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Ron Paul’s farewell to the United States: Embrace liberty or face self-destruction – Part 7

by Marvin J. Ramirez

Marvin J. RamirezMarvin J. Ramirez

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: Dear readers: I am introducing to you, a memorable speech, which I consider the speech of the century. It is by a man who I believe has the biggest conviction on liberty than any one I have ever known. This man is Congressman Ron Paul, who is leaving Congress after 36 years. Mike Adams, editor of Natural News, took the time to transcribe it. Because the text came out too long, El Reportero will publish it in parts for several weeks. I hope you will enjoy it, and see for yourself, how this man’s vision brings out the raw corruption of our political system, with the hope that we all can help stop on time, the destruction of our Republic. PART 7

Ron Paul’s farewell message to America: Embrace liberty or face self-destruction

by Mike Adams

Ron Paul’s recent farewell speech is arguable the single most important speech in American history. Dr. Paul lays out the fatal problems facing America while pulling no punches. This speech is a must-read piece by anyone who seeks to understand the real reasons why America remains in a downward spiral of social and economic failure under the endless growth of Big Government and runaway debt.

Here’s another part of the full text:

Limiting Government Excesses vs. a Virtuous Moral People

Our Constitution, which was intended to limit government power and abuse, has failed. The Founders warned that a free society depends on a virtuous and moral people. The current crisis reflects that their concerns were justified.

Most politicians and pundits are aware of the problems we face but spend all their time in trying to reform government. The sad part is that the suggested reforms almost always lead to less freedom and the importance of a virtuous and moral people is either ignored, or not understood.

The new reforms serve only to further undermine liberty.

The compounding effect has given us this steady erosion of liberty and the massive expansion of debt. The real question is: if it is liberty we seek, should most of the emphasis be placed on government reform or trying to understand what “a virtuous and moral people” means and how to promote it. The Constitution has not prevented the people from demanding handouts for both rich and poor in their efforts to reform the government, while ignoring the principles of a free society.

All branches of our government today are controlled by individuals who use their power to undermine liberty and enhance the welfare/ warfare state-and frequently their own wealth and power.

If the people are unhappy with the government performance it must be recognized that government is merely a reflection of an immoral society that rejected a moral government of constitutional limitations of power and love of freedom.

If this is the problem all the tinkering with thousands of pages of new laws and regulations will do nothing to solve the problem.

It is self-evident that our freedoms have been severely limited and the apparent prosperity we still have, is nothing more than leftover wealth from a previous time. This fictitious wealth based on debt and benefits from a false trust in our currency and credit, will play havoc with our society when the bills come due. This means that the full consequence of our lost liberties is yet to be felt.

But that illusion is now ending. Reversing a downward spiral depends on accepting a new approach.

Expect the rapidly expanding homeschooling movement to play a significant role in the revolutionary reforms needed to build a free society with Constitutional protections.

We cannot expect a Federal government controlled school system to provide the intellectual ammunition to combat the dangerous growth of government that threatens our liberties.

The internet will provide the alternative to the government/media complex that controls the news and most political propaganda.

This is why it’s essential that the internet remains free of government regulation.

Many of our religious institutions and secular organizations support greater dependency on the state by supporting war, welfare and corporatism and ignore the need for a virtuous people.

I never believed that the world or our country could be made more free by politicians, if the people had no desire for freedom.

Under the current circumstances the most we can hope to achieve in the political process is to use it as a podium to reach the people to alert them of the nature of the crisis and the importance of their need to assume responsibility for themselves, if it is liberty that they truly seek. Without this, a constitutionally protected free society is impossible.

If this is true, our individual goal in life ought to be for us to seek virtue and excellence and recognize that self-esteem and happiness only comes from using one’s natural ability, in the most productive manner possible, according to one’s own talents.

Productivity and creativity are the true source of personal satisfaction. Freedom, and not dependency, provides the environment needed to achieve these goals. Government cannot do this for us; it only gets in the way. When the government gets involved, the goal becomes a bailout or a subsidy and these cannot provide a sense of personal achievement.

Achieving legislative power and political influence should not be our goal.

Most of the change, if it is to come, will not come from the politicians, but rather from individuals, family, friends, intellectual leaders and our religious institutions. The solution can only come from rejecting the use of coercion, compulsion, government commands, and aggressive force, to mold social and economic behavior. Without accepting these restraints, inevitably the consensus will be to allow the government to mandate economic equality and obedience to the politicians who gain power and promote an environment that smothers the freedoms of everyone. It is then that the responsible individuals who seek excellence and self-esteem by being self-reliance and productive, become the true victims.

