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SPLC admits lying about Sheriff Mack, lawsuit pending

by William F. Jasper

New American

At a speech in Sacramento, California, on December 10, Richard Mack, former sheriff of Graham County, Arizona, and founder of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA), announced that within a matter of days he will be filing a lawsuit in federal court against the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) for slander, libel and defamation.

Sheriff Mack, who successfully challenged the 1993 federal Brady handgun control act in a landmark case that went all the way through the United States Supreme Court, has been an outspoken champion of constitutionally limited government and a critic of federal usurpation and abuse of police powers. The forty-year-old Southern Poverty Law Center is notorious for lionizing left-wing extremists (such as unrepentant Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers) and equally notorious for smearing innocent individuals and organizations with the “racist,” pending“extremist,” “anti-semitic,” “anti-government,” and “hate group” labels. It is not surprising then that it has targeted Richard Mack for vicious treatment in a number of its publications and web sites over the years. But even more troubling than what it has published about him, says Sheriff Mack, are the lies that it has spread to law enforcement agencies about him in the seminars and training programs the SPLC conducts for federal, state, and local agencies. Sheriff Mack, who was a speaker, along with this writer at the 53rd Anniversary Banquet of The John Birch Society in Sacramento, also announced to the assembled guests that he would also soon be filing papers to run in the Republican primary for the 21st Congressional District of Texas against incumbent Rep. Lamar Smith, whom Mack describes a “RINO” (Republican In Name Only). The 21st District includes much of San Antonio and Austin, as well as Fredericksburg, where Mack now resides.

In an interview with The New American after the banquet, Sheriff Mack, explained that he had contemplated a lawsuit against the SPLC for the past several months, but the difficulty, time, and expense of taking on such an endeavor against the well-funded organization had prevented him from doing so. In May of this year, however, he received a telephone call from an SPLC “reporter.” Mack says he was amazed and told the reporter: “This is really funny. You guys have been lying about me for 15 years and this is the first time you’ve bothered to call me.”

The reporter asked, “When did we ever lie about you?”

Sheriff Mack recounted the telephone conversation:

I said, well, recently you said I believe in shooting federal agents, killing federal agents — IRS agents in particular. I said I have never said anything like that. I don’t believe in violence. I spent 20 years in law enforcement and never slugged or slapped or hit or maced or shot another human being. So I don’t believe in violence and I’m not a violent person, nor have I been.

The SPLC reporter said he would check into that. Later that day, says Mack, he received a call from spokesman Mark Potok, who edits the organization’s Intelligence Report. Potok said, “Sheriff, we owe you an apology.”

Sheriff Mack says “I knocked on the phone and said ‘Is this really Mark Potok of the SPLC who doesn’t care who they lie about? I don’t trust you.’”

Mack says Potok then admitted, “We went back and reviewed the tape where we reported you advocated shooting agents and that isn’t what you said.”

Potok agreed to reprint a retraction. However, says Mack, the retraction was a tiny paragraph, compared to the massive coverage they had given to the earlier false charges about him. And it could not even begin to undo the vast damage they done in smearing his name and the CSPOA before other law enforcement agencies.

Mack pointed out that Sheriff Dwight Nothstein of Carbon County, Pennsylvania, for instance, has publicly compared Sheriff Mack to Hitler and repeated the SPLC charge that he has advocated shooting federal agents.

“It does hurt me to see that the SPLC, which does training for every federal law enforcement agency, including other police and sheriffs agencies all across the country, will actually tell these people that there’s something inherently wrong with someone who quotes the Founding Fathers and our Constitution,” he told The New American.

“That’s all I’m guilty of. And isn’t it interesting that I’m called a racist, a bigot, a hate group monger, and I [supposedly] hate everybody because I simply quote American ideals as expressed by the Founding Fathers? That’s my ‘crime.’ And yet I get slandered all over the country to my fellow brothers and sisters in law enforcement.”

But the Sheriff is not one to let such things get him down; besides a busy speaking schedule, he is very active with a number ­of positive efforts and is always upbeat and optimistic.

