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Why are there extreme right and ultra conservative, and not extreme liberal and ultra liberal?

Have you noticed that most of the written, television or radio media, where you get informed every day of ‘what is happening’, the words ‘extreme right’ or ‘ultra-conservative’ are hammered out many times in most political reporting – especially during the last few years after the rise of Donald Trump to the US presidency?

However, you never hear the opposite of these words, such as ‘far left’ or ‘ultra liberal’, which would indicate that extremism only exists on the ‘far right’.

And with that comes the question, according to a former congressman and TV personality: who decides what it is to be right, left or center, or who is ultra conservative or extreme right?

He says that to say that someone is from the right or from the extreme, you have to know where the center is, so who decides that? And when they refer to a politician who is from the extreme right, against whom do they compare him? Who gets to define that?

Why do liberal politicians never describe the far left? There are always ultra-conservative judges, but never ultra-liberal judges, he explains.

And there are really no TV presenters who define or label the extreme left or describe what a liberal center is.

He is joined in the interview by a member of the Hoover Institute, who answers these questions.

Why is there always an extreme right or ultra conservative and never an extreme left or extreme liberal, according to the conventional press?

“You have to start with the premise that the left considers itself morally superior because they believe in the force of egalitarianism, using the power of government to make everyone equal, not at the forefront of opportunity, but at the end, and that they at the same time consider it contrary to human nature and common sense, so it takes a degree of force to force people, as that is contrary to our Constitution, and they don’t believe in the 51 percent majority, so they don’t trust democracy. That has made them use the institutions, especially at the start of globalization, controlling the most money in the US for the last 30 years. This has made the left to have systematically added their control of the NY Times, The Chicago Tribune, LA Times, NPR, PBS and now they control social media, he said.

In conclusion, then, is this reason why they control the political language, and successively the population mind? Hmmm, very interesting.

10 Reasons to use cloves, a spice that can boost your immune system

by Joanne Washburn


11/11/2021 – Cloves might not be a common ingredient in your recipes, but they are more than worthy of a spot in your spice rack.

One of the oldest and most storied spices in existence, cloves are the dried flower buds of an evergreen tree that belongs to the myrtle family. Cloves have a rich culinary and medicinal history that dates back thousands of years. Today, they are known for their distinct aroma, and they can add intense warmth to virtually any dish they are added to.

– Clove boost gut health – Cloves have a long history of use in traditional medicine. Ancient healers used cloves (whole and fried) to improve digestion and relieve gastrointestinal irritation. Cloves can even help stop vomiting, possibly due to their anesthetic properties. Cloves can also be used as a purgative.

– Cloves protect against bacterial infections – Cloves can help protect you from bacterial infections thanks to their antibacterial properties. In one study, researchers found that the active compounds isolated from cloves can stop the growth of two types of bacteria that contribute to gum disease.

– Cloves support liver health – Cloves contain a compound called eugenol, which is especially beneficial for your liver. In one study, researchers fed rats with fatty liver disease mixtures containing either clove oil or eugenol. The results showed that both mixtures improved liver function and reduced inflammation.

– Cloves help control blood sugar – Cloves may help control blood sugar in people with diabetes, a condition marked by high blood sugar. In one study, researchers found that taking just one to three grams of cloves every day for 30 days was enough to help people with Type 2 diabetes manage their blood sugar.

– Cloves promote strong, healthy bones – Cloves are packed with manganese, an essential bone-building mineral. Manganese also helps your body form connective tissues and reproductive hormones.

– Cloves boost the immune system – The eugenol and other antioxidants in cloves help protect immune cells from inflammation and oxidative stress.

– Cloves can reduce inflammation – Eugenol, one of the main active compounds in cloves, can reduce inflammation. Studies on clove extracts administered to rats show that eugenol reduced inflammation caused by edema. Eugenol can also reduce pain by stimulating pain receptors.

– Cloves support optimal oral health – Cloves can keep your mouth clean and healthy by controlling the growth of oral bacteria responsible for oral diseases. Thanks to eugenol’s pain-killing properties, cloves can also be used to temporarily relieve a minor toothache.

– Cloves boost libido – Cloves possess aphrodisiac properties, according to practitioners of Unani medicine. Cloves can help increase sexual desire, arousal, performance and pleasure.