Fiscal Cliffhanger A study in government fear mongering, Partido Libertario dice: Cut Federal spending now

An open letter to American voters from Geoffrey J. Neale, Chair, Libertarian National Committee

Dear Voter,

You’re being scammed. Conned. Deceived.

Big Government politicians are trying to whip you into a frenzy of fear over what they like to call the “fiscal cliff.”

But it’s just their latest episode of a cliffhanger drama. They’re using it to continue their reckless government overspending and stampede you into paying higher taxes.

Why are they combining massive tax increases with “reductions” in federal government spending — and giving it a scary name?

Tax increases and government spending reductions are polar opposites when it comes to their impact.

Tax hikes hurt you. They diminish your family’s wealth and hurt the economy.

Government spending cuts are good for your family. They transfer money out of the reckless, irresponsible, wasteful government sector that consumes wealth and into the productive, private sector that creates wealth.

By blending tax hikes with (alleged) government spending cuts, they try to convince you that they’re all part of one scary package. That both things are bad.

To add injury to insult, their phony “fiscal cliff” doesn’t include a dime of actual government spending cuts. Just pretend reductions in future spending.

Big Government politicians are using embezzlers’ accounting tricks to avoid removing waste and truly discretionary spending from today’s federal budget. They refuse to balance the budget now — the way you have to every month with your family budget.

They threaten us with insanely inflated tax increases — while demanding praise for any taxes that they don’t raise.

It’s as if a thief breaks into your house and threatens to take your new flat-screen TV, your car, all your precious jewelry, and your kids’ favorite electronic games — and then takes just the car and a few rings. He makes you feel relieved that you still have your TV, the kids’ games, and the rest of your jewelry.

On New Year’s Day, what did Big Government politicians actually vote for?

They voted to rip you off an average of $800 a year MORE — a 2 percent increase in your Social Security payroll tax. While they bragged that they were doing you a favor.

They raised a pile of other taxes as well, including taxes on estates, higher incomes, investment income, health care, and businesses.

These Democratic and Republican tax hikes will allow them to rake in a total of $514 billion in new revenue and will destroy millions of private sector jobs. While we have 8 percent unemployment.

While raising taxes, they refused to cut a dime from this year’s government spending. They didn’t even allow their phony future spending cuts to stand.

But they did slip into the deal loads of new federal spending, adding even more to this year’s $1.3 TRILLION deficit.

More government debt = higher taxes for you. Government debt devalues the dollars you earn and save. This hidden tax will gouge you just as surely as a direct tax would. Instead of taking it out of your paycheck, it will cost you in the form of higher prices you will pay for groceries, utilities and virtually everything you buy.

This is what you get when you vote for either Democrats or Republicans. Higher taxes. Higher government spending. More government debt. Higher prices. More unemployment.

It doesn’t matter which of the two you vote for. For all the posturing and gamesmanship, both Democrats and Republicans are peas of a pod. Birds of a feather. They are both addicted to Big Government.

Libertarians have the solution, and it’s simple. To immediately revive the American economy, we must dramatically cut total government spending now.

Every dollar transferred out of government coffers and back into the private sector creates business investment and jobs.

Libertarian candidates who ran for federal office in 2012 called for big spending cuts and balancing the budget now, including Gov. Gary Johnson for president. He proposed to immediately slash spending by at least $1.3 trillion in 2013 to balance the budget his first year in office.

American voters: Help us help you. Join the Libertarian Party today.

Help us run bold Libertarian candidates who will eliminate wasteful and bloated Big Government programs now, dramatically reduce government spending now, stabilize the dollar, and cut your taxes.

If you want less government, lower government spending, and much lower taxes, please join the Libertarian Party today.

Yours in liberty,
Geoffrey J. Neale
Chair Libertarian National Committee

Nicaragua enters the big league of best hotels in the world with Mukul Hotel

by Marvin Ramírez and wire services

An ocean view from the new Hotel Makul, in Guacalito of the Island, Rivas, Nicaragua.An ocean view from the new Hotel Makul, in Guacalito of the Island, Rivas, Nicaragua.

Nicaragua, has entered the big league in hotel accommodation – with a little different flavor than most mega hotel chains: a place built with authentic Nicaraguan flavor and art craft.

