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10 methods of mind control

by Nicholas West
Activist Post

The more one researches mind control, the more one will come to the conclusion that there is a coordinated script that has been in place for a very long time with the goal to turn the human race into non-thinking automatons. For as long as man has pursued power over the masses, mind control has been orchestrated by those who study human behavior in order to bend large populations to the will of a small “elite” group. Today, we have entered a perilous phase where mind control has taken on a physical, scientific dimension that threatens to become a permanent state if we do not become aware of the tools at the disposal of the technocratic dictatorship unfolding on a worldwide scale.

Modern mind control is both technological and psychological. Tests show that simply by exposing the methods of mind control, the effects can be reduced or eliminated, at least for mind control advertising and propaganda. More difficult to counter are the physical intrusions, which the military-industrial complex continues to develop and improve upon.

1. Education — This is the most obvious, yet still remains the most insidious. It has always been a would-be dictator’s ultimate fantasy to “educate” naturally impressionable children, thus it has been a central component to Communist and Fascist tyrannies throughout history. No one has been more instrumental in exposing the agenda of modern education than Charlotte Iserbyt — one can begin research into this area by downloading a free PDF of her book, The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, which lays bare the role of Globalist foundations in shaping a future intended to produce seravile drones lorded over by a fully educated, aware elite class.

2. Advertising and Propaganda – Edward Bernays has been cited as the inventor of the consumerist culture that was designed primarily to target people’s self-image (or lack thereof) in order to turn a want into a need. This was initially envisioned for products such as cigarettes, for example. However, Bernays also noted in his 1928 book, Propaganda, that “propaganda is the executive arm of the invisible government.” This can be seen most clearly in the modern police state and the growing citizen snitch culture, wrapped up in the pseudo-patriotic War on Terror. The increasing consolidation of media has enabled the entire corporate structure to merge with government, which now utilizes the concept of propaganda placement. Media; print, movies, television, and cable news can now work seamlessly to integrate an overall message which seems to have the ring of truth because it comes from so many sources, simultaneously. When one becomes attuned to identifying the main “message,” one will see this imprinting everywhere. And this is not even to mention subliminal messaging.

3. Predictive Programming – Many still deny that predictive programming is real. I would invite anyone to examine the range of documentation put together by Alan Watt and come to any other conclusion. Predictive programming has its origins in predominately elitist Hollywood, where the big screen can offer a big vision of where society is headed. Just look back at the books and movies which you thought were far-fetched, or “science fiction” and take a close look around at society today. For a detailed breakdown of specific examples, Vigilant Citizen is a great resource that will probably make you look at “entertainment” in a completely different light.

4. Sports, Politics, Religion – Some might take offense at seeing religion, or even politics, put alongside sports as a method of mind control. The central theme is the same throughout: divide and conquer. The techniques are quite simple: short circuit the natural tendency of people to cooperate for their survival, and teach them to form teams bent on domination and winning. Sports has always had a role as a key distraction that corrals tribal tendencies into a non-important event, which in modern America has reached ridiculous proportions where protests will break out over a sport celebrity leaving their city, but essential human issues such as liberty are giggled away as inconsequential. Political discourse is strictly in a left-right paradigm of easily controlled opposition, while religion is the backdrop of nearly every war throughout history.

5. Food, Water, and Air – Additives, toxins, and other food poisons literally alter brain chemistry to create docility and apathy. Fluoride in drinking water has been proven to lower IQ; Aspartame and MSG are excitotoxins which excite brain cells until they die; and easy access to the fast food that contains these poisons generally has created a population that lacks focus and motivation for any type of active lifestyle. Most of the modern world is perfectly groomed for passive receptiveness — and acceptance — of the dictatorial elite. And if you choose to diligently watch your diet, they are fully prepared to spray the population from the above.

6. Drugs — This can be any addictive substance, but the mission of mind controllers is to be sure you are addicted to something. One major arm of the modern mind control agenda is psychiatry, which aims to define all people by their disorders, as opposed to their human potential. This was foreshadowed in books such as Brave New World. Today, it has been taken to even further extremes as a medical tyranny has taken hold where nearly everyone has some sort of disorder — particularly those who question authority. The use of nerve drugs in the military has led to record numbers of suicides. Worst of all, the modern drug state now has over 25 percent of U.S. children on mind-numbing medication.

