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WWII veterans brought leadership skills back home

by Kenneth Burt

The harsh reality that politics and war are intertwined is evident in the decision of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus to pressure filmmaker Ken Burns to include Latinos in his PBS documentary on World War II.

Latinos were part of conflict from the beginning as the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor claimed the life of Rudolf Martínez of San Diego. Valor on the battlefields of Asia and Europe was widely recognized and Latinos won more Congressional Medals of Honor than any other ethnic group.

Equally important, the returning veterans demonstrated leadership in communities from coast to coast as they fought to overcome discrimination and to play a more active role in civic life.

It is no coincidence that the first Latinos to serve in high profile appointed and elected posts in states like California after World War II were veterans.

Congressman Edward R. Roybal was a veteran. So, too, were the first two Latinos elected to the California State Legislature, John Moreno and Phil Soto.

In addition to his public service, veterans such as Roybal founded the Community Services Organization and the Mexican American Political Association in California.

Military service provided invaluable leadership training. The GI Bill made it possible to attend college, buy a home, or start a business.

The veteran label also tapped into a universal value that made it easier to reach beyond the Latino community for support when problems did arise.

Such was the case in Three Rivers, Texas, after the mortuary owner refused to bury Pvt. Félix Longoria, who died fighting for the liberation of the Philippines.

Dr. Héctor García, himself a former military medic, used patriotism to trump discrimination in successfully appealing to U.S. Senator Lyndon Johnson for help in interring Longoria’s body at the national cemetery in Arlington, Virginia.

The Longoria incident led to the formation of the American GI Forum as a group for Mexican Americans veterans. Under Dr. García’s leadership, the GI Forum organized itself in two-dozen states and became an important national political influence.

In the 1950s, it encouraged Latinos to pay the Texas “poll tax” so that they could vote. In California, the Forum encouraged Governor Goodwin Knight to appoint fellow veteran Carlos Terán as the first Latino on the Los Angeles Municipal Court.

President Kennedy’s appointees included a number of veterans, such as Héctor Godínez, the League of United Latin American Citizens president. Kennedy named Godina to be the Postmaster in Santa Ana, Calif. Godina learned his leadership skills as a tank commander under George Patton.

President Johnson also sought out veterans. In 1964, he named Daniel Luevano as the Undersecretary of the Army, making him the highest-ranking Latino in the federal government.

This dynamic of veterans playing significant roles in government was equally true before World War II. Following his election in 1938, Governor Culbert Olson in California appointed Anthony P. Entenza to the Veterans Home Board. Entenza served as the past national commander of the United Spanish American War Veterans. Olson also appointed Ernesto Orfila to the Veterans Welfare Board. A veteran of the First World War, Orfila was active in the American Legion.

Entenza and Orfila were among the very few Spanish speaking attorneys in the nation.

Given this history, it is hard to understand how Ken Burns overlooked the huge role of Latinos in World War II. For its part, PBS was aware of the issue because in 2002 I served as the historian for a mini-documentary on Latino veterans than ran in conjunction with American Family, the PBS show staring Edward Olmos and Raquel Welch.

Latinos have served with honor both on the battlefields and within the civic area. The latter is extensively examined in my new book, The Search for a Civic Voice: California Latino Politics.

(Kenneth Burt is author of The Search for a Civic Voice: California Latino Politics. For more information, go to © 2007.


Let’s not drop the guard, hold your guns

by Marvin J. Ramírez

Marvin RamirezMarvin Ramirez

The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution clearly states that, “A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.”

As a loving and peaceful advocate of peace, who always hated guns, I always supported any community or legislative intent to take away guns from citizens in an effort to reduce gun-related crime.

But as our country is facing serious financial crisis with a trillion-plus debt which is impossible to be paid, especially its accrued interest, I have been delving more into the debt subject online and have found incredible information that shows a scary truth about the danger that the Unites States could be foreclosed by the international banks. So far the banks have not admitted or placed the national debt into evidence.

