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Immigrant crime and the fear-feeding frenzy

by José de la Isla

HOUSTON – Tell me straight. Do you think crime by immigrants is getting out of control? Has local media been carrying those stories? Do you think it’s worse now than before? Do you think the police need more legal tools to get control?

If so, there’s something you should know.

Another lengthy academic study has just come out maintaining that immigrants are far less inclined to be bad guys than our native sons. It’s the natives who grow up to become criminals.

The researchers, Dr. Ruben Rumbaut of University of California at Irvine and Dr. Walter A. Ewing, of the Immigration Policy Center, which published the study, found that between 1994 and 2000 criminal incarceration rates among immigrants were amazingly low. In that period, as the U.S. undocumented population doubled to 12 million, violent crime declined 34.2 percent and property crime dropped 26.4 percent.

Crime was low in all major categories when comparing immigrants and the native population. Among men 18 to 39 years, who mainly comprise this country’s prison inhabitants. Immigrants from Mexico were eight times less likely to be incarcerated than their U.S. counterparts. Foreign-born Salvadorans and Guatemalans had a rate six times lower than their counterpart cousins.

In a startling observation, IPC director Benjamin Johnson admitted the report implied, “At some point in the political process, the facts don’t matter… (Immigration policy issues) become about sound bites and not about data.”

That is probably why the public will discount IPC’s “The Myth of Immigrant Criminality and the Paradox of Assimilation,” the study released Feb. 26.

For more than a century, reports like this one have been saying the same thing. The Industrial Commission of 1901, the (Dillingham) Immigration Commission of 1911, and the National Commission on Law Observance and Enforcement of 1931 all found lower levels of criminal involvement among the foreign-born. The historical record is consistent.

What does this report tell us that we didn’t already know? Nothing. The more intriguing issue is, why isn’t a large noisy part of the public willing to believe it?

The report’s authors dispassionately reason that because many immigrants enter the country by overstaying visas and through unauthorized channels, their status “is framed as an assault against the ‘rule of law.’”

Rumbaut says the erroneous popular myth of immigrant criminality is fed by media anecdotes. Sensationalistic stories aid and abet an erroneous public perception.

Harvard researcher Robert Sampson, participating in a briefing on the report, calls mistaken public attitudes about immigrants and higher-crime rates a “red meat” issue used by politicians. “Being tough on crime is very popular.” In fact, the U.S., with decreasing crime, has one of the highest incarceration rates in the world. “There’s a huge disconnect,” he said.

I asked Sampson whether the findings are really not a reflection on how U.S. society assimilates information. His response: “I think that is part of our message. The data have been out here for a while but they continue to be interpreted in a particular way.”

Rumbaut says there “is something almost in the DNA of American society, this fear that strangers coming from strange places undermine the welfare of the natives.”

Mark Twain’s wry wit comes to mind: ”There are lies, damn lies, and statistics.” But if the statistics have been telling the truth all along, public opinion that believes the contrary must fall in the categories of “lies and damn lies.”

[José de la Isla, author of “The Rise of Hispanic Political Power” (Archer Books, 2003) writes a weekly commentary for Hispanic Link News Service. E-mail]. © 2007


The city should extend its sanctuary law to the cars of the undocumented

­by Marvin J. Ramírez

From The Editor ­by Marvin J. RamírezFrom The Editor ­by Marvin J. Ramírez

For nine consecutive years, Sen. Gil Cedillo D-Los Angeles, has introduced legislation to allow undocumented immigrants to drive legally.

And on the same day in January law enforcement officials were meeting in Sacramento to discuss, among other issues, federal and state court rulings restricting authority of law enforcement officers to seize vehicles, as described in a Contra Costa Times article.

Although decisions by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeal in San Francisco and the California Court of Appeal did not specifically deal with illegal immigration, in many communities the majority of cars impounded belong to unlicensed drivers in the country illegally, cites the article.

