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Third Biennial San Francisco International Poetry Festival

Compiled by the El Reportero’s staff

Poet Carla Badillo CoronadoPoet Carla Badillo Coronado

Celebrate the creative spirit at the third San Francisco International Poetry Festival, which brings more than 18 poets from all around the world to San Francisco for free and open-to-the-public poetry and music.

The four-day poetry extravaganza begins on Thursday, July 26, 2012 with a kick-off party hosted by Jack Hirschman, legendary Beat poet Lawrence Ferlinghetti and City Library Luis Herrera at Kerouac Alley in North Beach. The party features an introduction of participating poets and performances and readings by former Modern Lovers musician Jonathan Richman, former San Francisco Supervisor Matt Gonzales and more.

A lineup of great poets around the world include: Carla Badillo Coronado (Ecuador), Yahia Lababidi (Egypt) Alejandro Murguia (USA/Mexico), Sandro Sardella (Italy), Matt Sedillo (USA), Antonieta Villamil (Columbia), and many other from Europe and Philippines.

Additional Festivities include: Friday lunch-time poetry reading in the Civic Center Plaza, Outdoor poetry & performances on Saturday in Civic Center Plazm Poetry Crawl in North Beach, Youth poetry, Translation Workshops, Beat poetry lectures and more.

For more information and a complete schedule of events, visit

A panel discussion on the erosion of civil liberties

Renewal of the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act, allowing indefinite detention without charge, is being debated this summer. Our special speaker is Shahid Buttar, Executive Director, Bill of Rights Defense Committee. See

Under the 2012 NDAA, the government can arrest you without charges, hold you indefinitely without trial, deny you a lawyer, and send you abroad to be imprisoned or tortured, based only on suspicion of association with terrorist groups. Part of this law is so vague it could apply to anyone.

A donation of $10 is requested, but no Festivalbody turned away. Wheelchair-accessible.

Tuesday, July 31, 7 p.m., at the Oakland Peace Center, 111 Fairmount Ave (at 29th St.), Oakland one block East of Auto Row), AC Transit 51A, 635, 651, 851 buses.

Announcement from the San Jose Jazz Summer Fest 2012

San Jose Jazz is excited to announce an exclusive music contest for bands across Northern California to submit their ensemble for a chance to open for Monophonics and Morris Day & The Time on Friday, August 10, 2012 at the 23rd San Jose Jazz Summer Fest happening at Plaza de César Chavez Park in downtown San Jose, CA. The winning act will perform in front of thousands of new fans (set time: 5 pm – 5:45 pm) and be guaranteed $500. Any interest in highlighting the contest?

Bands must have no more than six members, must be based in Northern California, and must have access to travel by their own means to the festival. San Jose Jazz will not provide travel or accommodations.

Bands must go to the San Jose Jazz Facebook page ( and submit an online audition video (YouTube or Vimeo; may be audio with still), bio info, links to music and websites, personnel/instrumentation, and their recent gig history. Bands must also fall into the following genres: Neo Soul, Soul (not hip hop), Rhythm & Blues, Funk, and/or New Orleans Rhythm & Blues. San Jose Jazz will select up to 10 bands and subsequently post the contest on their Facebook page for the public to vote on their favorite act.

Voters must have a Facebook account and ­“like” San Jose Jazz in order to participate. The submission period is now open and will end Friday, July 20 at Noon, and voting will begin later that day (voting will last until Friday, July 27 at Noon). The winner will be announced on Monday, August 6, 2012. Last year’s Facebook Band Contest winners are not eligible to enter.

Juanes breaks down language barriers in duet with Brazil’s Paula Fernandes


Compiled by the El Reportero’s staff

Juanes & Paula FernandesJuanes & Paula Fernandes

Colombian singer-songwriter Juanes said that “Hoy me voy,” recorded in Spanish and Portuguese along with Brazil’s Paula Fernandes, is a bridge to overcoming the language barriers between the two cultures.

“The idea of doing a song with someone from Brazil was to build a bridge between two different cultures,” said Juanes in remarks to the daily Folha de Sao Paulo promoting the release in Brazil of his album “MTV Unplugged.”

Joining with Fernandes was for Juanes “a plan to try and do something different and open up a little door.”

With sales exceeding 12 million albums and the winner of 17 Latino Grammys, Juanes is now starting to break into the Brazilian music market.

As part of the release of Juanes’s new album, Universal records in late June staged a private concert in Sao Paulo at which Fernandes – Brazil’s best-selling female singer and an artist who performs in both English and Spanish – also participated.

“It’s not easy to hear songs in Portuguese on the radio stations in Mexico or Argentina. Everything is always in Spanish or English and I understand the same thing happens in Brazil,” said Juanes.

