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Bilderberg 2011 The Rockefeller World Order and the High Priests of Globalization

FROM THE EDITOR: In continuing with our research and coverage of significant issues that have and are currently affecting our way of life, the following article, written by Andrew Gavin Marshall brings us into a long journey of historical passages about the Bilderberg group, a little known organization that has much to do with the policies that decide world events, such as future wars, countries invasions, mass destructions in other countries, or formation of new ‘free’ trade agreements for the benefit of the world ruling elite and the consolidation of a New World Order, and leading to the culmination of a New World Government to enslave humanity.

Due to its length, it will be divided into many parts. So please sit tight on your seat for a long ride, and hope that at the end, you’d have learned a big chunk of history.

by Andrew Gavin Marshall

Global Research

Recently by Andrew Gavin Marshall: The Logic of Imperial Insanity and the Road to World War III

To say we were striving for a one-world government is exaggerated, but not wholly unfair. Those of us in Bilderberg felt we couldn’t go on forever fighting one another for nothing and killing people and rendering millions homeless. So we felt that a single community throughout the world would be a good thing.

~ Denis Healey, 30-year member of the Steering Committee of the Bilderberg Group

The ‘Foundations’ of the Bilderberg Group

The Bilderberg Group, formed in 1954, was founded in the Netherlands as a secretive meeting held once a year, drawing roughly 130 of the political-financial-military-academic-media elites from North America and Western Europe as “an informal network of influential people who could consult each other privately and confidentially.” Regular participants include the CEOs or Chairman of some of the largest corporations in the world, oil companies such as Royal Dutch Shell, British Petroleum, and Total SA, as well as various European monarchs, international bankers such as David Rockefeller, major politicians, presidents, prime ministers, and central bankers of the world. The Bilderberg Group acts as a “secretive global think-tank,” with an original intent to “to link governments and economies in Europe and North America amid the Cold War.”

In the early 1950s, top European elites worked with selected American elites to form the Bilderberg Group in an effort to bring together the most influential people from both sides of the Atlantic to advance the cause of ‘Atlanticism’ and ‘globalism.’ The list of attendees were the usual suspects: top politicians, international businessmen, bankers, leaders of think tanks and foundations, top academics and 2university leaders, diplomats, media moguls, military officials, and Bilderberg also included several heads of state, monarchs, as well as senior intelligence officials, including top officials ­of the CIA, which was the main financier for the first meeting in 1954.

The European founders of the Bilderberg Group included Joseph Retinger and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands. Prince Bernhard had, incidentally, been a member of the Nazi Party until 1934, three years prior to his marrying the Dutch Queen Juliana, and had also worked for the German industrial giant, I.G. Farben, the maker of Zyklon B, the gas used in concentration camps. On the American side, those who were most prominent in the formation of the Bilderberg Group were David Rockefeller, Dean Rusk (a top official with the Council on Foreign Relations who was then the head of the Rockefeller Foundation), Joseph Johnson (another Council leader who was head of the Carnegie Endowment), and John J. McCloy (a top Council leader who became Chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank in 1953 and was also Chairman of the Board of the Ford Foundation).

The fact that the major American foundations – Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Ford – were so pivotal in the origins of the Bilderberg Group is not a mere coincidence. The foundations have, since their founding at the beginning of the 20th century, been the central institutions in constructing consensus among elites, and creating consent to power. They are, in short, the engines of social engineering: both for elite circles specifically, and society as a whole, more generally. As Professor of Education Robert F. Arnove wrote in his book Philanthropy and Cultural Imperialism:

Foundations like Carnegie, Rockefeller, and Ford have a corrosive influence on a democratic society; they represent relatively unregulated and unaccountable concentrations of power and wealth which buy talent, promote causes, and, in effect, establish an agenda of what merits society’s attention. They serve as “cooling-out” agencies, delaying and preventing more radical, structural change. They help maintain an economic and political order, international in scope, which benefits the ruling-class interests of philanthropists and philanthropoids – a system which… has worked against the interests of minorities, the working class, and Third World peoples.[8].


