon as 60 days after the recall measure has been certified by the secretary of state.

That would give hopefuls just 24 hours to decide.

In 2003, then-Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante set the marker at 76 days after certification, giving replacement candidates 17 days to join the contest. Bustamante, much to the dismay of some fellow Democrats, announced his own candidacy two days before the deadline.

Should the Newsom recall qualify for the ballot, Lt. Gov. Eleni Kounalakis must schedule the election within 60 to 80 days. And if she decides on a short filing season, it could scramble the field of viable replacement candidates, perhaps boosting Newsom’s chances of political survival.

An all-mail recall election

The COVID-19 pandemic prompted a historic change in California’s November election, leading state officials to order that every registered voter receive a ballot in the mail — more than 22 million ballots mailed statewide. Some voters chose to cast ballots in person, with local officials using strict COVID-19 safety rules to reconfigure traditional polling places.

If a special recall election is held this fall, the all-mail ballot rules will be used again under legislation Newsom signed in February. Easy access to voting could boost voter turnout, something that could prove to be an advantage to the Democratic governor in a state where his party accounts for 46% of the registered electorate.

Proposals on tobacco, gambling could make the recall ballot

For a handful of politically powerful interest groups, the biggest question at this point is whether the recall ballot would include a handful of high-profile ballot measures whose backers have expected their issues to be decided by voters in November 2022.

Four ballot measures are either in place, or could soon be, for the regular statewide election next fall.

Tobacco companies have qualified a referendum asking voters to overturn a law Newsom signed last year to ban the sale of flavored tobacco products. Meanwhile, a long-running battle over efforts to lift California’s existing cap on medical negligence payments qualified last summer for the November 2022 ballot. Two additional ballot measures — an effort to legalize sports betting in tribal casinos and a proposed statewide ban on single-use plastic packaging — are both waiting for elections officials to review and validate voter signatures.

Two ballot measures were considered and ultimately rejected by voters in the 2003 gubernatorial recall: a legislative proposal to earmark tax dollars for infrastructure and an initiative to strengthen California’s ban on affirmative action policies.

Election laws have been changed in the intervening years, making the issue of what will appear on the ballot murky. By having already been placed on the 2022 ballot, the flavored tobacco referendum seems most likely to be moved to the recall election. But it’s less clear what happens to the initiative measures, which are subject to a 2011 law that specifies their appearance on “general election” ballots.

A spokesman for the sports wagering initiative said Wednesday that its backers are sorting through the legal issues involved.

A ballot measure battle taking place alongside an election to remove the governor could be expensive. And depending on which voters cast ballots — with some Californians motivated more or less than by a regular election — a gubernatorial recall could produce a different result than expected by interest groups that spent years preparing their campaigns. (Shared from LA Times).

Final figures confirm Mexico’s GDP plunged 8.5 percent in 2020, worst decline in 90 years

Forecasts for this year range from 3.9 percent to an optimistic 5.5 percent


by Peter Davies


It’s official – Mexico recorded its worst economic contraction since the Great Depression in 2020 as the coronavirus pandemic and associated restrictions ravaged the economy.

GDP plunged 8.5 percent last year, according to final, revised data published Thursday by the national statistics agency Inegi.

The figure, which represents the worst economic result since GDP slumped more than 14 percent in 1932, is the same as the one published by Inegi in January based on preliminary data.

Mexico’s economy has now contracted during two consecutive years after GDP declined 0.1 percent in 2019.

It is the second time this century that Mexico has suffered back-to-back annual contractions as the economy also shrank in 2001 and 2002. Before that the most recent consecutive contractions were in 1982 and 1983 when Mexico was mired in a debt crisis.

President López Obrador took office in late 2018 promising average annual growth of 4 percent during his six-year term. That outcome now looks almost impossible to achieve, although GDP is forecast to bounce back strongly in 2021 – at least compared to the economic nightmare of 2020.

The president himself is predicting a 5 percent rebound this year, a forecast more optimistic than most but not beyond the realms of possibility.

The newspaper El Financiero reported that López Obrador’s prediction appears based on optimistic forecasts from institutions such as the rating agency Moody’s, which is forecasting 5.5 percent growth this year.

The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank are both more pessimistic, forecasting GDP expansion of 4.3 percent and 3.7 percent, respectively, while Citibanamex’s latest survey found a consensus for 3.9 percent growth.

All of those forecasts are more optimistic than the organizations’ previous predictions, indicating that there is growing confidence in the Mexican economy’s capacity to recover in 2021.

