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Helen Fabela Chavez, Legacy Celebration Jan. 21, 1928 – June 6, 2016

Celebrate the Legacy of Farmworker Movements


Compiled by the El Reportero‘s staff


Brunch to celebrate the legacy of the “force of quiet strength ‘behind the farmworker movement and her husband Cesar Chavez.

An inaugural Award to be announced: the winner of the Helen Chavez Legacy Award, with the Establishment of Helen Favela Chávez Scholarship fund.


Title Sponsor – $5,000, Gold Table Sponsor – $1,000, Brunch Sponsor – $1,000,     Silver Sponsor – $500, Bronce Sponsor – $250.

On Saturday, Jan. 21, 2023, from 10 -11:30 a.m. At Mission Neighborhood Center Wolfson Campus, Liliana Rossi Hall, 362 Capp St., San Francisco.


Pertenecer: To Belong” at MACLA in San Jose

MACLA presents “Pertenecer: To Belong”, where six artists lean into their “Latinidad” as they investigate their intercultural identities and share their experiences of feeling othered across different spaces and social conditions.

Featuring works by @livingrelic @pilar.aguero.esparza @jtknoxroxs @kristinamicotti @rayos_magos @hectorfmunoz

MACLA/Movimiento de Arte y Cultura Latino Americana
At 510 S 1st St San Jose, CA 95113. Now thru March 19, 2023. Wednesday – Friday 12-7 p.m., Saturday – Sunday 12-5 p.m., or by special Free admission.


Special Rumba with Edmundo Pina Machin!

Come to La Peña m for a Edmundo Pina Machin

Edmundo is a musician with 47 years of experience, 40 of which were with the legendary Cuban orchestra Los Van Van… and he is visiting the Bay Area! He will be presenting his research on the history and evolution of Cuban popular music. This event is FREE and open to everyone. See you there!

On Sunday, January 22nd from 4pm-6:30 p.m.

* 𝙁𝙍𝙀𝙀 𝙀𝙑𝙀𝙉𝙏 & Highly Recommended.


Adrian Areas Fuze Band @ Bird & Beckett Books

The Adrian Areas Fuze Band will be Performing Original Latin Jazz Rock @ Bird & Beckett Books in San Francisco. Saturday, Feb. 11, 2023 at 7:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.


San Francisco Symphony collaborative partner Claire Chase performs Marcos Balter’s Pan

On Friday, February 24, San Francisco Symphony Collaborative Partner Claire Chase performs Marcos Balter’s Pan, an evening-length piece for flute, live electronics, and an ensemble of community performers.

The 70-minute piece tells the story of the mythological goat-god Pan, one of only two Greek deities said to have been put to death, in a series of staged episodes exploring the contradictions and betrayals in Pan’s relationships.

For this performance—which features a version of the piece specifically for her collaboration with the San Francisco Symphony—Chase and the Orchestra partner with Amateur Music Network, Openhouse, and other art, education, and community organizations who will perform the piece alongside Chase.

Following the February 24 performance, Chase joins Esa-Pekka Salonen and the San Francisco Symphony on its 2023 European Tour (March 9–17), performing Pan with members of the San Francisco Symphony and the Paris community on March 12 in the Cité de la Musique concert hall at the Philharmonie de Paris.

Guadalupe Rivera Marín, daughter of Diego Rivera, dies at 98

by the El Reportero‘s news services


Guadalupe Rivera Marín, the daughter of renowned artist Diego Rivera and Mexican writer Guadalupe “Lupe” Marín, died on Sunday. She was 98 years old.

Lucina Jiménez, director of the National Institute of Fine Arts (INBAL) described Rivera as a woman “ahead of her time.” Morena senator Ifigenia Martínez called her a “tireless cultural promoter,” and former governor of Morelos, Graco Ramírez, lamented the death of a “creative and talented” woman who, according to diplomat Luz Elena Baños, was a “defender of women’s rights and a social fighter committed to a better country.”

Although Rivera Marín was the daughter of iconic parents, she carved her own path, and became known in her own right as a successful lawyer, politician, and cultural patron. She practiced law for decades and was also a law professor at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

“Lupe could have lived on her parents’ legacy, especially her father’s fame, but she made her own life,” writer and journalist Elena Poniatowska told El País newspaper.

Born in Mexico City in 1924, Rivera Marín studied public administration at the UNAM, and later earned a doctorate in law. Her sister Ruth also made some remarkable achievements as the first woman to enter the architecture and engineering school in the National Polytechnic Institute. She passed away in 1969.

Rivera Marín was also involved in politics. She was a deputy senator and delegate in Mexico City as a member of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI). Between 1989 and 1998, she worked as head of the National Institute for Historical Studies of the Revolutions of Mexico, and in 2000 she created the Diego Rivera Foundation to preserve her father’s work

She was also the author of several fiction and non-fiction books including her memoir, “Un río, dos Riveras” published in 1989.

In the memoir she explores her relationship with her father and her family life, recalling memories from her childhood, such as her father’s meriendas (afternoon snacks) at El Oriental café in downtown Mexico City. She also reminisces about communist meetings where she learned to say that when she grew up, she would “kill the bourgeoisie,” and was taught the Italian socialist hymn “bandiera rossa.”

From her mother, she inherited a taste for cooking. Rivera authored three cookbooks and founded a gastronomic festival in honor of her mother’s recipes.