Banks lose $4.5 billions in deposits on Bank Transfer Day

­por Yashenka Baca

PresiManifestantes de Occupy SF protestan frente al Wells Fargo Bank: (PHOTO BY OCCUPY WALL STREET WEBSITE)Occupy SF protesters rally in front of Welss Fargo Bank: (PHOTO BY OCCUPY WALL STREET WEBSITE)

More than 680,000 people nationwide moved their money from a major bank to a credit union or a community bank last month, spurred by the “Move your Money Day” and “Bank Transfer Day”, on Nov. 5. According to the Credit Union National Association (CUNA), about $4.5 billion was transferred to new accounts in credit unions. Bank of America Corp., announced on Sept. 29, they had decided to start charging a $5.00 fee to debit card users (now rescinded). The news was not welcome by customers, who were irritated by the idea and started looking for alternatives.

Los Angeles artist Kristen Christian was one of many Bank of America customers fed up with fees and charges. She created a Facebook page called Bank Transfer Day and set Nov. 5 as the day of action. Through the page she encouraged her 500 friends to transfer their money from a big bank to a local non- profit credit union, cooperative, or community bank. The page went viral and after just three days it had more than 8,000 people ‘attending’ (the social media equivalent to: yes, I’ll do it).

On the other side of the country, the same idea had being circulating for a year and a half through online financial freedom communities. The Move your Money project, “a campaign that aims to empower individuals and institutions to divest from the nation’s ‘Too Big To Fail’ Wall Street banks” also started encouraging people to move their money to local financial organizations. According to Move your Money’s website, over 4 million people have already moved their money during the last year and a half.

Both movements gained tremendous momentum when Occupy Wall Street supporters echoed the idea during numerous rallies and marches around the country. Protesters saw Bank Transfer Day as a perfect way to take action and demonstrate that people are not helpless against big banks.

Bill Cheney, CEO of CUNA, said “consumers doubled the pace on November 5 … they should be given credit for being smart about what to do with their money.” The association revealed that only on Bank Transfer Day, credit unions got 40,000 new members and $80 million in new savings account funds. Bank of America representatives would not comment on the loss of customers.

Money moved in the Bay Area

Demonstrators protested against corporate greed showing support for “Move your Money Day” outside Bank of America in downtown San Rafael. Carrying sings like, “Leave Vampire Banks, Join a Credit Union” and, “Too Big to Fail, Too Big to Jail” protesters tried to encourage people to switch financial institutions and leave behind the bailout giants for a small community oriented bank or credit union.

A bank clerk from a San Francisco branch of Wells Fargo, whose name is omitted to protect his job, said to El Reportero that customers had been coming frequently to the bank looking to close their accounts. “Last Saturday, we had 20 people close their account in support of the Bank Transfer Day campaign”, the clerk said.

Protests were seeing outside major banks in Berkeley, Alameda, Oakland and San Francisco. In Palo Alto, home of the affluent Silicon Valley community, dozens of people also took to the streets carrying signs reading “Main Street before Wall Street” and “We are the 99%.” The group marched to all four Palo Alto big bank locations in support of the action day.

­Many Bay Area residents celebrated November 5 as “financial freedom day.” Messages posted on Twitter and Facebook referred to November 5 as “just the beginning.” Credit unions expect growth from new customers continuing to transfer during the rest of November and into the future, as the grip of major banks loosens.


Company that unleashed tainted avain flu vaccine recalls 300,000 flu vaccines

by Jonathan Benson
Natural News

Baxter Healthcare Corp. has announced it is recalling roughly 300,000 doses of its Preflucel influenza vaccine due to what it says is an excessive number of adverse events. Baxter is the same drug company that was caught inserting Avian Flu Virus into flu vaccines back in 2009 (

The UK’s Daily Mail reports that a high number of individuals injected with an apparently tainted batch of Preflucel have been reporting side effects like fatigue, muscle pain, and headaches. The vaccine, which was crafted specifically for those with egg allergies, has only been in use since March when it was first approved for use in the UK.

