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Ballot initiatives move states’s rights movement forward

by Kurt Nimmo

Several states challenged the unconstitutional meddling of the federal government on Tuesday.

Despite a SCOTUS ruling upholding Obamacare earlier this year, voters in Alabama, Missouri, Montana, and Wyoming passed measures nullifying the insurance mandate of the so-called Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

While establishment pundits dismiss the ballot initiatives as mere political theater, the popularity of the proposals reveal that states’ rights and nullification are alive and well.

In addition to rejection of the Obamacare mandate, voters in two states overturned archaic marijuana laws. Washington state and Colorado passed ballot measures legalizing recreational use of marijuana.

The Justice Department and the Drug Enforcement Agency have not yet responded to the decriminalization of pot in the two states, but establishment politicians are lining up in opposition.

‘‘Federal law still says marijuana is an illegal drug, so don’t break out the Cheetos or Goldfish too quickly,’’ said Colorado’s Democrat governor, John Hickenlooper.

Oregon and Arkansas voters defeated a similar law. In Massachusetts, voters approved a measure to allow marijuana use for medical purposes. 17 states now permit the use of medical marijuana.

“For more than a year, Americans fretted over who will occupy the White House for the next four years, and the media and political class have fixated on that race. But these nullification votes at the state level tap into a deeper current,” Tenth Amendment Center communications director Mike Maharrey said following the election on Tuesday.

“Americans don’t want a king. And they don’t want their lives run by politicians in Washington D.C. shoving one-size fits all mandates down their throats. People in Colorado, Alabama and Washington know what’s best for them, and they just sent a message to D.C. ‘We will not submit to your unconstitutional acts and power grabs any more.’”

Maharrey also said arguments that the states can’t defy the federal government because federal acts reign supreme over state law under the Constitution’s “supremacy clause” are fallacious.

“They completely ignore the key phrase ‘in pursuance of.’

Unconstitutional acts aren’t legitimate laws. They are illegal power grabs,” he said. “Sure, the Supreme Court gave us its opinion on the constitutionality of Obamacare and federal marijuana laws. But their opinion is based on about 100 years of unconstitutional precedent. My challenge to folks is to point me to the enumerated power that delegates Congress the authority to create a federal health care system, or to tell every American what kind of plant they can grow in their own back yard. They can’t – because it doesn’t exist.”

Globalists Pull Out All Stops to Grab Guns After Obama Victory

Prior to the election, warned that Obama, his Democrat allies and the internationalist gun-grabbers would move their agenda to disarm America forward if Obama was reappointed on Nov. 6.

Less than 24 hours after winning re-election, President Barack Obama’s administration joined with China, France, Germany and the United Kingdom, and more than 150 other governments, in supporting renewed debate on the proposed United Nations Arms Trade Treaty, confirming the worst fears of the American gun rights community,” the Second Amendment Foundation reported on Wednesday.

“U.N. delegates and gun control activists have complained that talks collapsed in July largely because Obama feared attacks from Republican rival Mitt Romney if his administration was seen as supporting the pact, a charge Washington denies,” the New York Times reported the same day.

One hundred fifty-seven governments at the United Nations General Assembly’s First Committee on Disarmament in New York on Wednesday voted to disarm citizens. The measure now goes to the 193-nation General Assembly for a formal vote where it is expected to pass.

“MPs and PGA [globalist Parliamentarians for Global Action] legislators all around the world, as well as many of the colleagues with whom we work, are deeply committed to making the ATT [Arms Trade Treaty] a meaningful reality in the near future,” PGA president and New Zealand Member of Parliament Ross Robertson said.

“We want a strong ATT and we want it soon. We will move heaven and earth to see that, once it is in place, it is signed, ratified and implemented in all our countries as soon as possible,” he added.

A gun buy boom followed the election as millions of Americans went out and stocked up on firearms and ammo, fearing the inevitable.

“People are definitely scared of a president who has voted when he was a senator against guns,” Anthony Bouchard, director of the Wyoming Gun Owners Association in Cheyenne told the Wyoming Star Tribune. “[If Obama gets re-elected] he’s in a lame-duck session and he can do the things he wants to do. That’s

what we’re afraid of.”

­Obama’s record as an aggressive gun-grabber is clear and during his second term he will have little to fear from defenders of the Second Amendment.

“Don’t forget that an Illinois senator named Barack Obama was an aggressive advocate for expanding gun control laws, and even voted against legislation giving gun owners an affirmative defense when they use firearms to defend themselves and their families against home invaders and burglars,” writes Larry Bell for Forbes. “That was after he served on a 10-member board of directors of the radically activist anti-gun Joyce Foundation in Chicago which contributed large grants to anti-Second Amendment organizations.”

