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Feminists who oppose transgenderism must recognize the role of their ideology in developing it

by Ashley Sadler


Wed Jul 13, 2022 – Although feminists now rightly fight against men who identify as women stealing their opportunities, rights, and spaces, it was feminists themselves who laid the groundwork for the ideology they now combat.

In a strange twist of fate, feminists have recently become conservatives’ “allies” (to borrow a term from the LGBT agenda) in the cultural war against transgender ideology.

Prominent feminist figures like Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling, who this week found herself in the puzzling spot of agreeing with staunch conservative anti-feminist commentator Matt Walsh on the transgender agenda, have nonetheless drawn the ire of the Left by asserting women’s rights against the predations of a new sexual ideology that steals women’s privacy in public restrooms, medals and scholarships on sports teams, and even safety in homeless shelters and women’s prisons.

Such women have been dubbed “TERFs,” or Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists, by the absurd idealogues to insist that mothers are “birthing people” and some women were born boys.

But although feminists now rightly fight against men who identify as women stealing their opportunities, rights, and spaces, it was feminists themselves who laid the groundwork for the ideology they now combat, as Walsh and others have aptly pointed out.

In striving ostensibly to “empower” women, feminism has over time actually stripped away the power that uniquely belongs to womankind: the power to turn houses into homes, children into well-adjusted adults, and bare settlements into thriving civilizations.

Instead, feminists have convinced women that traditional feminine powers, spheres of influence, and pursuits were beneath us. That the most interesting, important, and empowering thing we could do would be to think, act, and talk like men.

We were told that we should enter male-dominated careers, shun family life, and swap feminine modesty and virtue for the same kind of self-centered pleasure seeking embodied by the worst of men.

And while they pushed “girl power” and insisted that “women are the future,” the not-so-subtle message of feminism has been that womanhood is not valuable or empowered unless it is as similar to manhood as possible.

But curiously enough, just as physics shows us the smallest distance between two points is no distance at all — a page folded back on itself  –– it turns out the most “empowered” woman is not actually a woman after all, if the ideology is allowed to progress to its logical conclusion.

With the emergence of transgender ideology, men have proved that anything women-who-act-like-men can do, they can do better.

By (ironically) idolizing male pursuits and strengths, feminists have ended up turning women into the second-class citizens they insist we once were. And by claiming that sexual promiscuity and infanticide liberates women from the bondage of family, feminists have actually shackled women to the very worst of men, the toxic patriarchy they claim to hate.

Feminists brought us some of the most virulent and culture-destroying changes our society has endured. They gave us abortion on demand and no-fault divorce. And by cementing in our culture the idea that men and women are the same, they paved the way for homosexual “marriage,” and yes, ultimately transgenderism.

While conservatives should welcome any reinforcements we can get in the battle to save our culture against the bizarre radicalism of transgender ideology, it’s important to note that feminists will not win against transgenderism until they realize that their own ideology has spawned the very destructive force that now threatens to eliminate not just women’s individual freedom, but womanhood itself.

We can’t lose sight of the radical and serious differences between feminists and conservatives.

In the past weeks, feminists have bemoaned the historic overturning of Roe v. Wade, the abominable Supreme Court decision in 1973 that “liberated” women into slavery to hook-up culture, promiscuity, and abuse. In decrying the abolition of a nonsensical “right to abortion,” they rage that our culture has turned back the clock, and that we are returning society to what it was like 50 years ago.

And in this, they’re absolutely right.

As C.S. Lewis once wrote, “If you are on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; and in that case the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive man.”

If we are to accept feminists within our ranks to combat transgenderism, we must get them to acknowledge that to be truly progressive, they must turn back on their own ideology and walk to the right road, or else their fight will be in vain.

Because as conservatives like Walsh note, the road the so-called TERFs started on many decades ago is the very one that has brought us to the immoral absurdity of transgenderism we are all now forced to combat.

Ashley Sadler is a California-based journalist for LifeSiteNews. She has a deep love of American history and the Traditional Latin Mass. In her free time she enjoys mountain-biking, taking road trips, and reading classic literature. You can follow on her on Twitter @asadler216

Lessons from the past: 26 Great Depression recipes every prepper should know

by Zoey Sky


07/07/2022 / – If you’re a prepper, it’s best to learn different recipes so you can prepare a variety of dishes using the food in your stockpile after SHTF.

Below are forgotten recipes from the Great Depression that you can try, especially if you’re frugal and want to make the most of your supplies when disaster strikes. (h/t to

During the Great Depression, people struggled to provide food for their families because food and other resources were scarce. But people still had to eat, so they found ways to make the ingredients they had last for the longest time possible.

Many of these recipes can be tweaked using common ingredients like potatoes and beans. Some of them may sound very frugal, strange or unappetizing, but they were all popular during that era.

Bacon grease-fried cornbread

Bacon grease-fried cornbread is a popular dish that is still served today. This dish was popular among sharecroppers and rural families.

Bacon grease-fried cornbread is simple to make and filling. Different versions of the dish can be found all over the American South.


Burgoo is a stew made with whatever meat and vegetables are available. The dish was often served at church socials or community gatherings.

Chipped beef on toast

Chipped beef on toast was common in the military and among truck drivers.

The dish is made with dried beef that is rehydrated and then sauteed, usually with onions. It is served over toast or biscuits.

Dandelion wine

Dandelions are nutritious and people used them to make wine during the Great Depression.