However, is not a secret that something real bad is going on in our country, where not only our civil liberties are being threatened, but our properties, jobs, savings, Social Security, and most importantly, the losing of our hard-earned currency through a well-planned inflation.

Some of the information that I found recently, suggests that bankers are adamant to admit that they own everything and could foreclose every nation of the world, especially the United States.

“The reason they don’t want to tell everyone that they own everything is that there are still too many privately owned guns. There are uncooperative armies and other military forces. So until they can gradually consolidate all armies into a WORLD ARMY and all the courts into a single WORLD COURT (new world order), it is not expedient to admit the jurisdiction the courts are operating under,” the article said. “When we understand these things, we realize that there are certain secrets they don’t want to admit.”

With this in mind, I am very suspicious of any attempt by any city to outlaw gun ownership.

In 2006, a court struck revisit a March decision striking down parts of a gun control law there.

The earlier decision struck down provisions of it that almost always banned the registration of handguns, that prohibited carrying handguns without a license even from one room of a home to another and that required lawfully owned firearms to be kept unloaded and disassembled or bound by a trigger lock.

We might be known as the head for democracy in the world, but chances of falling into a dictatorship is becoming more obvious. We should not infringe on the Second Amendment. ­(Any commentary to this article is welcomed)


Latino advocates continue efforts to counter impact of Ken Burns’s The War release

by Adolfo Flores

Ken BurnsKen Burns

In spite of the release of Ken Burns’ World War II documentary Sept. 23 and an accompanying book Sept. 11, Latino advocates claim the battle against Burns and the Public Broadcasting Service is not over.

The Defend the Honor Campaign, which has been at the forefront of the battle, has maintained that the addition of 20minutes of material on the Latino experience in Burns’ 15-hour series is not enough.

The supplementary book, “The War: An Intimate History 19411945,” does not include any mention of the Latino contribution in WWI I, according to the advocates, who plan to target their immediate actions against these materials.

“We’re working hard to not make this book available in our libraries and schools, so that our children are not exposed to this incredible omission of our American patriots,” Gus Chavez, one of the founders of the Campaign, told Weekly Report.

Defend the Honor has reached out to several hundred school boards, mostly throughout California and to state legislators such as Speaker Fabian Núñez and Assemblyman Joe Coto.

Each school board in the state decides whether to use these materials, according to the advocates.

In San Antonio, Defend the Honor activists are also urging schools and libraries not to purchase the materials while urging people to “consider” boycotting products and corporate sponsors related to The War.

Members of the Campaign will hold a panel discussion and a public forum at the Gala Theatre Oct. 8 in Washington, D.C., to discuss how to approach similar situations to that encountered by The War.

To Burns and PBS, the controversy has long been resolved. When asked about the unresolved concerns of Latino advocates, Burns told Weekly Report, “If you were going to please everyone, it would be the blandest thing on earth. It wouldn’t be art anymore. It would be political correctness.”

Burns said he showed a preview including additional interviews with two Latino veterans to a group of Hispanic veterans in Oklahoma and said, “They loved it.”

During a presentation at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., Sept. 19, Burns said, “We spend our entire lives consumed with that which makes us different, and yet the purpose of art is to try to suggest ways in which we come together.”

But San Antonio members of Defend the Honor maintain the campaign’s struggle is not with the artistic aspect of the project.

“PBS officials stated in a news release…’PBS’s goal is for ‘The War’ to reach into every home end classroom so together we can better understand what we as a nation experienced in those difficult years and what we 1as a nation accomplished,” according to a Defend the Honor statement. “If these are the intentions of PBS, indirectly they are saying that Latinos did not make any contributions to World War 11 and have no right to be acknowledged in anyone’s home or classroom.”

In the 2005-2006 school year, 47.6 percent of enrolled students in California were Latino, according to the state’s Department of Education.’

Burns said during his presentation that initially he issued notices in the cities where the interviews were conducted, but that no Latinos came forward.