The Federal Reserve is systematically destroying Social Security and retirement – part 1

Marvin J. RamirezMarvin J. Ramirez

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: Dear reader: Recently, much has been written and speculated about the collapse of Social Security in the next couple of decades. Michael Snyder, of The Economic Collapse, brings to us a few facts that should be taken into consideration when reviewing the causes of that collapse. El Reportero reprints the article below, in order to facilitate a better understanding of this institution to which most American have, unknowingly, a contract with it. Due to its length, it will be published in two parts. This is the First Part.

The Federal Reserve is systematically destroying Social Security and the retirement plans of millions of Americans

­by Michael Snyder
The Economic Collapse

Last week the mainstream media hailed QE3 as the “quick fix” that the U.S. economy desperately needs, but the truth is that the policies that the Federal Reserve is pursuing are going to be absolutely devastating for our senior citizens.

By keeping interest rates at exceptionally low levels, the Federal Reserve is absolutely crushing savers and is systematically destroying Social Security. Meanwhile, the inflation that QE3 will cause is going to be absolutely crippling for the millions upon millions of retired Americans that are on a fixed income. Sadly, most elderly Americans have no idea what the Federal Reserve is doing to their financial futures. Most Americans that are approaching retirement age have not adequately saved for retirement, and the Social Security system that they are depending on is going to completely and totally collapse in the coming years. Right now, approximately 56 million Americans are collecting Social Security benefits. By 2035, that number is projected to grow to a whopping 91 million. By law, the Social Security trust fund must be invested in U.S. government securities. But thanks to the low interest rate policies of the Federal Reserve, the average interest rate on those securities just keeps dropping and dropping. The trustees of the Social Security system had projected that the Social Security trust fund would be completely gone by 2033, but because of the Fed policy of keeping interest rates exceptionally low for the foreseeable future it is now being projected by some analysts that Social Security will be bankrupt by 2023. Overall, the Social Security system is facing a 134 trillion dollar shortfall over the next 75 years. Yes, you read that correctly. The collapse of Social Security is inevitable, and the foolish policies of the Federal Reserve are going to make that collapse happen much more rapidly.

The only way that the Social Security system is going to be able to stay solvent is for the Social Security trust fund to earn a healthy level of interest.

By law, all money deposited in the Social Security trust fund must be invested in U.S. government securities. The following is from the official website of the Social Security Administration….

By law, income to the trust funds must be invested, on a daily basis, in securities guaranteed as to both principal and interest by the Federal government. All securities held by the trust funds are “special issues” of the United States Treasury. Such securities are available only to the trust funds.

In the past, the trust funds have held marketable Treasury securities, which are available to the general public. Unlike marketable securities, special issues can be redeemed at any time at face value. Marketable securities are subject to the forces of the open market and may suffer a loss, or enjoy a gain, if sold before maturity. Investment in special issues gives the trust funds the same flexibility as holding cash.

So in order for the Social Security Ponzi scheme to work, those investments in government securities need to produce healthy returns.

Unfortunately, the ultra-low interest rate policy of the Federal ­Reserve is making this impossible.

The average rate of interest earned by the Social Security trust fund has declined from 6.1 percent in January 2003 to 3.9 percent today, and it is going to continue to go even lower as long as the Fed continues to keep interest rates super low.

A recent article by Bruce Krasting detailed how this works. Just check out the following example….

$135 billion of old bonds matured this year. This money was rolled over into new bonds with a yield of only 1.375%. The average yield on the maturing securities was 5.64%. The drop in yield on the new securities lowers SSA’s income by $5.7B annually. Over the fifteen year term of the investments, that comes to a lumpy $86 billion.

So what happens when the Social Security trust fund runs dry?

As Bruce Krasting also noted, all Social Security payments would immediately be cut by 25 percent…..

Anyone who is 55 or older should be worried about this. Based on current law, all SS benefit payments must be cut by (approximately) 25% when the TF is exhausted. This will affect 72 million people. The economic consequences will be severe.

In other words, it would be a complete and total nightmare.

Sadly, the truth is that the Social Security trust fund might not even make it into the next decade. Most Social Security trust fund projections assume that there will be no recessions and that there will be a very healthy rate of growth for the U.S. economy over the next decade.


10 reasons to cancel cable now!

Please share this post with anyone you know and love who still pays for cable TV.

I am finally calling to disconnect my cable TV. I don’t need it anymore. (I actually never did – I always knew it; but I never knew how important it was to take a stand against it.)

2012 is the year that we should all try to reconnect to what is real. I mean – really real. And what is true and right for each of us. Increasingly it’s become apparent that television does not give us reality- and probably never did. I mean, they called it the BOOB TUBE back in the 50s didn’t they? It has only gotten worse since then. Way worse.