7. Military testing — The military has a long history as the testing ground for mind control. The military mind is perhaps the most malleable, as those who pursue life in the military generally resonate to the structures of hierarchy, control, and the need for unchallenged obedience to a mission. For the increasing number of military personal questioning their indoctrination, a recent story highlighted DARPA’s plans for transcranial mind control helmets that will keep them focused.

8. Electromagnetic spectrum — An electromagnetic soup envelops us all, charged by modern devices of convenience which have been shown to have a direct impact on brain function. In a tacit admission of what is possible, one researcher has been working with a “god helmet” to induce visions by altering the electromagnetic field of the brain. Our modern soup has us passively bathed by potentially mind-altering waves, while a wide range of possibilities such as cell phone towers is now available to the would-be mind controller for more direct intervention.

9. Television, Computer, and “flicker rate”– It’s bad enough that what is “programmed” on your TV (accessed via remote “control”) is engineered; it is all made easier by literally lulling you to sleep, making it a psycho-social weapon. Flicker rate tests show that alpha brain waves are altered, producing a type of hypnosis — which doesn’t portend well for the latest revelation that lights can transmit coded Internet data by “flickering faster than the eye can see.” The computer’s flicker rate is less, but through video games, social networks, and a basic structure which overloads the brain with information, the rapid pace of modern communication induces an ADHD state. A study of video games revealed that extended play can result in lower blood flow to the brain, sapping emotional control.

Furthermore, role-playing games of lifelike war and police state scenarios serve to desensitize a connection to reality. One look at the WikiLeaks video Collateral Murder should be familiar to anyone who has seen a game like Call of Duty.

10. Nanobots – From science fiction horror, directly to the modern brain; the nanobots are on the way. Direct brain modification already has been packaged as “neuroengineering.” A Wired article from early 2009 highlighted that direct brain manipulation via fiber optics is a bit messy, but once installed “it could make someone happy with the press of a button.”

Nanobots take the process to an automated level, rewiring the brain molecule by molecule. Worse, these mini droids can self-replicate, forcing one to wonder how this genie would ever get back in the bottle once unleashed. Expected date of arrival? Early 2020s.

A concerted effort is underway to manage and predict human behavior so that the social scientists and the dictatorial elite can control the masses and protect themselves from the fallout of a fully awake free humanity. Only by waking up to their attempts to put us to sleep do we stand a chance of preserving our free will.

Ron Paul’s farewell to the United States: Embrace liberty or face self-destruction – Part 6

by Marvin J. Ramirez

Marvin J. RamirezMarvin J. Ramirez

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: Dear readers: I am introducing to you, a memorable speech, which I consider the speech of the century. It is by a man who I believe has the biggest conviction on liberty than any one I have ever known. This man is Congressman Ron Paul, who is leaving Congress after 36 years. Mike Adams, editor of Natural News, took the time to transcribe it. Because the text came out too long, El Reportero will publish it in parts for several weeks. I hope you will enjoy it, and see for yourself, how this man’s vision brings out the raw corruption of our political system, with the hope that we all can help stop on time, the destruction of our Republic. PART 6

Ron Paul’s farewell message to America: Embrace liberty or face self-destruction

by Mike Adams

Ron Paul’s recent farewell speech is arguable the single most important speech in American history. Dr. Paul lays out the fatal problems facing America while pulling no punches. This speech is a must-read piece by anyone who seeks to understand the real reasons why America remains in a downward spiral of social and economic failure under the endless growth of Big Government and runaway debt.

Here’s another part of the full text:

A Culture of Violence

American now suffers from a culture of violence. It’s easy to reject the initiation of violence against one’s neighbor but it’s ironic that the people arbitrarily and freely anoint government officials with monopoly power to initiate violence against the American people — practically at will.

Because it’s the government that initiates force, most people accept it as being legitimate. Those who exert the force have no sense of guilt. It is believed by too many that governments are morally justified in initiating force supposedly to “do good.” They incorrectly believe that this authority has come from the “consent of the people.” The minority, or victims of government violence never consented to suffer the abuse of government mandates, even when dictated by the majority. Victims of TSA excesses never consented to this abuse.