In addition to launching his SPLC lawsuit and a congressional campaign, he is also releasing his newly published book, The Magic of Gun Control (cover shown above) and gearing up for his CSPOA “Constitutional Sheriffs Convention” in January 2012 in Las Vegas. He is hoping to bring together 150-200 sheriffs from across the country, together with other law enforcement officers to discuss with them their role in the “lawful and peaceful way to restore the Constitution and its Bill of Rights as the supreme law of the land.”

Bilderberg 2011 The Rockefeller World Order and the High Priests of Globalization

FROM THE EDITOR: In continuing with our research and coverage of significant issues that have and are currently affecting our way of life, the following article, written by Andrew Gavin Marshall brings us into a long journey of historical passages about the Bilderberg group, a little known organization that has much to do with the policies that decide world events, such as future wars, countries invasions, mass destructions in other countries, or formation of new ‘free’ trade agreements for the benefit of the world ruling elite and the consolidation of a New World Order, and leading to the culmination of a New World Government to enslave humanity.

Due to its length, it will be divided into many parts. So please sit tight on your seat for a long ride, and hope that at the end, you’d have learned a big chunk of history.

by Andrew Gavin Marshall
Global Research
Sixth part

Recently by Andrew Gavin Marshall: The Logic of Imperial Insanity and the Road to World War III

To say we were striving for a one-world government is exaggerated, but not wholly unfair. Those of us in Bilderberg felt we couldn’t go on forever fighting one another for nothing and killing people and rendering millions homeless. So we felt that a single community throughout the world would be a good thing.

~ Denis Healey, 30-year member of the adverSteering

Committee of the Bilderberg Group

CONTINUES: Bilderberg and the European Union

As with each meeting, there is the official list of participants, and then there are those participants who attend, but whose names are not listed in any official release. At this year’s meeting, some reports indicate that attendees whose names were not listed included NATO Secretary-General Anders Rasmussen, which is not surprising considering that the NATO Secretary-2General has generally been present at every meeting; Jose Luis Zapatero, Spanish Prime Minister; Angela Merkel, German Chancellor; Bill Gates, Co-Chairman of Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and former Microsoft CEO; and Robert Gates, the outgoing U.S. Secretary of Defense. The Guardian also reported that these “unofficial guests” were spotted at the conference or had their attendance ‘leaked’. Angela Merkel has reportedly attended meetings in the past, which would make her current attendance less than surprising.

At the recent meeting, EU officials were discussing the need for the EU to undertake a “massive power grab” in the face of the massive economic crisis facing Europe and indeed the world. Without such a power grab, the euro and indeed the Union itself would likely collapse; a scenario anathema to everything the Bilderberg group has tried to achieve in its 57-year history. The aim, put simply, would be to have the EU police itself and the nations of the Union, with the ability to punish nations for not following the rules, and as one Bilderberger reportedly stated at the meeting, “What we are heading towards a form of real economic government.” Now while this statement cannot be independently verified, there is much documentation within the public record that several of the European attendees at the meeting could have easily made such a statement.

Prior to the meeting, European Central Bank President, Jean-Claude Trichet, “said governments should consider setting up a finance ministry for the 17-nation currency region as the bloc struggles to contain a region-wide sovereign debt crisis.” Trichet asked: “Would it be too bold, in the economic field, with a single market, a single currency and a single central bank, to envisage a ministry of finance of the union?” Further in line with this thought, and with the ideas laid out in the Bilderberg meeting in favour of a ‘power grab’, Trichet said he supports “giving the European Union powers to veto the budget measures of countries that go ‘harmfully astray,’ though that would require a change to EU Treaties.” Such a finance ministry would, according to Trichet, “exert direct responsibilities in at least three domains”:

­They would include “first, the surveillance of both fiscal policies and competitiveness policies” and “direct responsibilities” for countries in fiscal distress, he said. It would also carry out “all the typical responsibilities of the executive branches as regards the union’s integrated financial sector, so as to accompany the full integration of financial services, and third, the representation of the union confederation in international financial institutions.”

Presidential candidate warns martial law being established in U.S.

­by Aaron Dykes­

Law authorizes martial law in the United States.Law authorizes martial law in the United States.