Please join me, and free yourself from the crap-encrusted chains of cable television.

Here are 10 reasons to turn off the TV for 2012:

1. Anything interesting that might happen to be aired on TV can be seen on the internet HOURS (sometimes days) before. And sometimes the really interesting stuff is never seen on TV because someone, somewhere does not want you to see it and they mistakenly think they can keep you from it.

2. You have to search for the truth – the television is NOT the place to find it. Cable news will NEVER tell you the truth – never, ever.

3. Reality television is not reality, nor is it entertaining…unless you feel the need to waste your time relishing in the misfortune and embarrassment of others.

4. The TV does not allow you to comment, give your opinion, or call bullshit on what you read, hear, or see – the internet does.

5. Drug company ads. Especially those trying to push anti-depressants.

U.S. cable TV bleeds subscribers as online grows

by Chris Lefkow

The new Sony Internet TV pictured at its unveiling in New York City, October 2010. According to a study released last week by consulting firm Frank N. Magid Associates, only one percent of US consumers have cancelled their television subscription in favor of accessing content available on the Web and only 2.5 percent of consumers use Internet content exclusively.

The economic downturn has U.S. cable television companies shedding subscribers in record numbers and Americans increasingly “cutting the cord” in favor of cheaper online options, new research shows.

The findings point to a growing pool of potential customers for online services such as Hulu and Netflix and newcomers like Apple TV and Google TV, which offer lower prices and more flexibility, analysts say.

According to research firm SNL Kagan, U.S. cable operators lost 741,000 basic video customers in the third quarter of the year (2010), the biggest decline since it started tracking the segment in 1980. Comcast, the largest US cable operator, lost 275,000 video subscribers during the third quarter while Time Warner Cable, the second-largest, shed 155,000 video customers in the July-September period.

The pay television sector — which includes satellite television and TV services offered by telecom firms in addition to cable — lost 119,000 customers in the quarter after gaining 346,000 a year ago, SNL Kagan said.

Combined with a loss of 216,000 customers in the second quarter, the first ever decline in its history, the pay television segment has fallen 2.3 percent in the last six months to around 100 million subscriptions, it said. Cable television executives have pinned the blame for the unprecedented losses on high unemployment and the recession. “I think there’s much ado about very little in terms of all the talk about cord cutting,” Philippe Dauman, president and chief executive of Viacom, told financial analysts on the television titan’s latest earnings call. “We don’t see cord cutting as affecting our business,” said the Viacom chief, whose properties include cable networks Comedy Central and MTV. “I think it’s remarkable that in the teeth of a powerful recession that we went through that continued viewership of subscription television held up as well as it has,” Dauman added. “And as the economy recovers we expect to see the number of television subscribers in the US grow at a better clip than it has over the last year and a half or so.”

As for Netflix, Dauman said it has “positioned itself, not as being a substitute for television viewing but as a complementary service, and that is the way it is being used.” Netflix claims over 16 million members in the United States and Canada and last week unveiled a 7.99-dollar monthly plan that allows unlimited streaming of movies and television over the Web. Hulu, which is owned by The Walt Disney Co., News Corp. and NBC Universal, recently introduced “Hulu Plus,” which offers online viewing of recent television episodes, also for 7.99 a month. While penny-pinching in hard times is behind the decision of many Americans to abandon pay television, industry analysts said there are signs that some are replacing cable with the newly available online options. “It is becoming increasingly difficult to dismiss the impact of over-the-top substitution on video subscriber performance, particularly after seeing declines during the period of the year that tends to produce the largest subscriber gains,” said Ian Olgeirson, senior analyst at SNL Kagan. Jeff Kagan, a telecom industry analyst who shares the same name but is not affiliated with SNL Kagan, said a number of factors were behind the drop in cable subscribers, including the inability to buy channels a la carte. “In order to raise rates annually, the cable television industry always adds more channels and says it is still a good deal,” Kagan said. “However, the average customer still watches the same 10 to 15 channels,” he said. “Adding more channels and charging more does not make it a better deal… It just makes it more expensive.” Kagan said US consumers have lived with costly monthly cable bills for years because they had no choice but “now things are changing.” “Suddenly there is competition in many markets from satellite television companies and the IPTV services from phone companies,” he said. “Suddenly the economy is rough and people increasingly want to save money. “Suddenly there are new services that are popping up like Google TV and Apple TV and more, taking us away from traditional television,” he said. “The customer finally had enough,” Kagan said. “Now with choices they are making their move.” While some undoubtedly are, they remain a tiny minority for now. According to a study released last week by consulting firm Frank N. Magid Associates, only one percent of US consumers have cancelled their television subscription in favor of accessing content available on the Web and only 2.5 percent of consumers use Internet content exclusively.­

A program for the midlife and older women

by the El Reportero’s staff

La PosarelaLa Posarela

Owl S.F. Artists present a program of film, sculpture, painting, ceramics, poetry, miniatures.