– Cloves can relieve headaches – Cloves can treat headaches thanks to eugenol’s pain-killing properties. To relieve a headache, crush a few cloves and wrap them in a clean handkerchief. Inhale the smell of the crushed cloves.


How to use cloves

You can find whole cloves online or at your local grocery store. They are best stored in a small glass jar in a cool place.

Because of their intense aroma and sweet flavor, cloves can lend plenty of warmth to any dish. They also pair well with other rich, slightly sweet spices like cinnamon and nutmeg.

Cloves are often used in spice blends for meat rubs, such as garam masala and Chinese five-spice powder. They are one of many spices used to make Vietnamese pho, and they are often used to stud whole-baked hams and pots of German braised red cabbage. Cloves are also sometimes used to flavor hot beverages, like tea, mulled wine and hot apple cider.

Cloves take center stage in the fall, when they are used to add flavor to fall staples, such as pumpkin pie, stewed apples and pears and gingerbread.

Because of their strong taste and aroma, cloves are best used sparingly. If you are cooking with cloves, don’t forget to remove the cloves before serving or pick them out of your dish before eating. Even when cooked, whole cloves have a very hard and woody texture that would be unpleasant to bite into. They also have an astringent or drying mouthfeel.

Cloves are a pungent warm spice known for their intense flavor and powerful aroma. They provide a wide range of benefits as well, from a healthier gut to reduced inflammation. Enjoy these benefits and more by incorporating cloves into your cooking. Food.news.

El Salvador increases electricity exports

by the El Reportero‘s wire services


San Salvador, Oct 4 – El Salvador increased its electricity exports by 33 million dollars until August, the Central Reserve Bank (BCR) said today.

Douglas Rodríguez, president of the banking entity, pointed out that the energy sector reported a growth of 15.3 percent in the second quarter of 2022 to contribute to the country’s balance.

We sold 33 million dollars in energy that is no longer used in the country, but is supplied to other countries, Rodríguez said.

According to data from the BCR, the energy sector is part of 15 of the 19 economic activities that make up the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of El Salvador and that reported growth in this year-on-year period.

The official emphasized that the country depended on Nicaragua and Honduras for its consumption, but now it is capable of generating energy to satisfy its own demand, something achieved with the diversification of the energy matrix, which no longer depends only on hydroelectric plants, but also combines geothermal, wind, photovoltaic and natural gas.

For his part, the president of the Lempa River Hydroelectric Executive Commission (CEL), Daniel Álvarez, highlighted the lowering of electricity costs and its export to neighboring countries such as Guatemala.


Noticias de México por Mexico News Daily:


Proposal to convert office buildings to address housing shortage in Mexico City

Due to the current lack of housing, a real estate executive suggests some office buildings should become apartments


An executive with the Keller Williams real estate company has proposed converting offices into homes to alleviate the housing shortage in Mexico City.

The Valley of Mexico branch of national housing association Canadevi says that 20,000 additional homes need to be built in the capital every year to keep up with demand, but construction figures have been much lower than that in recent years and have declined annually since 2017.

Due to the current shortfall of housing stock, Jorge Carbonell believes that some office buildings – many of which have fewer tenants than they previously had due to the shift to remote work during the pandemic – should be turned into apartment blocks.

“There is a decline in construction and real estate development and converting some offices into homes could be an option,” he told the newspaper Reforma. “It’s a great option to alleviate the crisis” given that there is so much office space in Mexico City, Carbonell added.

According to real estate company JLL, there are 7.5 million square meters of office space in the capital and just under 1.76 million meters – 23.5 percent of the total – were unoccupied at the end of June.


Mexico to appeal after US judge dismisses lawsuit against gun manufacturers

In its lawsuit, the government estimated that 2.2 percent of almost 40 million guns manufactured annually in the United States are smuggled into Mexico


October 3, 2022 – The federal government has announced it will appeal the dismissal of its lawsuit against United States gun manufacturers.

The government filed a US $10 billion lawsuit against gunmakers, including Smith & Wesson and Barrett Firearms in August 2021, accusing them of negligent business practices that have led to illegal arms trafficking and deaths in Mexico, where U.S.-sourced firearms are used in a majority of high-impact crimes.

In a claim filed in Massachusetts, it alleged that the companies have undermined Mexican gun laws by designing, marketing and selling high-powered weapons that appeal to criminal organizations in Mexico.