Although she shared many fond memories of her parents, she also wrote about the “abandonment” she felt after their separation when she was five years old. It was after this separation that Diego married Frida Kahlo.

“…Ours were, from then on, two parallel lives. Each one on the opposite bank of the same river; each one on his own shore,” she wrote in her memoir.

Leticia Vallín, Rivera Marín’s colleague for more than 20 years at the Diego Rivera Foundation said in an interview that “I don’t suppose being the daughter of Diego Rivera […] was easy at all. He has a place in history… and she had to authentically create her own story in her time.”

Vallín hopes that after her death, Rivera Marín can be recognized as an “important part” of the country’s culture, as a woman who worked in the fields of education, culture, and art.

In a statement, the National Ministry of Culture said it will soon hold a ceremony in her honor, in collaboration with Guadalupe’s son, Diego López.

With reports from El País and Milenio

US hits borrowing limit — Treasury implements ‘extraordinary measures’ — here’s what it means for your 401Ks

by Chief Editor

CF news


The Treasury Department is starting ‘extraordinary measures’ to avoid a U.S. default after the federal debt limit was reached on Thursday. This measure will allow the government to keep paying bills while Congress negotiates to try and avoid an economic meltdown.

American debt is now at an eye-watering $31.38 trillion – that’s 120 percent of GDP, up from 39.2 percent in 2008 and 77.6 percent in 2018.

The staggering figure is the highest since the Second World War, equals $246,876 in federal debt per taxpayer and is more than the economies of China, Japan, Germany and the United Kingdom combined.

In a letter sent by Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on Thursday, she warned that the ‘period of time that extraordinary measures may last is subject to considerable uncertainty.’

The ‘extraordinary measures’ refers to accounting workarounds to ensure financial liquidity to keep the government open through at least June.

First, the government will temporarily suspend payments to the retirement, disability and health benefit funds for federal employees. Second, it will suspend the reinvestment of maturing government bonds in the retirement savings accounts of government workers.

Nearly 25 million full-time and part-time federal employees, or approximately 16 percent of the American workforce, will be affected if the debt debacle defaults in June.

As the explains below, the spiraling debt and battle over it could have major implications for American citizens, particularly their 401 (k) plans.

The larger and more immediate impact for the estimated 159 million U.S. workers, is the economic uncertainty of retirement accounts, which have taken a huge hit following the global pandemic and Russia’s ongoing war on Ukraine resulting in historic inflation levels and ongoing supply chain woes.

Analysts at Bank of America cautioned in a report last week that ‘there is a high degree of uncertainty about the speed and magnitude of the damage the U.S. economy would incur.’

The 2022 selloff erased nearly $3 trillion from U.S. retirement accounts, according to Alicia Munnell, director of the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College. By her calculations, 401(k) plan participants have lost about $1.4 trillion from their accounts since the end of 2021, according to CBS News.

Markets remained relatively calm, given that the government can temporarily rely on accounting tweaks to stay open and any threats to the economy appear to be several months away.

The White House went on the offense.

‘They’re threatening to kill millions of jobs and 401K plans by trying to hold the debt limit hostage unless they can get cut Social Security, cut Medicare, cut Medicaid,’ said Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre during her regular briefing on Wednesday.

‘We’re just not going to negotiate that,’ Jean-Pierre said. ‘They should feel the responsibility.’

Republicans have said they will oppose raising the ceiling debt ceiling without a cut in federal spending, while the White House and Democrats are refusing to allow the GOP to cut federal programs such as social security.

‘Why create a crisis over this?’ McCarthy said this week. ‘I mean, we’ve got a Republican House, a Democratic Senate. We’ve got the president there. I think it’s arrogance to say, ‘Oh, we’re not going to negotiate about pretty much anything’ and especially when it comes to funding.’

If a deal is not made by the summer, the fallout could result in a global economic crisis. Since 1960 Congress has raised, extended or revised the debt limit 78 times when the U.S. hit its borrowing cap.

So far, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and Biden are playing what could be a dangerous game of chicken with the world’s largest economy in the middle.

The results could be devastating for both taxpayers and the global economy, so has broken down what to expect as both parties enter the ring and try and hash out detente.

The Treasury Department has limited options, but starting Thursday, the agency will be making a series of accounting maneuvers that would put a hold on contributions and investment redemptions for government workers’ retirement and health care funds, giving the government enough financial space to handle its day-to-day expenses until early June.


The globalist climate agenda is little more than rebranded Marxism

The underlying climate message is hard-core Marxist


by Chris Morrison


Thu Jan 19, 2023 – Late last year, Melissa Fleming, Under-Secretary for Global Communications at the United Nations, told a World Economic Forum “Disinformation” seminar that we “own the science” around climate change, and we think the world should know it, so we partnered with Google to ensure only UN results appear.

Needless to say, this arrogant claim merely hints at the scale of disinformation practised by global elites in pushing numerous messages designed to spread fearful command-and-control societal propaganda.

PR Flak Fleming also noted that the UN worked with TikTok on a project called “Team Halo” to boost COVID messaging. This was said to be another trusted messenger project, “where we trained scientists around the world and some doctors on TikTok, and we had TikTok working with us.”

With climate, as with some of the COVID narrative, science has long taken a back seat. Any scientific findings that suggest human-produced carbon dioxide is not the overriding thermostat that determines the Earth’s climate are either insulted or ignored. Only “settled” science messages from presumably “trained” scientists are allowed.