The issue highlighted the fact that most impounded cars belong to undocumented immigrants in many communities, prompting law enforcement agencies to reevaluate their impounding policies. San Francisco is no different.

According to the news report, ‘the California Police Chiefs Association has told its members it is illegal to impound vehicles of people whose only violation is driving without a license when the vehicle does not create a traffic hazard.’ But in the city, the San Francisco Police Chief continues allowing its officers to take the cars of undocumented immigrants.

And after consulting with county attorneys, the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Department became one of the first jurisdictions in the state to follow the legal advice. I don’t know where San Francisco has been when these other communities are taking the lead to protect immigrants without green card.

“This isn’t an immigration or racial issue,” Sheriff Bill Cogbill said in the Times’ news report. “But the majority of people who get their cars towed (in Sonoma County) are illegal immigrants because they can’t get a driver’s license.” – Huhh, the city by the Bay is getting lots of dollars, taking advantage of that handicap.

I question this: If San Francisco is challenging federal law by enacting ordinances that protect immigrants from federal raids (ICE) from deportation, why can’t the same city ordinance extend its sanctuary protection to their private property?

One thing the City can do, is to temporarily suspend any enforcement of state law that mandates the impounding of the vehicle for driving without a license after presenting a Consular I.D. or Matrícula Consular for identification purposes, and to require them to pass a driving test at an accredited driving/traffic schools, after paying a fee. Then the City would provide them with a driving permit, valid until the U.S. Congress passes a comprehensive immigration bill.

The City will receive a fee, like the one they collect from street vendors to work independently, even though they lack a work permit in the U.S. The fee will partially pay for this program, created for undocumented immigrants. Then we can  say that San Francisco is truly a Sanctuary City. (The Contra Costa Times contributed to this article.)




Making money on the backs of the undocumented

by Marvin J. Ramírez

Good business for the city: A SFPD cop takes away the auto of a couple at 22nd and Mision streets for not having a driver's license, after he stopped them for having the windows too dark.Good business for the city A SFPD cop takes away the auto of a couple at 22nd and Mision streets for not having a driver’s license, after he stopped them for having the windows too dark.

NEWS ANALYSIS – Besides for being known for its immense colorful gay population and its Golden Gate Bridge and tourist attractions, San Francisco is also known for its caring for the defenseless, those with AIDS, and especially those persecuted by the United States Immigration and Custom Enforcement U.S.I.C.E.

For that endeavor, San Francisco enacted a Sanctuary ordinance almost a decade ago, to protect the immigrant communities from immigration agents seeking cooperation from local police to arrest them.

San Francisco is a city of sanctuary, “where immigrants are welcome and safe, regardless of legal status.” Under the 1989 City of Refuge law, meant to protect Central American war refugees,” no city employee shall use city resources to assist in the enforcement of federal immigration law.”

However, the city’s employees are indeed using the city’s resources when the police department waits in corners in areas where most of the undocumented residents frequent and shop, and tow their cars.

This sanctuary law has really made a difference in the lives of thousands lawful residents who have undocumented family members until the state enacted laws against them. These people work and live like ordinary citizens, but as opposed to those who are documented, they can’t obtain a DMV license, but have to drive as a necessity.

A tow truck driver receives the authorization from a police officer to tow the car of an undocumented person.A tow truck driver receives the authorization from a police officer to tow the car of an undocumented person.

They drive with fear of getting caught by aggressive cops who sometimes enjoy doing that dirty job, as they act with indifference to the pain caused on these people when confiscating the only means of transportation they have for the family. They use their vehicles to take their family members to school, to the doctor, to work, or when there is a medical emergency.

San Francisco politicians, however, have been silent on this area, impounding the vehicles of those stopped for usually minor traffic offenses, and taking their cars for lacking a driver’s license.

These mostly humble, working people with families and children, are the same undocumented immigrants supposedly protected by the City’s Sanctuary law from ICE, but obviously is not protecting their private property in San Francisco.

