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Schools in Dutch province serving insects to students

by Ramon Tomey


10/24/2022 – Primary schools in the Netherlands have begun serving insects to students, in a bid to gradually introduce the Great Reset’s goal of normalizing the consumption of bugs.

A report by the Dutch news site rtvoost expounded on the project, initially launched at the city of Zwolle in the northeastern province of Overijssel. School canteens in the city announced that mealworms and other critters will be on the menu. It remains unknown if parents agreed to, much less made aware of, these questionable nutritional experiments.

The Octopus primary school in Zwolle was among the schools who served insects on the menu. Its canteen served mealworms, lupine worms and other bugs for seventh grade students to try out.

Aside from offering insects as items on the school cafeteria, the school also gave students a chance to try out the bugs for themselves in the classroom through “teaching packs” that purportedly promote “healthy and sustainable eating.”

The provincial government of Overijssel created 100 of these teaching packs and made them available to 100 primary schools in the province. The teaching packs developed in collaboration with Wageningen University & Research formed part of the Dutch Food Week campaign by farmers and gardeners.

In one video, pupils from the Octopus school carefully put the worms in their mouths after initial hesitation. However, only a few found the insects appetizing. The rtvoost report added that Gert Harm ten Bolscher, a member of the Overijssel provincial executive council, saw the trials at the Octopus school as an opportunity to try out the insect menu for himself. (Related: Liberal university now pushing roasted crickets as food source… let the ‘Soylent Green’ propaganda begin!)

Free West Media (FWM) warned that the “taste week” involving insects may become permanent. “Some agricultural sections have already been converted to insect production and the choice is presented as a solution to the ‘world’s food problem,’” it said.

“With manipulative formulations, insects are presented as wholesome, desirable and even tasty food. In doing so, they openly admit that by manipulating children, the new ‘food’ could gain approval.”

Study reveals possible risk of insect parasites jumping to humans, thanks to bug eating

Moreover, FWM pointed out that “not a word is mentioned about toxins, pollutants and parasites associated with breeding insects.”

It then cited a July 2019 paper published in PLOS One that scrutinized the possible role of edible insects in transmitting parasites to humans who consume bugs. According to FWM, the study pointed out that “in the vast majority of cases, crickets from insect farms were teeming with parasites.”

The study authors from the University of Warmia and Mazury (UWM) in Poland collected 300 live insect samples from different farms that bred mealworms (Tenebrio molitor), migrating locusts (Locusta migratoria), Madagascar hissing cockroaches (Gromphadorhina portentosa) and house crickets (Acheta domesticus). They found that of the 300 samples they collected, 244 were positive for parasites. Ninety-one samples collected contained parasites potentially harmful to humans.

The researchers also touched on “unethical practices” done by individual breeders – including “feeding insects with animal feces from a pet shop, feeding insects with corpses of smaller animals or feeding insects with moldy food and even raw meat.”

“Edible insects are an underestimated reservoir of human and animal parasites. Future research should focus on the need for constant monitoring of studied insect farms for pathogens.”

Unfortunately, safety is no priority for the globalists working double time to push insect consumption on the rest of the world. They had already begun with bans on farming to address “emissions” in the name of “climate change,” with Dutch farmers suffering from such prohibitions. The insect consumption trial at Overijssel appears to be a second phase of this plan.

Ultimately, the globalists’ dream of humanity “eating bugs, owning nothing and being happy” will become a reality if people don’t dare to push back.


The real reason Biden is escalating America’s involvement in the Russia-Ukraine war

Without Russia as the bad guy, the Build Back Better agenda becomes naked to the world. The Ukraine conflict provides a visible shield to prevent any larger discussion


by the Treehouse


In a statement Monday from the White House, President Joe Biden pledged “to continue providing Ukraine with the support needed to defend itself, including advanced air defense systems.”

The statement was a result of a phone call between Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Two days prior, the Kerch Strait bridge between Russia and Crimea was bombed by Ukraine causing a section of the bridge to collapse. Yesterday, Russian President Vladimir Putin retaliated with missile strikes against several cities in Ukraine and key infrastructure for energy.

The U.S. State Department and CIA are continuing to lead and coordinate the Ukraine war effort with U.S. personnel in place to organize operations.

Like the bombing of the Nord Stream pipeline, it is highly likely the Kerch Strait bridge targeting was planned by Ukraine and the United States. However, we are not permitted to speak about these coordinated efforts. The bottom line is that the Biden administration is going further toward direct engagement with Russia through the proxy state of Ukraine.