When trying this recipe, make sure you only use dandelions that haven’t been sprayed with pesticides.

Ingredients for 4 quart jars:

  • 1 gallon boiling water
  • 1 quart yellow dandelion blossoms, well rinsed
  • 8 cups white sugar
  • 1 (.18 ounce) package wine yeast
  • 1 orange, sliced
  • 1 lemon slice


  1. Place the dandelion blossoms in the boiling water. Let the dandelions stand for four minutes. Remove and discard the blossoms, then let the water cool to 90 F (32 C).
  2. Stir in the yeast, sugar, orange slices and lemon slice into the water and pour the liquid into a plastic fermenter. Attach a fermentation lock.
  3. Let the wine ferment in a cool area until the bubbles stop for about 10 to 14 days.
  4. Once done, siphon the wine off of the lees (deposits of dead yeast or residual yeast) and strain with a cheesecloth before bottling in quart-sized, sterilized canning jars with lids and rings. Age the wine for at least one week for the best flavor.

Depression-era potato soup

While this soup was created during the Great Depression, it became popular again during World War II.

The soup is made with potatoes and whatever vegetables are available. You can also add meat if you have some.

Fish chowder

Fish chowder was popular among coastal and riverine communities. This hearty and filling soup was usually made with whatever fish was caught that day and leftover vegetables.

Fried cabbage pasta

Make fried cabbage pasta if you want to use up leftover cabbage. Prepare it with or without meat.

Fried squirrel

Fried squirrel is perfect for small game-eating. This is a common dish in the rural south, where squirrels are plenty.

Hominy grits

Hominy grits are a staple of southern cooking. These are made from dried and hulled corn kernels.

Boil hominy grits and eat them as is or grind them into flour.

Hoosier cream pie

Hoosier cream pie is a Hoosier tradition that dates back to the 1800s. It’s made with a layer of sugar cream, a layer of custard and topped with meringue.

Back in the Great Depression, Hoosier cream pie usually had a crushed cracker crust. (Related: 5 Delicious and filling pioneer recipes to learn before SHTF.)


Junket was a popular dessert during the Great Depression. It is made with milk and rennet, and it has a pudding-like consistency.

Meat and potato patties

Meat was often considered a luxury during the Great Depression, and many folks tried to make meat last by using additives in various dishes.

For example, meat and potato patties are made with bread, flour or ground or mashed veggies.

Molasses cookies

Molasses was a common sweetener during the Great Depression because it was much cheaper compared to sugar, which was more scarce at the time.

Navy bean soup

This soup is a staple among Navy sailors. It was also popular in the Great Depression because it’s cheap and filling.

You can make the soup with navy beans, ham and potatoes.

Pigs in a blanket

Hot dogs were a staple meat item for many poor Americans during the Great Depression.

Pigs in a blanket are made with hot dogs wrapped in biscuit dough and then fried or baked.

Rabbit stew

Rabbits were a common source of protein during the Great Depression since it was more accessible and cheaper compared to cows, pigs or lamb.

Learn how to hunt rabbits or raise them on your homestead. Compared to larger animals like cows or pigs, rabbits don’t require as much feed.

Red flannel hash

This dish is made with beets, onions and potatoes. It gets its name due to its resemblance to a red flannel shirt pattern when served in a skillet.

This is a great option for vegetarian preppers.


Sauerkraut was a popular dish during the Great Depression because it was a cheap way to get vitamins from cabbage.

It is still a popular dish today. Sauerkraut is a great recipe for preppers because it’s a useful method of preserving a pantry staple like cabbage.

Shepherd’s pie

Shepherd’s pie is made with lamb or mutton, potatoes and other vegetables. It can also include cheese.

In the U.S., the dish is often made with beef instead of lamb. While the dish originated somewhere in Europe, it became popular in the U.S. during the Great Depression.


Slumgullion is a stew or goulash made with whatever meat and vegetables are available. The name comes from the fact that it is usually made with insubstantial leftovers or “slums.”


Succotash is made with corn and beans, and sometimes it includes bacon and tomatoes. The dish is popular in the U.S. and Canada.

The Native Americans have eaten succotash for centuries.

Wacky cake

Wacky cake is made without butter, eggs or milk.

It was popular during the Great Depression when these ingredients were scarce and expensive. This chocolate cake is often served with frosting.

Watermelon rind pickles

People often grew watermelons in home gardens during the Great Depression because they didn’t require much care or attention.

To minimize food waste and maximize calorie output, people pickled watermelon rinds and served them as a side dish.

Jalisco cartel to rivals: don’t interfere with Catholic priests

Several priests have been targets of recent violence


by the El Reportero‘s wire services


The Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) has instructed its rivals to leave priests, doctors, nurses and teachers alone.

“I’m communicating with all the cartels to invite you to make the war [just] between us and not interfere with those we shouldn’t interfere with,” a masked and armed man said in a video posted to social media.

Surrounded by a group of armed and masked cartel henchmen, the man told rival cartels they shouldn’t interfere with “any religion or their ministers or followers, especially the Catholics.”

“[We mustn’t] bother the priests, as has been seen recently,” the man said.

Two Jesuit priests were murdered in Chihuahua last month, while an archbishop and a bishop were recently questioned at cartel checkpoints in northern Jalisco. In addition, a priest said he was attacked while getting into his car in the Michoacán municipality of Queréndaro earlier this month. The CJNG spokesman said that “priests deserve special respect.”

“They’re people who are solely dedicated to spreading the word of God and helping those who need help,” he said.

