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Unemployed Mexicana flight attendants pose for Playboy


by the El Reportero’s news services

Azapatas despedidas de Mexicana posaron para PlayboyAzapatas despedidas de Mexicana posaron para Playboy

Six of the 12 flight attendants who funded and posed for a popular calendar in an effort to advertise their job skills after the bankruptcy of Mexicana Airlines appear in the latest issue of Playboy Mexico. Posing in Playboy Mexico is the latest chapter in a scrappy entrepreneurial campaign by the former airline employees.

In November, a group of 12 newly unemployed Mexicana workers chipped-in to paid for and launch their very own 2011 sultry aviation calendar back.

The calendar was wildly popular and sold out various printings.

Bono’s first visit to Peru

Alongside his family and personal security, U2 lead singer, Bono, is enjoying a trip to Peru. This is the first time the singer has visited the South American country.

According to local radio RPP, Bono is enjoying his Peruvian adventure thus far stating, “Thank you, thank you very much friends. I am here with my family to see your beautiful country for the first time.”

After arriving in Lima on Thursday night and heading to Cuzco the following day, Bono visited the ancient Inca city of Machu Picchu Saturday, and then headed towards his next destination of Tambopata National Reserve, where he arrived on Tuesday. According to the country’s Foreign Trade and Tourism, Juan Arzola, Bono’s itinerary was similar to Mick Jagger’s October 2011 trip.

“When Mick Jagger was here he said he would work on an environmental crusade in the Amazon, that is why Bono is here, and therefore why we also expect other international singers,” Arzola said to Andina.

­Latin artists go home empty handed from 2012 Oscars

Latin artists left the 84th Annual Academy Awards unrewarded, even as The Artist, a French silent film in black and white, took home five Oscars including the one for the year’s Best Picture.

As expected, Martin Scorsese’s Hugo was the biggest rival to The Artist, winning five gold statuettes, though all were for technical achievements.

Neither the Mexicans Demian Bichir and Emmanuel Lubezki, nor Argentina’s Berenice Bejo, nor the Brazilians Carlinhos Brown and Sergio Mendes, nor Spain’s Fernando Trueba, Javier Mariscal and Alberto Iglesias, had any luck at a ceremony that produced few surprises.

Lubezki wasn’t kept in suspense for long, being the first to know that an Oscar wasn’t in the cards for him, though he had been a top pick to win the Best Cinematography award for his work in The Tree of Life.

This was the fifth time Lubezki was nominated for an Oscar, but could only look on as Robert Richardson took the cinematography prize for Hugo.

17 estados están considerando instaurar sus propios bancos estatales

by Noel Brinkerhoff All Gov

Siguiendo los pasos de Dakota del Norte, un gran número de gobiernos estatales están considerando el establecimiento de un banco estatal.

Tras las crisis financiera e hipotecaria, quienes lo proponen están presionando para que los estados confíen menos en grandes bancos privados nacionales y establezcan instituciones financieras manejadas por el estado.

Dakota del Norte sirve como el modelo para este nuevo experimento al que están mirando los 17 estados. Sin embargo, el banco estatal en Dakota del Norte, el único de su tipo en EE.UU., no es nuevo, ya que ha estado en operaciones desde 1919.

Con el Banco de Dakota del Norte, hay financiamiento disponible para apoyar los créditos para los estudiantes, granjeros y otros, mientras las ganancias del banco van al presupuesto del estado para ayudar a brindar más ingresos para los programas del gobierno.

Algunos estados, tales como Idaho y Vermont, han introducido legislación para estudiar la idea de comenzar un banco estatal. Otros estados, como New Hampshire, Virginia, Hawaii, Washington y California, están debatiendo proyectos que crearían un banco estatal.

Ordenanza para evitar que oficiales de la policía local se involucren en discusión en el FBI

recopilado por el personal de El Reportero

Mientras esta edición iba a la prensa, los Supervisores de San Francisco escucharían el 1 de marzo el testimonio de defensores de los derechos humanos y miembros comunitarios, en apoyo de la ordenanza Safe San Francisco Civil Rights (Archivo #120046).