This attitude has given us a policy of initiating war to “do good,” as well. It is claimed that war, to prevent war for noble purposes, is justified. This is similar to what we were once told that: “destroying a village to save a village” was justified. It 2was said by a US Secretary of State that the loss of 500,000 Iraqis, mostly children, in the 1990s, as a result of American bombs and sanctions, was “worth it” to achieve the “good” we brought to the Iraqi people. And look at the mess that Iraq is in today.

Government use of force to mold social and economic behavior at home and abroad has justified individuals using force on their own terms. The fact that violence by government is seen as morally justified, is the reason why violence will increase when the big financial crisis hits and becomes a political crisis as well.

First, we recognize that individuals shouldn’t initiate violence, then we give the authority to government. Eventually, the immoral use of government violence, when things goes badly, will be used to justify an individual’s “right” to do the same thing. Neither the government nor individuals have the moral right to initiate violence against another yet we are moving toward the day when both will claim this authority. If this cycle is not reversed society will break down.

When needs are pressing, conditions deteriorate and rights become relative to the demands and the whims of the majority. It’s then not a great leap for individuals to take it upon themselves to use violence to get what they claim is theirs. As the economy deteriorates and the wealth discrepancies increase — as are already occurring — violence increases as those in need take it in their own hands to get what they believe is theirs. They will not wait for a government rescue program.

When government officials wield power over others to bail out the special interests, even with disastrous results to the average citizen, they feel no guilt for the harm they do. Those who take us into undeclared wars with many casualties resulting, never lose sleep over the death and destruction their bad decisions caused. They are convinced that what they do is morally justified, and the fact that many suffer just can’t be helped.

When the street criminals do the same thing, they too have no remorse, believing they are only taking what is rightfully theirs. All moral standards become relative. Whether it’s bailouts, privileges, government subsidies or benefits for some from inflating a currency, it’s all part of a process justified by a philosophy of forced redistribution of wealth. Violence, or a threat of such, is the instrument required and unfortunately is of little concern of most members of Congress.

Some argue it’s only a matter of “fairness” that those in need are cared for. There are two problems with this. First, the principle is used to provide a greater amount of benefits to the rich than the poor. Second, no one seems to be concerned about whether or not it’s fair to those who end up paying for the benefits. The costs are usually placed on the backs of the middle class and are hidden from the public eye. Too many people believe government handouts are free, like printing money out of thin air, and there is no cost. That deception is coming to an end. The bills are coming due and that’s what the economic slowdown is all about.

Sadly, we have become accustomed to living with the illegitimate use of force by government. It is the tool for telling the people how to live, what to eat and drink, what to read and how to spend their money.

To develop a truly free society, the issue of initiating force must be understood and rejected. Granting to government even a small amount of force is a dangerous concession.

9th annual Voices of Latin Rock autism awareness benefit

by the El Reportero’s staff

Puro BandidoPuro Bandido

It takes place on two big nights in 2013: at Bimbo’s 365 Club on Thursday January 24th and at The Fox Theatre RWC on Friday January 25th. The headlining act for both nights will be Tierra, who are celebrating their 40th anniversary with hit songs such as Together. Gonna Find Her, Barrio Suite, and Margarita.

January 24th at Bimbos SF also features Generation Esmeralda, well known for their versions of “Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood” and “House of the Rising Sun”, along with the Border rock sounds of Puro Bandido, and the Filipino influenced Dakila. Along with Tierra, Friday January 25th at the Fox Theatre will also showcase Richard Bean and Sapo, celebrating 40 years of Suavecito, with Ruckatan’s fusion of Latin, Reggae and World Music.

A Taste of Viña del Mar

Viña del Mar Sister Cities Committee is well underway in getting organized to welcome a very special delegation from Chile on April 2013.

We are hosting 7 women entrepreneurs from Viña del Mar for 7 days!

Save-the-date: January 26 to attend Seven Wines, Seven Women, Seven Dreams at the “Pines.” It’s going to be lots of fun, and please take note on the many ways that you can help us welcome seven women entrepreneurs to California, next Spring.

You will meet Chilean business leaders, artists and special guests; live music, DJ, live auction, Chilean folk dance, and much more!

