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Five-hour energy drinks linked to death, convulsions and spontaneus abortion

by J. D. Heyes

Researchers continue to discover more evidence that all of those energy drinks, which are pushed by high-profile athletes, sports companies and the mainstream media, are not just bad for you, they are downright dangerous.

Officials with the Food and Drug Administration say they’ve received reports of 13 deaths over the last four years where there was at least a causal link to the brand 5-Hour Energy, an energy shot that contains a potent amount o­f caffeine.

The New York Times said that the disclosure of the reports is the second time in weeks that filings by the agency cited deaths linked to energy drinks. In October, the FDA said it had received five reports involving fatalities that were linked to another popularenergy drink, Monster Energy.

The drinks have a growinghistory at the FDA.Since 2009, 5-Hour Energy has been included in about 90 filings with the agency; more than 30 involved serious or life-threatening problems such as heart attack, convulsions and at least one spontaneous abortion.

‘We are unaware of any problems with our product’

Granted, the simple filing of an incident with the FDA does not mean a certain product caused death or harm or even contributed to it. But clearly the products in question are increasingly mentioned in reports to the government’s investigative health agency.

Living Essentials of Farmington Hills, Mich., the distributor of 5-Hour Energy, did not respond to inquiries from the Times, and the company’s top executive refused to be interviewed. But in a statement, the company claimed its product was safe when used as directed, adding that the firm was “unaware of any deaths proven to have been caused by the consuming” of its product.

Since disclosure of reports linking Monster Energy to potentially harmful incidents, the company has said repeatedly that its products are safe, insisting that the drink was not the cause of any health problems.

The fast-growing energy drink industry has been facing increased scrutiny over the past few years over labeling disclosures and potential health risks, the paper said. The growing concern has stretched all the way to Capitol Hill, of course, as a number of lawmakers have begun calling on the FDA to increase regulation of energy drinks. In addition, the New York State Attorney General’s office is investigating the practices of several of the drink producers.

There are differences in the drinks themselves. Brands like Red Bull, Monster Energy, Rip It and others actually look like beverages, but 5-Hour Energy is sold as a two-ounce shot. And while the company doesn’t disclose how much caffeine is in each container, a recent story by Consumer Reports said it was about 215 milligrams.

That’s about double the caffeine content in an eight-ounce cup of coffee, which can contain between 100 and 150 milligrams.

No specific information tying energy drinks to deaths?

At present, the FDA says it doesn’t have the scientific evidence to regulate caffeine any more than the agency already does. Officials say the issue is made more complex by the fact that some high-caffeine drinks, such as Red Bull, are currently sold under FDA rules, while others, such as 5-Hour Energy and Monster Energy, are sold as dietary supplements.

­Different categories, different rules and reporting requirements – neither of which would matter if better, more specific labeling of ingredients in all food products were the rule rather than the exception.

In an interview with the Times, Daniel Fabricant, director of the FDA’s division of dietary supplement programs, said the agency was looking into death reports citing 5-Hour Energy. But he said so far, the data was inconclusive.

He said the 13 death reports mentioning 5-Hour Energy had all been submitted to the agency by Life Essentials, but only because since 2008, dietary supplement producers have been required to notify the FDA when they are made aware of a death or other serious health incident that could be tied to their product.

If you find yourself needing a boost of energy, try a natural energy booster:

Correa, now officially a candidate, makes banks a campaign issue

by the El Reportero’s wireservices

Rafael CorreaRafael Correa

From Latin News: The line-up for the Feb. 17 general elections is now almost complete as far as presidential candidates are concerned. Nobody was surprised when President Rafael Correa registered his candidacy for re-election on Nov. 12; days earlier he had announced that there was “consensus” within the ruling Alianza País (AP) regarding his candidacy. At the last minute he picked former minister coordinator of strategic sectors, Jorge Glas, as his running mate.

Cuba’s missing data: what does it mean?

It has become increasingly difficult to assess the performance of the Cuban economy in recent years, because of the non-appearance of some important economic data. At the end of October, the Anuario Estadístico de Cuba, which is usually published by July by the Oficina Nacional de Estadísticas e Información (ONEI, the national statistics office), was missing three chapters: chapter 5, which covers national income accounts; chapter 6, public finances; and chapter 8, the external sector.

