Sunday, September 8, 2024
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We have a hothouse filled with corn plants that make anti-sperm antibodies

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: <It reads like something out of a Stephen King horror novel–elitists, corporate agents, and government operatives secretly implementing fertility-control methods, decimating populations of people in a nefarious program that would make Margaret Sanger, a leader of the eugenics movement and founder of Planned Parenthood, proud.

Forget environmental concerns and glow-in-thedark babies. In fact, forget babies altogether. You don’t have to worry about passing along any mutations to your kids because your chances of having them have been compromised. In fact, that’s the goal– to reduce your numbers.

How you ask? Would you believe me if I said… corn? And not just any corn. GMO corn.

According to F.W. Engdahl, an American-German freelance journalist, historian, and economic researcher, one long-standing project of the U.S. government has been to perfect a genetically-modified strand of corn. This variety of corn was field-tested over ten years ago, and according to the president of the small bio-tech firm in charge of that project…

“We have a hothouse filled with corn plants that make antispermantibodies.”>

by David Wetzel

Taking antibodies from women with a rare condition known as “immune infertility” and isolating the genes that regulated the manufacture of those antibodies, they inserted them into the corn plants, creating, in essence, a biological weapon for population control.

And who was helping to finance this endeavor? The Gates’ Foundation (which includes the Buffet Foundation) and the Rockefeller Foundation, through a project called The Alliance for a Green Revolution, headed by none other than former U.N. Chief, Kofi Annan. Major GMO agri-businesses are reported to be at the heart of AGRA, using it to spread their GMO technology throughout the Third World. According to Engdahl, “Gates and Buffet are major funders of global population reduction programs.” Included in this unholy alliance is Ted Turner, who thinks that a 95% reduction in global population to around 300 million would be “ideal.”

And remember, the Rockefeller Foundation has been involved in eugenics and genocide since it began funding the eugenics research in Germany in the 1920s and well into the Third Reich. (Seeds of Destruction, F.W. Engdahl.) The Rockefellers backed the forced sterilizations and racial purity ideology of Hitler’s Germany.

But how does a Third World program affect us in western civilization? More specifically, how does it affect us here, in the United States?

Shortly after the introduction of GMO corn into the U.S. in 1996, birth rates began falling. Since 1999, birth rates have plummeted even faster – just three years after GMO corn was introduced into the food supply.

GMOs, according to scientists interviewed for the film Science Under Attack, have been known to cause smaller brain size, lowered immunity, organ damage, and infertility in animals fed biotech food.

Does this correspond to the 20% rate of infertility occurring in our population today? That’s a good question. Unfortunately, agrigiants and our government are suppressing the answers.

Since 2008, the U.S. government has opposed a national effort to label GMO foods. They upped the ante by trying to suppress GMO labeling anywhere in the world, by using Codex, the U.N. arm that seeks to regulate every food, mineral, and herb in the world used for ­consumption. However, this effort has stalled because Codex doesn’t look at GMO created products as “food.”

However, Codex does place these products into a special category that can be utilized in alternative applications. (Like birth control, maybe?) Genetically engineered corn, soy, cottonseed oil, and canola oil are the most processed foods in the United States. These foods have NEVER been tested for safety in human consumption… even though animal studies show severe organ damage, spontaneous abortions, and sterility when consumed.

Take control of your fertility… your health… your life… by taking control of your own food supply.

Grow your own vegetables – nutrient dense, bursting with flavor, and naturally resistant to many of the diseases and parasites that plague genetically-modified crops today. But the benefits of gardening and growing your own food go far beyond the physical advantages of health and nutrition. Growing your own food and providing for your family’s needs reconnects you to life’s natural ebb and flow, the way that God intended.

Guatemala: Tension prevails after students repression


by wire services

A certain tension prevails here today following two consecutive days of police repression against two student demonstrations, one carried out by prospective teachers and the other by university students.

Prospective teachers were removed by force on Tuesday as they blocked a busy Guatemala City thoroughfare to protest changes proposed by the Ministry of Education in teacher training.

The students point out that the new plan, which will increase the teacher training period from two to five years, will affect their economy and career advancement.

Given the traffic blockage in the thoroughfare and the authorities’ inability to force the students to abandon their stance, riot forces broke up the demonstration with tear gas and pepper spray.

The students’ parents issued a formal complaint to the District Attorney’s Office for Human Rights, denouncing the police aggression and demanding a solution to the problem.