OWL is the only national membership organization to focus exclusively on critical issues facing women as they age. We work together to improve the status and quality of life for midlife and older women through national, state, and local networks.

Saturday, Nov. 17, 10 a.m.-noon, Flood Building: 870 Market St, Room 1185. Handicap accessible, donations welcomed.


For info call 415-989-4422 or visit: web site:

Galería Lunada Literary Lounge

November’s Lunada features a special kind of full moon called a lunar penumbral eclipse, a rare sightning for 2012 – during which the Moon lies exclusively within the Earth’s penumbra. That evening the Lunada will continue to celebrate the fall season with featured vocalist Liliana Herrera, and guitarist/producer Camilo Landau, two artists making big waves in the Bay Area Latin music scene. Open Mic sign-up begins at 7:15pm, de puro sabor y corazón, spoken word, música, first timers, always welcome.

This fall season so far has featured Joseph Rios, Xochiquetzal Candelaria, Sheila Maldonado, Paul S. Flores, Mariposa Villaluna, the PO’ Poets Proj of POOR MAG, Luta, and Manny Lieras from All Nations Singers – don’t miss out on November’s installment.

­Wednesday, Nov. 28, at 7:30p.m. Admission $5. Free with food to share and to Galería members.

Mundo Maya 12:12:12”

Galeria de la Raza presents Mundo Maya women12:12:12, a celebration of the Mayan culture and the end of the Mayan Calendar next month. The exhibition, featuring works by Latino/Mayan youth and instructor Roberto Y. Hernández, contains art relating to the Mayan calendar, gods, animals, numbers, people, photographs, woodcarvings, altars, and the ten Mayan foods that changed the world’s eating habits.

Celebrations for maíz, La Virgen de Guadalupe, cacao, and the official end of the Mayan calendar will investigate and commemorate the importance of el Mundo Maya – join us in December for these special events!

Opening reception Thursday, Dec. 6, at 6 p.m. Free and open to the public. At the Galería de la Raza, 2857-24th Street, San Francisco.

La Posarela 2012

Por sexto año consecutivo, alumnos, maestros y artistas del Community Music Center (CMC), con apoyo del Consulado General de México en San Francisco, celebrarán las fiestas decembrinas con su ya tradicional Posarela.

­La Posarela del CMC, producida y dirigida por Martha Rodríguez-Salazar, es un espectáculo musical que combina las tradiciones mexicanas de las posadas y las pastorelas, de ahí su original nombre, “Posarela”.

Esta producción presenta arreglos originales de música tradicional latina y un guion bilingüe aderezado con comentarios sociales de tono humorístico. Reúne a intérpretes y audiencia de todas las edades y se ha convertido en un evento anual muy apreciado por las familias que celebran su herencia latina. Asimismo, es una gran oportunidad para que el público en general aprenda y disfrute de las fiestas decembrinas tradicionales mexicanas.

El Consulado General de México en San Francisco se complace en invitar a la comunidad a que se una y disfrute de esta celebración!.

El domingo 9 de diciembre a las 2 p.m., en el Auditorio del Mission High School, 3750 18th Street, San Francisco. Para más información visite:

Works by Diego Rivera, Fernando Botero lead Christies’s upcoming American sale


by Hispanically Speaking News

Obra surrealista mexicana el Retrato de Linda Christian por Diego Rivera.Mexican work and Portrait of Linda Christian by Diego Rivera.

Christie’s Latin American Sale will take place on November 20-21.

This two-session sale of 300 lots total is led by significant works from some of the region’s best- known artists spanning colonial art to the present. The Evening Sale features 80 of the sale’s most important works, with an exceptional line-up of paintings and sculpture from celebrated Brazilian and Mexican artists, amongst many others.

The following Day Sale presents over 200 additional works of art from the Spanish colonial era to the present. The combined sales are expected to realize in excess of $20 million.

Madre con hijos by Diego Rivera, painted in 1926, (estimate: $500,000-800,000) reflects the artist’s interest in depicting Mexico’s indigenous people. Rivera spent the years of the Mexican Revolution abroad, returning only in 1921 to participate in a national program of mural painting. He found inspiration in the region’s indigenous culture as this painting’s subject matter reflects—a mother with her young children—poignant and enduring symbols of national identity and strong familial ties.

Yale University returns final Machu Picchu artifacts to Peru

In 1911, archaeologist Hiram Bingham brought the Peruvian citadel of Machu Picchu international attention.

