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Library Journal names Luis Herrera 2012 LJ Librarian of the Year

­by the staff of El Reportero

It’s rare that a city mayor, board of supervisors, library commission and department heads, a union, and citizens of all types come together on anything, but that’s what happened in San Francisco when City Librarian Luis Herrera was nominated for the prestigious LJ Librarian of the Year award. Citywide support, including recently elected Mayor Edwin Lee, users of the city’s branch libraries, chiefs of other city departments, and members of the Librarians Guild of the Service Employees International Union made Luis Herrera the clear choice for the 2012 LJ Librarian of the Year. He was chosen by the editors of LJ.

Herrera earned broad respect by establishing a firm fiscal foundation for the San Francisco Public Library when he became City Librarian in 2005. He restarted the stalled Branch Library Improvement Program (BLIP).

Herrera’s understanding of the importance of teams, sensitive leadership, and shared management style have all contributed to his success. In addition, his ability to get things done by building partnerships with other city departments—the Police Department, the Department of Public Health, the Department of Environment, the Parks Department—is unique.

Appeals court tosses Obama birthplace challenge

­The so-called birther movement was dealt another legal blow Thursday when a federal appeals court tossed out a lawsuit challenging President Barack Obama’s U.S. citizenship and his eligibility to serve as commander in chief.

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that none of the challengers had legal standing to file the lawsuit on Jan. 20, 2009, the day Obama was inaugurated. The three-judge panel cited various reasons for disqualifying six sets of plaintiffs, who included Obama’s political rivals, taxpayers and military personnel.

The birther movement has filed multiple lawsuits over the issue, so far with no success.

The U.S. Constitution says only “a natural born citizen” may serve as president. The challengers allege that Obama, whose father was Kenyan, was born in that African country, rather than the U.S. state of Hawaii. They claim his Hawaii birth certificate is a forgery.

The appeals court didn’t address the authenticity of the birth certificate, instead ruling that the challengers couldn’t show “concrete injury” from the allegations.

The lawsuit was filed in 2009 by 40 plaintiffs, including conservative activists Alan Keyes and Wiley Drake, who ran for president and vice president respectively as members of the American Independent Party against Obama in 2008.

They alleged they had standing to file a lawsuit because of their interest in competing in a fair election. Libertarian Party vice-presidential candidate Gail Lightfoot was also a plaintiff.

When ‘watermarks’ idenfified my generation’s social status

by John Flórez
Hispanic Link News Service

With each new high-tech year, schoolchildren’s vocabularies travel in new orbits. Words commonplace in the typewriter era such as Wite-Out and carriage return and later, writing balls and Selectrics, are relegated to obsolescence, replaced by new generations’ conversations about texting, Twitter and WiFi.

The same applies to customs, cultures and certainly, social class.

Many years ago, at Salt Lake City’s Riverside Elementary, “watermarks” meant something unique to me and my classmates, both white and Latino. When we raised our hands, our teachers could easily spot the marks, the dirty streaks trailing down our forearms. They revealed which of our families — lacking running water — lined up each day with our siblings to take baths in our families’ increasingly soapy-brown galvanized tub.

Webster offers different definitions for “watermarks”: the height to which water has risen on the shoreline or, still common, the faint signature design impressed on sheets of paper The Flórez children were members of a different “watermark” generation.

My parents, Reyes and Chona, came to the United States at the turn of the 19th century from the Mexican state of Zacatecas to escape the Revolution. Crossing the border and starting anew in Utah, they scratched for the basics that we take for granted now. In many of our neighborhoods, outhouses were part of the skyline silhouettes. Homes were heated by wood and coal stoves. We ran around with holes in the soles of our shoes. I suspect it was our generation that started the tattered-clothes fashion era.

Schools were basic buildings. No cafeteria, no central heating, no air conditioning. We controlled classroom temperatures by opening the windows or wearing coats. Noontimes, we ate at our desks, which were bolted to each other and to the floor. Roy Rogers lunch boxes were ostentatious signs of our acculturation, our upward mobility.