Leading GOP candidate Ron Paul has warned in recent interviews that the amendments passed in the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) are not only dangerous, but authorize the establishment of total martial law inside the United States. Not only does the bill, in sections 1031 and 1032, declare the unconstitutional right to detain Americans indefinitely without trial, but it authorizes an Internet offensive and online Pentagon takeover under the pretext of cybersecurity and stopping online piracy.

Yes, America has been declared a battlefield, and average Americans portrayed as potential enemies. One front of that battle continues to be the 2012 elections, where a real battle of ideas is underway.

National polls show the Texas Congressman is consistently in 1st or 2nd place in Iowa, where he threatens to win the caucus that leads the GOP primary. A victory there would represent a significant upset to the war-loving status quo.

This is exactly why the lapdog media have already begun pre-scripting the justifications for ignoring the historical significance of the Iowa caucus if Ron Paul wins. This is more than just politics as usual– the party lines are at stake, and Dr. Paul’s ideas represent a real change in the system. Those in power simply do not want to see him win.

CALL TO ACTION:Help Get This Vital Video Warning Out to All Americans, and Every Patriot Who Can Help Stop This Tyrannical Takeover Before It’s Too Late

Please send this video to all your contacts, friends, families and strangers to warn them that martial law and a total federal takeover is at stake. ONLY YOU can prevent the total destruction of the Constitution, Bill of Rights and American way in this time of global consolidation and rule by a collective of allied bankers, military, industrial and globalist powers.

It has happened before in history, and America is in no way immune from a descent into outright tyranny.

Once again, the Cassandra songs voiced here at and other alternative news outlets for years and years have only proven true, as tyranny predictably marches on. It was never about making predictions, but reading the writings on the wall. We have all been warned, and it’s all really happening. Real preparations for martial law and WWIII have taken place– including recent calls to staff emergency detention camps ready for use if an national emergency is signaled over civil unrest and a takeover goes red hot.

Among the many prescient films put out by Alex Jones is Police State 4: The Rise of FEMA, which accurately warned that various emergency provisions have long worked in conjunction to build a framework for martial law takeover inside America. And again, it has all come to pass, incrementally ratcheting up assumed powers over the people– from producTSA at the airports, to highway checkpoints and now, the claimed power to indefinitely detain anyone the feds view as a threat to national security.­


Yale returns Machu Pichu relics excavated in 1911 back to Perú

­by the El Reportero’s news services

Machu PichuMachu Pichu

One hundred seventy seven skeletons will arrive to a Machu Picchu Museum later on today, as part of the second shipment of relics that Yale University is returning to Perú.

A shipment of 26 boxes of Incan relics was flown from New York to Cuzco earlier this week and will complete its journey today upon arrival to the Casa Concha Museum in Machu Picchu.

This shipment is the second out of the three scheduled deliveries containing some 40,000 objects that explorer Hiram Bingham dug up in the Peruvian site back in 1911, and eventually donated to Yale University.

A third delivery containing pottery and stone-ware findings is scheduled for December of next year.

Cayo García Miranda, a member of the International Centre for the Study of Machu Picchu and Inca Culture said the remains are important to archaeological research and to the understanding of Peru’s history.

“It is essential to have these objects, which show much of our history.

Also, DNA testing can show the genetic, pathological and anatomical characteristics of ancient Peruvians,” he said.

­Uruguay investing in power milk business to the tune of $65 million

The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), approved a loan of up to $65 million for Estancias del Lago SA, a Uruguayan privately-held agri-business company, to develop a fully-integrated and highly efficient dairy operation to export powered milk.

The loan will help finance the implementation of a highly-efficient freestall dairy facility and a dry lot facility for 8,800 and 2,000 milking cows, respectively, as well as a powdered milk plant with an annual output capacity of 16,500 metric tons, which will represent about 12 percent of the country’s current powdered milk exports.

Located in the Department of Durazno, the project is expected to create as many as 400 jobs during its construction phase and another 314 once fully operational.

Ron Paul and the Iowa conspiracy

por Jack Blood

It shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone following the GOP Presidential Nomination process, that the establishment wants a

Romney 2011vs Obamney ticket for the general selection in 2012.