Cuba warns of risks to LatAm, defends integration at summit

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla warned here today of threats posed to Latin America and the Caribbean by the current world order and defended regional integration as a way to face them.

Speaking at the plenary session of the 22nd Ibero-American Summit of Heads of State and Government, which concluded today, the Cuban diplomat described as dangerous the world situation, marked by the economic crisis and the warmongering stand of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

“Economic relations remain significantly unfavorable ­to Latin America,” said Rodríguez.

He noted that the economic links are characterized by “an unequal international economic order, the irrational and unsustainable nature of the capitalist models of production and consumption and the environmental damage.”

In this regard, he highlighted the increasing effectiveness of the regional mechanisms of coordination, cooperation and agreement, like the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), a 33-member country bloc founded in Caracas in Dec. 2011.

He said that in view of the threats posed by the establishment of a clearly offensive military and nuclear doctrine, the destabilization of sovereign states, the backing of rebel groups and military intervention, CELAC is our most valuable work, with which we defend more than two centuries of struggle and hope.

The Federal Reserve is systematically destroying Social Security and retirement – part 2 and last

Marvin J. RamirezMarvin J. Ramirez

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: Dear reader: Recently, much has been written and speculated about the collapse of Social Security in the next couple of decades. Michael Snyder, of The Economic Collapse, brings to us a few facts that should be taken into consideration when reviewing the causes of that collapse. El Reportero reprints the article below, in order to facilitate a better understanding of this institution to which most American have, unknowingly, a contract with it. Due to its length, it will be published in two parts. This is the Second and Last Part 2.

The Federal Reserve is systematically destroying Social Security and the retirement plans of millions of Americans

by Michael Snyder
The Economic Collapse

So what happens if we have another major recession or worse?

And most Americans know that something is up with Social Security.

According to a Gallup survey, 67 percent of all Americans believe that there will be a Social Security crisis within 10 years. Part of the problem is that there are way too many people retiring and not nearly enough workers to support them.

Back in 1950, each retiree’s Social Security benefit was paid for by 16 U.S. workers. But now things are much different. According to new data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are now only 1.75 fulltime private sector workers for each person that is receiving Social Security benefits in the United States.

And remember, the number of Americans drawing on Social Security will increase by another 35 million by the year 2035.

Another factor that is rapidly becoming a major problem is the growth of the Social Security disability program.

Since 2008, 3.6 millionmore Americans havebeen added to the rolls of the Social Security disability insurance program.

Today, more than 8.7 million Americans are collecting Social Security disability payments.

So how does this compare to the past?

Back in August 1967, there were approximately 65 workers for each American that was collecting Social Security disability payments.

Today, there are only 16.2 workers for each American that iscollectingSocial Securitydisability payments.

The Social Security Ponzi scheme is rapidly approaching a crisis point.

Sadly, the Federal Reserve has made it incredibly difficult to save for your own retirement.

Millions upon millions of Baby Boomers that diligently saved money for retirement are finding that their savings accounts are paying out next to nothing thanks to the ultra-low interest rate policies of the Federal Reserve.

The following is one example of how the low interest rate policiesof theFed have completely devastatedthe retirement plans of many elderly Americans….

You can understand the impact of the invisible tax on the elderly by watching the decline of interest income from $50,000 invested in a five-year Treasury obligation.As recently as 2000, this would have yielded about 6.15 percent and an interest income of $3,075 a year. Now the same obligation is yielding 0.7 percent and an interest income of $350 a year.This is the lowest yield on this maturity of Treasury debt since the Federal Reserve started keeping an index of the yields in 1953.

But it’s more than a low interest rate. It’s an income decline of nearly 89 percent in just 12 years.

And after you account for inflation, those that put money into savings accounts today are actually losing money.

Of course most Americanshave not saved up muchmoney for retirement anyway. According to the Employee Benefit Research Institute, 46 percent of all American workers have less than $10,000 saved for retirement, and 29 percent of all American workers have less than $1,000 saved for retirement.