However, authorities are reluctant to allow the holding of demonstrations that impede the free movement of citizens, and promised to continue to respond forcefully if dialogue is unsuccessful.

Peru helicopter with foreign tourists missing

A helicopter with foreign tourists on board has gone missing in southern Peru. Police said on Thursday that 12 South Koreans and two Austrians may be on board, together with two Peruvian pilots. The helicopter reportedly left the Amazon region of Madre de Dios on Wednesday evening bound for Cusco. Media reports say the flight may have been hampered by cloudy weather.

Also in Perú:

There is more money in illegal gold mining than in cocaine

Cocaine is not the number one illegal profitable industry any- more in Perú anymore.

According a May 24, Latin News report, informal gold mining in Peru is not only being targeted as a threat to the environment and a source of fiscal evasion but also as a major illegal industry that generates more revenues than cocaine.

At a recent symposium in Lima a proposal, reports Latin News, was floated to create a special body, similar to the anti-drugs commission Devida, to coordinate the efforts to ‘formalize’ that activity, currently dispersed among several government agencies.

“Moreover, if domestic consumption of gold is taken into account, countrywide one out of every five ounces is illegal, and in the south eastern region of Madre de Dios, one out of every three. Exports of illegally mined gold, Cuba calculates, reach $1.8bn, more than the estimated $1.2bn generated by cocaine exports. He reckons that the profits from illegal gold mining amount to $1bn, which means that the public purse is deprived of some $305m,” the report added.

­Bolivian Maritime Issue is of Hemispheric Interest, Says Morales

President Evo Morales reaffirmed today tha his country’s maritime claim to Chile is an issue of continental interest, though he made clear that the dialogue to solve it is bilateral.

“The maritime issue has always been of hemispheric interest; otherwise, the Foreign ministers would not be involved. I understand that nine or 10 Foreign ministries took part in the meeting of Lima, backing and seeking a solution to the maritime issue, and in this meeting more than 50 percent of the Foreign ministers have taken part, demanding a solution,” he said.

The dialogue will be bilateral, but taking into account that some 20 Foreign ministers are taking part, it becomes of hemispheric interest, Morales told local journalists in Cochabamba.

In the 42nd Assembly of the Organization of American States, held recently in Tiquipaya municipality, in Cochabamba, 19 nations urged to solve the maritime dispute between Bolivia and Chile through fruitful dialogue and with prompt, concrete, useful, feasible solutions. (Latin Briefs and Prensa Latina contributed to this report).

Ron Paul Republicans take over Nevada GOP



Ron Paul fever is spreading across the country, but it faces furious opposition from the Republican Party establishment as Election Day nears.

Following this week’s primary victory in Texas, Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney is all but guaranteed the GOP nomination for president at the upcoming Republican National Convention, slated for later this summer in Tampa, Florida. In the meantime, however, Congressman Ron  Paul (R-Texas) has refused to withdraw his name from the race and is continuing to vie for the GOP nod.

Romney is reported by the mainstream media as being the hands down Republican Party nominee — but in locales such as Nevada, where Ron Paul supporters run rampant, state GOP offices are being controlled almost entirely by lively backers of the libertarian legend and not the presumptive nominee. As Ron Paul support spreads, fans of the long-time congressman are quickly rising through the ranks of local and state GOP offices, securing positions that will put them at the forefront of the nomination process at the RNC.

The result, although viewed as a success by supports crossing their fingers for a President Paul administration, may make or break the November election. Without a doubt, however, it shows that Republicans rallying for the cause of liberty are making their demands known. As one might expect, however, that doesn’t set well with the right-wing establishment.

The Huffington Post reports that the latest NBC/ Marist poll puts Nevada voters practically split down the middle between Romney and Obama, the Democratic nominee and presidential incumbent. As the election season starts to wrap up and the initial hype over the GOP circus begins to be centered on only Romney and Paul though, pundits are saying that neither of the mainstream candidates this year — Romney nor Obama — are all that different.

If Ron Paul’s success continues to soar and Americans go on to give him their vote instead of casting it towards arguably identical ­opponents on the left and right, Election Day could be much closer than even that latest polls suggest. It also concludes that Rep. Paul still has a fighting chance.