From the New York Times:

President Vladimir V. Putin unleashed a far-reaching series of missile strikes against cities across Ukraine on Monday, hitting the heart of Kyiv and other areas far from the front line, in the broadest assault against civilians since the early days of Russia’s invasion.

Mr. Putin said the strikes on almost a dozen cities were retaliation for a blast that destroyed sections of a bridge linking Russia to the Crimean Peninsula, though they also seemed intended to appease hard-liners in Russia who had been openly critical over the prosecution of the war.

Denouncing the bombing of the Kremlin-built bridge, an embarrassing blow, as a ‘terrorist attack,’ Mr. Putin threatened more strikes if Ukraine hit Russian targets again.

‘No one should have any doubt about it,’ he said.

The baseline for the global aspect to the Ukraine conflict remains rooted in the economic cleaving underway. Saudi Arabia has expressed their alignment with the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC+), including Russia, on a coordinated oil supply. The NATO alliance broadly wants to pressure their partners away from oil, coal, and natural gas.

Thus on Sunday, prior to the phone call with Zelenskyy, Biden called German Chancellor Olaf Scholz:

President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. spoke today with Chancellor Olaf Scholz of Germany.  The leaders reiterated their condemnation of Russia’s attempted annexation of Ukrainian territory, as well as their ongoing commitment to hold Russia accountable for its brutal actions and provide security and economic assistance to Ukraine. The leaders also discussed recent developments in global energy markets and the importance of securing sustainable and affordable energy supplies.

The western ideologues, politicians, corporations, and banks are trying to force a new global energy system; however, there is opposition from multiple nations who see the effort to shift away from oil, coal, and natural gas as economic suicide.

We are now starting to see currencies in countries like Brazil and Mexico having greater stability and growth than the value in U.S. dollars. That said, in the long term the economics of this conflict will ultimately decide the outcome.

The citizens within the western alliance nations are suffering the consequences of the global economic cleaving. Energy driven inflation, a purposefully designed problem, is creating a recession amid the western alliance nations. The monetary policy of U.S., EU, CA, NZ and AU is currently constructed to lower economic activity to support the reduced amount of energy resources available.

Specifically, because the Ukraine conflict is being used as a justification for political economic and monetary policy, there appears to be no limit in what the U.S. will do to widen the ideological war against Russia. Unfortunately, the era of great pretending forbids anyone from talking openly about the true root of the issue.

It seems clear now that NATO, led by the U.S., is willing to escalate a European war if that’s what it takes to protect the climate change goals.

Without Russia as the bad guy, the Build Back Better agenda becomes naked to the world. The Ukraine conflict provides a visible shield to prevent any larger discussion, as evidenced by the attempt by Elon Musk to mitigate the Ukraine conflict by talking about a peace deal wherein Russia keeps the Russian speaking eastern Ukraine. In the week since that proposal became international fodder for ridicule, the conflict in Ukraine has intensified. This is not coincidental.

We are pretending our way into a war.

Craving a snack late at night? Try these 6 sleep-promoting desserts

by Zoey Sky


Eating healthy doesn’t mean depriving yourself of things you love to eat. Instead, it’s more about eating everything in moderation, from red meat to desserts.

If you often enjoy midnight snacks, try to eat more healthy foods like nuts or fruits that help promote sleep.

Food, sleep and the circadian rhythm

Your body requires food like a car requires gasoline. It is a source of fuel that keeps the wheels turning.

However, if you get hungry at night, you can’t enjoy the same foods you eat in the morning or afternoon because you might have trouble falling asleep

Everyone has a circadian rhythm or an internal clock that tells the body when to wake up and when to rest. When the sun rises, your body’s ready to be active. On the other hand, when the sun sets, your body is also preparing to wind down. This is one reason why your late-night cravings should be curbed with sleep-promoting desserts that won’t disrupt this natural cycle.

If you often eat desserts, especially after dinner, you might often have trouble going to sleep. One such dessert is chocolate.

Chocolates contain trace amounts of caffeine. If you are sensitive to caffeine, eating only a few squares of this chocolatey snack could be enough to disrupt your sleep.

Milk can promote good sleep, but store-bought ice creams and other dairy desserts are full of added sugar and other sweeteners that will spike your blood sugar and disrupt quality sleep.