El objetivo de la legislación es traer las actividades de JTTF de SFPD nuevamente bajo control local y evitar que los oficiales de policía locales se involucren en los abusos de inteligencia del FBI, incluyendo vigilancia sin sospecha, perfiles y el uso inapropiado de informantes. Como miembro de la Coalición para un San Francisco Más Seguro, el capítulo del Área de la Bahía de San Francisco del Gremio Nacional de Abogados (NLGSF) apoya fuertemente este esfuerzo.

“La legislación presenta la pregunta de quién debería controlar las actividades antiterroristas del SFPD – el FBI o la gente de San Francisco? Creemos que nuestra ciudad debiera ser gobernada por leyes de derechos civiles estatales y locales, policías y valores ­locales,” explicó la Supervisora Jane Kim.

Más de 60 activistas de derechos civiles, comunidad, y organizaciones legales han firmado para apoyar la ordenanza, una lluvia de apoyo gatillada en parte por la revelación de que el SFPD ingresó en un acuerdo secreto con el FBI en 2007 que sacrificaba protecciones de derechos civiles locales y entregaba directo control y vigilancia de los oficiales de SFPD al FBI. Los cuestionamientos del FBI, abuso en la frontera, y las interrogaciones a la policía han llevado a los miembros comunitarios de San Francisco a exigir la certeza de que nuestros oficiales de la Ciudad están siguiendo guías locales y a asegurarse de que nuestros derechos civiles son mantenidos. En una carta con fecha el 27 de febrero, el SFPD reconoció que este acuerdo sigue en efecto y que no tienen nada escrito del FBI que indique que han liberado al departamento de la policía de cualquiera de sus disposiciones altamente restrictivas.

La ordenanza ya tiene varios co-patrocinadores. El alcalde todavía tiene que tomar una postura.

La audiencia contará con el testimonio de docenas de individuos y representantes de las organizaciones que describirán el impacto de los perfiles raciales y peligrosos y los escalofríos causados por estas tácticas en varias comunidades de San Francisco, incluyendo Nadia Kayyali del NLGSF.

La legislación está modelada similar a una medida puesta en vigor el año pasado en Portland, Oregon con el apoyo unánime del alcalde, el consejo de la ciudad y el jefe de la policía de esa ciudad.

(Este informe fue completado por el Gremio Nacional de Abogados, Área de la Bahía SF).

The triunvirate of Wall Street: the Fed and U.S. politicians is crumbling


por Graham Summers

Months ago, I warned that a tsunami of litigation was going to be coming to Wall Street and Washington. At the time I noted that Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein had recently hired a mega-defense attorney, as well as the fact that the Fed had gone into damage control mode (staging town-hall meetings, opening itself up to Q& A sessions, defending its actions to Congress, etc.).

I also noted in a recent article that the triumvirate of Wall Street/ the Fed/ and US Politicians would be crumbling in the future as these three groups tried to shift the blame for what happened during 2008 from one to another in an attempt to divert public outrage.

Indeed, the only reason this process hasn’t already reached a fever pitch is because the benefits of not talking for most of those who were in on the corruption still outweigh the consequences of keeping their mouths shut.

This process has already changed for some players in the financial game: we have recently seen some minor players get taken down, but those have primarily been insider trading cases involving expert networks, hedge funds, and corporate directors.

The main issue or question is: when do we start seeing the real power players at the heart of the Financial Crisis come under scrutiny (what Blankfein crumblingis clearly anticipating by hiring a defense lawyer).

By the look of things, it’s coming sooner rather than later:

Lehman Brothers Subpoenas Geithner In J.P. Morgan Fight

Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. (LEHMQ) and its creditors late Thursday said they want to subpoena Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner to question him under oath over allegations J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., (JPM) illegally siphoned billions of dollars from the collapsing investment bank in the days before it filed for the largest bankruptcy in U.S. history.

In a filing accompanying Lehman’s filing, made in U.S. District Court in Washington, Lehman’s official committee of unsecured creditors said Geithner has thus far refused to comply with an Aug. 9, 2011, subpoena, and it wants a court to force Geithner to give a deposition by a March 16 deadline.

“Despite being a crucial fact witness on these issues, Secretary Geithner has refused to appear at a deposition in accordance with a valid subpoena issued by the Committee,” the committee’s lawyers said in the filing. Geithner was president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York at the time of the Lehman collapse.