El Reportero has received complains that motorcycled officers follow them and stop them for no reason or simply for suspicion that they might be undocumented immigrants based on their humble appearance. The traffic stop usually ends up with the confiscation of the person’s vehicle in the absence of a driver’s license or auto insurance, and the passengers grabbing their belonging and walking away, sometimes with groceries and children.

Then the business interest takes place, giving the city and the towing companies huge profits no one can refuse.

A 30-day impounding has been the rule, which most victims of this action consider too much of a financial burden.

Neither from the Mayor or the Board of Supervisors, has come a word in addressing this issue. By simply enacting an ordinance that could provide a driving permit within the city for those who lack a social security number – a California requirement to grant a DMV license – the problem could be resolved.

The Board of Supervisors could draft a resolution immediately prohibiting the SFPD from temporarily enforcing the state law that allows them to impound their vehicles until an immigration reform bill is passed by the U.S. Congress. Because, aren’t the undocumented immigrants also protected under the sanctuary ordinance when they drive?

By following this suggestion, the city will again become the spearhead in the defense of immigrants, especially in this area where the state has failed them most: to grant them a driver’s license, which will allow them to get insurance and therefore protect us all.

According to following passages of an article in the San Francisco Chronicle, the State Senate already has voted late last year 25 to 14 to create a special exemption in state law that would reduce the mandatory 30-day impoundment of cars driven by unlicensed drivers, so that offenders who have never had a valid license can get their cars back after 24 hours. Right now, when officers impound the cars of unlicensed drivers, the mandatory term is 30 days.

The article reported that Pomona resident John Whitney, a member of the Christian group One LA that started the drive for the bill express that he supports a 30-day impound for drunken drivers and others who drive without a license, but as a “conservative Christian evangelical,” he wants to see different treatment for those who cannot get a license because they are not legal residents. He added that some tow companies charge too much to car owners; after 30 days, the cost exceeds what many hard-working immigrant families can readily absorb.

One bill supporter is Pomona Police Chief James Lewis, according to the article. Earlier this year, his department reduced the length of impoundment time from 30 days to one day. Whitney believes that when Pomona police impound a car for one day instead of one month, they enjoy better relations with the community, and improved community policing.

(The San Francisco Chronicle contributed to this article).



Chávez haunts Bush in Central America

by the El Reportero news services

Hugo ChávezHugo Chávez

LEON, Nicaragua: Venezuelan Preside­nt Hugo Chávez sang his anti-Bush praying of “gringo go home” on Sunday night in a friendly reunion with Nicaraguan revolutionary Daniel Ortega in front of thousands of cheering supporters.

With U.S. President George W. Bush on a five-country tour of Latin America, Chávez is haunting the man he sees as his ideological nemesis, vowing to revive a global socialist opposition to the U.S.

As Bush traveled from closely allied Colombia to Guatemala on Sunday evening, Chávez and Ortega traveled 90 kilometers (55 miles) to the city of Leon, where they left flowers at the tomb of poet Ruben Dario and announced that Venezuela would build a new oil refinery nearby.

George W. BushGeorge W. Bush

Cheered by thousands, Chávez said Bush’s tour was a failure.

Chávez and Ortega agreed to press forward with plans for an oil refinery with a planned capacity of 150,000 barrels a day.

Ortega estimated the facility would cost US$2.5 billion (€1.9 billion), to which Chávez added: “We don’t need to go begging before the International Monetary Fund or from anybody because now we’ve created the Banco del Sur, which will also be in Nicaragua.”

Mexico tries a slower path to changes on immigration

Strategy includes strengthening domestic job market.

MEXICO CITY — When President Bush lands in the Yucatan colonial city of Merida on Monday night, he will encounter a new Mexican government that wants the same thing the old one wanted: comprehensive immigration reform in the United States.

What’s different is that Mexican President Felipe Calderón, in office since December, is trying a slower and subtler approach. Calderón and his lieutenants have even invented a buzzword to define their strategy, saying they will “desmigratizar” the bilateral agenda, or remove immigration from the forefront of U.S.-Mexico relations.