Fortunately, making some dietary changes can make it easier to meet your cravings and even promote a good night’s sleep. If you’re craving a sweet snack near bedtime, try eating small portions of foods that balance your blood sugar. These include healthy fats, moderate proteins and non-starchy vegetables and carbs.

The sleep-promoting desserts below will help curb your midnight cravings so you can get much-needed rest.


Almonds are rich in essential nutrients like tryptophan and vitamin B6. These nutrients help support the neurotransmitter serotonin, which helps you fall and stay asleep.

Additionally, almonds are full of potassium and B vitamins, which help your nervous system relax.

Almonds have six grams of protein per ounce, one of the highest among nuts. Protein combined with fiber can help you stay full, satisfied and ready to go to sleep after a quick snack.

Freezer fudge

You can enjoy some fudge before going to sleep.

But unlike regular fudge, this 20-minute fudge recipe is rich in flavor and super decadent. It also won’t keep you up at night.

This simple recipe only requires three ingredients that are also good for you. It includes coconut oil, which is full of healthy fats, and almond or your choice of nut butter, another superfood full of “good” fat, protein and dietary fiber. This freezer fudge recipe also calls for chocolate protein powder.

Freezer fudge doesn’t contain any added sugar, making it a guilt-free after-dinner treat.


– 1 cup coconut oil

– 1/2 cup almond butter (or your preferred nut butter)

– 1-2 scoops of chocolate protein


  1. Melt the coconut oil in a glass Pyrex bowl.
  2. Whisk in the almond butter and chocolate protein.
  3. Pour the mixture into an ice cube tray.
  4. Sprinkle the fudge mixture with a bit of salt.
  5. Place the fudge in the freezer for 20 minutes before eating.

Chocolate and nut butter

If you’re craving a sweet and simple treat, try a handful of chocolate chips melted with a spoonful of nut butter.

If you’re not sensitive to caffeine, you will enjoy this rich, chocolatey treat. To keep this snack guilt-free, use chocolate chips that are organic and free of added sugars.

Adding nut butter gives your snack protein, healthy fats and fiber.

Golden milk

According to Dr. Kulreet Chaudhary, a neurologist and pioneer in the field of integrative medicine, golden milk or turmeric milk can help settle your mind and body at the end of a long day.

Drinking golden milk can help you relax as you turn in for the night.

Ingredients for 1 serving:

– 1 cup milk (Use organic raw cow or goat milk, unhomogenized organic cow or goat milk, organic almond milk or organic coconut milk.)

– 1/4 cup of water

– 1-2 teaspoon of either ghee, coconut oil, or almond oil

– 1 teaspoon of honey

– 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric powder

– Cardamom powder or cinnamon powder (Optional)


  1. Add the turmeric powder to the cup of water in a pot. Heat the mixture until it becomes a paste. Stir occasionally to help dissolve the turmeric powder.
  2. Add the milk to the turmeric paste in the pot.
  3. Add the ghee, coconut oil or almond oil to the milk mixture.
  4. Add a pinch of either cardamom powder or cinnamon powder.
  5. After the milk has cooled enough to touch, add one teaspoon of honey before drinking.

Superfood banana split

According to studies, the potassium in bananas might help restless sleepers get a good night’s sleep. Eating bananas can help you fall asleep, but this superfood banana split doesn’t include ice cream.

When making this healthier banana split, add either plain coconut or Greek yogurt and top with a bit of your favorite nut butter.

Yogurt bark

Store-bought chocolate barks taste great, but they are usually bad for you since they are full of added sugars that will keep you up.

For a healthier alternative, try whipping up some homemade yogurt bark. This recipe can be both keto- and vegan-friendly, depending on your choice of ingredients.

Yogurt bark is also full of probiotics and you can customize it using your favorite fruits and ingredients.

Ingredients for 12-16 servings:

  • 1-2 cups coconut yogurt (Use Greek yogurt if you want more protein and do not have a dairy intolerance.)
  • 1-2 cups nut butter (Almond, peanut butter or a blend)
  • 1/2 cup chocolate, melted


  1. Whisk the yogurt and nut butter together. Pour the mixture onto a parchment paper-lined sheet. Freeze for 15-20 minutes.
  2. In a double boiler melt your favorite chocolate. The chocolate you use will make the yogurt bark keto, organic, or protein-loaded based on your choice.
  3. Pour the melted chocolate on top of the yogurt mixture. The chocolate will freeze, so add a bit of flaky salt quickly or give it an extra drizzle of chocolate at the end and then sprinkle.
  4. Freeze for 10 more minutes. Slice before serving.