Pablo Picasso’s “Seated Woman” Painting Sells for $13.4 Milion

The 1949 oil painting “Seated Woman” by Pablo Picasso was auctioned off Wednesday at Christie’s in London for 8.5 million pounds ($13.4 million), a much higher price than the experts expected.

The picture was one of the most sought-after works in the auction of impressionist and modern art, in which paintings by Renoir, Signac and Gauguin were also on offer.

“Seated Woman,” a cubist design in tones of purple, black, yellow, green and orange, far surpassed the $11.7 million the experts had estimated.

Another star of the evening was a later work by Picasso, “Woman with Dog” painted in 1962, which was knocked down for 6.9 million pounds ($10.9 million).

­The canvas, which had not been shown in public since 1973 in Chicago, is a portrait of his second wife Jacqueline Roque with her dog Kaboul, which the painter created in a period of great changes in his style.

Miro’s “Peinture (Etoile Bleue)” sells for record $37 million in London

Joan Miro’s “Peinture (Etoile Bleue)” sold in London Tuesday at Sotheby’s auction house for 23.56 million pounds ($37 million), a record price for a work by the Spanish artist.

The 1927 piece was part of an extensive sale of impressionist and abstract art, at which works by Picasso, Kandinsky, Bonnard, Monet, Giacometti and De Chirico were also auctioned off.

The picture, described by Miro (1893-1983) as a “key” turning point in his artistic career, incorporates surrealist symbols and elements that the painter would repeat in later works.

The auction of one of Miro’s most representative works comes at a time when the greatest retrospective of his art in the last 50 years is still on view in Washington.

(Hispanically Speaking news contributed to this report).

Immigrants keep America young

by John Flórez
Hispanic Link News Service

Japan has the oldest population in the world, with a declining labor force and shrinking economy. Is the United States going the way of Japan?

As a matter of fact, the entire world population is rapidly aging, with Japan the oldest; one-fourth of its population is 65-plus, followed by Italy, Germany and other European nations, according to Paul Hewitt, former deputy commissioner for policy at the Social Security Administration.

Japan not only has a declining birthrate but one of the world’s most restrictive immigration policies. Nations replenish their working populations through growing birthrates and immigration.

Shrinking numbers of workers and consumers can combine to create tremendous economic adversity, Hewitt warns.

The United States has always seen immigration as a way of replenishing and meeting its workforce needs. While Japan immigration policies have resulted in a homogeneous society, we welcome immigrants from all nations. Now, we are undergoing economic hard times, compounded by the retirement of the baby boomers who comprise one-fourth of the nation’s population.

According to the Immigration Policy Center, “The retirement of the baby boomers will slow labor force growth significantly over the coming decade. Yet, at the same time, demand will grow for new workers to take the place of those who retire from the labor force.”

That’s the bad news.

The good news is the pool of new workers and taxpayers — immigrants. They are a young population with growing families, a strong work ethic and an entrepreneurial spirit. With each new wave, our ethos has been renewed by their willingness to dream, risk, work and persevere.

The taco stands now springing up all over our communities are reminiscent of other immigrants, such as Maurice Warshaw. Born in Russia, he became one of Utah’s great philanthropists and the founder of Grand Central super stores, now Smith’s Marketplace. He started with a fruit cart. Immigrants founded this country and keep renewing our economy and the American Dream.

Ours has always been the land of hope and opportunity. We welcomed the world to our shores. This is what made us strong. Unlike as in some other nations, our immigrants are not isolated. They assimilate into the fiber of our communities.

Rather than listening to those who are dividing us and weakening our economy, we ought to look for a future where we again see newcomers as bringing new eyes and new energy to our nation.

Immigration should be seen as reinvigorating. We should not let opportunistic politicians exploit our fears about the future. Rather, we ought to see immigrants as national assets.

Tomorrow’s workforce is sitting in our classrooms, waiting for doors of opportunity to open. That’s our investment in the future. Like all immigrants of the past, they ask for nothing except the chance to help their families and community.

A nation only becomes old when its people stop thinking new. It’s up to us to keep our dreams alive. (John Flórez writes a weekly column for The Deseret News. Formerly on the staff of U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), he has served as Utah’s Industrial Commissioner

and filled various ­White House appointments, including Deputy Assistant Secretary of Labor and as a member of the Commission on Hispanic Education. Email him at  See this column in Spanish and more at

Why is Mayor Lee so obsessed with outsting Sheriff Mirkarimi?