My siblings and I carried our lunches to school in paper bags or wrapped in Wonder Bread cellophane. At first, I was embarrassed to bring out the gorditas my mother had lovingly made. They were thick baked tortillas much like today’s pocket bread. Our mother filled them with delicious eggs produced by our own chickens, and refried beans. Smart white classmates smelled them out and often offered to swap their bologna sandwiches with us. Sometimes I worked a trade.

Most of my contemporaries who were born in the USA talk about being from the east or west side of the tracks. I was neither. I was born in the middle. Our house was an aged wooden railroad passenger car, its wheels removed, abandoned in the middle of several lines of tracks.

I shared one end of it with my siblings. We had no electricity and a very cold outhouse. My father hauled our water from the nearby railroad tower. For our baths, my mother boiled some on the stove. My brother and sister and I took turns squatting in our galvanized tub. The last one in got the soap ring around it.

On winter nights, my father would fire up our potbellied stove with scrap blocks of creosote-soaked railroad ties. For cooking and heating, we gathered chunks of coal that the engineers would shake from the train. Mornings, we waited for our father to fire the potbelly up again. We had no refrigerators, only iceboxes. On hot summer days, one of the benefits of living close to the Denver and Rio Grande railroad depot was we could take our wooden wagon to collect chunks of ice thrown out by porterswho cleaned the railcars.

Now, as I turn on my warm shower each morning, I count my blessings. And whenever the option for a watermark is offered on a computer document, I wonder if these new generations are able to appreciate the blessings they have. Feliz año nuevo.

[John Flórez writes a weekly column for the Deseret News in Salt Lake City, Utah. He has served on the staff of U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch (RUtah) and filled various White House appointments, including Deputy Assistant Secretary of Labor and on the Commission on Hispanic Education. Email him at ­]

Ben Fulford: The Year of the Dragon started, expect big changes

by Ben Fulford

The old world order criminals in Washington D.C. And the G5 terrorist states think they are winning the ongoing financial war for the future of this planet but they are very mistaken.

The year 2012 is, in the Chinese Zodiac, the Year of the Dragon and not just any dragon but the year of the fire [sic] dragon. [Pat-Actually, it’s the year of the “water” dragon!] The Chinese New Year starts on January 23 this year, and you can be sure planned big changes have been prepared for this auspicious time.

In a sign of change in Japan, for example, there have been major unreported gun battles at night in Tokyo resulting in a victory by dragon family groups over North Korean agents working under old order stooge Yasuhiro Nakasone. In one battle 31 North Koreans and 11 dragon warriors died, according to a CIA source.

Former Finance Minister Heizo Takenaka was also detained for questioning last week where he sang like a canary ratting out Yasuhiro Nakasone, Junichiro Koizumi and others, according to Japanese security police sources.

Nakasone’s power base has now been severely eroded. The new agenda for East Asia for 2012 is now Japanese independence, Korean Unification and friendship with respect with China. In relation to this, a White Dragon Society representative will be going to China in early February to discuss the new financial system.

In the US, meanwhile, the situation appears to be very grim, with Obama signing into law the right to arrest and detain US citizens on US soil without trial. The Pentagon has refused to step in and restore constitutional rule. The corporate media, for its part, continues to spout dumbed-down lies and garbage.

The Chicago Mafia and its P2 fascist lodge and Khazarian Satanist overseers still think they will be able to start World War 3. For example, senior P2 Lodge member and Cavalier of the Teutonic Knights Vincenzo Mazzara sent the following e-mail: “The time of the global war is very near. The missiles sistem is on red allarm.

The destruction of all the planet is near. Stopping this trial (the Neil Keenan trial about the theft of $1 trillion by the P2) or all the people in the earth (ours family too) will be [sic] sterminated . I want see y in suisse for a table peace with an global agreement for the new world. No story so there arent future for the world. I don’t want repeat this concepet or the death arriving before of the time that y belive. Black Sun Son.”

This writer met Mazzara in Milan a couple of years ago and was shown his “God,” a black circle of stained glass in the Milan Cathedral. He also showed me a cross with a snake wrapped around it on prominent display in the church. This writer nearly died of sudden lung failure after meeting Mazzara and was told by the CIA who were observing me there that I was not supposed to have left Italy alive. Mazzaro was also detained last year outside the house of a White Dragon representative in Geneva, and was found to be carrying a gun and a sophisticated lock-picking device.