In Nevada, Paul’s support has taken over the local GOP with such strength that almost all Romney supporters working for the state Republican Party office have resigned. On May 15, Paul supporters in the state’s biggest district, Clark County, passed a resolution that led to RNC chairman Reince Priebus stepping down and with it ended RNC support of the state office. Since the vote, other Romney backers have walked away and Team Nevada, as they call themselves, is now almost entirely staffed by Paul supporters.

During the state convention, Paul’s delegates secured 22 of the 28 spots set aside for the RNC in Tampa. Across the country, though, the establishment is threatening to step in to ensure that the Paul campaign cannot stage a coup, even a legal one. Earlier this month, GOP National Chairman Michael McDonald told NPR, “The State Party had lost focus and suffered from a distinct lack of execution for some time now.”

“It’s contributed to the vacuum that was created and filled by a host of people that have personal and political agendas and have contributed nothing to getting Republicans elected.”

Other Romney supporters running scared also say that Paul’s campaign isn’t trying to get their candidate elected but merely upset the establishment. By starting small in Nevada, they might be doing just that — whether they want to or not.

On Friday, Republicans in the state of Washington will decide on delegates to send to the RNC in Tampa, and the Seattle Times reports that very morning that support for the Texas congressman continues to raise problems for the Romney campaign.

“ [ T ] a k e a l o o k around,” Matt Dublin, a Paul organizer, told an audience in Tacoma during Friday morning’s convention. Pointing out his fellow supporters of Rep. Paul, Dublin said, “They are the future of our party and they are not going to go away.”

Addressing the Republican Party’s reluctance to throw its entire weight behind Romney after a tough campaign thus far, Dublin asked, “Do you want to send a delegation to Tampa that will give the nominee a blank slate… or hold his feet to the fire?”

The News Tribune also quoted Dublin on Friday as the organizer told reporters that the grassroots support for Paul that had turned huge will only mean that the establishment will soon have no choice but to appeal to the congressman’s supporters.

“We are the new activist branch of the Republican Party,” Dubin said, “and soon, very soon, all GOP candidates will be forced to seek our support if they want any chance of success.”

­Over the weekend, voters in both Washington and Missouri will select delegates to send to Tampa. No matter how many are picked to head to Florida, however, Ron Paul is expected to make a splash there nonetheless; the US News & World Report predicts that upwards of 100,000 supporters of the congressman look to go to the Sunshine State to take party in an eventcoinciding with the RNC being dubbed Ron Paul Festival.

“Hopefully, the festival is where they’ll get all of the yelling and screaming out,” festival organizer Bryan Siemon tells Business Insider.

See more:

What’s happening at La Peña


Compiled by the El Reportero’s staff

Rosana MateckiRosana Matecki

Lounge Rumba

Community participatory event. The Afro-Cuban folkloric drums, dances, and songs of rumba. Rumba is the word used for a group of related, community-oriented, musical and dance styles in Cuba. Rumba developed in rural Cuba, with strong influences from African drumming and Spanish poetry and singing. Sunday, June 3 and 17 at 3:30 – 6 p.m. Free. (Donation Requested).

Latin American Film Festival

Story of a Day (Rosana Matecki, Venezuela, 2009, 89 min.). A moving series of elements from the lives of humble people of various villages focusing on women. Preceded by the short Mira.m.elinda (Jorge Rivas, Mexico, 2009, 7 min.). Thursday June 7, at 7p.m. $10 gen. $8 students & seniors.

La Cuerda Floja

(The Tight Rope, Nuria Ibanez, Mexico, 2009, 85 min.). A bittersweet and beautiful story of a struggling fa.m.ily of circus performers from a heritage of seven generations touring Mexico in current more challenging times. Preceded by the short: Attention Firmes (Yordi Capo, Mexico, 2010, 10 min.) 9 p.m. $10 gen. $8 students & seniors.

Sundays Streets are back

Dust off those roller skates, pull out your walking shoes, or grab your bike to get a free tune-up. Bring yourself, your family, and friends to the Mission to enjoy the car-free streets! For information on activities at the event, please click here We are still looking for volunteers for our afternoon shift (1:15 to 4:15 p.m.).

We are returning to Valencia and 24th Streets from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday, June 3rd!

Parking Information: As with all Sunday Streets events, the route will be towed of all cars starting at 7 a.m. All day (6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.) flat rate parking is available to vehicles entering between 6:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon on event days at these gara­ges: $10 Mission Bartlett garage (90 Bartlett St between 21st & 22nd streets).