Bingham and his team went on to take a number of artifacts from the site to the United States, a move the Peruvians claimed was only intended to be temporary.

More than 45,000 pieces were taken to the U.S., including metal pieces, ceramics, and bone fragments.

In 2010, a deal for the artifacts, which resided at mayoresYale University, was made and both sides agreed they would be returned to Peru.

Last year, the first shipments were flown to Cusco, Peru with the last of the remaining artifacts, 127 boxes, arriving on Sunday.

The latest pieces with soon be transferred to “Casa Concha,” where the first two shipments are housed.

Sitting 8,200 feet above seas level, the citadel of Machu Picchu was built by the Incas in the 15th century and now Peru’s most popular tourist attraction, bringing in more than 1 million visitors each year.

Celebrate what it truly means to be ‘Hecho en Mexico’

From Diego Luna and Alejandro Fernandez, to Carla Morrison and Chavela Vargas, director Duncan Bridgeman weaves a cinematic tapestry composed of original songs and insights from the most iconic artists and performers of contemporary Mexico. With striking visuals, the movie captures the rich diversity of Mexican geography, art, music, and culture. It is a rare look at the country’s real identity, and an unparalleled celebration of what it truly means to be “Hecho en Mexico.”

This documentary on some of contemporary Mexico’s most iconic artists and performers opens in the U.S. on Nov. 30. ­http://youtube/s8yim7A3ivM.

Lucia Aldana crowned Miss Colombia, set to compete for Miss Universe

Lucia Aldana, a student of communications and journalism from the southwestern province of Valle del Cauca, was elected Colombia’s new beauty queen at the Caribbean city of Cartagena.

The 20-year-old beauty, who competed in the National Beauty Contest together with 24 other candidates, will represent her country in the Miss Universe 2013 pageant.


Saturday, November 24 – TBD

WBC minimumweight title: Xiong Zhao Zhong (19-4-1, 11 KOs) vs. Javier Martinez Resendiz (13-3-2, 6 KOs).

Saturday, November 24 – Ontario, California (HBO)

WBA lightweight title: Richard Abril (17-3-1, 8 KOs) vs. Sharif Bogere (23-0, 15 KOs).

Friday, November 30 – Coral Gables, Florida

WBA light welterweight title: Joan Guzman (33-0-1, 20 KOs) vs. Khabib Allakhverdiev (17-0, 8 KOs).

Saturday, December 1 – New York, New York (SHOWTIME)

Junior middleweights: Austin Trout (25-0, 14 KOs) ­vs. Miguel Angel Cotto (37-3, 30 KOs).

Always reflecting the Zeitgeist, 11th DocFest

by the El Reportero’s staff­

­Los RamblersLos Ramblers­

Highlights SF Bay Area, Modern Italy and More!

Presenting the freshest films on the most up-to-the-minute themes is the mission of the San Francisco Documentary Film Festival (SF DocFest), year in and year out. With over 50 films from around the world, the 11th edition of SF DocFest aims to give its audience two weeks of some of the hottest non-fiction films on the current circuit. Highlights of the 11th edition include films about art and artists, social-political issues, a rare insight into contemporary Italian, a penis museum, Indian beauty queens, couch surfing, predatory corporations, Somalian pirates and much more.

San Francisco Nov. 8-21, and Berkeley Nov. 9-15.

Maestra (Showing with A Girl Like Her)

Fri 11/17 5:00PM Sun 11/18 12:30PM @ Roxie Theater.

Sat 11/10 5:00PM @ Shattuck Cinemas.

Fame High

Sun 11/18 2:45 and Wed 11/21 7:15PM @ Roxie Theater

Sun 11/11 7:15PM @ Shattuck Cinemas.

Big Boys Gone Bananas

Sat 11/17 9:30PM Tue 11/20 9:30PM @ Roxie Theater.

Thu 11/15 9:30PM @ Shattuck Cinemas.

Happy 45 Birthday to Los Ramblers de Nicaragua in SF

Los Ramblers are celebrating their 45 years of artistic life (1967 – 2012). It will be celebrated with an elegant lunch and music at El Patio Español, 2850 Alemany Blvd, San Francisco. The event includes a gourmet lunch Admission is $55 per person. On Nov. 18, at 1 to 2 p.m.

Centerpiece Event of 3 Day Natalie Wood Film Festival

Forever Natalie Wood with sister Lana Wood Live In-Person!

Beloved San Francisco native Natalie Wood will be remembered by her sister, plus Screening of Splendor in the Grass.

Lana Wood in a rare on-stage interview. Lana, who also stars as Plenty O’Toole in Diamonds Are Forever, will sit down for an intimate Castro Theatre chat which (in her words) “will be an honest, open discussion, personal and completely truthful. No holds barred.”

