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Would mainstream media be interested if Assad set up re-education labor camps for political dissidents?

Corporate press blacklists chilling revelations

by Paul Joseph Watson

A couple of months ago, the mainstream media got all excited about leaked emails from Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and ‘bombshell’ revelations such as the fact that Assad’s wife likes to spend a lot of money on expensive furniture.

Would that same corporate press be interested if documents were leaked showing that Assad’s military forces had set up detention camps in which they planned to incarcerate political activists and subject them to re-education programs and slave labor?

Of course it would, the story would be all over CNN, ABC and Fox News. The documents would be heralded as chilling evidence that Assad is in charge of a dictatorial regime that plans to kidnap demonstrators and imprison them in North Korean-style gulags. The documents would be held up as solid justification for a swift NATO military action in the name of ‘humanitarian intervention’.

And yet last week we had the release of documents which prove the existence of re-education forced labor camps for political dissidents not only abroad but inside the United States itself! An even more shocking story you would imagine?

And the reaction from the mainstream media? You could hear a pin drop.

We have now exhaustively proven in a series of articles that the U.S. Army is training its personnel, through the policies outlined in a manual entitled FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations (PDF), to “indoctrinate” “political activists” incarcerated in detention camps into developing an “understanding and appreciation of U.S. policies and actions.”

On page 281 of the manual we even see the use of the term itself when we learn that the role of camp personnel is focused around, “reorienting or reeducating the I/R facility population or setting the stage for acceptance of future operations.”

These camp prisoners are to include “civilian internees” detained “within U.S. territory” as part of “civil support operations” in the aftermath of “man-made disasters, accidents, terrorist attacks and incidents in the U.S. and its territories” involving FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security.

The manual also directs such prisoners to be used for slave labor “In work that is needed to construct, manage, perform administrative functions for, and maintain the internment facility,” in other words building and maintaining their own detention camp.

The manual also directs that political activists be confined to isolation and that prisoners be silenced using by “muffling them with a soft, clean cloth tied around their mouths and fastened at the backs of their heads.”

To reiterate – all of these policies outlined in the Army’s manual can be applied to U.S. citizens on American soil so long as the President passes an executive order to nullify Posse Comitatus, the law that forbids the U.S. military from engaging in domestic law enforcement.

If President Bashar al-Assad was directing his military forces to round-up political activists and use them for slave labor in re-education camps, the international outcry would be deafening, the media circus would be off the charts.

Yet all this is already in black and white, already on the books, ready and waiting to be used domestically in the aftermath of the next major terrorist attack or natural disaster – and the mainstream media has completely ignored it.

Re-education camp manual includes rules on isolating political prisoners

The manual also includes rules on forced labor and separating political prisoners by confining them in isolation.

Aside from detailing how PSYOP teams will use “indoctrination programs to reduce or remove antagonistic attitudes,” as well as targeting “political activists” with indoctrination programs to provide “understanding and appreciation of U.S. policies and actions,” the manual directs political prisoners to be separated from the rest of the camp population.

On page 284, the manual (PDF) describes how “Malcontents, rabble-rousers, trained agitators, and political officers who may attempt to organize resistance or create disturbances within the I/R facility,” are to be confined “in isolated enclosures to deny them access to the general population.”

The document also makes clear that the internment facility is not only a re-education camp but also a forced labor camp. Page 277 of the manual states, “Detainees constitute a significant labor force of skilled and unskilled individuals. These individuals should be employed to the fullest extent possible in work that is needed to construct, manage, perform administrative functions for, and maintain the internment facility.”

Page 69 of the manual notes in a section called ‘Detainee Processing Technique’ that prisoners should first have their weapons confiscated before “silence” is guaranteed by methods to, “Prevent detainees from communicating with one another or making audible  clamor….Silence uncooperative detainees by muffling them with a soft, clean cloth tied around their mouths and fastened at the backs of their heads.”

The manual details how prisoners will be identified by their “social security number,” another glaring confirmation that the rules apply to U.S. citizens. The document makes it clear that the rules apply to processing American detainees on U.S. soil so long as the President passes an executive order to nullify Posse Comitatus, the law that forbids the U.S. military from engaging in domestic law enforcement.