The man said that vehicles in which priests are traveling should be respected and that they shouldn’t be bothered or physically attacked if they are stopped.

“I invite you to not bother doctors, nurses and teachers who go to the villages and towns,” he added. “Let them do their work because [just as] my cartel doesn’t interfere with any religion, we don’t bother doctors or teachers. Yours sincerely Mencho Oseguera.”

“El Mencho” is Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, the leader of the CJNG and a wanted man in Mexico and the United States. There is some speculation that it was Oseguera who read the message, but that hasn’t been confirmed.

The appearance of the video comes a few weeks after footage of the CJNG announcing their arrival in a small town near Lake Chapala surfaced on social media. “We’ve arrived in Volantín and we’re not leaving,” some of the men shout.

With reports from Reforma 

WORLD NEWS – Canada’s tyrant Trudeau set to implement a policy that led Dutch farmers to revolt

This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author


by JD Heyes


Thursday, July 14, 2022 – It’s becoming clearer by the month that the Canadian people have moved so far to the left that they no longer prefer to live in a democracy but rather love it when their leaders act in tyrannical ways.

That would explain why Prime Minister Justin Trudeau remains above 40 percent despite the fact that he continues to implement tyrannical policies that suppress, rather than protect, his citizens.

After he implemented draconian measures earlier this year to suppress a popular trucker revolt against COVID-19 vaccine mandates, he is now putting in place the same policy that led Dutch farmers to rebel against their own government in recent months.

“Over the past few weeks, farmers across the Netherlands have vehemently turned up in droves to protest the government’s plan to reduce nitrous oxide emissions, arguing it would have disastrous consequences for their business, and eventually, consumers,” The Post Millennial reported over the weekend.

“The source of their anger is a policy that is not unlike one which Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is seeking to implement in Canada,” the report added.

In 2020, Trudeau’s Liberal Party announced an objective to reduce emissions from the use of fertilizer, which is a major producer of nitrous oxide, by as much as 50 percent over the next eight years. At the time, the group Fertilizer Canada blasted the “short-sighted approach” and argued that by reducing nitrogen fertilizer use, it “will have considerable impact on Canadian farmers’ incomes and reduce overall Canadian exports and GDP.”

A report by Meyers Norris Penny (MNP) suggests that regulated fertilizer reduction could cost Canadian farmers $48 billion by 2030 and reduce crop sizes. By this time, “yield gaps for three major crops are estimated at 23.6 bushels per acre per year for canola, 67.9 bushels per acre per year for corn, and 36.1 bushels per acre per year for spring wheat,” the report noted. Meanwhile, as the Toronto Sun reported, fertilizer is usually the most expensive cost for farmers; as such, they tend to only use just as much as they need and no more. But under the Trudeau Liberals’ plan, farmers will be forced to use much more costly “green” fertilizer, which of course leads to higher prices for consumers but also could lead to the planting of fewer acres and thus threaten the country’s food supply as well as the food security of other nations that depend on Canadian agricultural exports.

“The revolt exhibited by Dutch farmers serves as a warning sign to those across the pond in Canada for what might come if Trudeau gets his way,” The Post Millennial reported. “Farmers have attempted to get their message across by shutting down major city centers, as well as airports and product distribution centers across the country.”

The report went on to note that in mostly peaceful Netherlands, police there have fired shots in the direction of farmers and their tractors as they moved towards them.

The world is spiraling out of control and far-left Marxist leaders are the cause of it.



In other related news:


Farmers across EU rise up against tyrannical “green” mandates that threaten food supply


by Ramon Tomey


Tuesday, July 12, 2022 – Footage of farmers across Europe taking to the streets against policies that threaten the world’s food supply went viral on social media. The radical policies imposed by the European Union sought to slash carbon emissions by more than half come 2030.

Dutch farmers have protested for weeks against Amsterdam’s plan to forcibly close farms. The Dutch government’s climate change measures sought to reduce emissions in some provinces by 95 percent. However, this means that the way of life of about 30 percent of farmers could meet its end.

Under Amsterdam’s climate plan, farmers will give up their farms voluntarily. They will receive compensation for doing so on the condition that they will never return to farming. In case they break the agreement, the state will take over their farm. Furthermore, Amsterdam will also ban fertilizers that use nitrogen.

One protest involved farmers who rode their tractors through the northern province of Friesland, forcing vehicles out of their way. Things came to a head after armed police shot at one tractor. The protest ended with no injuries recorded and three individuals arrested for attempted murder. (Related: Dutch protesters march on the streets of Amsterdam to protest COVID lockdowns.)

Meanwhile, Italian farmers joined their counterparts in other countries in protesting against climate policies and skyrocketing food prices.

One video showed a farmer exhorting others to mobilize and trek all the way to Rome. The farmers were planning to head over to the Italian capital in protest of unmitigated inflation, supply chain failures and strict “green” initiatives crippling the country’s agricultural sector.

“You should all come along with us because under these conditions, we cannot put food on the table anymore. We can’t take it anymore. You should side with us to Rome. We must go to Rome because we can’t take this anymore,” said the farmer urging others to join them.

The Italian farmers rode around in their tractors, with banners that aimed to raise awareness about the issues. “We are not slaves, we are farmers,” they chanted.

Protesting farmers block major highways

While farmers in the Netherlands and Italy took to riding their tractors, some of their counterparts in other EU nations took things a step further by blocking major highways.