Also included at this event- a tribute clip reel honoring the screen legend, performances by Connie Champagne & Matthew Martin plus special surprises. On Saturday, Nov. 10, 2012. Gala – 7:30 p.m. (Stage Tribute, Interview + Film). Film Only at 9 p.m. Dress code: formal.

Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi: What’s Next?

With the Mayor still refusing to talk with the Sheriff, how does Sheriff Mirkarimi view his circumstances and what are his plans moving forward? San Francisco Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi will discuss the recent controversy and also address new strategies to improve his department.

Mirkarimi was elected San Francisco Sheriff in November, 2011. Last spring, he was suspended by Mayor Ed Lee after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor count of false imprisonment related to a New Year’s Eve argument with his wife. The mayor filed official misconduct charges against Sheriff Mirkarimi in an effort to remove him permanently and needed nine of 11 supervisors to vote with him.

­On Oct. 9, only 7 supervisors voted to remove the Sheriff thus leading to his reinstatement.

Tuesday, Nov. 20, 2012, 5:15 p.m. check-in, 6 p.m. program.

Voices from Latin America: Americas society partners in Carnegie Hall’s fall festival

­Reported by Hispanically Speaking News

Gertrud GoldschmidtGertrud Goldschmidt

Americas Society is proud to partner with Carnegie Hall’s Voices from Latin America, a citywide festival taking place on November 8 to December 11, 2012.

The fall festival will celebrate the diverse range of Latin American cultures, inviting audiences to explore a vibrant repertoire of music, visual arts, dance, film, literature, and photography events.

With a musical focus on Brazil, Cuba, Mexico, and Venezuela, Voices from Latin America programming was developed under the guidance of Argentine composer Osvaldo Golijov; Venezuelan conductor of the Simón Bolívar Symphony Orchestra Gustavo Dudamel; Afro-Cuban jazz pianist and composer Chucho Valdés; and Brazilian singer, songwriter, and guitarist Gilberto Gil. The festival will feature more than 70 performances and programs at Carnegie Hall and partnering cultural institutions.

As a Voices from Latin America partner, Americas Society presents a rich and multifaceted series of Latin American music, literature, visual arts, and policy programs.

Event highlights include jazz, classical, and contemporary music and musicians from Colombia and Mexico; an interdisciplinary literary symposium with poets, writers, and environmentalists examining aesthetic, social, and political issues in eco-literature across Latin America; and a visual arts exhibition, Gego: Origin and Encounter, Mastering the Space that features works by German-born Venezuelan artist Gertrud Goldschmidt.

Actress Nadine Velázquez Shines in Flight

Actress Nadine Velázquez fulfilled one of her professional dreams in Flight starring Denzel Washington, which premieres Friday.

In this story of a heroic pilot with a devastating secret, Velázquez plays the DocFestflight attendant whose duty is to help the passengers during a terrible air accident.

“I always wanted to scream and cry and plead for my life in a movie, and this is my chance!” Velázquez, born in Chicago of Puerto Rican parents, told Efe.

The actress became known for the television series My Name Is Earl and now has recurrent roles in two others: “The League” and Heart of Dixie.

She discovered her love for acting as a little girl and began her career in a television commercial.

From there her career took off and among her most recent credits are “War” with Jason Statham, and the film made for television “Husband for Hire.”

In Flight, Nadine is the faithful lover of Washington’s character. But this role is not as innocuous as it might appear at first sight. Her character is guilty of covering up a very dangerous secret.

“The series ‘My Name ­Is Earl’ made me known, but I think this movie will change the way the industry sees me,” said the artist, who hopes to use this opportunity to help Latinos struggling to find their place in the Hollywood limelight.


The virtual recovery of the economy – part 2

Marvin J. RamirezMarvin J. Ramirez

FROM THE EDITOR: Dear reader, I just found this interesting article written by Paul Craig Roberts, editor at, which details how the ills of the economy have come about. It will be a learning experience to many of you and me, of course. Due to its length, I will publish it in two parts.

The Virtual Recovery of the economy – part 2

by Paul Craig Roberts

The future of the American political order is in doubt. The Bush and Obama regimes have so badly abused the Constitution and statutory law, that the America that Ronald Reagan left to us no longer exists. America is on the path to collapse or tyranny. Suppose that a miracle produces an economic recovery. What becomes of the enormous excess bank reserves that the Federal Reserve has provided the banks?

If these bank reserves are used for expanding loans, the money supply will outstrip the production of goods and services, and inflation will rise.

If the Fed tries to take the excess reserves out of the banking system by selling bonds, interest rates will rise, thus destroying the wealth of bond holders and draining liquidity from the stock market. In other words, another depression that wipes out the remaining American wealth.