Although this story has gone viral amongst independent media outlets, the only mainstream news operations to cover it have been Russia Today and Digital Journal. Having studied all the documents, Digital Journal writer Anne Sewell confirms all the points of our original article – that the manual does describe how to re-educate political activists and that its policies do apply to U.S. citizens domestically. The story has been blacklisted .

Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News).

Who really controls the world

The High Cabal exposed by JFK

Marvin J. RamirezMarvin J. Ramirez

FROM THE EDITOR: I found this historically fascinating article written by Dr. Mujahid Kamran, Who Really Controls the World, which in great detail takes close look into those faceless characters who we never see or hear about, but who are the real players in the game of world control. And if you did not know who are those people – if we can call then people – who control our lives and destiny, fasten your seat belts because we are taking off to learn just that.

by Prof. Dr. Mujahid Kamran
New Dawn Magazine

Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.

– Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the United States (1856-1924)

So you see, my dear Coningsby, that the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.

– Benjamin Disraeli, British Prime Minister (1804-1881).

— It was in the dark days of World War II that Churchill referred to the existence of a “High Cabal” that had brought about unprecedented bloodshed in human history. Churchill is also said to have remarked about the Elite: “They have transported Lenin in a sealed truck like a plague bacillus from Switzerland into Russia…” (quoted by John Coleman in The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, Global Publications 2006). Who are ‘they’?

Consider the 1961 statement of US President John F. Kennedy (JFK) before media personnel:

The word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society, and we are as a people, inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, secret oaths and secret proceedings. For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy, that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence. It depends on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific, and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published, its mistakes are buried, not headlined, and its dissenters are silenced, not praised, no expenditure is questioned, no secret revealed… I am asking your help in the tremendous task of informing and alerting the American people.”

Secret societies, secret oaths, secret proceedings, infiltration, subversion, intimidation – these are the words used by JFK!

On June 4, 1963, JFK ordered the printing of Treasury dollar bills instead of Federal Reserve notes (Executive Order 11110). He also ordered that once these had been printed, the Federal Reserve notes would be withdrawn, and the Treasury bills put into circulation. A few months later (November 22, 1963) he was killed in broad daylight in front of the whole world – his brains blown out. Upon assumption of power, his successor, President Lyndon Johnson, immediately reversed the order to switch to Treasury bills showing very clearly why JFK was murdered. Another order of JFK, to militarily disengage from the Far East by withdrawing US “advisors” from Vietnam, was also immediately reversed after his death. After the Cuban crisis JFK wanted peaceful non-confrontational coexistence with the Soviet Union and that meant no wars in the world. He knew the next war would be nuclear and there would be no winners.

The defence industry and the banks that make money from war belong to the Elite. The Elite subscribes to a dialectical Hegelian philosophy, as pointed out by Antony Sutton, under which they bring about ‘controlled conflict’.

The two world wars were ‘controlled conflicts’! Their arrogance, their ceaseless energy, their focus, their utter disregard for human life, their ability to plan decades in advance, to act on that planning, and their continual success are staggering and faith-shaking.

­Statements by men like Disraeli, Wilson, Churchill, JFK and others should not leave any doubt in the mind of the reader about who controls the world. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt wrote in November 1933 to Col. Edward House: “The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centres has owned the government since the days of Andrew Jackson.” It may be recalled that Andrew Jackson, US President from 1829-1837, was so enraged by the tactics of bankers (Rothschilds) that he said: “You are a den of vipers. I intend to rout you out and by the Eternal God I will rout you out. If the people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking system, there would be a revolution before morning.”

Marc Anthony, Chayanne, Marco Antonio Solís announce U.S. tour


Compiled by El Reportero’s staff

Marco Antonio Solís, Marc Anthony y Chayenne.Marco Antonio Solís, Marc Anthony y Chayenne.

Three Latino singers with towering international reputations – Marc Anthony, Chayanne and Marco Antonio Solís – will share the spotlight this summer on a tour of 14 American cities.

The artists presented Monday in Miami plans for their Gigant3s tour and said how thrilled they were about presenting the show to U.S. audiences.