The Mukul Resort, a one-of-a-kind luxury boutique hotel and spa in Guacalito de la Isla, Rivas, is a new $250-million, 1,670-acre private beach community on Nicaragua’s Emerald Coast.

This past weekend, Carlos Pellas Chamorro, owner of the Nicaraguan Mill and Sugar Cane Plantation, Ingenio San Antonio and the world-famous Ron Flor de Caña, among a long list of successful enterprises, made his long-time dream come true.

Pellas-Chamorro celebrated with grand splendor the creation of the best hotel Nicaragua has ever had, bringing to the country of Rubén Darío, a piece of art in accommodation that no other hotel in the world can equal.

The music of the whole Mejía-Godoy clan, including Carlos and Luis Enrique Mejía Godoy, their nephew salsa singer Luis Enrique with his orchestra, Otto de la Rocha and Mariachi Nicaragua, entertained the audience at the grand opening, which was comprised of dignitaries of the diplomatic corp, business investors and the Minister of Tourism of Nicaragua. They listened to famous songs like Maria and Quincho Barrilete, which lyrics depicts the clamor of the very poor needs in Nicaragua converted into music.

Every piece of the structural architecture of Mukul was crafted with local material and local labor, while its surrounding community members were trained by the best people to professionalize their services and greet their new customers in the area, expected to be visitors of high financial caliber.

Guests are welcome to visit the neighboring Guacalito de la Isla, where the Mukul is located, and also the fishing village of Gigante, where a number of local beachside restaurants and small businesses have already benefitted from grants and micro loans through the “Don Carlos Pellas Fund for Tourism Excellence” program.

It will be a royal treatment for a just-married couple that wishes to start their new life by spending part of their honeymoon in this hotel jewel.

Already reviewed by some of the best tourism magazine in the world, including Luxury Travel Magazine, before its official grand opening, the name of the hotel, Mukul – the Mayan word for “secret” – will feature 37 spacious accommodations, each with an ocean view, pool and private staff.

Other resort amenities include Spa Mukul, with six private spa-treatment casitas; a beach club featuring dining and lounge areas and a swimming pool; and the 18-hole Guacalito Golf Course.

Guests will enjoy access to the property’s four miles of white-sand beach and rugged coastline, and 12 kilometers of nature trails on which they can hike or bike to observe the four species of monkeys and other wildlife that reside in the lush coastal forest. Guests can also explore Nicaragua through customized experiences that introduce them to the nature, culture and people of this up-and-coming tourism destination, known as the “land of lakes and volcanoes.”

Opening rates at Mukul will start at $550 per double per night, including breakfast, lunch, domestic premium open bar during the day and private ground transportation to/from Managua International Airport.

With this enterprise, the country of lakes and volcanoes, Nicaragua, is prepared to offer the best in hotel to modern tourism.

Oscar winning actor Javier Bardem gets Best-Supporting Acto Nod from BAFTA

by Hispanically Speaking News

Son By FourSon By Four

Spain’s Javier Bardem has been nominated for a Bafta award, the British film industry’s top prize, for his role in the James Bond film “Skyfall.”

The British Academy of Film and Television Arts on Wednesday announced the list of nominees for these prestigious awards, which also included actors Daniel Day-Lewis, Ben Affleck, Helen Mirren, and Emmanuelle Riva.

“Lincoln,” a historical drama about U.S. President Abraham Lincoln’s efforts in January 1865 to have a constitutional amendment passed to outlaw slavery, led all films with 10 nominations, followed by “Les Miserables” and “Life of Pi” with nine each.

Besides Bardem, selected for his portrayal of cyber-terrorist Raoul Silva in the latest installment of the Bond saga, the other best-supporting actor nominees are Alan Arkin (“Argo”), Christopher Waltz (“Django Unchained”), Philip Seymour Hoffman (“The Master”) and Tommy Lee Jones (“Lincoln”).

In addition to “Lincoln” and “Les Miserables,” the other films nominated this year for a best-picture Bafta are “Argo,” “Life of Pi” and “Zero Dark Thirty.”

Christian and Son By Four promotes new single

The Puerto Rican Christian music group Son By Four, known internationally for the number “A Puro Dolor” (Purest of Pain), is promoting their new single, “Si Los Ves Llorar” (If You See Them Cry).