“He’s having to find a new vocabulary,” said Juan Hernández, who headed a cabinet-level office for Mexicans living abroad during the administration of Calderón’s predecessor, Vicente Fox.

Calderón has spoken out against U.S. border policy, calling border fences “deplorable” and predicting that security measures will lead to an increase in migrant deaths. Still, the president’s top aides say he is convinced that, to achieve immigration reform, he must demonstrate to the U.S. Congress that Mexico is willing to address the factors propelling illegal migration, especially the country’s weak job market and low standard of living.

(The Washington Post, Associated Press contributed to this report).


PBS, Latinos still at loggerheads over Burns’s exclusion of Latinos

by Alex Meneses Miyashita

Maggie RivasMaggie Rivas

Hispanic advocates and executives from the Public Broadcasting System came to no resolution after 90 minutes of discussion and debate March 6 regarding a seven-part World War 11 documentary by Ken Burns that ignores the role of Latinos in the conflict.

Neither side yielded in what was otherwise described as a cordial meeting.

Hispanic advocates are demanding that PBS suspend the program’s Sept. 23 scheduled release until it includes the Latino contribution. PBS remains firm on its intent to air the documentary intact while offering alternatives that the Latino advocates rejected out of hand.

The Latino group, led by former San Diego State University staff member Gus Chavez, has requested a formal response from PBS to its demands (listed below) by March 13.

The community advocates maintained that releasing the documentary without portraying the Latino involvement would be “an insult to our community.” They also asked for a meeting with Burns, who has a contract with PBS until 2022. So far he has declined to respond to their invitation.

Contacted by Weekly Report, a PBS spokesperson said the company will reserve comment until it communicates with the Latino participants again.

In a statement, PBS gave the explanation, “It was never the goal of the filmmakers to create a comprehensive history of the War, thus many, many stories are left untold.

PBS said that editing the film would infringe on the filmmaker’s artistic expression.

It also stated that with the national airing of the documentary, The War, on Sept. 23, it will conduct an outreach initiative to generate local productions that add more perspectives of the conflict. During the meeting, the PBS executives said they would work to ensure that Latino participation is addressed with local additions.

Group members said that is not enough. “We’re not going to compromise, that’s the bottom line,” Chavez told Weekly Report.

Maggie Rivas-Rodriguez said, “We really have to have the Latino voice in that big documentary. Burns could not find a Latino in six years. It’s perpetuating the invisibility of Latinos.” She added it will be easier for them to exclude the community next time.

Rivas-Rodriguez is co-author of “A Legacy Greater than Words,” which showcases interviews with Hispanics in World War II.

Chávez added that the group is planning to contact corporations that provide support to PBS if it decided to air the documentary without changes.

President Bush has requested a slash of $145 million of federal PBS funding for next year’s budget, he said, adding, “This is not the time for you to be messing with this.”

The group plans to reach out to leadership at national and local levels, among other actions such as a national call-in day to protest the airing of the documentary. “This kind of omission is a national tragedy,” Chávez said. “It totally denies our experience.”

He called the meeting generally productive, saying Kerger “seemed to be shook up.” He remains optimistic that changes will be added to the documentary, he said.

PBS did change its initial Sept. 16 release date, Mexican Independence Day, to Sept. 23, following pressure from advocates.

An estimated 500,000 Latinos participated in the war, according to Chávez. American GI Forum chief operating officer Rolando Esparza told Weekly Report that Latinos earned proportionally more Medals of Honor during the last century than any other group, stressing the contribution the community had made to the country’s armed forces.
­Hispanic Link.