Anthony said he was “very happy” to be able to go on tour with his fellow artists and noted that this kind of show “is a formula that works” because “for the price of one ticket” you get three artists.

Anthony has shared billing in the past with Chayanne and Solís individually, but all three have never appeared together at the same time, same stage.

About the production, Anthony said that “this is not three separate concerts,” but rather a show combining performances by the three Latino artists.

Though the vocalists didn’t reveal a lot in the way of details, they hinted at some surprises onstage with the possibility that they will form duos and trios singing songs made famous by one or another of them.

The Gigant3s tour will take the artists to 14 U.S. cities, including Miami, Chicago, San Jose, Houston, Dallas, El Paso and Las Vegas.

Javier Bardem to Appear in Film Based on Brother Carlos Novel “Alacran Enamorado”

Javier Bardem will make his return to Spanish cinema when he plays a neo-Nazi ideologue in Alacrán enamorado (Scorpion in Love), a film based on a novel by his brother Carlos.

In remarks to Efe, Spanish director Santiago Zannou said the winner of a best-supporting-actor Oscar for his turn in the Coen brothers’ No Country for Old Men will play a secondary character named Solis, a role distinct from the purely villainous one he has in the upcoming James Bond film.

“In my film (the char­acter) is more realistic, not a wicked villain who wants to destroy the world, but an ordinary person. Those are the ones who truly frighten me, for having a type of ideology that separates people, that engenders violence,” Zannou said.

This will mark the first time Bardem has worked with a Spanish director since he won four Goya awards for his performance in Alejandro Amenabar’s Mar adentro (The Sea Inside).

Alacrán enamorado tells the story of Alyssa, a seductive Latin American immigrant who had fallen victim to a prostitution ring and now makes a living cleaning houses, and Julian, alias “El Alacrán” (The Scorpion), a member of a neo-Nazi group.

Alex González and Judith Diakhate have the starring roles, while Carlos Bardem plays a boxing trainer and former boxer Rudo Hovic is the owner of the gym.

‘Noticias OK” in Puerto Rico to Report Only Good, Happy News

A radio program in Puerto Rico will report only good news starting May 1 as a way to try and minimize violence on the streets of the Caribbean island.

The host of “Noticias OK,” Yalitza Navedo Roman, said Wednesday in a communique that the initiative arose after a survey was conducted in June 2004 among 100 residents of lowincome communities, during which the participants asked the media to report positive news that was happening in their neighborhoods.

“These figures are the basis for the birth of ‘Noticias OK.’ That is, this media proposal was born in the heart of the people (who live in) public housing and special communities,” said Navedo Roman. She said that the project will serve to “minimize the culture of violence” and contribute to peace in Puerto Rico, which registered a record 1,136 homicides in 2011.

Latin America well represented in Cannes Film Festival

Paris, Apr 24 (Prensa Latina) Latin American will bring six films to participate in the Directors Fortnight, one of the sections of the Cannes Film Festival to be held from May 17 to 27, media reported Tuesday.

The news was announced on Tuesday by Waintrop Edouard, Director General of the Directors Fortnight, a section created in 1968 with the aim of promoting emerging filmmakers. This year, organizers chose 21 films to compete, including two documentaries, two animated films and 10 short films.

Among the films selected stand the film 3, by Uruguayan Pablo Stoll, La sirga by William Vega, which recently won the Under Construction Films award at the 17th Toulouse Film Festival, and Fogo by Mexican Yulene Olaizola, among other films from Argentina and Chile.

Waintrop said he was surprised by the dynamism of Latin American films in recent years, which is why in all the European festivals there is always a good representation of that region.

Raíces Profundas debuts in SF

by the El Reportero’s staff

Raíces ProfundasRaíces Profundas

Raíces Profundas makes its US Debut with an incredible show that displays the talent and virtuosity of the group and its director / choreographer Juan de Dios Ramos Morejon. The engagement includes classes, workshops and five days of performances exclusively in San Francisco.

The concert follows the dynamic history of Cuba’s music and dance genres starting with the colorful Afro-Cuban traditions, including Palo Monte and the fiery Orisha dances of the Yoruba pantheon (Elegua, Oshun, Ogun, Chango and Yemaya).