­by Marvin Ramírez and wire services


Arriba: El Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi agradeciendo el apoyo que ha recibido de la comunidad. Abajo, Eliana López, su esposa,: testifica en la Comisión de Ética de San Francisco.Above: Sheriff Ross Mirarimi thanks the support he has received from the community. Below: Eliana López testifies at the San Francisco Ethics Commission. (PHOTOS COURTESY LUKE THOMAS, FOGCITYJOURNAL.COMvention)­

ANALYSIS/OPINION A marital dispute, that dragged on for six months, pitting the San Francisco political machine against the recently-elected San Francisco Sheriff, Ross Mirkarimi, has been extended until August 16.

At a cost costly trial utilizing taxpayers money, Mirkarimi is being charged with official misconduct for leaving a bruise on his wife arm after an argument. The official action for such a minor incident has made many wonder if there are any ulterior motives on the part of Mayor Ed Lee and his political ‘apparatus.’

After two days of testimony that ended Thursday night, July 19, the San Francisco Ethics Commission will reconvene next month to decide whether to strip Mirkarimi of his position after a solid win in last fall’s election for the position.

“Official misconduct,” as defined in the City Charter, is already a term so confusing and convoluted, that even the commissioners and lawyers involved are not clear to how to prosecute or defend, and whether it even applies to Mirkarimi’s case.

Mirkarimi was charged nearly six months ago with domestic violence against his wife, Eliana López, a native of Venezuela, after Mirkarimi allegedly held her right arm so strongly during an argument, as to leave a visible bruise.

A video taken on the suggestion of López’s neighbor, Ivory Madison, who identified herself to as a lawyer-friend, would be saved as evidence in a possibility of a divorce. Madison called the police against the will of López, causing the arrest of the sheriff, which lead to three misdemeanor domestic violence-related charges.

Mayor Lee consequently brought the official misconduct charges against Mirkarimi after he pleaded guilty to a lesser charge of involuntary imprisonment, which, in his case, seemed to mean preventing his wife Eliana López from leaving the house during the incident, which occurred during a New Year’s argument between the couple. Lee suspended Mirkarimi without pay in March, while according to witnesses, the mayor allegedly offered him another city position – through a third party – in exchange for his resignation, which caused the defense to accuse the mayor of perjury.

Mayor Lee was caught in a contradiction during his testimony under oath in this regard. (The Ethics Commission denied the defense to subpoena the witnesses, including Mayor Lee).

Mirkarimi declined to resign, and instead decided to fight the charges, claiming that the incident was not domestic violence and that it did not amount to “official misconduct,” citing repeatedly that the incident was a private and personal matter between himself and his wife.

To avoid damage to his career and further stress on his family – he and López have a three-year-old son, Theo – and a painful trial, Mirkarimi pleaded guilty to one charge of false imprisonment in March, thinking the matter was settled and he could get back to his new job serving the City of San Francisco, according to sources.

But instead, the mayor charged him with official misconduct, a charge that if found guilty, would strip Mirkarimi from the sheriff position.

Because the judge prohibited husband and wife from seeing or communicating with each other, Mirkarimi and López have not spoken to one another since March. At press time, they were asking the court to lift the protective order so the couple could live together again. Experts predicted that the order would be lifted. Previous Sheriff Mike Hennessy, now retired, many deputies, and a huge segment of the public, including Hispanic and African American community leaders, have come out in support of Mirkarimi.

As previously reported by KPFA, social justice advocates are asking what is to become of San Francisco Sheriff Mike Hennessey’s groundbreaking legacy of redemptive rather than retributive justice if newly elected Sheriff Mirkarimi is forced from office. Upon his retirement, Sheriff Hennessey endorsed then Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi to take his place.

After Mirkarimi’s decision to plead guilty to a misdemeanor in the domestic violence trial, which would allow him to legally remain in office, the San Francisco Chronicle reported this conversation with Hennessey: “My opinion is that he should remain in the job and be given a chance to show what he can do with the office. I think he’s being punished accordingly by the justice system,” said Hennessey, who has been lauded by victims’ advocacy groups over the years for domestic violence services and programs that began under his watch.

While admitting guilt to the crime of false imprisonment is serious, Hennessey said, it should not automatically disqualify Mirkarimi from holding office. “During my time as sheriff, I hired many people with criminal records who have done outstanding jobs for the department.

“Oftentimes, you have to look at the whole issue of rehabilitation and redemption, he added. KPFA Weekend News Host Cameron Jones said “San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee suspended Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi this week, after Mirkarimi brought his costly and sensational trial on domestic violence charges to an end by pleading guilty to a single misdemeanor charge – false imprisonment – which, in his case, seemed to mean preventing his wife Eliana López from leaving the house during a New Year’s argument. López has repeatedly asserted that her husband did not abuse her. Mayor Lee demanded that Mirkarimi resign, even though the misdemeanor conviction does not legally oblige him to do so.