Other yogurt bark variations:

  • Remove the almond butter and blend with strawberries. Top with dehydrated strawberries, nuts and coconut to make a fruity yogurt bark.
  • Use Greek yogurt and add a bit of vanilla extract for added protein.
  • Top the yogurt bark with your favorite crunchy superfood for added texture.

More sleep-promoting superfoods

Still feeling hungry? Here are more superfoods that can help you sleep better.


Tart cherry juice intake is linked to improved sleep duration and sleep quality in healthy adults.

Fresh cherries also offer similar benefits because it is full of melatonin, which is crucial “for healthy sleep-wake cycles.” Other people take melatonin or magnesium supplements before going to bed, but drinking some tart cherry juice is a more natural alternative.


Oatmeal is often eaten as part of a healthy breakfast, but this superfood can also help you get a good night’s sleep. Oats help your body release sleep hormones like melatonin.


Walnuts are chock-full of tryptophan, a sleep-enhancing amino acid. Tryptophan is converted to serotonin in your brain, which induces sleep.

Additionally, walnuts are full of beneficial omega-3 fatty acids, which have been linked to increased cardiovascular health, better cognitive function, decreased symptoms of depression and reduced inflammation.

Snack on some walnuts after dinner to prepare your body for a good night’s rest.

Skip the sugary desserts after dinner and make a healthy, sleep-promoting snack like freezer fudge or yogurt bark. You can also eat tasty superfoods like almonds, bananas or walnuts to improve sleep quality.

Mexico-U.S. security talks focus on weapons and fentanyl trafficking

The U.S. should check vehicles leaving their country as thoroughly as those entering, Ebrard said


by Mexico News Daily


Combating the smuggling of weapons and fentanyl will remain a priority for Mexico and the United States over the coming year, Foreign Affairs Minister Marcelo Ebrard said Friday after attending high-level security talks in Washington a day earlier.

Speaking at President López Obrador’s morning press conference, Ebrard said that the year-old security agreement between Mexico and the U.S. – the Bicentennial Framework for Security, Public Health and Safe Communities – is already yielding results, but acknowledged that more needs to be done to stop the southward flow of weapons and the northward flow of fentanyl and other drugs.

He said that Mexico and the United States are working together to combat the production of fentanyl, an activity in which powerful Mexican criminal organizations such as the Jalisco New Generation Cartel and the Sinaloa Cartel are engaged.

“We have a common plan for 2023, which is to drastically reduce the trafficking of weapons to Mexico and … to increase controls on precursor chemicals and the movement of fentanyl [to the United States],” Ebrard said.

The foreign minister offered a summary of the “fruits” of the bilateral security agreement, as presented in Washington during the high-level security dialogue in which he, Security Minister Rosa Icela Rodríguez, Attorney General Alejandro Gertz Manero and other high-ranking Mexican officials exchanged views with U.S. officials including Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Attorney General Merrick Garland and Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas.

Ebrard highlighted that Mexican and U.S. authorities have seized over 32,000 firearms and 17 million rounds of ammunition over the past year, preventing them from reaching the hands of organized crime members in Mexico.

Ebrard also said that over 5 tonnes of fentanyl pills, 154 tonnes of methamphetamine and 94 tonnes of cocaine were seized over the past year.

“If we hadn’t worked together, these tonnes [of drugs] – which could poison thousands of people – would have arrived in the United States,” he said.

“… Mexico is confiscating more cocaine than the United States,” Ebrard added.

The foreign minister said that the security agreement also contributed to a 9.2% decline in homicides in Mexico in the first nine months of the year. Kidnappings and robberies have also declined, he said.

Ebrard said that Mexico proposed 20 measures to U.S. officials to strengthen the fight against arms trafficking. One proposed measure is for the United States to increase checks of vehicles heading to Mexico from that country.

Ebrard said that Mexico is “respectfully” asking the United States to help stop the flow of weapons from 10 counties in Arizona and Texas that have been identified as leading sources of firearms smuggled across the border.

He asserted that United States authorities should be checking vehicles leaving that country with the same thoroughness as they check those entering the U.S.