“The vaccine is being recalled because these side effects have been reported more frequently with this specific batch,” said a Baxter spokesmen. This spokesman also attempted to reassure the public that those who have already been vaccinated with Preflucel “should not be concerned (for their safety).”

The same time, however, Baxter has instructed healthcare providers not to administer any more Preflucel, no matter what batch it came from, to patients. And since this announcement, many European countries where the vaccine was distributed have ceased using it, and have instead switched to various alternatives.

“[Preflucel] should no longer be used and any remaining stock [of the recalled batches] should be returned to the original supplier for credit,” announced the UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency. “No further Preflucel of any batch should be administered at this time.”

Conveniently for Baxter, no further information has been provided to the public as to what might be the cause of the uptick in adverse reactions. And if the vaccine is so harmful that the company has decided to recall several hundred thousand doses of it and cease all further administration of it, how can officials say that those who have already been injected with it are safe?

The 2009 scandal involving the US division of Baxter essentially exposed the company as a purveyor of biological terrorism. After all, the company’s Biosafety Level 3 (BSL3) facility where the tainted vaccine was produced would have prevented unintentional contamination, which implies an intentional conspiracy ( So what dirty little secret might Baxter be trying to hide with its current recall?

Learn more: ­

Ortega wins big, gets OAS approval and EU disapproval

­by the El Reportero’s news services

Daniel OrtegaDaniel Ortega

Nicaragua’s Supreme Electoral Court (CSE) officially confirmed President Daniel Ortega the winner of the 6 November presidential contest, with 62.56 percent of the valid vote.

José Miguel Insulza, Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), said the election represented a step forward for the country in terms of “democracy and peace”, while the European Union is siding with the Nicaraguan opposition who is calling the election invalid and fraudulent. They are demanding for new elections.

Colombia turns its back on Uribe

A political colossus just over a year ago, and the longest serving president since the establishment of the Republic of Colombia in 1886, Alvaro Uribe (2002-2010) looks increasingly embittered as he loses his grip on Colombian politics.

It is not always easy to identify winners and losers in regional elections but on 30 October Uribe suffered several painful defeats, none more so than the victory for Gustavo Petro in the race for mayor of Bogotá: as a senator, Petro, a former M-19 guerrilla, was the one man not just to stand up to Uribe but to expose the parapolitics scandal that did most to damage his legacy. Uribe’s choice for mayor, Enrique Peñalosa, was one of a number of candidates nationwide that failed to benefit from his patronage.

­Then there was the resurgence, at the expense of Uribismo, of the Partido Liberal (PL), which President Juan Manuel Santos solidified by appointing the PL president, Rafael Pardo, to his cabinet.

You can’t complain if you did vote

by Chris/Information Liberation Opinion

One of the most common sayings among statists and government people is “you can’t complain if you didn’t vote.”

The idea is, if you didn’t try to influence the machinery of the state, then you have no right to complain about what the machinery of the state does to you against your will.

The idea is, of course, laughable on it’s face.

As with all statist memes, the reality is the opposite. You can’t complain if you *did* vote!

Why? Because, *gasp* you voted for it!

By taking part in the state’s voting ritual, you affirm the legitimacy of the system, you tell the government how you want the state’s machinery to run, you say how you want to force people to live.

By not voting, you are voicing your displeasure with the system, you are showing it has no validity in your life, you’re showing it’s irrelevant and the system is an illegitimate fraud.

The biggest constituency in America is not republicans or democrats, the biggest constituency is non-voters! Whether it be because they don’t care, don’t have the time, don’t think their vote counts for jack squat, or think voting is inherently immoral because it involves telling strangers how to live, the non-voter is the largest voter! They’re voting not to take part in the state’s charade!

Certainly an argument could be made, “I don’t want the state to rob from me etc., so therefore I try to minimize it’s damages.”