This could represent a potential sea change in the legal environment in the US. It’s clear Geithner thought he could get out of this mess by virtue of the fact he’s among the highest level of the power elite. However, the announcement that he doesn’t expect Obama to keep him as Treasury Secretary may have changed this.

For one thing, it’s clear that Obama is trying to distance himself from Geithner for political reasons (more than one GOP candidate has stated Geithner should be fired). The real issue is whether it’s been decided that Geithner will be the one who gets the albatross hung around his neck.

It’s too early to know, but one thing is for certain, the litigation is beginning to shift from minor players to major players at the core of the Financial Crisis. Investors take note, this is a major shift and needs to be monitored as it will have major implications for market dynamics going forward.

Remember, the markets have been on life support from the Fed and Treasury ever since 2008 hit. If those behind that life support begin facing major legal trouble the aggressive “we will save the day” attitudes of the Fed et al may change.

And when this happens the life support will get pulled.

Make no mistake, we are heading into a Crisis that will make 2008 look like a joke. The money for all of these various programs (both in Europe and the US) simply isn’t there. So this time around we’re going to see stock crashes AS WELL as civil unrest, food shortages, and the like.

If you’ve yet to take steps to prepare for this, I can show you how: my Surviving a Crisis Four Times Worse Than 2008 report is chock full of information on how to not only survive but thrive during the months to come.

Within its nine pages I explain precisely how the Second Round of the Crisis will unfold, where it will hit hardest, and the best means of profiting from it (the very investments my clients used to make triple digit returns in 2008).

Best of all, this report is 100% FREE. To pick up your copy today simply go to: ­ and click on the OUR FREE REPORTS tab.

The Trilateral Commission (First of a two-part series)

FROM THE EDITOR: Dear readers of El Reportero, with the same spirit of sharing as always, I am publishing the following article on The Trilateral Commision that I found online, as a continuation of the previous article on this organization. I believe that we all should know about who are the true rulers of the system – comprised of the government, the church and commerce – and always try to unearth the truth despite of the elite’s effort to hide it from us.

Those of you who watch TV to “get informed” or brainwashed, do not have any idea how much slaves we are and who are ours masters, because television have blind us all with their studio-designed newscasts and telenovelas. I make the effort in every edition, to share information that will show you the real world hidden to us. And the reason why we do not know more than we know now, is because 90 of what we know has been learned from the television. But it is time to wake up.

Posted by Eric Dubay

The Atlantean Conspiracy

— The Trilateral Commission was founded by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski in July 1973 and is composed of approximately 325 elites in business, banking, and politics. The Trilateral Commission is propagated as being an economic cooperation between America, Europe, and Japan, but in reality is another secretive society/organization – this one specializing in creating the trilateral economic interdependence necessary to bring in the New World Order system of world currency and world governance. They are setting up the framework/power structure necessary for these multinational banks and corporations to assume global control, dominating the world’s populations, governments, and economies.

The Trilateral Commission is an international organization founded by David Rockefeller who also had a part in the founding of the Council on Foreign Relations, Inc., and who is the chairman of the board. The Trilateral Commission is the llluminati’s attempt to unite Western Europe’s common market, Japan, Canada and the United States into an economic and political confederacy. What they couldn’t do through the political side of the Illuminati (Council on Foreign Relations, Inc.) they are trying now through the economic approach.” -Alex Christopher, “Pandora’s Box – The Ultimate Unseen Hand Behind the New World Order” (147)

