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Mentors that Matter exhibition at SFPL

­by Elisabeth Pinio

The San Francisco Public Library will showcase a Mentors That Matter exhibition at the Main Library June 2 through August 2, 2006. This is a national project that provides youth from four United States cities the opportunity to honor adults who have made an impact in their lives, outside of home and school.

Sponsored by MetLife Foundation, Mentors That Matter is an initiative of What Kids Can Do, Inc., a national nonprofit organization who gives a voice to our youth.

More than 120 high school students in San Francisco, Tampa, Chicago, and Providence have interviewed and photographed those special adults that have provided inspiration and guidance in their lives.

The exhibition will be shown in the Teen Center of the Main Library. There will be an opening award celebration on Tuesday, May 29 in Koret Auditorium at 5 p.m. The Main Library is located at 100 Larkin Street (at Grove), San Francisco.

Reporters to discuss the role of drugs in professional sports

San Francisco Chronicle reporters Mark FainaruWada and Lance Williams, who broke the Barry Bonds/BALCO steroid story, will discuss the effect of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports. Topics of “Beyond BALCO” include their role in the legal process, protection of a reporter’s sources, and the public’s right to know.

The event will take place Wednesday, May 30 at 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., at Bentley School, Student Performing Arts Center, 1000 Upper Happy Valley road, Lafayette. A wine and cheese reception will precede the program, and a book signing will take place afterwards. For tickets, visit  or call (415) 597-6705. Ticket prices are $15 for members, $30 for non-members.

Illusion 6 La Fiesta – an art and music extravaganza

Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts presents “Illusion 6,” bringing various disciplines together in one artistic environment. For one night only, the community is invited to share ideas and create brilliance together. Illusion 6 La Fiesta features music, poetry, dance, live painting, body painting, puppets, multimedia installations, food, and more. The public is encouraged to wear one solid color to contribute to the illusion of vibration.

The event will take place Friday, June 1, from 6 p.m. to 10. Admission is $5. For more information, visit and

Dance party for education

Technological Institute of John Paul II is throwing a dance party to raise money for education. The Institute provides career training for adults in just two years. Courses include computer science, carpentry, electrician training, and sewing.

The party will take place Saturday, June 2, from 5:30 to 11:30 p.m. at Saint Matthew Catholic Church in San Mateo. For tickets, email Frank Ayala and Manuel Gomez at or

2007 San Francisco Ethnic Dance Festival

The San Francisco Ethnic Dance Festival will take place June 9-10, 16-17, and 23-24. Opening night will feature an auction, as well as food and wine from several great San Francisco restaurants. Performances will include Te Mana O Te Ra, Bolivia Corazon de America, Diamano Coura West African Dance Company, and many other exciting acts.

The festival will be held at the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco, Saturdays at 2pm and 8pm, Sundays at 2pm. For tickets, visit, or call (415) 392-4400.



Social issues in Fire in the Youth

by Tracie Morales

Karlos 'SOLARAK' PáezKarlos ‘SOLARAK’ Páez

EXCLUSIVE: The B- Side Players inject reality into every song – weaving social issues such as immigration, civil rights and nonviolence in the music from their latest album, Fire in the Youth, released July 10. Lead vocalist Karlos ‘SOLRAK’ Páez told Weekly Report about the band’s latest video, Nuestras demandas, showing confrontational scenes from real immigration marches that ended in clashes between demonstrations and police.

The video shows Latinos marching together, carrying signs demanding immigrant rights and equality.

“I believe our job is to keep the people fi ghting’” Páez said. “Music is the weapon of the future.”

Since forming in 1994, the eight-member band has built a reputation by infusing Spanish rock with reggae and jazz beats that accompany socially and politically conscious lyrics, often tackling issues.untouched by mainstream.artists.

Páez, a Tijuana native who moved across the U.S.-Mexican border to San Diego, said he saw the struggles of undocumented immigrants that would later shape his perspective.