When Mirkarimi refused, Lee launched an untested procedure to force him out. If the City’s Ethics Commission refers a decision to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, it will require 9 of the 11 supervisors votes to oust Mirkarimi. KPFA’s Ann Garrison has this report on the pushback against Mayor Lee, in support of Mirkarimi.

Why is Mayor Lee acting so coldly, heartlessly and without mercy in this case?

­Let’s not forget that the Sheriff position is the highest authority in the county, and the only constitutional authority. The rest are corporate code and statute enforcers.

In other words, money collectors for the international creditors: the international bankers. And I bet you, there is a lot of corruption in the City government, but is hard to prove. Have you noticed why the Sheriff doesn’t go around giving people tickets?


Health basics – Why you should always choose organic

by S. D. Wells

Ever notice when you meet someone who eats mainly organic, who works out often, is financially stable and always in that “sharing” mode, that no matter what happens around them, they stay in that “gear,” that energetic and positive attitude just stays illuminated and seems to levitate over the negativity? Some people just seem to reach their potential every day, in almost every way.

If you haven’t noticed this, start paying attention, because they’re out there, and they are loving life. There is also a reason many people never reach their potential in life, never finalizing that idea that would have made them wealthy, and they’re just kind of “getting by,” not really applying themselves or making the most of their opportunities and gifts. (

Believe it or not, a fairly rigid diet of organic food, drinks, herbs, vitamins, minerals, Dead Sea salts and natural spring water enables human beings to reach their ultimate HEALTH POTENTIAL and use more than 15 percent of their BRAIN each day. (

Most people who do not consume these foods, supplements and spring water daily often use the same excuse when confronted with the organic choice: “It’s too expensive.”

This is simply NOT TRUE. Organic food is only more expensive when you shop at stores which either cater to processed food lovers or high end organic/health supply stores. Many mid-size grocers like Trader Joes and local farmer’s markets are quite reasonable, and even Whole Foods offers many organic items at the same prices you would find the “bad” foods at if shopping the big chain grocers like Farm Fresh, Food Lion and Kroger.

Embrace reality and change your habits

Once you come to grips with the fact that organic food is affordable, you have to pull in the reigns on your SALT AND SUGAR habit. Don’t panic!

Your taste buds will return to normal after you come off the high fructose corn syrup and the monosodium glutamate. Once you quit the deep fat fried habit and the super-salted meat and French fries, you’ll start tasting the true flavors of vegetables and fruits again, and realize exactly what it is you’re missing.

When you consume organic foods, your body and brain function at maximum capacity. Your body is not struggling to digest and filter out toxins, gluten, hormones, antibiotics, fluoride, bleach (white rice, white bread, white flour, white sugar, white pasta), artificial sweeteners, radioactive fish, genetically modified corn and soy, and the list goes on.

When you consume organic foods, your cells aren’t being strangled by preservatives like sodium benzoate, BHA, BHT, and your water isn’t polluted with BPA (bisphenol-A).

When you cut out processed foods and synthetic food agents from your daily intake, your energy doesn’t tap out five to ten minutes into a workout, or a jog.

You last 30 minutes, an hour, and eventually longer!

When you stop buying foods and products that cause cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and arthritis, you STOP DONATING MONEY TO DISEASE, and you begin the repair and refortification of your own system. You stop wastingmoney going to the doctor for colds, flues, viruses, bacterial infections, allergies, bronchitis, cavities, heart disease, headaches, fibromyalgia, irritable bowels, colon polyps, prostate problems, breast cancer check-ups.

Make that change

When you change over to either strictly organic or even mostly organic, you support ‘mom and pop’ farmers and small businesses that don’t pollute the environment. You foster businesses that ARE NOT huge corporations interested in your slow death.

Eating organic foods and using organic products promotes sustainability. On non-organic farms in the United States, 30 percent of the insecticides, 60 percent of the herbicides, and over 90 percent of the fungicides are endocrine disruptors and carcinogens.

These hormone imbalances and toxins in humans lead directly to cancer tumors, make no mistake about it.

Research proves that nonorganic farm workers have unusually high rates of multiple myeloma (cancer of the immune system), stomach cancer, prostate cancer, and testicular cancer. (

Not a single one of these chemicals, which total over 3,000 in pesticides, are used for ORGANIC FARMING. (

That is why you should always choose organic. Organic food is healthier, safer, and COSTS LESS THAN TOXIC FOOD, because ­one year, five years and 20 years from now, the bills related to your “health care” are massively reduced and/or non-existent.

