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Banks hit hurdle to foreclosure

por Nick Timiraos

Joselin Reyes y otros partidarios escucharon mientras ciudadanos afectados: por la crisis de ejecución hipotecaria dieron recomendaciones en la demostración de Wells Fargo. (PHOTO FROM RICHMOND CONFIDENTIAL)JJoselin Reyes and other supporters listened while citizens affected by the foreclosure crisis gave testimonials at the Wells Fargo demonstration yesterday.  (PHOTO FROM RICHMOND CONFIDENTIAL)

Banks trying to foreclose on homeowners are hitting another roadblock, as some delinquent borrowers are successfully arguing that their mortgage companies can’t prove they own the loans and therefore don’t have the right to foreclose.

These “show me the paper” cases have been winding through the courts for several years. But in recent months, some judges have been siding with borrowers and stopping foreclosures after concluding that banks’ paperwork problems are more serious than previously thought and raise broader ethical questions.

This year, cases in California, North Carolina, Alabama, Florida, Maine, New York, New Jersey, Texas, Massachusetts and others have raised questions about whether banks properly demonstrated ownership.

During the fall, banks temporarily suspended foreclosures to address so-called robo-signing problems, where employees were approving legal documents without properly reviewing them. They said that in weeks they could fix what they considered to be simple clerical errors. But borrowers are uncovering new types of document problems, further delaying banks’ efforts to get foreclosures back on track.

In some cases, borrowers are showing courts that banks failed to properly assign ownership of mortgages after they were pooled into mortgage-backed securities. In other cases, borrowers say that lenders backdated or fabricated documents to fix those errors.

“Flawed mortgagebanking processes have potentially infected millions of foreclosures, and the damages against these operations could be significant and take years to materialize,” said Sheila Bair, chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., in testimony to a Senate committee last month .

Last month, the Maine Supreme Court reversed the foreclosure of Dana and Robin Murphy of Auburn, Me., after concluding that the mortgage company, a unit of HSBC Holdings PLC, filed “inherently untrustworthy” documents. An HSBC spokesman declined to comment.

The case began in 2008 when HSBC filed to foreclose on the Murphys, who hadn’t made a mortgage payment in two years. A trial judge initially rejected HSBC’s foreclosure because the bank couldn’t show it owned the promissory note—in effect, the borrower’s IOU.

The court later granted the foreclosure after HSBC submitted new ­paperwork. However, the Murphys found discrepancies and alleged that the documents were backdated. The court voided the foreclosure and sent the case back to the lower court to determine potential penalties.

Attorneys for borrowers reject the view that they are using arcane legal rules to secure free houses for clients who aren’t paying their bills. Efforts to gloss over incomplete or falsified evidence “can’t be tolerated by a free society,” says Thomas Ice, an attorney in Royal Palm Beach, Fla., who has a similar case before the Florida Supreme Court. “This is a huge assault on our legal system” that risks “turning us into a banana republic.”


Says study: 93% of unborn babies contaminated with GMO toxins

by Ethan A. Huff,

Natural News

A landmark new study out of Canada exposes yet another lie propagated by the biotechnology industry, this time blowing a hole in the false claim that a certain genetic pesticide used in the cultivation of genetically-modified (GM) crops does not end up in the human body upon consumption. Researchers from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Sherbrooke Hospital Centre in Quebec, Can., have proven that Bt toxin, which is used in GM corn and other crops, definitively  makes its way intothe blood supply, contrary to what Big Bio claims — and this toxin was found in the bloodstreams of 93 percent of pregnant women tested. Published in the journal Reproductive Toxicology, the study explains that Bt toxin enters the body not only through direct consumption of GMOs, but also from consumption of meat, milk and eggs from animals whose feed contains GMOs. Among all women tested, 80 percent of the pregnant group tested positive for Bt toxin in their babies’ umbilical cords, and 69 percent of non-pregnant women tested positive for Bt toxin.

The only reason many countries even approved GM crops in the fi rst place was because they were told that GM crops were no different than conventional crops. The biotechnology industry has purported for years that the alterations and chemicals used in GM crop cultivation pose no risk whatsoever to human health, and that any GM substances that remain in food are broken down in the digestive system. Now that it has been revealed that such claims are complete fabrications, many groups are urging governments to pull GMOs from their food supplies.