“We’re talking about people who contribute billions to the economy and they’re not getting real wages and benefits’” he said.

Páez emphasized the band’s music is intended to fight inequalities without advocating violence or coercive language. Instead. he pointed out, the band supports education, consciousness and awareness as “weapons” for battle.

“We just want to inspire,” he said.

Páez considers “Fire in the Youth~ the band’s most serious album. The members treated this project with care, exploring ways to include traditional folkloric sounds with hip, modern beats, he said. “It’s a timeless record that’s really going to represent the B-Side Players,” he said.

Readers may locate and watch Nuestras demandas by visiting

Hispanic Link.


The feud continues between Woodfin and its fired workers

by Elisabeth Pinio

State and local governments are launching programs to see if itʼs possible to convert their hybrid cars and trucks into plug-in: CarsState and local governments are launching programs to see if itʼs possible to convert their hybrid cars and trucks into plug-in Cars

Woodfin Suites continues to resist the demands of immigrant workers that were fired in late 2006. The Emeryville, Calif. hotel terminated several employees after they attempted to defend their living wage rights under Measure C.

On May 19, twenty-five students arrived from UC Davis and San Francisco State to oppose the demonstration of Woodfin workers and their supporters. The so-called “College Republicans” caused a major disruption to the workers’ peaceful protesting under the orders of Hugh MacIntosh, Woodfin’s General Manager. The Emeryville police separated the opposing demonstrators to prevent any excessive violence or injury to both parties.

City of Fremont may endorse plug-in vehicles

A resolution was put forth before the Fremont City Council May 22 to endorse the use of plug-in hybrid vehicles. The mayor and advocates for the resolution appeared with a demonstration vehicle for photographs and questions from the media.

Plug-in vehicles would decrease the United States’ reliance on foreign oil, as well as reduce carbon emissions, which are a factor in global warning.

New immigration deal needs revision

AFL-CIO President John J. Sweeney released a statement May 17 analyzing the new legislation introduced by U.S. Congress regarding immigration Sweeney believes there are many issues that Congress should revise.

Sweeney disagrees with the guestworker program this legislation promotes, concerned that employers will take advantage of workers, who will be unable to exercise their workplace rights.

“We intend to work with our allies in Congress and in the immigrant community to pass comprehensive immigration reform that will protect all workers in a humane and just manner,” Sweeney said in his statement.

John J. SweeneyJohn J. Sweeney

School Board researching Chinatown campus options

Officials from the San Francisco School Board gathered at City College’s Chinatown/North Beach campus May 17, to discuss the desperate need for a more modern, permanent learning site.

“Chinatown students deserve access to an equal education in an updated and centralized facility that suits their needs,” said San Francisco School Board Commissioner Eric Mar.

The Chinatown/North Beach campus accommodates mostly Asian immigrants who attend classes to learn English, obtain job skills and study for the U.S. citizenship exam. All classes are fully enrolled and there are more than 700 students on waiting lists, due to the limited space available.

Governor appoints new Deputy Director of Alcohol and Drug Programs

Governor Schwarzenegger has announced the appointment of Oscar Villegas, of West Sacramento, Calif., to position of Deputy Director of the Governor’s Mentoring Partnership for the Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs.

Villegas is a West Sacramento City Councilmember since 2000, and currently serves as the city’s vicemayor as well. In addition, he is the project director for the California Access to Recovery Effort (CARE) since 2006 under the Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs.

San Francisco controllers audit parking meters

The Offi ce of the Controller, at the request of Su- pervisor Jake McGoldrick, conducted an in­depth review of the parking meters managed by San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency. The audit determined whether occupied spaces were paid as City regulations required, the impact of each occupied space, and other policy issues on parking meter revenue.

The recommendations listed in the Controller’s report include the following: increasing enforcement for commercial vehicles and ensure that parking pass costs offset the amount of unpaid revenues.