These Satan worshippers are not planning to go quietly into the night so it is understandable why there would be lots of pessimism among US based people.

However, although the changes promised by this writer have taken longer to happen than hoped for, there really are many signs the Khazarian Satanic rule is ending. In the US, the Pentagon, for example, is not acting now because the time is not ripe, according to Pentagon sources. The agency is thinking outside of the box and instead of restoring rule based on an ancient and badly written constitution, they are considering a more fundamental reset of how the US is governed.

In Europe as well, the move to turn Europe into a Soviet Union type of totalitarianism is falling apart. There also, there is serious debate behind the scenes on how to improve European systems of government and finance.

The general consensus, though is that in the G5 countries, the older structures will have to collapse further before big, historical, changes can be made.

In a good sign, the Gnostic group, the people behind the Nazis, have made a peace offering to the White Dragon Society. They have agreed to support an intensive campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction. They also believe in releasing the suppressed technology to usher in a new age.

They also offered what they suggested was a concrete way to bring down the old system. They say the top signator for the committee of 300 old world order ruling council is Queen Elizabeth. They have issued a warning to the British Royal Fami­ly that they must replace Elizabeth with her son Harry by April 1st of this year. Having Harry on the throne would mean having a signator for the financial system who would support the planned changes.

Finally, the main reason this writer feels confident that 2012 will, at last, be the year when this nightmare Khazarian secret totalitarian rule ends is that the people of the planet have woken up. Within the G5, warm summer weather will bring large demonstrations and at last revolution.

Bilderberg 2011 The Rockefeller World Order and the High Priests of Globalization

FROM THE EDITOR: In continuing with our research and coverage of significant issues that have and are currently affecting our way of life, the following article, written by Andrew Gavin Marshall brings us into a long journey of historical passages about the Bilderberg group, a little known organization that has much to do with the policies that decide world events, such as future wars, countries invasions, mass destructions in other countries, or formation of new ‘free’ trade agreements for the benefit of the world ruling elite and the consolidation of a New World Order, and leading to the culmination of a New World Government to enslave humanity.

Due to its length, it will be divided into many parts. So please sit tight on your seat for a long ride, and hope that at the end, you’d have learned a big chunk of history.

Recently by Andrew Gavin Marshall: The Logic of Imperial Insanity and the Road to World War III

“To say we were striving for a one-world government is exaggerated, but not wholly unfair. Those of us in Bilderberg felt we couldn’t go on forever fighting one another for nothing and killing people and rendering millions homeless. So we felt that a single community throughout the world would be a good thing.”

~ Denis Healey, 30-year member of the Steering Committee of the Bilderberg Group

Eighth part

A Place for China in the New World Order?

by Andrew Gavin Marshall

Global Research

Investigative journalist Daniel Estulin’s report of inside sources in this year’s meeting indicated a rather extensive discussion on the role of China, which is hardly surprising, considering this has been a central topic of discussion in meetings for a number of years. China emerged in discussions on Pakistan, as China has become increasingly Pakistan’s closest economic and strategic ally, a trend that is continuing as America continues to spread the Afghan war into neighbouring Pakistan. China is also a major player in Africa, threatening the West’s stranglehold over the continent, in particular through the World Bank and IMF. Most importantly, however, and not unrelated to its role in Pakistan and Africa, China has become the greatest economic competitor for the United States in the world, and as the IMF even admitted recently, its economy is expected to surpass that of the United States by 2016. Bilderberg paid attention to this issue not simply as a financial-economic consideration, but as a massive geopolitical transition in the world: “the biggest story of our time.”