“There ere still a couple of fringe groups who refuse to be satisfied and who seem to enjoy the attention they receive by continuing to attack PBS,” KOCE, its station in Huntington Beach, Calif., PBS said in a statement.

“They say we’re a fringe group. This is the mainstream media you are talking about,” Maggie RivasRodríguez, co-founder of Defend the Honor, told Weekly Report. “We’re part of America.”

Hispanic Link.


USPS commemorates landmark desegregation case with its own stamp

by Marvin J. Ramírez

STAMP SYMBOL OF DESEGREGATION: Two U.S. Postal Service employees hold the stamp that commemorates the desegragation of the schools in the U.S. (photo by by Marvin J. Ramírez)STAMP SYMBOL OF DESEGREGATION Two U.S. Postal Service employees hold the stamp that commemorates the desegragation of the schools in the U.S. (photo by Marvin J. Ramírez)

Many probably do know that once upon a time schools were segregated in the United States and people went to certain schools or not accepted in some, based on their color of their skin.

To those familiar with school desegregation in the U.S., they might have heard, that a court case called, Brown vs. Board of Education, was credited for legally ending school segregation.

When the United Supreme Court ruled in favor of the plaintiff, desegregation was outlawed in the country and most people looked at Brown vs. Board of Education case as the sole champion of desegregation. But just how and why this historical case was successful, is what many people might not know.

It was Mendez vs. Westminster the case that really desegregated the schools, as Brown vs. Board of Education used it as the test case to win.

In a ceremony at the Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts, The United States Postal Service Service commemorated on Sept. 14, the landmark case, which desegregated the school, with the creation of a postal stamp.

The story began two years earlier when on March 2, 1945, five Mexican-American fathers (Gonzalo Méndez, Thomas Estrada, William Guzmán, Frank Palomino, and Lorenzo Ramírez) challenged the practice of school segregation in the U.S. District Court in Los Angeles. They claimed that their children, along with 5,000 other children of “Mexican and Latin descent,” were victims of unconstitutional discrimination by being forced to attend separate “Mexican” schools in the Westminster, Garden Grove, Santa Ana and El Modena school districts of Orange County.

On Feb. 18, 1946, Judge Paul J. McCormick ruled in favor of Méndez and his ­co-plaintiffs. However, the district appealed. Several organizations joined the appellate case as amicus curiae or friends of the court, including the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), represented by Thurgood Marshall. More than a year later, on April 14, 1947, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed the district court’s ruling.

The Mendez decision set an important if indirect legal precedent for cases in other states and at the national level. On June 14, 1947, a statute allowing segregated schools for Asians and Indians was repealed (effective Sept. 19) by California governor Earl Warren, who later was appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court. In 1954, Warren was chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court when it issued its ruling in Brown v. Board of Education, declaring segregation illegal nationwide.


García launches “Pacific Arc” bloc as counterweight to ALBA

by the El Reportero news services

Alan GarcíaAlan García

Peru’s President Alan García is championing a new political and economic bloc, known as the “Pacific Arc”, comprised of Perú, Chile, México, Canada and Panamá.

The idea took root at the Apec summit in Sydney earlier this month during bilateral talks between García and his Chilean peer, Michelle Bachelet. Last week García elaborated on the details of the new integration plan, which he described as a “modern social model” using free trade and investment to redress social inequalities.

In this sense it is diametrically opposed to Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez’s Alternativa Bolivariana para las Américas (Alba), a model of regional integration on principles contrary to neoliberalism which nonetheless seeks the same outcome.

Voices in Defense of Bolivia (Opinión first published in Counter Punch Newsletter)

The democratically elected government of Bolivia’s first indigenous president Evo Morales Ayma, which is heading a process of democratic change, is Washington’s immediate target in Latin America today. Bolivia is in Washington’s sight, not only because it is viewed as the weakest link of the growing axis of hope in the region, but because of its role as a catalyst for inspiring the struggles of indigenous peoples, regionally and internationally, for real social justice.