The Mexican bar exam – Isabel’s choice

by Adam Saytanides

MEXICO CITY – Mexico has to clean up corruption before the nation can develop its economy, confront organized crime, and staunch the flow of immigrants north. But this won’t happen overnight.

The practice of paying a mordida, or bribe, is just too deeply ingrained.

In Mexico, it seems to seep into every aspect of life.

Payoffs for special treatment or favors are not uncommon in any society – corruption scandals and quid pro quos abound in Washington, D.C., for example. But in different cultures, people draw their ethical lines differently.

In Mexico, it’s a fine line between a tip, or propina, which is offered voluntarily, and the mordida, which is a bribe paid out of a sense of coercion. So fine, in fact, that the line between a tip and a bribe can fold back upon itself.

My goddaughter Isabel and I faced this very dilemma recently in Chilpancingo, the Guerrero state capital. I made the trip from Mexico City to be there for her bar exam, or titulación. Isabel had asked me to help her prepare for the big day.

The preparations involved arranging fruit baskets and refreshments for the three professors who’d be administering the exam. But she also faced a dilemma, and wanted my advice: How much cash should she give them?

Isabel was super-stressed over the notion that she should pay 1,500 pesos (US $135) to each of the professors on the panel.

That’s a small fortune for a girl from a remote, indigenous mountain village. Where she comes from, you’d be lucky to find a job that pays eight or nine bucks a day. No one in her family of campesinos ever made it through high school, let alone gone to a university and become a lawyer.

Isabel was panicked over this last-minute expense.

How do you know that you have to pay your professors 1,500 pesos? I asked.

She got that number from a friend who’d passed her bar exam a few days earlier.

The friend said that one of the professors told her, straight up, that he charges 1,500 pesos for the service. This same professor was on Isabel’s panel, but he didn’t ask her for money.

Isabel had studied hard. But she couldn’t avoid this nagging feeling that passing the bar might depend on how much cash she forked over the day before the exam.

In Mexico, the bar exam is oral. At her university, each student chooses the three law professors who will administer the oral exam. The test is a rather subjective process. The bar candidate faces three lawyers seated at a long table — adorned with fresh fruit — and must answer a series of questions about the legal system. You pass or fail right there on the spot.

I asked Isabel if her friend was a good student.

“No, not really. I am much better prepared than she is,” Isabel replied.

Well, perhaps the professor knew this, and she had to pay him off in order to pass, I suggested.

“Don’t insult my career!” she protested. “We’re not paying them off. This is something we give for their time, as a symbol of our appreciation.

I told her it appeared that professors were looking for a mordida, not that appreciative students were offering their mentors a tip.

“Look, that’s just how things work here,” Isabel said with resignation. “What do you think I should do?”

She left me alone to contemplate the dilemma.

It’s a tricky one. You want to feel like you’ve earned your credentials.

But on the other hand, you don’t want to stiff a professor who may expect to be paid something, lest he fail you in revenge. Isabel’s whole life, not to mention her family’s social standing, hinged on the results of this exam.

It seemed too risky not to pay. Yet 1,500 pesos was an outrageous sum. Her first job as a lawyer could pay as little as 3,300 pesos a month, about $300. My gut feeling was she should give them something — enough that they’d have no reason to feel slighted, but as little as she could reasonably get away with.

When Isabel returned, I asked her what she felt was best. Her thinking was basically the same: pay them for insurance against failure, but not so much you feel like you’re buying the results.

She took three envelopes from her stack of schoolbooks and notes and set them on the bed. Each contained three 200-peso notes. She sealed the envelopes after carefully writing her name on the inside flap. Then we hopped into a minibus that took us from her barrio up on the hill into downtown Chilpancingo so she could pay off her professors and make her dreams come true.