“What comes in is important but so is what goes out,” Ebrard said. “That’s essentially what we’re saying.”

The foreign minister highlighted that the military and the National Guard check vehicles on the Mexican side of the border.

At a press conference with U.S. officials in Washington on Thursday, Ebrard declared that the Bicentennial Framework “is working,” even though a range of bilateral security challenges remain.

“There is still a way to go. This doesn’t mean that everything has been solved. But the most important indicator is that for the first time in the last few years we have seen a reduction in the homicide rate in Mexico,” he said.

For his part, Secretary of State Blinken said that officials at Thursday’s high-level meeting looked at progress toward “three main goals” that were established in accordance with the bilateral security agreement – “protecting our people, preventing transborder crime [and] pursuing criminal networks.”

“We’ve made significant progress, reflected in unprecedented investments, legislation [and] law enforcement action. And these efforts have already made a tangible difference in the lives of Mexicans and Americans,” he said.

“Today’s discussion focused on the areas where we need to make even more progress, such as redoubling our efforts to combat the threats of fentanyl production and trafficking, arms trafficking, and the exploitation of migrants.”

The secretary of state also highlighted the United States’ broader cooperation with Mexico, and declared that the partnership between the two countries is in great shape.

“Across the bilateral, the regional, and global cooperation, we have I think one of the strongest – if not the strongest – partnership we’ve seen, certainly in my experience,” Blinken said.

In a joint statement, the Mexican and U.S. governments said they “remain committed to an enduring partnership based on mutual trust and respect for each country’s sovereignty and independence.”

“The Bicentennial Framework reaffirmed our commitment to take concrete actions on both sides of the border to address the shared security challenges affecting our communities, including human trafficking and smuggling, violence and illicit firearms, as well as substance use disorder and illicit drugs,” they said.

“The United States and Mexico recognize our shared commitment to uphold the rule of law through enhanced law enforcement cooperation and protect our communities from transnational criminal organizations.”

The two countries committed to pursuing 13 “actions” over the next year, among which were “commit to and implement an action plan to prevent the consumption and trafficking of synthetic drugs, specifically fentanyl and methamphetamines” and “prepare a collaborative report on arms trafficking to identify routes, organizations and tactics used to traffic firearms.”

Chase brings payday early to Secure Banking customers

New enhancement builds on the bank’s efforts to give customers more access and value


by Corporate News


Chase today announced it is giving Secure Banking customers more flexibility over how they manage their money by providing access to direct deposits up to two days early.

Beginning this month, Secure Banking customers will receive access to eligible direct deposits, such as payroll, tax refunds, government benefits, and pensions, up to two business days early. This covers nearly 90 percent of Secure Banking direct deposits.

“Millions of customers rely on payday to keep up with their bills, so having early access helps them manage unexpected expenses and avoid potential late fees,” said Jennifer Roberts, CEO of Chase Consumer Banking. “This is another way we are giving customers more value and greater flexibility over their finances.”

There is no enrollment required. Secure Banking customers who have direct deposit will automatically receive it up to two days earlier. Customers can sign up for direct deposit alerts to be notified when their money is available in their accounts. Customers who already signed up for direct deposit alerts will be notified via text, email or push notifications when funds have been credited to their account.

Chase Secure Banking already helps customers pay bills, cash checks, and send money — all for the same $4.95 monthly service fee. Secure Banking customers:

– Need no minimum deposit to get started

– Pay no overdraft fees because they can spend only what they have

– Have access to 16,000 Chase ATMs and 4,700 branches

– Can review their account and pay bills through the Chase Mobile app and

– Receive text and email alerts to help them monitor their balance and transactions

“Secure Banking customers have told us that early access was one of the most appealing benefits we could offer,” said Ryan MacDonald, Head of Growth Financial Products. “At a time when budgets are stretched thin by competing priorities, this is a compelling option to give households more control over how they manage their financial lives.”

Chase Secure Banking customers say they save an average of $50 a month on fees, compared to solutions they used before they opened their account.

Mexico agrees to take Venezuelan migrants expelled from US

Newly expelled Venezuelans ‘want answers and we don’t know what to tell them,’ a Matamoros shelter director said

by Mexico News Daily


The United States has begun expelling Venezulean migrants to Mexico after the neighboring countries reached a new immigration agreement earlier this week.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced Wednesday that “effective immediately, Venezuelans who enter the United States between ports of entry, without authorization, will be returned to Mexico.”

