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Poll: Few Americans fear ‘economic catástrophy’ if debt ceiling not raised

por Alexander Eichler
Of the 22 percent of

Americans who want the federal government to raise the debt ceiling, less than a third say that “economic catastrophe” would result from not doing so, according to a Gallup poll released Wednesday.

The poll examines Americans’ reasons for why they do or don’t want to see the debt ceiling raised. Only 22 percent of Americans want their member of Congress to vote in favor of increasing the debt ceiling, compared with 42 percent who would like their member of Congress to vote against it, a Gallup survey noted on Tuesday.

About a third of those who want the debt ceiling raised — 32 percent — said it should be done in order to “avoid economic catastrophe” when asked to give their reasons in an open-ended format.

Another 23 percent said it had to be done so as “to not default on debt,” 17 percent said it was “necessary” or there was “no choice,” and 16 percent said it should be done “to avoid [a] government shutdown” or a “suspension of services/benefits.”

By contrast, among the percentage who told Gallup they don’t want to see the debt ceiling raised, 38 percent said the U.S. already has “too much debt” and “cannot afford more.” Twenty-one percent said the U.S. needs to stop or cut spending, 13 percent said the country “needs to live within its means” and “budget better,” and 17 percent said that raising the debt ceiling “does not address [the] problem” and the country would only “keep raising [the] limit in [the] future.”

Economic catastrophe is more or less what members of the Obama administration have suggested will happen if the debt ceiling is not raised. In May, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner warned that if a deal is not struck by the August 2 deadline, and the U.S. defaults on its loans, it could precipitate a market panic “that threatens the health of our entire global economy and the jobs of millions of Americans.”

Yet as of Wednesday evening, the issue appears far from resolved. On ­Wednesday, the president had what reports describe as a contentious and unfruitful meeting with Congressional leaders, in which House Majority Leader Eric Cantor pressed Obama for greater spending cuts while remaining adamant that a deal could not raise tax revenues.

According to Reuters, Wednesday’s meeting ended with Obama warning those in attendance, “I have reached the point where I say enough.” While Cantor says a debt ceiling deal could not involve tax increases, nearly three-quarters of Americans are willing to accept some level of tax increases if it means reducing the defi cit, Gallup fi nds.

Only 20 percent of those responding to Wednesday’s poll said that they’d like Congress to reduce the deficit entirely through spending cuts, with no tax increases. A combined 73 percent said they would accept either a combination of spending cuts and tax increases, or a plan that relies entirely on tax increases. Thirty percent said they’d prefer budget reduction to be done “mostly with spending cuts,” while 32 percent said they’d like it to happen “equally with spending cuts and tax increases.”

The Gallup poll aligns with a number of others in recent months showing public tolerance of tax increases for the sake of defi cit reduction.

A Pew poll in June found that 66 percent of respondents supported raising taxes on incomes over $250,000, while  an Ipsos poll in May found that 61 percent of respondentsfavored tax increases as a means of getting the national debt down, either accompanied by cuts in existing programs or as the sole means.

The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Familes (Part Three of a series)


­by Marvin Ramíre­z­

­­­Marvin  J. Ramírez­Ma­r­v­i­n­ R­­­­a­­m­­­­í­r­­­­e­z­­­­

If you want to read series from the beggining (


N O T E F R O M ­T H E E D I T O R : Dear readers, I just ran into this super detailed article about the intricacies and composition of what is called the Federal Reserve Bank (FRB). The FRB is the Central Bank of the United States, a privately-owned banking cartel, owned by the International Monetary Fund, which in turn is owned by a handful of corrupt families, whose only goal is to enslave the world under a global economy, a global heaLth organization (World Health Organization), a global judicial system (The Hague), private armies such as NATO, OAS – and under a new world government (United Nations,), which combined comprise what is now commonly known as The New World Order – disguised as ‘Globalism.’

By monopolizing the learning institutions in the U.S. and in most parts of the world, this banking elite has been able to implement and manage the current monetary system – an art piece of their own creation that controls practically all life – and death over the Earth.

