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Celebrating International Women’s Month at La Peña Cultural Center


by the El Reportero’s staff

Ray ObiedoRay Obiedo

Women’s Revolution in Latin American Song & Poetry. A dazzling collaboration with singers MamaKoatl & Maria Loreto and poet Nina Serrano.

Three outstanding Bay Area voices join forces to commemorate the International Women’s Month and to pay tribute to the woman of the world, guardian and creator of the human hope. La Peña is proud to present this rare opportunity to enjoy a collaboration that fused together the styles, voices and work of creative and independent local women artists.

On Saturday, March 10, at 8:30 p.m. $14 adv. $16 dr. At La Peña Cultural Center, 3105 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley 510-849-2568

Celebrating Mexika New Year

You’re all invited to this annual celebracion of the Mexica New Year in San Jose California.

If you never have had the opportunity today is the great 2012! It is a unique and sacred celebration worth living it! The simple fact of coming to receive the energy of this year is very healthy as preparation for 12/22/12.

Calpulli Tonalehqueh will be hosting the Azteca Mexica New Year Ceremony & Celebration this March 12-13, 2011 in San Jose, CA. Everyone is invited to attend. Scroll to the bottom for info on discounted hotel rates for those traveling from afar.

Once again the guardians of our beautiful planet, the American Natives and all the natives of the world, they have shown us its love and vital care toward our Mother Earth and our only home! It’s free. And so we grain of sand, opening out mind and taking action.

On Saturday at 6 a.m. until Sunday at 4 p.m. At San Jose High Academy, 275 N. 24th Street, San Jose, California.

Some of the heaviest in salsa in San Rafael

Ray Obiedo Group featuring members from Carlos Santana Band Jeff Cressman – Trombone, Tony Lindsay – Vocals and Karl Perrazo on Timbales!

On Ray Obiedo Group featuring members from Carlos Santana Band.

At Georges Nightclub, on Thursday, March 22, 842 4th Street, San Rafael, California. For more info visit:

John Santos Sextet at Rhythmix Cultural Works

Rhythmix Island Arts presents the John Santos Sextet on Friday, March 23at Rhythmix Cultural Center in Alameda, CA. Funding for this performance and workshop is through the National Endowment for the Arts.

John Santos will also present an Afro-Latin Percussion and Chants Workshop for under served youth ages 8-18 at the Alameda Boys & Girls Club earlier that day as part of this series made possible with funding from the National Endowment for the Arts.

For more information about the workshop and performance, please contact please call Rhythmix Cultural Center at 510.865.5060 or visit ­

At Rhythmix Cultural Works, on Friday, March 23, at 7:30-9:30 p.m., 2513 Blanding Avenue, Alameda, California. $20 in advance, $25 at the door, Students/Seniors $15.

Sesac’s songs dominate the billborard

Compiled by the El Reportero’s staff


This week, we celebrate two simultaneous #1s for original songs written by SESAC Latina-affiliated composers. “Inténtalo” (Atrévete), written by Patricia Loredo, reigns over Hot Latin Songs, while “Llamada De Mi Ex,” written by Ariel Barreras (SACM), tops in Regional Mexican Airplay. Published by Billboard magazine, both of these charts tabulate airplay in the United States and Puerto Rico.

Popularizing the new “tribal” dance and fashion youth trends, “Inténtalo” is the first single from the new album by 3BallMTY. A trio of DJs, 3BallMTY collaborated with vocalists El Bebeto and América Sierra on this beguiling track. For the week ending March 10, 2012, Billboard magazine, using data electronically compiled by Nielsen BDS, reports that “Inténtalo” has the highest airplay audience of any song in all Latin genres, including pop, rock, tropical, rhythmic, Regional Mexican, urban and others.

Inaugurando el nuevo estilo ‘tribal’ en el baile y en el vestuario juvenil, “Inténtalo” es el primer sencillo del álbum del trío de DJs. sensación del momento 3BallMTY en cuya interpretación también participan sus artistas invitados El Bebeto y América Sierra. De acuerdo al conteo electrónico Nielsen BDS, edición de Billboard del 10 de marzo 2012, es el #1 del chart en que compiten los actuales cortes promocionales latinos de todos los géneros, entre ellos el pop, rock, tropical, rítmico, regional mexicano, urbano y otros.