“The Trilateral Commission was founded by the persistent maneuvering of David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski. Rockefeller, [then] chairman of the ultra powerful Chase Manhattan Bank, a director of many major multinational corporations and ‘endowment funds’ has long been a central figure in the mysterious Council on Foreign Relations. Brzezinski, a brilliant prognosticator of one-world idealism, has been a professor at Columbia University and the author of several books that have served as ‘policy guidelines’ for the CFR. Brzezinski served as the (Trilateral) commission’s executive director from its inception in 1973 until late 1976 when he was appointed by President Carter as assistant to the president for national security affairs.” -Anthony C. Sutton and Patrick M. Wood, “Trilateral Over Washington” ­ome notable members of the Trilateral Commission include George Bush, Dick and Lynne Cheney, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Jimmy Carter, Walter Mondale, David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Henry Kissinger, David Gergen, Richard Holbrooke, Madeleine Albright, Robert McNamara, Paul Volcker, Alan Greenspan and Paul Wolfowitz. US Senators Diane Feinstein, Robert Taft Jr., Charles Robb, William Cohen, and John Glenn, Congressmen, Ambassadors, Secretaries of Treasury, State and many other political figures are Trilateralists. There are also many banking institutions represented at Trilateral meetings including the European Central Bank, World Bank, IMF, the Federal Reserve, Chase-Morgan, Citibank, Bank of America, Bank One, Bank of Tokyo, Bank of Japan and more. Also plenty of multi-national corporate interests are represented including Fuji Xerox, Goldman Sachs, AIG, Exxon-Mobil, Shell, Chevron, Texaco, Sony, Samsung, Comcast, Time Warner, Carlyle Group, Levi-Strauss, Daikin, Sara Lee, GE, GM, Ford, Chrysler, Toyota, Mitsubishi, Johnson and Johnson, IBM, Boeing, and Citigroup.

Next week: Many of the original members of the Trilateral Commission are in positions of power…

Occupy’s return from hibernation

The movement will next take on foreclosures

­por Sally Khon

The American Prospect

Activistas de Occupy marchan durante una gira por las casas ejecutadas.Occupy activists march during a tour of foreclosed homes in N.Y. (PHOTO BY MARY ALTAFFER)

As winter fades, the Occupy Wall Street movement is heating up again. But don’t expect the same focus on physical encampments and rowdy protests. While the blood of the 99 percent is still boiling at the injustice of growing inequality, in organizing meetings and workgroups, cooler heads are prevailing. This is Occupy 2.0—the mainstreaming of momentum.

From my conversations with Occupy organizers and supporters, my sense is that the main thrust of organizing energy and attention will go toward Occupy Our Homes— a coalition of Occupy activists joining with existing grassroots groups to support families that are facing foreclosure or have been evicted by big banks. Prioritizing Occupy Our Homes is great choice for two reasons.

First, the foreclosure crisis is immense and growing. Despite the recent mortgage settlement with state attorneys general that will grant 750,000 foreclosed-upon families a whopping $2,000 each (!), 4.2 million families have already been foreclosed upon during the economic crisis. The industry site RealtyTrac estimates that number will skyrocket to 10 million in 2012. Besides literally pulling the rug out of millions of American families at the worst possible moment, according to the Federal Reserve, high rates of foreclosed properties drive down home prices and values, hurting all homeowners and the economy as a whole. There may be no more powerful illustration of the abuses of the 1 percent than the taxpayer-bailedout big banks foreclosing on struggling families and driving down the economy for the entire 99 percent. But organizing around Occupy Our Homes is a strategic second phase choice for Occupy for another reason, one best summed up by my own mother. She sent money to Zuccotti Park and her own local Occupy site in Allentown, Pennsylvania but, at age 64 (sorry mom!), told me there was no way she was sleeping on the ground outside in the cold.

The great thing about Occupy Our Homes as a tactic is that there’s still a tangible way for the tents and sleeping bags set to be involved (as when Occupy supporters camped out on the lawn of the home of an Iraq War veteran near Atlanta, ultimately saving her home from foreclosure) but foreclosure prevention also creates avenues for other types of engagement, whether bringing a casserole, writing a letter to a bank, or joining a prayer vigil. Such actions put a broader face on the 99 percent movement, not just punk kids in bandanas but middle class families threatened with homelessness standing with block association presidents and pastors and grandmothers (i.e., my mom).

Say what you will about mainstreaming, that’s how movements evolve being a fringe concern to a force for change. I don’t mean to disregard the role of the vanguard, those at the leading edge of a movement’s origins who take the first, bold steps and, often, risks. But vanguard leaders should be self-aware and situate themselves in a larger context, seeing the prospect of mainstream appeal as a sign of their success not a threat to undermine it. It’s absurd to pave a road and then get angry when other people follow it. Instead, the next step is to pave a new one.