They pay billions of dollars to universities to teach the arts of economics – through Masters and PhD degrees – to teach their own economic system, and a legal system that makes sure that no one understands – only lawyers – and most people are taught to obey, obey blindly, and with this, govern and impose their will through out the courts and the banking system.

The whole article was divided in four parts by the author. However, due that the first part of the series is 3,500 words, it will take El Reportero several weeks or months to publish a portion of it every week.

El Reportero suggests to anyone who finds any inaccuracy on this report to please email us with your comments.

by Dean Henderson

Global Research

(Part three of a se­ries) The House of Morgan was cozy with the British House of Windsor and the Italian House of Savoy. The Kuhn Loebs, Warburgs, Lehmans, Lazards, Israel Moses Seifs and Goldman Sachs also had close ties to European royalty. By 1895 Morgan controlled the flow of gold in and out of the US. The first American wave of mergers was in its infancy and was being promoted by the bankers. In 1897 there were sixty-nine industrial mergers. By 1899 there were twelve-hundred. In 1904 John Moody – founder of Moody’s Investor Services – said it was impossible to talk of Rockefeller and Morgan interests as separate. [10]

Public distrust of the combine spread. Many considered them traitors working for European old money. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil, Andrew Carnegie’s US Steel and Edward Harriman’s railroads were all financed by banker Jacob Schiff at Kuhn Loeb, who worked closely with the European Rothschilds. Several Western states banned the bankers. Populist preacher William Jennings Bryan was thrice the Democratic nominee for President from 1896 -1908. The central theme of his anti-imperialist campaign was that America was falling into a trap of “financial servitude to British capital”. Teddy Roosevelt defeated Bryan in 1908, but was forced by this spreading populist wildfire to enact the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. He then went after the Standard Oil Trust. In 1912 the Pujo hearings were held, addressing concentration of power on Wall Street. That same year Mrs. Edward Harriman sold her substantial shares in New York’s Guaranty Trust Bank to J.P. Morgan, creating Morgan Guaranty Trust. Judge Louis Brandeis convinced President Woodrow Wilson to call for an end to interlocking board directorates.

In 1914 the Clayton Anti-Trust Act was passed. Jack Morgan – J. Pierpont’s son and successor – responded by calling on Morgan clients Remington and Winchester to increase arms production. He argued that the US needed to enter WWI. Goaded by the Carnegie Foundation and other oligarchy fronts, Wilson accommodated.

As Charles Tansill wrote in America Goes to War, “Even before the clash of arms, the French firm of Rothschild Freres cabled to Morgan & Company in New York suggesting the flotation of a loan of $100 million, a substantial part of which was to be left in the US to pay for French purchases of American goods.” The House of Morgan financed half the US war effort, while receiving commissions for lining up contractors like GE, Du Pont, US Steel, Kennecott and ASARCO. All were Morgan clients. Morgan also financed the British Boer War in South Africa and the Franco-Prussian War. The 1919 Paris Peace Conference was presided over by Morgan, which led both German and Allied reconstruction efforts. [11]

In the 1930’s populism resurfaced in America after Goldman Sachs, Lehman Bank and others profited from the Crash of 1929. [12] House Banking Committee Chairman Louis McFadden (D-NY) said of the Great Depression, “It was no accident.

It was a carefully contrived occurrence…The international bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair here so they might emerge as rulers of us all”. Sen. Gerald Nye (DND) chaired a munitions investigation in 1936. Nye concluded that the House of Morgan had plunged the US into WWI to protect loans and create a booming arms industry. Nye later produced a document titled The Next War, which cynically referred to “the old goddess of democracy trick”, through which Japan could be used to lure the US into WWII.

In 1937 Interior Secretary Harold Ickes warned of the infl uence of “America’s 60 Families”. Historian Ferdinand Lundberg later penned a book of the exact same title. Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas decried, “Morgan influence…the most pernicious one in industry and fi nance today.” Jack Morgan responded by nudging the US towards WWII. Morgan had close relations with the Iwasaki and Dan families – Japan’s two wealthiest clans – who have owned Mitsubishi and Mitsui, respectively, since the companies emerged from 17th Century shogunates.