NARAS / Grammy panel discussion

Music Presents was invited by Blog Talk Radio to host a discussion panel on March 6, regarding National Academy Recording Arts and Science’ (NARAS) closed door decision on executive leadership level, without membership awareness to eliminate 31 categories from Grammy consideration.

This discussion addressed the efforts to restore diversity and what are the next steps in these efforts from lawsuits filed in two states, New York and California, to studies that showcase increased disparity in gender and cultural genres because of the eliminations, and to the significant impact these cuts will and are imposing on the careers and livelihood of musicians and industry professionals who work within these eliminated categories.

Percussionist John Santos led a consistent protest for several months last year, after NARAS eliminated the categories, which included Latin Jazz, to which he was part of.

Joining the discussion was Sandy Cressman, recording musician and educator and previous NARAS governor of San Francisco chapter for over 10 years. She provides the inside look into NARAS, and the actions has taken to bring attention to the elimination of the 31 categories as well as the lawsuit to require NARAS to open the meeting minutes that they have refused to disclose, which they are required to do as a 501c3 non-profit organization. ­

California RNs win pact for 2,700 nurses at six tenet hospitals


­Compiled by the El Reporero’s staff

Registered nurses at six Tenet Healthcare hospitals in California have won a tentative settlement on a new four-year agreement that protects the health coverage for their families, wins improvements in patient care and nurses’ standards, and provides for important economic gains, the California Nurses Association/National Nurses United announced today, said a California Nursws Association’s written statement.

The agreement affects 2,700 RNs at Desert Regional Medical Center in Palm Springs, Doctors Medical Center in Modesto, Los Alamitos Medical Center, San Ramon Regional Medical Center, Sierra Vista Regional Medical Center in San Luis Obispo, and Twin Cities Community Hospital in Templeton.

Nurses at those facilities will vote on the proposed agreement in membership meetings this Friday and next Monday.

At a time when most employers are demanding huge reductions in health coverage or big increases in costs to employees for their health plans, nurses hailed their ability to protect existing coverage under which they will continue to pay no out-of-pocket costs for their premiums and no increases in co-pays or deductibles, according to the statement.

Attorney General Kamala D. Harris warns homeowners to beware of mortgage settlement scams

In a written statement, Attorney General Kamala D. Harris, as part of National Consumer Protection Week, warned California homeowners to beware of phone solicitations from scam artists claiming to provide assistance related to the recent national mortgage settlement.

Under California law, it is illegal to charge an up-front fee for loan modification services. Third parties that claim to offer homeowners access to funds under the national mortgage settlement are likely running a scam. Homeowners receiving such solicitations should not provide any personal or financial information and should report the solicitation to the California Department of Justice (­

Californians seeking relief under the state’s recent $18 billion mortgage settlement are advised to heed the following tips to avoid falling prey to scams that often arise around high profile settlements:

– Be skeptical of third party phone solicitations. Only your bank/loan servicer can assist you with regard to the recent national mortgage settlement.

– Do not give your personal financial information to a solicitor such as your bank account number, social security number or even the name of your loan servicer. Your bank will already have this information.

– Never pay an up-front fee for mortgage-related services. It is against California law and should be reported to the California Department of Justice.

– Call your bank to see if you qualify for relief under the settlement.

For free, trustworthy advice:

– Call a HUD approved counselor – (888) 995-4673.

– Call Keep Your Home CA – (888) 954-5337.

f you think you may be eligible for relief under the national mortgage settlement, call your bank directly:

  • Bank of America/Countrywide – (877) 488-7814.
  • JPMorgan Chase/Washington Mutual – (866) 372-6901.
  • GMAC Mortgage/Ally Financial – (800) 766-4622.
  • Citibank/CitiMortgage – (866) 272-4749.
  • Wells Fargo/Wachovia – (800) 288-3212.

For additional information regarding the mortgage settlement, please visit:

The triunvirate of Wall Street: the Fed and U.S. politicians is crumbling

by Graham Summers

Months ago, I warned that a tsunami of litigation was going to be coming to Wall Street and Washington. At the time I noted that Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein had recently hired a mega-defense attorney, as well as the fact that the Fed had gone into damage control mode (staging town-hall meetings, opening itself up to Q& A sessions, defending its actions to Congress, etc.).

I also noted in a recent article that the triumvirate of Wall Street/ the Fed/ and US Politicians would be crumbling in the future as these three groups tried to shift the blame for what happened during 2008 from one to another in an attempt to divert public outrage.