Raíces Profundas is widely regarded as one of the world’s most authentic performing ensembles of the Afro-Cuban folkloric tradition. The dancers and musicians have intense dedication to their company, art and ritual customs.

Raíces Profundas comes to the 2012 SFIAF, co-presented by PlazaCUBA, with an incredible show that displays the talent and virtuosity of the group and its director/choreographer Juan de Dios Ramos Morejon. This performance marks the first time ever the group has performed in the USA, with five days of performances exclusively in San Francisco.

Raices Profundas was founded in 1970 and today is widely regarded as one of the world’s most authentic performing ensembles in the Afro-Cuban folkloric traditions. The dancers and musicians have intense dedication to their company, their art and their traditions. In addition to Mr. Ramos, the 17 member touring ensemble will feature 12 dancers and four musicians/vocalists. The ensemble members are all proficient teachers of music and dances of the Afro-Cuban traditions spanning Yoruba, Arará, Bantu and Carabalí, as well as Rumba and other modern Cuban styles such as Son, Chachacha and Mambo.

The show follows the dynamic history of Cuba’s music and dance genres, starting with the colorful Afro-Cuban traditions, including Palo Monte and the fiery Orisha dances of the Yoruba pantheon (like Elegua, Oshun, Ogun, Chango and Yemaya).

The second half of the show gives the audience a glimpse into Cuba’s popular music and dance styles, such as Chankletas, Son, Cha Cha ­Cha, and contemporary Cuban Salsa. The two parts of the show are tied together by the group’s interpretation of the sensual and provocative movements of the Rumba cycle (Yambu, Guaguanco and Columbia).

Wednesday, May 2 & Thursday May 6, 8:00 p.m., Friday May 4, 9 p.m., Saturday, May 5 9:30 p.m., Sunday May 6, at 4 p.m. Box office:, 415-771-6900.

Poet, performance artist playwright

Paul S. Flores Paul S. Flores is a published poet, performance artist, playwright and well known spoken word artist. Flores’ new play, titled PLACAS will premiere in September 2012 at the Lorraine Hansberry Theatre. PLACAS will star Ric Salinas, be directed by Michael John Garces and is co-produced by Flores, SFIAF and the Central American Resource Center (CARECEN).

He wrote and now performs the solo show You’re Gonna Cry. Flores’ most recent play REPRESENTA! toured to 17 cities, including HERE! Art Space in New York. Flores’ past performance projects have taken him from HBO’s Def Poetry to Cuba, Mexico and El Salvador.

Flores will be performing as part of the International Arts Festival, at the International Festival Lounge, 540 Sutter Street, San Francisco, Saturday, May 12, 8 p.m.



­April 29 A t Donetsk, Ukraine

Vyacheslav Senchenko vs. Paulie Malignaggi, 12, for Senchenko’s WBA World welterweight title.

May 5 At Bangkok, Thailand (HBO)

Kompayak Porpramook vs. Jonathan Taconing, 12, for Porpramook’s WBC light flyweight title.

At Singapore

Chris John vs. Shoji Kimura, 12, for John’s WBA Super World featherweight title.

At MGM Grand Garden Arena, Las Vegas (PPV)

Miguel Cotto vs. Floyd Mayweather, 12, for Cotto’s WBA Super World super welterweight title;

Saul Alvarez vs. Shane Mosley, 12, for Alvarez’s WBC junior middleweight title.

May 13 A t Cebu, Philippines

John Riel Casimero vs. Sammy Guttierez, 12, for the interim IBF flyweight title.

May 18 At The Times Union Center, Albany, N.Y. (ESPN)

Karim Mayfield vs. Raymond Serrano, 10, for Mayfield’s NABO light welterweight title.

May 19 At Mandalay Bay Hotel, Las Vegas (HBO)

Lamont Peterson vs. Amir Khan, 10, for Peterson’s WBA Super World and IBF super lightweight title;

Lucas Matthysse vs. Humberto Soto, 10, junior welterweights.

May 26 At Nottinghamshire, England,

Lucian Bute vs. Carl Froch, 12, for Bute’s IBF super middlweight title.