Unfortunately, I predict that a crowd of die-hard Occupiers will stubbornly cling to the tactic of public Occupy encampments and mass, edgy protests, confusing these tactics for the entirety of the movement and overlooking the possibility that these tactics may have outlived their symbolic power. Related debates about the political utility of black bloc tactics have been springing up and hopefully, these important debates will continue, knitting together various philosophies  within Occupy into a diverse whole. But as with many movements, it looks like this next phase will divide the movement into factions, with the radical anarchist wing splitting off from the rest. Perhaps the best outcome of this will be that even though the anarchists will continue their “day of rage” type actions and police aggression, they ­will make the Occupy Our Homes wing seem more reasonable and rational. At best, the more radical wing will continue to pave new, innovative roads for future momentum. That would be the vanguard-y thing to do.

Lastly, look in the spring for another wing to emerge—existing grassroots organizations driving sets of actions tied to the mission of Occupy Our Homes but with a more radical, confrontational edge. This will include perhaps the most visible, systematic disruption of corporate shareholder meetings ever seen in our country as well as other targeted direct actions on big banks in particular.

No doubt there will be some missteps but, to be clear, the difference with this cluster of organizers  and actions is that it will explicitly seek to bolster the same message and goals as Occupy Our Homes and implicitly create political pressure and space through edgier tactics that legitimize other arms of the movement. I was recently trying to explain hibernation to my three-year-old. I told her that animals like bears store food in the fall, dig in and gather strength in the winter and then come out ready for spring. The 99 percent movement gathered tremendous public will and political momentum in the fall of 2011.

Now, the movement is quietly planning and gathering strategic strength. In the spring, populist activism will bloom across America with a density and diversity unheard of for decades. It’s going to be a very hot spring indeed.


Garlic, honey and cider vinager – a miracle cure for arthritis, cholesterol, high blood pressure, cancer

by unknown author

Nature’s wonder drug is a cheap way to beat obesity, cancer, arthritis and more.

Top doctors have revealed that the combination of garlic, vinegar and honey is a wonder drug that can cure everything from cancer to arthritis. Amazing studies from respected universities around the world prove the miracle home remedy that costs just pennies a day to make, is a super way to fight just about any affliction.

Experts have verified that this health-restoring trio of garlic, vinegar and honey can wipe out both common and uncommon aliments.

Successes include ache ,Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis, asthma, high blood pressure, haemorrhoids, infertility and impotence, toothaches, obesity, ulcers and many other diseases and conditions. In a study of arthritis victims, Dr. Angus Peters of the University of Edinburgh’s Arthrit is Research Institute found a daily dose of vinegar and honey reduced pains by 90 percent.

A daily dose of garlic and vinegar has proved to be a powerful fat destroyer and weight reducer, according to Dr. Raymond Fish of London’s famous Obesity Research Center.

The prestigious British medical journal Lancel reported that cholesterol levels plunged on average from 237.4 to 221.4 after volunteers consumed 50 grams of garlic and four ounces of butter. The study proved the dangers associated with high fat foods can be neutralized by adding garlic  to your diet.

A study of 261 adult patients by the German Association of General Practitioners indicated that serum cholesterol and triglyceride level factors associated with the risk of heart disease, are significantly reduced by regular use of garlic in the diet. Studies at Houston’s MD Anderson Cancer Institute in Houston, the Pennsylvania State University and GCLA support earlier evidence that certain ingredients in garlic block agents the cancer of the breast, colon, oesophagus and skin.

The National Cancer Institute found in a study of 1,000 people that eating a lot of garlic is linked to a reduced risk of stomach cancer. Dr. Etik Block of the State University of New York at Albany has discovered garlic unleashes at least 100 sulphur producing components, all of which are powerful medicines. There appears to be little doubt that this astounding remedy of garlic, vinegar and honey can extend life by protecting the user from many proven killers.

Dr. Hen Lee Tsno writes in China’s respected Journal of Natural Medicines.

Patients given this miracle drink before breakfast showed a remarkable reduction in high blood pressure and cholesterol in less than a week. Ralim nutritionist Emlio Stelfani adds. Years of scientific investigation by experts around the world have proven beyond a doubt that garlic, vinegar and honey are natures magic potion. The three powerful ingredients are available everywhere and they cost only pennies a day. Considering all that these natural substances can do for human health, it’s amazing they are not more widely used. Dr. Jack Soltanoff a nutritional expert from New York, praises the benefits of apple cider vinegar.