“This research is a major surprise as it shows that the Bt proteins have survived ­the human digestive system and passed into the blood supply — something that regulators said could not happen,” said Pete Riley from GM Freeze, an alliance of organizations united against GMOs. “Regulators need to urgently reassess their opinions, and the EU should use the safeguard clauses in the regulations to prevent any further GM Bt crops being cultivated or imported for animal feed or food until the potential health implications have been fully evaluated.”

Most of the studies that have been used to validate the safety of GMOs have been conducted by the companies that created them in the fi rst place, so they are hardly a credible source for reliable safety data. Governments in North and South America, as well as throughout Europe, have essentially welcomed GMOs into the food supply based on fl imsy reassurances rather than sound science.

Honduras headache clearing up but what is going in El Salvador?

by the El Reportero’s news services

Porfirio LovoPorfirio Lovo

Two developments, in two small neighbours in Central America, in the space of a week will cause serious domestic and international repercussions. Honduras is poised to shake off its pariah status and rejoin the Organization of American States (OAS) after President Porfirio Lobo finally managed to strike a deal with Manuel Zelaya nearly two years after he was ousted in a coup.

Meanwhile El Salvador, one of the top allies of the US in Latin America even after the left-wing Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional (FMLN) came to power in 2009, has been rocked by startling revelations about an entrenched organised crime network implicating business leaders, politicians, judges and the security forces.

Mexico considers cancelling state election

On 25 May the national leaders of the country’s three main parties announced that instead of allowing the electors of Michoacán to pick the next governor they may agree on a joint candidate. The proposal is a demonstration of how weak President Felipe Calderón Hinojosa now is and how vulnerable his key policy of using the army to combat drug trafficking gangs has become.

Michoacán has been the scene of a major upswing in gang violence in the past 10 days and the politicians now fear that elections, due this November, would be impossible. This admission raises questions for other state elections this year, especially in Nayarit, where 28 people were killed by gangsters on 25 May and which goes to the polls on 3 July, and also for the congressional and presidential elections due in July 2012. The US government has a clear understanding of what is happening in Mexico: on 24 May the US President nominated Earl Anthony Wayne, currently deputy ambassador to Afghanistan, ­to be the next ambassador to Mexico. Wayne, a career diplomat, was ambassador to Argentina from 2006 to 2009.

Paraguay, closer to becoming the region’s energy hub

Recent efforts by Brazil and Argentina to promote greater energy integration within the Southern Common Market (Mercosur) by providing concessions to their smaller partners, Paraguay and Uruguay, have finally made an integrated regional energy market a distinct possibility. In particular, both countries appear more inclined to accede to Paraguay’s longstanding demand to regain sovereignty over its hydroelectric output.

However, a fi nal decision, which rests in the hands of Argentina, has been stalled for political reasons, as the two Mercosur powerhouses assess the implications.

Cuba’s (r)evolution

On 19 April President Raúl Castro closed the ruling Partido Comunista de Cuba (PCC)’s sixth party congress with a defi ant vow “to defend, preserve and continue perfecting socialism, and never permit the return of capitalism”. It’s unclear what the 79-year old Castro meant by “capitalism”, but it’s certainly the case that the ruling gerontocracy that was (re-) confi rmed in the leadership may well struggle with the planned transition to a mixed system, whereby a centrally planned economy run by a one party state is expected to co-exist in harmony with a limited private entrepreneurial sector for the fi rst time in fi ve decades. (Latin News contributed with this report.)

Top 10 media manipultion strategies


­­The Compulsive liar – The Internet site where all the fun starts. And your daily dose of entertainment

by Lhurey

The head of our mediaThe head of our media

Renowned critic and always MIT linguist Noam Chomsky, one of the classic voices of intellectual dissent in the last decade, has compiled a list of the ten most common and effective strategies resorted to by the agendas “hidden” to establish a manipulation of the population through the media. Historically the media have proven highly efficient to mold public opinion.

Thanks to the media paraphernalia and propaganda, have been created or destroyed social movements, justified wars, tempered financial crisis, spurred on some other ideological currents, and even given the phenomenon of media as producers of reality within the collective psyche.

