Sunday, September 8, 2024
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S­iempre September, a family and commun­ity Chilean tardeada

This is an eve­nt to  celebrate the month of September, which is the commemoration of Chilean ­Independence from Spain. But for Mano a Mano Chile is an afternoon with live music and delicious Chilean dishes, to support those suffering the aftermath of the­ earthquake/tsunami.

The menu includes Asado a la Chilena, articuchos, empanadas, vegetarian ensaladas dishes and more. And the music will be performed by members of Grupo Araucaria plus Chilean singer Lichi Fuentes, Rafael Manriquez,  Fena Torres.

At 397 Moraga Ave.,  Oakland, from noon to 6 p.m. Home of the Cabellos. For more information call 510-285-9044. Donation$25.

Mano a Mano is a  non-profit organization that support those still suffering from the aftermath of the 8.8 earthquake/tsunami on Feb. 27, 2010.

40 years in the making: Galeria 4.0. A Retrospective

In two short weeks, get ready for one of the most visually stunning and packed history lessons ever. Galeria 4.0, A Retrospective is a commemorative exhibition  documenting key aspects of Galeria’s forty-year history through archival materials and original artwork byover 40 artists.

The exhibit wil l span artworks from 1970 to 2010, and will feature works by more than 20 artists. The exhibition is free and open to the public. Opening reception refreshments provided by Lagunitas, IZZE, and many others, with music provided by DJztec Parrot.

Opening Friday, Sept. 24 at 7:30 p.m. through Jan. 29, 2011. At 2857 24th Street, San Francisco,

Also at Galeria – On  October 3 Yerba Buena Gardens will treat Galería’s community to a free Latin Jazz Concert with Poncho Sanchez. The Grammy Award winning musician has gained fans worldwide through his distinctive sound, which infuses elements of Latin jazz, swing, bebop, salsa and other infectious beats.

The audience will enjoy  a Sunday afternoon of musical performance set against the tranquil backdrop of the  Yerba Buena Gardens. The urban oasis is regarded as  an example of one of SanFrancisco’s finest urban developments and has garnered many prestigious awards over  the years. Admission Free.

The celebration continues with a Gala Celebration, with the SF premiere of “Strange Democracy” by performance artist Guillermo Gómez-Peña, appearance by Sandra , awards ceremony and VIP party catered by  Radio Africa Kitchen at Brava Theatre Center, 2781 24th Street, San Francisco. On Nov. 21, from 4 p.m.

Tickets for Amigos  $40 (performance + food), Amigos with Benefits $65 (includes performance,VIP after party with food, drinks and special gift). Tickets available through:

California  Nurses Association, Bay Area voters to protest while Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina fundraise

Members of the California Nurses Association and a coalition of Bay Area voters will protest upcoming fundraisers next Monday and Tuesday at which Condi  Rice, George W. Bush’s National Security Advisor andSecretary of State, will raise funds from GOP donors for candidates Meg Whitman  and Carly Fiorina.

On Tuesday, September 21, 5:00 to 7:00 p.m., at the Hyatt Regency, 1333 Bayshore  Blvd., Burlingame.

A song for a Seed, at la Peña

La Peña Community Chorus of Berkeley presents Canto Para Una Semilla / A song for a Seed, a cantata  based on the autobiographical décimas of the great Chilean poet/musician Violeta Parra, arranged in four-part chorus and instruments by Chorus director Lichi Fuentes.

On Saturday, Sept. 25. 8 p.m., at La Peña Cultural Center, 3105 Shattuck Ave. in Berkeley. 510-849-2568 1556. ­

Two top California performers will unite for immigration

by Antonio Mejías-Rentas

WILL SING TO HELP: Two veteran California acts will unite for a concert that will raise funds for a pro immigrant campaign. Los Angeles rock band Los Lobos and San Jose-based norteño superstars Los Tigres del Norte will perform at the Truth in Immigration Benefit Concert Sept. 28 at Los Angeles’ Gibson Amphitheatre. The event is a fundraiser for the Mexican American Legal Defense & Educational Fund (MALDEF) and its ongoing effort to block permanently Arizona’s antiinmigration law.