Of course, if you don’t work on a non-organic farm, you’re not going to be exposed to that high quantity of pesticides and herbicides, but eating non-organic food adds up quickly, and can leave you grasping for straws and some “miracle” cure for your condition.

Latin News report Santos suffers reversal of fortunes in Colombia

by Latin News and Prensa Latina

Manuel SantosManuel Santos

According to Latin News, there was a time not so long ago when Colombia’s President Juan Manuel Santos seemed to have the Midas touch.

He delivered two crushing blows against the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (Farc) with surgical strikes accounting for its leader, Guillermo León Sáenz, ‘Alfonso Cano’, and military commander, Víctor Julio Suárez, ‘Mono Jojoy’; he brought Colombia back to the front rank of regional powers after the country had suffered diplomatic isolation under his predecessor, Alvaro Uribe (2002-2010); and he recovered Colombia’s investment grade rating, which resulted in record foreign direct investment of US$13bn in 2011. Recent weeks, however, have categorically proven that everything he touches no longer turns to gold.

Venezuela gets its Mercosur wish

After a bit of deft maneuvering by Brazil and Argentina, Venezuela will be formally welcomed as a full member of the Southern Common Market (Mercosur, founded by Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay) on 31 July next, reported Latin Briefs.

Lopez Obrador presents Plan in Defense of Democracy in Mexico

The leader of the Mexican left announced today its National Plan for the Defense of Democracy, a struggle by peaceful means requiring the invalidity of the presidential election on July 1st.

As López Obrador stated at a press conference, this plan includes information meetings in public places and the convening of intellectuals, artists, scientists, youth and general public to participate in creative activities in defense of democracy and Mexico’s dignity.

Over 170 meetings are planned between July 29th and August 5th in major public places in the country.

This way, citizens will know, he explained, the way the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) operated “to get the votes and justify the supposed triumph of their candidate Enrique Peña Nieto.”

­He felt that elections were purchased and therefore, he added, it was violated the Article 41 of the Constitution, referring to the elections were neither free nor authentic.

Panama advocates for Lat Am, caribbean digital inclusion

The Summit “Connecting the Americas” of the International Union of Telecommunications (IUT) advocated so that the Latin American and Caribbean governments boost the deployment of bandwidth connectivity in the region to achieve a necessary digital inclusion.

Delegates from 35 countries, convened by the IUT, are attending the meeting, whose objective is to seek a sustainable access to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).

The digital inclusion supposes the world, particularly indigenous people, those with disabilities, women, youth, and children, can use accessible ICT as a main tool for its economic and social development, experts stated.

IUT general secretary Hamadoun Toure recognized the Panamanian initiative of “Internet for Everyone” that seeks to achieve free access to people’s networks.

UN Arms Transfer Treaty on small arms: gun grab gradualism

by Thomas R. Eddlem
New American

The United Nations is polishing up a global Arms Transfer Treaty (ATT) this month in a New York convention that would create a global registry of private ownership of firearms. This treaty — which would also mandate creation of a national collection agency for those guns and is contrary to the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment — has the long-standing and enthusiastic backing of the Obama State Department, headed by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

“Conventional arms transfers are a crucial national security concern for the United States, and we have always supported effective action to control the international transfer of arms,” Hillary Clinton noted as early as October 14, 2009. Clinton boasted that “the United States regularly engages other states to raise their standards and to prohibit the transfer or transshipment of capabilities to rogue states, terrorist groups, and groups seeking to unsettle regions.” Of course, that speech was delivered at the same time the Obama administration was transferring some 2,000 small arms to Mexican drug gangs in the “Fast and Furious” gun-walking scandal.

The State Department website nevertheless absurdly continues to boast that “The United States has in place an extensive and rigorous system of controls that most agree is the ‘gold standard’ of export controls for arms transfers.”

In view of such obviously false public statements, one may question the sincerity of Obama State Department promises about “redlines” to the UN ATT, which supposedly protect the Second Amendment: “The Second Amendment to the Constitution must be upheld. There will be no restrictions on civilian possession or trade of firearms otherwise permitted by law or protected by the U.S. Constitution.

There will be no dilution or diminishing of sovereign control over issues involving the private acquisition, ownership, or possession of firearms, which must remain matters of domestic law.” The Obama State Department also promises “There will be no mandate for an international body to enforce an ATT.”

So America’s Second Amendment rights are safe, right? Hardly.

The draft of the treaty prepared earlier this year by the UN Preparatory Committee (PrepCom) explains that the treaty is aimed at crime control as well as rogue militias in developing nations:

The majority of conflict deaths are caused by the use of small arms, and civilian populations bear the brunt of armed conflict more than ever. Also, small arms are the dominant tools of criminal violence.