But how to detect the most common strategies for understanding these psychosocial tools which, surely, we participate? Fortunately Chomsky has been given the task of synthesizing and expose these practices, some more obvious and more sophisticated, but apparently all equally effective and, from a certain point of view, demeaning. Encourage stupidity, promote a sense of guilt, promote distraction, or construct artificial problems and then magically, solve them, are just some of these tactics.

1 . The strategy of distraction

The primary element of social control is the strategy of distraction, which is to divert public attention from important issues and changes determined by the political and economic elites, by the technique of flood or flooding continuous distractions and insignificant information.

Distraction strategy is also essential to prevent the public interest in the essential knowledge in the area of the science, economics, psychology, neurobiology and cybernetics. “Maintaining public attention diverted away from the real social problems, captivated by matters of no real importance. Keep the public busy, busy, busy, no time to think, back to farm and other animals (quote from text Silent Weapons for Quiet War).”

2. Create problems, then offer solutions

This method is also called “problem -reactionsolution. “It creates a problem, a “situation” referred to cause some reaction in the audience, so this is the principal of the steps that you want to accept. For example: let it unfold and intensify urban violence, or arrange for bloody attacks in order that the public is the applicant’s security laws and policies to the detriment of freedom. Or: create an economic crisis to accept as a necessary evil retreat of social rights and the dismantling of public services.

3. The gradual strategy

Acceptance to an unacceptable degree, just apply it gradually, dropper, for consecutive years. That is how they radically new socioeconomic conditions ( neoliberalism) were imposed during the 1980s and 1990s: the minimal state, privatization, precariousness, flexibility, massive unemployment, wages, and do not guarantee a decent income, so many changes that have brought about a revolution if they had been applied once.

4 . The strategy of deferring

Another way to accept an unpopular decision is to present it as “painful and necessary”, gaining public acceptance, at the time for future application. It is easier to accept that a future sacrifice of immediate slaughter. First, because the effort is not used immediately. Then, because the public, masses, is always the tendency to expect naively that “everything will be better tomorrow” and that the sacrifice required may be avoided. This gives the public more time to get used to the idea of change and accept it with resignation when the time comes.

5. Go to the public as a little child

Most of the advertising to the general public uses speech, argument, people and particularly children’s intonation, often close to the weakness, as if the viewer were a little child or a mentally deficient. The harder one tries to deceive the viewer look, the more it tends to adopt a tone infantilising. Why? “If one goes to a person as if she had the age of 12 years or less, then, because of suggestion, she tends with a certain probability that a response or reaction also devoid of a critical sense as a person 12 years or younger (see Silent Weapons for Quiet War ).”

6. Use the emotional side more than the reflection

Making use of the emotional aspect is a classic technique ­for causing a short circuit on rational analysis , and finally to the critical sense of the individual. Furthermore, the use of emotional register to open the door to the unconscious for implantation or grafting ideas , desires, fears and anxieties , compulsions, or induce behaviors …

7. Keep the public in ignorance and mediocrity

Making the public incapable of understanding the technologies and methods used to control and enslavement. “The quality of education given to the lower social classes must be the poor and mediocre as possible so that the gap of ignorance it plans among the lower classes and upper classes is and remains impossible to attain for the lower classes (See ‘ Silent Weapons for Quiet War ).”

8. To encourage the public to be complacent with mediocrity

Promote the public to believe that the fact is fashionable to be stupid, vulgar and uneducated…

9. Self-blame Strengthen

To let individual blame for their misfortune, because of the failure of their intelligence, their abilities, or their efforts. So, instead of rebelling against the economic system, the individual autodesvalida and guilt, which creates a depression, one of whose effects is to inhibit its action. And, without action, there is no revolution!

10. Getting to know the individuals better than they know themselves

Over the past 50 years, advances of accelerated science has generated a growing gap between public knowledge and those owned and operated by dominant elites. Thanks to biology, neurobiology and applied psychology, the “system” has enjoyed a sophisticated understanding of human beings, both physically and psychologically. The system has gotten better acquainted with the common man more than he knows himself. This means that, in most cases, the system exerts greater control and great power over individuals, greater than that of individuals about themselves.



Friday, May 28 — at Quebec City, Canada (ESPN2)

  • Sakio Bika vs. Jesse Brinkley
  • Eric Lucas vs. Librado Andrade

Saturday, May 29 — at Gelsenkirchen, Germany

  • ­WBC heavyweight title: Vitali Klitschko vs. Albert Sosnowski.