Indeed, the only reason this process hasn’t already reached a fever pitch is because the benefits of not talking for most of those who were in on the corruption still outweigh the consequences of keeping their mouths shut.

This process has already changed for some players in the financial game: we have recently seen some minor players get taken down, but those have primarily been insider trading cases involving expert networks, hedge funds, and corporate directors.

The main issue or question is: when do we start seeing the real power players at the heart of the Financial Crisis come under scrutiny (what Blankfein is clearly anticipating by hiring a defense lawyer).

By the look of things, it’s coming sooner rather than later: Lehman Brothers Subpoenas Geithner In J.P. Morgan Fight Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. (LEHMQ) and its creditors late Thursday said they want to subpoena Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner to question him under oath over allegations J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., (JPM) illegally siphoned billions of dollars from the collapsing investment bank in the days before it filed for the largest bankruptcy in U.S. history.

In a filing accompanying Lehman’s filing, made in U.S. District Court in Washington, Lehman’s official committee of unsecured creditors said Geithner has thus far refused to comply with an Aug. 9, 2011, subpoena, and it wants a court to force Geithner to give a deposition by a March 16 deadline.

“Despite being a crucial fact witness on these issues, Secretary Geithner has refused to appear at a deposition in accordance with a valid subpoena issued by the Committee,” the committee’s lawyers said in the filing. Geithner was president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York at the time of the Lehman collapse.

This could represent a potential sea change in the legal environment in the US. It’s clear Geithner thought he could get out of this mess by virtue of the fact he’s among the highest level of the power elite. However, the announcement that he doesn’t expect Obama to keep him as Treasury Secretary may have changed this.

For one thing, it’s clear that Obama is trying to distance himself from Geithner for political reasons (more than one GOP candidate has stated Geithner should be fired). The real issue is whether it’s been decided that Geithner will be the one who gets the albatross hung around his neck.

It’s too early to know, but one thing is for certain, the litigation is beginning to shift from minor players to major players at the core of the Financial Crisis. Investors take note, this is a major shift and needs to be monitored as it will have major implications for market dynamics going forward.

Remember, the markets have been on life support from the Fed and Treasury ever since 2008 hit. If those behind that life support begin facing major legal trouble the aggressive “we will save the day” attitudes of the Fed et al may change.

And when this happens the life support will get pulled.

Make no mistake, we are heading into a Crisis that will make 2008 look like a joke. The money for all of these various programs (both in Europe and the US) simply isn’t there. So this time around we’re going to see stock crashes AS WELL as civil unrest, food shortages, and the like.

If you’ve yet to take steps to prepare for this, I can show you how: my Surviving a Crisis Four Times Worse Than 2008 report is chock full of information on how to not only survive but thrive during the months to come.

Within its nine pages I explain precisely how the Second Round of the Crisis will unfold, where it will hit hardest, and the best means of profiting from it (the very investments my clients used to make triple digit returns in 2008).

Best of all, this report is 100% FREE. To pick up your copy today simply go to: ­ and click on the OUR FREE REPORTS tab.

Immigrant steel workers march against unjust firings

por David Bacon Truthout


Trabajadores del sindicato Pacific Steel marchan en Berkeley: (PHOTO BY DAVID BACON)Pacific Steel workers march through Berkeley.  (PHOTO BY DAVID BACON)

BERKELEY, CA (2/18/12) — Two hundred immigrant workers, their wives, husbands, children, and hundreds of supporters marched through downtown Berkeley February 17, protesting their firing from Pacific Steel Castings. The company is one of the city’s biggest employers, and the largest steel foundry west of the Mississippi River. Starting at City Hall, they walked for an hour past stores and homes, as bystanders often applauded. Teachers and students at a Montessori school along the route even came out to the sidewalk to urge them on. At a rally before the march started, fired worker Jesus Prado told the assembled crowd, “I worked for Pacific Steel for seven years. We’ve organized this March for Dignity because we want to stop the way they’re stepping on us, and treating us like criminals. We came here to work, not to break any laws.”

“Many of us are buying homes, or have lived in our homes for years,” added another fired worker, Ana Castaño. “We have children in the schools. We pay taxes and contribute to our community. What is happening to us is not just, and hurts our families. All we did was work. That shouldn’t be treated like it’s a crime.”