“This concert marks a new means of promoting accurate information on immigrants and immigration to inform the national debate to achieve progressive immigration reform,” Thomas  Sáenz, MALDEF president and general counsel, said in a statement. Ticket information is available at

In a related item, Latino stars on Broadway are performing at a benefit concert for victims of hurricane Alex in northern Mexico. The Sept. 1 event, To Mexico from New York With Love, in Merking Concert Hall at Kaufman Center, is spearheaded by Mexican actress Bianca Marroquín, former star of Chicago, now appearing in In the Heights. She performs with cast members from both shows. NEW REALITY: An Ecuadorian couple and their seven children are the stars of Sextuplets Take New York, premiering Sept. 14 on TLC.

The reality series will focus on how Víctor Carpio, a maintenance worker, and his wife Digna take care of their nearly two-year-old sextuplets: Justin Leo, Jezreel Eliceo, Joel Alberth, Jaden Iván, Génesis Victoria and Danelia  Victoria. The couple also have an eight-year-old son, Jhancarlos.

TLC began negotiating  for the show when Digna was pregnant; the show has taped for the past  six months and network has not revealed how much it has compensated the Carpios. One of the series’ requirements is that the Spanish-speaking couple speak mostly English on In other reality news, a  Spanish-language version of the hit competition Project Runway is finishing production in Mexico in time for its Sept. 20 debut. camera.

Mexican actress and model Rebecca de Alba will be the hostess of Project Runway Latin America, which will air throughout  the continent on the cablenetwork FashionTV. Fifteen up-and-coming designers from the region will be  judged by Venezuelandesigner Ángel Sánchez and Argentinean fashion writer Claudia Pandolfo. The winner will receive a spread on the Mexican edition of Elle, a chance to present their collection  during Puerto Rico High Fashion Week and $20,000 to start his or her own line.

ONE LINERS: Julieta Venegas gave birth to a girl Aug. 11. The 38- year-old singer-songwriter has chosen not to reveal the father’s identity… Julio Iglesias and longtime partner Miranda Rijnsbuger were wed Aug. 24 in Marbella, Spain.The couple’s five children were present, but none of the singer’s adult children from a previous marriage were able to attend… and Jennifer López and Marc Anthony are reportedly in conversations with the mayor of Fajardo,

Puerto Rico, to open  and operate a state-of-theart film and TV studio in the small town in the island’s East coast… Hispanic Link.

SFDH announces addition of more medical grupos to the SF’s Universal Health Program

Compiled by the El Reportero’s staff

SAN FRANCISCO, CA – The San Francisco Department of Health, announced that the Healthy  San Francisco provider network will expand to include Brown & Toland Physicians and California Pacific Medical Center,  and BAART Community HealthCare as providers of  care to the uninsured.

BAART Community HealthCare will join the network on Oct. 1, 2010. Brown & Toland Physicians and California Pacifi c Medical Center (Brown &  Toland and CPMC) will join the network on Dec. 1, 2010.

Healthy San Francisco  provides accessible and affordable health care services to uninsured adult residents, regardless of a person’s employment status, immigration status or pre-existing medical condition. Residents with income at  or below 500 percent of the Federal Poverty Level (for one person $54,150; for a family of four $110,250) are eligible to enroll into the program.

Consumer warning:  frozen mamey fruit pulp possible source of typhoid fever

The San Francisco Department of Public Health is warning consumers and food retailers that Goya brand frozen mamey fruit pulp sold in San Francisco may contain a bacterium  that causes typhoid fever and several mamey products are being voluntarily recalled.

The Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, GA is investigating outbreaks of Salmonella Typhi, (the bacteria that causes typhoid fever) in California and Nevada. As of August 12, 2010, a total of seven confirmed and two probable cases of typhoid fever have been reported so far, including one probable case in a San Francisco resident.

Mamey, also called “zapote” or “sapote,” is a tropical fruit grown primarily in Central and South America  and is popular among Latinos.

Typhoid fever is a very rare illness in the United  States among non-international travelers and can cause serious symptoms, including fever, headache, and muscle aches, often times requiring hospitalization, and occasionally resulting in death. Typhoid fever is contracted when food and water are contaminated by an infected individual and are then consumed by other people.