Saturday, June 5 — at New York, NY (HBO)

  • WBA light middleweight title: Miguel Cotto vs. Yuri Foreman
  • WBC lightweight title: Humberto Soto vs. Anthony Peterson
  • John Duddy vs. TBA.

Saturday, June 19 — at Oakland, CA (Showtime)

  • WBA super middleweight title: Andre Ward vs. Allan Green

Saturday, June 26 — at San Antonio, TX

  • Interim WBO bantamweight title: Eric Morel vs. Jorge Arce Julio Cesar
  • Chavez Jr. vs. John Duddy

Saturday, July 10 — at Hato Rey, Puerto Rico (Showtime)

  • WBO featherweight title: Juan Manuel Lopez vs. Bernabe Concepcion

Saturday, July 10 — at Las Vegas, NV

Seeking next young superstar!


by the El Reportero’s staff


Kids Can Compete for Cash, Prizes in State Fair’s 6th Annual Kids Talent Show at the California State Fair knows there are a lot of talented kids in the Golden State.

Any California child aged 15 and younger is invited to participate. Talent should come prepared to perform a 2-minute audition piece live in front of the judges. Singers and dancers preferred, though other talents will be accepted as well. The top finalists from the auditions will be asked to compete live at the California State Fair on July 26th, 2011. The top three finalists in July will share a prize pot that includes cash, other surprises and the official title of “State Fair’s Most Talented Kid.” For more info and for an audition space in advance by calling (916) 274-6180 or emailing Poppy@calexpo. com by Thursday, May 26. Those who call in advance will be guaranteed an audition time, while walkins may not receive one.

Admission to the County Fair is FREE for Kids Talent Show participants and one parent or guardian as long as the child is registered in advance.

Pure Charanga in San Francisco

If in salsa music you distinguish Mambo, Guaguanco, Rumba and Merengue, you’re probably heard of Charanga – that especial sound of violins without horns and the whole percussion set accompanying the piano and the base guitar, wow! This is the Charanga playing this June 1, on Friday, at Roccapulco Super Club, 3140 Mission Street, SF. For more info call 415-821-3563.

Nicaraguan singer and composer Sergio

Tapia is honored What happens to be a four-decade plus one year of persistence and determination, singer and composer Sergio Tapia is actually celebrating his 41 years singing and recording like not to many soloists now-a-days.

The Nicaraguan community in the San Francisco Bay Area got together to give a well-deserved time of a life-time a big party, which also will be a fundraising for those in very big need in Nicaragua. Tapia, who a real estate agent during the day, three years ago was one of the prizewinners as Most Prominent Artists of the ‘Year by the Artists’ Association ofNicaragua Rafael Gastón Pérez’ and the National Assembly, who selected a number of Nicaraguan talents. Along Tapia will also perform singer Martha Vaughan, Enoc Jés, Anacela Contreras and Julio Lacayo. The event, organized by the non-profit organization FraterNca, will take place on June 4, at the State Room, 306 Baden Avenue, South San Francisco. For more info call FraterNica at 510-329-5778.

F u n d r a i s e r a n d all-night dance party with live music and DJs

Bring in the sultry summer season with a night of Latin music and dance presented by The Kanbar Center for the Performing Arts and Canal Alliance.

Let the music move you for an event that will include Salsa and Bachata dance lessons by Jose Santamaria, a known instructor, performer and choreographer; Latin music by DJ Gabby and DJ Coco and live Cuban music by Erick Barberia y su Timba Tonight; and a salsa performance by Jasdance Academy. Enjoy an evening of fiery Salsa music and support the Canal Alliance’s Pathways for Success for Marin’s ­immigrant community. All proceeds of the event will directly help people in need. Saturday, June 25, 2011, at 7:00 p.m. to 1:00 am., at the Kanbar Center for the Performing Arts at Osher Marin JCC, 200 North San Pedro Road, San Rafael.

Award-winning actor José Yenque dedicates doctorate to orphan youth in Tijuana

­by Latin Heat

Actor José Yenque with orphan children at the Orphanage to whom he dedicated his doctorate.Actor José Yenque with orphan children at the Orphanage to whom he dedicated his doctorate.