Website launched in honor of César Chávez

by Beth Pinio

Sam Ruíz  (baseball cap): , executive director del Mission Neighborhood Centers, celebrates with other children contestants, the crowning of the junior king and queen for Carvanaval 2006. (photo by john n. Lee)Sam Ruíz  (baseball cap), executive director del Mission Neighborhood Centers, celebrates with other children contestants, the crowning of the junior king and queen for Carvanaval 2006. (photo by john n. Lee)

A collection of Latin musicians will perform at Café de la Paz in Berkeley to ben­efit “the Children of Chaguitillo” Nicaragua. The musicians include Ray Obiedo & Mombo Caribe, EventsJosé “Chepito” Areas, José Najera and Friends, Tony (son of Curtis) Mayfield, Rafael Manriquesz, Quique Cruz and Friends, Los Soneros de la Bahia, and Ray Cepeda and Friends.

The concert proceeds will be used to buy shoes and schoolbooks for needy children of Chaguitillo, Nicaragua. Café de la Paz will donate 10 percent of all food and drink sales to the benefit as well. The event will take place Sunday, April 15. Admission is free, but the suggested donation is $10.00 – $25.00. However, no one will be turned away for lack of funds.

For more info call Harold Adler at (510) 472-3170.

Los Lupeños to perform at Mexican Heritage Plaza

San Jose musical group Los Lupeños will be one of many features contributing to a culture-rich experience at Festival de Bellas Artes en Honor a Caesar Chavez. Los Lupeños will be performing Sones y Jarabes, traditional and classic folk dances at Mexican Heritage Plaza.

Los Lupeños will perform April 14 at 8 p.m. and April 15 at 2 p.m. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children. Call the Mexican Heritage Plaza box office at (408) 928-5563, or visit for ticket purchase. The Mexican Heritage Plaza is located at 1700 Alum Rock Avenue, San Jose, California, 95116.

César Chávez expuesto en nuevo sitio web. César Chávez exposed in new websiteCésar Chávez exposed in new website

Bay Area libraries launch campaign for National Library Week

To celebrate National Library Week — April 15-20 — a regional multimedia campaign will be launched by the San Francisco Public Library and the Bay Area Library and Information System (BALIS), which is comprised of local Bay Area libraries. The campaign will publicize the variety of services provided, including electronic resources and community involvement. The libraries hope to encourage more people to visit and utilize their services.

The “Your Library – Click It!” campaign will incorporate signs on local buses, BART stations, and public service announcements on radio and TV stations to reach Bay Area residents. To further advocate library utilization, the Main Library will be offering classes during National Library Week.Available classes include: News Online, Art Full Text, “What Do I Read Now?” “Research Your Roots”, and “JSTOR,” an electronic archive, which contains academic journals and informative articles from various disciplines. Visit for more information on these classes.

Colombian artist exhibition in San Francisco

Mariele Agudelo, Colombian mixed media artist, will present her first San Francisco exhibition called “Bamboo Tales.” The exhibition is based on traditional Chinese brush paintings. Agudelo’s media also include acrylics, murals, alternative photography and sculptures. Her work has been displayed at City College of San Francisco, the Colombian Cultural House and at MAPP events.

The event will take place April 20 from 7:30 p.m. to midnight at La Casa Del Libro. Ms. Agudelo’s exhibition will also be presented on May 10th at 7:30 p.m. to midnight at Gallerie 25.

Meet the stars of Harry Potter – charity event

Harry Potter stars will be signing autographs in San Francisco, Calif. to benefit the children of Compassionate Chef’s Café, a program coordinated by New Delhi Restaurant. Cast members include James and Oliver Phelps, who play Fred and George Weasley in the film “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone,” and Stan Ianevski as “Viktor Krum” in “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.”

The event will take place April 17, from noon to 3 p.m. at New Delhi Restaurant in San Francisco. Admission is $10, and the 10-course buffet lunch is $15 per person. Each autograph and photo opportunity will be $25. Proceeds from this event will benefit the children of the San Francisco Tenderloin and Gandhi Ashram, New Delhi.