Overall, a study conducted by Boston College’s Center for Retirement Research discovered that American workers are $6.6 trillion short of what they need to retire comfortably.

So needless to say, we have a major problem.

Baby Boomers are just starting to retire and the Social Security system is still solvent at the moment, and yet the number of elderly Americans that are experiencing financial problems is already soaring.

For example, between 1991 and 2007 the number of Americansbetween the ages of 65 and 74 thatfiled for bankruptcy rose bya staggering 178 percent.

Also, at this point one out of every six elderly Americans is already living below the federal poverty line.

So how bad are things going to be when Social Security collapses?

That is frightening to think about.

In the short-term, millions upon millions of retired Americans that are living on fixed incomes are going to be absolutely crushed by the inflation that QE3 is going to cause. Just like we saw with QE1 and QE2, a lot of the money from QE3 is going to end up in agricultural commodities and oil. That means that retirees (and all the rest of us) are going to end up paying more for food at the supermarket and gasoline at the pump.

­But those on fixed incomes are not going to see a correspondingincreasein their incomes. Thatmeans that their standards of living will go down.

Things are tough for retirees right now, but they are going to get a lot tougher.

Right now, there are somewhere around 40 million senior citizens. By 2050 that number is projected to increase to 89 million.

So how will our society cope with more than twice as many senior citizens?

Sadly, we will likely never get to find out.

The truth is that our system is almost certainly going to totally collapse long before then.

We are rapidly approaching a financial crisis unlike anything we have ever seen before in U.S. history, and the foolish policies of the Federal Reserve just keep making things even worse.

(This article was posted: Wednesday, September 19, 2012).

War in Gaza: Why now?

Election Politics?


It was widely reported that Israel agreed to delay any war against Iran until after U.S. elections.

A little over a week after the election, Israel launched a “targeted assassination” against the leader of Hamas (who Haaretz called Israel’s subcontractor in Gaza). That is what started the current round of fighting.

Rabbi Arthur Waskow agrees that Israel started the fighting.

Professor Michel Chossudovsky notes:

On Nov. 14, Hamas military commander Ahmed Jabari was murdered in a Israeli missile attack. In a bitter irony, barely a few hours before the attack, Hamas received the draft proposal of a permanent truce agreement with Israel.

“Hours before Hamas strongman Ahmed Jabari was assassinated, he received the draft of a permanent truce agreement with Israel, which included mechanisms for maintaining the cease-fire in the case of a flare-up between Israel and the factions in the Gaza Strip.”(Haaretz, Nov. 15, 2012)

The targeted assassination of Ahmed Jabari was followed by an extensive bombing campaign under Operation Pillar of Cloud. The latter consists of a carefully planned military endeavor.

F-16 fighter planes, Apache helicopters and unmanned drones were deployed. Israeli naval forces deployed along the Gaza shoreline were involved in extensive shelling of civilian targets.

Israel’s defense minister Ehud Barack has confirmed a scenario of military escalation, blaming Palestine for having committed acts of aggression.

“[T]he provocations we have suffered and the firing of rockets to the southern settlements within Israel have forced us to take this action. I want to make clear that Israeli citizens will not suffer such actions. The targets are to hit the rockets and to harm the organization of Hamas.”

The Israeli attacks were followed by the firing of dozens of rockets by Hamas against Israel. Palestine’s response was known to Israeli war planners. The resulting Israeli civilian casualties are now being used to justify military escalation on humanitarian grounds.

What we are dealing with is a carefully planned operation, a clear act of provocation. The deaths of Israeli civilians (envisaged and foreseen by IDF military planners) are being used to muster the support of the Israeli public.

Meanwhile, the Israeli attack is casually portrayed by the Western media as part of a legitimate counter-terrorism agenda.

(Glenn Greenwald notes that America’s targeted assassination policy is identical to that of Israel. This could escalate quickly. Not only are Israel and Hamas exchanging rocket fire – with casualties of children on both sides – but Israel is calling up calling up 30,000 reserve soldiers ahead of a possible ground invasion of Gaza.)