When Japan invaded Manchuria, slaughtering Chinese peasants at Nanking, Morgan downplayed the incident. Morgan also had close relations with Italian fascist Benito Mussolini, while German Nazi Dr. Hjalmer Schacht was a Morgan Bank liaison during WWII. After the war Morgan representatives met with Schacht at the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, Switzerland. [13]. IT WILL CONTINUE NEXT WEEK, with The House of Rockefeller.

For continue reading (

The world loses the genius of the music made poetry: Facundo Cabral

­por Víctor Franco Alonso

FacundoFacundo Cabral

Poetry has been left without soul, the song is filled with dismay, the man’s freedom is totally restricted.

On July 9, at 5.20 in the morning, South America started to mourn in unison the murder of the genius and troubadour, Facundo Cabral, in Guatemala City. In fact, tears haven’t stopped and won’t stop anytime soon. The singer-songwriter died due to multiple gunshots fired by a band of strangers when he was on his way to the city airport in a vehicle steered by Nicaraguan businessman Henry Fariña.

The news of his death woke his followers up, like a dagger stuck in the heart and within few minutes all the international media echoed the event. It has been debated whether the crime entails political aspects or links to drugtrafficking. In statements to the newspaper El País, the Nobel Prize Laureate in 1992, Rigoberta Menchú, claims that it is the case.

No soy de aquí, no soy de allá, Cabral used to sing in one of his most well-known performances. He was from nowhere and loved to seize the days as if they were the last ones. “Blessed who doesn’t change the dream of his life for the daily bread”, he highlighted in an interview with the Argentine newspaper El Litoral.

He was born on May 22, 1937, and according to his own words, his mother gave birth in the streets of La Plata, province of Buenos Aires. Cabral had a very complicated childhood, and in one occasion when he escaped home, he arrived in Buenos Aires. There, he evaded the police fence that surrounded President Juan Domingo Perón, in order to ask him for a job for his family. He got it. During his teenage years, he fought thousands of battles, quitting his studies at an early age and being involved in quarrels that would deprive him from his freedom for about a year. Nevertheless, in his nomadic life he found light when he placed his fingers on a guitar.

It all began there.

He had enough stories in his back and in his head to share with someone whom only by barely touching the breeze of his songs would be captivated.

The honesty of his words could be sensed, the words of someone who lived with the basics and who turned the street into his school. A fervent believer, he didn’t trust governments or ideologies, but liberty and equality of men, who he believed was good by nature. He never silent his ­feelings and vindications, which forced him to exile during four years. UNESCO declared him World Peace Messenger. He shared stage with artists such as Alberto Cortez, Julio Iglesias, Pedro Vargas or Neil Diamond.

Nevertheless, he wasn’t a person who would easily settle and wanted to give even more to his public. “I turn the face to the enemy, the back to a good comment, because whoever takes compliments starts to be dominated”, Cabral asserted to El Litoral in one of his famous phrases.

Curiously, in his last concert he said goodbye to his followers, in order to rest in his homeland from the cancer that struck him; he wouldn’t go back on stage. This time he retires definitely from the world that gave him so much and that took away from him so much as well. In any case, he does leave a legacy of indelible and incomparable lyrics and emptiness. May he rest in peace, the genius, Facundo Cabral.

15 food companies that serve you ‘wood’

Taco Bell's Food

By Miriam Reimer

The recent class-action lawsuit brought against Taco Bell raised questions about the quality of food many Americans eat each day. Chief among those concerns is the use of cellulose (read: wood pulp), an extender whose use in a roster of food products, from crackers and ice creams to puddings and baked goods, is now being exposed. What you’re actually paying for — and consuming — may be surprising.