LatinoStageFest unites the best of Latino talent

by Tracie Morales

Daphne Rubin-Vega: (photo by john n. Lee)

Daphne Rubin-Vega­

LATINO THEATER: Performers from Mexico, Spain, Colombia, Puerto Rico and the United States will unite in New York City April 30-May 13 for the first annual TeatroStageFest. It will feature plays and concerts with talented Latinos such as the Tony-award-nominated actress and singer Daphne Rubin-Vega, who will perform May 4. Other concerts will include Grammy-nominated artists such as Latin pop singer Frankie Negrón and Danny Rivera, both performing May 7. For more information visit

LATINOS IN HOLLYWOOD: Films such as Sin City and his latest endeavor, Grindhouse, have established Mexican-American director Robert Rodríguez as a Hollywood pioneer. The San Antonio native has included Hispanic actors such as Salma Hayek, Antonio Banderas and Jessica Alba in starring roles. His latest project, Grindhouse, is no exception. Actors Rosario Dawson, Freddy Rodríguez, Carlos Gallardo, Danny Trejo, Marta Mendoza, Elise Tarantino collaboration, in theaters now, features two 80-minute films, Planet Terror and Death Proof, which are reminiscent of 70s and 80s style horror flicks.

SHAKE IT SHAKIRA: Residents of Aguascalientes, Mexico, will celebrate May 11 alongside Colombian singer Shakira for the Feria Nacional de San Marcos 2007, April 14-May 13. More than 20,000 fans are expected. Shakira’s Oral Fixation tour will land in various cities throughout Mexico. The stops include Culiacán, May 9; Mexico City, May 13; Querétaro, May 16, Veracruz, May 18; Puebla, May 20; Torreón, May 23; and Monterrey, May 30. For more information visit or

SALMA LA EXITOSA: Expectant mother and Oscar-nominated Mexican actress Salma Hayek graces the cover of the May issue of Easy Living magazine. She reveals that her appearance has resulted in discrimination because they don’t reflect industry standards. She pointed out that her look doesn’t fall under the tall, blond and blue eyed category. “I’m dark, have brown eyes and brown hair and I’m short,” she said in Easy Living. The 5-foot-6-inch beauty added, “Mexicans are not the most welcome outsiders in America. I know the only reason I haven’t had good parts is because I’m Latin.” Hayek, executive director of Ugly Betty, a remake of the Colombian telenovela, Yo soy Betty, la fea, will reprise her role as Sofia Reyes on the upcoming season of the ABC hit-comedy.

Hispanic Link.



San Francisco forum to assist youth and families

Compiled by Elisabeth Pinio

Mark LenoMark Leno

San Francisco Mayor, Gavin Newsom, announced a forum to assist youth and families in the San Francisco community. The meeting will be held at the Excelsior Boys and Girls Club on April 21 at 2 p.m.

The forum will continue Newsom’s efforts to resolve various community issues, such as homelessness, crime, and education. Last month the forum took place in the Mission District, discussing the City’s Health Access Plan.

Meanwhile, the Mayor is offering a $100,000 reward for information regarding the murders of Anthony Hunter, killed on February 11, 2007, and Gabriel Zavala, killed on February 26, 2005.

The mayor and Chief of Police, Heather Fong, request assistance from the public to find the person(s) responsible for these deaths. Call the confidential tip line at (415) 553-4444 with any information.

Green Party supports cloned-animal food labeling bill

Environmentalists strongly advocate a bill approved April 11 requiring labels on any food made with a cloned animal or its offspring.

Green Party specialists claim that despite contrary evidence, the federal government led the public to believe that genetically engineered products are as safe as natural ones.

Additionally, corporations haven’t been labeling their packaging to inform consumers of the actual ingredients contained in these products.

This bill will have a major impact in the food industry, as consumers will be enabled to make informed decisions about their purchases.

San Francisco Young Democrats support Mark Leno for California Senate

The San Francisco Young Democrats convened April 11 for a debate between State Senator Carol Midgen and Assemblymen Mark Leno. SFYD voted in favor of Leno by 60%.

“I am really honored to be endorsed by my friends at San Francisco Young Democrats,” Leno said in a statement. “I look forward to a bright future together.”