(Adam Saytanides is a journalist and radio producer currently based in Mexico City. Reach him by e-mail at © 2007 END


The immigration bill in debate should be fair for the immigrant

­by Marvin J. Ramirez

From The Editor Marvin J. RamirezFrom The Editor Marvin J. Ramirez

One of the arguments in the immigration debate that hurts the most, is that those legislators who claim that there shouldn’t be an amnesty because it would be an equivalent of rewarding those law breakers who crossed the border illegally, is that they want to punish only those undocumented workers, the defenseless ones, while ignoring punishment to the powerful, the employers who offer them jobs under the blessing of the ICE. These wouldn’t have without the blessing of the immigration in association of Congress and the Executive.

The immigration department for years has ignored the law that punishes those employers who hire them. For years the borders have been opened for those workers to enter the country, while the job offers continued to increase.

For years the largest U.S. corporations have depended on these undocumented labor force, and have hired them, saving themselves billions of dollars that have helped them expand their economic tentacles.

These recent immigration raids, where families have been hurt so much, make me doubt of whether those who gave the raid orders are just ignorant about human suffering, or just evil people.

What have these people done to them to inflict so much pain upon them?

I understand about deporting criminals, because any law-abiding citizen would love to have those bad people excluded. And this would be the same if this were Mexico or Nicaragua. No one likes having cold-blooded criminals loose on the streets.

But to treat these economic refugees by taking away the children parents, sometimes leaving behind their kids at the baby-sitter or at school without supervision so destroying their lives. That is cruel. I think our country is losing its soul. So much materialism has poisoned their spirits that they don’t feel anymore in human terms.

The current immigration resolution now is discussion at the Senate should not pass or accepted by anyone without including a family unification clause. Because, who wants to be here without love, in the absence of their loved ones?

“The American people want Congress to act. I look forward to legislative action in the House that ensures that our borders are secure, that our laws are enforced, that promotes family values with family unification, that regularizes the status of those that currently live in the shadows, and provides for the legitimate needs of our economy,” said Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-San Jose).


Good-bye Eric

by Marvin J. Ramírez

Dozens of cars with mourners followed Eric's funeral: Doris Campos says a preyer at her son's grave ( Photo By Marvin J. Ramirez )Dozens of cars with mourners followed Eric’s funeral Doris Campos says a preyer at her son’s grave ( Photo By Marvin J. Ramirez )

If people thought he had no friends, they were wrong.

The body of Eric Campos, 19, who got killed on May 15, by a 16-year-old man, in what appears to have happened during the course of a robbery on San Bruno Ave., was taken to his final rest in Colma. An unending caravan of cars carrying ­approximately 300 people drove to Cypress Memorial Cemetery on Tuesday May 22 and descended at the cemetery under a warm weather.

People of all ages, but especially adolescents from his own generation, attended the funeral of the young man who, undoubtedly, was loved by many, and to whom it was a big sorrow that he lost his life so young, and without a motive.

From the unloading of the coffin to the Catholic ceremony performed by the same priest who baptized him, confirmed him, and gave his First Communion, Father José Rodríguez, most watched him leaving and said good-bye in tears to Eric.

“I’ll you see later,” said with a dry and conforming voice his mother Doris Campos, who along with the rest of the family, watched when their beloved Eric was descended to the ground until a heavy, concrete plate sealed his grave. In just a few minutes it would be covered with dirt and grass.




Venezuelan Ambassador answers critical questions

by Marvin J. Ramírez

Reafirming Hugo Chávez: (L-R) Jan Kalicki looks at his watch while Venezuelan Ambassador answers questions from the audience. ( Photo By Marvin J. Ramírez )Reafirming Hugo Chávez (L-R) Jan Kalicki looks at his watch while Venezuelan Ambassador answers questions from the audience.

­( Photo By Marvin J. Ramírez )

As Venezuela becomes the bastion of leadership of the new leftist movement in Latin America, and voices of criticism and support crash at political circles, many in the City were able to listen directly from Venezuela’s highest official in the U.S. on May 9, say the latest word on the vision of Hugo Chávez.