Chief Judge F. Dennis Saylor dismissed the claim in federal court in Boston on Friday, saying that U.S. law “unequivocally” prohibits lawsuits that seek to hold gun manufacturers responsible when people use their products for their intended purpose.

The judge said there were some narrow exceptions in U.S. law but none applied in Mexico’s case against the gunmakers.

Saylor explained that Mexico’s case couldn’t surmount a provision in the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA) that protects gun manufacturers from lawsuits over “the harm solely caused by the criminal or unlawful misuse of firearm products … by others when the product functioned as designed and intended.”

In a 44-page ruling, the judge wrote that “while the court has considerable sympathy for the people of Mexico, and none whatsoever for those who traffic guns to Mexican criminal organizations, it is duty-bound to follow the law.”

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE), which filed the suit, said that the government would challenge the ruling.

“The government of Mexico will appeal the decision of the federal judge and continue insisting that the weapons trade must be responsible, transparent and with accountability,” it said in a statement.

The SRE also said the government would continue to argue that “the negligent way in which … [firearms] are sold in the United States facilitates criminals’ access to them.”

The ministry said that the filing of the lawsuit was an “unprecedented and brave action of the Mexican government to prevent firearms, many of which are high-powered, causing violence in our country.”

It also said that its lawsuit has received “worldwide recognition and has been considered a watershed in the discussion about the gun industry’s responsibility for the violence in Mexico and the region.”

Lawrence Keane, the general counsel of the National Shooting Sports Foundation, a U.S. trade association for the firearms industry, approved of the dismissal of the “baseless” lawsuit.

“The crime that is devastating the people of Mexico is not the fault of members of the firearm industry, that under U.S. law, can only sell their lawful products to Americans exercising their Second Amendment rights after passing a background check,” Keane said.

However, the SRE said it’s not giving up on the suit.

“… The government of Mexico will continue taking action to end the illegal trafficking of weapons. The civil lawsuit for damages against those who profit from the violence that Mexicans suffer moves to a second stage,” it said.

In an interview with news magazine Proceso, Foreign Affairs Minister Marcelo Ebrard said that the government knew from the outset that the dismissal of its case was a possibility.

“The judge’s argument is that the PLCAA law, which took effect in 2005, provides immunity to the firearms industry in the United States with respect to civil lawsuits … but he recognizes the impact of the negligence of the firearms industry in our territory,” he said.

Ebrard said that the government didn’t agree with Saylor’s extension of immunity beyond U.S. borders.

“… What we’re saying is that the damage occurs outside the United States and therefore PLCAA doesn’t apply. We will appeal saying that outside the territory of the United States that law doesn’t apply,” Ebrard said.

The judge “is interpreting the law in favor of the firearms industry saying, ‘it isn’t responsible [for people’s actions with their weapons] anywhere, not in the United States or outside the United States,’ but that’s his interpretation, not that of the [U.S.] Congress,” he said.

Ebrard said that Mexico’s appeal will be filed soon and that the government would “look for all the precedents” in U.S. law to support its case. “We think we have a good case,” the foreign minister added.

In its lawsuit, the government estimated that 2.2 percent of almost 40 million guns manufactured annually in the United States are smuggled into Mexico. As many as 597,000 firearms that flow into Mexico each year are believed to be made by the defendants, among whom were also Colt’s Manufacturing Company and Glock Inc.

In addition to the violence generated by the use of U.S.-sourced guns, the SRE argued that the trafficking of weapons has harmed Mexico in other related ways. Among those cited were a decline in investment and economic activity here and the requirement to spend more on public security measures.

Mexico also alleged that U.S. gun companies are aware that their business practices caused illegal arms trafficking in Mexico.

Colt’s, for example, manufactured a pistol embellished with an image of Emiliano Zapata, a hero of the Mexican revolution. That weapon was used in the 2017 murder of Chihuahua-based journalist Miroslava Breach.

The government argued that other arms manufacturers also design weapons to appeal to criminal organizations in Mexico, among which are drug cartels such as the Sinaloa Cartel and the Jalisco New Generation Cartel.

With reports from Reuters and Proceso 

What inclusion for all means: California embraces master plan for older adults

by Sunita Sohrabji


SACRAMENTO, California — A day-long conference highlighting California’s 10-year Master Plan for Aging kicked off with a group of disability and aging advocates singing and clapping to the Pharrell Williams song “Happy” as they marched and wheeled around the auditorium.