The message of the song, adapted to Spanish from the tune “When the Children Cry,” is that adults should offer faith and hope to youngsters to protect them from the evils of the world, vocalist Jorge Montes told Efe.

“The lyrics are a positive criticism about what kind of world we are going to leave our children, and about how parents, the grown-ups, should behave in front of them to set the world aright,” he said.

Son by Four struck it rich in 2000 with the number “A Puro Dolor,” which topped Billboard’s Hot Latin Tracks chart for five months and became a global hit.

Nonetheless, after the group enjoyed “the fame, the money, the red carpets and trips in private planes,” Son By Four broke up in 2003, re-forming four years later as a band devoted to Christian music.

Victims of Jenni Rivera crash sue her estate and plane’s owners

The families of victims of the airplane crash that took the life of Jenni Rivera are now suing the singer’s company, Jenni Rivera Enterprises, and the airplane owners for negligence.

The private plane carrying popular Mexican-American singer Rivera and several companions experienced an “abrupt descent” before crashing in northern Mexico, killing everyone aboard on December 9, 2012. Days later the wreckage of the completely destroyed plane were found on a ranch in the remote mountainous state of Nuevo Leon.

The famed banda singer was traveling with her publicist, Arturo Rivera, her makeup artist Jorge Sanchez Vasquez and her attorney Mario Macias Pacheco.

The private plane left Monterrey, after Rivera finished performing at The Arena around 3:30 a.m. and lost contact with air control 15 minutes later.

The victim’s families describe, in a suit filed in Los Angeles, the 53 yearold Lear’ jet as a “bucket of bolts” that was owned by Starwood Management.

A plane they felt should never of been in the air.

The families also question Rivera’s judgment in choosing that plane and that hour of departure.

Ibarra brothers, Los Ramblers, lose one brother

by Marvin J. Ramirez

Andrubal IbarraAndrubal Ibarra

Mr. Andrubal Ibarra died in Managua, Nicaragua on January 1st, after a long battle with a rare disease that was slowly paralyzing his body until he completely lost all movement, although he was conscious and listened.

During his life he was a photographer and a fireman, and he was noted for being an excellent judoka, reaching black belt in Judo and representing Nicaragua at the Pan American and Caribbean Games in the 70s.

Born in the city of Leon on March 11th to Fanor Ibarra Rojas (RIP) and his wife, Herminia Ibarra Gonzalez (RIP), Mr. Ibarra was one of the older brothers of the Ibarras, members of the band The Ramblers and owners of the popular Ibarra Printing, based in SF.

Mr. Ibarra stayed in Nicaragua when his brothers immigrated to the US in 1983.

He is survived by his wife Mrs. Martha Quiroz de Ibarra and six children: Nola, Herminia, George, Evelyn, Dorothy and Asdrubal, and ten siblins: Nola, Atilio Anibal, Fanor, Arturo, Denis, José María, Rosalpina and Armando.

His remains were buried in the cemetery of Managua Memorial Gardens.

El Reportero and its staff extend their sincere condolences to the Ibarras, a beloved family in San Francisco, California and the rest of the family in Managua.


Saturday, January 19 – New York, New York (HBO) –

Featherweights: Orlando Salido (39-11-2, 27 KOs) vs. Miguel Angel Garcia (30-0, 26 KOs);

Junior lightweights: Roman Martinez (26-1-1, 16 KOs) vs. Juan Carlos Burgos (30-1, 20 KOs);

Middleweights: Gennady Golovkin (24-0, 21 KOs) vs. Gabriel Rosado (21-5, 13 KOs).

Saturday, January 19 – Los Angeles, California (SHOWTIME) –

Welterweights: Devon Alexander (24-1, 13 KOs) vs. Kell Brook (29-0, 19 KOs).

DHS purchase 200,000 more round of ammunition

Federal government continues to arm itself to the teeth while Obama administration pushes gun control

by Paul Joseph Watson

While the Obama administration sets out to eviscerate the gun rights of American citizens in the aftermath of Sandy Hook, earlier this week it was announced that the Department of Homeland Security has awarded a company a contract worth over $45,000 dollars to provide the DHS with 200,000 more rounds of bullets.
This new purchase adds to the staggering figure of 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition already secured by the DHS over the last 9 months alone.
A solicitation originally posted on the website on December 17 on behalf of the DHS Federal Law Enforcement Training Center advertised the need for 200 cases of 13–40 Cal, 180 Grain, Jacketed Hollow Point bullets, with each case containing 1000 rounds, to be delivered almost immediately as soon as the contract is awarded.