Spanish farmers in the southern region of Andalusia blocked the A-4 Highway in the province of Jaen. The blockade was organized to protest against exorbitant increases in energy and food prices. One video of the protests in Jaen showed dozens of farmers wearing yellow vests, alongside their tractors, blocking the highway’s entrance.

German and Dutch farmers joined hands on July 6 to block a roundabout near the Heerenberg border crossing. Their compatriots also blocked the A-7 highway, with their tractors flying the flags of their respective nations.

“Farmers who learned from the Canadian Freedom Tuckers are currently blockading the Netherlands-Germany border with tractors to protest the World Economic Forum’s climate change policies of their government,” wrote Conservative Choice Campaign‘s Sheila G, alongside footage of the blockade.

Austrian member of parliament (MP) Peter Schmiedlechner denounced the “outrageous” climate proposals espoused by both Amsterdam and Brussels.

“Because of the so-called ‘Green Deal,’ the government in the Netherlands has done something outrageous, and it is to be feared that the same thing will happen in Austria,” said the lawmaker and member of the Freedom Party of Austria.

Schmiedlechner continued: “At the same time, the EU is signing a trade agreement with New Zealand, creating new dependencies. In what world does that make sense?”

Watch this video below about the farmers’ protests in different European nations.

The ‘chronic rash’ of ageism in mainstream media

by Peter Schurmann

Ethnic Media Services

Editor’s Note: Last month, New York Magazine ran a lengthy profile of California Senator Dianne Feinstein, contrasting the senator’s age (she is 89) with a younger cohort of Democratic officials eager to take the mantle. That was followed by another piece from the New York Times featuring an image of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi seemingly intended to cast her age (82) in a negative light. The pieces are part of a recent spate of stories faulting Democrats’ declining fortunes on the advanced age of its leadership. Journalist Paul Kleyman has covered issues on aging for 50 years and says the attacks on these and other elected officials belies an unquestioned prejudice in media and society against older adults. He spoke with EMS Editor Peter Schurmann about the latest spate of ageism in media and about the Journalists in Aging Fellows Program.   

You just published a long piece about a new cycle of ageism in mainstream media. Can you summarize what you’re seeing and how pervasive it is?

What I am seeing is unfortunately like a chronic rash in the media of ageism that very often comes in spates like this. A couple of years ago there was reporting about how older people in the pandemic were using up too many of the limited number of vaccines. That narrative kept rippling through the system, including an awful set piece on Saturday Night Live, all the while ignoring the pandemic’s impact on older populations – particularly Latinos and African Americans – who were dying in droves in nursing home settings.

More recently there was a big cover story in New York Magazine about California Senator Dianne Feinstein and how she represents this “gerontocracy” – all these older elected officials who won’t get out of the way and make room for young people. One journalist on NPR used the phrase “gerontological oligarchy” last week. Oligarchy is a very specific term, referring to rich people controlling the system for their own purpose. Feinstein and her peers are experienced, and yes, sometimes lock in an economic model; but then you have to talk about that specifically. So the generalization has become, “Let’s move along these people in their 70s and 80s.” Some of us like these people, like Bernie Sanders (80), Elizabeth Warren (73), and Bennie Thompson (74), stalwart of the Jan 6 committee. I felt the need with one article after another to call this out.

The insinuation is these older, mostly Democratic officials are partly responsible for the nation’s political gridlock. How do you see it?

50 years ago, in 1972 I started work on my book “Senior Power: Growing Old Rebelliously.” What also happened 50 years ago was Woodward and Bernstein and the catchphrase they helped coin, “follow the money.” When you see attacks like this, “These greedy geezers, they’re taking everything,” suddenly you see articles about the need to cut back on social security, or funding for Medicare. Recently, as these attacks on Feinstein came up, the Washington Post ran an editorial, not an op-ed, saying, “Oh we need to cut back on social security because older people are taking too much for themselves.” When you start hearing that, you already know… follow the money. Who is going to gain from this? Wall Street is a prime example. It has always looked at social security as a trough of funding that cannot be siphoned off for other reasons. That is our money. It was created in the 1930s to protect lower income working people. That is us. So all of the ageism around the surface and edges of this issue, there is always something behind it used to scare people that is phony.

How is ageism different from other forms of prejudice?

The stereotypes are that older people aren’t’ capable of doing a good job, or they aren’t tech savvy. And yet people who are 50+ or 65+ are increasingly becoming the highest-level tech consumers, they’re learning new tech at the highest levels. On the other hand, economists will say older people are healthier today and more capable and active, so they are not going to need so much in the way of financial support. Always remember, there are lower income people across the board affected by “isms” of every kind. Older middle-class whites are generally healthier, less so older adults of color. And even among those entering their later years from middle-class backgrounds, an estimated 30% still find themselves on fixed and low incomes and having to struggle with rising costs.

What does the latest research show in terms of issues on aging?

Today you’ll see all these books and titles on ageism, and most are about how to age richer and sexier and healthier. Dr. Becca Levy is a social psychologist and epidemiologist at Yale. Her book, “Breaking the Age Code,” is backed by her own research over the last 30-40 years, and the main thing she concentrates on is showing the stereotypes in ageing that follow through our systems in healthcare. Among her findings: there are no requirements for older people to be involved in things like pharmaceutical research, even in cases like drug trials on Parkinson’s disease. Doctors have to understand that certain medications metabolize differently as we age, and we’re not training that. It goes to bone level in terms of ageism in our system.