Saturday, January 26, 2013, at 7 p.m. $57 per person, at The Pines” – a private, historic mansion, 33 Miller Street, Sausalito. Parking & shuttle service
Cocktail attire. Donate @

Two trips to Nicaragua photo exhibit

Natasha Robinson works of Fantasy, Surreal and Sci- fi. Harold Adler “Two Trips to Nicaragua”2005 & 2012 and Victor Owens Art House 2011.” Opened on Jan. 6 and on exhibition now through March 2013.

Pot luck yum! Live music by Mugg Muggles and SPECIAL Surprise Guests!

Admission FREE. Donations welcome!

Kids of all ages, young at Heart and Old Souls! Wheelchair Accessible It’s all flat!

At Art House Gallery & Cultural Center, 2905 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley Calif. For more info call 510-472-3170.

Colombian Court bans film after testimony of former hostage

by Hispanically Speaking News

Film Operación E.Film Operación E.

A politician and attorney who spent six years as a hostage of FARC guerrillas has convinced a court to prohibit the marketing in Colombia of “Operacion E” (Operation E), a film inspired by the story of a peasant who cared for a son she bore in captivity.

The film, directed by Michel Courtois and starring Spanish actor Luis Tosar, premiered in Spain on Dec. 5 and was scheduled to hit theaters in Colombia in March.

But the film’s producers – Tormenta Films, ZircoZine and AJOZ – said in a statement Friday that Clara Rojas secured a court injunction prohibiting the film from being screened, distributed or marketed in Colombia.

That ruling was issued without the judge having even seen the movie, does not take into account the filmmakers’ point of view and is based solely on the allegations of the one-time vice presidential candidate, the statement said.

The producers say the film is not centered on Rojas and that, though it includes some events pertaining to her son, Emmanuel, the focus is on other characters.

The film’s legal adviser, Marisa Castelo, said the producers sought out legal opinions on the film and that those documents found no harm done to the rights of children, adding that Rojas opted for a “more aggressive” legal avenue, presenting a writ for the protection of minors.

Jose Crisanto Gomez, who cared for Emmanuel while Rojas was in captivity, has said in promotional events for the film in Spain that he has had no contact with either of them since her release.

The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC, guerrilla group entrusted Crisanto with the care of Emmanuel, whom Rojas – kidnapped in February 2002 along with Colombian presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt – bore in the jungle in 2004 to a rebel father.

The peasant and his family took the seriously ill boy in 2005 to a hospital, where the government – unaware of the child’s true identity – took custody of him.

Crisanto, subsequently harassed by FARC rebels who wanted to recover the boy and use him as a bargaining chip and by Colombian authorities who accused him of kidnapping, ended up spending four years in prison before he was eventually released without charges.

Rojas was freed by the rebels in January 2008, while Betancourt was among a group of 15 captives rescued by Colombian security forces in July of that year.

In other entertainent news:

La actriz y productora mexicana Olga Segura estrena película en Sundance con Jessica Biel Mexican actress and produced Olga Segura premieres movie in Sundance with Jessica Biel

MÉXICO, D.F, – The talented Mexican actress and producer Olga Segura, who was recently in movie theaters in the country with the movie Hidden Moon, will participate in 2013 with her production Emanuel and the Truth about Fishes.

This year will be a great year for Olga as a producer, since “Emanuel and the Truth about Fishes” will be in Sundance. The movie is directed by Francesca Gregorini, who also directed Tanner Hall which premiered at the Toronto Film Festival.

It is worth noting that this movie is not her first production. Beside Emanuel and the Truth about Fishes, Olga producer Mar Muerto, Cellmates and Marcelo.


El Deporte de los Caballeros

Saturday, January 19 – New York, New York (HBO) –

Featherweights: Orlando Salido (39-11-2, 27 KOs) vs. Miguel Angel Garcia (30-0, 26 KOs);

Junior lightweights: Roman Martinez (26-1-1, 16 KOs) vs. Juan Carlos Burgos (30-1, 20 KOs);

Middleweights: Gennady Golovkin (24-0, 21 KOs) vs. Gabriel Rosado (21-5, 13 KOs).

Saturday, January 19 – Los Angeles, California (SHOWTIME) –

Welterweights: Devon Alexander (24-1, 13 KOs) vs. Kell Brook (29-0, 19 KOs).