“Today is a milestone in our movement for healthy aging,” said Susan DeMarois, director of the California Department of Aging, which hosted the Sept. 20 event, named “CA For ALL Ages & Abilities Day of Action.”

The auditorium was packed with representatives of several state agencies as well as disability and aging advocates championing California’s move towards becoming the most-inclusive state in the nation by 2030.

People over 65 are one of the fastest-growing populations in California. In 2030, the elder population of the state is expected to jump to 8.6 million. In the next decade, seniors will comprise more than one quarter of California’s population.

“We must continue to build statewide capacity and infrastructure so that all Californians have access to the care and services and economic independence they demand and deserve,” said DeMarois.

California’s Master Plan for Aging launched Jan. 6, 2021 via an executive order from Gov. Gavin Newsom. It is a 10-year blueprint addressing current inequities for older adults and disabled people.

Over 132 initiatives have been launched over the past 18 months to support the plan, which focuses on five primary goals: affordable housing for elders; overall affordability in cost of living for people on fixed incomes; a new vision for health care; support for caregivers; and inclusion for all seniors.

The State Legislature has passed several “age and disability-friendly” bills to increase affordable housing, improve access to health care, expand long-term care and support services, and strengthen the direct care workforce.

The State Legislature has also allocated several billion dollars to support affordable housing programs for seniors, along with expanding home-based care services, meal programs, fall prevention, and other support programs.

Keynote speaker Ashton Applewhite, author of “This Chair Rocks,” discussed rampant discrimination targeting older adults and disabled people, who she said are often rendered invisible, particularly in the work force and in health care.

“Age and disability are not the problem. Discrimination is the problem,” declared Applewhite.

People ages 65 and older made up 80 percent of deaths from Covid, yet the US health care system was ageist in its response, noted the writer.

“The lethal, measurable global impact of ageism and ableism is that we see older and disabled people as less valuable members of society,” said Applewhite.

During the morning portion of the conference, several aging and disability advocates presented their recommendations for expanding the master plan.

Affordable housing is especially critical, several speakers pointed out. Across the U.S., more than 50 percent of homeless people are over the age of 50 and became homeless after reaching that age.

The most-burdened are renters: housing costs have jumped by 15 percent, but fixed income cost of living adjustments have not kept pace. Older Black renters are most likely to struggle with rent unaffordability and are over-represented in California’s homeless population, according to the organization Justice in Aging.

“Older adults have been squeezed out of the rental market. We need to keep people in housing they already have. Without a home, there can be no home-based services,” said Patti Prunhuber, senior housing attorney at Justice in Aging.

Debbie Toth, president and CEO of Choice in Aging, advocated for better public transportation systems to serve the elderly and disabled. “If you have a roof over your head but can’t get to the grocery store, you cannot live and thrive in your community.”

Dr. Mark Ghaly, Secretary for the California Health and Human Services Agency, moderated a panel of speakers on implementing the master plan. Speakers included: Sen. Richard Pan, a physician who represents portions of Sacramento and Yolo County in the California state Senate; Assembly member Joaquin Arambula, a physician who represents Fresno; and Melinda Grant, Undersecretary at the California Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency.

Pan said California’s programs to support older people and the disabled were growing rapidly, but still not fast enough. He recommended an annual 5 percent increase for Long-Term Services and Support programs.

The doctor-politician also advocated for better support services for caregivers. “I have parents who live close by. We often struggle with how to best support them.”

Arambula lauded Newsom’s expansion of the state’s Medi-Cal program. In June, the governor signed a $307.9 billion budget allocation that makes all low-income adults eligible for Medi-Cal by 2024, including undocumented immigrants.

“There are so many people in the shadows unable to access the healthcare they need. I’m so grateful to Governor Newsom for expanding Medi-Cal regardless of immigration status.”

In an interview with EMS after the panel discussion, Ghaly said: “Covid has been the great unmasker of health care disparities in our state, particularly for our elderly and disabled residents.”

“I lament every day the 96,000 people who lost their lives to the pandemic,” said Ghaly. He noted, however, that the “jolt” of the pandemic presented opportunities to retool the health care system, including expanding access to tele-health.

Department of Rehabilitation Director Joe Xavier moderated an afternoon panel offering personal perspectives from people who are disabled, and caregivers.