The US government, in collaboration with the gas transnationals, large agribusiness and the old political class of Bolivia, organized through the so-called “civic” committees of the wealthy departments of the Bolivian east have already begun to set in motion their plan aimed at destabilizing this government, potentially through a civil war as a pretext for foreign military intervention. This plan includes: the distribution of racist material inciting people to “bring down this Indian shit”, provoking violent confrontations, US government funding of opposition political parties and organisations, mobilisation of fascist youth groups, and the smuggling in arms to the country, amongst others.

The majority of Bolivians have vested their hopes for democratic change in the Constituent Assembly; convoked on August 6, 2006, with the task of enshrining in a new constitution the vision of a new Bolivia that has emerged out of years of struggle against neoliberalism.

The majority of Bolivians have made clear what form they want this new Bolivia to take: a plurinational, democratic and communitarian state which recuperates control over natural resources and recognizes autonomy, within the framework of national unity, at the departmental, municipality and regional levels as well as for the 36 indigenous nations which make up Bolivia.

The old ruling elites, whose positions of economic and political power were based on centuries of racist, apartheid-like oppression of the indigenous peoples are unwilling to accept even the tiniest reforms for the benefit of the indigenous majority, to accept the continuation, in any form, of this peaceful and democratic revolution even if it means drowning the country in blood.

It is crucial for the governments and peoples of the world to speak out against any attempts to trigger off a civil war, and any ensuing US/UN military occupation or military government, and reject the imposition of any illegitimate government in Bolivia.

Now is the time for all intellectuals, union militants, solidarity activists, political parties and progressive minded individuals who believe in real justice and equality to raise their voices in defense of the Bolivian government and its people.

(Opinion signed by people from 13 countries. To the signees visit:


AFL-CIO VP Chavez-Thompson steps down after 12 years of service

by Mario Aguirre

Linda Chávez-ThompsonLinda Chávez-Thompson

Linda Chávez-Thompson, the first person of color to hold one of the top three elective offices at the 10-million-member AFL-CIO, retired Sept. 21 after serving as its executive vice president for the 5last 12 years.

Chávez-Thompson, 63, a second-generation U.S. citizen of Mexican descent, plans to remain active with a variety of AFL-CIO responsibilities while representing it with allied organizations, she told Weekly Report during an interview at her Washington, D.C., office on her next-to-last day officially on the Job.

As the union’s executive vice president emeritus, she will remain in the capital and will travel over the next few weeks before rejoining family members and friends in San Antonio. Chávez-Thompson, who has 35 years of experience in the labor movement started working with the Laborers ‘local union in her native Lubbock in 1967. Soon after that she went to work for the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees where she became the international vice president in 1988. In 1993 she became the first Hispanic woman elected to the union’s executive council.

“In everything she’s done over a lifetime of service, Linda has broken new pathways for the labor movement,” AFL-CIO, president John Sweeney said in a statement.

“Countless working women and men, not only in the United States but through out the Western Hemisphere, have a better life because of all she’s contributed. She’s inspired tens of thousands of people to contribute through their own actions, and wherever she’s gone, she’s earned tremendous affection.”

Now Chávez-Thompson says she hopes to dip into some pastimes which she was unable to indulge in before, such as starting a garden that doesn’t get taken over by weeds.

She emphasized her intention to continue working for immigration reform because “certain people, primarily Latinos, are being mistreated. Their rights are being abused. Their rights are being violated, and we have to stand up for them because they can’t stand up for themselves.

In her efforts to help immigrants withstand discrimination, she said her primary intention is to encourage Latinos to join the labor movement, and to urge union activists to dedicate themselves to the community.

Chávez-Thompson spoke openly to Weekly Report about the AFLCIO’s opposition to competition from non-union immigrant workers in the mid-9Os, and how it changed its ways in 2000, recognizing a lack of organizational support offered to immigrants.

During her 12-year tenure, Chávez-Thompson stood at the forefront in the battle against unfair trade policies that encourage companies to relocate overseas in search of the least expensive labor possible.