Israel is holding its own elections in January. Many commentators say that the attacks on Gaza are a cynical ploy by the Israeli Prime Minister to win re-election:

Netanyahu was accused by left-wing opposition Hadash party MP Mohammed Baraka [the leader of the Israeli Hadash opposition party] of “making another round in a circle of blood for cynical political interests” and “speculating in the blood of the Palestinian people.”

Labor MP Jeremy Corbyn denounced the regime, saying that “once again Israel has wantonly attacked the people of Gaza, bombing and killing.

“This is effectively a first world state attacking a poor and largely defenseless population. It looks like a rerun of Operation Cast Lead,” he said.

“The timing is interesting and it looks like Netanyahu is creating a crisis to ensure his reelection”, the MP added.

Leading German newspaper Spiegel reports:

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is hoping the offensive in the Gaza Strip wins his Likud party more votes in January’s election.

“When the cannons roar, we see only Netanyahu and Barak on the screen, and all the other politicians have to applaud them,” wrote the daily Haaretz in a commentary published Thursday. “The assassination of (Hamas’ top military commander Ahmed) Jabari will go down in history as another showy military action initiated by an outgoing government on the eve of an election.”

Indeed, one can conclude that the most recent offensive against militants in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip– which started Wednesday with the killing of Jabari — has been conceived as more of a show fight for the Israeli public than the beginning of a decisive battle.

And Asia times writes:

So why snuff out al-Jabari? Simple. Israel goes to the polls in January.

Thus emerges Bibi’s political campaigning in full-action mode. Campaign motto: Let’s kill Palestinians. With such thrills on offer, any other Israeli political voice – even slightly dissenting – is drowned.

Precursorto War with Iran?

The top British Rabbi – when asked by the BBC on his thoughts on what’s really going on in Gaza right now – replied: I think it has got to do with Iran, actually.

Why Iran?

Anti War lays out one theory:

This escalation occurs just days after widespread reports about newly reelected Obama mulling a grand bargain with Iran over its disputed nuclear program. Barbara Slavin and Laura Rozen at Al-Monitor reported on Monday that US officials told them Washington was considering offering a “more for more” deal with Iran, based on the fuel swap deal from Obama’s first term.

So what does Israel’s impending war on defenseless Gaza have to do with Iran diplomacy? Here’s a tweet from the Tehran bureau chief for the New York Times, Thomas Erdbrink:

F­orget ANY #Iran-US talks if conflict in Gaza escalates

— Thomas Erdbrink (@ThomasErdbrink) November 14, 2012

And here:

#Iran leaders can never be seen as talking to US, while its “eternal” ally Israel assassinates Iran’s ideological allies A second theory is that this is a prelude to an Israeli attack on Iran.

Specifically, some theorize that Israeli is trying to assassinate top Hamas militants before hitting Iran … so that Iran’s proxy Hamas cannot retaliate.

A third theory is that Israel is trying to drag Iran into a war. Given that Israeli treatment of Palestinians is perhaps the key source of hostility towards the current Israeli administration in the Arab world, starting a war in Gaza may be an attempt by Israeli to drag Iran into war.

After all, Iran backs Hamas, and Israel just assassinated a top Hamas leader after making an overture of peace to him. So some believe that Israel is attempting to poke the hornet’s nest in an attempt to justify wider war.

By provoking Hamas into attacking, Israel might point to Hamasbacker Iran. Specifically, Israel may claim that preemptive strikes on Iran are “necessary” to undermine Hamas and make sure it doesn’t obtain “weapons of mass destruction”.

Galería Lunada Literary Launge

by the El Reportero’s staff

Pyramid of Kukulcan, Chichen ItzaPyramid of Kukulcan, Chichen Itza

November’s Lunada features a special kind of full moon called a lunar penumbral eclipse, a rare sightning for 2012 – during which the Moon lies exclusively within the Earth’s penumbra. That evening the Lunada will continue to celebrate the fall season with featured vocalist Liliana Herrera, and guitarist/ producer Camilo Landau, two artists making big waves in the Bay Area Latin music scene. Open Mic sign-up begins at 7:15pm, de puro sabor y corazón, spoken word, música, first timers, always welcome.