And no one could be bette­r prepared to respond than Bernardo Álvarez Herrera, an ex Vice Minister of Hydrocarbons at the Ministry of Energy and Mines, Deputy of the National Congress, and Vice Chairman of the Armed Forces, including Chief of the Research and Development Division at the Venezuelan Institute of Foreign Trade.

He became Venezuelan Ambassador to the United States in 2003, and was in the Bay Area to respond to criticism of his country’s new Socialism of the 21st Century, created by President Chávez.

Defending Chavez’ expanded presidential powers as a necessity to carry out the president’s vision of a social democracy, Álvarez talked in very detail of why things are going the way they are going in Venezuela. He reminded the audience at the World Affairs Council of Northern California, of the hypocrisy of President Bush, who himself has claimed broader executive powers in his fight against terrorism, despite of extensive criticism at home and abroad.

“Why, when you give a lot of power to your president, it’s good, and when we grant powers to our president, it’s bad? I really want to know this,” the ambassador asked.

“What we see is a new reality,” said Álvarez, referring to Chávez’ increasing political power and his influence in Latin America. “People agree that Chávez is not an accident, and mentioned the rising to power of Evo Morales in Bolivia, as new changes not accepted by the Washington consensus. He said that there is a huge socioeconomic transformation of the region now underway.

For the first time, “we are creating a new change,” which in the past was impossible to make major changes in society … while poverty grew, he said.

He mentioned the three millions people who were invisible when Chávez took power, who did not have any identification.

“They were invisible, they could not be counted or vote,” he said, while explaining how Chávez government brought them from the shadows and started providing them with I.D and social benefits, and registering them as citizens.

He also mentioned the millions of Colombians who were also living in the shadows as undocumented immigrants, they also were provided with legal residence, as a move to improve their living conditions.

It was not clear if he said it to criticize the United States, which has been unable to legalize more that 12 million people.

“I just wanted to tell you about the level of exclusion that existed before with a two-party system,” which conducted negotiations between themselves.

Accompanied by the a delegation of Venezuelan officials from the Embassy in Washington and the Consul General in San Francisco, José Egidio Rodríguez, the Ambassador was also accompanied by Nicaraguan Roberto Vargas, a known Sandinista figure who twice took over the Nicaraguan Consulate in protest against the U.S. support for the Contras.

He reminded the audience that like in Bolivia, where the country was getting nothing out of its gas trade, companies in Venezuela made money but the people made nothing.

“We want to have mixed company, and if we want to have power, we have to empower the poor in a way it reflects democracy also – representative democracy,” Álvarez said.

“We respect the system of this country but I don’t understand how this democracy doesn’t allow someone to run for office unless you have $1 million,” he said, while responding to written questions from the audience.

If we are going to talk democracy, we are going to discuss democracy, he said, and criticized the fact that the territory of the United States is 33 percent of the American continent, while it consumes 71 percent of the energy. “It would required an energy capability of six planets to satisfy its oil consumption,” he said.

Energy brings us together to talk about development and talk peace. Venezuela, he said, is the second largest commercial partner of the U.S, while blaming the energy crisis partially on the U.S. for not having built refineries in 30 years.

In Venezuela we not only want to use the oil for profits, but also for social development, he said. And in replying to criticism for nationalizing the energy industry, has said that unlike Venezuela, other countries don’t have any private participation in their oil industry, Saudi Arabia and Mexico.

He said that with the U.S. companies was no problem, they wanted to sell, and we bought, and added that nationalization has not always been good business.

“Chávez’ efforts to steer a far greater share of his nation’s increased oil revenue to the poor is framed by the New York Times as a sort of populist “scam,” said Randy Shao, of, an alternative online daily.