Kindergarten readiness act passes legislature

Kindergarten is not what it used to be. Playing with blocks, learning to use scissors and coloring within the lines are now preschool activities. Times have changed as expectations for academic achievement beginning at age 5 have accelerated dramatically.

Kindergarten today, it turns out, is no place for 4- year-olds. Nor is it the halfday,  fun-fi lled, no-pressure zone of yesteryear.

Realizing that the antiquated guidelines in the state’s education code are misaligned with the intensity of modern demands on young children, California legislators passed a bill on Aug. 31 called the Kindergarten Readiness Act of 2010 which advances the date by  which children must turn 5 in order to attend kindergarten. The legislation, SB-1381, now goes before the governor who has until Sept. 30 to take action. If no action is taken, the bill will automatically become law.

Presently, children must be 5 by Dec. 2 to start kindergarten in California. This bill phases in the cutoff date by one month a year beginning in the year 2012 when the cutoff date would be Nov. 1. In 2013 the cutoff date for turning 5 would be Oct. 1, and in 2014 children would need to be 5 by Sept. 1, where it will remain thereafter.

Candidates debate is for good ‘ol boy’s, says thirdparty candidate.

Ancient America stimulating starvation

­by Josh Hiken

­When the Goths sacked  Rome in the early 5th century,thereby putting the final nail in the coffin of Roman supremacy, they employed the tactic of starving the Roman   public by surrounding the impenetrable city walls and cutting off supply lines. Eventually the Goths gained entrance and made quick work of their withering opposition.

However, glory and power were not the main motivations for the attack. The Goths were actually  looking for food, but by the time they took control ofRome, there was no food left and they had to hastily move on even hungrier from battle exhaustion.

Today, in what will someday surely be thought  of as The Ancient Holy American Empire, the U.S. government and many illustrious leading economists are collectively chanting for more stimulus (QE2 or Quantitative Easing 2) in order to combat the impending deflationary spiral that our country and many others are perceived to be currently facing. In fact, many of these folks actually believe that the last round of stimulus cured our economy and that a “double dip” recession is unlikely.

Warren Buffett recently  decried that he is very confi-dent in America. However,  his investment positions don’t seem to paint such an optimistic picture. Ben Bernanke has gone from saying that the economy is very sound to now proclaiming it to be “unusually uncertain.”

Given Bernanke’s perfect record of predicting the  exact polar opposite of future conditions, one would conclude that the economicoutlook is perfectly certain. It is perfectly certain that  our economy is driving off of a cliff and taking the U.S. dollar right with it.

Stimulus helps. It helps  whoever gets it for a short amount of time by punishingeveryone else, the economy at large and everyone’s longer term future. The dumb right wants to stimulate big business and the dumb left wants to stimulate the poor masses.

Stimulus punishes both.  By propping up the zombie banks, all we did was help the vampire bankers give themselves giant bonuses and allow them to kick the now much bigger, stimulus   fueled can down the overly paved road. By giving home buyers a tax credit and car owners a “cash for clunkers” program, all we did was artifi cially infl ate prices and transfer money from renters to sellers.

Stimulus doesn’t fi x any  of the fundamental problems in our economy and in fact exacerbates them. Unfortunately, stimulus and money printing are politically expedient. Who doesn’t wantto run on the platform of  “Hey, I’m gonna give everyonemoney so that you can all spend the country into prosperity.”

But the current Keynesian  philosophy of print and spend creates a dangerous casualty: the U.S. dollar will not survive the sloth that is ourgovernment and its masters. Indeed, the private central banking cartel known as the “Federal Reserve” is printing the U.S. dollar and its purchasing power right out of existence and, no matter what  side you are on in the raging defl ation vs. infl ation debate, money printing will eventually destroy the currency.

You cannot simply extend credit and then print extra money if someone defaults and expect that not to cause infl ation. Why not just guarantee every loan in the whole world?

Also, if any body fi nally starts to doubt the pathetic creditworthiness of the U.S.,then Treasury yields would  have to come up and we can barely afford the interest on our $13,000,000,000,000.00 debt as it is.

If… When China gets cold feet about loaning us trillions of dollars at three percent so that Joe Six Pack can own a flatscreen and little Timmy can eat Cheese Balls by the bushel, things will start to get very tumultuous for our little friend the U.S. dollar. Get ready for Jenny the soccer mom to pay ten thousand bucks for a bag of groceries in the relatively near future.