The strength of the recovery, however, will depend to a large extent on Mexico’s ability to inoculate the population against Covid-19, which remains a significant threat despite the pandemic waning considerably this month compared to January.

The government has agreements to secure more than 234 million vaccine doses – enough to inoculate the entire population – but has so far only received about 2.5 million doses and administered 1.9 million.

Another factor that could weigh on growth is the government’s plan to overhaul the electricity market to favor the state-owned Federal Electricity Commission. Several analysts have said that the proposed reform to the Electricity Industry Law will scare off foreign and domestic investment.

The bill is the 15th government initiative that undermines investor confidence, according to CEESP, a private sector think tank.

“All the changes being made in the sector are a very bad sign for future investment in the energy sector and especially in renewable energy,” said Ariane Ortiz-Bollin, assistant vice president-analyst at Moody’s.

“This will affect the supply of energy … in Mexico and will also affect economic growth in the medium term.”

Mexico News Daily

Frida Kahlo exhibit at the Young Museum

The Frida Kahlo exhibition has re-opened, and extended through May 2nd!

Compiled by the El Reportero’s staff

The exhibition Frida Kahlo: Appearances Can Be Deceiving is at the de Young Museum. At the time of Frida Kahlo’s death in 1954, a treasure trove of the artist’s highly personal items—including jewelry, clothing, and prosthetics—were locked away. 50 years later, these belongings were unsealed—now they’re on view for the first time on the West Coast. Discover what these objects reveal about their now iconic owner in Frida Kahlo: Appearances Can Be Deceiving. The exhibit introduces her family and her life. Museum-goers will be able to see over a hundred of Frida Kahlo’s personal belongings, as well as photographs in her younger days.

Frida blended different styles to make her own, what is now an iconic look. The exhibit features a trove of possessions that had been locked up for 50 years, her jewelry, and her vibrant ensembles.

Tickets are now available on our website. In the meantime, get to know our rigorous health and safety procedures on our website. We look forward to seeing you soon! Video: Food Sustainability Lecture in Palo Alto José Andrés, the Michelin-starred, SpanishAmerican chef and author, will speak at 7 p.m. April 6 in Peninsula Open Space Trust’s (POST) 2021 Virtual Wallace Stegner Lectures.

This is the fourth and final event in this year’s series, titled “The Path Forward,” which focuses on how our community addresses social and environmental issues. Andrés will appear in conversation with local food personality Jesse Ziff Cool. With the purchase of the $30, full-access ticket, attendees will receive a private viewing link for this event with Andrés, as well as links to watch each of the previously recorded lectures from earlier this season (available through April 30).

Advance registration at wsls-jose-andres/. Proceeds from the lecture series support POST’s work to protect open space on the Peninsula and in the South Bay. Andrés joins POST’s 2021 Wallace Stegner Lectures to discuss sustainability in the restaurant industry. Many of his restaurants are focused on serving sustainably grown and harvested foods.

His newest book, Vegetables Unleashed, describes how the home cook can approach preparing vegetables in fresh and surprising ways that help to reduce food waste and our carbon footprint.

101-year-old folklórico dancer honored with mural in Long Beach

by the El Reportero’s news services

A new mural at Pan American Park in Long Beach celebrates 101-year-old folklórico dancer Alta Regalado LONG BEACH, Calif. (KABC) — “I couldn’t believe it but then I realized it was me,” said 101-year-old Alta Regalado. The longtime South Gate resident is the subject of a new 17 ft. by 30 ft. mural at Pan American Park in east Long Beach.

“It took us about a week and a few days to paint this mural,” said artist Alva McNeal. “It was really important and inspiring for us to be able to paint this mural because older adults are not recognized as much in the community or the country.” The mural was commissioned by SCAN Health Plan and the Arts Council for Long Beach.

“We often dismiss seniors as frail or vulnerable or no longer able to contribute or to be a burden,” said Vice President of Member and Community Health Eve Gelb. “I think an image like this really defies that perception of seniors.” Check out the mural at 5157 E Centralia St., Long Beach. Roe v. Wade movie premieres this weekend at CPAC The movie shows the truth about abortion and its legal history The upcoming film Roe v. Wade, detailing the events surrounding the 1973 Supreme Court decision permitting abortion, is due to premiere this Friday at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Orlando. Former President Donald Trump will be speaking at the event on Sunday.

The plot is told from the viewpoint of Dr. Bernard Nathanson, a former prolific abortionist and cofounder of the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL). Nathanson later became a stalwart in the pro-life movement, and his conversion is portrayed in the film.