How can media do a better job of informing readers about aging?

They can just cover it, and that is the purpose and aim of our fellowship program. One of the difficulties, especially for smaller media, is how to devote someone to a huge cross-cutting issue like ageing. We know this is an issue to cover, but where do we begin? That is what the fellowship aims to do. We do our program with the biggest professional research society on ageing, the Gerontological Society of America (GSA) and they have 5,000 members who are the experts on every aspect of ageing. We cover a wide variety of issues and help guide reporters on where they can start.

Paul Kleyman is editor and co-founder of Generations Beat Online (GBO), a free e-newsletter covering issues on aging. He also co-founded the Journalists in Aging Fellowship, which celebrates its 13th annual program this year. The fellowship is open to reporters in mainstream and ethnic media, in all languages. The deadline to apply is Aug. 1.

California takes big step toward universal health care/Hearing on landmark bill to reduce plastic packaging in CA

by Suzanne Potter

California News Service


California is poised to become the first state in the nation to give health care to all income-eligible residents, regardless of their immigration status.

The Legislature is set to pass the final budget bills this week, which will be signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom shortly thereafter.

Cynthia Buiza, executive director of the California Immigrant Policy Center, said it is the fulfillment of an almost decadelong push by the Health4All campaign.

“This is very timely, but also long overdue,” Buiza asserted. “Because for many, many years, many of our immigrant workers who have contributed tremendously to what makes California, California, have gone on without this very important safety net.”

The budget deal represents a huge step toward universal health coverage and is expected to benefit about 700,000 people, starting in 2024. Opponents cite the cost: The budget includes $625 million to cover the first six months of 2024, and then allocates $2.1 billion per year.

Beatriz Hernández, Central Valley organizer for the California Immigrant Policy Center, said it will make a huge difference in people’s quality of life.

“This means that they will finally be able to get the health care that they need to care for the chronic illnesses that they’ve been suffering for many years,” Hernández pointed out. “And also be able to get the checkups that they need.”

The deal marks the final push to expand Medi-Cal to all low-income Californians. In 2015, the state expanded Medi-Cal to include undocumented children. In 2020 the program grew to include young adults, up to 26 years old. And this year the program began to accept undocumented adults, age 50 and older.

Hearing on landmark bill to reduce plastic packaging in CA


by Suzanne Potter


California lawmakers are considering a bill today to cut down on single-use plastics that are choking the nation’s landfills and oceans.

Senate Bill 54 would require a 25 percent reduction in plastic packaging and single-use food-service ware over the next 10 years. It is the result of a compromise reached between environmental groups and the plastics industry.

Dr. Anja Brandon, U.S. plastics policy analyst for the Ocean Conservancy, said the scale of the solution needs to reflect the scale of the problem.

“I worked with other Ocean Conservancy scientists to estimate that this reduction would lead to 23 million tons less plastic in the state over the next 10 years,” she said, “which is equivalent to nearly 26 times the weight of the Golden Gate Bridge.”

Each year, more than 11 million metric tons of plastic is dumped into the ocean from land-based sources globally. The United States only recycles about 10% of its plastic.

The bill passed the Assembly Committee on Natural Resources Tuesday and goes before the Appropriations Committee today. It passed the state Senate in January. Some environmental groups oppose the bill, saying it doesn’t go far enough.

Brandon said the bill would require manufacturers to contribute hundreds of millions of dollars to clean up the plastic in the environment.

“It would also require that all producers of all single-use plastic packaging be held responsible financially for managing the full lifecycle of their packaging,” she said, “through what’s called extended producer responsibility.”

A similar proposal already has qualified for the November ballot – one that would move the timeline up to 2030 and ban polystyrene foam containers. The ballot measure is opposed by the American Chemistry Council and the California Business Roundtable.

Study: Onion varieties with the strongest flavor offer impressive anticancer benefits

by Rose Lidell


06/16/2022 – Onions are a culinary favorite because they give various savory dishes a delicious flavor boost. If you love onions, here’s more good news for you.

Research has already proven that onions are potent cancer-fighting foods. But certain onions have more anticancer health benefits than others and can even prevent the spread of colon and liver cancers. This is according to a study conducted by researchers from Cornell University.

For the study, researchers analyzed 10 varieties of onion and shallots. They found that the Western Yellow, pungent yellow, Northern Red and shallot varieties of onions have the highest levels of cancer-fighting compounds.

They also reported that pungent yellow and Western Yellow onions were the most effective against colon cancer. Meanwhile, shallots, Western Yellow and pungent varieties helped fight colon cancer. (Related: Pungent, bitter onion varieties found to beat cancer.)

Which onion varieties were more effective against colon cancer?

All onions have cancer-fighting effects, but the varieties studied by the researchers were found to have very potent antioxidant properties and antiproliferation effects on cancer cells.

Additionally, the onions have a high flavonoid and phenolic content. These phytochemicals are linked to higher amounts of antioxidants in onions that provide even more protection against cancer. According to the data, these potent chemicals help “mop up” free radicals that would otherwise harm cells.

Flavonoid consumption in cancer-fighting foods is often associated with a lower risk of heart disease, diabetes and many cancer types. Additionally, flavonoids also have anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergenic and antiviral qualities.

Out of the 10 onion types tested for their ability to fight and prevent cancer, the Cornell study revealed that Vidalia and Western White onions had the least amount of phenolic and flavonoid content, respectively.