Berkeley City Councilmember Jesse Arreguin agreed. “We’re here today to send a message to the Obama administration that the I-9 raids have to stop,” he told the crowd.

Two hundred fourteen workers were fired in December and January, as a result of a so-called silent raid, in which the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) arm of the Department of Homeland Security inspected the company’s records to find workers who don’t have legal immigration status. ICE then demanded that the company fire them.

For the past year these workers have held meetings in union halls and churches, distributed food to families hungry because they can no longer work, and spoken to elected officials. The march was the culmination of months of debate in which to us is not just, and hurts our families. All we did was work. That shouldn’t be treated like it’s a crime.” Berkeley City Councilmember Jesse Arreguin agreed. “We’re here today to send a message to the Obama administration that the I-9 raids have to stop,” he told the crowd.

Two hundred fourteen workers were fired in December and January, as a result of a so-called silent raid, in which the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) arm of the Department of Homeland Security inspected the company’s records to find workers who don’t have legal immigration status. ICE then demanded that the company fire them.

For the past year these workers have held meetings in union halls and churches, distributed food to families hungry because they can no longer work, and spoken to elected officials. The march was the culmination of months of debate in which rights organizations, ­and local elected officials.

Bill Ong Hing, law professor at the University of San Francisco, says the lack of jobs in Mexico is a consequence of free trade and structural adjustment policies designed to benefit large corporations. He calls the administration’s justification divorced from reality. “Employer sanctions [the section of immigration law that prohibits undocumented people from working] have not reduced undocumented migration at all. They’ve failed because NAFTA [the North American Free Trade Agreement] and globalization create great migration pressure. Trying to discourage workers from coming by arresting them for working without authorization, or trying to prevent them from finding work, is doomed to fail in the face of such economic pressure. To reduce it, we need to change our trade and economic policies so that they don’t produce poverty in countries like Mexico.”

Reverend Deborah Lee of the Interfaith Coalition for Immigrant Rights called this kind of enforcement a violation of the workers’ basic human rights, “These families have done nothing wrong,” she said. “They’re being punished for working, which is what people in our community are supposed to do. We will not let this happen in silence, nor allow these workers to be treated as though they are invisible.”

As hundreds of people filled Second Street, a block away from the foundry where they’d put in their years of labor, the fired workers were certainly not invisible any longer.


Unvaccinated people a public health threat? Nope, people who take antibiotics are the real danger

by Mike Adams
Natural News

Vaccine pushers often resort to an interesting fear tactic to try to mandate vaccine obedience among the masses: They insist that those who areunvaccinatedare a health threat to the rest of the vaccinated population because thevaccinatedpeople might get infected by the unvaccinated disease carriers!

The quack logic of such a claim should be self-evident. If vaccines protect people from infectious disease, then vaccinated people should not be concerned at all about being around unvaccinated people. After all, the vaccine made them all “immune,” right?

But of course that’s all propaganda. Vaccines don’t really work at all. They are marketed under a blanket of disease hysteria and pimped by a cult following of medicalized quacks and needle junkies who abandoned real science long ago. After all, who needs real science when you’ve got the CDC marketing all the fear for you? The CDC is to medicine what George Bush was to the war industry — spread a little fear and the profits roll in. The real risk to others? People who routinely take antibiotics As it turns out, the real health risk that does exist in person-to-person exposure of infectious disease comes from people who routinely takeantibiotics.

Those who take the most antibiotics becomedrugresistant bacteria factories, and they can spread their drug-resistant strains to others around them. Their risk of developing superbugs rises proportionally to the frequency and duration of their taking prescription antibiotics. (

The most dangerous person in your family, it turns out, is not the “unvaccinated” person but the one taking antibiotics! They arehuman breeding groundsfor bacterial mutations that can be downright deadly.