Cellulose is virgin wood pulp that has been processed and manufactured to different lengths for functionality, though use of it and its variant forms (cellulose gum, powdered cellulose, microcrystalline cellulose, etc.) is deemed safe for human consumption, according to the FDA, which regulates most food industry products. The government agency sets no limit on the amount of cellulose that can be used in food products meant for human consumption. The USDA, which regulates meats, has set a limit of 3.5% on the use of cellulose, since fi ber in meat products cannot be recognized nutritionally.

“As commodity prices continue to rally and the cost of imported materials impacts earnings, we expect to see increasing use of surrogate products within food items. Cellulose is certainly in higher demand and we expect this to continue,” Michael A. Yoshikami, chief investment strategist at YCMNet Advisors, told TheStreet.

Manufacturers use cellulose in food as an extender, providing structure and reducing breakage, said Dan Inman, director of research and development at J. Rettenmaier USA, a company that supplies “organic” cellulose fi bers for use in a variety of processed foods and meats meant for human and pet consumption, as well as for plastics, cleaning detergents, welding electrodes, pet litter, automotive brake pads, glue and reinforcing compounds, construction materials, roof coating, asphalt and even emulsion paints, among many other products.

Cellulose adds fi ber to the food, which is good for people who do not get the recommended daily intake of fi ber in their diets, Inman said. It also extends the shelf life of processed foods. Plus, cellulose’s water-absorbing properties can mimic fat, he said, allowing consumers to reduce their fat intake. Perhaps most important to food processors is that cellulose is cheaper, he added, because “the fi ber and water combination is less expensive than most other ingredients in the [food] product.”

Indeed, food producers save as much as 30% in ingredient costs by opting for cellulose as a fi ller or binder in processed foods, according to a source close to the processed food industry who spoke with TheStreet on the condition of anonymity.

Inman said that in his 30 years in the food sciencebusiness, he’s seen “an amazing leap in terms of the applications of cellulose fiber and what you can do with it.” He said powdered cellulose has a bad reputation but that more of his customers are converting from things like oat or sugar cane fibers to cellulose because it is “snow white in color, bland and easy to work with.”

Most surprising, said Inman, is that he’s been able to remove as much as 50% of the fat from some cookies, biscuits, cakes and brownies by replacing it with powdered cellulose — but still end up with a very similar product in terms of taste and appearance.

“We’re only limited by our own imagination,” Inman toldTheStreet. “I would never have dreamed I could successfully put 18% fiber in a loaf of bread two years ago.”

He said cellulose is common in processed foods, often labeled as reduced-fat  or high-fi ber — products like breads, pancakes, crackers, pizza crusts, muffins, scrambled eggs, mashed potato mixes, and even cheesecake. Inman himself keeps a box of Wheat Thins Fiber Selects crackers, manufactured by Kraft Foods(KFT_)’ Nabisco brand, at his desk, and snacks on them daily, clearly unmoved by the use of wood pulp in its ingredients.

“Most consumers would be shocked to find these types of fi ller products are used as substitutes for items that they believe are more pure,” Yoshikami said. “We would expect increased disclosure to follow increased use of cellulose and other fi ller products as the practice increases in frequency.”

To that end, TheStreet rounded up a list of popular foods that use cellulose. It’s by no means an exhaustive list, and we suggest consumers read food labels carefully. Still, click

­(Please note the following lists are not exhaustive. Some companies list all ingredients on their Web sites. Other items were found in a local grocery store near TheStreet’s headquarters on Wall Street in New York City.)


Operation Castaway: ATF trafficked guns to Honduran criminal gangs

ATF emblemATF emblem


by Kurt Nimmo

Evidence indicates that the ATF not only provided weapons to Mexican drug cartels and gangs but also trafficked guns to criminal gangs in Honduras, including the murderous MS-13, or Mara Salvatrucha, known to work with the Sinaloa drug cartel.

inaloa, the largest drug trafficking organization operating in Mexico, has worked closely with Wacovia Bank. Last March, the bank revealed in court it had laundered nearly $400 million through a network of exchange houses, or casas de cambio, between 2004 and 2007. MS-13 is known for it brutality, including the murder of 28 Hondurans when gang members sprayed a bus with automatic gunfire in 2004.