The Federal Reserve’s announcement of QE3 shows that the Fed will continue to create new money in order to protect the values of the insolvent banks’ questionable assets. The Federal Reserve represents the banksters, not the American public. Like every other American government institution, the Federal Reserve is far removed from concerns about American citizens.

In my opinion, the Federal Reserve’s purchase of bonds in order to drive down interest rates has produced a bond market bubble that is larger than the real estate and derivative bubbles. Economically, it is nonsensical for a bond to carry a negative real interest rate, especially when the government issuing the bond is running large budget deficits that it seems unable to reduce and when the central bank is monetizing the debt.

The bubble has been protected by the euro “crisis,” which possibly is more of a virtual crisis than a real one. The euro crisis has caused money to seek refuge in dollars, thus supporting the dollar’s value even while the Federal Reserve prints money with which to purchase the never-ending flow of the governments’ bonds to finance trillion dollar plus annual budget deficits–about 5 times the “Reagan deficits” that Wall Street alleged would wreck the US economy.

Indeed, the US dollar’s exchange value is itself a bubble waiting to pop. The sharp rise in the dollar price of gold and silver since 2003 indicates a flight from the US dollar. (The chart is courtesy of John Williams,

The bond market bubble will pop if the dollar bubble pops. The Federal Reserve can sustain the bond market bubble by purchasing bonds, and there are no limits on the Federal Reserve’s ability to purchase bonds. However, the endless monetization of debt, even if the new money is stuck in the banks and does not find its way into the economy, can spook foreign holders of dollar-denominated assets.

Foreign central banks can decide that they want to hold fewer dollars and more precious metals as their reserves. Other countries, sensing the US dollar’s demise, are organizing to conduct their trade without the use of the world’s reserve currency. Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa intend to conduct their trade with one another in their own currencies. China and Japan have also negotiated to settle their trade balances with one another in their own currencies.

These agreements substantially reduce the use of the US dollar in international trade and, thus, the demand for dollars. When demand falls, so does price, unless the supply shrinks. But the Federal Reserve has announced, essentially, unlimited supply of US dollars. So we are faced with a paradox. The US dollar is supposed to remain valuable despite its enormous increase in supply.

In addition, China, America’s largest creditor and in the past a reliable purchaser of US Treasury bonds, holds some two trillion in dollar-denominated assets, primarily Treasury bonds. How is Washington treating its largest foreign creditor? Not with appreciation or deference. Washington is surrounding China with naval and air bases, interfering in China’s disputes with other countries, and bringing contrived actions against China in the World Trade Organization. Washington claims that US corporations are deserting the US not because of the lower cost of labor in China, but because of Chinese “subsidies” to the relocated US firms.

In my April 30 column, “Brewing a Conflict with China,” I wrote that Washington would like to substitute a cold war with China for the hot wars in the Middle East. The problem with the hot wars is the loss of superpower face from Washington’s inability to prevail after eleven years, and although the hot wars are profitable for the military/security complex, the wars don’t generate the level of profits that would flow from a high-tech arms race with China. Moreover, Washington believes that diverting Chinese investment from the economy into a military buildup would slow the rate at which the Chinese economy is overtaking the US economy.

What if instead of taking the bait from Washington, China targets Washington’s Archilles heel–the dollar’s role as reserve currency–and decides it is cheaper to dump one trillion dollars of US Treasury debt on the bond market than to commit to a 30 year arms race? To keep the price of Treasuries from collapsing, the Federal Reserve could print the money to buy the bonds. But if China then dumps the printed one trillion dollars in the foreign exchange markets, Washington cannot print euros, British pounds, Russian rubles, Swiss francs, and other currencies in order to buy up the dollars.

­Frantic, Washington would try to arrange currency swaps withforeign countries in order to acquire theforeign exchange with whichto buy up the dollars that, otherwise, will drive down the dollar exchange rate and destroy the Federal Reserve’s control over interest rates.

But if the Chinese don’t want the dollars, will other countries want to swap their currencies for the abandoned US dollar?

Some of Washington’s puppet states will comply, but the wider world will rejoice in the termination of Washington’s financial hegemony and refuse the offer.

Sooner or later the dollar will collapse from Washington’s abuse of the dollar’s role as reserve currency, and the dollar will lose its “safe haven” status. US inflation will rise, and US political stability, along with America’s hegemonic power, will wane.

The rest of the world will sigh with relief. And China will have defeated the superpower without an arms race or firing a shot.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is the father of Reaganomics and the former head of policy at the Department of Treasury. He is a columnist and was previously the editor of the Wall Street Journal. His latest book, “How the Economy Was Lost: The War of the Worlds,” details why America is disintegrating.