End of the first round of talks between the Farc and the Colombian govenment

Colombian civil society intervenes in the process of peace, demands an integral agrarian reform

The Political Forum of Integral Rural Development, that was held in Bogotá from the December 17 and 19 2012. (PHOTO BY ORSETTA BELLANI)

by Orsetta Bellani
Especial for El Reportero

On Friday, December 21st, the first round of talks between the Colombian government and the guerrillas of the FARC-EP ended. The parties are seeking, since November 19th in Havana, Cuba, to reach an agreement that would end the war that for half a century has torn Colombia apart.
The talks will resume on January 8th with the discussion of proposals that will outline agreements on agricultural issues, which has been chosen as the first item on the agenda, since it is the main cause of the conflict. In fact, the inequity in land distribution created the conditions for the birth of the Marxist guerrillas and paramilitary groups acting in defense of the interests of landowners.
The proposals that the parties will need to consider in January are not only the ones that have been raised by both the government and the FARC, but also those that have been submitted by Colombian civil society through a dedicated website, or that have been deposited in mailboxes at town halls.

“This is a process that uses several modern tools for a broad and pluralistic participation that will enrich the discussion. This is the true pluralism that allows everyone, from every corner, to let us know their views. We will continue to consider proposals, some of them quite interesting,” said Humberto de la Calle, Head of the Delegation of the Government in the negotiations.

In addition, the talks in Havana will have to examine the proposals that have come out of the Forum for Integrated Rural Development Policy, held in Bogota on December, 17th-19th, 2012. The Forum was summoned by the same negotiating table and organized by the Center for Thought and Monitoring of the Peace Process of the National University of Colombia and the United Nations Office in Colombia. Around 1200 representatives of movements and peasant, indigenous, student and human rights organizations were invited, as well as political parties and agribusiness unions, with the task of systematizing concrete proposals on rural development policies that would be implemented in the country, so as to be presented on January 8th at the negotiating table in Havana.

“The rural issue is the main cause of conflict and civil society participation is key,” noted Bruno Moro, UN Resident Coordinator, during the opening ceremony.

Data presented at the Forum for Integrated Rural Development Policy showed that currently in the Colombian countryside, where there has never been a successful land reform, inequality persists.

According to the 2011 Human Development Report of the United Nations Program for Development (UNDP), 80 per cent of the Colombian hungry population live in the countryside. During half a century of conflict, the peasantry has been stripped of more than 7 million hectares of land, in a country where 52.2 per cent of the land belongs to the 1.1 per cent of the population.

Participants of the 20 tables that formed the Forum for Integrated Rural Development Policy rejected plans for militarization of rural areas and highlighted the need of sovereignty and food security, a new rural infrastructure, with a focus on gender policy that also guarantee the rights of indigenous communities and people of African descent.

They also highlighted the need to promote Rural Reserve Areas (areas where a limit is set to the extension of each plot) and amend the Law of Victims and Land Restitution of Juan Manuel Santos’ government.

Overall, the participants to the Forum proved the failure of the current model of economic development characterized by mining and agribusiness, and raised the need for a comprehensive, democratic and participatory land reform, which sets a limit to land ownership and the presence of foreign capital in the country.

The need for a comprehensive land reform is also raised by the FARC: following the end of the first round of negotiations, the head of the delegation of the guerrilla, Luciano Marin Arango, alias Ivan Marquez, said that they will not stop discussing the country’s social and economic development model.

“The public can be assured that their proposals will be valued appropriately,” said De la Calle, who however highlighted the government’s willingness to advance a negotiated settlement of the conflict, saying that under no circumstances the change of the Colombian economic development model is at stake, adding that for that to be discussed, the guerrillas must leave the weapons, do politics and win the elections.

“You cannot think that the end to the estates will be signed in Havana or that the country will be structurally transformed,” says Sergio Coronado, from CINEP (Center for Research and Popular Education).

“But the agreement itself can create a foundation on which to build a model of rural development much closer to the need of peasant sectors, something that would be easier in the absence of an armed conflict.

However, the resolution of land conflicts in the country does not depend on the signing of peace accords, the absence of armed conflict does not mean the absence of social conflict.”