“A President who has won more honest and fair elections than George W. Bush is deemed a “strongman,” while his preventing foreign companies from reaping huge profits from Venezuela’s natural resources is described as akin to Soviet-style Communism (rarely are there stories about Venezuela’s robust private sector),” said Shao.

To Shao, Hugo Chávez provides an ongoing reminder of America’s distorted priorities. In other words, Chávez makes the U.S. government look selfish, uncaring, and even malicious toward the tens of millions of living in property in the world’s richest country.

­“No wonder our media regularly attacks him. The last message corporate America wants voters to hear is that it is possible to radically change economic policies to benefit the poor, and that populism has seven letters but is not a dirty word,” said Shaw.

In regard to freedom of the press and latest issue of not renewing the license of a 53-year-old T.V. chain, the ambassador said that out of the only six T.V. channels in the country, only one is being turned to public T.V. PBS.

On May 27, the government of Venezuela denied the renewal of RCTV’s broadcasting license to allow for the establishment of a state-controlled station.

Questioning Democracy in the United States, in Venezuela, he added, exists the referendum, a mechanism that allows to ask the people if they want Chávez or not. “Here this doesn’t exist.”


Honduran government dictates to the media

by the El Reportero news services

Manuel ZelayaManuel Zelaya

HONDURAS – President Manuel Zelaya ordered television and radio stations to broadcast two hours of government propaganda each day from 28 May in order to “counteract the misinformation” that he claims the media presents about his administration.

Zelaya’s move will make his already poor relations with the Honduran media even worse, and suggests that the government is starting to lose control in a country which has traditionally been one of the most stable (and pro-U.S.) in Central America.

The main problem is violent crime. In 2006 there were 3,118 homicides, placing Honduras third in the Central American crime league.

The president has taken to blaming the media for exacerbating Honduras’s security problems by writing sensational reports about violent crime. He failed to get a bill through congress to ban sensationalist reporting.

Peru returns to coca conformity to keep U.S. on side

President Alan García accepted the resignation of his maverick agriculture minister, Juan José Salazar, on 20 May after he made another headline-grabbing concession to coca growers which García dismissed as “mad and stupid”. Salazar signed an agreement with coca growers from the province of La Convención, in Cusco, committing the government to evaluate its stance regarding the 1961 Vienna Convention on Narcotic Drugs. Fearful of jeopardizing US congressional support for an FTA with Peru at a crucial time.

Toll of drug war rises in Mexico

MEXICO CITY — An anti-narcotics official is gunned down, two journalists are abducted and an army captain ends up slain.

The newly appointed head of a drug intelligence unit in the attorney general’s office was shot and killed Monday in a street ambush here that dealt a new blow to President Felipe Calderon’s campaign against this nation’s drug traffi ckers.

Officials said several assailants waited for José Nemesio Lugo Felix, director of the attorney general’s “Information Against Delinquency” unit, trapping his SUV on a narrow street.

Such assassinations have become common in many border and port cities of Mexico but are rare in the nation’s capital.

LocalLinks Lugo Felix had been appointed in April to head the unit specializing in the analysis of data about the activities of Mexico’s drug cartels, officials said. He was shot as he drove his vehicle during rush hour just outside an offi ce of the attorney general in the southern Coyoacan district, a center of the city’s.

Banco del Sur gets go ahead from Mercosur

Although Brazil and Uruguay will not be full members, the Banco del Sur will be launched at the next Mercosur summit in Caracas at the end of June.

The Banco del Sur (BdS) is the clearest sign of who is with, and who is agnostic, about President Hugo Chávez of Venezuela’s approach to international fi nance. Chávez wants the BdS to replace the IMF, World Bank and IDB in providing funds for economic development and emergency fi nancial stabilization.

Colombia may release jailed rebels

BOGOTÁ, Colombia — Colombia will unilaterally release dozens of jailed rebels who agree to demobilize and work for peace, President Álvaro Uribe said Saturday, laying out conditions of a daring proposal to pressure the guerrillas into freeing hostages.