Los Angeles, CA — On Saturday, May 21, 2011 and on the heels of returning from the 2011 Cannes Film Festival to represent his film Miss Bala (produced by Gael García Bernal & Diego Luna of Canana Films), award-winning actor and humanitarian José Yenque will receive a Doctorate of Fine Arts Honorary Degree from Cal State University San Marcos for his years of dedication to the field of arts and humanity. On this day, he will be dedicating it to his inspiration, Israel Hernández of Casa Hogar Sion Orphanage in Tijuana, a child he has mentored for the last nine years.

Honorary Doctorates are given to people who have distinguished themselves in their professions and who have demonstrated excellence in areas that benefit humanity, CSU campuses, the state, nation or world. Past recipients include John F. Kennedy, Nicholas Cage, Nelson Mandela, Rita Moreno and Luis Valdez. “I’m very excited because an Honorary Doctorate is like the Academy Award of the academic world,” commented José.

“This degree represents a symbol to youth as a way to create possibilities and change in the world. I aim to set a positive example.” Growing up in New York, José was inspired by his mom, actress Teresa Yenque, early on to join the world of acting and theatre and found it to be a positive experience at a time he needed it most. When José moved to California to pursue television and film, he was cast in Steven Soderberg’s Academy Award winning film, Traffic opposite Benicio Del Toro and Michael Douglas.

While on location in Mexico, José was exposed to the beauty of Mexico and discovered some areas needing attention. More importantly, he discovered what would be the base and core of his humanitarian work for the rest of his life, at Casa Hogar Sion Orphanage in Tijuana, Baja California.

“I met Israel Hernández at Casa Hogar when he was nine years old and he reminded me of myself when I was 13,” recalled José. “I mentored this young man and many others including Lorenzo who told me that he wanted to be a doctor when I first met him”. Israel is now 18 years old and will graduate high school in Tijuana on June 29th. José will attend his graduation. Lorenzo started at the University to become a doctor five months ago. José is working on a getting a special one-day visa for Israel Hernández so he can attend his special doctorate ceremony on Saturday, May 21.

“During my acceptance speech, I will dedicate this honor to them and all of the hopeful children out there that he represents,” said José. “These teens represent the next generation, a generation of hope.” José Yenque has more than a decade of experience working successfully in fi lm

and television, and is the recipient of numerous industry awards including the SAG and the Alma Awards for Soderberg’s Academy Award winning “Traffic”, HBO’s “The Blue Diner”, Academy Award winning short film, “Wednesday Afternoon” and an Imagen Award for Lifetime Network’s thriller, “Between” opposite Poppy Montgomery.

Dedicated to youth enrichment and giving back to the community, José is also the founder of Tela Sofa, (The East L.A. Society of Film & Arts), a non-profi t organization dedicated to bringing arts education to

inner city youth. The organization ­offers drama and filmmaking classes free of charge for youth, giving them empowering tools for self-expression and self-discovery.


Madre: Perilous journes with a Spanish noun

(Expediciones peligrosas con un sustantivo)

por Liza Bakewell

(A book review by Anne Hoyt, a Mexico City news correspondent based in Washington, D.C.)

Liza Bakewell, an anthropologist and a professor at Brown University, was studying in Mexico in the late ’80s and ’90s when she first noticed the different forms that Mexicans use for the Spanish word “madre.” Some of the meanings have completely opposite charges.

For example, un desmadre is a major disaster.

De poc a madre is fabulous .

Vale madres , it is worthless .

Dar en la madre, beat someone up . Ma macita , delicious creature .

Although author Blackwell felt herself to be fluent in Spanish, the recondite meanings of such a powerful noun were completely lost on her.

Hence, the book is an account of her expeditions in Mexico in search of the diverse meanings of the word and what they reveal about the Mexican culture in general.

Even though she is an academic, Bakewell’s linguistic explorations did not include experts or intellectuals, but simple people that she happened to befriend: “artist and food types” mainly, in her own description. Bakewell observed the usage of the word in such “scientific” settings as cab rides, weddings, dinner parties, art studios, restaurants.