“If I’ve done even a very small piece of that, I consider the last 12 years of my life here in the labor movement well worth it,” she said. Throughout her career, Chavez-Thompson maintained a busy lifestyle with her two children and grandchildren. Her husband, Robert Thompson, long-time president of AFSCME’s San Antonio local, died in 1993.

In retirement, she says she will continue to chair the AFL-CIO Immigration Committee and serve as head of the Inter-American Regional Organization of Workers, the International Trade Union Confederation’s regional organization for the Americas.

She will also spearhead an organization that represents nearly 44 million workers in the Western Hemisphere—the United States, the Caribbean, Mexico, Central America and South America—a project that she says she is committed to for the next four years.

­She hopes her menu of commitments won’t give the weeds an opening to choke her Texas garden again. Just some flowers. No decision yet as to what kind. But no vegetables, although she does like squash.

Chavez Successor Elected Arlene Holt-Baker, the first African-American to hold such a top position with the AFL-CIO, was elected Sept. 21 by unanimous vote of the union’s board of directors to succeed Chavez-Thompson as executive vice president.

Hispanic Link.


Latino Family Celebration at KQED studios

by Juliana Birnbaum Fox

Documentary The WarDocumentary The War

Families are invited to attend KQED’s second annual Latino Heritage Month Event designed for parents and kids ages 3 to 6 with lunch and activities, including a visit by PBS Kids show stars Maya and Miguel. The celebration is part of Kaiser Permanente’s For Healthy Kids campaign and will be held at the KQED studios at 2601 Mariposa Street in San Francisco, from 12 – 3 pm on Saturday, September 29. Call to register at 415-553-2484.

Radical Women dinner meeting for aspiring activists

Feminists who are interested in volunteering or interning with organization that values your ideas and leadership? Then check out Radical Women, a multiracial, cross-generational revolutionary feminist organization with a commitment to fi ghting for the rights of women, people of color, queers and workers! With over 40 years of dedicated activism in the movements for social change, Radical Women is a great place to develop your skills and make a difference.

Come fi nd out more on Thursday, September 27 at 6:15 for dinner ($7.00 donation), or at 7pm for the meeting. Call 415-864-1278 for more information or to volunteer– everyone welcome; wheelchair accessible. At New Valencia Hall, 625 Larkin Street, Suite 202 in San Francisco. Website:

Business Conference for Bay Area Women Leaders

The City of San Francisco Small Business Commission invites you to a unique one-day business conference for women leaders in your area! Women’s Leadership Exchange (WLE) is coming to the Northern California area on Thursday, September 27th!! Thousands of women have reported extraordinary business results & connections from WLE conferences around the country.

As a member of The City of San Francisco Small Business Commission, you receive a $50 discount. The conference takes place on Thursday, Sept. 27th from 7:30am–7: 30pm at the Santa Clara Convention Center, 5001 Great American Parkway in Santa Clara.

Documentary about South Bay’s Latino community during WWII

KQED and KTEH are pleased to present three new documentaries to accompany Ken Burns’ “The War” later this month. One of the documentaries, “The War: Soldados,” is an original 30-minute documentary about the South Bay’s Latino community during World War II airing on Friday, September 21 at 7:00pm on KTEH 54 and Saturday, September 29 at 6:30pm on KQED 9 with SAP in Spanish (SAP en español).

Reconstructing Health Care panel at the Commonwealth Club

The Commonwealth Club, the nation’s premier public affairs forum, presents a panel on Reconstructing Health Care on Wednesday, September 26. Speakers include the Directors of Health Access California, the National Federation of Independent Business and the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research as well as the Professor Emeritus of Medicine and Social Medicine of Harvard Medical School. Arrive at 5:30pm for the wine and cheese reception; panel at 6pm. At the Program Club Office, 595 Market St., 2nd floor, San Francisco, free admission.