We believe that this is a thinly veiled plan to get Obama 4 more years as POTUS. But, How far would the Powers than be (no one ever really names or faces the dreaded “eSTABlishment” … Suffice to say its David Rockefeller – Wall St. and the Fed, from both the left and the right… ) I digress…How far would they go to get that “dream” ticket of Bilderberg vs Bilderberg, Tweed vs tweedy, elite vs elitist…?

Its fleshing out right now in Iowa.

It seems the plan might be familiar. Just as the mass media and her “pundits” have written off any Straw Poll victories captured by the Ron Paul Campaign (Paul Just won a few more of those in Florida over the last 24 hrs! You would hear that on the news though…) , so will they minimize a Paul victory in the Iowa Caucus this January 3rd. This is a certainty. If Paul wins, Romney is safe, and Newt is damaged goods.

With a near guarantee of M-Rom winning New Hampshire (not so fast) Live Free or Die… Romney’s “Home” State is NH because he has a beach house there… M-Rom would allegedly have a clear path to Florida. (SC going to anyone BUT Romney)

Maybe NH has other ideas: So to guide this in, even to help Ron Paul in Iowa will definitely serve the Romney campaign. Which is the goal. The MSM will do whatever they have to to arrange this.

Of course Newt will “protest” but being the good and fat Ol’ stalking horse he is, will eventually take his place back on the lecture circuit with a huge bonus for his trouble, saving him from what might have been bankruptcy, and scandal.

And just HOW can they make Iowa insignificant? Because if Ron Paul can win there, as the Huckster did in 08… it just cant be that important. Hear that Iowa?

The Establishment media is calling you dumb and insignificant – that is unless you do what your told, as you faithfully did in 2000 for George Jr. – The PTB didn’t get where they are by taking chances on the race. They FIX the race.

Here is just one of many examples of the media pouring it on Ron: Chris Wallace: A Ron Paul win in Iowa would ‘discredit’ state’s caucusesIts kind of a no lose plan if you are the elite. Hell, they gotta do something to stop the REAL protest against tyranny, which for many of us IS the Ron Paul Campaign! – So maybe they can stop Paul by working 24/7 to CON Iowans into thinking that a vote for Ron Paul is a wasted vote…. This has been tried successfully in the `past.


The “hitch” in this plan? What if Ron Paul does win in Iowa? Then the momentum helps him to win or get 2nd in NH… stay with me… then via the media coverage wave, during which voters will gain the same perspective we Paul supporters have had for years, that the media are dirty cheap whore liars… etc… Which turns voters against them, at which time they vote Paul in the south as a protest.

Or… Because of all the media coverage, the voters grow to know Ron Paul, and vote for him because they finally realize that he is the only honest man in the race.

Hey… it could happen. And because of the way the system works this time (up until april 1st – April Fools Day) the candidates will get points for placing and showing (not just winning) the primary states.

So realistically – Ron Paul could be a top tier candidate well into the spring. The wave of coverage would certainly turn on the Newt Rom campaign.

Not to worry though Mitt… If by some miracle Ron Paul does look like he could win the nomination, and the delegates cannot be swayed to steal it from him at the convention… they can just kill him and blame it a lone nut. (which might be Obama’s fate if he doesn’t reel this in.)

While its great to see Ron Paul doing so well, and the message of Liberty gaining traction… I am suspiciously cautious.

As always I “hope” for the best, I work to that end… but I prepare for FOUR MORE WARS and Cousin Barry O til 2016 and beyond.


Grammy’s to make special tribute to Antonio Carlos Jobin

by the El Reportero’s news services

Antonio Carlos JobinAntonio Carlos Jobin

Antonio Carlos Jobim, who co-wrote the famous song “Girl From Ipanema” will be awarded a posthumous Grammy for helping share Bossa Nova with the world.

The Brazilian arranger, singer and pianist/guitarist was pivotal in the creation of the Brazilian Bossa Nova as well as in exporting the sound ­to the rest of the world.

In 1995, Jobim won a posthumous Best Latin Jazz Performance Grammy for his album ‘Antonio Brasileiro’.

Along with Jobim, the late Apple CEO and co-founder Steve Jobs will be presented with a special Grammy award for creating products and technology that transformed the way we consume music, TV, movies and books. Diana Ross, whom has never won a Grammy, will be presented the Lifetime Achievement Award.