Being from the United States and a feminist, she takes the obvious route. Her interpretation of why Mexicans use madre the way they do underlines the macho aspect of the society. However, there is much more to it than the simplistic feminist vision. Thankfully, the book does not pretend to be an archeological or sociological treatise. Her observations are tongue in cheek.

The problem is that there are other books about the use of language in Mexican culture and Bakewell’s attempts at arriving at a conclusion seem amateurish and banal by comparison. It might be a good read for a foreigner who has no idea of the way language is used by men in Mexico (i.e. to reaffirm their masculinity; to joke among themselves with the word-play of albur), but anyone who has delved into these issues in a more professional way, the book is just a piece of entertainment.

In Bakewell’s own words, the book is “part memoir, part travelogue

and part investigation into a culture and its language.

If taken just by its two first definitions, “Madre: Perilous Journeys with a Spanish Noun” is a good enough read. For someone who is really interested and wants to go deep into the culture, better stick with what ­has already been said in better books. W.W. Norton, New York, 222 pages, hardcover, $23.95ISBN- 1 3 : 9 7 8 0 3 9 3 0 7 6 4 2 4 (Anne Hoyt, of Washington, D.C., is a contributing columnist with Hispanic Link News Service.) © Hispanic Link News Service

Secret WikiLeaks document confirms North American Union Plan

May 18, 2011 (MMD Newswire) — A secret document recently released by WikiLeaks reveals a high level US ambassador promoting a merger of the United States, Canada, and Mexico into one combined consumer and labor market, with a common currency and a mutual electronic security perimeter with less focus on physical borders.

The secret documents reveal a well developed plan that advocates secrecy, an incremental approach as not to alarm the public. The document clearly states, that the plan is to prevent US efforts to protect citizens from terrorism or disease from interfering with commerce and other financial interests. The documents also advocate that promotion of this plan focus on “individual firms, industries or travelers, and especially consumers” instead of the nations as a whole.

This high level leak appears to validate earlier concerns by many groups of plans to create a new government, which would supersede the sovereignty of America, Canada, and Mexico in a way similar to the European Union. Critics of these merger plans call the plan the North American Union. Supporters of the plan call it the North American Community or North American Integration (NAI).

“It is conspiracy, but it is no theory,” said William Gheen of ALIPAC. “These traitors are trying to conceal their plans, but they are out in the open now. They are trying to force an economic union on America that is not ratified by the US Congress, not authorized by the US Constitution, and not approved of by the American public. This plan is being facilitated

by the nonenforcement of our existing immigration and border laws.”

Americans were shocked to learn in 2005 and 2006 that millions of undocumented aliens had been imported into America and were now marching in the streets demanding legalization, citizenship, voting rights, and taxpayer resources. Federal lawmakers loyal to the North American Integration plans have claimed “our immigration systems are broken” when in fact the immigration systems have been compromised by those advocating a mergerof the populations of America, Mexico, and Canada.

Other examples of this economic union plan which has been pursued by Presidents Bush and Obama, can be found in the writings of Dr. Robert Pastor of American University, in releases by the Council on Foreign Relations such as “Building a North American Community,” and in announcements made by heads of state in all three countries supporting the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP).

“North American integration requires American disintegration. Americans would never voluntarily enter into this devilish arrangement that would disintegrate the United States beneath a larger super state; and a new government which would destroy the existing US Constitution and borders,” said William Gheen.

“This is why these elite banking, business, and political infl uences are fl ooding America with rampant undocumented immigration and hyper legal immigration. They are conquering the freedom-loving innocent citizens of America by bringing in outsiders who will replace us incrementally in our jobs and homes.”

While news of this recent WikiLeaks disclosure is circulating on the Internet, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) is releasing the news and documents to the nation today via national press release. American citizens are encouraged to take appropriate steps to organize in defense of the nation, and prepare to politically challenge and defeat those pursuing this unlawful, unconstitutional, and nation-destroying agenda.

William Gheen is releasing a more detailed article today titled “WikiLeaks Releases Secret Files: North American Integration” which will be distributed nationally along with this press release. American Disintegration for North American Integration.