“Growing up, I would often hear people say: ‘I would rather be dead than disabled,’” said Xavier, who is blind. “I look forward to the day when conversations normalize disability so that it is woven into the fabric of society just like all of the other characteristics which make us who we are as human beings.”

Simone Nazzal, who cares for her mother who struggles with dementia, spoke of the need to support caregivers, a key piece of the Master Plan. “We expect that all caregivers are able to smile and do their work in supporting another person without taking a toll on themselves. That is not fair,” she said.

“Get help as soon as you can. You cannot afford not to. You need self-care,” said Nazzal.

There are more than five million family caregivers in California, according to the Alzheimer’s Association.

In Mexico struggling with learning Spanish? Try being a baby for a while

Sarah DeVries’ quick tips includes giving yourself permission to simply observe Spanish in use, like infants do


by Sarah DeVries


The first year I was in Mexico, I took Spanish classes at the School for Foreign Students at the Universidad Veracruzana. My classmates were mostly college students like me, and they came from all over the world.

The European students always made me feel a little bit jealous. As I struggled through verb conjugations and new vocabulary, they’d say things like, “Oh, I just keep getting Spanish confused with Italian!”

When it comes to those of us from (north-er) North America, we’ve really only got the one language, unless you happen to be French Canadian. And when your native language is the lingua franca of the day, it means that not much effort is made to take advantage of kids’ spongey brains language-wise. What for, we think? You already speak the language that everyone else in the world must adapt to.

This means, of course, that most of us learn second languages as adults, when it’s decidedly harder. Learning a language as a child happens naturally, and as long as we are around the language and are forced to use it, we’ll learn it.

So unlike, say, the Danish, who learn English and perhaps a few other languages as children, we English speakers are both privileged in that most people attempt to speak our language and at a disadvantage because for the most part, we get to adulthood not knowing how to learn another language; the experience simply hasn’t been necessary.

Even so, we all know the joke: “What do you call someone who speaks two languages? Bilingual. What do you call someone who speaks one language? American.”

While this is fair, I can’t help but feel a little offended. I mean, all emotions aside, we’ve got one giant ocean on one side of us, one giant ocean on the other side of us, and a world full of people who already speak our language. What do you expect?

If you’re reading this article, chances are you’re interested in either learning Spanish or continuing to learn Spanish. Maybe you’re already fluent! (If that’s the case, feel free to add on in the comments to what I’ve written.)

As someone who went through the humiliating yet very rewarding experience of learning Spanish as an adult, I’ve got some general tips. Read on if you need some encouragement!

  1. Just listen for a while. Think about how we all learn our first languages: we don’t even attempt to start saying anything coherent until we’re at least a year old, and I personally know plenty of four-year-olds that can still only barely be understood. So give yourself a break, and remember that it’s okay to just sit there and absorb the sounds around you without worrying about what they mean. Try to do so as often as possible. Pay attention to the sounds people make when they’re speaking, the tone of their voices in certain situations, the cadence of their speech. It’s also a nice way to calm down your anxiety about not understanding: “It’s alright, I’m just a baby.”
  2. Listen to music and watch TV and movies in Spanish. This is an even more stress-free way to simply listen, as there’s no expectation that you’ll need to answer the other people. Keeping subtitles on might help as well. There are plenty of phrases, words, and common exclamations that I know today because I read English subtitles while they were said on TV and thought, “Oh, so that’s how you say that!” It’s also a great way to get yourself out of the habit of trying to translate something from English, because it widens your repertoire naturally, introducing aspects of the language without first passing through your native language filter.
  3. Now that I’m on my third tip, it occurs to me that most of these are still about listening. No matter! Again, so much of learning is simply paying attention. What do people say when they greet each other and when they leave? What do they say when they want to get someone’s attention? What do they say when they’re surprised, and what are the filler words and phrases they say without thinking (“ahorita”, anyone?)? Learning these will get you far on your quest of speaking like a native.
  4. Don’t get too hung up about your accent. We all have accents; even “native speakers” have regional accents. I won’t lie: the English-speaker’s accent in Spanish is not very sexy. It’s not like a French accent in English or even a German accent in English. But you know what? That’s okay. And the more you listen to others, the more you’ll be able to imitate them. Learning to roll your r’s, for example, is a big step and really does come with practice.
  5. Some further tips on pronunciation: remember that all the letters in Spanish are pronounced (for the most part) individually and that they are pronounced the same way every time, in every word. So an “o” will always sound the same, as will a “g”, as will a “u”… you get the idea. In English we’re able to be a bit lazy with our vowels in that we let our mouths keep moving once we’ve started saying them (think about how we say the letter “a” for example: “aee.”) In Spanish, the vowels don’t move around as the milliseconds go by, and making sure you don’t let them will do wonders for your accent. Nail the vowels – they are all sounds we also have in English – and you’re golden. Consonants are mostly the same, though the “d” is a bit more forceful in Spanish – almost halfway to a “th” sound — and the “b” and “v” are pronounced so similarly (each one about halfway between the two) that even when Mexicans spell out a word aloud for someone else, they will usually say B-grande to mean “B” or B-chica or V-chica to mean “V” so that the person writing down the word can be sure which they intend. (There is some conflict among Mexicans about which to use. Some will insist that the chica version is said with a “B” and others say it’s with a “V,” but they both sound the same when said aloud, so…)