Venezuelan model and Miss World Ivian Sarcos says she nearly became a nun


­by the El Reportero wire services

Ivian SarcosIvian Sarcos

Venezuelan model Ivian Sarcos, who was crowned Miss World in 2011, said in an interview published Wednesday by Kenya’s The Standard newspaper that she considered the possibility of becoming a nun during the time that she spent in a convent.

“I thought about becoming a nun after the mother superior of the convent spoke to me about that,” the 22-year-old beauty, who spent a week in Kenya to visit charitable projects and participated last Saturday in the Miss Kenya gala, said.

“From minute to minute, I changed my opinion and decided that I could not get into that if I had doubts,” the model said.

Sarcos, the youngest of 13 siblings, was placed as a girl in a convent in the Venezuelan city of San Carlos after the accidental death of her parents.

The five years she lived in the convent “were one of the best times of my life. The sisters helped me a lot. I received all the love and education that unfortunately my parents could not give me,” Sarcos said.

When asked if any man had captured her heart after she was recognized as the most beautiful woman on the planet, Sarcos said: “No, I don’t have a boyfriend. I’m not sure that any boy wants to endure the hectic life of a Miss World.”

Since she was elected Miss World in November 2011, Sarcos has lived in London, but she has not forgotten the food of her native country, saying her “favorite dish” is the very Venezuelan “pabellon criollo,” or the nuns who cared for her during a good part of her childhood.

“(The nuns) support me a lot. I miss them and visit them whenever I can,” the beauty queen said.

Alejandro Sanz and Raquel Perera tie the knot in double ­ceremony with son’s baptism

Singer Alejandro Sanz and his girlfriend Raquel Perera were married over the weekend at his farm in the Jarandilla de la Vera municipality in the western Spanish province of Caceres, Hola magazine reported.

Sanz and Perera tied the knot Saturday, the same day their little boy was baptized, the magazine said in a story posted on its Web site.

The couple invited their families and closest friends to the baptism of their son Dylan, but according to Hola, “after more than five years together, the couple chose to make such a special day into a double celebration and share with their loved ones the joy of having wed.”

Among guests at the ceremony were the boy’s godfather, Paco de Lucia, and “great friends” of the couple like Paulina Rubio, Elena Tablada, Antonio Carmona and Fiona Ferrer, Hola said.

Sanz posted a message Sunday on Twitter wishing everyone a “happy Sunday…happy Sunday .”

Paulina Rubio said in a Twitter posting: “Yesterday I was accomplice to the greatest show of love, moments that make the story of a lifetime!!! I believe in love!!! Jarandilla!!!!”

State Assembly and Senate pass the California Homeownwer Bill of Rights

by the Office of the Attorney General

­SACRAMENTO — Attorney General Kamala D. Harris today announced the Assembly and Senate each passed important components of the California Homeowner Bill of Rights that will help protect homeowners from scams.

The bills enhance the Attorney General’s enforcement powers and allow the Attorney General to use special grand juries to prosecute multi-jurisdictional financial crimes. The Mortgage Fraud Strike Force established by the Attorney General has been investigating and prosecuting a wide range of crimes related to mortgages, foreclosures and real estate.

These are two of the six bills in the California Homeowner Bill of Rights. Other portions of the package are being considered in a Joint Legislative Conference Committee, including elements to restrict unnecessary foreclosures and protect the due process rights of borrowers and homeowners.

AB 1763 (Assemblymember Mike Davis, D-Los Angeles) and SB 1474 (Senator Loni Hancock, D-Berkeley) would allow the Attorney General to convene a special grand jury to investigate and indict the perpetrators of financial crimes involving victims in multiple jurisdictions. Both bills passed out of their respective houses unanimously with bipartisan support.

The special grand jury would convene in cases involving fraud or theft that occurs in more than one county and where all potential charges are against a single defendant or multiple defendants working together.

Crimes of a financial nature often occur in multiple jurisdictions. Under current law, crimes where the fraud victims are all over the state require separate grand juries and charges filed in each county where the defendant committed the crime. This legislation would provide for the option of a special grand jury that can investigate financial crimes beyond the scope of single-county grand juries.

“The Attorney General is currently engaged in the investigation of significant crimes,” Senator Hancock said. “Unfortunately, county-by-county grand juries do not work well in dealing with large-scale wrongdoing in multiple jurisdictions. With this bill, the Attorney General can investigate multijurisdictional crimes – it will provide protection when Californians need it the most.”