Other Lifetime Achievement recipients for the year include the Allman Brothers Band, Glen Campbell, George Jones, the Memphis Horns, and the late Gil Scott-Heron

Puerto Rican singer Luis Fonsi and Spanish model girlfriend have their first child

Puerto Rican singer Luis Fonsi and Spanish model Agueda Lopez have had their first child together, a little girl they named Mikaela.

The 33-year-old artist announced on his Web page that Mikaela was born at 1:46 p.m. Tuesday in a Miami hospital.

“Both Agueda and Mikaela are in perfect health,” said Fonsi, who added that he felt “very emotional and proud to begin this new chapter in … life as a father.”

The couple expressed their gratitude “from the bottom of our hearts (for) the lovely wishes and messages of support (we) have received,” although they also asked for “privacy to ensure that mother and daughter have a quick recovery.”

In July, the singer and the model announced that they were expecting their first child, an event that Fonsi called a “beautiful blessing” that “fills our lives with joy.”

Uruguayan hot-momma Natalia Oreiro’s naked plea to save forests

“Please Help My Unborn Child Known the Forests,” says Uruguayan singer, actress, fashion designer and activist Natalia Oreiro in this Greenpeace ad for Argentina.

Deforestation in Argentina is on the rise because of illegal logging permits and cattle expansion, even after the approval of a government forest bill “Ley de Bosques,” supported by more than 1.5 million Argentinean citizens and signed off by the Argentinean Congress in 2007 to protect native forests. Argentina and Uruguay share a border and the bio-rich Rio de La Plata region.

You can help save the foreYou can help save the forests, protect indigenous livelihoods and guarantee biodiversity for our future. for more information, visit

CCSF diagnostic medical program top in the United States

­Compiled by the El Reportero’s staff

City College of San Francisco’s Diagnostic Medical Imaging Program (DMI) has received a trophy for being the Best Radiologic Training Program in the United States for 2011, according to a national peer-review panel of expert radiological professionals at, a comprehensive internet site for radiologists and other professionals in the medical imaging industry. The staff of includes executives, editors, and software engineers with years of experience in the radiology industry.

Upon completion of the national examination for credentialing, graduates of the CCSF DMI program work as Radiologic Technologists with an unlimited license to perform complex examinations, and a broad scope of practice. Many of the Radiology departments in medical centers within San Francisco are staffed primarily by graduates of the CCSF DMI program. Thus, chances are that any individual having a diagnostic x-ray study in San Francisco would have encountered a CCSF DMI graduate.

Debt-free United States dollar bills were once issued under JF Kennedy

The U.S. government still has the power to issue debt-free money

by the Economic Collapse

Most Americans have no idea that the U.S. government once issued debt-free money directly into circulation. America once thrived under a debt-free monetary system, and we can do it again. The truth is that the United States is a sovereign nation and it does not need to borrow money from anyone. Back in the days of JFK, Federal Reserve Notes were not the only currency in circulation. Under JFK (at at various other times), a limited number of debt-free United States Notes were issued by the U.S. Treasury and spent by the U.S. government without any new debt being created. In fact, each bill said “United States Note” right at the top. Unfortunately, United States Notes are not being issued today. If you stop right now and pull a dollar out of your wallet, what does it say right at the top? It says “Federal Reserve Note”. Normally, the way our current system works is that whenever more Federal Reserve Notes are created more debt is also created. This debt-based monetary system is systematically destroying the wealth of this nation. But it does not have to be this way. The truth is that the U.S. government still has the power under the U.S. Constitution to issue debt-free money, and we need to educate the American people about this.

There is a red seal instead of a green seal on the front, and it says “United States Note” rather than “Federal Reserve Note”.

According to Wikipedia, United States Notes were issued directly into circulation by the U.S. Treasury and they were first used during the Civil War….

They were originally issued directly into circulation by the U.S. Treasury to pay expenses incurred by the Union during the American Civil War. Over the next century, the legislation governing these notes was modified many times and numerous versions have been issued by the Treasury.

So why are we using debt-based Federal Reserve Notes today instead of debt-free United States Notes? It seems rather stupid, doesn’t it?