New revelations about the federal operation – dubbed Castaway – came to light after Republican Rep. Gus Bilirakis sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder and acting ATF Director Ken Melson. “In recent days, it has come to light that the ATF and DOJ have participated in the act of ‘gun walking’ beyond the acts conducted within the scope of ‘Operation Fast and Furious,’” Bilirakis wrote to Holder and Melson.

The story broke on July 6 when journalists Mike Vanderboegh and David Codrea ran a story on Operation Castaway in The Examiner. “Virginia O’Brien, Special Agent in Charge at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Tampa Field Division, ran a gun-running investigation that was walking guns to Honduras using the techniques and tactics identical to Fast and Furious, it was reported to these correspondents this evening via private correspondence from a proven credible source,” the journalists wrote.

The ATF did not respond to the story when it was posted on July 6. The information also found its way to Chairman Darrell Issa of the House Committee on Oversight and Government ment Reform and Ranking Senate Judiciary Committee Member Charles Grassley.

The corporate media has yet to give Operation Castaway the coverage so far afforded to Operation Fast & Furious. Media Matters, the propaganda operation funded by the globalist George Soros, claims reportage on the growing scandal is some sort of right-wing conspiracy and defends the mendacity of government bureaucrats who have made excuses  for the illegal operations.

Obama has said AG Holder was not aware of Fast & Furious, so it is safe to assume the Holder and the Justice Department will claim they know nothing about Operation Castaway as well. As noted by Joseph Alan Sánchez writing for on Tuesday, the U.S. has shipped weapons south of the  border for over a decade.

“For at least a decade now, covert operation specialist Celerino ‘Cele’ Castillo III has been telling the world that the U.S. has been shipping guns south of the border on a regular basis as a sidebar to revelations of drug running from South America into North America. And now in the summer of 2011, the BATF is under fire for observing the sale and distribution of machine guns into Mexico. Congressional testimony in recent months is revealing a calculated plan called Operation Fast and Furious,” writes Sánchez.

Adding weight to Castillo’s accusation, one of the kingpins of the infamous Los Zetas drug running gang, Rejón Aguilar, told Mexican federal police earlier this month that the group purchased its weapons directly from U.S. government officials.

For his truth telling efforts and his Iran Contra whistleblowing, Castillo was convicted in 2008 on federal charges of dealing firearms without a license in a case marked by numerous irregularities and peculiar coincidences that raised the specter of a frame-up. Despite the denials, congressional Republicans believe the Fast & Furious scandal reaches the highest levels of the Justice Department.

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They have asked the attorney general’s office to turn over a sweeping trove of emails, documents and other material to determine Washington’s role in the “reckless” operation that allowed U.S. semiautomatic weapons to flow to Mexican drug cartels, according to the Los Angeles Times. It should be obvious by now that the ATF is a renegade federal agency. Hearings should be held immediately calling for its decertification and the systematic disarming of its agents.

“Let’s transform them back into the stamp clerks (suitable for affixing labels on wine and whiskey bottles) that they once were. Then the only harm they can inflict on the body politic would be paper cuts,” writes Charles Heller, Executive Director of Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership.

“Take away their badges. Badges are symbols of honor from a country as great as ours. BATFE Agents can carry business cards, like any other overpaid, tax consuming, foot dragging bureaucrat. Let’s convert these morally challenged individuals from jackboots to fur boots, or at least gumshoes without guns,” Heller concludes.

In addition to providing weapons to violent drug cartels favored by bankers, the Fast & Furious operation was cooked up to make it appear ­Americans legally selling firearms are engaged in criminal activity.

Democrats have wasted little time blaming the Second Amendment for the violence spawned by Mexican drug cartels and gangs using weapons provided by the U.S. government. In June, Ranking Member of the House Oversight Committee, Elijah Cummings, tried to affix blame on law-abiding Americans.