If China won’t lend us cash for Big Macs and SUV’s, then the FED will have to because no politician will accept the necessary deflationary environment we all face without taking blind and swift action. The only action it can take is to print and print some more which will be the fi nal nail in our coffin.

Printing money to fuel consumption is like starving your enemy so that you can steal their food. So people, get at least some of your dollars into tangible assets like agriculture and commodities such as gold. Or else, watch whatever wealth you have dwindle away.

Josh Hiken, a former stockbroker, is a writer, commentator and musician who lives in Southern California. He can be reached at

Progressive Avenues can be found at ­www.­ The website is regularly updated.



Immigration as metaphor

by José de la Isla Hispanic Link News Service

HOUSTON — The socalled  “immigration” issue is really a metaphor, a proxy for power plays­ by various factions where problem solvingis the least of the   concerns.

The civic-minded public, who want pragmatic solutions, is led down a path that seems complex, like ideological quicksand, and where everyone is betwixt and between. Actually, it’s not that complicated.

In shorthand, here’s what needs to be done: (1) legalize illegals, (2) wage fines on the surreptitious entry or require community service, (3) a prescription for a new policy is contained in Darrell M. West’s book, “Brain Gain: Rethinking Immigration Policy,” (4) negotiate with Mexico and Canada for a new type of North American cross-border  security, and (5) North Americanize by allowing law-abiding people freedom of movement around their continent but that  does not mean transferring citizenship.

Any three of the five  recommendations abovegets the country moving again and there is no need for acrimony nor anyone having the screaming memes.

By making these values clear, the logjam is broken that political beavers erected to sustain an untenable status quo.

Most important is that  what’s at issue is not “im-migration” but breaking up a whole lifestyle of bogus leadership, where one issue after another is stolen from  the public. Individual citizenshave been role-played into virtually needing a Ph.D. simply to have an  informed opinion on thismatter. Meanwhile, those responsible to coming up with solutions have the Library of Congress and other research services at their disposal to make informed decisions.

Surely it’s obvious by now something is very wrong and much of the public is being conned in this.

The proof of that became evident right after the  Justice Department filed suit to halt the Arizona law that usurps federal authority and allows edgy discretions of its agents to infringe or verge on civil rights violations. You would think the Libertarians and the Tea Partiers would have been all over this intrusion and breach of personal rights. But they are not and the hypocrisy exposes the ideological charade that the “issues” are really about  ome people’s rights andnot about People’s rights.

Why have the Libertarians and the Tea Partiers not weighed in against the Arizona law? Well, you know the answer?

On the left side of the page are those who run for cover at the fi rst sign of public opposition or heat. That  political class simply wants leverage for future elections, to exploit the problem and profile themselves as answer-givers, which looks  now more and more like an extortion racket.

As the first of seven  lawsuits was heard on July 15, a July 6 Techno Metrica Market Intelligence (TIPP) poll seemed to have a lot of sway on general opinion. It showed that 51 percent of Americans support Arizona’s law.

But that contrasts with an ABC News-Washington Post poll in June showing that 57 percent support giving illegal immigrants  the right “to live here legally if they pay a fi ne and meet other requirements.”

Drew Westen and Celinda Lake researched the  contradictory information- -conducted in conjunction with the Republican firm Public Opinion Strategies and sponsored by America’s Voice. They found that 84 percent of people who support the Arizona law also support comprehensive immigration  reform. Moreover, voters overwhelmingly want a national solution carried out by the federal government rather than state-by-state measures.

Frank Sharry, America’s  Voice’s director, observed, the Arizona law is popular not because it is anti-immigrant but because the public is “in an anti-Washington mood.” Immigration is a stand in, a metaphor, for slow or no response to a public priority.

It’s not the first time that ­immigration is held hostage fearsplotation, hostility,  and political agendas.Here’s one time when the  solution is easy. Getting off the question and doing something by policy-makers is what’s hard.

Instead of talking any  more about Immigration Reform, isn’t it time to demand that Washington Reform Immigration. Hispanic Link.