Well, that is what Thomas Edison thought too.

Thomas Edison was once quoted in the New York Times as saying the following….

That is to say, under the old way any time we wish to add to the national wealth we are compelled to add to the national debt.

Now, that is what Henry Ford wants to prevent. He thinks it is stupid, and so do I, that for the loan of $30,000,000 of their own money the people of the United States should be compelled to pay $66,000,000 — that is what it amounts to, with interest. People who will not turn a shovelful of dirt nor contribute a pound of material will collect more money from the United States than will the people who supply the material and do the work. That is the terrible thing about interest. In all our great bond issues the interest is always greater than the principal. All of the great public works cost more than twice the actual cost, on that account. Under the present system of doing business we simply add 120 to 150 per cent, to the stated cost.

But here is the point: If our nation can issue a dollar bond, it can issue a dollar bill. The element that makes the bond good makes the bill good.

thin air and lending it to theOur current debt-based monetary system was devised by greedy bankers that wanted to make huge profits by ­creating money out of U.S. government at interest. Sadly, the vast majority of the American people have no idea how money is actually created in this nation.

In a previous article about money and debt, I explained how more government debt is created whenever the U.S. government puts more money into circulation….

NEXT WEEK: When government puts more it creates more government debt.

Bilderberg 2011 The Rockefeller World Order and the High Priests of Globalization

FROM THE EDITOR: In continuing with our research and coverage of significant issues that have and are currently affecting our way of life, the following article, written by Andrew Gavin Marshall brings us into a long journey of historical passages about the Bilderberg group, a little known organization that has much to do with the policies that decide world events, such as future wars, countries invasions, mass destructions in other countries, or formation of new ‘free’ trade agreements for the benefit of the world ruling elite and the consolidation of a New World Order, and leading to the culmination of a New World Government to enslave humanity.

Due to its length, it will be divided into many parts. So please sit tight on your seat for a long ride, and hope that at the end, you’d have learned a big chunk of history.

by Andrew Gavin Marshall

Global Research

Seventh part

Recently by Andrew Gavin Marshall: The Logic of Imperial Insanity and the Road to World War III

To say we were striving for a one-world government is exaggerated, but not wholly unfair. Those of us in Bilderberg felt we couldn’t go on forever fighting one another for nothing and killing people and rendering millions homeless. So we felt that a single community throughout the world would be a good thing.

~ Denis Healey, 30-year member of the Steering Committee of the Bilderberg Group

Last year, Belgian Prime Minister Yves Leterme endorsed such an idea of a ‘European Economic Government’ when he stated:

The idea of strengthened economic government has been put on the table and will make progress. In the end, the European Debt Agency or something like it will become a reality. I’m convinced of this. It’s about Europe’s financial stability and it’s not an ideological debate about federalism. I myself am a federalist. But more integration and ­deeper integration are simply logical consequences of having a single currency.

This is of course, not surprising, considering that Leterme’s predecessor is Herman van Rompuy, the current Bilderberg participant and EU President, a strong-headed advocate of an ‘economic government’ and ‘global governance.’ The plans for an ‘economic government’ require the strong commitment of both France and Germany, which may explain Merkel’s reported appearance at Bilderberg. In March of 2010, the German and French governments released a draft outline that would “strengthen financial policy coordination in the EU.” The plan, seen by German publication Der Spiegel, “calls for increased monitoring of individual member states’ competitiveness so that action can be taken early on should problems emerge.” Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker stated in response to the plan, “We need a European economic government in the sense of strengthened coordination of economic policy within the euro zone.” In December of 2010, German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble stated that, “In 10 2years we will have a structure that corresponds much stronger to what one describes as political union.”

As reported by the German press in early 2011, Germany and France were split on several aspects of such an ‘economic government.’

However, as Merkel stated, “We have obviously been discussing the issue of an economic government for a long time,” and that, “What we are currently envisioning goes yet another step in this direction.” Yet, the differences between the two approaches are mainly as follows: France would prefer to see the European Council, which comprises the heads of state and government of the EU’s member states, turned into a kind of economic government. Since only euro-zone member countries would be involved initially, French Finance Minister [and past Bilderberg participant] Christine Lagarde has dubbed the project “16 plus.”