In addition, AB 1950, by Assemblymember Davis, will extend to three years the statute of limitations on mortgage related crimes. The current statute of limitations of one year can make it difficult to prosecute crimes such as the prohibition on charging up front fees for loan modification services. Because the foreclosure process is so protracted, some homeowners may not even realize that they have been the victim of a scam before it is too late for prosecution.

The bill passed out of the Assembly on a 46 to 18 vote. The California Homeowner Bill of Rights also includes:

– DUE PROCESS AND FORECLOSURE REDUCTION ACT: SB 900 (Leno) & AB 278 (Eng). These bills are being considered by a Joint Legislative Conference Committee.

– BLIGHT PREVENTION LEGISLATION: AB 2314 (Carter) & SB 1472 (Pavley and DeSaulnier). These bills have passed the Assembly and Senate, respectively and now will be heard in the other house.

– TENANT PROTECTION LEGISLATION: AB 2610 (Skinner) & SB 1473 (Hancock). These bills will be heard in the Assembly and Senate by the end of the week.

For more information on the California Homeowner Bill of Rights, go to

Martial Law, World War I and the Great Depression

­ Marvin J. RamirezMarvin Ramirez

FROM THE EDITOR: I keep running through interesting, historical articles while surfing the internet. This one, written by Gary Hunt in May 24, 1994, is an example of how much information is out there that most of us – purposely – were never thought to us in school. El Reportero takes pride in sharing this very informative article with our readers, and hope your learn from it and enjoy it very much. Due to its length, it will be published in several partes.

by Gary Hunt

Parte 2


History makes quite clear the existence of the Great Depression. Exactly when it began is subject to debate. However, the fact that Franklin D. Roosevelt became President in March 4, 1933 is not.

On Sunday, March 5, 1933, Franklin Roosevelt called for Congress to “convene in extra session” on March 9, 1933 [Proclamation 2038]. On the very next day, he declared, by proclamation, a “bank holiday” which ran from Monday, March 6 through Thursday, March 9, inclusive. In the proclamation he makes some rather interesting claims.

He states that “there have been heavy and unwarranted withdrawals of gold and currency . . . for the purpose of hoarding.” and this “has resulted in severe a drains on the Nation’s stocks of gold : and”

“WHEREAS these conditions have created a national emergency; and”

He then goes on to refer to “Section 5(b) of the Act of October 6, 1917, (40 Stat. L, 411) as amended “That the President may investigate, regulate, or prohibit, under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, by means of license or otherwise, any transactions in foreign exchange and the export, hoarding, melting, or earmarkings of gold or silver coin or bullion or currency * * *’”

Further, “NOW, THEREFORE, I, Franklin D. Roosevelt, President of the United States of America in view (f the national emergency and by virtue of the authority vested in me by said Act . . . “ (emphasis mine), and declares the “holiday.”

The “national emergency” that he spoke of was the extension of lending authority granted to the Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) just twenty years before. The FRB was unable to provide, in gold, the deposits on hand. The system of fractional banking had allowed them to extend credit well beyond the available “value” held in trust by the banks. This is the definition of bankrupt, “The state or condition of one who is unable to pay his debts as they are, or become, due.” (Black’s Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition)

Then curiously, on March 9, Roosevelt saw fit to continue the “bank holiday” [Proclamation No. 2040] until further “proclamation” by the President. Perhaps never to be rescinded by said proclamation.

Then, on March 9, 1933, Congress passed “AN ACT To provide relief in the existing national emergency in banking, and for other purposes.” [73rd Congress, Public Law No. 1, March 9, 1933. (Title I, § 1, 48 Stat. I] (emphasis mine) “That the Congress declares that a serious emergency exists and that it is imperatively necessary speedily to put into effect remedies of uniform national application. “ Congress, not to be outdone by the President, passed a joint resolutions which confirmed the existence of the emergency (March 9 Proclamation) and argued that the resolution was necessary, otherwise the payment in gold, of real debts, would “obstruct the power of Congress to regulate the value of the money of the United States.” That “every provision contained or made with respect to any obligation which purports to give the obligee a right to require payment in gold [the Constitution] or a particular kind of coin or currency [gold certificates], or an amount in money of the United States measured thereby; is declared to be against public policy; . . . Every obligation, heretofore or hereafter incurred, whether any such provision is contained therein or made with respect thereto, shall be discharged upon payment, dollar for dollar: in any coin or currency [Federal Reserve Notes] which at the time of payment is legal tender. . .” (emphasis mine)