What made the discussion on China at this year’s meeting unique was that it actually included two attendees from China for the first time ever. The two guests were Huang Yiping, a prominent economics professor at Peking University (China’s Harvard), and Fu Ying, China’s Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs. This is especially unusual and telling of the importance of the discussion at hand, considering that Bilderberg is exclusively a European and North American (Atlantic) organization, and in the past, when Bilderberg memebers David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski suggested Japan be allowed to join in 1972, the European rejected the proposition, and instead the Trilateral Commission was formed in 1973 to integrate the elites of Western Europe, North America, and Japan. The Trilateral Commission eventually expanded the Japanese section of the group into a ‘Pacific Asian Group’ in 2000 to include not only Japan, but South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand.

In 2009 the G20 was endowed with the task of ‘managing’ the global economic crisis – to include the ‘emerging’ economic giants, notably China and India – and as Bilderberg member Jean-Claude Trichet stated, this marked “the emergence of the G20 as the prime group for global economic governance.” That same year the newly-appointed European Union President Herman van Rompuy declared to be “the first year of global governance.” No surprise then, that also in 2009, China and India were invited as official members of the Trilateral Commission. This indicates a growing role for India and especially China in global affairs, and participation in Bilderberg meetings emphasizes the aim to not alienate China from the established institutions, ideologies and systems of global power, but to more fully integrate China within that system. The aim of the global elite, perhaps best represented by Bilderberg, is not to allow for the collapse of the American empire and the rise of a new one; rather, it is to manage the collapse of American hegemony into an entirely new system of global governance. This ‘big idea’ is not possible without the participation of China, and thus, as Bilderberg has long been saturated with the ideology of ‘global governance,’ it cannot be seen as too surprising to see China invited. Perhaps the surprise should be that it simply took this long.

Is Bilderberg Building a Global Government?

Jon Ronson wrote an article for the Guardian paper in which he managed to interview key members of the Bilderberg Group for an exposé on the organization, attempting to dismantle the “conspiracy theories” surrounding the secrecy of the meetings. However, through his interviews, important information regarding the social importance of the group continued to emerge. Ronson attempted to contact David Rockefeller, but only managed to reach his press secretary who told Ronson that the “conspiracy theories” about Rockefeller and “global think-tanks such as Bilderberg in general” left David Rockefeller “thoroughly fed up.” According to his press secretary, “Mr. Rockefeller’s conclusion was that this was a battle between rational and irrational thought. Rational people favoured globalisation. Irrational people preferred nationalism.”

While dismissing “conspiracy theories” that Bilderberg “runs the world,” Ronson did explain that the Bilderberg members he interviewed admitted, “that international affairs had, from time to time, been influenced by these sessions.” As Denis Healey, a 30-year member of the Steering Committee, himself pointedly explained: To say we were striving for a one-world government is exaggerated, but not wholly unfair. Those of us in Bilderberg felt we couldn’t go on forever fighting one another for nothing and killing people and rendering millions homeless. So we felt that a single community throughout the world would be a good thing… Bilderberg is a way of ­bringing together politicians, industrialists, financiers and journalists. Politics should involve people who aren’t politicians. We make a point of getting along younger politicians who are obviously rising, to bring them together with financiers and industrialists who offer them wise words. It increases the chance of having a sensible global policy.

Merced outlaws bank evictions after foreclosure


­by Tenants Together

Una familia es desalojada y sus pertenencias tiradas a la calle.A family is evicted and their belonging thrown out on the street.

Banks in Merced, California can no longer throw renters out of their homes just because of foreclosure. Until now, renters in this high-foreclosure region of California were subject to arbitrary eviction after their landlord’s foreclosure unless they held a long-term lease protected by federal law. Under a new law passed by Merced’s City Council that took effect yesterday, banks and private investors will not be able to displace tenants unless the tenants violate their obligations or the owner wants to move into the property.

“This is the moral high road. It is the right thing to do,” said Councilmember Bill Blake, a former Merced Undersheriff who was an early champion of the just cause for eviction law.

Mayor Pro Tem Noah Lor, Council member Mary-Michal Rawling, and Councilmember Bill Blake authored an Op-Ed in the local Merced Sun-Star last week in which they explained their support for the new law: “We will not continue to allow banks and other post-foreclosure owners to displace Merced’s families for no good reason. The “Just Cause for Eviction” law strikes the right balance: allowing eviction where a tenant does something wrong or where the landlord wants to move into the property, but prohibiting eviction where there is no good cause.”