[José de la Isla writes a weekly commentary for Hispanic Link News Service. His 2009 digital book, sponsored by TheFord Foundation, is available free at www.DayNig He is author of The Rise of Hispanic Political Power (2003). E-mail him at]

The Illiminati agenda (sixth part of a multi-series)

­by Marvin Ramírez­

­Marvin  J. Ramírez­Marv­in­ R­amír­ez­­­­­­ ­­­­­

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: Given the important and historical information contained in this­ 31-page article on the history of the secret and evil society, The Illuminati, El Reportero is honored to provide our readers with the opportunity to read such a document by Myron C. Fagan, which mainstream media has labeled it a conspiracy theory. To better understand this series, we suggest to also reading the previous article published in our editorials. This is the sixth part of a series.

— The following is a transcript of a recording distributed in 1967 by Myron C. Fagan. He had hoped that if enough Americans had heard (or read) this summary, the Illuminati takeover agenda for America would have been aborted, just as Russia’s Alexander I had torpedoed the Illuminati’s plans for a One World, League of Nations at the Congress of Vienna from 1814-15. Fagan correctly describes those members of congress, the executive branch, and the judicial branch of that time as TRAITORS for their role in assisting to implement the downfall of America’s sovereignty. It’s understandable that most listeners of that period would have found it impossible to believe that the Kennedy’s, for instance, were (are) part of the Illuminati plot, but he did say that Jack had a spiritual rebirth and attempted to rescue the country from the Illuminati’s stranglehold  by issuing U.S. silver certificates,which apparently greatly contributed to the Illuminati’s decision to assassinate him (his son, John Jr., was also murdered ecause he had intended to expose his father’s killers after he gained public office).

Illuminati and the faculties of colleges and universities were to cultivate students possessing exceptional mental ability belonging to well-bred families with international leanings and recommend them for special training in internationalism. Such training was to be provided by granting scholarships to those selected by the Illuminatists. That gives you an idea what a “Rhodesscholarship” means. It means indoctrination into accepting the idea that only a one-world government can put an end to recurring wars and strife. That’s how  the United Nations was sold to the American people. One of the most notable Rhodes scholars we have in our country is Senator William J. Fulbright, sometimes referred to as half-bright. His entire voting record spells Illuminati. All such scholars were to be first persuaded and then convinced that men of special talent and brains have the right to rule those less gifted on the ground that the masses don’t know what is best for them fiscally, mentally, and  spiritually.

In addition to the Rhodes and similar scholarships, today there are three special Illuminati schools located in Gordonstown in Scotland, Salem in Germany, and Annavrighta in Greece. These three are known ones, but there are others that are kept undercover.  Prince Philip, the husband of Britain’s Queen Elizabeth, was educated at Gordonstown at the instigation of Lord Louis Mountbatten, his uncle, a Rothschild relative, who became Britain’s Admiral  of the Fleet after World War II ended.

All influential people  trapped into coming under the control of the Illuminati, plus the students who had been specially educated and trained, were to be used as agents and placed behind the scenes of all governments as experts and specialists so they would advise the top executives to adopt policies which would in the long run serve the secret plans  of the Illuminati one-world conspiracy and bring about the destruction of the governments and religions they were elected or appointed to serve.

Do you know how many such men operate in our government at this very time? Dean Rusk, Robert McNamara, Hubert Humphrey, Fulbright, Keekle, and goes on and on and on. Perhaps the most vital directive in Weishaupt’s plan was to obtain absolute control of the press, at that time the only mass communications media, to distribute information to the public so that all news and information could be slanted so that the masses could be convinced that a one-world government is the only solution to our many and varied problems.

Do you know who owns and controls our mass communications media? I’ll tell you. Practically all the movie lots in Hollywood is owned by the Lehmans; Kuhn, Loeb, and  Company; Goldman-Sachs; and other internationalist bankers. All the national radio and TV channels in the nation are owned and controlled by those same internationalists bankers.

The same is true of every chain of metropolitan newspapers and magazines, also of the press wire services, such as Associated Press, United Press International, etc..

The supposed heads of all those media are merely the fronts for the internationalist bankers, who in turn compose the hierarchy of the CFR, today’s Illuminati in America.

Now can you understand why the Pentagon Press agent, Sylvester, so brazenly proclaimed that the government has the right to lie to the people. What he really meant was that our CFR controlled government had the power to lie to and be believed by the brain-washed American people.