Within the Act they rewrote Section 5(b) of the “Trading with the enemy Act” of 1917. The first sentence is provided, in it’s entirety, to give you an idea of the change of mood of the government:

1933, Section 5(b)

During time of war or any other period of national emergency declared by the President, That the President may , through any agency that he may designate, or otherwise, investigate, regulate, or prohibit, under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, by means of licenses or otherwise, any transactions in foreign exchange, export or earmarkings of gold or silver coin or bullion or currency, transfers of credit between or payments by banking institutions as defined by the President, and export, hoarding, melting, or earmarking of gold or silver coin or bullion or currency, in any form (other than credits relating solely to transactions to be executed wholly within the United States); and transfers of evidence of indebtedness or of ownership of property between the United States and any foreign country, whether enemy, ally of enemy or otherwise, or between residents of one or more foreign countries, by any person within the United States or any place subject to the jurisdiction thereof; and he the President may require any such person engaged in any such transaction referred to in this subdivision to furnish, under oath, complete information relative thereto, including the production of any books of account, contracts, letters or other papers, in connection therewith in the custody or control of .such person, either before or after such transaction is completed…”­

I don’t remember having voted for this, but I will remember who to vote for

by Luke Hiken

I Don’t Remember:

1. Voting to wage war against every Muslim nation that is not a pawn of U.S. capital.

2. Voting to support the use of unmanne­d drones as murder weapons against civilian populations.

3. Voting to characterize corporations as “people” for purposes of buying elections, and destroying whatever vestiges of democracy that might have existed in the U.S.

4. Voting to bail out Wall Street gangsters who destroyed the U.S. economy. I know I did not vote to immunize these crooks from prosecution for their theft of the wages and earnings of the American people.

5. Voting to destroy our educational system by indenturing students with impossibly burdensome loans and creating annual tuitions that only the super rich can afford.

6. Voting to construct the largest prison system in the world, imprisoning African-American and Latino/Chicano prisoners at five times their number in the U.S. population.

7. Voting to deport more than ½ million non-immigrants from this country during Obama’s term of office alone, in spite of the fact that nobody else will perform the services they provide to the American people. The cultural and social losses created by our endless detainments and deportations are as destructive as the economic considerations of our policies.

8. Voting to allow oil companies and their cohorts to reap unimaginable profits to the detriment of the U.S. people, while destroying the natural resources of the earth.

9. Voting to permit corporations to export our jobs oversees, while paying no taxes on their obscene profits earned by paying slave wages to poor people throughout the world.

10. Voting to immunize police departments and hired mercenaries for their ongoing repression and violence against poor people and minorities.

11. Voting to legalize torture and renditions as national policy and practice.

12. Voting to allow the Pentagon to decide who is a criminal and who is not, and to imprison anybody anywhere, without probable cause, according to their militaristic worldview.

13. Voting to demand “austerity” from poor people, while allowing the greediest monsters that have ever lived to rule this nation and to thrive economically.

14. Voting to allow vulture banks to steal people’s homes and profit from their newly created homelessness.

15. Voting to allow 1 percent of the population to control more than 40 percent of the wealth of the nation.

BUT, I will certainly remember these things when either the Democrats or the Republicans ask me to vote for them in November.

(Luke Hiken is an attorney who has engaged in the practice of criminal, military, immigration, and appellate law.

TSA hired accused sex abuse priest pedophile as screener

Man was removed from ministry after three cases of reported sexual abuse against young girls

por Steve Watson,

supportAgentes de TSA esperan requisar a personas antes de abordar su vuelo.TSA agents get ready to screen people before taking their flights.

A former Catholic priest who was defrocked after it was discovered he had sexually abused young girls is now working as a security screener for the TSA it has been revealed.

The CBS 3 I-Team in Philadelphia reports that Thomas Harkins, a priest in South Jersey until 2002, is now working at a security terminal at Philadelphia International Airport.

Although his main duty is to screen baggage, part of Harkins’ job with the TSA also involves screening passengers passing through body scanners and conducting patdowns where necessary.

“The Diocese of Camden removed him from ministry because it found he sexually abused two young girls. Now, in a new lawsuit, a third woman is claiming she also is one of Harkins’ victims.” the CBS affiliate reports.