Rebels who agree to the deal must also promise not to return to the ranks of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, known as FARC, and to accept the supervision of either the Catholic Church or a foreign government, Uribe said. (Wires and McClatchy Newspapers contributed to this report.)


Democrats and republicans introduce compromise immigration plan

by Alex Meneses Miyashita

Carlos GutiérrezCarlos Gutiérrez

The U.S. Senate started to debate a compromise immigration proposal negotiated between Democratic and Republican legislators and Bush Administration officials.

The plan was announced May 17 by a bipartisan group of ten lawmakers along with U.S. Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez and U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff following nearly three months of negotiations. Secretary Gutierrez called it a “historic moment.”

Hispanic and immigrant advocates reacted favorably that a compromise was reached and that the plan includes a pathway to immediate legalization and eventual citizenship for undocumented immigrants who pass a background check.

‘This proposal contains this crucial element. and this debate is the first step,” said Janet Murguía, president of the National Council of La Raza.

The proposal would grant immediate temporary status to undocumented immigrants who are employed’ have no criminal record and pay a $1,000 fine. The cost to obtain a green card would be an additional $4~000 and the process could take a total of 13 years. Eligible applicants would be required to return to their home countries to apply for permanent residency.

The legalization plan would take effect once border and interior enforcement “triggers” take effect. These involve strengthening border security, including doubling the Border Patrol force, and implementing a strict employee verification program.

Frank Sharry, director of the National Immigration Forum, said the proposed fines to attain legalization are “steep” the time table lengthy, and the exit/re-entry scheme superfluous,” but added that it is “remarkable~ that a large group of Republicans are backing
the legalization of millions of immigrants.

Other proposals hailed by Latino and immigrant advocates included the inclusion of Ag/Jobs and the DREAM Act into the bill.

The former would offer a path to legalization to millions of undocumented farm workers and modify the H2-A visa program to meet the needs of the agriculture industry The DREAM Act would offer in-state tuition status o college-bound undocumented students.

In addition, advocates welcomed a plan to put in eight years most of the 4 million pending family backlogs.

However, advocates expressed concern about the future fl ow of immigrants to the .country, including the plan to create a guest worker program that would not offer a path 😮 citizenship for participants.

According to Sharry, if a path to permanent residency is not offered to guest workers, the bill will “create conditions that will lead to a rapidly increasing pool of undocumented immigrants in the future or creating a pool of second class non-citizens, defeating the goals of this reform.”

Another point of concern is a proposed change from a family-based system to a point system to determine who gets green cards in the future. Points would be given based on education, English-language proficiency and family ties.

Currently, about two-thirds of green cards are given to relatives of U.S. citizens.

Murguía said NCLR will engage in vigorous efforts~ to improve the bill.

Democratic and Republican negotiators of the bill said it was not perfect but ­that it offered a solid basis to start the debate.

“Now it’s time for action,” said Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.)’who was central to the negotiations. “I’ve been around here long enough to know that opportunities like this don’t come often. The American people are demanding a solution, the President is committed, Senator Reid has made this a priority, and senators from both parties are now determined to solve the crisis.”

In the U.S. House of Representatives, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), who met with members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus May 17, also called for action.

“We have an obligation to the American people to pass comprehensive immigration reform,” she said. “The need is urgent.”

Hispanic Link.


Guess whose birthday

L-R: Celina, Raquel, Jessica Leal, Leidy, Jessica and Angelica Lozoya, celebrate the 22nd birthday of Leidy with a deliciousL-R: Celina, Raquel, Jessica Leal, Leidy, Jessica and Angelica Lozoya, celebrate the 22nd birthday of Leidy with a delicious cake, which made everyone lick their fingers.

The birthday girl, who arrived from Metapan, El Salvador in April 2002, has worked since September 2006 at Mission Area Federal Credit Union, where the event was held.