The bullets are to be delivered to a training site in North Charleston, South Carolina, which “specializes in Maritime Law Enforcement and Port Security Training. Basic and advanced training programs are conducted in concert with the U.S. Coast Guard Maritime Law Enforcement Academy, the U.S. Courts Probation and Pretrial Services Training Academy, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Training Academy, the Customs and Border Protection Field Operations Academy, and the Naval Criminal Investigative Service.”

The winner of the contract to provide the DHS with the ammunition, announced on January 2, was Evian Group Inc., an organization that was formed just five days before the announcement of the solicitation.

As James Smith documents, Evian Group seems to be little more than a front organization and doesn’t appear to have any real business assets, a genuine physical address, a website, or even a phone number.

Back in August, the Department of Homeland Security censored information relating to the amount of bullets purchased by the DHS on behalf of Immigration & Customs Enforcement, citing an “unusual and compelling urgency” to acquire the bullets, noting that there is a shortage of bullets which is threatening a situation that could cause “substantial safety issues for the government” should law enforcement officials not be adequately armed.

The information was blacked out despite the fact that documents are only supposed to be redacted if authorized by Congress or for national security reasons.

The contradiction of the Obama administration preaching gun control while simultaneously the federal government arms itself to the teeth with an arsenal that would be enough to wage a full scale 7 year ground war is jaw-dropping.

As Mike Adams highlights, “A citizen is considered to be a stockpiling “terrorist” prepper if they own just 1,000 rounds of ammo. The government, however, can purchase billions and the mainstream media doesn’t even question it.”

“Where is all this ammunition going? It’s being stockpiled by the federal government, awaiting some future event during which it will apparently be “activated.” Why else would you stockpile something if you don’t anticipate needing to use it someday?”

“During all this, Obama and his cohorts in Washington are loudly insisting that American citizens have no right to purchase firearms or ammunition, and that new laws will soon be enacted to make sure you cannot do what the government does: stockpile weapons and ammo.”

Indeed, the double standard is staggering and while Americans are being raided for stockpiling “arsenals” of weapons that subsequently turn out to be no more than a few guns, the federal government is simultaneously building a very real and substantial arsenal while the mainstream media turns a blind eye.

(Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for and He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.)

In other related news:

America’s Biggest Killers: The Chart Anti-Gunners Don’t Want You To See

by Mac Slavo

What we are hearing from bloviating gun control advocates in America is nothing short of emotionally driven irrationality.

According to statistics assembled from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Center for Disease Control and the Federal Government, firearms related homicides are minuscule in comparison to other the other “big killers” in the United States.

If we look at homicide statistics in the United States it’s clear that more murders are committed with knives, bats, hammers and poisons than with firearms. As Kurt Nimmo recently noted, “ the number of murders committed annually with hammers and clubs far outpaces the number of murders committed with a rifle.”

The facts, not the drivel being spewed by the anti-gun propaganda machine, leave us wondering why some State and Federal lawmakers are so adamant about restricting the sale and ownership of handguns and rifles, especially since the majority of gun owners – close to 99 percent – have never committed a violent crime in their lives, let alone used a gun to do so.

Here is the chart they never want you to see:

The chart above proves that politicians and those who would disarm Americans by going so far as to call for a repeal of the 2nd Amendment have ulterior motives – or they’re completely ignorant of the facts.

Perhaps their goal is to trigger a revolution in an effort to implement a total police state over the American people.

It wouldn’t be the first time that a government has tried something like this.


Top 20 airports where TSA thugs are most likely to steal your stuff

by David Gutiérrez
Natural News

A Freedom of Information Act request by ABC News has revealed the 20 U.S. airports where the most Transportation Security Administration (TSA) employees have been fired for stealing from travelers.

Overall, nearly 400 TSA employees were fired for theft between the years 2002 and 2011. Of the airports ranked among the top 20 in firings, 16 were also among the 20 busiest in the country – although their rank in terms of passenger traffic did not always correspond to their rank in terms of TSA theft. Miami International Airport fired the most employees, even though it is only the 12th busiest airport in the country. And Salt Lake City International, Washington Dulles, Louis Armstrong New Orleans International and San Diego International all ranked among the top 20 in terms of firings, but are not among the country’s 20 busiest airports at all.