Copies of the WikiLeaks documents can be seen at this link… Leaked Secret WikiLeaks Documents about Integration


CONTACT: Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC), (866) 703-0864­

What is HAARP? Part 5

­by Marvin Ramíre­z­

­­Marvin  J. Ramírez­Ma­rv­in­ R­­­­a­­m­­­­í­r­­­e­z­­­­­­

FROM THE EDITOR: Given the latest tsunamis, earthquakes and hurricanes that have stricken several nations in the world, leaving many deaths and destruction, there are beliefs – based on scientific analysis – that those events might have been man-made. El Reportero found the following article, which due to its length it will be published in six parts. The is the fifth part.

In order to better read and follow up the complete story, we suggest you read part one, two and three in older editions in our website. You may access older editions at:

— Geophysical probing to identify and characterize natural ionospheric processes … so that techniques can be developed to mitigate or control them.

Generation of ionospheric lenses to focus large amounts of HF energy … thus providing a means for triggering ionospheric processes that potentially could be exploited for DoD purposes. Electron acceleration for the generation of IR (infrared) and other optical emissions … that could be used to control radio wave propagation properties.

Generation of geomagnetic- field aligned ionization to control the reflection/scattering properties of radio waves. Oblique heating to produce effects on radio wave propagation at great distances from the heater, thus broadening the potential military applications of ionospheric enhancement technology.

Generation of ionization layers below 90 km to provide radio wave reflectors (“mirrors”) which can be exploited for long range, overthe-horizon, HF/VHF/UHF surveillance purposes …. Why are the citizens of the United States being asked to pay for such a project? Why do those associated closely with the project reference its use as submarine communications and other apparently innocuous purposes?


Monster in the Wilderness

by C. Zickuhr

The HAARP project being constructed near Gakona, Alaska will create the largest-of-its-kind ionospheric heater using computer controlled radio frequency transmitters. HAARP, which stands for High Frequency Active Auroral Research.

Project, is a joint effort of the Air Force and the Navy. HAARP program manager, John Heckscher, claims that it is a research project with both military and civilian benefits yet only military experiments can be found in the documentation for the project. The acronym implies something to do with the aurora, but none of the project papers mention that aspect. What sounds like an engineering feat deserving of public accolade, has remained suspiciously low profile, almost unknown to most Alaskans as well as the rest of the country.

Documents acquired from the Office of Naval Research via the Freedom Of Information Act reveal a more ominous purpose for HAARP. According to these documents, the U.S. military believes the former Soviet Union has similar heaters with which they claim to have achieved higher levels of ionospheric reaction than possible so far in the “West”. Although smaller in size than the HAARP project, there are many other ground based transmitting heaters in operation around the world; Tromso, Norway and Arecibo, Puerto Rico among them.

somehow contributed toCan these heaters already be changing the weather, and have they the recent climate-based catastrophes in the U.S? Might migratory species traveling through the “rays” have already experienced irreversible damage? How many humans have contracted cancers that might have remained dormant if not “excited” by these transmissions? When Russia’s Zhirinovsky speaks of secret weapons, is he referring to their version of HAARP?

HAARP first came to my attention in the spring of 1993, when a neighbor and airline pilot brought me materials on the project. The FAA had briefed commercial pilots in Alaska on changes needed to avoid interference from future HAARP transmissions. As a ham radio operator, my neighbor assumed that I had some knowledge of the “giant transmitter” and its effect on other communications.

After making inquiries to other hams, a few recalled seeing announcements for public meetings in Glenallen and Anderson, Alaska. Several then attended these Draft Environmental Impact meetings and gathered information. FAA personnel, pilots, communications engineers and others raised serious questions during the HAARP Draft Environmental Impact Statement process.

According to official statements, these questions were all properly addressed in the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS). Closer examination reveals a different story. Local FAA engineers, aware of the heavy safety dependency of airplane communications, voiced strong objections.

The national FAA, however, overrode these objections ­and gave HAARP the green light after “assurances” that lower level concerns would be accommodated. The FEIS admits that all forms of radio communication are subject to interference, yet completely ignores the concerns expressed in many of the comments. Individuals, organizations and agencies that use radio for their day-to-day livelihood were left with a “let us know and we’ll try to mitigate it” promise. It is important to remember the defi nition of mitigation is “to reduce”, not “to eliminate”. What recourse does the Alaskan Bush communicator have when their radio transmissions are rendered useless by HAARP? That is their only form of communication. IT WILL CONTINUE ON THE NEXT EDITION.