The PrepCom report of February 2012 — despite protestations by the Hillary Clinton’s minions — is not limited merely to international transfer of firearms. The draft treaty covers “transfers” as well as imports and exports of firearms:

The international transactions or activities covered by this Treaty include those listed below and defined in Annex A:

(a) Import;

(b) Export;

(c) Transfer…

In this matter, the 2012 conference is merely following the goals of the 2001 UN Programme of Action on small arms, which required national gun registries and collection agencies for those guns once they’ve been registered. The 2001 Programme of Action requires nations:

To ensure that comprehensive and accurate records are kept for as long as possible on the manufacture, holding and transfer of small arms and light weapons under their jurisdiction. These records should be organized and maintained in such a way as to ensure that accurate information can be promptly retrieved and collated by competent national authorities.

To develop and implement, where possible, effective disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programmes, including the effective collection, control, storage and destruction of small arms and light weapons…

The UN is still seeking this kind of broad control over private firearms ownership, and UN General Assembly resolution 66/47, adopted December 2, 2011 in advance of this month’s conference that it seeks to ban “The illicit trade in small arms and light weapons in all its aspects.” [Emphasis added]

Moreover, the 2012 PrepCom report uses broad bans on any transfer of firearms:

A State Party shall not authorize a transfer of conventional arms if there is a substantial risk that those conventional arms would: Be used in a manner that would seriously undermine peace and security or provoke, prolong or aggravate internal, regional, subregional or international instability.

­Some 56 or more U.S. senators have written a letter to President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton opposing the UN global gun registry, according to the National Rifle Association. Senatorial opposition began with a July 26, 2011 letter claiming that “the establishment of any sort of international gun registry that could impede upon the privacy rights of law-abiding gun owners is a non-starter.”

The U.S. State Department already has a State Department Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement that could be used as a control agency for domestic controls on firearms transfers.

The case in Syria today, where perfectly legal small arms in the hands of the government are crushing a largely disarmed civilian population.

It was also recently the case in the genocide in South Sudan, which recently won independence from Sudan — ending the genocide — after using “illicit” small arms in an independence effort.

In the 1994 Rwandan genocide, the “illegal” and “illicit” guns would have been those owned by the victims. And in Rwanda, the United Nations helped to facilitate arms deals to the government forces and was complicit in the genocide of some 800,000 innocent Tutsis. Gun control in Rwanda was so effectively implemented — in part with UN “peacekeeper” assistance — that much of the genocide against Tutsis was carried out by Hutu-aligned government forces with machetes — not guns!

Since the UN has traditionally backed genocidal governments over the victims who use “illicit” guns to defend themselves, it’s not surprising that human rights violator Iran is one of several regional chairmen of the UN ATT convention.

The Ultimate Desilusion: Queen Elizabeth controls and has amended U.S. Social Security

Marvin J. RamirezMarvin J. Ramirez

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: Just like the people who found this article, written by Stephen Kimbol Ames and sent it to me, I am sharing it with you. I hope, as always, that you all learn new perspectives that our schools and universities never dare to teach us or the mainstream media to analyze, research and present to us.

It is absolutely mind blowing! says the sender. “This paper will shock even those who think that they know what has happened and what is now taking place. The deception is incredible.”

This paper is not opinion, according to the unidentified sender, all is documented. “Now, what people have to realize is there are remedies for the problems that not just America faces, but the World. There are people all over the World who know what is going on and they are doing something about it. People all over the United States of America are emerging victorious over the images in their minds. Let us not forget the absolute astonishing amount of debt discharges that have taken place over the last few months. What is happening in America is unbelievable. People are coming out of the delusions, they have figured and realized that the United States is a fiction and that it only exists in our minds.

Tens of thousands of people now know that the “United States” does not exist and that it never has. There is no such thing as the National debt or a loan from the bank. Has any one ever seen “current credit money?” The entire governmental system only exists in your mind.

The Ultimate Delusion

by Stephen Kimbol Ames

Part 3 of a series

Many people tend to blame the Jews for our problems, but they too are for the most part also slaves. Jewish Law does however govern the entire world, as found in Jewish Law by MENACHEM ELON, DEPUTY PRESIDENT SUPREME COURT OF ISRAEL, to wit: “Everything in the Babylonian Talmud is binding on all Israel. Every town and country must follow all customs, give effect to the decrees, and carry out the enactment’s of the Talmudic sages, because the entire Jewish people accepted everything contained in Talmud.

The sages who adopted the enactment’s and decrees, instituted the practices, rendered the decisions, and derived the laws, constituted all or most of the Sages of Israel. It is they who received the tradition of the fundamentals of the entire Torah in unbroken succession going back to Moses, our teacher.”