The Associated Press and Reuters reported that expulsions of Venezuelans have already begun.

The DHS said in a statement that the “joint actions with Mexico” were designed to “reduce the number of people arriving at our southwest border and create a more orderly and safe process for people fleeing the humanitarian and economic crisis in Venezuela.”

The announcement of the deal came less than a month before midterm elections in the United States at which the Democratic Party – portrayed as being weak on immigration by its rivals – runs the risk of losing control of Congress.

The DHS said Wednesday that “almost four times as many Venezuelans as last year attempted to cross our southern border, placing their lives in the hands of ruthless smuggling organizations.”

“…The actions the United States and Mexico are announcing today are intended to address the most acute irregular migration and help ease pressure on the cities and states receiving these individuals,” the department said.

The DHS said that the U.S. government’s “comprehensive effort to reduce the irregular migration of Venezuelans also includes a new process to lawfully and safely bring up to 24,000 qualifying Venezuelans into the United States.”

“The United States will not implement this process without Mexico keeping in place its independent but parallel effort to accept the return of Venezuelan nationals who bypass this process and attempt to enter irregularly.”

Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas said that “these actions make clear that there is a lawful and orderly way for Venezuelans to enter the United States, and lawful entry is the only way.”

“Those who attempt to cross the southern border of the United States illegally will be returned to Mexico and will be ineligible for this process in the future. Those who follow the lawful process will have the opportunity to travel safely to the United States and become eligible to work here.”

The Mexican government noted in its own statement Wednesday that the United States program is for Venezuelans who arrive to that country by air rather than by crossing the land border, and that it is based on the “Uniting for Ukraine” scheme, under which Ukrainians fleeing Russia’s invasion have been able to enter the U.S. to live and work for a period of two years.

The Mexican government also said that the United States had accepted its request to “substantially increase” visas for workers from Mexican and other countries in the region, indicating that there was a precondition for its agreement to accept Venezuelans.

“The United States has announced it will grant 65,000 additional H2-B visas for temporary non-agricultural workers, of which 20,000 will be allocated to people from Central America and Haiti,” the federal government said.

With regard to the DHS announcement on expulsions, the government said it would “temporarily” allow “some people of Venezuelan nationality” to enter Mexico via the northern border.

Mexico has been accepting migrants expelled under the Donald Trump-era “Remain in Mexico” policy and the COVID-related Title 42 provision, but “Venezuelans who crossed illegally into the United States were often allowed to stay because it was difficult to send them back to Venezuela or Mexico,” Reuters reported.

Citing two unnamed U.S. officials, the news agency said that as many as 1,000 Venezuelans per day could be expelled to Mexico under the new agreement. About 300 were sent to Mexico after the deal was announced Wednesday, the sources said.

The Associated Press reported that the United States expelled Venezuelans via several border crossings on Thursday. The news agency said it was informed of the expulsions by Catholic Church shelters in the border cities of Matamoros Ciudad Juárez and Piedras Negras.

“The people are very angry, very annoyed,” said Francisco Gallardo, a priest and director of the Casa del Migrante shelter in Matamoros, where some 120 Venezuelans arrived on Thursday.

“They’re surprised, they want answers and we don’t know what to tell them,” he said.

Yadimar, a young pregnant Venezuelan woman, and her husband were expelled from El Paso to Ciudad Juárez.

“They didn’t ask us anything. They put a bracelet on us and sent us back,” she told Reuters.

“We’re on the street. We don’t even have money to pay for a place to stay.”

In Mexico City, the director of a group that assists Venezuelan migrants told Reuters that “we’ve been overwhelmed by the news” that those who are apprehended after entering the U.S. illegally will be returned to Mexico.

Lizbeth Guerrero predicted that many Venezuelans who are already in Mexico will continue to the northern border and attempt to enter the U.S. because they have nothing to return to at home, where poverty and crime are major problems.

United States data shows that over 150,000 Venezuelans were apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico border between October 2021 and August 2022, compared to just under 48,000 in the 2021 U.S. fiscal year.

Rosa María González, a National Action Party deputy who heads up the migrant affairs committee of the lower house of Mexico’s Congress, called on the U.S. government to issue more visas to Venezuelans because Mexico’s labor market can’t accommodate all those who have arrived here.

If Venezuelans can’t find a job here and can’t seek asylum in the United States they are at risk of becoming prey for violent crime gangs, she said.