The Sun-Star issued an editorial endorsing the law. The law has overwhelming support from local residents who turned out in droves to oppose a last-minute repeal effort led by local realtors. Michelle Dirickson, a renter evicted by foreclosure, commented: “this law doesn’t cost anybody anything. It doesn’t hurt anybody, and it helps families and it stabilizes communities.”

Dean Preston, Executive Director of Tenants Together, praised the city council members who supported the law. “Mayor Pro Tem Lor, Councilmember Blake, Councilmember Rawling and former Coucilmember Carlisle deserve enormous credit here. They took a principled stand in the face of special interest pressure and the residents of Merced will be spared evictions and blight as a result.” Realtors who handle foreclosed properties for banks are leading an effort to overturn the ordinance. They have found an ally in Merced’s newly elected Mayor, Stan Thurston, himself a local landlord who received realtor donations in his recent election campaign.

The effort to repeal the law was stymied on December 19 when the council voted 6-0, the mayor abstaining, for a review by California’s Fair Political Practices Commission as to whether Thurston must recuse himself from voting to repeal the law due to a conflict of interest arising from his landlord activities. City Attorney Greg Diaz estimates that the review will take at least 6 months, during which time renters will continue to have the protections of the local Just Cause for Eviction law that goes into effect today. “The repeal effort is doomed,” stated Preston of Tenants Together. “It was a bad idea — an attack on Merced residents by a bunch of self-interested realtors who work for banks.”

Sixteen cities in California have just cause for eviction laws. The laws vary in scope but all prohibit the eviction of renters after foreclosure unless there are grounds (such as nonpayment of rent) for the eviction. Several cities have adopted these laws recently in response to the epidemic of foreclosure evictions.

Statewide, Tenants Together estimates that at least 38 percent of foreclosed units are rentals, with hundreds of thousands of renters displaced since the foreclosure crisis began. Tenants Together issues an annual report on the plight of California tenants in the foreclosure crisis. The reports are available on the organization’s website, Tenants Together also operates ­a hotline (1-888-495-8020) for California tenants in foreclosure situations.

Tenants Together members in Merced have already started mobilizing to educate renters about their rights under the new law. “We will make sure tenants are armed with the information they need to assert their rights,” stated Angela Fragulia, a Tenants Together member who was evicted from a foreclosed property in Merced and became a leader in the just cause campaign. “We cannot allow banks to kick more innocent renters out of their homes.”


Twelve basic precautions to minimize exposure to radiation when using a mobile phone

by the El Reportero’s heath news services

1. Limit phone calls to those that are absolutely necessary, and restrict these to 6 minutes maximum, which is the time the body needs to adjust. Use a hands-free kit and hold the phone more than 20/30cm away from your body in order to limit the impact of radiation on yourself.

2. Do not carry your phone directly on your body,even on stand-by, and do not use it less than one metre away from another person, in order to reduce the effect of ‘passive’ radiation. .

3. Those under 15 should not use a mobile phone at all because they are still growing. With their lighter body weight the radiation is more damaging, especially to the brain, weakening the Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB), and to the reproductive organs/ovaries, etc.

4. Any elderly person should be discouraged from using a mobile phone, as well as anyone in a weakened state (the radiation will weaken their organism further), and any pregnant woman. Microwave radiation is readily absorbed by the amniotic fluid in which the embryo and then the foetus develops. .

5. Use the phone only in conditions of optimum reception: do not use it in a confined space such as an elevator, basement, underground station, caravan, etc. In these situations the strength of the signal both sending and receiving is much greater thus the radiation is much more intense.

6. Do not use the phone while you are in a moving vehicle, including the train, bus, etc, since its antenna will be constantly scanning for contact using the maximum signal strength, and the radiation from both incoming and outgoing signal will be intensified.

7. Do not use the phone while in any vehicle, even when stationary. An enclosed metal container produces the “Faraday cage” effect, which maximizes the damaging impact of radiation, reflecting not only on the person phoning but also on other passengers, especially children. Thus it is essential to step out of the vehicle before making a call. .