“SFYD will do all that it can to support Assemblyman Mark Leno in his campaign efforts,” said Luke Klipp, SFYD President. “He has earned our support and we are determined to see him to victory.”

Code of conduct recommended for San Mateo County companies

Employees in San Mateo, Calif. claimed unfavorable conditions during a community panel on April 12. The forum gathered to examine the working conditions of contracted food service workers at high-tech and biotech companies in the region.

Workers testified to having issues with job security, an increased cost of living that rivaled their wages, and inflexible work schedules.

After hearing the testimony, the panel determined that a contractor code of conduct was needed to resolve the employees’ issues, and recommended that the companies meet with their contracted workers to address their concerns.

Save the Sierra campaign launched against Sierra Pacific Industries

ForestEthics launched a campaign against Sierra Pacific Industries with a demonstration in San Francisco last Friday, April 13th. They revealed a horror story of SPI’s logging practices, which are leading to the inevitable destruction of Sierra Nevada. The largest private landowner in Sierra Nevada, SPI have clearcut several thousands of acres of land, with plans to clearcut more.

“Destroying forests isn’t good for people, businesses, or the environment,” said Casey Harrell, Director of ForestEthics’ Sierra Campaign.

ForestEthics has garnered support from many corporations who are also SPI customers, to persuade them to revise their logging practices. For more information, visit


Can a boat help Alberto Gonzales from sinking?

­by José de la Isla

HOUSTON– One would think Attorney General Alberto Gonzáles would have already thrown in the towel. His two top staff members have resigned and Congress is demanding more documents from him, and his anticipated testimony before a Senate hearing is expected to produce fireworks.

So, what makes him tick? What’s back there?

He is under pressure to quit after eight U.S. attorneys were fired allegedly for political reasons. However, the deeper issue is whether Congress was lied to about the reasons. The stuffing hit the fan when Monica Goodling, counsel to the attorney general, said through her attorney she would take the Fifth if asked to testify before Congress.

Pronouncements like that lead to Constitutional dramas. Congress has the unimpeachable right to look over the shoulder of presidential administrations in how they conduct the people’s business. Staffers just cannot tell Congress to stuff it. It’s especially true if a cover-up is suspected to protect White House involvement.

Gooding subsequently resigned.

That comes after the AG’s chief-of-staff Kyle Sampson, after resigning, told the Senate Judiciary Committee, “I don’t think the attorney general‘s statement that he was not involved in any discussions of U.S. attorney removals was accurate.”

Whoops. That’s big. And this is when the public should become less giddy about individual partisanship and think nation.

But leave it to the buffoons to muck it up and divert attention where it is needed.

Don Imus in one recent broadcast had his microphone oaf doing an impersonation of Gonzáles with a Cuban accent. The attorney general speaks with an easily recognizable East Texas inflection.

Again, this is a matter of nationhood. It is not about predisposing the public, as Keith Olbermann did on MSNBC. No real expert on that program stopped James Moore, author of “Bush’s Brain,” when he tried to misdirect the audience by characterizing Gonzáles as a non-entity before meeting Bush.

Wrong again. The Harvard law grad became a senior partner with Vincent and Elkins, a prestigious firm. And, yes with Bush, he became Secretary of State of Texas and was elected to statewide office after his appointment to the state supreme court.

The fastest way to end the looming confrontation between the executive and legislative branches is for Gonzáles to resign. But I hope he doesn’t, at least not until Congress drills down to find out what is this administration’s MO.

There is a suggestion that the firings have a strange similarity to how the torture protocols and domestic spying policies came about. Gonzáles was involved in orchestrating both. But staffers’ fingerprints, not his, are all over the written record, and not his.

Biographer Bill Minutaglio said in his book “The President’s Counselor” of Gonzáles, “It’s not that he was a silent assassin; he was more of a facilitator and a calm presence.”

That’s his shtick, his MO, and even his defense at the moment.