Details of the new lawsuit filed in a federal court against Harkins were revealed by the CBS team and they do not make for pretty reading. It says that he sexually abused an 11-year-old girl up to 15 times in the early 1980s when he was a priest at Saint Anthony of Padua parish in Hammonton, NJ. The CBS team tracked Harkins down and confronted him over the allegations. He refused to answer questions and sought refuge in a restricted TSA security area.

“They should know who they’re hiring,” Karen Polesir, a Philadelphia spokeswoman with the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP) told CBS.

“As the public, we are screened to our underwear getting on a plane, and yet they hire a man like that.” she added.

Watch the CBS report: The TSA claims that it puts all its employees through background checks, and that Harkins was not flagged because criminal charges were never brought against him.

However, as we have repeatedly noted, this is not an isolated case. In fact, the TSA has consistently hired violent criminals and even pedophiles, indicating that the agency does not follow through on background checks.

Last month, a television station in Atlanta reported that the TSA is so swamped with background checks it is now hiring just about anybody to grope and irradiate the public.

“In a move that could affect security at airports around the nation, the Transportation Security Administration confirmed Wednesday it had such a backlog of background security checks, airport employers were allowed to hire any employee needed,” WSBTV reported. “TSA officials said the background checks are delayed, but they are processing them as fast as they can.” Steve Watson is the London based writer and editor for Alex Jones’, and

In other related news: Obama administr­ation backs Vatican in pedophile case The Obama administration in a brief to the Supreme Court has backed the Vatican’s claim of immunity from lawsuits arising from cases of sexual abuse by priests in the United States.

The Supreme Court is considering an appeal by the Vatican of an appellate court ruling that lifted its immunity in the case of an alleged pedophile priest from Oregon. In a filing on Friday, the solicitor general’s office argued that the Ninth Circuit court of appeals erred in allowing the lawsuit brought by a man who claims he was sexually abused in the 1960s by the Oregon priest.

The unnamed plaintiff, who cited the Holy See and several other parties as defendants, argued the Vatican should  be held responsible for transferring the priest to Oregon and letting him serve there despite previous accusations he had abused children in Chicago and in Ireland. AFP


Lemon against cancer – don’t waste that lemon peel

by an unknown author

Many professionals in restaurants and eateries are using or consuming the entire lemon and wasting nothing.

How can you use the whole lemon without waste? Simple…place the lemon in the freezer section of your refrigerator. Once the lemon is frozen, get your grater, and shred the whole lemon (no need to peel it) and sprinkle it on top of your foods.

Sprinkle it into your whisky, wine, vegetable salad, ice cream, soup, noodles, spaghetti sauce, rice & fish dishes. Lemon gives these foods an unexpectedly wonderful taste; something you may not have tasted before. Most of us think only of lemon juice and vitamin C. Not anymore!! Now that you’ve learned the lemon secret, you can use lemon even in instant cup noodles.

What’s the major advantage of using the whole lemon other than preventing waste and adding new taste to your dishes? Health – Lemon peels contain as much as 5 to 10 times more vitamins than the lemon juice itself and that’s what we’ve been wasting.

But following this simple procedure of freezing the whole lemon, then grating it on top of your dishes, you can consume all of those nutrients and get even healthier. Lemon peels are health body cleansing rejuvenators that eradicate toxic elements in the body. Lemon (citrus) is a miraculous product to kill cancer cells. It is 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy.

Why do we not know this?

Because the laboratories interested in making synthetic lemon scented products that will bring them huge profits. You can now help a friend in need by letting him/her know that lemon juice is beneficial in preventing the disease. It’s pleasant tasting and doesn’t not produce the horrific effects of chemotherapy.

How many people will die while this is kept a closely guarded secret so as not to jeopardize the benefits to large multimillionaires corporations?

Citrus trees are known for the many varieties of lemons and limes. You can eat these fruit in different ways: you can eat the pulp, juice press, prepare drinks, sorbets, pastries, etc. It is credited with many virtues, but the most interesting is the effect it produces on cysts and tumors.

The lemon plant is a proven remedy against cancers of all types. Some believe it is useful against all variants of cancer. It is considered also as an anti microbial spectrum against bacterial infections and fungi, effective against internal parasites and worms, regulates high blood pressure and an antidepressant that combats stress and nervous disorders.

The source of this information is fascinating: it comes from one of the largest drug manufacturers in the world which says that after more than 20 laboratory tests since 1970, the of the lemon extracts revealed that: It destroys the malignant cells in 12 cancers, including colon, breast.­