Meanwhile, shallots have six times the phenolic content of Vidalia onions and Western Yellow onions have 11 times more flavonoids than their white counterparts.

With this knowledge in mind, it’s best to incorporate more flavonoid-rich onions into a balanced diet to protect yourself against cancer.

Protect yourself against cancer by consuming onions

In the last few years or so, milder, sweeter onions have become more popular in the American diet. However, it’s much better to use the more pungent and bitter onion varieties because, as the study has proven, they have the most health benefits.

These pungent onions also have a higher content of cancer-fighting flavonoid compounds. According to researchers and health experts, at least one-third of all cases of cancer could be prevented by following a healthier diet.

Various studies have also confirmed that beneficial antioxidants and phytochemicals have an important role in the effectiveness of many vegetables and fruits. These compounds are key to protecting you against many cancer types and other health issues like cardiovascular disease.

If you like onions, you now have more reasons to add them to your favorite recipes.

Use Western Yellow, pungent yellow, Northern Red and shallots to naturally bring more antioxidant and phytochemical punch to your diet while also giving savory dishes a delectable flavor boost.

Visit to read more articles about onions and other cancer-fighting superfoods.

Watch the video below to know more about the health benefits of onions and and how to dehydrate them.

AMLO defends US ambassador after report suggests his days may be numbered

New York Times report on Ken Salazar and AMLO’s ‘cozy ties’ may be message to US envoy to resign


by Mexico News Daily


President López Obrador has defended United States Ambassador Ken Salazar after the New York Times published an article that critically examined the diplomat’s close relationship with him.

Published in the Times‘ print edition under the headline “Biden Envoy’s Cozy Ties to Mexican Leader Worry U.S. Officials,” the article cited “what several U.S. officials say is a worrying pattern, in which America’s top diplomat in Mexico has appeared to contradict his own government’s policies in the interest of aligning himself with President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.”

The Times, which interviewed the ambassador for its story, examined Salazar’s views on issues such as possible fraud at the 2006 Mexican presidential election, which López Obrador narrowly lost to Felipe Calderón, and reforms to Mexico’s energy sector.

It also considered the diplomat’s opinions about Mexicans Against Corruption and Impunity, a nongovernmental organization that receives funding from the U.S. government and which has been critical of the López Obrador administration.

At his regular news conference on Tuesday, AMLO said that his administration has a good relationship with the U.S. government before observing that the Times had launched an attack on Salazar.

“He’s my friend and a good, sensible man, a friend of President Biden, a very responsible politician,” he said of the ambassador, who succeeded Donald Trump appointee Christopher Landau last September. “He’s from Colorado, he’s from below, of Mexican origin, … and he’s a good person, and we have an extraordinary relationship.”

The president charged that the “reactionary conservatives” — his political opponents and critics — would prefer to have a “hawk” as ambassador.

López Obrador and Salazar have met frequently since the latter was posted to Mexico, and — in contrast with other U.S. officials who spoke with the Times — the ambassador believes that his “direct relationship” with the president benefits the United States.

According to one media report, Salazar has met with Mexico’s president at the National Palace 21 times since he assumed the post 10 months ago.

For his part, AMLO told reporters that Salazar “defends his country” before noting that the ambassador spent almost a week with him at the National Palace to meet with “18 owners of United States companies” with whom “we dealt case by case.”

“He’s one of the best people, but those from The New York Times have the idea that the United States should subjugate us; they think we’re a colony,” he said.

“Mexico is an independent, free sovereign country. It’s not subordinate to any power, any hegemony, any government of the world, whether it’s our neighbors in the United States, China or Russia. We’re respectful of all countries of the world; that’s why [we have] our policy of nonintervention and of self-determination of people. So, our support is for Ken,” López Obrador said. Instead of writing about Salazar, the Times should be defending Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, the president said. “That’s defense of freedom, but they don’t touch [the issue]. It’s not a story, [as] they would say here.”

Writing in the newspaper El Universal, journalist and columnist Ana Paula Ordorica said the former U.S. deputy chief of mission in Mexico, John Feeley, told her that the criticism of Salazar published by the Times has been an open secret in Washington for some time.

“The article has the appearance of endorsement from the White House because, among other things, they cite Juan González, Biden’s Latin America adviser,” she wrote. “… The White House seems to be sending a very clear message to Ken Salazar: this is the prudent time to leave the embassy in Mexico.”

Tony Payan, director of the Baker Institute Center for the United States and Mexico, said on Twitter that the U.S. needs a “savvier, more experienced ambassador in Mexico,” while Mexico expert Duncan Wood, vice president for strategy at the Wilson Center, told the Times that the Biden administration is “being played by AMLO” with Salazar as its top diplomat here.

“The ambassador believes he’s close to AMLO,” Wood said. “Is there anything to show for it? I can’t find anything.”

100 percent Mexican-designed and built plane takes its maiden flight, makes history

Airworthiness certification tests begin for two-seater Halcón 2


by the El Reportero‘s wire services


The first 100 percent Mexican built and designed plane completed its first official flight on Monday as its manufacturer seeks to have its airworthiness certified.

José Javier Barbosa Castro piloted the Halcón 2 two-seater light-sport aircraft during its maiden flight, which departed the airport in Celaya, Guanajuato, at midday. The historic flight was the first of 50 the aircraft must complete in order to obtain a type certificate signifying its airworthiness.

Officials with the Federal Civil Aviation Agency, which is responsible for assessing airworthiness, were on hand to watch the plane taking off as was Guanajuato Governor Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo.