The top 20 airports in terms of firings for TSA employee theft were: Miami International Airport with 29, JFK International Airport with 27, Los Angeles International Airport with 24, Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport with 17, Las Vegas-McCarren International Airport with 15, Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport with 14, New York-Laguardia Airport with 14, Newark Liberty Airport with 12, Philadelphia International Airport with 12, Seattle-Tacoma International Airport with 12, Orlando International Airport with 11, Houston-George Bush Intercontinental Airport with 10, Salt Lake City International Airport with 10, Washington Dulles International Airport with nine, Detroit Metro Airport with seven, Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport with seven, Boston-Logan International Airport with six, Denver International Airport with six, San Diego International Airport with six, and Chicago O’Hare International Airport with five.

Between them, these 20 airports accounted for more than 63 percent of TSA theft-related firings nationwide.

“Honest” and “hard-working?”

ABC revealed the information on airport firings after conducting a test in which iPads were left behind at the security checkpoints of various major airports. Although the majority of the iPads were eventually returned, the one left behind at Orlando International Airport simply vanished. Two weeks later, ABC News employees used a tracking app to locate the stolen iPad at the home of one of the airport’s TSA employees.

Writing on, Adan Salazar said, “The agency told ABC that a majority of its workers are honest, hard-working individuals, but we are constantly bombarded with unbelievable stories regarding their sub-human treatment of passengers.”

“This month alone, we’ve been subjected to a deluge of TSA horror stories, such as a dying woman being forced to remove her bandages and having her IV bag full of saline solution broken in full public view, a TSA worker caught stealing $500 from travelers as retaliation for complaining, TSA confiscating cameras and deleting footage, an FBI employee coming forward with a TSA molestation claim, a frequent flyer recounting how the TSA smacked his testicles and more.”

Salazar also referenced the practice of TSA personnel at the Columbus, Ohio airport walking around and demanding to test passengers’ drinks that had been purchased beyond the security checkpoint, as well as a case where TSA employees “tested” passengers by spontaneously shouting, “Freeze!” at them.

In the case where a TSA employee was caught after stealing more than $500 in cash from a traveler, he admitted that he had done so to punish the passenger for insisting on a pat-down and objecting to having the procedure performed in a private room.

“While the TSA defends their workers as ‘honest, hard-working individuals,’ the fact remains that screeners often take it upon themselves to steal, lie, and dish out punishment and retribution for passengers who attempt to stand up for their rights,” Salazar wrote.

Nicaraguan sales of products to Venezuela grow

by the El Reportero’s wire services


MANAGUA – With sales of almost 438 million USD, Venezuela concluded 2012 as the second most important destination for Nicaraguan goods, reported on Monday in Managua the Center for Exports (Cetrex).

Through electronic report, the entity specified that from January 1 to December 30, the South American country obtained a wide range of products, including beef, green coffee, oils and fats, sugar cane, milk, cattle and beans.

The total amounts to 437.69 million dollars and also includes chemicals mixture, dairy products, machinery and equipment, noted the group, quantifying customs exports, excluding trade zones through duty-free zone.

According Cetrex, total revenues totalized two 2,748 million dollars, so sales to the Venezuelan market are equivalent to 15.93 percent, preceded only by the United States, whose participation represented 27.98 percent.

Estimates of the Executive and the National Assembly (unicameral parliament) show that trade with Venezuela will continue to increase, with the advantage of using the Regional Clearance Unitary System (SUCRE).

Created by the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA), the Sucre works as a virtual currency for reciprocal trade transactions with other members State of the bloc.

The national cattle industry is one of the most benefit from these transactions, in fact Venezuela, one of the founders of the ALBA, is the main buyer of the Nicaraguan beef.

According to Cetrex, the income for this concept reached to more than 198 million dollars.

Paraguayan government’s plan to trade land for votes rejected

ASUNCION – The main peasant organizations in Paraguay indignantly rejected today a government plan proposing giving land to peasants in return for political support in the elections next April.

We will never negotiate landless peasants’ rights in exchange for support to a government that, in addition, is illegitimate, raised the National Peasant Federation, the Coordinating Board of Peasant Organizations and the Organization of Struggle for the Land, at the end of a joint assembly.
Media recently reported details of meetings of Congress members and officials in the Authentic Radical Liberal Party, to which President Federico Franco belongs, in which they agreed the proposal made to groups of landless peasants.