That’s all fine and dandy, but for the average voter, I think it’s likely they go in the booth with the intent of trying to tell other people how to live. Of course, they get the oppressive nanny state they ask for, and when it comes to burn them, all the sudden they start to complain. Not enough to actually question the system, just enough to go back next election and vote for some other clown who tells them everything

they want to hear and talks to them like an idiot. While I would never actually say they “can’t complain if they did vote,” the fact of the matter is, if anyone has any less of a right to complain, it’s voters, not non-voters. You don’t grant someone the right to rule over you and then complain because they don’t do everything you want, that they would act in their own best interests, and not yours, is to be expected. If you only did the same, we wouldn’t be in this horrible mess.

I did not vote in this election out of principle, previously I never voted because I just didn’t care, the reality is the same regardless. I do not grant the system any authority, nor do I grant the goon-squad government any legitimacy.

The state is a gang of robbers and thieves writ large, they have absolutely no right to tell anyone else how to live, they have absolutely no right to expropriate their neighbors wealth, and they have absolutely no continuright to threaten their neighbors with guns if they don’t comply with their arbitrary dictates. That a group of strangers voted for them to do it changes nothing.

(Chris runs the website He doesn’t believe in government by goon-squad and instead wishes to live in a free society. You can read more of his commentary here).

Ritmo cubano in San Francisco

­by the El Reportero’s staff

Raíces ProfundasRaíces Profundas

The San Francisco International Arts Festival will present Remembering Havana, their 9th Annual Season Announcement & Fundraising event, on November 13 at 5 pm.

During the evening guests will have the opportunity to listen to local music trio Santos Perdidos, which will play Son Cubano and Bolero music. The Fundraising event anticipates the U.S. 2012 Debut of Afro-Cuban dancing ensemble Conjunto Folklórico Raíces Profundas.

Raíces Profundas is a 35 year-old group that, along with its director Juan de Dios Ramos, has become a renowned representative or Afro-Cuban performance in the world.

Guests will be able to taste Nouveau Cuban cuisine such as Pollo con Quimbobó, Plátanos, Moros y Cristianos, Albodingas, and Mojitos.

The night time event also includes a ruffle with prizes such as tickets to Raíces Profundas shows in 2012, and the chance to pick up a bargain trip to the Havana Jazz Festival.

Fly Trap Restaurant, 606 Folsom Street, San Francisco, 5–8 p.m. For tickets go to

Galería de La Raza and SFAI offer free workshops

The San Francisco Art Institute and Galería de la Raza are currently offering free workshops for the youth, every Friday from 4-7 p.m. through December 15. The workshop titled Design = Power: Redefining The Codes Of Public Discourse, is oriented to youth aged 10-16, and it looks to introduce and hone media skills in fostering creativity.

Attendees will use media such as graphics, audio, video and photography, while they develop content and learn to use graphic equipment and software. Participants will be required to create, edit and produce their own projects. To apply, you can drop in during session hours or go to Fridays 4-7­ pm.

Musical storytelling for kids

Calypso storytelling, the musical and folkloric oral tradition of Trinidad, the storyteller’s homeland. The stories that Asheba will tell are of hope and happiness, and range from original lullabies to fast tunes. Asheba will tell some classics such as Itsy Bitsy Spider, Five Little Monkeys, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and You Are My Sunshine on his presentation on Saturday, November 12.

Both children and parents are welcome to sing, clap and dance along. La Peña Cultural Center, 3105 Shattuck Ave. Berkeley or call 510-849-2568. Programs are for kids between 2 – 6 years old, they start at 10:30 a.m. and cost $6 adults, $5 children.

Shakira to be part of Hollywood Walk of Fame

by Yashenka Baca


Colombian singer Shakira will receive a star in the Hollywood Walk of Fame. The musician and composer will be recognized for her achievements in the Category of Recording, in a ceremony to take place in front of the W Hotel in Hollywood, on November 8.