June 9 At the MGM Grand Garden Arena, Las Vegas (PPV)

Manny Pacquiao vs. Timothy Bradley, Jr. 12, for Pacquiao’s WBO welterweight championship;

Mike Jones vs. Randall Bailey, 12, for the vacant IBF welterweight title.

A different attitude toward art

by José de la Isla

Hispanic Link News Service

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO – Elizabeth Catlett died this month at age 96 in Cuernavaca, 80 miles distant from this city.

Most accounts of her passing simply referred to her as an African American and a bi-national, a Mexican citizen born and raised in the United States. A few typecast her as an “important African-American” artist to typify her work.

She was much more than that.

She was in the tradition of the 20th century masters. The National Council of Culture and the Arts of Mexico has described Catlett as an artist who always demonstrated in her art a profound interest “in social justice and the rights of black people and Mexican women.”

An obituary in the Los Angeles Times mentioned that the U.S. government had labeled her an “undesirable alien” in 1959. It mentioned that she was briefly held in a roundup of ex-patriots living in Mexico who were suspected of Communist activity. She was denied a U.S. visa throughout the 1960s.

The same obituary quoted her as once telling a St. Petersburg Times interviewer that in Mexico “as an artist you’re greatly admired rather than looked at as something strange. There’s a different attitude toward art in Mexico.”

Catlett’s better-known works include lithographs of the late ’60s of Malcolm X’s and Angela Davis’s images. Her best-known prints include Sharecropper (1968) and Malcolm X Speaks for Us (1969), expressing her lifelong commitment to art as a tool for social change, often incorporating the slogan, “Black Is Beautiful.”

Her well-known sculptures include Dancing Figure (1961), The Black Woman Speaks and Target (1970). Black Unity (1968) shows a mahogany fist on one side and African visages on the other. The sculptures Homage to Black Women Poets and Homage to My Black Young Sisters (both 1968) are red-cedar abstracts of a woman with raised head and fist.

Catlett had said she wanted to show the history and strength of women — urban, country, working and great women of history.

Her biography alone reveals how, in a sense, that one’s life and work fuse the same way nationality, ethnicity, identity, life mission and talents do.

Elizabeth Catlett was born in Washington, D.C. in 1915, the granddaughter of freed slaves, a math-professor father and truant-officer mother. In the 1930s she earned her undergraduate degree from Howard University in Washington, D.C.

She was exposed to the work of Mexican muralists Diego Rivera and Miguel Covarrubias, both of whom had worked extensively in the United States.

Covarrubias, in fact, as an illustrator for the New Yorker and other national magazines in the 1920s and ’30s had introduced to millions the image of sophisticated jazz-age Negroes and Harlem.

Catlett preferred doing semi-abstract sculptures after studying the form as a graduate student at the University of Iowa, earning a master’s in fine art in 1940. She sculpted Negro Mother and Child for her graduate thesis and won first prize in a 1940 Chicago exhibit of African-American artists, the Columbia Exposition.

That same year she chaired the art department of New Orleans’ Dillard University. Later in the 1940s she moved to Mexico City to study ceramics. She added struggles of Mexican workers to her commitment to African-American causes. She referred to “my two people,” even blending their physical features in her art.

She found like spirits in the Taller de Gráfica Popular, a collective known for mass-producing posters supporting populist causes. She met renowned artist Francisco Mora here and married him. He died in 2002.

­In Mexico Catlett gained an acceptance she had not known at home, the same as other U.S. artists, writers, musicians such as composer Aaron Copland have experienced. She continued championing black causes even after becoming a Mexican citizen in 1962.

Perhaps this has to do with artists having a responsibility like that of writers to show the quest for justice, catching individual temperament and mood, finding feeling and exposing their color and shape.

[José de la Isla, a nationally syndicated columnist for Hispanic Link and Scripps Howard news services, has been recognized for two consecutive years for his commentaries by New America Media. His forthcoming book is “Our Man on the Ground.” Previous books include “DAY NIGHT LIFE DEATH HOPE” (2009) and “The Rise of Hispanic Political Power” (2003). Reach him at]  See this column in Spanish and more at

Study: Only 1 in 3 Latino college students earn a degree

Compiled by the El Reportero’s staff

One of the critical issues in higher education is the low numbers of Latino students who enroll, persist and graduate. In fact, only one in three Latinos receives either a two- or four-year degree or certificate after eight years. And, while the percentage of Latinos enrolled in higher education immediately after high school grew from 1972-2004, the percentage of Whit­e students doing likewise was larger.