So remember, be like a baby: listen closely and don’t stress. And even if your Spanish remains subpar for life – hey, not everyone’s got a knack for languages – remember that at least in Mexico, you’re surrounded by tolerant and friendly people who will do their best to communicate.

Sarah DeVries is a writer and translator based in Xalapa, Veracruz. She can be reached through her website, http://sdevrieswritingandtranslating.com/

Federal judge stops Biden from imposing limits to ICE enforcement

by Chief Editor



President Joe Biden’s administration has been blocked by a federal court from imposing limitations on arrests, detentions, and removals by Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Southern District of Ohio Judge Michael Newman made the decision after a lawsuit was filed by Republican Attorneys General of Arizona, Montana, and Ohio.

He issued a preliminary injunction stopping Biden from imposing the new guidelines on punishments for illegal immigration.

“The States sue because they believe DHS skirted Congress’s immigration enforcement mandates when it issued a policy that prioritizes certain high-risk noncitizens for apprehension and removal,” the judge said. “DHS contends that seemingly mandatory statutes must be read flexibly to permit efficient law enforcement.”

“At bottom, that is what this dispute is about: can the Executive displace clear congressional command in the name of resource allocation and enforcement goals? Here, the answer is no,” he added.

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich, Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen, and Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost sued the Biden administration in November 2021 over the policy revision, which they said: “dramatically ties the hands of immigration officers, halting nearly all deportations.”

That month, the Department of Homeland Security, which oversees ICE, issued permanent guidance to limit whom ICE could arrest and thus remove from the country.

The guidance established that ICE officers had to obtain permission to arrest illegal immigrants who had not been convicted of an aggravated felony, were not affiliated with a gang or terrorist network or had illegally entered the U.S. before November 2020.

However, liberals are not backing down in the fight.

Liberal groups and some former government officials are calling on the U.S. Supreme Court to reinstate the Biden administration’s policy that narrowed which immigrants should be targeted for removal.

On Monday, the groups “told the high court in eight friend-of-the-court briefs filed Monday that they each had strong interests in the policy staying intact,” Law360 reported.

“As former DHS and [Immigration and Naturalization Service] officials, amici know well the importance of these policies,” a group of former DHS and INS officials said. “Policies setting enforcement goals and priorities allow immigration officials to concentrate resources on noncitizens whose removal would best serve government interests….”

“The policy notably put in place a case-by-case analysis in determining whether an individual should be removed, and notably emphasized that officials should dive into the circumstances of someone’s criminal convictions rather than rely only on the fact that the individual was convicted,” Law360 noted in its report.

“The Biden administration petitioned for a writ of certiorari in July, asking the high court to take up its case for review. The former DHS and INS officials said that while they differed in their views of the guidelines as a matter of policy, they all have observed first-hand the critical role guidelines play in immigration law enforcement. Administrations of both parties have for decades used their enforcement discretion to meet the “unique and variable” challenges in immigration, the officials added, pointing to how administrations have used their discretion in addressing limited enforcement resources as an example,” the report added.

“But even if the policy did prohibit DHS officers from making certain arrests, the lower Texas court’s decision to toss the case still couldn’t stand since the relevant immigration statutes concerning the detention and removal of noncitizens didn’t deprive DHS of its “prosecutorial discretion” to decide whether to go forward with removal proceedings. A group of 21 local governments and local government organizations said their interest in keeping removal discretion with the federal government lies in the fact that millions of their residents are immigrants,” the report continued.