This fall season so far has featured Joseph Rios, Xochiquetzal Candelaria, Sheila Maldonado, Paul S. Flores, Mariposa Villaluna, the PO’ Poets Proj of POOR MAG, Luta, and Manny Lieras from All Nations Singers – don’t miss out on November’s installment.

Wednesday, Nov. 28, at 7:30 p.m. Admission $5. Free with food to share and to Galería members.

A twinkling tradition: Zoo Lights at Oakland Zoo

The last Friday of November marks the date Oakland Zoo officially turns on holiday cheer. From November 30 thru December 31, 2012, hundreds of thousands of sparkling lights will illuminate the night sky to create a twinkling tradition known to be the largest LED holiday light display in the Bay Area. Dozens of colorfully lit animal- themed structures will be situated throughout the Zoo, for families to enjoy during the evening hours.

Nov. 30, 2012 – Dec. 31, 2012. ZooLights Hours: Monday – Sunday: 5:30 p.m. – 9 p.m. Adults $8.00, children $6.00.

Mundo Maya 12:12:12”

Galeria de la Raza presents Mundo Maya 12:12:12, a celebration of the Mayan culture and the end of the Mayan Calendar next month. The exhibition, featuring works by Latino/­Mayan youth and instructor Roberto Y. Hernández, contains art relating to the Mayan calendar, gods, animals, numbers, people, photographs, woodcarvings, altars, and the ten Mayan foods that changed the world’s eating habits.

Celebrations for maíz, La Virgen de Guadalupe, cacao, and the official end of the Mayan calendar will investigate and commemorate the importance of el Mundo Maya – join us in December for these special events!

Opening reception Thursday, Dec. 6, at 6 p.m. Free and open to the public. At the Galería de la Raza, 2857-24th Street, San Francisco.

La Posarela 2012

Por sexto año consecutivo, alumnos, maestros y artistas del Community Music Center (CMC), con apoyo del Consulado General de México en San Francisco, celebrarán las fiestas decembrinas con su ya tradicional Posarela.

La Posarela del CMC, producida y dirigida por Martha Rodríguez-Salazar, es un espectáculo musical que combina las tradiciones mexicanas de las posadas y las pastorelas, de ahí su original nombre, “Posarela”.

Esta producción presenta arreglos originales de música tradicional latina y un guion bilingüe aderezado con comentarios sociales de tono humorístico. Reúne a intérpretes y audiencia de todas las edades y se ha convertido en un evento anual muy apreciado por las familias que celebran su herencia latina. Asimismo, es una gran oportunidad para que el público en general aprenda y disfrute de las fiestas decembrinas tradicionales mexicanas.

El Consulado General de México en San Francisco se complace en invitar a la comunidad a que se una y disfrute de esta celebración!.

El domingo 9 de diciembre a las 2 p.m., en el Auditorio del Mission High School, 3750 18th Street, San Francisco. Para más información visite ­


Salvador Dalí artwork donated to goodwill in Washington

­Reported by HispanicallySpeaking News

Salvador DalíSalvador Dalí

It was a busy, noisy moment at a thrift store and donation site in Tacoma, Washington, when an anonymous donor left, mixed among other used items, a somewhat deteriorated engraving that turned out to be an original Salvador Dali.

“We found it among other donated second-hand items,” Dylan Lippert, the head of electronic sales at the Tacoma store, told Efe. Funds from the sale of the work by the store, part of the Goodwill social enterprise chain, will be used to provide jobs for some 10 disabled persons.

“We don’t know why it was donated among other second-hand items and not by itself,” Lippert said.

When workers at the store first caught sight of the work they commented how “ugly” it was. “What’s this? Who would want it?” they said.

But the store manager and the director of art donations had their suspicions – they were familiar with the work of the Catalan painter and were ” very impressed and excited by the potential value of the piece, if it should be confirmed,” Lippert said.