Nicaragua evacuates 3km radios of San Cristobal vocano

by the El Reportero’s wire services

Rosario MurilloRosario Murillo

Nicaragua started today evacuating more than 300 families in a radius of three kilometers from San Cristobal Volcano, north Chinandega, because it has increased activity.

Rosario Murillo, coordinator of the Consejo de Comunicación y Ciudadanía, asked the people to cooperate and move into shelters to prevent further difficulties, especially exposing their health and lives.

Murillo highlight in telephone interview for Canal 4 TV chanel the work of the Sistema Nacional de Atención, Mitigación y Prevención de Desastres (Sinapred) and other bodies from yesterday because of the rumbles and the 500 to 800 m-high gas and ash emission.

The government brass stressed on the need to support those working for the people’s welbeing and assured that there will always be fresh news on the developments and measures enforced under the yellow alert in the volcano’s vecinity through Sinatrep.

President Daniel Ortega, for his part, ordered to enforce the yellow alert to introduce the measures needed should further complication may occur and activated the Municipal Committees of Prevention, Mitigation and Disaster Attention.

The Civil Defense sent in four contingents with the logistics to evacuate the population, added Guillermo Gonzalez, exec. Secr. of Sinapred.

Similar situation in September forced to order road closing, limit the traffic and the use of masks, among other measures, to prevent complications since Nicaragua is sitting right on one of the largest section of the fault in the pacific origin of the 1,750m above sea level colossus.

Chavismo thumps opposition; Capriles provides sole consolation

Venezuela’s beleaguered opposition received a pummelling at the polls on 16 December.

The ruling Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela (PSUV) swept 20 of the country’s 23 states in regional elections, the best possible palliative for President Hugo Chávez as he convalesces in Cuba.

The only crumb of comfort for the opposition was the victory of Henrique Capriles Radonski in the battle of the heavyweights in Miranda against former vice-president, Elías Jaua. Defeat for incumbent governor Pablo Pérez in the largest state of Zulia means that Capriles is the only candidate with the credibility to stand in presidential elections if Chávez is unable to go on.

Mexico to produce 2.71 million vehicles this year

The automotive production in Mexico will reach 2.7 million vehicles this year, news bulletin reported today.

The official Financial Group Ve por Mas, Manuel Guzman, told reporters that both total production and automobiles export, is in its highs, despite a slight decline in November. He added that these figures show Mexico’s strengths, even in an adverse international environment.

He specified that the main risk that may currently affect the industry is the national fiscal precipice in the United States, its main trading partner.

According to the Mexican Ministry of Economy, last year the country ranked eighth worldwide in automotive production.

Chrysler, Fiat, Ford, General Motors, Honda, Nissan, Toyota and Volks wagen are the brands assembled here.

Feinstein & Cuomo planning Australian-style gun buyback

by Dan Roberts

News that a mandatory, government sponsored gun buyback scheme is in the planning stages emerged last Friday.

Friday is well known as the day of the week in the news cycle to release information or statements that is unusually controversial or ” bad news,” the theory being that the general public will be so distracted by the upcoming weekend that they will pay little if any attention.

Exploiting this common practice, word emerged at the end of last week that Congresswoman Dianne Feinstein and NY State Gov. Andrew Cuomo are actively working on a planned government fiat to seize lawfully owned private property without cause. In the form of an Australian style mandatory firearms buyback program, going so far as to tout that Countries program and so called positive results, while conveniently omitting the fact that Australia’s violent crime rate dramatically increased in the wake of the scheme and continues unabated.

While details are scant in both Feinstein’s and Cuomo’s press release on the plan, Cuomo was quoted as making it clear that the buyback would be compulsory and participation mandatory. Although it remains a question what the penalties for noncompliance would be. Cuomo further added that they would make gun owners “an offer they can’t refuse” when referring to buyback amounts of up to $500.

Sounding more like a NY mafioso then a “leader” in a Free State with significant Constitutional Protections in the way. Cuomo’s offer serves not only to further reveal his elitist arrogance, but also highlights his ignorance, presuming that the owner of a 1, 2 or 3,000 dollar firearm (or multiple ones) would roll over and comply for a cash value orders of magnitude below retail values.