Why hospitals are so dangerous to your health

That’s why informed people knowthe hospital is the most dangerous place you can go, other than working in a homemade meth lab of course. Hospitals are where superbugs pass easily from patient to doctor, and then from doctor to another patient.Hospital superbugs are spread by the medical staff, mostly because they routinely fail to wash their hands before touching patients. As NaturalNews reported in January, 2010, a whopping247 people die every day in U.S. hospitals from medical staff failing to wash their hands.(

This is like a jumbo jet falling out of the sky and killing everyone on boardevery single day. It’s like a 9/11 terrorist attacking happeningevery two weeks. This is one of the most alarming (and preventable) causes of death in America today and virtually no one ­even talks about it. Doctors, of course, strongly contribute to the development of superbugs by handing out antibiotics as if they were Halloween candy. Someone shows up at the office with a sniffle, and the busy doctor scribbles out a prescription for some fashionable new antibiotic that earns him perks from the young drug rep whose PC database tracks every name-brand prescription he writes. The patient, meanwhile, spends a pocket fortune on a useless drug that’s actually quite dangerous. Not only does it increase that patient’s chances of developing a mutant strain of drug-resistant bacteria; it also flushes antibiotics down the drain and contaminates the environment downstream.

So if you’re walking around in public suspiciously glancing around to see who might be sniffling or sneezing, clear your head and think about reality for a second. The CDC wants you to stupidly believe all the unvaccinated people are a threat to your health, when in realitypeople who consciously refuse vaccines tend to be far healthier and get sick far less oftenthan the hypochondriac dweebs who rush out to get vaccinated every few months. Doctors and drugs are the greatest threat to your health – far greater than terrorism The real people who are a threat to your health are not just the pill-popping antibiotics consumers, but also:

• The psyched-out grandma on psychotropic drugs barreling down the road behind the wheel of a 1978 Buick. (Driving While Medicated…)

• The teen schoolboy who was diagnosed with depression and put on SSRI drugs that make him feel violently suicidal.

• The pediatrician who wants to inject your child with chemotherapy to “prevent” cancer and insist he’s going to call CPS if you don’t let him poison your child.

• The drug addict pharmacist who, in between incorrectly filling your prescription with random deadly chemicals, snorts up his own private concoction of controlled substances in the back room.

• The oncologist who misdiagnosed you with breast cancer but wants to poison you with five rounds of chemotherapy “just to be sure.” (Oh yeah, I bet he never told you that he PROFITS from selling you the chemotherapy drugs that poison you…)

• The school bus driver with a heart condition who takes an extra dose of deadly statin drugs and suffers a fatal heart muscle breakdown while behind the wheel of a bus carrying 58 schoolchildren toward a railroad crossing. These are the real threats to your safety… not a bunch of healthy people who deliberately refuse to be injected with hazardous vaccines. But of course the medical establishment doesn’t want you to be aware of any risks associated with using their products. All their drugs are perfectly safe! Perfectly effective! Perfectly priced! Perfectly profitable! There’s nothing wrong with them, by God, or the FDA would never have approved them, would they?

Puerto Rico heads toward 2012 status votede

­by Puerto Rico Federal Affairs Administration

Luis A. FerréLuis A. Ferré

(Two-tier plebiscite will gauge voters’ support of current territorial status, as well as non-territorial status preferences)

Ponce, Puerto Rico – For the first time ever, Puerto Rico’s voters will face in 2012 an up or down vote on their support for the island’s current status as a U.S. territory. The vote is part of a two-tier status consultation that Puerto Rico Governor Luis G. Fortuño signed into law today, during a ceremony held in the hometown of his Republican predecessor and political mentor, former Governor Luis A. Ferré.

The November 6, 2012 status choice ballot, which will be included as a separate ballot the same day voters also choose their Governor, non-voting Member of Congress, Mayors and legislators, will pose two questions to the island’s electorate. Voters will first be asked if they agree with maintaining the current territorial political condition, to which they can answer either yes or no.

Irrespective of voters’ answer to the first question, voters will also be asked to express their preference for one of the three non-territorial status options recognized by Congress, Republican and Democratic presidential administrations as well as the United Nations: statehood, independence or free association.

“By virtue of this status consultation, we will know clearly, first, whether or not our people wish to maintain the current territorial status ­and second, which of the non-territorial alternatives enjoys the most support among Puerto Ricans,” said Governor Fortuño.

The Governor emphasized that the two-tier configuration of the 2012 status consultation takes into account a series of findings and recommendations from the three most recent reports of the President’s Task Force on Puerto Rico’s Status (2005, 2007 and 2011), as well as previous experiences with both local and federal status initiatives. “This status consultation also fulfills a pledge we made to voters in 2008, that during this term they would have the opportunity to express their preference for Puerto Rico’s future,” said the Governor.