Obama went to bed

by Matt Bracken

The biggest stench from the Benghazi fiasco is that it is beginning to smell like Obama went “nighty-night” to rest up for Las Vegas, instead of manning up in the Situation Room and seeing the crisis through and (had he only been awake) ordering a rescue mission.

In Benghazi, after 6-8 hours enduring a few “Fort Apaches,” with running street battles in …between, (like a mini Blackhawk Down), the living Americans must have been thinking, “Any minute now, here come the helicopters! Just hang on!”

But they didn’t. So even though Delta had forward staged to Sigonella Sicily (rumint) from base in Germany, nobody was willing or able to pull the trigger and send a rescue force. Or even a few F-18 supersonic flybys, to bust windows and warn, “Here comes American airpower, and you camel jockeys know what that means.” Just as a morale booster it would have helped the besieged staffers.

But it was never sent, not even a lousy supersonic low-level flyby. One hour from bases in Italy, max.

Here is the deal. The military automatically does a lot on its own, under standing orders and SOPs. The minute they see that the consulate is under attack, and the ambassador and others are in a “safe room” hiding, it becomes TOP priority. Every other mission aborts or slaves over to support any possible rescue.

At that moment when the critical incident alarm messages start ringing, military steps happen on autopilot in real time. Everybody in the Navy and USAF chain of command swings into a crisis contingency plan mode. What ships are closest? Helicopters? Marines? Delta is in Germany? Get them moving right now. Where is closest? Sigonella, for now. It’s NATO, no permission needed, just fly.

En route in C-17s, the D-boys would even be prepping for an immediate action rescue mission, that is, the C-17s will fly directly to some desert road outside of Benghazi, and here comes “The Raid On Entebbe,” done in crisis mode, canned actions, but they would do it. They practice for these exact scenarios, and leave gear staged for them.

They would coordinate with fighters out of Italy, mid-air-refueling platforms start shifting, it’s a huge show that swings into action for thousands of miles around Behghazi. The ongoing consulate attack is JOB ONE, the only job. VIPs will be tossed off of planes at remote runways if they need that platform.

Or Marines on amphibious ships in the central Med, (if any were available), would also be put on the real-time options board. We used to have a “Amphibious Ready Group” of about 3-5 USN gator freighters, including a helo carrier like a Tarawa class. They carry an entire battalion of USMC, plus SEALs etc, with helos and Ospreys to carry them all. (But not at once.) Where was our ARG? Does our Navy have enough ships for that mission any more?

But while all of that military staging would have happened/did happen during the 6-8 hour battle at the consulate and annex, what the military cannot do on their own say-so is cross an international border without an order from the NCA, the National Command Authority, and that means POTUS, Obama.

Only POTUS can authorize a cross-border hostile mission. That is, guns clear, no official permission from the Tripoli govt (if it really exists outside State Dept fantasies.)

Only one man can pull that trigger and say, “GO!” Obama.

(But for America to act “unilaterally” would have meant the bogus Libyan Arab Spring and so-called new Libyan Unity Govt. that we were propping up didn’t really exist. Libyan sovereignty must be held sacrosanct, even the false image of one, where in reality, Al Queda is top dog in Libya. Even when an Al Queda offshoot is your external “security,” namely, “The 17th of February Martyrs Brigade.” IOW, the White House thought they had a “deal” with AQ in Behghazi, since we werehelpingto run weaponry from Libya to their pals in Syria. So there was an “institutional bias” at State against crossing the border on a rescue operation sin permisso.)

Anyway, be that as it may, no General or Admiral will order the Marines ashore, or a Delta raid or even an F-18 or F-16 low-level supersonic flyby. They cannot and will not cross a border without a clear-cut order from POTUS via the NCA. Not even Hillary can make that decision. Only Obama.

But no order came, as of midnight in DC. And then none would come. Because the POTUS retired for the night with a “do not disturb” sign on his door, punted, and went to bed, to be well rested for Las Vegas.

While his ambassador was off the U.S. radar, missing, at that moment possibly being dragged down a Benghazi street or even raped. But that is when Obama went to bed. Midnight in DC is 0600 in Beghazi.

That is the greatest scandal of Benghazi. The POTUS slept through it, while all around the world, military forces were poised for the Raid on Entebbe or any other damn thing the POTUS ordered them to do. (And the were raring to go, believe me.)

But the POTUS said, “We’ll discuss it further in the morning,” and then he went to bed around midnight in DC, 0600 in Benghazi, with a missing ambassador and a full-blown crisis in full mega flap.

He punted. He went to bed.

God help us.

I think that’s the big secret they are keeping. The President went to bed, with his lost Ambassador being dragged through streets.

­Obama went to bed.