It is perhaps no accident that Google’s capture by the UN came at a time when it “demonetized” a blog detailing the global satellite temperature record. This work, by two scientists at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, is the most accurate record of global temperature. As we have seen, it shows considerably less warming since 1979 than surface datasets that have been adjusted upwards on a retrospective basis. Google took its action on the patently false grounds that the page was supplying “harmful claims.”

Of course, much of this narrative is indicative of a desire by elites in an inter-connected world to enforce more controlling collectivism on local and international populations. Green politics mostly arose on the Left, attracting activists who have always sought collectivist approaches to often messy, individualistic human activities.

We must be grateful to the Guardian for providing a “long read” (how your correspondent suffers for his art) detailing the way that political activists infiltrate the climate debate in order to push this long-cherished, capitalism-hating political narrative.

“One of the goals of system change is to supersede individual virtue,” writes U.S. correspondent Rebecca Solnit. By “individual virtue”, of course, she means individual choice. “Electrification will have happened because of the collective action that takes shape as policy and regulation,” she added.

Solnit quotes the climate writer Mary Heglar, who suggests that for too long the climate fight has been limited to scientists and policy experts. What we “desperately need” are more artists. Solnit suggests “winning” the popular imagination by providing new stories on climate.

Already, she says that “climate denial” has been rendered largely obsolete by climate-driven catastrophes promoted by activists and journalists. By this, she refers to the non-stop pseudoscientific attribution of every bad weather event to humans burning fossil fuel. We have to find stories of a liveable future, “stories of popular power that motivate people to do what it takes to make the world we need,” urges Solnit.

Stories, it might be noted, that persuade people to give up products that work like gas boilers and internal combustion engines, in favor of manifestly inferior substitutes. Stories, for instance, as spun by Solnit, that suggest mining for lithium and cobalt will be an “inevitable part of building renewables.”

Thus important questions over the finite supplies of both these materials, and the use of children to mine cobalt, are conveniently ignored. It is estimated that 225 tonnes of the Earth’s crust must be disturbed to supply just one 1,000 pound car battery, but Solnit points to the “far vaster scale and impact of fossil fuel mining.” Of course it can be argued that the modern-day extraction of oil and gas is a remarkably clean process, requiring little more than a hole in the ground. No children need die in the process.

Old-school Marxists have always relied on demonizing the rich to promise a better future for all. So Solnit runs with the story that we need to punish the rich with their large carbon footprints, and “the global majority don’t need to change much.” This is highly disingenuous. Lifestyle changes proposed by green elites become more extreme by the month – this month, meat off the menu because cows fart, next month, dangerous fertilizers and farms impounded. Billions of people will be affected by diet, travel and energy bans and restrictions, and billions more will be denied the life-enhancing progress enjoyed in the industrialized countries over the last 200 years.

Last year, green elites were shocked by polling evidence that suggested four-in-ten people across five continents believed climate change was mainly due to natural causes. This despite decades of climate catastrophizing to promote Net Zero policies.

The 30-country IPSOS survey found that the level of climate skepticism was very similar in all age categories, but there was wide divergence when political leanings were taken into account. Across seven countries surveyed, 28 percent of supporters of the Left were skeptical of human-caused climate change, a figure that rose to 50 percent of those on the Right.

The underlying climate message is hard-core Marxist. Recognizing the reality of climate breakdown means limiting the freedom of the individual “in the name of the wellbeing of the collective,” Solnit states. There is another way to count wealth and abundance for the many including “meaningful work and purposeful lives,” she suggests.

You will be happy in your work and prosperous, declared the Communist posters of old. “They pretend to pay us, and we pretend to work,” muttered citizens of the old Soviet Union quietly among themselves. The Daily Sceptic.

Natural sweeteners: Healthy alternatives to sugar and artificial sweeteners

by Olivia Cook


12/20/2022 – Knowing the difference between natural and artificial sweeteners is important because artificial sweeteners like aspartame can cause serious health problems, including breast cancer and obesity-related cancers, according to a study published in the journal PLOS Medicine.

Here are five natural sweeteners that are healthier alternatives to refined sugar and artificial sweeteners:


Stevia leaves are used commercially as a substitute for sugar. Among natural sweeteners, stevia is one of the most common. It is widely known as the “darling of zero-calorie sugar substitutes.”

The use of stevia in baked products is suitable because it maintains its stability throughout the baking process and can be heated up to 200 degrees Centigrade (392 degrees Fahrenheit).

A study published in the journal Foods and Raw Materials concluded that diterpene glycosides obtained from Stevia rebaudiana can be used to sweeten various foods and beverages without an increase in calories. Low-calorie, stevia-incorporated products are rich in antioxidants, amino acids and certain vitamins.

Apart from sweet contents, the other constituents of stevia leaves provide various health benefits. They can be antihyperglycemic, antidiabetic, anticancer, hepatoprotective, antihypertensive, antiulcer and antimicrobial.

Stevia caught on slowly due to initially having a bitter aftertaste. Manufacturers of stevia products have started using the sweeter parts of the stevia plant to reduce the bitterness, making it more palatable. (Related: Six easy ways to sweeten food without using refined sugar or artificial sweeteners.)

Palm sugar

Palm sugar is a nutrient-rich, low-glycemic crystalline sweetener that looks, tastes, dissolves and melts almost exactly like sugar – but completely natural and unrefined. It has a far superior taste, resembling that of brown sugar, yet with more rounded caramel and butterscotch notes and without the metallic ending flavor that brown sugar has.