“The island’s status is an issue that affects every aspect of our daily lives, including employment opportunities, health services, public safety, our children’s education and our very rights as American citizens,” said the Governor. “The moment has arrived for our people to act decisively to resolve Puerto Rico’s status issue once and for all. When the people make their historic choice next November, it will then be the turn of elected officials – both in San Juan and Washington – to act upon that mandate,” Fortuño concluded.

S.F. Appeals Court blocks deportation of seven undocumented immigrants

by Jim Lamare

Hispanic Link

In a 2-1 opinion, the San Francisco-based 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Feb. 6 temporarily halted five deportation cases involving seven undocumented immigrants.

The lead case, Aranda Rodríguez v. Holder, involves Mexican David Aranda Rodríguez, who has resided in the United States for more than two decades and cares for his two U.S.-born children. He has no criminal past.

The other six plaintiffs have a similar profile.

In issuing the order, the Court instructed Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) to determine if Rodríguez and the others should be granted relief from deportation under the new policy of prosecutorial discretion.

ICE director John Morton issued a memorandum on June 17 last year announcing the exercise of prosecutorial discretion in handling deportation cases. ICE officials and DOJ’s immigration courts are to give “positive consideration” in deciding the fate of:

• veterans and members of the U.S. Armed Forces;

• long-time lawful permanent residents;

• minors and elderly individuals;

• individuals present in this country since childhood;

• pregnant and nursing women;

• victims of domestic violence, trafficking or other serious crimes; and,

• individuals with serious health conditions.

Undocumented immigrants in these categories are to be assigned low priority in determining their deportation status. Implementation of prosecutorial discretion was delayed until specific operational criteria were formulated to enforce the new policy.

In mid-November, ICE announced it was ready to apply the new rules. Federal officials were asked to review, case by case, some 300,000 deportation proceedings pending before the nation’s 59 immigration courts using the new criteria.

To assist in this tedious labor-intensive process, officials were required to attend a half-day training session by Jan. 13. They were presented several scenarios about appropriate deportation outcomes.

According to Julia Preston of The New York Times, who observed an orientation session, one scenario involves a young undocumented woman “arrested by a state trooper for driving without a license. She has been living in this country since 1993 and has an infant son [a U.S. citizen]. But she lied to ICE officers, failing to tell them she had a conviction for shoplifting in 1995.”

What should the immigration courts and federal prosecutors do?

In this instance, she should not be deported because “she is not a threatening criminal and may still be nursing her American baby.” Her case should be closed.

What about an undocumented immigrant who in 1996 crossed the border illegally and failed to appear at a “critical” immigration court hearing back then? He has committed no other crime “and he coaches soccer at the school where his twin daughters, both citizens, are enrolled.” Again, the answer:“case closed.”

Application of these new criteria was trialed in the immigration courts of Denver and Baltimore during December and January. The courts determined that 16% of the 7,923 deportation cases pending in Denver involved low risk individuals, thus allowing 1,301people to stay in the United States.

In Baltimore, of the 3,759 cases reviewed, 366, about 10 percent, were closed.

Based on these findings, the New York Times projected that 39,000 deportation cases nationwide stand to be closed by the end of the year. Closed, but not cancelled. At any time, these low priority cases can be reopened. Federal officials have until March 19 to respond to the 9th Circuit Court’s order to apply prosecutorial discretion to the seven plaintiffs in the five pending cases.

In other related news: FEDS PAY LATINOS $350,000, SETTLE SUIT OVER RAIDS.

By Griselda Nevárez & Estuardo Rodríguez Eleven Hispanic men rousted from their homes in New Haven, Conn., and jailed after a raid conducted by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents nearly five years ago were awarded a total of $350,000 as compensation in an agreement reached Feb 13 between the federal government and the plaintiffs.

The 11 men were among 29 persons, nearly all of Hispanic origin, apprehended on June 6, 2007, after federal agents barged into their homes without warrants. Lawyers and law students from the Worker & Immigrant Rights Advocacy Clinic at the Yale Law School filed a federal civil lawsuit on their behalf.

The plaintiffs claimed ICE agents had violated their constitutional rights by racially profiling them and conducting unreasonable search and seizure.

­The settlement gave the plaintiffs the option of terminating any pending deportation proceedings or deferring any immigration action brought against them for four years and allowing them to reapply for legal residency.