These findings and others come from Challenges for Latino Students in Transitioning to Higher Education: Findings and Recommendations, a presentation delivered at the American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education (AAHHE) annual conference on March 9, 2012. The presentation was given by John W. Young, Senior Research Scientist and Director of the Higher Education Research Group at Educational Testing Service (ETS).

More than one million petitions delivered to Sen. Harry Reid’s office

A leading grassroots campaign to repeal ObamaCare today announced that it was delivering more than a million names of citizens who have signed petitions demanding repeal of the Health Care Act to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

Ken Hoagland, chairman of Restore America’s Voice Foundation said that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was, “an assault on the Constitution and on the consent of the governed.”

Hoagland’s group has been airing television ads nationally for more than a year asking citizens to communicate with their legislators about the law. The ads feature Mike Huckabee and more recently, Herman Cain.

“Even if with the best intentions, there are troubling and fundamental Constitutional questions now being argued before the Supreme Court about the reach of our federal government,” he said. “As troubling is the fact that this wide-ranging legislation should not have been enacted without strong support from our citizens who will be forced to live under its many provisions,” Hoagland said.

“This law has profound consequences for our national budget, individual healthcare choices and our struggling economy and does damage to each. Most Americans believe it reaches too far into our personal choices and will raise healthcare costs.”

Many critics believe Obama’s groundbreaking plan is in severe jeopardy due to the fact that five of the justices involved in the hearings were opposed the plan from the beginning.

On the last day of the hearing the justices addressed two key issues.

The justices wanted to know whether the law could stand if the core requisite that most Americans must acquire insurance or face a fine is struck down, they also questioned the legitimacy of the growing state-federal Medicaid healthcare program.

The law, which is the latest attempt in 50 years to provide health insurance to the uninsured and slow down soaring medical costs to an already $2.6 trillion U.S. healthcare system, will be simmering in deliberation for three months and a ruling is expected in late June.

SAFE California Act of 2012

The Secretary of State announced that the SAFE California Act, to replace the death penalty with life in prison without the possibility of parole, qualified for the November ballot. Voters will have the first opportunity ever to choose between the death penalty and a sentence of life in prison with no possibility of parole. Join top spokespeople from the SAFE campaign for a briefing on the ballot initiative.

California is following a national trend. Connecticut will soon become the fifth state in just five years to replace the death penalty; California would become the eighteenth state in the United States to do so. The sponsor of Connecticut’s bill to replace the death penalty will be on the briefing call.

Demonstrators confront Wells Fargo shareholders

by David Bacon

Thousands of demonstrators marched and rallied outside the shareholders meeting of Wells Fargo Bank, demanding that the bank stop foreclosing on homeowners: (PHOTO BE DAVID BACON)Thousands of demonstrators marched and rallied outside the shareholders meeting of Wells Fargo Bank, demanding that the bank stop foreclosing on homeowners.  (PHOTO BE DAVID BACON)

­Thousands of angry homeowners, immigrants, union members, Occupiers and community groups converged on the annual shareholders meeting of Wells Fargo Bank. In a carefully choreographed protest, simultaneous marches left Justin Herman Plaza on the city’s waterfront, site of the Occupy San Francisco encampment last fall. Demonstrators walked up parallel streets into the financial ­district, where they encircled the block in which the meeting was set to take place, in the Julia Morgan ballroom of the Merchant’s Exchange Building.

Beforehand, some demonstrators had moved into the building’s lobby, while others chained themselves together, putting sleeves around their arms to make it hard for police to cut them apart to arrest them.

A group of religious, union and community representatives had purchased shares of stock in the bank beforehand, supposedly allowing them to attend the shareholders meeting. Some even held proxies, allowing them to vote the stock belonging to others. As the rally swirled outside, and speeches and songs filled the streets now vacant of their normal traffic, the police closed off the building and refused to let the shareholders inside. María Poblete, from the housing rights organization Just Cause, and Cinthiya Muñoz, from Alameda County United to Defend Immigrant Rights, spoke from a flatbed truck in front of the bank, reminding the crowd of the reasons they’d brought their protests to the bank’s doors. “Shareholders want to meet about how to best reap profits from foreclosures, for-profit prisons and detention centers, student loans, and tax evasion,” Poblete shouted.