It is acquired from the flowers growing high on coconut trees, which are opened to collect their liquid flower nectar. This nectar is then air-dried to form a crystalline sugar that’s naturally brown in color and naturally rich in a number of key vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients, including B-vitamins thiamin, riboflavin and pyridoxine, iron, potassium and zinc.

Palm sugar is never refined or bleached like white sugar, which is rare for sweeteners.

It must be noted that palm sugar is not a calorie-free sweetener. However, its calories are absorbed into the bloodstream at a significantly slower rate than regular refined sugar due to its relatively low glycemic index. This property should be of interest to people who are monitoring their blood sugar levels and attempting to avoid blood sugar spikes.

Manuka honey

Known for its unique sweet taste, manuka honey is a perfect alternative to refined sugar.

Aside from being delicious, a study published in the journal Pharmacognosy Research found that this natural sweetener from Australia and New Zealand is brimming with methylglyoxal (a compound responsible for potent bacteria-killing properties) and glucose oxidase (a chemical that helps fight infections and promote healing).

You can spread manuka honey on toast or biscuits, add it to tea or smoothie as a natural sweetener or use it as medicine.


This sugar alcohol – the sweetest of all polyols – naturally occurs in fruits, vegetables and mushrooms (cauliflower, plums, pumpkin and strawberries). It is commonly used as sugar-free sweeteners in products, such as beverages, candies and chewing gum.

Polyols or sugar alcohols represent attractive alternatives to sucrose because they provide fewer calories per gram, do not promote tooth decay and are not associated with an elevated blood glucose response, according to a study published in the journal Advances in Nutrition.

Studies published in the journals Nutrients and Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology have found that the health benefits of xylitol are not limited to dental health. This natural sweetener can efficiently stimulate the immune system, digestion and lipid and bone metabolism.

Moreover, xylitol helps in glycemic and obesity control, reduces ear and respiratory infections and treats diseases that cannot be cured through antibiotics or surgery.

Monk fruit (lo han guo or swingle fruit)

In 2010, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) labeled extracts from monk fruit as “Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS).” Monk fruit sweeteners are no-calorie sweeteners that can be used to lower one’s intake of added sugars while still providing sensory satisfaction. Monk fruit sweeteners range from 150-200 times sweeter than sugar, so you only need a pinch to get your desired taste.

Because they are stable at high temperatures, monk fruit sweeteners can be used in baked goods. However, a recipe that uses monk fruit sweeteners in place of sugar may turn out slightly different because sugar plays several roles associated with volume and texture.

Monk fruit comes with its own set of health benefits as well, including reducing caloric intake, improving glycemic control and preventing dental caries. The sweetener in monk fruit sugar, also known as mongrosides, has anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.

Visit for on healthy sugar alternatives

Mexico and Canada prevail in automotive dispute with US

by Mexico News Daily


A dispute panel has ruled in favor of Mexico and Canada in a disagreement with the United States over content rules for vehicles under the USMCA free trade pact.

Mexico and Canada filed a complaint against the U.S. over the interpretation of auto-sector content rules a year ago.

Under USMCA — the North American free trade agreement that superseded NAFTA in 2020 — 75percent of a vehicle’s parts must be made in the region in order for the vehicle to qualify for tariff-free status.

Mexico and Canada argued that if a “core part” of a vehicle, such as its engine or transmission, is made with 75percent regional content, the free trade agreement allows the figure to be rounded up to 100percent when calculating the overall requirement for regional content.

In contrast, the United States view was that “core part” content cannot be rounded up when calculating the regional content percentage of an entire vehicle.

Mexico and Canada warned that the U.S. interpretation could prevent Mexican and Canadian manufactures from qualifying for duty-free trade in North America.

The dispute panel sided with those two countries, saying in a ruling last Wednesday that the U.S. interpretation was “inconsistent” with the USMCA. In accordance with the trade pact, the United States must now reach agreement with Mexico and Canada on how the panel’s decision will be applied, or else face the possible imposition of retaliatory tariffs.

“We are reviewing the report and considering next steps,” said Adam Hodge, an official with the United States Trade Representative’s Office. He said that the U.S. would “engage Mexico and Canada on a possible resolution to the dispute.”

Hodge described the panel’s ruling as “disappointing” and asserted that it could result in “fewer American jobs.”

Tatiana Clouthier, a recently-departed federal economy minister, said that the decision was “excellent news” in a video posted to Twitter, while Canadian Trade Minister Mary Ng said in a statement that Canada “”is glad to see that the dispute settlement mechanisms in place are supporting our rights and obligations negotiated in USMCA.”

Mexico’s Economy Ministry said in a statement that, “in the coming days, Mexico will begin a process of dialogue and cooperation with its trading partners.”

Flavio Volpe, president of Canada’s Automotive Parts Manufacturers’ Association, said that the dispute panel decision is “good for Canada and Mexico.”

In a separate USMCA dispute, the United States and Canada last year challenged Mexico’s nationalistic energy policies, arguing that they are inconsistent with its trade agreement obligations. The three countries are attempting to resolve that dispute without the intervention of a dispute panel.

With reports from Reuters.


Strict anti-smoking law takes effect across Mexico


by MND Staff


A revised law that bans smoking in all public places and prohibits retailers from displaying cigarettes took effect on Sunday.