Marc Anthony to Break Ground on New Orphanage in Dominican Republic

The Maestro Cares Foundation (MC), founded by international pop icon Marc Anthony and entrepreneur Henry Cardenas, announced today details for its groundbreaking ceremony in La Romana Dominican Republic, where it will help provide a new residence hall and learning center for more than 150 orphaned children.

The event is set for Friday, Nov. 23 at 11:00 a.m. at the new location for Orfanato Niños de Cristo, at Camino a la Luisa in La Romana’s Buena Vista Norte district. Both Anthony and Cardenas are scheduled to be in attendance.

“This day not only marks the beginning of a new life for these children, who are in much need of our support, but it’s also the start of a labor of love for us that began last year and today comes to fruition,” said Anthony.

The new residence will feature state-of-the-art designs and include a kitchen, laundry room, cafeteria, library, chapel, classrooms, dorm rooms, a teacher’s lounge, workshop area, business center, and a baseball field. The land, which measures 10,000 sq. yards., was donated by the Central Romana Corporation.

“This is a very special occasion for the Maestro Cares Foundation,” said Cardenas. “We’ve waited a long time for this ­moment and I can already imagine the children playing and studying in their new home. I applaud our donors and supporters for helping make this day possible, and especially to Central Romana Corporation for recognizing the importance of building a foundation for the children. This is the start of many great things to come.”

Launched in January 2012, Maestro Cares was established to assist in the development of orphanages throughout Latin America. By providing basic needs such as food, school supplies, dorm rooms, classrooms, clinics and other essential development programs, Maestro Cares seeks to provide children with healthy environments for learning while instilling a culture that includes a strong work ethic, confidence and discipline. Through a series of fundraisers, Maestro Cares raised over $200,000 this summer to start the construction of the new residence hall and learning center.


­Saturday, November 24 – TBD –

WBC minimumweight title: Xiong Zhao Zhong (19-4-1, 11 KOs) vs. Javier Martinez Resendiz (13-3-2, 6 KOs).

Saturday, November 24 – Ontario, California

(HBO) – WBA lightweight title: Richard Abril (17-3-1, 8 KOs) vs. Sharif Bogere (23-0, 15 KOs).

Friday, November 30 – Coral Gables, Florida –

WBA light welterweight title: Joan Guzman (33-0-1, 20 KOs) vs. Khabib Allakhverdiev (17-0, 8 KOs).

Saturday, December 1 – New York, New York

(SHOWTIME) – Junior middleweights: Austin Trout (25-0, 14 KOs) vs. Miguel Angel Cotto (37-3, 30 KOs).

CIA allegedly using drug money to overthrow Ecuador President Rafael Correa

by Matías Rojas

Ecuador President Rafael Correa.Ecuador President Rafael Correa.

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is using drug money to fund Rafael Correa’s opposition in the coming 2013 Ecuadorian elections, intelligence sources have revealed to Chilean independent media. The accusations do not stand alone. In October, former UK diplomat Craig Murray said that the CIA had tripled its budget to destabilize the government of Ecuador.

The allegations were made public by President Rafael Correa on Nov. 3 on national television, just days after his official visit to ­Chile to meet with President Sebastian Piñera.

Correa reaffirmed information that appeared in an article written by Chilean independent media outlet Panoramas News, revealing that the CIA and DEA stations in Chile were running a narcotics trafficking network through that country with the full knowledge of Chilean authorities and police.

One of the sources quoted by Chilean media, a former police officer in the Policia de Investigaciones (PDI) by the name of Fernando Ulloa, said that 300 kilograms of cocaine were entering Chile monthly under the escort of members of his own institution, the Carabineros, and the Chilean Army. In May 2011, Fernando Ulloa met with then Chilean Minister of Interior Rodrigo Hinzpeter in La Moneda to inform him about the drug network. After more than one year, the Piñera’s government had done ­nothing to investigate the case.

The scandal resurfaced again after 10 Chilean cops were detained with links to a minor drug smuggling ring, not connected to the one Ulloa was exposing. Although Chilean television was more open to talk about police corruption, Ulloa was only interviewed by two TV networks, where he accused Minister Rodrigo Hinzpeter of covering up the larger narcotics ring he was investigating before being kicked out of his job as PDI inspector.