“They make more money out of migration than they do from drugs,” the lawmaker said.

Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) Enrollment

Event is Happening Saturday, October 22 to help

Residents Get Connected to Home Internet!
WHAT: Volunteers across California are stepping up and joining Get Connected! California, a
statewide outreach and awareness mobilization effort to close the Digital Divide.

Residents are invited to attend Free Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) Enrollment event
enroll for free or lowcost Internet. Residents will also have an opportunity to win a Chromebook
when they apply for the Affordable Connectivity Program benefit.

WHO: Get Connected! California is a program of the California Emerging Technology Fund that
focuses in on increasing enrollment for the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP), a federally
funded program with the mission to provide eligible people with free or lowcost Internet access.


City: Alameda, CA 94501
Location: City Hall West
Address: 950 W Square Mall
Hours: 12 AM 3 PM
City: Oakland, CA 94601
Location: Tech Exchange
Address: 2530 International Blvd
Hours: 10 AM 4 PM

City: San Francisco, CA 94102
Location: St. Anthony’s Tenderloin Tech Lab
Address: 150 Golden Gate Ave
Hours: 10 AM 1 PM

City: Calistoga, CA 94515
Location: Calistoga Library
Address: 1108 Myrtle St
Hours: 11 AM 3 PM
WHEN: Saturday, October 22, 2022
PHOTO OPS: Families enrolling in a program to get free or affordable Internet, children with
parents, and people winning a computing device in a raffle.

Abortion is a preeminent issue in midterm elections

by Fr. Shenan J. Boquet


Oct. 10, 2022 | – The 2022 midterm elections in the U.S. are shaping up to be the most important elections on the bioethical issues concerning the dignity of human life in living memory, specifically preborn life.

This is hardly surprising, given the Supreme Court’s decision earlier this year to reverse Roe v. Wade. So long as Roe was the law of the land, individual states were severely hampered in what laws they could pass to restrict abortion. With Roe cleared out of the way, states are now free to pass all sorts of laws protecting preborn life.

Naturally, this has galvanized people on both sides of the issue. Pro-life politicians and citizens are jumping at the opportunity to pass laws protecting more preborn children from the violence of abortion. However, on the flipside pro-abortion strategists are seeking every available opportunity to tighten, or expand, pro-abortion laws in liberal states, particularly in light of a recent report that sixty-six abortion facilities have ceased performing abortions since Roe was reversed.

As the New York Times put it in a recent analysis, with Roe gone “every election has implications for [abortion] access.” That same analysis notes that voters in at least seven states are set to vote on ballot initiatives or in governor or legislative races that could have massive implications for abortion.


Important Initiatives and Races

In several states, voters will have the opportunity to vote on critical ballot initiatives, some pro-abortion and some pro-life.

In California, Michigan, and Vermont, voters will be asked on whether to place the “right” to abortion, on demand, into the state constitutions.

In California, voters will vote on Proposition 1, a profoundly destructive constitutional amendment that would prohibit state legislators from passing any pro-life legislation. As the state’s official summary reads, Proposition 1 would amend the state constitution, “to expressly include an individual’s fundamental right to reproductive freedom, which includes the fundamental right to choose to have an abortion and the fundamental right to choose or refuse contraceptives.”

In summarizing the arguments against Proposition 1, the state’s voter guide website states, “Proposition 1 is an extreme law that allows late-term abortions at taxpayer expense up to the moment of birth—even if the baby is healthy and the mother’s health is not threatened. Current California law already guarantees a woman’s right to choose, making this extreme and costly proposal unnecessary.”

This is a breathtakingly extreme amendment that would make it impossible for California legislators to pass even the mildest abortion restrictions. If passed, Prop 1 would radically change health care policy by giving even more power to politicians. It poses an existential threat to untold thousands of preborn children every year.

The California Conference of Bishops, since day one, have been very vocal in their opposition to Proposition 1:

[The Conference] vehemently opposes Proposition 1 (SCA 10), which looks to enshrine the most extreme forms of abortion into the California Constitution. We believe in protecting life at every age in every stage.… Enshrining this amendment’s language into the constitution will extend the danger of coercive abortion to babies with unquestioned viability.

In response to this grave threat, the bishops are calling upon the state’s 12 million Catholics “to work to raise awareness and vigorous opposition.” Prop 1 must be defeated!