We are living under what the Bible calls Mammon. As written in the subject Index, Mammon is defined as (“Civil law and procedure”).

Now turn to the “The Shetars Effect on English Law” — A Law of the Jews Becomes the Law of the Land, found in “The George Town Law Journal, Vol 71: pages 1179-1200.” It is clearly stated in the Law Review that the Jews are the property of the Norman and Anglo-Saxon Kings. It also explains that the Talmud is the law of the land. It explains how the Babylonian Talmud became the law of the land, which is now known as the Uniform Commercial Code which is private international law. The written credit agreement — the Jewish shetar is a lien on all of the property in the world. The treatise also explains that the Jews are owned by Great Britain and that the Jews are in charge of the Baking system.

We are living under the Babylonian Talmud. It was brought into England in 1066 and has been enforced by the Pope, Kings and the various religions ever since. It is total and relentless mind control, people are taught to believe in things that do not exist. Private International Law, which is commercial law, only deals with fictions, known as persons. A person is a fictional entity at law, not a living being. See UCC 1-201.

Now before you scream that the UCC is unconstitutional I’m sorry people, you are not a party to any constitution. Read the case cite below.

“But, indeed, no private person has a right to complain, by suit in court, on the ground of a breach of the Constitution. The Constitution it is true, is a compact, but he is not a party to it.” Padelford, Fay & Co., vs. Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah 14 Ga. 438, 520 You have to understand that Great Britain, (Article six Section one) the United States and the States are the parties to the Constitution not you. Let me try to explain. If I buy an automobile from a man and that automobile has a warranty and the engine blows up the first day I have it. Then I tell the man just forget about it. Then you come along and tell the man to pay me and he says no. So you take him to court for not holding up the contract. The court then says case dismissed. Why? Because you are not a party to the contract. You cannot sue a government official for not ­adhering to a contract (Constitution) that you are not a party too. You better accept the fact that you are a Slave. When you try to use the Constitution you are committing a CRIME known as CRIMINAL TRESPASS. Why? Because you are attempting to infringe on a private contract that you are not a party to. Then to make matters worse you are a debt slave who owns no property or has any rights. You are a mere user of your Masters property!

Here are just a couple of examples: “The primary control and custody of infants is with the government” Tillman V. Roberts. 108 So. 62.

“Marriage is a civil contract to which there are three parties-the husband, the wife and the state.” Van Koten v. Van Koten. 154 N.E. 146.

“The ultimate ownership of all property is in the State: individual so-called ‘ownership” is only by virtue of Government, i.e. law amounting to mere user; and use must be in accordance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the State. Senate Document No. 43 73rd Congress 1st Session. (Brown v. Welch supra).

You own no Property because you are a slave. Really you are worse off than a slave because you are also a debtor.

“The right of traffic or the transmission of property, as an absolute inalienable right, is one which has never existed since governments were instituted, and never can exist under government.” Wynehamer v. The People. 13 N.Y. Rep.378, 481.

Great Britain to this day collects taxes from the American people. The IRS is not an Agency of the United States Government.

OPEC sued for economic terrorism

by Bob Unruh,

An activist lawyer who has taken on leaders such as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Bill Clinton and Hugo Chavez has traveled to Austria to serve, personally, officials at OPEC with a lawsuit charging the cartel with “economic terrorism.”

Larry Klayman, founder of Freedom Watch USA, told WND that he recently traveled in Vienna to deliver the legal notification.

His claim of conspiracy against American consumers by OPEC is contained in the lawsuit he filed just days ago in federal court in Washington.

Freedom Watch USA, a public interest organization, charges that the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries engages in illegal price fixing and market division by artificially inflating crude prices.

Klayman said the member nations “specifically and intentionally limit barrels of oil that each country produces,” causing the price to rise.

“This amounts to illegal price fixing,” he said, as well as antitrust law violations.

“These artificially inflated crude oil prices fall hard on the backs of Americans, many of whom cannot afford to buy gasoline during these severely depressed economic times,” said Klayman, a former Justice Department lawyer.

As a government attorney in the Antitrust Division, Klayman participated in breaking up AT&T. Now he and Freedom Watch have launched a campaign against the 12 nations that work together on oil prices and production.

Klayman alleges leaders of both major U.S. political parties “line their pockets from big oil interests and are just sitting back and not doing anything.”

He also noted the federal government is not allowing the U.S. to increase its own oil production, and Barack Obama’s policies have discouraged oil discovery and drilling.

“This has led to more speculation on oil prices, causing them to rise. And the president’s policies regarding Iran also have contributed to the spike,” he said.