8. Do not keep a mobile phone beside the bed at night switched on, because even when on stand-by it is in contact with the nearest phone ­mast and emits radiation at regular intervals. .

9 . Equip your- self preferably with: – a mobile phone with the lowest possible SAR rating (= Specific Absorption Rate of microwave radiation by human body tissues). The regulation limit is 1.1W/kg for eye-sockets and cheeks. – b phone with an external antenna, because even if it is less trendy, the omni-directional antenna broadcasts with maximum efficiency and therefore uses a weaker signal than one with an inbuilt antenna. The fashion factor matters less than the health factor.

10. Use of a mobile phone should be avoided by anyone who has any metallic object in or on their head, whether magnetic or not, such as amalgam fillings and dental bridges, metal plates, screws, clips, body ornaments, earrings or metal framed glasses. The same is true for those with walking frames, wheelchairs or metal crutches, so as to avoid increasing radiation by the phenomena of reflection, amplification, resonance, passive re-emission, etc.

11. Make use of protective items to shield yourself from radiation, such as a metal phone carrying case, protective anti-radiation fabric and veils, metallic foil wallpaper, anti-radiation paint, etc, all which have been proved to be effective.

12. Make as many phone calls as possible using landlines which emit no radiation, and which can often be used for free and for unlimited time via the Internet, even for phone calls abroad.

Will the ‘Tijuana model’ guide the decline of violance in Mexico?

by the El Reportero’s news services

Sebastián PiñeraSebastián Piñera

The impression that violence in Mexico may be about to reach a plateau has been gaining ground. David Shirk, director of the University of San Diego’s Trans-Border Institute (TBI), has ventured that 2011 may be the peak year, and that the pattern for a subsequent decline of drug-related violence could well be discerned in what he dubs the ‘Tijuana model’.

Chile inches forward

The student education protests in Chile have been largely defused by the government led by President Sebastián Piñera, which finally managed to outmanoeuvre the students by securing approval for the US$60bn 2012 budget in congress. The protests have been taxing, not only on the government but also on the political system as a whole. Political actors now recognise that Chile must contemplate fundamental political reforms to address some of the wider issues raised by the protestors (and the large section of the population that backed them).

Navy moves into Veracruz

The Mexican admiralty announced on Dec. 21 that marines would replace the state police in the state of Veracruz’s main conurbation, Veracruz-Boca del Río.

Ecuadorian Court ruling against U.S. Oil company for pollution

Press media and others affected by environmental pollution stressed the ruling of the Provincial Court of Sucumbíos against the U. S. oil company Chevron-Texaco, forced to pay over eight billion dollars for contaminating the Amazon.

The Single Chamber of the Sucumbíos Court issued its ruling on appeal, confirming the responsibility of Chevron-Texaco in a case that the settlers and natives of the Amazon have been pursuinbg for 18 years.

The plaintiffs, some Ecuadorian Amazon communities represented by U.S lawyers in Ecuador, claimed a compensation of 113 billion dollars and initiated the case in 1993 for alleged contamination caused by Texaco.

Judge Nicholas Zambrano, on Feb. 14, 2011, found the company guilty and indicated that it must pay 18 billion dollars to rehabilitate the environment, contaminated by throwing oil and liquid pollutants affecting rivers, streams, land and the environment.

­The lawsuit, filed for damages caused between 1964 and 1990, when the oil company operated in Ecuador’s Amazon region, includes injury to the health of the inhabitants of the area and hundreds of deaths from diseases caused by pollution.

Humala tightens the ship with sweeping cabinet change

Peru’s President Ollanta Humala waited just

Georgia Judge denies Obama’s Motion to Dismiss in Ballot case

Does the rule of law still stand in the peach state?

by Sharon Rondeau

The Post and Mail Attorney Orly Taitz has posted on her website an order from Judge Michael Malihi denying the request of an attorney representing Barack Hussein Obama to dismiss three ballot challenges filed respectively by Taitz, Atty. Van Irion, and Atty. J. Mark Hatfield on behalf of Georgia registered voters and others. Taitz represents four presidential candidates and a Georgia voter, David Farra; Irion represents David Welden, a Georgia voter; and Hatfield represents Carl Swensson and Kevin Richard Powell, both Georgia voters.