Also worthy of note is Dianne Feinstein’s previous quotes on the news program 60 Minutes several years ago. During her interview with Mike Wallace about the 1994 to 2004 Clinton Era “Assault Weapons Ban” , where Feinstein lamented the fact she felt the law didn’t go far enough and stated “If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them . . . Mr. and Mrs. America, turn ‘em all in, I would have done it. I could not do that. The votes weren’t here.”

This is the same Feinstein who admitted in another, different interview that when she felt threatened by terrorists, she carried a gun for self-defense and stated “I carried a concealed weapon. I made the determination that if somebody was going to try to take me out, I was going to take them with me.” — April 27,1995.

And Gov Cuomo has a taxpayer supplied 24/7 security detail armed with actual, real fully automatic “assault weapons” at his side and disposal for his safety and the safety of his loved ones.

There should now be overwhelming evidence to anyone with two brain cells to rub together that we are no longer being “led” by elected Officials that took their Oath of Office seriously, but by rulers, tyrants who would be Kings, no different then King George III. We might as well take down Old Glory from every State Capitol and the US Capitol in DC and replace it with the Union Jack, while we’re at it, we can rename Congress, Parliament, because there really are no significant recognizable differences between the yoke of tyranny we are under today and the one we threw off over 200 years ago.

If Feinstein’s and Cuomo’s plan is allowed to proceed even one step further without being vociferously and publicly protested and killed in utero, they will have effectively struck the match and lit the fuse on a Second American Revolution.

About Dan Roberts is a grassroots supporter of gun rights that has chosen AmmoLand Shooting Sports News as the perfect outlet for his frank, ‘Jersey Attitude’ filled articles on Guns and Gun Owner Rights. As a resident of the oppressive state of New Jersey he is well placed to be able to discuss the abuses of government against our inalienable rights to keep and bear arms as he writes from deep behind NJ’s Anti-Gun iron curtain. Read more from Dan Roberts or email him at You can also find him on Facebook:

Six signs you are vitamin C deficient

by PF Louis
Natural News

The common disease directly attributed to vitamin C deficiency is scurvy. Scurvy creates a malaise of fatigue and lethargy, affects bone and muscle strength, and stifles the immune system.

Some nutritional experts consider scurvy a manifestation of acidosis, extreme acidity or low pH. That condition gives rise to many other diseases, even cancer. Thanks to using citrus to curb the two million earlier sailors’ scurvy, scurvy’s occurrence has greatly diminished from the late 18th century till now. But it does still occur.

Due to terrible diets or practicing bulimia to become anorexic, there has been a scurvy surge among teens. It can also afflict alcoholics or older people whose ability to absorb vitamin C has diminished from excessive medications or poor diets.

Even infants who are not breast fed by a healthy mom can become scorbutic (manifesting scurvy symptoms).

Although not a wise choice due to toxic additives, most infant formulas are fortified with vitamin C. Most animals can create their own vitamin C.

That’s why they can recover from disease or injury quickly. The problem with us humans, Guinea pigs, and a few other primates is the gene involved with internal vitamin C manufacturing is missing.

The remedy is simple. Introduce more vitamin C food sources into the diet and/or add ascorbic acid supplementation.

Early signs of enc roaching scurvy:

(1) Chronic low energy, strength, and/or depression. Even bone strength is affected. Since acidosis and scurvy are similar, the classic acidosis symptom of wasting away becomes evident while losing weight.

(2) Bleeding gums, loose teeth, or gingivitis. This is an obvious and easy to notice sign that the collagen needed for building and maintaining tissue is deteriorating. Vitamin C is vital for collagen.

(3) Rapid mood changes, short tempers, and irritability can be an early sign of scurvy. Add more vitamin C to your diet or look into other possibilities before seeking pharmaceutical interventions.

(4) Bruises that occur easily, and often linger may be an indication of vitamin C deficiency. Low healing of minor wounds and dryer hair may also point to inadequate vitamin C levels.

(5) Chronic limb or joint pain is another sign for you to check into low vitamin C as a missing nutrient. Sometimes scurvy gets to a point where bleeding occurs within joints, causing severe pain.

(6) Anemia is another sign of possible vitamin C deficiency. If you seem to catch every cold or flu that comes your way, maybe more vitamin C will help elevate your immune system.