The links to US intelligence emerged after an anonymous source from the Agencia Nacional de Inteligencia (ANI) told Panoramas News that the smuggling of 300 kilos of cocaine was in fact a highly sensitive CIA/DEA operation that would help to raise money to topple the government of Ecuador. The operation is similar to the one carried out by the Agency in Central America during the Iran-Contra scandal in the 1980’s, the source said.

The director of Panoramas News, journalist Patricio Mery Bell, was planning to hand over the information to Rafael Correa while the Ecuadorian President was visiting Chile, but he was strangely accused of beating a woman after she stole his cell-phone. The cell-phone memory contained a video testimony of Mery’s intelligence source, destined to be passed to Correa, but it ended up in the hands of the police after the mysterious incident.

Once he was in Ecuador, President Rafael Correa connected the dots and decided to go public with the information. He quoted Murray’s early warnings about the CIA’s intent to “fund, bribe or blackmail media and officials”, originally written in the former diplomat’s own blog, adding that the Agency was dealing drugs just as Oliver North had done during the Contra support effort.

In an interview with NTN24, journalist Patricio Mery added more details to the case, relating the cover-up of the CIA drug dealing operation to the deaths of two different people in the last seven years: former soldier Fabian Vega, who was found hung in the northern city of Calama in 2005, and young citizen Nestor Madariaga Juantok, found death with two bullets in the port of Valparaiso in 2006. Both were ruled as suicides.

Mery also gave the name of the alleged CIA liaison with the Chilean Navy, former captain Jesus Saez Luna, who is now being held in a penitentiary after he mysteriously escaped from Navy custody. Saez Luna was described in his arrest as the biggest drug dealer of the coastal city of Viña del Mar, with networks in Santiago de Chile and the Bio-Bio southern region of the country. Known as “El Marino”, the former captain utilized “military intelligence” tactics to avoid detection by police, according to the Chilean newspaper La Segunda.

The case is being depicted as “Chile-Contras”, in reference to the history of CIA narcotics trafficking in Nicaragua. This is just another example of how drug money is used to fund covert operations, such as the ones we have seen in Syria, with whole guerrilla armies and opposition forces being financed to overthrow countries that aren’t part of the Anglo-American establishment and don’t bow to American corporate interests.



Health basics: When is organic still GMO?

by S. D. Wells

Even though some food is labeled organic, the seeds may still have come from a GMO source; like if a small to mid-size farmer buys seeds or plants, such as tomatoes, from a Home Depot or Lowe’s, and then plants them in organic soil and does not use pesticide,they are still GMO, but they don’tget labeled as such. Who knows this? How do you avoid it? Did you know bees will fly 50 miles, cross-pollinating from one farm to another by carrying mutated genes from corporate GMO farms to organic farms. There are lawsuits coming from both sides and the war waged by the people who don’t want to eat pesticide laden, GENETICALLY MUTATED CROP has just begun. (

What does “organic” really mean?

Simply stated, organic produce and other ingredients are grown without the use of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, genetically modified organisms, or ionizing radiation. Also, very important is that the animals that are consumed or produce eggs and milk do not take antibiotics or growth hormones.

Going to a local farmer’s market is one wise path, but they still may have bought GM seeds or used pesticides, or both. Most likely, your friendly local farmers have respect and maintain the integrity of their crop, for the sake of their families, their neighbors, and their community.(

The USDA National Organic Program (NOP) defines organic as follows:

“Organic food is produced by farmers who emphasize the use of renewable resources and the conservation of soil and water to enhance environmental quality for future generations. Organic meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products come from animals that are given no antibiotics or growth hormones. Organic food is produced without using most conventional pesticides; fertilizers made with synthetic ingredients or sewage sludge; bioengineering; or ionizing radiation. Before a product can be labeled “organic,” a Government-approved certifier inspects the farm where the food is grown to make sure the farmer is following all the rules necessary to meet USDA organic standards. Companies that handle or process organic food before it gets to your local supermarket or restaurant must be certified, too.”

The USDA has three “categories of organic:”

1. 100 percent Organic: Made with 100 percent organic ingredients.