The Post & Email published an article on January 2, 2012 regarding Taitz’s ballot challenge in Georgia as well as in other states.

Also on January 2, 2012, The Post & Email spoke with Atty. Van Irion, who described his ballot challenge on behalf of David Welden. Irion had stated that a hearing was scheduled for January 26, 2012, and we have contacted him to inquire as to whether or not that hearing will take place given today’s order from Judge Malihi.

In his order , Malihi wrote, inpart: The Georgia Election Code (“the Code”) mandates that “[e]very candidate for federal and state office who is certified by the state executive committee of a political party or who files a notice of candidacy shall meet the constitutional and statutory qualifications for holding the office being sought.” O.C.G.A. § 21-2-5(a).

The Post & Email had published another Georgia voter’s petition asking that a special grand jury be convened to investigate the non-response of Secretary of State Brian Kemp to the voter’s previous FOIA request and formal letter inquiring as to the information Kemp relied upon in 2008 to place Obama’s name on the ballot. The voter cited the same statute as Malihi in contending that registered voters have a right to challenge candidates’ qualifications for any office. The voter, Millard Blanchard, claimed that Kemp had broken the law by failing to remove Obama’s name from the 2012 presidential ballot.

Judge Malihi appeared to support Blanchard’s claim in his decision:

Both the Secretary of State and the electors of Georgia are granted the authority under the Code to challenge the qualifications of a candidate. The challenge procedures are defined in Code Section 21-2-5(b), which authorizes any elector who is eligible to vote for a candidate to challenge the qualifications of the candidate by filing a written complaint with the Secretary of State within two weeks after the deadline for qualifying. O.C.G.A. § 21-2-5(b).

A former secretary of state, Karen Handel, utilized the law when she disqualified someone from his candidacy for local office.

Of the new development, Taitz stated on her website, “I still can’t believe this…Judge Malihi, Deputy Chief judge of the Administrative court in GA, ruled, that Obama’s motion to dismiss is denied. He will have to stand trial and prove his eligibility for office…Now judge Malihi is sending a message: ‘nobody is above the law.’”

Questions have swirled since 2008 regarding Obama’s constitutional eligibility for the office of president. While he claims a birth in Hawaii, many experts deemed the long-form birth certificate issued on April 27, 2011 a forgery. Obama also claims having been born to a foreign father who never held U.S. citizenship, thereby raising the issue of whether or not he meets the criterion of “natural born Citizen” as stated in Article II, Section 1, clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution.

The Post & Email is aware of at least one researcher who has stated that Obama falsified his entire background and that he was actually born in New York City to two U.S.-citizen parents but sent to live in Indonesia as a toddler. Trowbridge has asked Obama to “step forth in integrity.”

Today in Concord, NH, several state legislators held a press conference to inform the public about what they believe could have been election fraud committed in 2008 by Barack Hussein Obama if he was not constitutionally eligible to seek the office of president. They have also objected to the denial by the New Hampshire Supreme Court to review a decision by the state Ballot Law Commission to include Obama’s name on the ballot for the 2012 election. The Commission as well as the Secretary of State’s office claimed they were not responsible for vetting candidates, but in both 2011 and 2008, the Assistant Secretary of State had disqualified one candidate, respectively, for failing to meet constitutional eligibility requirements for the presidency.

In 2010, a candidate for U.S. Congress from Texas was disqualified by the Secretary of State for apparently having a party affiliation as he was planning to run as an Independent. A challenges to Obama’s eligibility has also been filed in New York, and a website with national ­scope has been established to assist voters to do so in each of the 50 states.

© 2012, The Post & Email. All rights reserved internationally, unless otherwise specified. To read more on our copyright restrictions, see our Copyright notice on the subheader of every page, along the left margin.

Romeo Santos tops billboard charts with collaboration with “promise”

by the El Reportero’s news services

Romeo SantosRomeo Santos

Dominican bachatero Romeo Santos climbed to the top of Billboard’s Latin Songs chart this week with “Promise,” his collaboration with R&B titan Usher.