The General Law for Tobacco Control “amounts to one of the most stringent anti-smoking laws in the world,” according to a BBC report.

People are now explicitly banned from smoking in outdoor public places such as parks, town squares and beaches as well as offices, hotels, restaurants, schools, stadiums, shopping centers and entertainment arenas. Smoking is already banned in many of the aforesaid indoor spaces.

The anti-smoking law also prohibits all forms of advertising and promotion of cigarettes including sponsorship arrangements involving tobacco companies. Retailers such as the ubiquitous convenience store Oxxo are no longer permitted to stock tobacco products in open view of customers.

Health regulator Cofepris will be responsible for ensuring compliance with the law, which is expected to have an impact on demand for tobacco.

The federal Health Ministry anticipates that the new law will prevent 49,000 premature deaths and 292,000 cases of smoking-related illnesses over the next 10 years, the newspaper El Financiero reported.

The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), an agency of the World Health Organization, noted in a statement last month that Mexico’s Senate unanimously approved an amendment to the General Law for Tobacco Control that established “100percent smoke-free environments and a total ban on the advertising, promotion, and sponsorship of tobacco products on December 14, 2021.”

“This amendment represents a historic step forward for Mexico in its anti-smoking policies and reaffirms its role as one of the leaders in the fight against tobacco in the world,” said Cristian Morales, PAHO representative in Mexico.

In contrast, “some smokers are dismayed at the draconian nature of the new law,” the BBC reported, noting that smoking outside private residences will be restricted in many cases.

It remains to be seen how strictly the anti-smoking law will be enforced in a country where approximately 16 million people — one in eight Mexicans — smoke.

According to the BBC, many Mexicans fear that corrupt police will use the law to collect bribes from people who are caught smoking in places where the habit is prohibited.

With reports from El Financiero and BBC.

‘El Chapo’ denounces ‘cruel and unfair’ treatment in message to AMLO

by the El Reportero‘s wire services


Notorious Sinaloa Cartel capo Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán is attempting to speak to President López Obrador through his lawyers, claiming he receives unfair treatment in prison in the United States and requesting to be returned to Mexico.

Guzmán sent the message from his cell in the ADX maximum security prison in Florence, Colorado. It was relayed through a member of his U.S. legal team before being made public in a radio interview by his legal representative in Mexico, José Refugio Rodríguez.

“He doesn’t see the sun, the food is of very bad quality, there is no healthcare; he had a problem with his molars and instead of treating them, they took them out so he wouldn’t fuss,” Refugio said on Radio Fórmula in an interview with journalist Ciro Gómez Leyva, who himself made headlines in December as the target of an assassination attempt.

A week ago, Mexico City authorities announced that they had arrested 11 people allegedly involved with the attack on Gómez Leyva. Authorities said that nine of the suspects were associated with a criminal gang involved in murder, extortion and drug dealing in Mexico City and México state.

Guzmán’s lawyer claimed that the convicted cartel leader is kept in isolation, prohibited from speaking Spanish, and has only been allowed to make six or seven calls since March 2022 — a situation he describes as “psychological torture.”

Refugio explained that he was giving the radio interview to make the Mexican government aware of Guzmán’s request, as he was unable to meet with AMLO directly. He also claimed that he had sent a letter to Esteban Moctezuma, the Mexican ambassador to the U.S., but had not yet received a response.

“Joaquín [Guzmán] asked me through verbal messages to fight for his return to Mexico,” Refugio said. “I see it as an SOS… he is hurting from a trial that was not in accordance with due process.”

Guzmán was extradited to the United States in January 2017, having already escaped from prison twice in Mexico. He was given a life sentence in July 2019, after being found guilty on numerous charges relating to his leadership of the Sinaloa Cartel, including drug trafficking, organized crime, money laundering and homicide.

Refugio explained that Guzmán believes his human rights were violated during the extradition process, as he was denied the chance to defend himself in Mexico. In addition, he claimed that Mexican authorities had failed to honor a legal obligation to review Guzmán’s situation in Colorado every six months.

On this basis, Refugio indicated that he is approaching Mexico’s foreign ministry to seek legal channels for Guzmán to return to his home country.

In his Tuesday morning press conference, AMLO denied knowledge of Guzmán’s request.

“I haven’t seen it, but let’s see,” he said.

With reports from Infobae and El Financiero

Medi-Cal mantendrá más planes de seguro después de ser presionado

Los funcionarios estatales de salud lanzaron el año pasado un primer proceso de licitación competitivo para sus contratos de seguro de Medi-Cal, con el objetivo de implementar estándares más altos. Pero cuando se anunciaron los ganadores, varias aseguradoras se quejaron del proceso y del posible impacto en la atención al paciente


by Kristen Hwang and Ana B. Ibarra


En un cambio de postura significativo, el Departamento de Servicios de Atención Médica de California anunció que ha negociado con cinco planes de salud comerciales para brindar servicios de Medi-Cal en 2024, eliminando un proceso de licitación de dos años para los codiciados contratos estatales.

Esto anula los planes anteriores del estado de otorgar contratos a solo tres planes de salud. Significa que es probable que más afiliados a Medi-Cal conserven su aseguradora y sus médicos actuales, lo que evitará un proceso de reinscripción confuso para la mayoría de los afiliados y evitará interrupciones en la atención del paciente. También significa que el estado evitará una batalla legal prolongada en medio de amenazas de juicio por parte de aseguradoras que anteriormente se habían quedado fuera.