His effort, however, was doomed to failure – at least in the “rightwing” media singled out by Media Matters and its patron, George Soros – when news of the complicity of the Obama administration, the Justice Department, and a renegade ATF hit the streets.




­Saturday, June 26 — at San Antonio, TX

Interim WBO bantamweight title: Eric Morel vs. Jorge Arce

Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. vs. John Duddy

Saturday, July 10 — at Hato Rey, Puerto Rico (Showtime)

WBO featherweight title: Juan Manuel Lopez vs. Bernabe Concepcion

Saturday, July 10 — at Las Vegas, NV

WBA/WBO lightweight titles: Juan Manuel Marquez vs. Juan Diaz

Saturday, July 24 — at TBA, Mexico

Erik Morales vs. TBA

Latin American artists present excellent work

by the El Reportero’s staff

Claudia GómezClaudia Gómez

Home after dark is the great work of a new generation of latin American artists, an exposition where is presented the work in many disciplines of these artists in expansion, since the animation to the photography.

Those artists expose their elaborate work s in a gallery for the first time. The exhibition is being exposed from now to 17 of September in Galería de la Raza | Studio 24 – 2857 24th St @ Bryant. The exhibition opens its doors Tuesdays from 1 to 7 in the afternoon and from Wednesday to Saturday from 12 to 6 in the afternoon.

La peña supports flamenco in the Crossr o a d s f i n a l s e r i e s .

An exhibition will take place of two genres mixed of flamenco, LoCura, Califax Mestizo music with great tradition in the Bay of San Francisco and that combines flamenco, reggae and cumbia with Ska through rhythms and contagious languages, and the flametal, that mixes formulate traditional of the flamenco with the metal.

Will also take place a flamenco techniques exhibition with guitar on the part of the master one Benjamin Woods that will last around hour and a half and that will be open to questions. At ­the same time, there will be a discussion about flamenco with the own one Ben Woods, Bob Sanders and Chuky Varela. The exhibition will take place the next 16 of July and will cost from twelve to fifteen euro in function that the assistance be partial or total.

The guitar exhition will be at 3.30 p.m. on 16th, the discussion about flamenco at 8 o’clock pm and the concert at 9 p.m. all they in The Cultural Rock Center in the 3105 of Shattuck Avenue, in Berkeley. More information about the event in:

Castro’s Daughter penned by Bobby Moresco y Nilo Cruz gets director

­por Latin Heat

Ryan Piers and América FerreraRyan Piers and América Ferrera

British filmmaker, Michael Radford has attached himself to direct Mankind Entertainment’s upcoming, true-life historical  drama, Castro’s Daughter.

Radford will bring his masterful vision to the film, which follows the amazing, true life story of Alina Fernandez—the exiled daughter of Cuba’s former communist leader, Fidel Castro. After years of disagreements with Castro, Fernandez courageously escaped her homeland of Cuba disguised as a Spanish tourist; she later wrote her international bestselling memoir, Castro’s Daughter: An Exile’s Memoir of Cuba. Fernandez, now a global icon, holds lectures at colleges in the U.S, and worldwide; and commentates for cable news shows, Fox and CNN routinely.

The screenplay was written by Bobby Moresco, who won an Oscar and BAFTA for co-writing Crash in 2005; and Cuban playwright: Nilo Cruz (‘Anna in the Tropics’), who won the Pulitzer Prize and Steinberg awards in 2003. Daughter is being produced by Mankind’s John Torres Martinez, and Joe Lamy.

Radford, a classical favorite, reached acclaim with his film adaptation of George Orwell’s novel, 1984. He later went on to direct his most famous work, Il Postino; a world renowned, Italian-set love story which garnered him two Oscar nominations for Best Directing and Best Screenplay, two BAFTA wins for Directing and Best Film (non English), and a David di Donatello nomination for Best European Film. His film took an Oscar for Best Music, two BAFTA’s for Best Film (non-English) and Best Music.