Falling one spot were Mexican rockers Mana, whose “El verdadero amor perdona,” featuring Prince Royce, stands at No. 2.

Reggaeton star Daddy Yankee climbed from sixth to third place with “Lovumba” (Prestige), followed at No. 4 by “Te quiero a morir” from Banda El Recodo de Cruz Lizarraga. Pesado’s “El mil amores” slipped down to the fifth spot on the Latin Songs chart, where the rankings are based on radio airplay.

“Formula: Vol. 1,” the first solo disc by Aventura’s Romeo Santos, remained in the No. 1 position on Billboard’s list of best-selling Latin Albums for a third consecutive week.

Debuting in second place was a live album from Shakira, “En vivo desde Paris,” which pushed Jenni Rivera’s “Joyas Prestadas: Banda” into third.

Another new release, “Intentalo” by 3BallMTY, took the fourth spot, while Vicente Fernandez kept his grip on No. 5 with “Otra vez.”

Almodovar’s The Skin I Live In nominated for Golden Globes

Spanish director Pedro Almodovar’s psychological thriller “La piel que habito” (The Skin I Live In) has picked up a Golden Globe nomination for best foreign language film, the Hollywood Foreign Press Association said Thursday.

Its rivals will be “The Flowers of War” (China), “In the Land of Blood and Honey” (U.S.), “The Kid With a Bike” (Belgium) and “A Separation” (Iran).

“The Skin I Live In” is the latest Almodovar offering to compete for a ­major film award in the United States.

He has won two CoOscars – best original screenplay for “Talk to Her” and best foreign language film for “All About My Mother” – and two Golden Globe awards for those same films.

He also has received other Oscar and Golden Globe nominations for “Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown,” “High Heels,” “To Return” and “Broken Embraces.”

In “The Skin I Live In,” a medical revenge thriller with touches of surrealist and Almodovarian humor that premiered at Cannes in May, a brilliant plastic surgeon and psychopath Robert Ledgard (Antonio Banderas) who is haunted by his wife’s and daughter’s suicides holds a beautiful woman, Vera (Elena Anaya), captive and under observation at his home.

The film, Almodovar’s 18th, has been hailed by U.S. critics.

Almodovar also has enjoyed significant box-office success in the United States, with “To Return” grossing $12 million and “Talk to Her” and “All About My Mother” taking in $9 million and $8 million, respectively.

Libertarians say Bill of Rights Day is a reminder of the need to downsize Big Goverment

From the Libertarian Party

WASHINGTON – Libertarians celebrate Bill of Rights Day on Dec. 15.

­On December 15, 1791 the Bill of Rights was ratified, creating the first Ten Amendments of the U.S. Constitution.

The Libertarian Party platform expressly supports the Bill of Rights and calls for restoring our freedoms lost as a result of laws passed in violation of the Constitution by Democratic and Republican politicians.

The Bill of Rights guarantees important individual freedoms and restrains the powers of the federal government. Among them, our rights to free speech, self-defense and justice. These restraints were later extended to the states with the 14th Amendment to the Constitution.

Democrats and Republicans regularly violate the Bill of Rights, especially the Tenth Amendment which states that the powers of the federal government are strictly limited to those enumerated in Article 1, section 8 of the Constitution – a short list which stands in stark contrast to the incalculably long list of functions comprised by today’s Big Government.

Presidents, Senators and Representatives in Congress have long violated the Bill of Rights by continually expanding federal power far beyond what is allowed by the Tenth Amendment and by trampling on due process, privacy protections, free speech and freedom of the press.

Let this Bill of Rights Day serve as a reminder to all Americans of the task before us: We must dramatically downsize Big Government to limit the federal government to those powers articulated in Article 1 section 8 of the Constitution and to move as quickly as possible towards the full repeal of every law that violates the Bill of Rights.

The Libertarian Party plays a critical role in this task by fielding candidates who, unlike either Democrats or Republicans, genuinely and consistently uphold the Constitution. A vote for a small government Libertarian is a vote to restore the Bill of Rights.