The 2,354th star on the Walk of Fame will have the 34 year-old worldwide pop star name. The performer of Hips don’t lie is the best selling Colombian artist of all time, but she’s also known for her philanthropist approach and her work in the Barefoot Foundation, an education oriented organization she founded when she was only 18. Shakira’s foundation has already opened six schools in Colombia and provides over six thousand impoverished children with educational and nutritional resources.

Only a day after Shakira (born Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll) will be honored at the 12th Annual Tribute Gala in Las Vegas. The Colombian pop princess, native of Barranquilla and a professional singer since 1990, will be recognized as the “Person of the Year”, part of the 2011 Latin Grammy ceremony; becoming the youngest person to ever receive the award.

Latin-American Music Festival in Miami

The Rola Music Fest, a music festival that celebrates the diversity of Latin music, will gather more than 15 renowned Latino-American bands and singers in a three day event that will take place on November 11, 12 and 13 at the Bayfront Park in Miami.

The event organizers confirmed last week the participation of Julieta Venegas, Diego Torres, Oscar d’León, Jarabe de Palo, Wilfrido Vargas, El Grupo Niche, Servando y Florentino, Amara La Negra,­ Caramelos de Cianuro, and the New York band Patafunk, among others.

For three days the attending public will enjoy a mix of Latin rhythms going from salsa and merengue all the way to pop and ska. The bands and singers come from several countries, including Venezuela, Colombia, Spain, Argentina, Dominican Republic and Mexico, and will perform all through the three days of the festival that starts at 6pm. on November 11.

“Rola Fest is a scenario designed not just for one type of genre, but, rather, aims to create a space where despite different musical tastes and trends, everyone can come together to celebrate Latin culture” said Javier Maggiolo, creator and organizer of the Rola Music Fest.

Monte Negro Band kicks off Guero Tour 2011

The bilingual rock Band Monte Negro prepares a nationwide journey: the Guero Tour, to close their 2011 season. The band, original from Los Angeles, plans to visit 35 cities across the United States during the last seven weeks of the year.

The group, formed by Francesco Ferrini, Rodax, Jason Li-Shing and Kinski released their new single Zero, which they say is “an exciting prelude to what will be Monte Negro’s new album release in early 2012.” Zero is a “high energy, hopeful tune that will be included in the upcoming record, “REPLICA I”, due out in early 2012”, they added.

Government announces cut off all communications on Nov. 9

­­by the El reportero’s staff

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced they will conduct a nationwide test through the Emergency Alert System (EAS).

The test will take place on Nov. 9 at 11 a.m. PT and will last up to 3 and a half minutes. FEMA announced that all “radio and television broadcasters, cable operators, satellite digital audio radio service providers, direct broadcast satellite services and wireline video services … are required to receive and transmit the government message to the public.”

Libertarian Party says crony capitalism, and not real capitalism, is the problem

The Chairman of the Libertarian Party, Mark Hinkle, said the Occupy Wall Street protesters should be fighting crony capitalism, and not real capitalism.

In a statement released on Oct. 14, Hinkle said he ‘’has followed with interest the Occupy Wall Street protesters, who called themselves the 99%’’. The protest, which started in mid September, has Capitalism among their many complaints.

According to the head of the Libertarian Party, an institution founded in 1971, protesters should be complaining against crony capitalism and not real capitalism, which he says stands for free markets and never for ‘’absolving businesses of liability for their actions.’’

“It is true that 99% of Americans do not enjoy the special benefits of crony capitalism because in such model the government hands out special favors and protections to politically well-connected businesses,” said Hinkle.

The Chairman of the Libertarian Party, the third largest and fastest growing party in the United States, claimed that “most of our economy today does not resemble a free market at all. A free market is where the government leaves businesses alone, does not attempt to pick winners and losers, does not stifle competition and does not hand out corporate welfare.”