“Without such discretion, the health and safety of amici’s communities will suffer,” their brief reads. “Immigrants will increasingly fear deportation, leading many to avoid contact with local law enforcement or healthcare services — a result that would harm all of amici’s residents.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following persons have been nominated for the offices appointed to be filled at the General Municipal Election in the City of Newark on Tuesday, November 8, 2022:

For Mayor Vote for One
Jason Michael
Michael Hannon

For Member of the City Council Vote for Two
Soraya Ahmadjar
Mike Bucci
Barry Taimani
Matthew Jorgens
Terrence Grindall
Tarinjit Singh Gujral

All candidates have voluntarily agreed to spending limits.

Secretary General of the OAS, will be distinguished with the “Key to the City of Miraflores”, Peru

Ceremony will take place in the Huaca Pucllana

by the El Reportero‘s wire services

Distinction will be held within the framework of the activities for the 52nd Regular Session of the Assembly of the Organization of American States, to be held in Lima from October 5 to 7.
On October 5, Ambassador Luis Almagro, Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), will be distinguished by the Mayor of Miraflores Luis Molina, who will present him with the Key to the City of Miraflores, in a special act that will have as scene of the pre-Inca ancestral precinct Huaca Pucllana.
In a letter sent to Mayor Molina, Ambassador Almagro confirms the honor of accepting the award from the Municipality of Miraflores.
The distinction ceremony will take place within the framework of the activities for the 52nd Regular Period of Sessions of the OAS Assembly, to be held from Oct. to 7 in the city of Lima.
Mayor Molina thanked Ambassador Almagro for his deference and recalled that on a recent visit to the OAS headquarters in Washington he spoke with him and told him about the Municipality’s decision to give him the Key to the City of Miraflores.

Food supply 101: How to grow edible mushrooms in your home garden

by Zoey Sky


07/20/2022 – Knowing how to grow your own food before disaster strikes ensures that you can feed your family nutritious fruits and vegetables. And even if nothing happens, nothing beats fresh produce that you have grown right in your backyard.

If you want to add to your skillset before SHTF, try learning how to grow edible mushrooms. Mushrooms can help enhance garden soil, they’re nutritious and they taste good too. (h/t to Milkwood.net)

Why grow mushrooms?

With the right tools and resources, growing mushrooms is safe, easy and maybe even free. Unlike a full-sized garden that requires a lot of your time, money and effort, a mushroom garden doesn’t require fancy equipment or ingredients.

If you’re strapped for cash, start by learning how to forage mushrooms properly, making sure to learn how to identify species that are safe to eat and those that are poisonous.

Mushroom gardens can be an essential part of your backyard growing system because:

  • They are easy to establish.
  • They can support your home garden ecosystem as they grow.
  • They can produce regular harvests of delicious mushrooms for your meals.

If space is an issue, you can grow mushrooms in a tub on your balcony or back step.

Once you understand the basics of cultivating a mushroom garden, you can experiment until you figure out which mushrooms you want to grow more of.

Best mushroom species for home gardens

Here are some of the best mushrooms to grow for beginners:

King stropharia (Stropharia rugosoannulata)

King stropharia will grow in wood chip gardens. It’s best to use hardwood wood chips, but king stropharia will also grow in straw and many other farm waste products.

King stropharia grows in a very broad range of temperatures, from about 41 to 95 F (5 to 35 C), so they’re suited for both temperate and subtropical climates.

These mushrooms require good moisture, so water them regularly. King stropharia will take four to six months from inoculation to fruiting, which may vary depending on inoculation rates and which substrate you use.

Pearl oyster (Pleurotus ostreatus)

If you want to start small, you can grow pearl oyster mushrooms via bucket or jar cultivation.

There are many Pleurotus species, such as Pleurotus djamor (pink oyster), Pleurotus citrinopileatus (golden oyster) and Pleurotus eryngii (king oyster).

Oyster mushrooms prefer pasteurized straw or sawdust, but they will fruit well on most farm waste products like cellulose and lignin. These mushrooms prefer hardwood logs or stumps for outdoor cultivation.

If you’re using coffee grounds, make sure you use them while they are very fresh since the grounds have a relatively high nutrient content and can be prone to contamination.