Let us again go back to the first days of the Illuminati. Because Britain and France were the two greatest world powers in the late years of the 18th Century; Weishaupt ordered the Illuminati to foment the colonial wars, including our Revolutionary War, to weaken the British Empire and organize the French Revolution to start in 1789. IT WILL CONTINUE ON    HE NEXT EDITION.

Mexican-North Americans with heart rhythm disorder have increased risk for second stroke

American Heart Association Report

DALLAS, Sept.­ 9, 2010 — Mexican-American stroke survivors with a heart rhythm disorder have more than twice the risk for another stroke compared to non-Hispanic whites, according to a study published in Stroke: Journal of the American Heart Association.

Mexican-Americans’  recurrent strokes are also more likely to be severe, though they don’t have a greater risk of death after  stroke, researchers said.

Researchers compared  88 Mexican-American and 148 non-Hispanic white stroke survivors who had atrial fibrillation, a disorder in which the heart’s upper chambers (called the atria) beat irregularly and don’t pump blood effectively, possibly causing blood to pool within the atria and  blood clot formation in the heart.

They found that the likelihood of suffering another stroke during the study follow-up period was more than double for Mexican-Americans than for non-Hispanic whites. Although stroke recurrence was higher and strokes were more severe among Mexican-Americans, death rates didn’t differ between the two groups.

“Based on some of our prior research, we were not necessarily surprised by the higher recurrence risk in Mexican-Americans with atrial fibrillation, but the greater severity of recurrent strokes in Mexican-Americans was surprising,” said Darin B. Zahuranec, M.D., study co-author and an assistant professor of neurology at the University of Michigan Cardiovascular Center in Ann Arbor.

Results are based on cases of ischemic stroke and transient ischemic attack from the Brain Attack Surveillance in Corpus Christi Project, a population- based stroke surveillance study. The data were collected between January 2000 and June 2008. Corpus Christi has a large Mexican-  American population and islocated along the Gulf coast  of Texas.

The study also showed that Mexican-American patients were younger, less likely to have completed 12 years of education, more likely to have diabetes, and less likely to have a primary care physician. Researchers found no ethnic differences between the two groups in the severity of the first stroke.

Nineteen Mexican- Americans and 14 non- Hispanic whites had at least one recurrent stroke over a median follow-up of 427.5 days; all but one event was an ischemic stroke (one Mexican-American patient experienced intracerebral hemorrhage).

One reason for the difference  could be that the management of warfarin — a blood thinning drug — among Mexican-Americans may not be optimal, Zahuranec said. However, the study found no ethnic difference in the proportion of patients who were prescribed  warfarin at hospital discharge. They did not evaluate data looking at outpatient use of warfarin after hospital discharge which might have contributed to  the increased risk of stroke in Mexican-Americans.

Atrial fibrillation affects  approximately 2.2million Americans; about 15 percent of strokes occur among individuals with  atrial fibrillation.

Co-authors are J.R. Simpson, M.D.; L.D Lisabeth,  Ph.D.; B.N. Sánchez,Ph.D.; L.E. Skolarus M.D.; J.E. Mendizabal, M.D.; M.A. Smith, DrPH; N.M.  Garcia, B.S.; and L.B. Morgenstern, M.D. Author disclosures are on the manuscript.

The study was funded  by the National Institutes of Health.­

Ron Paul brings a walk-up call to those dissatisfied with the current political system

by Jonathan Farrell­

Sounding the alarm for citizens to be on their guard and take responsibility for the nation, grassroots libertarian Ron Paul and his supporters held a rally in front of San Francisco’s City Hall on Sat, Sept. 4, 2010.

Paul is touring th­e nation garnering support for his desire to become president of the United  States. Paul has been trying to make an impact on the national political scene over the past 10 years.

At that Saturday afternoon rally, crowds gathered. His supporters, former SF Supervisors Tony Hall and Matt González as well as congressional candidate hopeful, John Dennis introduced Paul to enthusiastic cheering and applauds.

Hall, González and Dennis praised the libertarian in his effort to wake the people up and to join “the revolution” in Paul’s “Campaign for Liberty.”

Hall sees Paul’s campaign as “a new beginning,” as he said to the crowd.