­He’s recorded remarkable success stories involving arthritis sufferers, I have seen many arthritis patients start to loosen up at once, says Dr. Soltanoff Some even call it (apple cider vinegar) a natural arthritis tonic that free them from stiffness, pain and throbbing aches. Within just a few weeks, most pain wrecked arthritis patients can perform normal activities because of this simple tonic. Boxing legend Mohammed Ali reportedly takes a daily dose of garlic, vinegar and honey to light the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and many other athletes use it to gain a competitive edge. Dr. Tsao is sweet on the powers of honey. Honey has been described as the perfect food notes the respected researcher.

It contains at least 31 nutrients, 13 minerals the c o m p o n e n t s p a r t o f nine vitamins, six acids and four key enzymes. Patients who took the additional vinegar and honey drink daily, were more vigorous, had fewer colds or infectious diseases and in general were healthier than those who didn’t. There’s no question that this astounding elixir can extend life by protecting you from many proved killers. Honey not only makes your daily dose taste better.

The sweet stuff also aids in your body’s ability to absorb the medical properties of the powerful ingredients. Garlic provides a storehouse of vitamins and minerals, but what excites researches most is growing evidence that allicin an enzyme present in large amount in garlic stimulates the immune system .

Basic elixir recipe: Here’s how to make your own miracle medicine: In a bowl, mix together one cup of cider vinegar – use only cider  vinegar – one cup of honey and eight cloves of chopped garlic. Place the combination in a blender. And mix on high speed for 60 seconds. Pour the mixture into Another jar of glass (container). Seal and leave in the refrigerator for five days. Normal dosage is two teaspoons in a glass of water or fruit juice, grape or orange juice are best, before breakfast. A second dose, if desired, can be taken in the evening.

WIKILEAKS: Pres. Chávez’s health is worse than reported, may have just 1 year to livede

­by the El Reportero’s news services

Hugo ChávezHugo Chávez

According to an intelligence report revealed by Wikileaks, the health ­of Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez is far worse than is being shared with the public.

The report, which includes testimony from Russian and Cuban doctors who were involved with his operations in Cuba, states that due to possible carcinogenic tumors in both his prostate and colon, as well as a potential metastasis to lymph nodes and bone marrow, President Chávez could have as little as one to two years left to live.

Chávez recently traveled to Cuba for another operation, as doctors found a lesion in his pelvic area. Though he had previously claimed that he was cured of cancer, the 57-year-old president’s government has reportedly begun preparing for a post-Chávez Venezuela. Regarding the recent release of reports from an intelligence company called Stratfor, Wikileaks writes: On Monday, Feb. 27, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files, over five million e-mails from the Texas headquartered “global intelligence” company Stratfor.

The e-mails date between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal’s Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the U.S. Marines and the U.S. Defense [sic] Intelligence Agency. The emails show Stratfor’s web of informers, pay-off structure, payment laundering techniques and psychological methods.

Statfor President George Friedman told Univision the leaks were just “another attempt to silence and intimidate the company. Friedman claimed that “some of the emails may be forged or altered to include inaccuracies,” though added that “some may be authentic.” He did not state which were accurate and which were not.


The Venezuelan government said Tuesday President Hugo Chávez is in “good physical condition” after an operation in Cuba for a lesion in the same part of his body where Cuban surgeons removed a cancerous tumor last June.

Vice President Elias Jaua provided the medical update at the beginning of a speech to the National Assembly.

New Conservation Area in Peru Protects Rare Cat, Birds, and Disappearing Cloud Forests

A new conservation area established in central Peru will help protect the area’s shrinking cloud forest, as well as a rich biodiversity of wildlife that includes numerous endemic bird species and the endangered Andean cat.

The new, 1,977-acre Monte Potrero Municipal Conservation Area is located in the department of Huánuco, in the municipality of Umari in central Peru. The area is characterized by steep topography and moist cloud forests. The designation caps years of effort by Asociación Ecosistemas Andinos (ECOAN), American Bird Conservancy’s partner in Peru.

Endemic Peruvian bird species present in the area include the Fire-throated Metaltail, Baron’s Spinetail, and Tschudi’s Tapaculo.

Other notable species include the Powerful Woodpecker, White-chinned Thistletail, White-browed Spinetail, Three-striped Hemispingus, and White-browed Conebill. There are also small pockets of appropriate habitat at Monte Potrero for the Bay-vented Cotinga and Rufous-browed Hemispingus, which are listed as globally vulnerable.