Certainly, the stakes this November couldn’t be higher. Pro-abortion Democrats and advocates for abortion are hoping to win enough seats on both state and federal levels to enshrine abortion “rights” into law, and to stop pro-life state legislatures from passing pro-life laws, or from allowing those laws to go into effect. It is critical that Catholics and committed pro-life Americans show up to the polls and volunteer their time to get out the vote for pro-life initiatives and candidates.

Lives depend on it!

Diets for weight management: Can a high-protein diet help you lose weight?

by Joanne Washburn


A high-protein diet is exactly what it sounds like. It’s an eating plan that emphasizes consuming larger amounts of protein than carbohydrates, which generally make up about 45 to 65 percent of your daily calorie intake.

Protein is an important building block of your bones, muscles, cartilage, skin and blood. Therefore, you need to consume large amounts of protein to stay healthy. Protein also supports healthy muscle recovery, ensures healthy immune function and helps maintain good gut health, among other benefits.

Recently, health enthusiasts have been looking into protein for its potential role in weight loss. Previous studies show that protein can make it easier for you to curb your appetite because it can keep you feeling full for longer. As such, protein could help you lose weight or maintain a healthy weight.

Read on to learn more about how a high-protein diet can aid in weight loss.

A high-protein diet for weight loss

There are no hard and fast rules as to what goes into a high-protein diet. Generally, it includes different protein sources like beef, lean pork, poultry, fish, seafood, dairy products, eggs and healthy oils. A high-protein diet also usually restricts carbohydrates, such as bread, pasta, rice, lentils and starchy fruits and vegetables.

A high-protein diet can help you lose weight in many ways. For starters, protein affects levels of certain hormones that influence how full you feel after eating, like ghrelin and glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1). Ghrelin is the hormone that triggers hunger, while GLP-1 is an appetite-reducing hormone.

With protein, your body also burns more calories, For example, if you eat 100 calories of protein, your body will burn 2o to 30 percent of those calories while processing the protein. But if you eat 100 calories of carbohydrates, your body will only burn five to 10 percent of those calories while processing the carbohydrates.

In addition, high protein intake can speed up your metabolism, making you burn more calories even during sleep.

To put it simply, you can lose weight on a high-protein diet. But there’s a caveat. According to experts, the main issue with high-protein diets is they usually restrict carbohydrates, even the healthy ones.

If you don’t get enough carbohydrates, your blood sugar levels could drop to below the normal range. This may cause you to feel hungrier, prompting snacking or overeating. You could end up gaining weight instead of losing it.

Most foods high in carbohydrates are also rich in soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber dissolves in water. It is transformed into a gel-like substance, which blocks fats that would otherwise be digested and absorbed.

Insoluble fiber, on the other hand, is the indigestible material that attracts water to your stool, making it easier to pass. As such, insoluble fiber helps prevent gastrointestinal blockage and constipation, among other digestive issues.

If you don’t get enough fiber because you’re too busy focusing on protein, it could lead to serious health problems, such as colon cancer and high blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Some studies also found that a high-protein diet can put stress on your kidneys and cause dehydration. A high-protein diet that includes fatty cuts of meat can also raise your risk of heart disease and other chronic diseases.

If you plan to go on a high-protein diet, make sure to include lean sources of protein and healthy carbohydrates like whole grains, beans and sweet potatoes. Don’t forget about your vegetables, too.

Request for Proposals at Peralta Community College District

The Peralta Community College District (PCCD) is seeking proposals from qualified firms to provide Geotech & CEQA Services, 2118 Milvia Street, Berkeley City College  West(RFP No. 22-23/06).  Proposals are to be delivered to the Purchasing Department, 501 5th Avenue, Oakland, CA 94606 or electronically (via Vendor Registry), until 4:00 P.M. on October 26, 2022.

The project involves the demolition of an existing three story building and the construction of a new six story 60,000 sq. ft. building.

A Mandatory Pre-proposal video conference meeting will be held on October 17, 2022 at 11:00A.M. via Zoom: Conference Meeting ID 884 0214 0248. Register in advance here:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Copies of the pre-proposal documents may be obtained by clicking on the following link:  or, by contacting the Peralta Community College District, Purchasing Department, 501 5th Avenue, Oakland, California, 94606, Phone (510) 466-7225, Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Governing Codes:

GC 53068

EC 81641                                                        El Reportero 10.14.22