Paul proclaimed the rally that Saturday as “principles over political parties.” He heralded individual freedoms, free enterprise and commerce and a return for government to safeguard the nations civil liberties and to stop big government from policing the world.

He pointed out that much of the failure of government in this recession has been the “political football back and forth” game of bipartisan (Republican & Democratic) party tactics.

Paul told the crowds that this fight between the two parties often defined in terms of liberals versus conservatives or the right versus the left is really a fi ght over power and which party gets to have
control over government spending.

Hall, Dennis and former SF mayoral candidate González pledged their support in Paul’s effort as they agreed with Paul that the U.S. Government in Washington DC is getting too powerful, having too much control over people’s individual  lives, while governmentspending spirals. Paul  noted that the situation with our government in
Washington DC is in bad shape.

According to Paul the military conflicts in Iraq  and Afghanistan were unjust and not offi cially declared by Congress, which makes them unconstitutional. Justifying the confl icts as a “war on terrorism is illusive,” said Paul. These two wars over the past eight years have drained the nation financially as well as morally. He feels that
military troops marched in, “they can march right on out, it is not that complicated,” said Paul.

González agreed as he told the crowd, “this war is  draining with less money, the right and left factions fight over funding,” he said.

Paul asked the crowds to question the current Obama Administration and look carefully at exactly what has changed in our nation since taking office from George W. Bush.

He noted that the national debt is a major concern and that deficit spending continues. There has been no  real improvement. “It is just one huge dip and its straight down.”

Paul questioned the validity of the financial bail out and the ill-liquid assets. Paul expressed doubts about  the efforts to stimulate the economy. Those efforts “didn’t do much…what did the people get?” Paul asked, as he emphasized that theAmerican people got nothing as the money spent on the bailout went to the bankers and
corporate giants.

Paul mentioned in his speech that the U.S. Government and the Federal Reserve Bak are not being realistic in the excessive use of the fi at currency as money. Paul traces some of the present economic situation to the dismantling of backing up the U.S. dollar with gold or silver. Paul fears simply printing up money without substance will cause U. S.
currency to fail.

“Our job as citizens is to hold politicians accountable and to question the role of government,” said Paul. He hopes that his “Campaign for Liberty” will grow and that a progressive spot like San Francisco will send out his message promoting genuine political change for the entire nation. For more info about Ron Paul, his “Campaign for Liberty” as well as his presidential aspirations visit:

Forty years later, Sheriff’s Office secrecy still clouds Salazar’s death

by Alejandra Matos­

­­Phot­o by ­Victor­ Cruz
­A special recognition ceremony was held by the Mexican Con­sulate General on behalf of Mark Silverman, an immigrants rights attorney and San Francisco ­Supervisor David Campos. The event took place at the Statue of Miguel Hidalgo Y Costilla, Center of Dolores Park, in San Francisco on Sept. 16. It was the celebration of Mexican Independence from Spain. Central America celebrated their independence on Sept. 15.­

The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s office will open eight boxes of records on the 1970 killing of Los Angeles Times columnist and KMEX-TV news director Rubén Salazar. It has agreed to review contents and records and determine whether they can be disclosed to the Times. Initially, it had outright refused to release them to Times reporter Robert López.

López told Weekly Report he first filed a California Public Records Act request in March to obtain the records.

As a journalist, Salazar had exposed several instances of police brutality and oppression against  Hispanics in­ Los Angeles County.

He was killed in 1970 when a sheriff’s deputy fired an armor-piercing tear-gas missile into the Silver Dollar bar and cafe, striking him in the head. With his TV crew, he was taking a lunch break while covering an anti- Vietnam War rally in East Los Angeles which erupted into clashes between march participants and the sheriffs.

Earlier that week, Salazar had met with Western regional director Philip Móntez and staff member Charlie Ericksen of the United States Commission on Civil Rights to “put it on the record” that the police were ”out to get” him. At the meeting he stated that the police were tailing his car after work hours and  — later confirmed by Hispanic Link — that both city and county law enforcement officials had made efforts to get him fired from both jobs. [Personal disclosure: Ericksen is now publisher of Hispanic Link.] López had reported in 1995 that the district attorney’s office decided not to file charges against the deputy.