U.N. guidelines: Recruit religious leaders as “agents of change” to create a One World Religion

by Jurriaan Maessen

In its 2009 Guideluines for Engaging Faith-based Organizations (FBO’s) as agents of change, the UNFPA put out specific tricks to reach congregations unwilling to go along with the U.N.’s population control programs: “UNFPA has found that leaders of faith and interfaith-based organizations are open to discussing reproductive health, if issues are addressed with care and sensitivity.”

These “agents of change” should also be recruited to protect and promote the overall agenda “through countering misinformation campaigns and building social support within the governments for the ICPD (International Conference on Population and Development).”

The ultimate goal of these engagement efforts is clearly described: “Create a conducive sociocultural environment (impacting on behaviour, attitudes and practices) to ultimately promote and mobilize key communities towards achieving the goals of the ICPD PoA (International Conference on Population and Development Programme of Action) and the MDGs (Millennium Development Goals).”

In the 2003 World Bank publication Faith in Conservation: New Approaches to Religions and the Environment, the reason for this broad set-up is explained in more detail: “We see, do, and are what we think, and what we think is shaped by our cultures, faiths, and beliefs. This is why one of the more extraordinary movements of the past few decades began to take shape. For if the information of the environmentalists needed a framework of values and beliefs to make it useful, then where better to turn for allies than to the original multinationals, the largest international groupings and networks of people?

Why not turn to the major religions of the world?”

It was Prince Philip (yes, the same prince who proclaimed he would like to see himself reincarnated as a killer virus in order to snuff out the lion share of humans if he could) who in 1995 launched “The Alliance of Religions and Conservation”. We may not be surprised at the fact  that we find yet another branch of the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha clan at the forefront of promoting the infiltration of the world’s religions. To illustrate exactly how widespread this move toward a global unified religion is, the announcement goes on:

“The National Religious Partnership on the Environment is an alliance of the US Catholic Conference, Coalition on Environment and Jewish Life, National Council of Churches, and the Evangelical Environmental Network that serves more than 100 million Americans.”

This official launch was preceded by the emergence of Interfaith Partnership for the Environment”, which was founded in the mid 1980s in order to, as the UNEP website teaches, “… inform North American congregations about the serious environmental problems facing life on earth.”

We should here insert the observation that, yes, there is something detrimental facing all life on our planet and it isn’t carbon oxide. It is called the scientific dictatorship, which has already infiltrated almost all forms of human organization, including political, cultural, economic and religious organizations.

The “Earth Charter” is another example. An initiative by Steven Rockefeller (a fourth-generation member of the family) as well as man-hater Maurice Strong, the Charter outlines somewhat of an earth worship cult- for the brain-dead observer in order to attain world peace, but when you take a closer look you’ll find traces of eugenics all over the place. Here’s a man so keen on promoting the religion of death (which lies at the very core of this proposed world religion) that he couldn’t help himself on several occasions shooting his mouth off about the true objectives that are enshrined within its pillars:!.

The other tentacle of this global system of control calls itself the World Bank and also joins in on the effort. UNEP explains: “In Mongolia, for example, the World Bank and other international organizations are sponsoring a project to translate and publish Buddhist sutras about sacred mountains into modern Mongolian. The plan is to use the texts to reconsecrate the mountains and thus remind the local people of their traditional responsibilities not to log or hunt in certain areas.” Klaus Töpfer, Executive Director of UNEP, went around on many occasions, spreading this religion of death.

On one such occasion the Executive Director called for the creation of a new global religion: “We have to develop the ecological, holistic wold view which connects us with the rest of Nature both materially and spiritually. Religious traditions emphasize this connection. Our task should be to retrieve these basic symbols and doctrines within each tradition and translate them into clear prescription for public policy and behavior.”

In an address to the World Council of Churches, Töpfer first quotes the Bible: “Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have domination over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth…”.

Then Töpfer adds: “Did God intend that we would multiply at the rate of nearly 80 million additional people a year, and be rapidly approaching a global population of ten billion in the next century….” Spoken like a true eugenicist.