The government would undertake, according to the project, to call for bids in February or March for the acquisition of land for subsequent delivery to certain groups of peasants, in exchange for supporting Liberal candidates in the upcoming elections.

Through this offer made to some of the peasant leaders, the plan also aims to neutralize land occupations by those who live with their families in tents, who would have to vote for Franco’s party.

Peasantry historical organizations said the state has an obligation to assist the poorest, according to the Constitution, and those who accept conditions for that stray from the historical principles of Paraguayan peasant movement.

A downward trend in homicides in El Salvador

Homicides continue their downward trend in El Salvador and 2012 closed with 2,571 murders, a 41-percent fall against 2011, the National Civil Police reported today.

This is the second lowest figure registered in the past ten years, only outnumbered in 2003, when there were 2,195 murders, according to police.

(Prensa Latina contributed to this news report).

What you didn’t know about Coca Cola

by an unknown author

Red wine has a lot of medicinal properties.

A glass of red wine a day offers great medicinal benefit … according to research by the University of Washington, a glass of wine controls hunger in almost 100 percent of the cases under a slimming diet.

Other well documented studies show that drinking a glass of red wine a day could significantly ease back and joint pain in 80 percent of people suffering from these conditions.

Drinking one glass of red wine a day reduces by 45 percent the risk of colon cancer, by 79 percent, of breast cancer, and by 50 percent, the risk of bladder cancer.Are you drinking the right amount of red wine daily or have you replaced it by sodas?

In many U.S. states, highway patrol always carries about 10 liters of Coca Cola to remove the blood left on the tracks after an accident…

If you put a steak in a bowl with Coca Cola, the steak will disintegrate in 48 hours…

In order to remove the spots of the toilet, just empty the content of a can of Coca Cola and let it stand for 30 minutes, then run the water (the citric acid found in Coca Cola removes the stains in porcelain)…

To remove the rust on chrome surfaces, just rub them with a piece of crumpled aluminum foil dipped in Coca Cola and the stains will disappear…

To clean the battery terminals of your car, pour on them a bit of Coca Cola and the bubbles will remove corrosion…

To loosen a rusted bolt, apply a cloth soaked in Coca Cola for a few minutes and the screw will be ready to go…

To remove the rust from your tools, perform the previous step and the rust will disappear…

To peel stickers, paper and even rubber or silicone adhered to any glass surface perform the same above operation…

It also cleans the windshield of your car when it gets dirty on the road.

The active ingredient in Coca Cola is PHOSPHORIC ACID, with pH 2.8, sufficient to dissolve a nail in four days. Phosphoric acid is highly damaging to bone calcium and is a major contributor to the increase in osteoporosis.

Your body causes demineralization, this means that it does not allow for adequate absorption of calcium in the body, weakening of bones and therefore it increases the likelihood of fractures. Coca Cola also contains carbon dioxide, which according to AMEDEC, is an ingredient that causes “psychological addiction.”

It contains “potentially addictive,” caffeine, which if ingested in large amounts (400-600 mg.) it can cause insomnia, tachycardia, headaches and even anxiety attacks. A can of Coca Cola contains about 50 mgs. of caffeine.

It also contains an additive called E-150, which has been associated with vitamin B6 deficiency, which is important for the metabolism of proteins and blood health. A deficiency in vitamin B6 can cause anemia, depression, confusion, and other symptoms, plus it can generate hyperactivity and low levels of glucose in the blood.

Moreover, the sugars that the body doesn´t digest become fat, leading to potential overweight and even obesity problems.

To make matters worse, the sugars present in the sodas gradually dissolve tooth enamel, causing tooth decay and weakening.

Before, diabetes was associated only to adult patients, but there has recently been an increase in cases of this disease in overweight children and teenagers. Diabetes is a disease that mainly affects the eyes, the kidneys, the feet and the heart.

And for those who believe that the problem is solved by drinking “Diet Coke”, we have news for you: there are studies that show that consuming sugar substitutes or synthetic sugar in large quantities, cause brain damage, memory loss and mental confusion (according to AMEDEC). The substance that causes these conditions is called aspartame and it could contribute to the development of Alzheimer. Research also noted that the chemical components of “aspartame” have other serious consequences to excessive drinking, such as retina and nervous system damage.

Now the question is: Do you prefer wine or Coca Cola?

EDITOR’S NOTE: Drinking too much wine may lead to alcoholism.