Nearly 40 years after Salazar’s death, there are still many unanswered questions. An Aug. 12 editorial, the L.A. Times questioned, “Is it coincidental that Salazar told colleagues and officials with the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights in the days before of his death that he was tailed because his coverage of police brutality had angered law enforcement officials? Was Salazar truly  under surveillance?”

Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca firstrefused to release the records to the Times, saying it “could set a bad legal precedent regarding law enforcement records that are generally confi dential.”

López reported on Aug.  11 that Baca’s decision to review the records came after a county Board of Supervisors request that their attorneys review the records to determine if they could be made public.

López, who has been reporting on the case since 1995, told Weekly Report he would not give up on attaining the records.

“I have always pursued this, and will continue to do so,” López said. “I waited years to hear from the FBI, so I am not going to stop  now.” He felt it was appropriateto revisit the case  as it approaches its 40-year anniversary on Aug. 29.

“We have a different sheriff. I tried getting these records in 1995, and the sheriff denied the request,” López said.

He added that he would not speculate what his next step will be if the sheriff decides not to release the records.

County attorneys will present a report on Aug. 17 to the Board of Supervisors detailing if the documents could be released. Hispanic  Link.


Calderón obliquely invites Mexicans to debate of drugs


by the El Reportero’s news services

Felipe CalderónFelipe Calderón

Whether it w­as his intention or not, President Felipe Calderón has raised the level of th­e d­ebate over the co­nvenience of legalising drugs as a means of delivering a blow to the finances of the drug cartels. He himself has admitted that the argument has its merits, but remains opposed to legalisation on the grounds that it would make no sense for Mexico  to adopt it unilaterally.

An ominous month for Calderón

President Felipe Calderón Hinojosa opens this September, traditionally one of the most difficult months of the year for any president, in a fast weakening position. The opinion polls disguise this slippage: his support, at  55% (well above the 36%of the voters who backed  him in the 2006 elections) is still considerably higher than his disapproval rating of 37%. Nevertheless, his support is the lowest since he took office.

Changing perceptions: the U.S.  military in the region“Important economic and political trends have emerged [in Latin America]  in recent years. […] New regional, economic, political and defense [sic] structures have evolved, some excluding the US. These trends present both opportunities and challenges for US policy.” That is how a US Southern Command July 2010 white paper, “Command Strategy  2020: Partnership for the Americas”, defi nes the current situation in the region [Latin America]. For the US, the emergence of a new type of sub-regional cooperation  ceptical about the northern giant has provided the opportunity to re-shape perceptions on the role of its military in the region, placing special emphasis on its humanitarian assistance and disaster relief efforts (HA/DR).

Latin America’s moment

Latin America’s economic policymakers, apart from those in Mexico and Venezuela, are basking in an unusually unanimous chorus of praise. according to international organisations such as the UN’s Economic Commission for Latin America (Eclac), South America will be one of the fastest growing regions, if not the fastest growing, in the world this year.

Bomb attack on Colombian DAS

Around 4pm on 8  September, a mediumpowered explosive device  was activated outside the offices of Colombia’s intelligence agency, the Departamento Administrativo de Seguridad (DAS), in the city of Pasto, capital of the southern department of Nariño.The explosion, which left 12 people seriously wounded but no fatal victims, is the latest in a series of deadly attacks launched by the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (Farc) and the Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN), the two  largest leftwing guerrilla groups in Colombia, whom the government believe to be acting together; three individuals have been arrested. The attacks have led local security analysts  to question if the democratic security policy (DSP), which has been the central pillar of Colombia’s security improvements in the last decade, may have reached  its zenith, as the guerrillas appear to have adapted their modus operandi.

Latin America pays for China ties Exports from Latin America and the Caribbean will grow  again this year, driven large ly by demand from China. The high proportion of commodities may increase dependency on China, and Asia as a region, according to a report by a United Nations agency for the region.

“Clearly, trade relations between the region and China could give rise to center- periphery dynamics. We supply it with raw materials, with little added value, and it sends back manufactured goods,” Claudia Casal, a researcher at the non-governmental National Center for Alternative Development Studies (CENDA) in Chile and a contributor to an earlier non-UN report related to China, told IPS. (Latin News and China Times contributed to this report).