C a r l o s L e o n S t a r s in “Immigration Tango

Carlos Leon, who used to be known as the baby daddy to Madonna’s daughter Lourdes Maria Ciccone Leon, film by film and a series of TV guest appearance in shows like Law in Order: Criminal Intent, CSI: NY and Ugly Betty have finally put the focus on his acting career. His latest film Immigration Tango hist the street on June 28, 2011 on DVD.

Love and marriage are in the air this June as Lionsgate debuts the romantic comedy Immigration Tango on DVD, Digital Download and On Demand. Four friends. One big problem. Two-time winner at both the Boston International Film Festival and the Monaco International Film Festival, the film explores what two couples will do for love, friendship and green cards. Packed with laughs, the film stars Carlos Leon (The Big Lebowski), McCaleb Burnett (The Men Who Stare at Goats), Elika Portnoy (upcoming Sofia) and Ashley Wolfe (Casino Jack). Immigration Tango, featuring an audio commentary with the filmmakers, dances its way to DVD on June 28th, for the suggested retail price of $27.98.

Bella bride: America Ferrera weds longtime beau A m e ri ca F er rer a and her longtime boyfriend Ryan Piers Williams tied the knot this week in a star-packed bash.

The 27-year Ugly Betty star and Ryan were married in an elegant and intimate setting amongst close friends and family. The bride and groom exchanged vows at the stunning Chappaqua, New York home of her Ugly Betty costar Vanessa Williams. Also in attendance included Hollywood stars: Blake Lively and Amber Tambln (her Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants costars) plus such Ugly Betty cohorts as Rebecca Romlin (with hubby Jerry O’Connell), Mark Indelicato ­and Judith Light who officiated the ceremony! America looked radiant in a stunning dress by Amsale’s “Chrisos” label and accessorized with Fred Leighton Jewelry.

Williams proposed to the 27-year-old actress in June 2010 with a 4-carat round cut diamond worth about $70,000. Ferrara won an Emmy, a Golden Globe and a Screen Actors Guild Award for her portrayal of Betty Suarez on ABC’s Ugly Betty.

¡Que Viva La Novia!

Organic company inaugurates store and offers jobs in SF

compiled by El Reportero’s staff

The Mayor of San Francisco Ed Reads inaugurated the first store of Fresh & Easy Neighborhood Market, which is known for the natural elaboration of organic products, that include from products without colors and artificial flavors or trans fat, to items free of sugar, gluten, and meats and chickens that haven’t been frozen, and milk obtained from cows that were not treated with the hormone rBST, and all this at lower prices than the market.

This is the first branch of the store in San Francisco, which is located in the District of Richmond in the 32nd Avenue and Clement Street. The company also accepts job applications through its website www. for the store located in 3rd Street and Carroll Avenue, which is scheduled to open on August 24th.

The proposed salary for new employees is $10 an hour and they are also offered quarterly gratifications, as well as the possibility to participate in the plan 401(k). The company offers its employees the opportunity to work a minimum of 20 hours a week, which entitles them to medical cover, and dentist and ophthalmological services, including medicines that are sold with prescription.

A m e r i c a n G a m e s G u a d a l a j a r a 2 0 1 1

The Mexican Consulate was pleased to announce that this year the City of Guadalajara will be honored to host the XVI Pan-American Games, on October 14-30, 2011. This will be the largest multi-sport event ever held in Mexico outside the capital city, and the second most significant after the FIFA World Cup in 1986, and will gather thousands of athletes from around the continent in 46 different disciplines.

The Consulate General of Mexico invited the press to a lunch to launch the 100 days countdown for the Pan-American torch to light the inaugural fire that will spark off the games euphoria. Key sports figures participated in this event.

­Hundreds of Domestic workers, supporters head to Sacramento to support bill of rights

Hundreds of nannies, house cleaners, and care givers traveled to Sacramento on Wednesday to urge the Senate’s Labor Committee to approve the California Domestic Worker Bill of Rights which the Committee was scheduled to hear Wednesday morning. The bill would stabilize the vital domestic work industry and improve the quality of care for families, children, and seniors by expanding the necessary labor protections for household workers and creating clear standards for employers.