“Today the bank can see that there’s no more business as usual. We say no!” Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf, however, closed the meeting to the shareholders kept at bay by the police outside. “Wells Fargo’s actions today demonstrate what communities across this country have been experiencing for years: Wells Fargo is indifferent to the havoc they are wreaking in our communities and they do not want to be held accountable,” said Wallace Hill, whose home was foreclosed on by Wells Fargo in Oakland.

Earlier in April, housing rights activists met with Jon Campbell, Wells Fargo’s executive in charge of social responsibility. They proposed a series of measures to meet the crisis faced by families whose homes are underwater, and a moratorium on foreclosures. Campbell refused to consider any of their demands. The bank is the U.S.’s largest servicer of home mortgages.

“We are the 99%, and we won’t take no for an answer!” Muñoz shouted from the flatbed truck. Fifteen protesting shareholders were finally permitted across police lines, and went into the meeting.

When Stumpf began a presentation congratulating the bank for making a $15.9 billion profit last year, in the midst of foreclosures and a recession, they interrupted him. Police converged on them, took them out of the meeting, and cited and released them. Nine others were arrested outside.

Afterwards, the remaining shareholders approved a $19.8 compensation for Stumpf’s last year’s labor.

“The bank is pleased with the progress we’ve made in a tough economy,” bank Vice President Oscar Suris told the media. “We’ll continue focusing on our customers, and that includes our customers who are going through difficult economic times.”



Women: Before getting pregnant, check your man’s diet

by Mike Adams
Natural News
Part 1 of 2

The day will soon come that informed women will refuse to date, marry or have children with men who follow poor nutritional habits.

“You eat junk foods? Put your pants back on and get out!”

You see, scientific evidence is mounting on the relationship between food choice and genetic integrity. Men who eat a lot of processed meats, fast foods and junk foods have low sperm quality. But it’s more than just an infertility question… it’s also a question of the transgenerational genetic integrity of his offspring.

A man who pursues an unhealthy diet, it turns out, not only increases the risk of numerous diseases in his direct offspring (cancer, diabetes, infertility, etc.), he also increases that risk for multiple generations of offspring.

This was recently demonstrates in a laboratory study conducted by Georgetown University Medical Center and presented at the American Association for Cancer Research (http://www. which showed that cancer risk attributable to the junk food fed to parent rats was passed through two generations even if the direct offspring ate a healthy diet.

In other words, for all you women out there, if you choose to have children with a man who’s eating junk foods, not only will your children have an increased risk of disease, but their children will, too! And that’s true even if your children follow a healthy lifestyle!

Now sure, if you’re not concerned about your family line, then just mate with anybody who can produce sperm — and there are a lot of those to choose from. But two, three or four generations from now, the sperm that you chose to combine with your own eggs may turn out to be a ticking genetic time bomb that ends your family line forever through DNA mutations leading to disease and infertility. The genopocalypse I call this coming wave of global infertility the “genopocalypse,” which of course means the “genetic apocalypse.” This is all explained in a video I recently posted on www.Natural- News.TV which you can view at:

The genetic integrity of the human race is collapsing due to exposure to DNA-altering toxic chemicals in foods, medicines, household products and personal care products. The cumulative toxic burden in first-world citizens has now reached such a high level of toxicity that genetic integrity may no longer be guaranteed from one generation to the next.

Infertility rates are skyrocketing, and even when babies are born through infertility intervention clinics, they suffer far higher rates of genetic mutations and abnormalities than babies conceived naturally.

We are now watching the genetic migration of the human race. It is slowly transitioning to a race of infertile mutants who express very high rates of diseases like cancer and health conditions like infertility. No one knows whether genetic integrity can be recovered once it compromised. The very nature of gene inheritance leaves that doubtful. The upshot of all this is that people who want a family future must be careful to choose healthy reproductive partners. Beyond the quality of the person you are deciding to have children with, you need to consider the quality of their eggs and sperm.