The Bilderberg Grupo conspiracy unmasked

From the Editor: Lately, El Reportero has been praised by our readers for its coverage of controversial issues such as the Illuminati Agenda, the Federal Reserve Cartel, and other topics that touch the nerve of the oppressing elite in the United States and the world. We are doing this out of love for freedom and our commitment to our community to be informed with subjects that otherwise they can never read from the mainstream media or any other sources, which by design are hidden from the people – because that media serve the ruling class’ interests and not that of their communities.

I found this article about a little known organization that has much to do with the policies that decide world events, such as future wars, countries invasions, mass destructions in other countries, or formation of new ‘free’ trade organizations for the benefit of the world ruling elite.

by Jeff Harding,

I was not invited to the Bilderberg Conference (this weekend in St. Moritz). Actually I have never been invited. But I would really like to become a part of an international cabal to control the world. Not everyone can be a member of a cabal and pull the strings that make us dance. As we all know, the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission, and the Council on Foreign Relations control a vast conspiracy that has lead to our downfall. [For convenience, I am going to call the three organizations the Tri-Bilder Council, or TBC.]

I was recently reminded of this conspiracy in a lengthy letter to the editor of my local newspaper (Montecito Journal) responding to my article on the inevitability of QE3 (which originally appeared here).

The writer of the letter criticized me for being foolishly naive and ignorant of the TBC conspiracy.

Here is the purported list of attendees at this year’s conference. Judge for yourself.

There are two types of people in the world when it comes to conspiracies: those who believe in them and those who don’t. I would be in the latter category. There are several problems with vast conspiracies. First, you can never prove them. At least no one has proved the TBC conspiracy. Ditto with the Kennedy assassinations, the Rothschild conspiracy, or the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

It defies logic that such conspiracies can have such vast power with2out anything leaking out. That’s why conspiratiophiles come up with lots of disparate facts to deduce the existence of such. But they never come up with someone who will swear under oath that “Yes, X conspiracy exists, I am a conspirator, these are my co-conspirators, and this is how we did it.” If the FBI can crack the Mafia’s omerta, you would think they could get someone to fess up to a conspiracy to rule the world. Let’s face it, if the TBC was a conspiracy, would they announce their meetings?

All offered “proofs” are forms of logical fallacies and do not withstand careful analysis. They take little facts and patch together their “proof,” such as “Because X happened, Y happened.” Or, “Because X happened first, it caused Y.” The one doesn’t necessarily follow the other. Their arguments never hold together under close examination.

I believe that the best logical analysis of such things is the one developed by William of Ockham in the 13thC., commonly known as “Occam’s Razor.” It states that the explanation with the fewest unknowable or unprovable assumptions is usually the best one.

The reason that there is no vast conspiracy is because “They” don’t need one. “They” already rule the world. The “They” I am referring to are the Neo-Keynesian-Neo-classical econometricians whose ideas rule academia and thus, contemporary economics and politics.

I am not exaggerating here: the whole world follows these ideas. It is no surprise that the countries that were hit the worst by the boom and bust all used the same remedies in an attempt to rescue their failing economies. That is, they resorted to massive fiscal and monetary ­stimulus. In different ways, all are suffering from the same failed policies.

I don’t believe that “They” are evil. They all went to prestigious universities and studied the same economics and came out as true believers, never challenging the conventional wisdom. I don’t think Hank Paulson had evil intent when he went to Congress begging for bailout money: he believed that if he didn’t save Wall Street the financial world would come to an end. You can criticize him for his judgement and his general lack of understanding of economics, but look at the world he came from. They all believe the same things.

I am not suggesting that there aren’t evil people in the world or that no members of the TBC aren’t evil. But that’s not the point. If there is a conspiracy, it was one to suppress dissent and promote orthodoxy in academia starting in Europe almost 200 years ago. In fact many of these ideas can be traced back to Rome.

If you win in academia, at least in modern western societies, you win. It is where ideas are generated, discussed, and fought over. For all their supposed intellectual independence, colleges and universities are actually rather conservative institutions, carefully protecting whatever orthodoxy is popular at the time.