Directors of Health Access California, the National Federation of Independent Business and the UCLA.­


Orozco’s Man of Fire to premier on PBS

by Antonio Mejías-Rentas

José Clemente Orozco, Dioses del Mundo Moderno (1932), como parte: de un mural localizado en la Universidad de Dartmouth, Hanover, NewJosé Clemente Orozco, Gods of the Modern World (1932), part of a mural located at Dartmouth University, Hanover, New Hampshire.

MAN ON FlRE: Un documental del muralista mexicano José Clemente Orozco que se estrenará esta semana en PBS es el último de cuatro nuevos programas con temática latina en la cadena de televisión pública durante el Mes de Herencia Hispana.

Orozco: Man on Fire documents the life of perhaps the lesser known of Mexico’s three great muralists (which also included Diego Rivera and David Alfaro Siqueiros). The film takes its title from Orozco’s mural Hombre de fuego in Gudalajara, Mexico; it also surveys his work in Mexico City, Pomona, California, and Dartmouth.

Narrated by Angelica Houston – herself married to Mexican sculptor Robert Graham—the film airs as part of the American Masters series and premieres Sept. 19 at 9:00 p.m. on most PBS stations (check local listings.) It is directed, written and produced 4by Laurie Coyle and Rick Tejada-Flores.

Tejada-Flores also produced and directed another American Masters film, Rivera in America, which will encore Sept, 19 at 10:00 p.m.

This month, PBS premiered three other Latino-themed films. On Independent Lens, it aired Ela Troyano’s La Lupe: Queen of Latin Soul, about the legendary Cuban singer. P.O.V. aired Almudena Carracedo and Robert Bahar’s Made in L.A., about Los Angeles sweatshops. The network also aired Philip Rodriguez’ Brown is the New Green: George López and the American Dream, which uses the comedian to look at how marketing affects the portrayal of Latinos in media.

Outside of their premieres, many of these shows will still air on PBS stations over the following weeks. PBS is also airing encore presentations of previous Latino-themed shows.

Ironically, the public network is also touting as part of its Hispanic Heritage programming the controversial Ken Burns documentary The War which will premiere Sept. 23 with segments on Latino soldiers – added after several complaints by Latino groups over their exclusion in the original cut of the film.

TEJANA SUPERSTAR: A ten-year anniversary special edition DVD of Selena arrives in stores Sept. 18Warner Home Video features a new director’s cut of the 1997 film – released two years after the singer’s tragic death in Corpus Christi, Texas.

The Gregory Nava made $35 million at the box office, setting a record for a U.S.-made Latino film.
Hispanic Link.


State Legislature bans toxic toys

by Juliana Birnbaum Fox

The California State Senate last week approved landmark legislation which would make California the first state in the country to ban dangerous chemicals used in baby toys.

“The United States has become a dumping ground for chemical filled toys that are banned in much of the industrialized world,” said Assemblywoman Fiona Ma, who authored the bill.

The bill, if the governor signs it, would prohibit the manufacture, sale, and distribution of toys and child care products intended for use by children under the age of three that contain certain phthalates. Phthalates interfere with the hormone system and have been linked to reproductive defects, premature birth, and the early onset of puberty. Fourteen countries and the European Union have already banned or are phasing out the chemical.

Study finds positive outcomes at San Francisco’s Behavioral Health Court

A study focused exclusively on the criminal justice outcomes of the San Francisco Behavioral Health Court concludes that such courts reduce recidivism and violence among people with mental disorders. According to the report, published in the current issue of the American Journal of Psychiatry, the proportion of people entering U.S.jails who have severe mental disorders has been estimated to be between six and fifteen percent.

“We are proud of the results of this study,” said Deputy Public Defender Jennifer Johnson. “It confirms that treatment is not only the humane solution, but also one that benefits public safety and stops the revolving door of hospitalization, incarceration andhomelessness.”