W­atchout for damaged eggs So far, we’ve talked about how women need to watch out for damaged sperm. But the good news for men is that sperm regenerates every few days, so by simply changing your diet right now, you can begin to produce healthier sperm a few days later. Switching to a healthy diet for 3 – 6 months can result in radically improved sperm quality.

But even this has its limits: The upper limit of male sperm viability is still heavily influenced by the diet of his mother during her pregnancy. Yep: The nutritional factors present during the growth of the fetus also strongly influence the lifetime reproductive viability of males.

For women, it’s even more serious. Women, you see, are born with all the eggs they’ll ever have in their lives. Those eggs were formed as a fetus, and the health of those eggs is largely determined by the diet of the pregnant mom carrying the female fetus.

So if you’re a woman, it is your mom’s diet that determined the genetic integrity of the eggs you carry right now. And changing your own diet won’t regenerate healthier eggs. So if you’re a man seeking a healthy partner to have children with, you need to ask about not just the diet of your female partner, but also the diet of her mother during that pregnancy.

It’s getting tricky, isn’t it? There’s nothing quite like interrogating your future mother-in-law about her eating habits… But it gets even more complicated than that. Next week 2nd part: Irradiated women’s eggs

UN Court hears arguments in Nicaragua-Colombia dispuste over islands

por Dan Molinski


BOGOTA — The International Court of Justice begins hearing arguments Monday in a long-running dispute between Colombia and Nicaragua over a Caribbean archipelago and the maritime borders surrounding the islands, which some say hold massive deposits of oil.

The case has been going on for over a decade and in 2007 the Hague-based court ruled Colombia has sovereignty over the San Andres archipelago’s three main islands–San Andres, Providencia and Santa Catalina–based on a 1928 treaty between Colombia and Nicaragua.

The new hearings by the court, which will run for two weeks, are to settle ownership of other, smaller islands in the archipelago not covered in the 1928 treaty, and to also settle the nations’ maritime borders in the area.

The islands are 140 miles east of Nicaragua and 480 miles northwest of Colombia.

Even after the 2007 ruling by the court, the United Nations’ highest judicial body, Nicaragua President Daniel Ortega continues to affirm Nicaragua is the rightful owner of the islands. Managua says the 1928 treaty that ceded the islands to Colombia is invalid because it was signed while the U.S. occupied Nicaragua.

In 2010, Colombia awarded national oil company Ecopetrol (ECOPETROL.BO, EC) and Spain’s Repsol YPF SA the rights to explore for oil in the vicinity of the San Andres islands, hoping it would allow Colombia to become an offshore oil driller for the first time and boost overall production.

San Andres marches in support of Colombia’s claim to disputed island

by Brandon Barrett

Colombia Reports

Residents of San Andres organized a march supporting Colombia’s sovereignty of the archipelago after the International Court of Justice (ICJ) began hearing Nicaragua’s claim to the territory Monday.

Colombia has maintained control over the territory, which includes the islands of San Andres, Providencia and Santa Catalina, since the 1928 Esguerra-Barcenas Treaty. Nicaragua has long disputed the treaty which was put into effect while the country was under U.S. military occupation.

The Hague-based court ruled in favor of Colombia’s sovereignty over the archipelago in 2007. The new hearings, which are expected to run for months, seek to determine the ownership of several smaller islands not included in the original treaty, as well as settle maritime borders in the area.

The two groupings of islands are thought to be rich in oil. Colombia’s state-owned oil company Ecopetrol began drilling on the island in 2010 before President Juan Manuel Santos suspended operations due to environmental concerns, although analysts think the move was made to avoid a political spat with the Central American country.

­Spain cuts medical services to undocumented immigrants

by Prensa Latina

Spain´s Socialist Workers Party (PSOE) called xenophobic the conservative PP government decision to cancel free medical services to illegal immigrants.

PSOE General Secretary Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba exposed the conservative government of Mariano Rajoy defense of education and health fund ammendments in Congress hearing of the 2012 general budget.

They are feeding sinister rumors on the immigrants´ health care “abuse” which is false and xenophobic, stressed the leader of the main opposition force.