The Germans are focused on completely different things. Their preference would be to see the current rescue fund replaced by the so-called European Stability Mechanism in 2013. According to this arrangement, in return for any help, cash-strapped countries would have to subject themselves to a strict cost-cutting regimen.

Mario Draghi is the current President of the Bank of Italy, as well as a board member of the Bank for International Settlements – the BIS (the central bank to the world’s central banks). In an interview posted on the website of the BIS in March of 2010, Mario Draghi stated that in response to the Greek crisis, “In the euro area we need a stronger economic governance providing for more coordinated structural reforms and more discipline.” Mario Draghi also attended the 2009 conference of the Bilderberg Group. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Mario Draghi has been backed by the euro-area finance ministers to be the successor to Jean-Claude Trichet at the European Central Bank, who is due to step down in October of 2011.

Certainly, the objective of a ‘European economic government’ will continue throughout the coming years, especially as the economic crisis continues. As Dominique Strauss-Kahn, outgoing Managing Director of the IMF and long-time Bilderberg participant stated, “crisis is an opportunity.” Bilderberg, while not omnipotent by any means, will do all in its ability to prevent the collapse of the euro or the ending of the European Union. Bilderberg has, after all, from its very beginning, made ‘European integration’ one of its central objectives. In an official biography of Bilderberg-founder and long-time Chairman Prince Bernhard, the Bilderberg Group was credited as “the birthplace of the European Community.”

Regime Change

Demonstration to protect a sacret Indian place

­por la Tribu Elem Pomo

Miembros de la Tribu Elem protestan violación de lugar sagradoMembers of Elem Tribe protest violation of sacred place

East Bay Millionaire John Nady has begun building his vacation home on Rattlesnake Island, the ancient political and religious center of the Elem Tribe, in Lake County. Nady bought the island 8 years ago, reportedly for $2.5 million. Using his wealth and influence, he has already strong-armed his way through the planning regulations. He began laying foundations for his vacation home at the end of November. John Nady is part of the 1%.

Nady is one of the wealthiest people in the East Bay, amongst his houses, is the vast Sweetland Mansion in the exclusive neighborhood of Piedmont. On Saturday December 17th, Elem Tribal members and their supporters will participate in a spiritual walk from the Grand Lake Theater, Lakepark & Grand Ave, into Piedmont. They hope to show Nady that from Lake County to the Bay Area people will oppose this desecration.

Businessmen from San Francisco stole the island in the 19th Century.

They used their money and connections to fraudulently claim the island under the Homestead Act. Since then the island has changed hands several times, as one wealthy elite after another bought it. Despite not having legal ownership of it, the Elem have continued to use the island in many of their traditional ways. No non-native person has ever lived on the island or built on it until now. Nady is building a vacation home on top of a site where people have prayed for at least the last 6,000 years.

Now the Elem Tribe calls on the people of Oakland to support them to stop the desecration. Whether it’s for gold, silver, coal, uranium or leisure, John Nady is part of a long history of the 1% who have exploited Indigenous lands.

Much of the Elem’s traditional land was promised to them under a treaty signed by the American government in 1851. But Congress refused to ratify the treaties, a decision Tribes in Lake County, didn’t hear about until more than 50 years later. Meanwhile, tribal land, ­including Rattlesnake Island, was claimed by settlers. In the end, it was the US Government which enabled the 1% to steal their land.

Jim Brown, a traditional cultural leader of the Elem Tribe, says: ‘We, the 99% are tired of the 1% controlling everything with their wealth, with their greed, and with the hypocrisy they brought to the United States. We need to chase these foreign governments out of our land and turn it back 4over to the people. We need everyone to support our aboriginal rights”.

On Indigenous Peoples’ Day, Oct. 10, more than 100 people marched with Elem Tribal members to Nady’s offices in Emeryville to deliver a letter asking him not to build on their most sacred site. Now that he has begun construction work on the island, they will take to the streets again to demand he stop, this time closer to home.

A march was held on Dec. 17 and then met on the grass outside the Lakeview Branch of Oakland Public Library.

Elem Pomo assert aboriginal title to Rattlesnake Island