“What we’re going to obtain after the flight cycles is type approval, which is the first step,” said Giovanni Angelucci, CEO of Horizontec, the manufacturer of the Halcón 2.

“[After that] we’re going to get definitive registration, which is the second step, … and the most important document, which is the airworthiness certificate. With the airworthiness certificate [the Halcón 2] will be able to travel throughout the country and we’ll be able to start manufacturing it for sale,” he said.

Angelucci announced in February that Horizontec was investing more than US $10 million in a new plant at the Celaya airport where the Halcón 2 will be made. He said at the time that the carbon fiber aircraft, which measures seven meters in length and has a wingspan of 9.4 meters, is apt for pilot training, recreational flights and aerial surveillance. It has a Rotax 915 engine and runs on premium automobile gasoline, which reduces costs.

Production is expected to commence in September once the Halcón 2 is fully certified to fly in Mexican airspace. Angelucci envisions making up to 20 planes per year and employing 140 people.

“This is our new home,” the CEO said in reference to the Horizontec plant at the Celaya airport. “We’re finishing it and I believe we’re going to … start bringing our machinery in a couple of days or weeks,” Angelucci said. “… I believe that we’ll be able to begin production in September.”

Horizontec has already reached an agreement to supply 18 Halcón 2 planes to a Guanajuato flight school. The price of the aircraft will be in the range of US $120,000 to $160,000.

“This is the first Mexican plane from conception, it’s important to emphasize that,” said Óscar Rodríguez, president of the Bajío Aerospace Cluster, a group of 13 companies including Horizontec. “It was conceived with pen and paper … and today the first official flight takes off,” he said.

With reports from Milenio and Publimetro.

For student parents, graduating in the midst of a pandemic means beating the odds

by Emily Margaretten, Matthew Reagan and Oden Taylor



More than half of parenting college students drop out before attaining a degree. For these families, graduating during a pandemic was a special victory. Their experiences shed light on how California could better support the growing ranks of student parents.

When Charity Machado had her first child, Cali, at the age of 15, she expected many of the sacrifices that came with being a young mother, but was determined not to let her education be one of them. Machado completed her general education requirements at Sacramento State before transferring to the nursing program at CSU Stanislaus in 2020.

The COVID-19 pandemic hit six months after her transfer, shutting down schools and daycare centers overnight.

Cali, now nine years old, remembers the transition to remote learning as “kind of crazy.” Machado recollects “survival mode.” Dishes and laundry piled up to the point where Cali and her 4-year-old sister knew that plates would be in the sink and clean clothes in the dryer.

Her mother helped with childcare and household chores, but Machado still struggled to keep up with her own studies on top of Cali’s.

“And that made me feel really bad,” Machado said. “Because I’m trying to instill the importance of education, and then there I was neglecting her schooling in order to complete mine.”

According to a March 2021 report on student parents from the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, what Machado experienced is common and is known as “time poverty.” It is one of the most often cited reasons why, nationally, over half of parents who enroll in college for the first time end up dropping out within six years without attaining a degree.

That’s part of the reason why Machado’s graduation, along with those of her fellow student parents, represents a special moment of triumph and celebration. Their educational journeys — during which they juggled parenthood, classes and an ongoing global pandemic — also provide insight into how California’s higher education systems can better serve this growing group of students.

While the disruption caused by COVID-19 exacerbated many of the obstacles student parents face in their day-to-day lives, it also pushed colleges to experiment with hybrid instruction and flexible due dates, making academic life more manageable for some.

A March 2021 analysis of financial aid applications from researchers at the University of California Davis identified more than 200,000 student parents enrolled at campuses in California. The majority of student parents — 72 percent — are enrolled at one of the state’s community colleges, 12 percent are enrolled at a Cal State campus, and 1 percent are enrolled at a UC campus.

Among the student parents graduating from California community colleges this year was Yessenia Cervantes.

Graduating from Riverside Community College was especially sweet for Cervantes, since she already had to drop out once, after she separated from her husband and had to leave her home. Managing remote learning while living in hotels and with family members was often overwhelming, Cervantes said, largely because she lacked access to reliable Wi-Fi or hotspots.

“There were also a few times where we walked to McDonald’s, which was across the street, to connect to the free Wi-Fi. Ultimately it was too much work, where I decided to withdraw from my spring term 2020 and did not continue (for) fall term 2020. And my children were also not able to finish the remaining two months of school,” she said.

A year later, now with stable housing, a new van and reliable internet access, Cervantes “returned” to RCC in January 2021 — this time remotely and alongside her kids as they attended their own virtual classes.

Cervantes said that not having to commute to drop off and pick up her kids helped to ease some of the scheduling pressures. It was special that her kids saw the work she was putting in for the family, she added.

“It’s not the same every single day; one day can be marvelous and the next not,” she said. “It’s not perfect, but I like that my kids are there, they see me cry, they see the struggle, and, you know, it’s little things like that.”

The expansion of remote learning accelerated by COVID-19 created increased flexibility for students like Cervantes as “it eliminated travel time to school while reducing transportation costs such as parking,” the Institute for Women’s Policy Research report notes.

For 2022 Cosumnes River College graduate Arnoldo Fernandes, the boom in asynchronous classes helped him stay in school while navigating major life changes.

Arnoldo enrolled in 2018. A year later, while sitting in his communications class, he locked eyes with Olivia, a fellow student working on her associate’s degree in sociology. The duo married in an intimate backyard wedding in February 2021. That fall, they welcomed a baby boy, Manuel, into their young family.