The settlement is the largest ever paid by the government in a suit over a residential immigration raid and the first to include monetary compensation and immigration relief. Prior to the settlement, five of the 11 plaintiffs had already won termination of the deportation actions against them. Laura Huizar, one of the Yale students representing the plaintiffs, told Hispanic Link that at least four of the others who were arrested are still in removal proceedings, while some have won release.

She said the plaintiffs are “hoping to use this victory to pressure the government to stop all of the removal proceedings resulting from the same raid.” ICE spokesperson Ross Feinstein said the settlement is not intended to be an admission of fault on the part of the U.S. government. “The government is settling in order to avoid the additional time and expense of further litigation,” he said in a statement.

Another involved Yale law student, Mark Pedulla, who told Hispanic Link the agreement makes it clear that “agencies of the judicial (system) need to follow the Constitution and respect the rights of the people.”


­Saturday, March 3 — at Düsseldorf, Germany

WBA/IBF/WBO heavyweight title: Wladimir Klitschko vs. Jean Marc Mormeck.

Saturday, March 3 — at Los Angeles, CA (HBO)

Yuriorkis Gamboa vs. Rocky Juárez.

Saturday, March 10 — at San Juan, Puerto Rico

WBO featherweight title: Orlando Salido vs. Juan Manuel López.

Mikey Garcia vs. Michael Farina.

Friday, March 16 — at Cabazon, CA (ESPN2)

Kendall Holt vs. Tim Coleman.

Art Hovhannisyan vs. TBA.

Saturday, March 17 — at New York, NY (HBO)

Sergio Martínez vs. Matthew Macklin.

Magomed Abdusalamov vs. Raphael Love.

Edwin Rodríguez vs. Don George.

FelSignatures gathered to change death penalty to life in prison

­Compiled by the El Reportero’s news services

María Loreto Women’s Revolution in Latin American Song & Poetry.María Loreto Women’s Revolution in Latin American Song & Poetry.

A statewide coalition of families of murder victims, law enforcement, innocent persons wrongfully convicted of crimes, and over five thousand volunteers will announce the filing of petition signatures at four simultaneous news conferences in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Sacramento and San Diego.

The final number of signatures goes far and above the minimum required to qualify the SAFE (Savings, Accountability and Full Enforcement) California Act for the November, 2012 ballot. The SAFE California Act would replace California’s death penalty with a sentence of life without possibility of parole; it will be the first-ever statewide vote on replacing the death penalty with a punishment of life in prison with no chance of parole.

On Thursday, March 1, 2012, at 10:15 a.m. at Goodlett Steps of San Francisco City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B Goodlett Plaza, San Francisco.

Exploring individual and social transformation

Nina SerranoNina Serrano

The Creole nature of Latin jazz, and Caribbean culture in general, is in many ways a template for diversity, respect, and understanding for the entire planet. It tells an urgent story that is a beautiful testament to human perseverance, but it is not a pretty story. Genocide, slavery, apartheid, and continued colonial mentality are the results of the American experiment and clash of cultures. Identities lost and found also epitomize American history and are the basis of great turmoil and passion to the individual and collective mindset.

This lecture is based on the music of the Spanish-speaking Antilles-music that documents and embodies the American saga as well as any.

Mama KoatlMama Koatl

Five-time Grammy nominee and USA Fontanals Felprisonlow, John Santos, is one of the foremost bandleaders, composers, producers, percussionists, and educators in Afro-Latin music. He currently teaches at the Jazz School in Berkeley and the College of San Mateo, and has lectured and conducted countless clinics and workshops in the United States, Europe, and Latin America since 1973.

Lecture on Friday, March 9, from 7 – 9 p.m. at the CIIS Main Building, 1453 Mission St., San Francisco. $18/$14.

Celebrating International Women’s Month at La Peña Cultural Center

Women’s Revolution in Latin American Song & Poetry. A dazzling collaboration with singers MamaKoatl & Maria Loreto and poet Nina Serrano.

Three outstanding Bay Area voices join forces to commemorate the International Women’s Month and to pay tribute to the woman of the world, guardian and creator of the human hope.

La Peña is proud to present this rare opportunity to enjoy a collaboration that fused together the styles, voices and work of creative and independent local women artists.

On Saturday, March 10, at 8:30 p.m. $14 adv. $16 dr. At La Peña Cultural Center, 3105 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley 510-849-2568