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)­, as the enforcement arm of the overall infrastructure, joined with their brotherand sister-agencies in the UN to encircle the world’s religions reminiscent of a pack of hungry wolves: “Since 2002, UNFPA has emphasized the integration of culturally sensitive approaches into programming efforts.Toward this end, it has worked closely within communities and with local agents of change, including religious leaders.”

There’s something to remember when you see preachers on television or radio, emphasizing the need for smaller families and birth control. Big chance you’re dealing with yet another “agent of change” employed by the UN to gently lead you into the its desired death cult.


­Friday, February 24 — at Los Angeles, CA (ESPN2)

Juan Carlos Burgos vs. Cristobal Cruz.

Efrain Esquivias vs. Roberto Castaneda.

Saturday, February 25 — at St. Louis, MO (HBO)

Marcos Maidana vs. Devon Alexander.

WBO super featherweight title: Adrien Broner vs. Eloy Perez.

Saturday, March 3 — at Düsseldorf, Germany

WBA/IBF/WBO heavyweight title: Wladimir Klitschko vs. Jean Marc Mormeck.

Saturday, March 3 — at Los Angeles, CA (HBO)

Yuriorkis Gamboa vs. Rocky Juarez.

Saturday, March 10 — at San Juan, Puerto Rico

WBO featherweight title: Orlando Salido vs. Juan Manuel Lopez.

Mikey Garcia vs. Michael Farina.

John Santos performs at a special show with Scott Hamilton in Sausalito

by the El Reportero’s staff

John SantosJohn Santos

John Santos will be performing with the best of the best. Master tenor saxophonist Scott Hamilton is one of the few remaining classic tenor giants on the scene today. With credits of over 40 albums, Scott has also recorded with Tony Bennett, Woody Herman, and Rosemary Clooney.

Scott will perform great standards and jazz classics, including duets with Erik Jekabson in a trumpet–tenor frontline combination, including bebop classics, swinging standards, and selections from the new Larry Vuckovich CD, Somethin’ Special. Master percussionist Jamie Davis is a Bay Area legend.

All this extravaganza to be happening at the Horizon/Ondine, 558 Bridgeway, Sausalito, California, on Saturday, Feb. 25. Doors will open at 7 p.m., and the show at 8 p.m. For tickets call 415-389-5072. ­

Havana Club on Sundays – grand opening

Come out and dance to the max at one of the best clubs in SF featuring one of the best and most solid bands in the town at this Latin Bay Area’s kick off.

The event will take place at the Circolo Lounge for the GRAND OPENING of HAVANA CLUB! The party will be live with non other than the Bay Area’s most sought Salsa band, AVANCE. In between sets you will be accompanied by DJ Super Star Luis Medina (94.1 FM KPFA/ Jelly’s Pier 50) and DJ Walt Digz (Añejo prod./ Jelly’s Pier 50)

The kitchen will be open from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Cover $10. On Sunday Feb. 26, at 500 Florida St. @ Mariposa, San Francisco.

A Chilean all stars at Café Revolution

This is going to be Chilean musician jam session you might not want to miss, Catalina Claro will performing a free concert with Axel Herrera, Mochi Parra, Rodrigo Santic and others, which is expected to revolutionize the block.

At Evolution Café, @ Bartlett and 22nd Street, San Francisco, on Friday, Feb. 24, from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Happy hour. For more info call (415) 642-0474.

Creative Arts Charter School Presents ‘Hearts for the Arts’ Auction

Live music, a full menu of auction items, and catering by the Slanted Door promise a fun and delicious evening at the ‘Heart for the Arts’ auction, an annual event supporting Creative Arts Charter School – San Francisco’s only public K-8 school providing project-based learning, reduced class size and arts education for every child.

The school suffered significant smoke and water damage in the December 23rd Alamo Square fire so this year’s fundraiser is even more important.

Auction items include fine art, restaurant certificates, adventures at museums, studio tours, portrait sessions, baseball tickets, and more.

Tickets are $25, childcare is available on site. On Saturday, March 3, from 5:30-10 p.m. At West Bay Conference Center , 1290 Fillmore St # 200, San Francisco. For more info visit: ­

Creative Arts Charter School is San Francisco’s only public K-8 school providing project-based learning, reduced class size, and arts education for every child.

Founded 15 years ago by a group of dedicated teachers and parents, Creative Arts believes that high expectations and attention to the whole child are essential to an outstanding education.