2. Organic: Made with at least 95 percent organic ingredients.

3. “Made With Organic Ingredients:” Made with a minimum of 70 percent organic ingredients with strict restrictions on the remaining 30 percent including no GMOs (genetically modified organisms).

Products with fewer than 70 percent organic ingredients may list organically produced ingredients on the side panel, but may not make any organic claims on the front of the package.

Do not trust the USDA! The USDA is not to be trusted, though. Although their stamp of organic goes a long way, there’s no guarantee, and since we’ve seen the FDA endorse horrific disease-causing foods, additives, chemicals, GMO, and more, you have to be your own investigator.

This is right from the USDA site; they support GMO! “Welcome to the USDA’s Agricultural Biotechnology Website: The USDA supports the safe and appropriate use of science and technology, including biotechnology, to help meet agricultural challenges and consumer needs of the 21st century. USDA plays a key role in assuring that products produced using biotechnology are safe to be grown and used in the United States. Once these products enter commerce, USDA supports bringing these and other products to the worldwide marketplace.” (In other words, feed the whole world cancer). (

Have you seen the French scientists’ long-term study of GMO effects on rats? The rats get tumors the size of baseballs and die an early death. (

One Nebraska organic farmer, David Vetter, has been testing his corn for GMO contamination. Situated right in the middle of corn country, all around him are farmers growing genetically modified corn and that poses a major problem. Corn is an openpollinating crop. Wind and insects can carry pollen from a few yards to several miles. Last year, Vetter’s organic corn tested positive for genetic contamination. “We’ve been letting customers who buy in bulk know the situation,” says Vetter. (

Since one of the heads of the FDA, Michael Taylor, used to be a lobbyist and vice president of Monsanto, don’t look for regulations any time soon, especially since Obama appointed him and the re-election is set in stone. Also, watch for articles, lawsuits, and companies that sell out from organic to corporate run pseudo-organic. They are caving by the numbers. It’s all about the money, until people get cancer and can’t buy their way out of it. (­

Paraguayan left proclaimed Carrillo presidencial candidate

­by the El Reportero’s wire services

Anibal CarrilloAnibal Carrillo

Guasú Front, a coalition of leftist parties and movements in Paraguay proclaimed Anibal Carrillo as its candidate for presidential elections in April 2013.

Carrillo, a doctor, has a long history in the student and political struggle of Paraguay, was militant of the Febrerista Party and founder of the Tekojoja party, one of the leading members of the front.

The presentation ceremony was initiated by Fernando Lugo, president of the organization, who described the Guasú Front as democrats, anti-imperialist and anti-coup and sustained it will hold an election campaign based on programmatic axes of popular content.

The event, held at the headquarters of the Front, was attended by delegations from several departments, including representatives of peasant organizations.

Ecuador says charges about CIA interference are credible

Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa said denunciations about US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) interference to destabilize his government and hinder his reelection are credible.

During a television-broadcast interview with journalist Jorge Gestoso, Correa referred to the denunciations presented by UK ex-Ambassador to Uzbekistan Craig Murray and the Chilean journalist Patricio Mery Bell and said they acre credible because there are precedents.

Replying to denigration of those denunciations by the ambassador in this capital, he said: “I trust in Obama’s government. I trust in Hillary Clinton and Ambassador Adam Namm. I believe the government does not know, but it does not mean it is not happening.”

Florida, last stop on a your of Cuba Symphony Orchestra

The Mahaffey Theater, located in Saint Petersburg, Florida, hosted the National Symphony Orchestra of Cuba in the first of five concerts to give in that state as closing its first U.S. tour.

According to digital media, the 72 Cuban musicians shared the stage with the Florida Orchestra, the institution responsible for this invitation as part of the multicultural exchange 5program of both groups.

­“This is a brick to help rebuild a bridge. Nowdays, Cubans nothing more than to be friends of the United States, and the music is a universal language that we all have in common,” Jose Valiente, chairman of the Cuba Committee for Florida orchestra, told reporters. Similar opinion has the Cuban symphonic director, maestro Enrique Pérez Mesa, who said that music has always transcended politics border.