Vitamin C deficiency creates neurological problems

A recent study conducted at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Department of Neuroscience in Nashville, Tennessee and recorded in the Journal of Neurochemistry October, 2012, came up with some interesting observations.

They used mice which were genetically engineered to deactivate the genes that normally provide their own vitamin C. Of course, those mice are kept alive and healthy by externally providing them vitamin C with ascorbic acid (AA).

But for the purposes of this study, they created periods of not providing AA and then reintroducing it. Before and after each period, blood samples were taken.

During each deprivation period, behavioral patterns were observed and noted. Depressive and submissive behavior was noted during the initial absence of AA. Compulsions for consuming glucose above all other food types was observed.

After depriving the mice of AA a second time, blood samples indicated “… decreased blood glucose levels, oxidative damage to lipids and proteins in the cortex, and decreases in dopamine and serotonin metabolites in both the cortex and striatum.” In other words, neurological damage.

The miraculous results of IV mega-dose vitamin C or liposomal high cellular absorption vitamin C have been achieved by orthomolecular medical MDs who have used megadose minerals and vitamins for decades, resolving extreme physiological and psychological problems.

Gandhi advocated the right to bear arms; use of ‘violence’ to defend innocents against bullying, oppression

by Mike Adams
Natural News

Gandhi is known around the world as the master of “nonviolence.” And yet, in the face of being threatened with bullying attacks, even Gandhi directly advocated the use of violence in the defense of the innocent. Had Gandhi been alive today and witnessed the senseless loss of life at Sandy Hook Elementary school, he would have advocated arming the principal and giving her a chance to protect innocent lives through the use of defensive violent action.

Don’t believe it? Read his own words…

“I do believe that where there is only a choice between cowardice and violence I would advise violence,” Gandhi wrote in his famous work, Doctrine of the Sword.

He continues:

…When my eldest son asked me what he should have done, had he been present when I was almost fatally assaulted in 1908, whether he should have run away and seen me killed or whether he should have used his physical force which he could and wanted to use, and defended me, I told him that it was his duty to defend me even by using violence.

Gandhi advocated “training in arms” to defend liberty

Gandhi also advocated justified violence over the “cowardice” of submission. Again, this is in his own words:

…Hence also do I advocate training in arms for those who believe in the method of violence. I would rather have India resort to arms in order to defend her honor than that she should in a cowardly manner become or remain a helpless witness to her own dishonor. – M.K. Gandhi, The Doctrine of the Sword.

Gandhi also explains that someone who cannot use violence to defend themselves or their family is a helpless coward and a “worm.”

In his own words from the text Between Cowardice And Violence

…He who cannot protect himself or his nearest and dearest or their honour by non-violently facing death may and ought to do so by violently dealing with the oppressor. He who can do neither of the two is a burden. He has no business to be the head of a family. He must either hide himself, or must rest content to live for ever in helplessness and be prepared to crawl like a worm at the bidding of a bully …

[When violence] is offered in self-defence or for the defence of the defenceless, it is an act of bravery far better than cowardly submission.

In his own words, Gandhi advocated facing danger with measured violence (i.e. shooting back) Also from Gandhi’s text Between Cowardice And Violence.

…A man who, when faced by danger, behaves like a mouse, is rightly called a coward.

Not knowing the stuff of which nonviolence is made, many have honestly believed that running away from danger every time was a virtue compared to offering resistance, especially when it was fraught with danger to one’s life. As a teacher of nonviolence I must, so far as it is possible for me, guard against such an unmanly belief.

Self-defence … is the only honourable course where there is unreadiness for self-immolation.

You got that? Even Gandshi advocated self defense, even if it involved acts of violence. This is why, if Gandhi were alive today, he would have advocated arming school principals to defend innocent life (the children) against psychopathic killers.

Obama wants Americans to be cowards; Gandhi wanted people to act with courage

President Obama, of course, wants to disarm all Americans and turn them into cowards… “sheeple” with no ability to defend themselves against psychopathic killers or a tyrannical government like the one Gandhi faced.

Gandhi openly advocated the opposite: Arming the citizens in the defense of the innocent.

Gandhi, it turns out, was pro Second Amendment and openly believed in the right of citizens to arm themselves in their defense against violence and oppression.

Note: Credit for the research on this article goes to David Rainoshek of

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