The complaint argues that without OPEC’s anti-competitive agreement, more oil would be in production, and the result would be lower prices.

“Even when OPEC members produce to the full extent of their capacity, they produce far less oil than they would were they operating in a competitive market, because they artificially restrict their production capacity as part of their price-fixing scheme,” the complaint alleges.

“The … nature of OPEC’s price-fixing conduct is further confirmed by its course of dealing with non-members. OPEC has met with these non-members and has secured their agreement to limit production and has thereby increased the price of gasoline and other petroleum products over competitive levels,” the complaint says.

Klayman previously brought legal action against Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on behalf of torture victims, advancing the case against Iran to the point of obtaining a default judgment. Klayman also won a nearly $2 million unpaid judgment against Cuban interests in 1996 over the shooting down of an airplane.

The new claim against OPEC alleges that “as a form of economic terrorism,” OPEC’s actions “are designed to severely harm the economics or strategic interests of the United States and Western Europe in particular.”

“The illegal conduct of the defendant, and its constituent members and co-conspirators, is thus intended at this time to also influence the American presidential and congressional elections of 2012 by destabilizing the economy to further their pro Islamic and communist agendas,” the complaint says.

“In short, the recent huge calculated increase in the price of gasoline and petroleum products, which is the result of per se violations of the antitrust laws, is part of a calculated strategy to advance the constituent members of OPEC’s latent war against Western democratic interests, since political actions, overt terrorist acts, and other means have thus far not produced the ‘desired’ ­results and ‘cleverly’ adds economic terrorism to their panoply of weapons.”

The complaint continues: “The acts … are not the unilateral, independent acts of sovereign nations taken and effectuated entirely within the confines of their own territorial boundaries.

As a multinational cartel, OPEC depends upon the concerted and agreed upon commercial acts of all of its members, and those which act in concert with OPEC, to achieve the conspiracy’s price fixing scheme.”

California Senate approves Trust Act

Compilied by the El Reportero’s staff

­LOS ÁNGELES – Yesterday afternoon, the California State Senate approved AB 1081 – the TRUST Act – with a vote of 21-13. Assemblymember Tom Ammiano (D-San Francisco) is the bill’s author; State Senator Kevin de León (D – Los Angeles) served as floor manager for the vote and presented the bill to the Senate.

“We congratulate the California Senate on its leadership in passing this legislation, which is a model for states seeking to reject Arizona’s approach of immigration-based policing,” said Jennie Pasquarella, staff attorney for the ACLU of Southern California.

“The TRUST Act sends a strong message that California is not Arizona. It will protect against racial profiling and allow our local police to do their jobs and focus on public safety.”

The bill sets a clear, minimum standard for local governments not to submit to burdensome requests from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to detain people for deportation unless the individual has a serious or violent felony conviction.

The TRUST Act is a response to the federal immigration program “Secure Communities” (“S-Comm”). The federal government billed S-Comm as a program aimed at identifying serious criminal aliens for deportation, but 7 out of 10 of those deported under S-Comm in California had either no conviction or were only convicted of minor offenses. Nearly 75,000 Californians have been deported under the program. Victims of crimes and U.S. citizens are among the many individuals who have been targeted and detained under S-Comm.

A recent report commissioned by the ACLU/SC and Los Angeles County Sheriff Baca found that an average 2,100 people per day are detained in Los Angeles County jails on immigration holds, the vast majority of whom are not serious criminal offenders. In 2011, 14 percent of the County jails population was transferred to immigration officials.

The TRUST Act heads back to the state assembly for a concurrence vote after summer recess, following which the bill would reach the governor’s desk.

Also in the California Legislature:

­California Homeowner Bill of Rights passes legislature, one step closer to become law

SACRAMENTO – The State Attorney’s office announced the California Homeowner Bill of Rights is one step closer to becoming law after key provisions passed the California Legislature today. The bills, which provide first of their kind protections for homeowners and reforms to the mortgage and foreclosure process, will now be sent to the desk of Governor Jerry Brown for consideration. The bills were approved 53 to 25 in the Assembly and 25 to 13 in the Senate.

“These common-sense reforms will require banks to treat California homeowners more fairly and bring more transparency and accountability to their practices in our state. Responsible homeowners will have a better shot to keep their homes,” said State Attorney Kamala Harris

The California Homeowner Bill of Rights consists of a series of related bills that provide protections and a restriction on dual-track foreclosures, where a lender forecloses on a borrower despite being in discussions over a loan modification to save the home. The bills also guarantee struggling homeowners a single point of contact at their lender with knowledge of their loan and direct access to decision makers.