Both were determined to continue their education and earn their degrees. For Arnoldo, the ability to watch classes on his own time was a lifeline.

“The asynchronous classes I really vibed with. Those ones are much easier to keep track of stuff,” he said. “So, you know, asynchronous was better for me.”

Beyond time constraints, expenses such as childcare and food make college nearly twice as costly for student parents as it is for their counterparts without children, according to a recent report from the California Student Aid Commission.

The average additional cost per child to attend college in California is $7,592, estimates California Competes, a research and advocacy group focused on higher education and the workforce. The cost varies by region, from $7,143 in the Inland Empire to as much as $10,000 in the Bay Area.

Student parents who receive financial aid through the state’s CalGrant program can qualify for an additional grant of as much as $6,000. But demand for Cal Grants exceeds the amount the state offers, a problem some lawmakers are trying to fix.

Cervantes said state and county-funded programs helped her cover some essentials including groceries, school supplies and gas, as well as her cap and gown for graduation.

For many student parents, though, the cost of childcare alone can be crippling.

Stephanie Webb, a parent of a three-year old and doctoral student in environmental studies at the University of California Santa Cruz, enrolled her son in daycare when he was an infant, cobbling together two half days per week so she could have time to work on her dissertation.

“I was paying so much for daycare, piecemealing it together. Every little 40 minutes of work was just vital,” Webb said. It also was expensive. The half days cost $750 a month. With the daycare center located 35 minutes from her home, Webb studied at a nearby Jack in the Box to avoid spending more time and money on the commute.

The game changer came when a subsidized child care center at UC Santa Cruz told Webb it had an opening for her son. She had originally signed up when she was five months pregnant. Two years later, she was off the waitlist.

Webb finally could devote more time to her studies and feel secure that her son was in a nurturing environment where he received three square meals a day, something Webb could not always afford at home.

According to University of the Pacific sociology professor and student parent researcher Susan Mannon, years-long wait times for campus child care facilities are not uncommon.

“I also work at Sacramento City College, and you know, the waitlist for their childcare center is just astronomical; we can’t even hope to get on it,” she said.

Mannon said waitlists are so long in part because colleges are spending less money on on-campus childcare than they did in the past. For Mannon, seriously supporting student parents would mean institutions investing resources in accessible, affordable childcare options.

“You know, they talk the talk, but they don’t walk the walk at all. But I mean, childcare is an obvious one. I mean, if you could have onsite childcare, it would make a huge, huge difference.”

Even with child care solved, Webb still struggled to afford California’s high cost of living. The breaking point occurred this spring when she realized that she might not graduate after seven years of being a graduate student at UCSC. Unlike other students, Webb could not take a leave of absence to finish her dissertation. She needed to stay enrolled at UCSC — and pay tuition — to qualify for childcare. But the responsibilities were piling up.

“I sent an email to everybody in my department and the social studies department and was just like, ‘Hey, I’m never going to get out of here if I have to TA (teach) or GSR (do research for a professor’s project) and do my dissertation and be a parent,’” Webb said.

Webb asked them to help cover her $4,600 quarterly tuition. The email worked. A university resource center for non-traditional students stepped in, helping Webb apply for scholarships that ended up covering most of her tuition.

Webb’s situation resonated with the mission of the center, known as STARS, said its program director, Jannet Ceja.

“She really needed the funding to finish her program and get childcare. And this was the quarter when it all had to happen,” Ceja said. Webb is now set to graduate in August.

Similar experiences to Webb’s were outlined by researchers in the UC Davis report on student parents in California community colleges. It emphasized the impact that campus-based resources and support staff can have on students’ chances of earning their degrees. “Increasing access to local supports” and “increased program flexibility” would help campuses to retain student parents, the report’s authors found.

A bill pending in the Legislature would mandate some of the policies the report recommends. Introduced by Assemblymember Marc Berman, a Palo Alto Democrat, Assembly Bill 2881 would require public colleges and universities to give student parents priority registration for classes so they can build more accommodating schedules. They would also be required to create web pages for student parents with links to campus resources and tips on how to apply for federal Women, Infants, and Children grants.

Priority registration could make a big difference for student parents, said Olivia Fernandes, who like her husband is headed to Sacramento State in the fall.

“It’d be a lot more helpful to be able to pick the classes that we actually need, that won’t put us in situation of, like, now we have to tell our professor, ‘I know I signed up for your class, but I can’t attend mandatory seven o’clock meeting on Zoom because I have my child to take care of,’ ” she said.

Mannon said another basic, but important step institutions can take is to learn how many student parents they actually serve — a number not recorded on many campuses.

“The low-hanging fruit is just identifying your student parent population, right — understanding who they are, how many you have, and what their needs are.”

For Machado, the CSU Stanislaus nursing student, the stress and sacrifice of schooling paid off. By graduation, a local hospital had offered her a job in its labor and delivery unit, and Machado said she was looking forward to the next chapter in her life.

At her commencement ceremony in May, when it was time to place the pin on Machado’s white coat, Cali joined the stage with her mother.

“She has been a part of my whole schooling journey. So, it’s special,” Machado said.

Margaretten is a contributor to and Taylor is a fellow with the CalMatters College Journalism Network, a collaboration between CalMatters and student journalists from across California. Reagan is the Network’s program manager. This story and other higher education coverage are supported by the College Futures Foundation.