Los grandes ganadores: Blue Shield y Community Health Group obtendrán un contrato después de haber perdido ofertas inicialmente, y Health Net podrá conservar al menos algunos de sus afiliados de Los Ángeles.

“Para brindar certeza a los miembros, proveedores y planes, el Estado usó su autoridad para trabajar directamente con los planes para volver a trazar nuestra asociación y avanzar con confianza y rapidez hacia la implementación de los cambios que queremos ver”, dijo el departamento en un comunicado publicado el viernes por la tarde. El departamento no proporcionó respuestas a las preguntas de seguimiento antes de esta publicación.

“En cierto nivel, facilita la transición, pero queremos hacerlo mejor que el statu quo”, dijo Anthony Wright, director ejecutivo de Health Access, un grupo de defensa del consumidor. “Menos interrupciones es bueno, pero no queremos perder la razón del cambio, que es tener más responsabilidad sobre estos planes en el futuro”.

Medi-Cal brinda cobertura de salud a más de 14 millones de californianos de bajos ingresos, más de un tercio de la población del estado. En 2021, el Departamento de Servicios de Atención Médica, que supervisa el programa Medi-Cal, se embarcó en un proceso de licitación que le permitiría modificar los contratos con los planes de salud comerciales de Medi-Cal. El objetivo del estado era reducir la cantidad de planes de salud participantes de los nueve actuales y seguir adelante con solo los planes más calificados, que se someterían a estándares más altos relacionados con los resultados de los pacientes, los tiempos de espera y la satisfacción, además de mejorar las disparidades de salud. En agosto del año pasado, el estado anunció que otorgaría tentativamente $14 mil millones en contratos de Medi-Cal a tres compañías: Health Net, Molina y Anthem Blue Cross. Esta decisión propuesta obligaría a cerca de 2 millones de afiliados a Medi-Cal a cambiar de seguro y probablemente encontrar nuevos proveedores. Algunos proveedores de salud criticaron la decisión del contrato original del departamento, alegando que habría causado una interrupción “inconmensurable” en la atención.

Kaiser Permanente negoció un contrato especial con el estado a principios del año pasado, sin pasar por el proceso de licitación. Y la mayoría de los planes de salud comunitarios sin fines de lucro no tenían que competir por un contrato.

El anuncio de verano del estado rápidamente se convirtió en polémico ya que los planes de salud que quedaron fuera cuestionaron el proceso del estado para elegir a las tres aseguradoras, apelaron la decisión y demandaron al estado.

Este cambio de rumbo pone en entredicho el poder que pueden tener las aseguradoras para presionar con amenazas legales la acción estatal. Los defensores de la salud dicen que esperan que no siente un precedente. Wright en Health Access dijo que le gustaría que el departamento dejara en claro que el estado no retrocederá en el proceso de contratos competitivos en el futuro, ya que considera que es una herramienta clave para la rendición de cuentas.

Blue Shield, una de las compañías de seguros inicialmente excluidas, presentó una queja contra el Departamento de Servicios de Atención Médica, solicitando que el departamento divulgue todos los documentos utilizados en el proceso de selección.

El gigante de los seguros incluso lanzó una campaña en el otoño pidiendo a los californianos que hablaran en contra de la decisión del estado. La compañía argumentó que el estado no logró involucrar suficientemente a los afiliados y médicos de Medi-Cal en el proceso. “El mensaje de esta campaña es que no es demasiado tarde para que el estado cambie de rumbo y tome decisiones que promuevan la innovación y la equidad en la salud para todos”, dijo en un comunicado Kristen Cerf, presidenta y directora ejecutiva del plan Medi-Cal de Blue Shield. en octubre.

Según el acuerdo revisado, Blue Shield podrá seguir prestando servicios en el área de San Diego. Blue Shield rechazó una solicitud de entrevista y, en cambio, remitió a los periodistas a un comunicado publicado el pasado martes.

Mientras tanto, Health Net, que en el verano obtuvo tentativamente contratos en nueve condados pero perdió su contrato anterior y más grande en Los Ángeles, también demandó al estado. Según el nuevo acuerdo, Health Net permanecerá en Los Ángeles y dividirá su parte de los afiliados a Medi-Cal en partes iguales con su contraparte comercial, Molina Healthcare. Health Net también mantendrá su membresía en Sacramento pero perderá el mercado de San Diego.

Centene, la empresa matriz de Health Net, dijo en un comunicado el martes que pondría fin a sus acciones legales contra el departamento de servicios de salud del estado.

La división equitativa de los miembros entre Molina y Health Net a través de un acuerdo de subcontratación es un “paso en la dirección correcta”, dijo Jim Mangia, presidente y director ejecutivo de St. John’s Community Health, que atiende a pacientes de bajos ingresos en el sur de Los Ángeles, pero mucho más permanece incierto.

“¿Quiénes serán el 50 por ciento que podrá permanecer en Health Net y quiénes serán el 50 por ciento que tendrá que mudarse?”, dijo Mangia. “No tenemos respuestas para eso, así que creo que es problemático porque todavía desplaza a una cantidad significativa de pacientes”.