The TBC are merely reflections of today’s conventional wisdom. You can’t defeat them by denouncing them as conspirators. You have to defeat them with ideas.


SF Supervisors voted in favor of Occupy movement

por ­Yashenka Baca

Una multitud de aproximadamente 7,000 pesonas ocuparon el Puerto de Oaklandel 3 de noviembre, como parte de la continua ola: de protestas del movimiento Occupy Wall Street. (PHOTO BY DAMON TIGHE)A crowd of approximately 7,000 people occupied the Port of Oakland on Nov. 3.Occupy Wall Street. (PHOTO BY DAMON TIGHE)

A proposal to support the Occupy SF movement and allow it to camp overnight at Justin Herman Plaza without risk of getting raided by police, was approved last Tuesday afternoon by the Board of Supervisors of San Francisco.

The resolution, introduced a week ago by Supervisor John Avalos and sponsored by Supervisors David Campos, Eric Mar and Jane Kim, was approved by eight votes in favor and three against it, a super majority that could overrule a potential veto by Mayor Lee, who according to the occupiers has already agreed to sign it. Supervisors Mark Farrell, Carmen Chu and Sean Elsbernd voted against the proposal.

The meeting was highly anticipated and a crowd of occupiers was present when the San Francisco’s District representatives expressed or denied their support to the resolution. The document requested Mayor Lee and the Police Department to “uphold Free Speech rights … and ensure there will be no unnecessary use of force to dislodge the Occupy SF demonstrators.” The word unnecessary was the only amendment requested by Supervisor Wiener, who said “I don’t think it’s appropriate for us to tell the Police Department … no matter what happens, you cannot use force.”

Regarding the passing of the resolution Supervisor John Avalos said “it is important for the city to go on the record in support of the movement.” “Police raids only serve to energize the protesters and lead to tensions about how the public spaces should be used,” he added, referring to the police operation last week in Oakland that caused serious injuries to an Irak Vet present in the protest. “I see the consciousness that has changed across this country as a very good thing”, Avalos finally said.

At the encampment the news was received with dozens of clapping hand signs. During the Occupy SF General Assembly (GA) on Tuesday night, one of the spokespersons stated “Mayor Lee said we will not be raided, this is an ongoing situation.”

Some occupiers showed their disbelief to what the Mayor has apparently promised to the protesters. A woman participating on the GA said “he agreed because the election is coming up, he is not doing it for us, he is doing it for his own benefit.” Others said they will wait until the election is over to see what happens.

Oakland general strike succeeds

On the other side of the Bay, thousands of supporters of the Occupy Wall Street movement in Oakland marched through the streets in the biggest genhtmleral strike the city of Oakland has seen in decades.

Banks closed their doors and other financial institutions sent their workers home on Wednesday November 2nd as the Day of Action called by the Occupy Oakland General Assembly grew throughout the day.

By the afternoon the crowd, estimated by the police on 7,000 and by local media on 20,000, walked all throughout the city in six different marches organized from 9 am. to 5 pm. Thousands of people arrived to and departed from 14th St and Broadway, where the encampment is set, as they chanted “this is what democracy looks like” and “we are the 99 percent” among other cheers.

The large group of protesters, as diverse as the city itself and representing all ethnic groups, moved towards the Port of Oakland in the afternoon, the crowd covered the freeway in West Oakland all the way from Downtown to the Port of the city, which happens to be America’s 5th largest port. Protesters got on top of trucks, as they asked the drivers to stop working. The Port was indeed shut down. A spokesperson for the Port said “all the workers have been sent home, we hope to resume work on Thursday morning.”

After midnight things rapidly changed as the police moved in on a group of protesters that started a fire with trash cans. “This was peaceful until you came!” some protesters yelled at the police.

­Participants reported the street lights went off when the police approached, nobody has clarified if it was caused by a power issue or if they were intentionally turned off.

A volunteering legal support group reported that over 100 people had been arrested during the police intervention.