The gathering took place on Wednesday, July 6th in Capitol Building, Sacramento CA. Hundreds of supporters of the Bill AB889 attended- like employers, disability rights activists and seniors, domestic workers, religious leaders and students.

How should Americans respond when our leaders are war criminales?

by Luke Hiken

The news has recently described an astonishing number of war crimes being committed by the U.S. throughout the world:

1) The use of unmanned drones on civilian populations in Pakistan, Yemen, and Afghanistan.

2) The ongoing murder of civilians in Iraq.

3) Support for U.S.-installed dictators in Syria, Yemen and Bahrain, as well as torture and renditions in Saudi Arabia.

4 ) I n d i s c r i m i n a t e bombing in Libya designed to kill one of the few dictators we don’t embrace in the Middle East.

5) Declaring Iran Air Lines to be a “terrorist group” and threatening to prosecute anyone who flies on that airline for “Patriot Act” violations.

6) Support for Israel’s illegal blockade and opposition to a peace flotilla to the concentration camp known as Gaza.

7) U.S. complicity with the Mexican government in its murder of over 25,000 supposed drug dealers and their supporters — all to prevent North Americans from feeding their addictions.

8) Destabilization programs throughout South and Central America, designed to overthrow governments that won’t comply with U.S. demands to give us their natural resources and financial support.

9) The use of the CIA, FBI and their affiliates in international clandestine operations, including assassinations and disappearances.

The list goes on and on, and only gets worse as each week passes. The tally of our savagery throughout the world numbers in the hundreds of thousands each year, and yet the only casualties we read about refer to “American lives lost” – and, even those number in the thousands. All the government has to do is characterize its victims as terrorists, or anti-U.S., and the public sits back and condones the killing.

As “loyal” Americans, are we to applaud these unconscionable actions, support them with our taxes and remain committed to Pentagon- style “democracy?” Do we advocate obedience to the U.S. leadership and the oligarchs that finance them or do we root for our “enemies” – or neither?

Speaking out, marching, signing petitions and screaming “We’re not going to take it anymore” has never stopped any despot, and it is certainly not going to stop the billionaire CEOs who profit and benefit from the use of Homeland Security to silence dissent and opposition at home and abroad.

Given the virtual police state Americans live under, it is obvious that picking up guns or responding violently to these atrocities is suicidal, at best. Civil disobedience barely rises to the level of symbolic opposition given the certain imprisonment imposed on activists by our right-wing judiciary.

­Do we plead for mercy from these killers? Do we pray (now there is something the Republicans can get behind) for relief from this relentless slaughter?

Most Americans read the news and shake their heads in disbelief that we could have sunk so low as a nation. Then we resume going about our business, leaving the wars to those who hold the monopoly of power and wealth in this country.

Silence in the face these crimes is unacceptable. Resistance is the only honorable response. But how and what will stop this juggernaut of senseless wars and mayhem remains to be seen. In the meantime, we are like the good Germans of the 30’s and 40’s, who stood by while their government destroyed everything of value that it touched. Throughout history, oppressed people have been overwhelmed and immobilized by the seeming indestructibility of the military establishment in power. Whether it be a Hitler, an Attila, or the powerful Ozymandias of old, the mighty call upon the weak to “look on my works … and despair.”

But whether these tyrants are defeated by their enemies, or, like an uncontrolled forest fire that burns itself out as a result of its own self-destructing flames, all such empires fade and fall. The hubris and inhumanity of our leaders and owners result in their own annihilation – the only question is how many will have died while they wreaked their havoc on the people and resources of the planet.

L u k e H i k e n i s a n attorney who has engaged in the practice of criminal, military, immigration, and appellate law. The Progressive Avenues website,, is updated regularly in the “What’s Added, What’s New” link on the Home page, a t h t t p : / / w w w . p r