Actualmente, Health Net administra más de 1 millón de pacientes de Medi-Cal en el condado de Los Ángeles. Casi una cuarta parte de los pacientes de St. John’s Community Health tienen Health Net, y el LA Care Health Plan, administrado públicamente, representa el resto. (La mayoría de los angelinos con Medi-Cal están inscritos y podrán continuar con LA Care, un plan operado públicamente).

Mangia dijo que la última decisión aún interrumpirá los servicios para los 12,500 pacientes solo en St. John’s que se verán obligados a cambiarse a Molina. Anticipa que la clínica necesitará contratar más personal para ayudar con la orientación de los pacientes, pero no hay dinero para eso.

“Obviamente fue un intento de rectificar la decisión inicial, pero no estoy seguro de que el impacto en los pacientes vaya a ser tan diferente. Esa es mi preocupación”, dijo Mangia. “Es esencialmente un mandato sin fondos”.

“Con eso como entendimiento, pensamos que lo mejor para la compañía, para los miembros y para los inversionistas era participar en la negociación”, dijo Zubretsky.

Molina acordó no protestar por la adjudicación final del contrato y subcontratará a Health Net en el condado de Los Ángeles en el “acuerdo negociado”, dijo Zubretsky. Molina duplicará su membresía de Medi-Cal, de 600,000 a 1.2 millones, para 2024 como resultado de este último contrato.

“Acordamos las asignaciones de membresía que el estado ahora ha articulado además de renunciar a otros tipos de derechos legales que uno normalmente tendría”, dijo Zubretsky a los inversionistas.

Community Health Group, el mayor proveedor de Medi-Cal en el condado de San Diego, también obtendrá un nuevo contrato en 2024. La aseguradora fue excluida en el anuncio original de verano, pero apeló la decisión del estado.

Community Health Group rechazó una solicitud de entrevista, pero durante el verano, el director de operaciones de la compañía, Joseph García, le dijo a CalMatters que la decisión del estado había sido impactante porque su compañía habitualmente superaba a otras aseguradoras.

Zara Marselian, directora ejecutiva de La Maestra Community Health Centers en San Diego, dijo que la nueva decisión del estado fue una grata sorpresa. Las clínicas de La Maestra atienden a pacientes de bajos ingresos en todo el condado y han trabajado con Community Health Group durante casi tres décadas. Alrededor del 26% de sus pacientes confían en Community Health Group para Medi-Cal, la mayoría de cualquier grupo de pacientes. Anteriormente, Marselian también había previsto tener que contratar más personal para ayudar a los pacientes a transitar la transición.

“Es realmente mejor para los beneficiarios de Medi-Cal que ahora no tendrán que transferirse a otro plan de salud y ver interrumpida toda la continuidad de su atención”, dijo Marselian. “Estoy muy agradecido sin embargo esto sucedió. Estoy muy agradecido en nombre de nuestros pacientes”.


US Hits Borrowing Limit — Treasury Implements ‘Extraordinary Measures’ — Here’s What It Means for Your 401Ks

by Chief Editor

CF news


The Treasury Department is starting ‘extraordinary measures’ to avoid a U.S. default after the federal debt limit was reached on Thursday. This measure will allow the government to keep paying bills while Congress negotiates to try and avoid an economic meltdown.

American debt is now at an eye-watering $31.38 trillion – that’s 120 percent of GDP, up from 39.2 percent in 2008 and 77.6 percent in 2018.

The staggering figure is the highest since the Second World War, equals $246,876 in federal debt per taxpayer and is more than the economies of China, Japan, Germany and the United Kingdom combined.

In a letter sent by Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on Thursday, she warned that the ‘period of time that extraordinary measures may last is subject to considerable uncertainty.’

The ‘extraordinary measures’ refers to accounting workarounds to ensure financial liquidity to keep the government open through at least June.

First, the government will temporarily suspend payments to the retirement, disability and health benefit funds for federal employees. Second, it will suspend the reinvestment of maturing government bonds in the retirement savings accounts of government workers.

Nearly 25 million full-time and part-time federal employees, or approximately 16 percent of the American workforce, will be affected if the debt debacle defaults in June.

As the explains below, the spiraling debt and battle over it could have major implications for American citizens, particularly their 401 (k) plans.

The larger and more immediate impact for the estimated 159 million U.S. workers, is the economic uncertainty of retirement accounts, which have taken a huge hit following the global pandemic and Russia’s ongoing war on Ukraine resulting in historic inflation levels and ongoing supply chain woes.

Analysts at Bank of America cautioned in a report last week that ‘there is a high degree of uncertainty about the speed and magnitude of the damage the U.S. economy would incur.’

The 2022 selloff erased nearly $3 trillion from U.S. retirement accounts, according to Alicia Munnell, director of the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College. By her calculations, 401(k) plan participants have lost about $1.4 trillion from their accounts since the end of 2021, according to CBS News.

Markets remained relatively calm, given that the government can temporarily rely on accounting tweaks to stay open and any threats to the economy appear to be several months away.

The White House went on the offense.

‘They’re threatening to kill millions of jobs and 401K plans by trying to hold the debt limit hostage unless they can get cut Social Security, cut Medicare, cut Medicaid,’ said Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre during her regular briefing on Wednesday.

‘We’re just not going to negotiate that,’ Jean-Pierre said. ‘They should feel the responsibility.’

Republicans have said they will oppose raising the ceiling debt ceiling without a cut in federal spending, while the White House and Democrats are refusing to allow the GOP to cut federal programs such as social security.