The film has been cowritten and co-directed by Nick Loeb and Cathy Allyn, and aims, according to Loeb, to “lay out the facts of how Roe v. Wade came to be and how it was decided” so that viewers can make up their own mind and “take one view or another.” Loeb noted that it was not a “preachy” movie, but one where “[w] e show it how it was.” “We spent a year doing research. I read over 40 books, court transcripts. Everything is documented.

There’s not one thing we made up,” he added. Roe v. Wade originally premiered at the Vienna Independent Film Festival last year, and is set to be released on Amazon and iTunes this April.

(by Michael Haynes, shared from LieSiteNews).

The globalist will try to disarm the people

Biden’s call to legislate the bearing of arms brings us back to the United Nations New World Order agenda on global disarmament. It only takes one more firefight for the global forces to start pushing the disarmament keys or restart their attempt to disarm.

Disarmament is common in authoritarian regime countries to maintain and protect absolute control, and guns in the hand of the population is a threat. The Small Arms Survey estimates that American civilians own 393 million guns and about 40 percent of adult Americans own a gun or live with someone who owns them.

But every time a madman does a mass shooting they want to blame every law-abiding citizen.

It is said that the only thing that prevents the installation of global Socialism is the US and the power of armed people to stop that gigantic totalitarian wave that would keep us perennially masked and vaccinated as they release new viruses to gradually reduce our population numbers to mention a few.

But just look at the labels of foods that contain chemicals, drugs that are approved for consumption – even sold during the pandemic to keep us sedated; the laws that they enact in the legislature to reduce the number of births, the vaccines that they launch on the market, wars and family separation, all aimed at reducing the population. It is clearly inscribed in the New World Order points of the UN, and which the mainstream media labels it a conspiracy theory.

For 234 years, our Constitution has remained the axis of freedom, free expression, the right to private property, and especially to protect the right of all Americans to bear arms – of all calibers – if necessary that the people themselves had to defend these inalienable rights that God gave us. And no one but God can take them away from us.

And cynically, those who want to erase us the Constitution try to do so in the name of Democracy, but through deception. “Democracy is not the defining characteristic of American greatness,” says Gary M. Galles Professor of Economics at Pepperdine University and adjunct fellow at the Ludwig von Mises Institute. “Freedom is. Democracy is important only insofar as it serves and defends freedom. For example, if what the current majority decided ‘democratically’ were law, our Constitution and Bill of Rights, which puts some things beyond the determination of the majority, it could not in fact be the highest law on earth.

Fat molecule in avocados helps fight Type 2 diabetes

by Winnie Martin

March 17, 2021 – Avocados are fruits known to protect heart health. The American Heart Association (AHA) wrote in 2015 that eating one avocado a day can slash low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or bad cholesterol levels. However, a new study has shown that avocados can also help fight type 2 diabetes. According to the October 2019 study, a fat molecule found only in avocados is responsible for this health benefit. Canadian researchers have suggested that the avocatin B molecule helps address insulin resistance. This fat molecule from avocados also improves insulin sensitivity. For the study, the researchers gave mice highfat diets for a period of two months. Avocatin B was then administered to half of the subjects twice weekly for a five-week period. Subjects given avocatin B reported an improvement in glucose tolerance, glucose utilization and insulin sensitivity. In addition, the mice given the healthy fat molecule weighed sig nificantly less compared to those that did not. The researchers also conducted a clinical trial for avocatin B using human subjects. Based on the clinical trial results, human participants tolerated the fat molecule well. Participants following a Western diet that received avocatin B reported no side effects on their kidneys, liver or muscle. While human participants who took avocatin B had reported instances of weight loss, it was insufficient for scientists to deem it statistically significant. The clinical trials on human subjects demonstrated the safety of avocatin B. The researchers plan on carrying out clinical trials to scrutinize the effect of avocatin B on people with metabolic health conditions. How does avocatin B work? The cells create energy through tiny structures called mitochondria. The mitochondria convert fatty acids to energy in a process called fatty acid oxidation. Difficulties such as insulin resistance can occur if they struggle to burn fatty acids completely

A number of earlier studies have put forward that people with diabetes and obesity are more likely to have incomplete fatty acid oxidation. Avocatin B steps in by stopping incomplete fatty acid oxidation in skeletal muscle. The molecule then increases glucose oxidation, reducing insulin resistance as a result. But the amount of avocatin B in avocados varies from fruit to fruit, and how the body extracts avocatin B from avocados remains unclear