Pearl oyster are adaptable and will tolerate a range of growing conditions. They can fruit from 45 to 77 F (7 to 25 C). Pearl oyster will grow quickly, taking around two to three weeks for indoor cultivation, depending on ambient temperature and the inoculation rates of the substrate used.

Shiitake (Lentinula edodes)

Shiitake is suitable for gardeners starting outdoor cultivation. You can grow them on logs in your garden. Shiitake prefers fruiting substrates like hardwood logs of almost every type. Note that yields will vary according to the log species.

Eucalyptus works well if you can’t find alder, beech or oak. Shiitake can also be grown on sawdust.

Some strains of shiitake can fruit between 57 and 68 F (14 and 20 C). This is a wide enough bracket for most temperate climates. Note that there are colder and warmer strains that fruit below and above that temperature range.

Shiitake takes a while to grow. When grown on logs, they can take six to 12 months or longer, depending on the climate and inoculation rates of the log. When grown on sawdust blocks, shiitake will take around seven to 10 weeks.

Velvet pioppini (Agrocybe aegerita)

Velvet pioppini is native to poplar wood and has a nutty bite. Use it for stir-fries and other cooking methods.

Velvet pioppini prefers hardwood sawdust and suits jar cultivation. Velvet pioppini will also grow well on logs and stumps.

This mushroom prefers temperatures of around 55 to 64 F (13 to 18 C). The mushrooms usually fruit in the spring, after the colder months. Velvet pioppini grows after eight to 12 months for outdoor log cultivation or about six weeks for indoor cultivation.

Tips for growing mushrooms indoors

It may seem unusual but it’s actually easier to grow mushrooms indoors. Since you can control the conditions, they grow much quicker indoors than they would outside.

When growing mushrooms, you can buy growing kits to make things easier or start from scratch on your own. If you want to try using growing kits, buy them from reputable dealers.

Spore or spawn?

You can buy either spore or spawn. Imagine mushroom spores as seeds and spawn as seedlings.

Note that spawn will be much easier to grow for beginners.

Choose the right location 

Mushrooms prefer a cool, dark and damp location, like a basement, inside a cabinet or inside a closet.

To save money, you can grow mushrooms on empty salad containers you get at the grocery store. Choose a container that is at least six inches deep to allow the mycelium or a mushroom root system to grow.

Starting mushrooms 

Different mushrooms will prefer different mediums. Some mushrooms thrive in coffee grounds while others prefer sawdust.

To start mushrooms, place the spawn on its preferred growing medium. It’s best to start mushrooms at 70 F.

Use a thermometer to ensure that you have the right temperature for your mushrooms.

If necessary, place their container on a heating pad to help warm up the mushrooms. For the first few days, mushrooms must remain undisturbed. Limit their exposure to heat, light and drafts.

Once mushrooms have rooted, you can lower the temperature. Do this only after several weeks. Like growing mediums, each mushroom has a preferred temperature.

When you lower the temperature, cover the spawn with an inch of potting soil. Cover the soil with a damp cloth and spray the cloth with water to keep it wet.

Unlike plants, mushrooms don’t contain chlorophyll so they don’t require sunlight to grow.

Once you harvest a mushroom, its stem will rot away. Sometimes, new mushrooms may emerge and grow from other spawns or spores. If you want to have a continuous crop, add more spawn.

Harvesting mushrooms 

Mushrooms will be ready to harvest when the cap has fully opened and separated from the stem, which should take an average of about three to four weeks.

Don’t pull mushrooms because this may damage the surrounding fungi. Instead, use a sharp knife to cut the mushroom right on the stalk.

When is the best time to start growing mushrooms?

Since different species of mushrooms will thrive in slightly different growing conditions, you need to check when you should start your garden.

Mycelium will take several months to run through the substrate, so don’t expose it to freezing winters or hot dry summers during this phase. Extreme temperatures could kill a freshly inoculated bed or tub, but once the mycelium is established it will be more hardy.

Ideally, you should establish your garden in the milder part of the year, when the temperature is unlikely to go below freezing or above 90 F (30 C).

If you live in an area with hot dry summers where the soil won’t freeze in winter, you should start your garden during fall or early spring to give it the best chance.

For those who live in areas with very cold winters, you can start your garden in late spring to early summer. This ensures that your garden will have time to get established before having to deal with very cold temperatures.

If your climate is very cold you might need to protect your bed with a greenhouse or bring your tub indoors.