‘Why create a crisis over this?’ McCarthy said this week. ‘I mean, we’ve got a Republican House, a Democratic Senate. We’ve got the president there. I think it’s arrogance to say, ‘Oh, we’re not going to negotiate about pretty much anything’ and especially when it comes to funding.’

If a deal is not made by the summer, the fallout could result in a global economic crisis. Since 1960 Congress has raised, extended or revised the debt limit 78 times when the U.S. hit its borrowing cap.

So far, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and Biden are playing what could be a dangerous game of chicken with the world’s largest economy in the middle.

The results could be devastating for both taxpayers and the global economy, so has broken down what to expect as both parties enter the ring and try and hash out detente.

The Treasury Department has limited options, but starting Thursday, the agency will be making a series of accounting maneuvers that would put a hold on contributions and investment redemptions for government workers’ retirement and health care funds, giving the government enough financial space to handle its day-to-day expenses until early June.

Reparations for all?

Paul Craig Roberts

by Paul Craig Roberts


A majority of the white ethnicities, such as the French Huguenots, the Irish, the Scots, and others, came to the original colonies to escape oppression and persecution. Some came as slaves.  English debtors were sold into indentured servitude to cover their debts.

The notion of Woke white liberals that only blacks were enslaved is historical ignorance.  There were more white slaves in history than black. Arab slave traders raided the coastal cities of Italy and France. Arabs captured Americans off of merchant ships, causing the Founding Fathers to send the US Marines to the shores of Tripoli. Why are only black descendants of former slaves entitled to reparations?

The white American liberals have concocted a fiction that only white Americans are responsible for slavery.  The truth of the matter is that white Americans have no responsibility for slavery.  Every black purchased as a member of an agricultural work force in America was enslaved long before arriving in the British colonies of North America which became later the United States.  They were enslaved by the African slave wars between black tribes or kingdoms, among which the black king of Dahomey was supreme.

Many of Dahomey’s captives were themselves warring for slaves and lost the battle.

Among the black contenders for slaves, slaves were a status symbol, but as time passed more slaves were accumulated than could be supported by their captors.  The surplus was sold, thus beginning the slave trade.  Initially they were sold to Arabs, then to the European powers who had colonies in the New World where there were resources but no labor force.  Every black slave who ended up in what became later the United States and for its short existence the Confederate States of America could have been kept in Africa as a slave or sold to Arabs as a slave.  Where was the enslaved black most well off?

Obviously, in America amidst white people who have assumed all the guilt for the slave wars of the Black King of Dahomey.  White people have accepted indoctrination that they are guilty of enslaving blacks and have obligation to pay reparations to “survivors” of black slavery.  The reparations task force formed by the Woke white governor of California figures blacks in California, which became a state in 1850 and whose Constitution forbade slavery, are owed $1 million dollars each on the slender grounds that an unknown ancestor might have been a slave 157 or more years ago. As the Hispanic and Asian population of California constitute a majority of the state’s population, and as they are not descendants of white slave owners (none of whom ever lived in California) targeted by the governor’s reparations task force, will they have to pay it?

The stupidity of white Americans boggles the mind.  Maybe their replacement by Hispanics pouring across the southern border is a good thing.  Maybe the genocide planed for white gentiles by Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab with the complicity of the FDA and US media is a good thing. Certainly, the dumbest people who have ever lived are white American liberals.

Have you ever thought about the American white liberal’s position?  They have bought into “white guilt” and the belief that white ethnicities are racist even if they don’t intend to be and are responsible for oppressing blacks and preventing their success. Therefore America has preferential treatment for blacks, special rights, that discriminate against whites, especially white heterosexual males.

Yet the same white liberals claim that 360,222 Northern white racists died killing 258,000 Southern white racists for the sole reason of emancipating blacks from slavery.

So how do we reconcile 618,222 dead white people killed in order to free blacks when whites, all whites, even white liberals, are racists?  The white deaths allegedly spent eliminating black slavery are 202,823 more deaths than Americans suffered during World War II when America fought both Japan and Germany.  (I don’t believe what is called the Civil War was a civil war or that it was about slavery.   Articles on my website make this clear.)

The picture drawn of white racists killing white racists in order to liberate blacks makes no sense.  If white Americans were really sacrificing their lives for blacks’ freedom, then how can whites be racists?

The ability of the American liberal to hold mutual incompatibles as truths illustrates the extremely limited intelligence and reasoning ability of this species of humanity.

This limited intelligence species–white liberals– is what controls the United States, or perhaps more accurately serves as a cloak for those who do control us.  In other words, they are twice stupid.

Yet insouciant Americans still vote for them.

Consider other parts of the inconsistent liberal agenda.  Liberals are all for diversity and multiculturalism.  Yet they teach blacks to hate white people, and liberal feminists teach women that men are their enemy.  Simultaneously, white culture is disparaged as imperialist exploitation. How does unity materialize out of Identity Politics?  How are white people included in “diversity” when they are demonized and their culture disparaged?

It seems that far from diversity and multiculturalism white people are excluded. The United States are disunited. Will the liberals will try to put Humpty Dumpty back together by federal force as they did once before?

(Paul Craig Roberts is an American economist and author. He formerly held a sub-cabinet office in the United States federal government as well as teaching positions at several U.S. universities. He is a promoter of supply-side economics and an opponent of recent U.S. foreign policy. Wikipedia)