While advised to spend his time in Washington on Capitol Hill looking for political friends, Gonzáles went instead to Houston to get close to family and his old buds. He appeared as an unannounced guest at a friendly Houston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce luncheon March 28.

Among the one thousand who attended was businesswoman Dalia Moreno Groh. “You could hear the ahhhs” in the room, she said, especially after Gonzáles acknowledged “traveling another bumpy road.”

This audience knows there are contradictions. One of them is how he has been characterized as a person. The other is the administration’s resistance to more open disclosure and public accountability.

Uncharacteristically open, Gonzáles told the audience that as a Cub Scout, one assignment he had was to build a boat. He decided to hollow one out from a tree trunk. Of course it was a formidable task for a small boy. As he worked and worked at it, his father encouraged him.

“It has to work,” he remembers being told.

As the president’s lawyer and the people’s attorney, Gonzáles has contradictory interests to serve. How he tipped the balance of justice and making a full disclosure are the issue. That too just has to work.

(José de la Isla, author of “The Rise of Hispanic Political Power” (Archer Books, 2003) writes a weekly commentary for Hispanic Link News Service. E-mail © 2007


Sen. Feinstein touches right in the immigrants’ wound

by marvin J Ramirez

From The Editor Marvin J. RamirezFrom The Editor Marvin J. Ramirez

Just recently, U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein sent a letter to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security regarding important issues affecting the welfare of children after their undocumented immigrants parents are arrested and removed from the country. She asked serious questions that hopefully will shed light on the frivolous actions recently executed by the U.S. Immigration, Custom and Enforcement, which are destroying families, unnecessarily.

Obviously, those in charge of commanding their officers to execute raids on immigrant communities in an effort to minimize their number of those who will benefit from a projected amnesty, either they have acted consciously in disregard of basic human rights of these children and entire working families or they have acted so in the absence of rules and regulations and policies to deal with these type of emergencies.

Although she doesn’t mention the raids in the city of Richmond in the East Bay, where the impact of these incursions have been most visible, Feinstein acknowledges that there have been several immigration raids throughout California, including cities in Southern California, and most recently in Watsonville, Santa Cruz, and Marin County. She claims to be troubled by the “reports that the ICE agents are not taking sufficient steps to ensure that the children of those persons detained have adequate care.”

She cites news reports detailing how toddlers have been stranded at day care centers and some children have been left without appropriate adult supervision for days.

In particular, she mentions one baby, who was breast-feeding, had to be hospitalized for dehydration

because her mother remained in detention.

Sen. Dianne FeinsteinSen. Dianne Feinstein

Equally disturbing, she said, are reports from a local County Board Supervisor representing Marin County, California, that, in at least one case, a 7-year-old U.S. citizen child was swept up and detained.

Sen. Feinstein sent the following questions to the ICE:

  • Could you please provide your policy on caring for children whose parents are detained and the steps your agency takes to ensure that children are provided appropriate care during the arrest and removal process, as well as after the removal if the child is a U.S. citizen?
  • How can family members, including children, determine the whereabouts of their parents or other individuals who are detained?
  • What is your policy on visitation or other contact with family members of a detained person?

Sen. Feinstein, it is our opinion that now that you are finally aware of these injustices committed by our immigration department, you should understand the clamor of millions of immigrants – documented and undocumented – who marched last year’s May 1st, to denounce these raids.

And this same people, who are organizing another massive march this May 1st, have been asking members of Congress as yourself, to stop these raids while Congress is reviewing the immigration bill aimed at passing a comprehensive immigration bill by August 2007. I believe this would be a more effective way to solve the problem.

People don’t object that immigrants who engage in criminal actions in the country be deported, but to destroy the lives of those honest people whose only crime was to cross the border to grab a job to feed their families – many of their kids U.S. citizens – is a crime against humanity done under the color of authority.

Senator, I believe you could and should do more than just asking these questions. You should ask Congress to temporarily halt all arrests of non-criminal immigrants until a reform bill is passed. That will show that you really care about human rights and immigrants.