Grant geared towards preparing more students for college

SFUSD was recently awarded a $2.3 million dollar grant each year for the next five years with the goal of preparing 90% of participating students to apply to college in their senior year. GEAR UP is an existing program that has substantially increased the number of low-income middle and high school students who enroll, complete and score higher in college-prep courses each year. It also increases the number of students who pass the California High School Exit Exam. With the new funds, approximately 3,000 students will receive academic tutoring, counseling and support for college planning each year.

School District Seeks Volunteers to Help Special Education Students

The San Francisco Unified School District is recruiting volunteers to make a difference in the education of special needs children. These volunteers will act as a student’s “surrogate parent” for educational issues and will help students who receive special education services. The school district assigns “surrogate parents” when no parent can be located or when juvenile court has limited guardians in making educational decisions for the child. . The surrogate helps to identify and assess the student’s needs, and assists in instructional planning. The volunteer also helps place the student into programs, and reviews the student’s progress. Training provided–to apply call (415) 355-7710 or email

Plan to audit San Francisco City College considered by legislators

Assemblywoman Fiona Ma proposed a compromise that allows San Francisco City College to proceed with its own performance audit, while providing clear assurances that the review protects taxpayer funds.

“The trustees, members of the bond oversight committee and the public have called for greater fiscal oversight at City College for years,” said Assemblywoman Ma. “Together, we will ensure that taxpayer funds are spent wisely and that educational opportunities are expanded all across San Francisco.”


Aid to Nicaragua intensifies

by the El Reportero staff

Luís Pérez, propietario del taller Auto Services & Tires en San Francisco, Calif: , recibe las primeras donaciones de la comunidad para los damnificados del huracán Félix en Nicaragua, con meta a llenar uno de varios contenedores con capacidad de 40 toneladas cada uno. (photo por Edgar Martinez)San Francisco’s repair shop owner Luis Pérez receives the first donations from the community for the victims of huracan Felix in Nicaragua. The goal is to fill one of several 40-ton ship containers. (photo por Edgar Martinez)

After the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua was devastated by a hurricane last August, the people of Nicaraguans in the Bay Area have started organizing in one solid coalition to bring help to their country.

While in the District of Bay View people were donating boxes of clothes and food, on Sunday, Sept. 16, a musical charitable event was carried out at Club Roccapulco where several musical groups played there for free. Although the amount of money has not been released to El Reportero, some said as of last Sunday, it had been collected approximately $3,000 in cash.

It is expected that another event scheduled for Cafe Cócomo at 650 Indiana St., SF CA 94107, on Sunday, Sept. 23, from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m., surpasses that amount of Roccapulco. For more information call to: 510-459-5950.

Other events include:

  • Also at Café Cocomo, a dancing afternoon on Friday, Sept. 21, from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. For more information call 415-826-6700.
  • Saint Anthony Church, 3215 César Chávez St., also on Friday Sept. 21, from 12 noon to 5 p.m. For more information call 650-871-2981.

Frank Ayala (al centro con micrófono),: de la Coalición de Ayuda a Nicaragua del Norte de California da a conocer los resultados preliminares del dinero recolectado en la tardeada del Club Roccapulco. Izq-der: Miembros Giselle Icabalzeta, Rigo Flores, Dr. William Icabalzeta, Frank AlizagaFrank Ayala (center w/ mic), from the Coalition of Help for Nicaragua of Northern California, reads the preliminary results of the money collected at afternoon event at Club Roccapulco. L-R: Coalition members Giselle Icabalzeta, Rigo Flores, William Icabalzeta, Frank Alizaga, and Jorge Bonilla. (photo by Marvin Ramirez)

El Tapatío, 4742 Mission Street, Sunday, Oct. 7, from 1 to 6 p.m.

For more information call 650-521-2275.

These events are part of a joint effort of the Coalition of Help to Nicaragua of Northern California, with the observant participation of the Consulate of Nicaragua and the community organization CARECEN, which according to members, will help assure that all aid is canalized to the most appropriate organizations in Nicaragua and assure transparency.

A bank account has been designated in Wells Fargo Bank #683 4387 125 for those who want to do direct donations.
