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Militarized police gone wild across America – Part 3

by Marvin Ramirez

Marvin J. RamirezMarvin Ramirez

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: We have seen an incredible increase in police violence against the citizenry on the part of the police around the nation, where not even children, the elderly, people in wheelchair, peaceful protesters marching denouncing injustices in the part of the bankers or the government, have escaped the abused. I received the following article, written by Mike Adams, editor of Natural News, which makes a exceptional narrative of what our society is becoming under our current oppressive government’s militarized police force, a corps that is supposed to be there to protect us, but instead it has become our oppressor.

Because of its length, El Reportero will publishe it in two or three parts, depending on the availability of space. Part 3

Terrorizing citizens, shooting pet dogs, behaving like occupying military force

by Mike Adam

When do Americans stand up and say, “Enough!”

So here’s the question: At what point will Americans realize their country has become a Stasi-inspired police state tyranny?

When will they march on their state capitols and demand to be treated with dignity and respect rather than being beaten, shot, arrested, intimidated and censored by police?

And I ask this question as a supporter of local law enforcement. I’ve worked with police, trained with police and volunteered with police. I know that most police officers across the country are honorable men and women who are trying their best to keep the peace. But the number of “good” police seems to be shrinking while the number of “rogue” cops is on the rise.

This highly disturbing trend is an intentional one put in place by the Obama administration that’s trying to militarize police all across the nation in a run-up to something very, very big: an event that is expected to cause nationwide rioting and social unrest.

Why else would DHS buy 2+ billion rounds of ammunition, bulletproof roadside checkpoint booths, armored assault vehicles and full-auto assault rifles? Why else would police be trained to shoot pregnant women, children and senior citizens on sight? Why else would the government be spying on every phone call, email and text of every U.S. citizen right now?

We are living under a nightmare Big Brother police state right now, and it’s not an accident. This has all been brought in for a specific purpose: to first acclimate the public to a police state presence (hence the TSA security pat-downs), and then to activate that police infrastructure to engage in the mass-arrest or mass-murder of Americans.

The American people are asleep at the wheel while tyranny encircles them This will happen as long as Americans allow it to happen. Every day that the American people spend distracted by gay marriage, sports celebrities, TV programs and the Kardashians is another day that the criminal elite running this country build up their infrastructure of terror and oppression against the People.

While Americans are hypnotized into a state of delusional denial by CNN and the New York Times, the Obama administration is strangling freedom to death with a determined rollout of total surveillance, actual death squads that target journalists, the criminalization of whistleblowing, the targeting of reporters in the mainstream media, the intimidation of patriot groups by the IRS and a hundred other forms of oppression, intimidation and blackmail.

What we are witnessing here is a government gone completely criminal.

This is a government that now openly kidnapped the President of Bolivia on the off chance that his airplane might have been carrying Ed Snowden. This is the government that openly admits to the existence of secret kill lists that target American citizens for assassination.

This is the government that runs the world’s largest surveillance spy program which even spies on ally nations like Germany and France.

Trickle-down tyranny

The U.S. government abides by no law and respects no limits whatsoever to its power. It is a rogue, out-of-control criminal mafia that has taken over positions of government in order to grant itself the appearance of authority.

It is this mafia mentality that’s trickling down to local police departments in the form of aggressive tactical training, armored assault vehicles and even police uniforms which now look like something torn right out of a dystopian, Orwellian sci-fi flick depicting a dark future.

I coined the term “Trickle-Down Tyranny” in 2011. The phrase was later picked up by Michael Savage and became the title of his book by the same name.

Since 2011, Savage himself has become increasingly outspoken about the rise of tyrannical government, the oppression of freedom in America, and the dangerous tactics of intimidation and oppression being practiced by police nationwide.

Everyone can see what’s happening: America is turning into an occupied police state. Individual freedoms are bring crushed. All the rights guaranteed under the Bill of Rights are being systematically destroyed by design. The Obama administration is rapidly becoming the Orwellian dictator we all feared might one day rise up in America, yet half of America remains too far gone to open their eyes and realize what’s happening.

And so the injustices are allowed to accelerate to the point where innocent Americans are being routinely terrorized by law enforcement. While the guilty run free, the innocent are targeted for shakedowns, arrest or beatings.

This is the death of freedom in America. You are watching the destruction of the Land of the Free and the rise of Obama’s tyrannical regime.

If you and millions of others do not rise up against this, you may one day find yourself collapsed on your knees, looking over a large ditch of fresh bodies while a “police officer” holds a pistol to the back of your head and pulls the trigger.

You, like hundreds of millions before you, are about to become another statistical victim of government gone bad. Throughout history, rogue governments have murdered at least 260 million people. And it all began with precisely the same process we are seeing unfold in America today. Rise up or be exterminated.

U.S. city ooks to penalize Bible believers

by arnierosner

Think it’s hot in Texas these days? Just wait a few weeks, until the San Antonio City Council ends its summer hiatus and resumes work on a proposed change to its nondiscrimination ordinances that apparently will discriminate against all who take the Bible at its word and follow it.

That’s because the change creates a penalty for those who ever exhibit a “bias,” which clearly could include adopting the Bible’s condemnation of homosexuality, with a permanent ban on participation in city government, business or employment.

Opponents of the plan, which would add “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” to the nondiscrimination ordinances, charge it is a violation of constitutional Article VI, paragraph 3, which states, “[N]o religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.”

The opponents explain that the ordinance would bar anyone from office who has “demonstrated a bias” against someone based on categories that include “sexual orientation.”

The proposal, however, does not define “bias,” which, according to local church leaders, could mean someone who declares homosexual behavior is sinful.

The new ordinance would state: “No person shall be appointed to a position if the city council finds that such person has, prior to such proposed appointment, engaged in discrimination or demonstrated a bias, by word or deed, against any person, group or organization on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status, age, or disability.”

Anyone in office who demonstrates a bias would be considered guilty of “malfeasance” and removed from office.

Church leaders who oppose the proposed change argue it violates First Amendment rights to freedom of religion, freedom of speech and freedom of association.

It also violates, they say, the Texas Religious Freedom Act and the Texas Constitution.

Pastor Charles Flowers of Faith Outreach International, who has been alerting city residents about the issue, told OneNewsNow that the reference to “bias” could mean anything.

“The ordinance … says that if you have at any point demonstrate a bias – without defining what a bias is or who will determine whether or not one has been exercised – that you cannot get a city contract,” Flowers said. “Neither can any of your subcontractors [who have demonstrated a bias] sign on to the contract.”
He called the measure “unprecedentedly wrong” and said “the citizens of San Antonio must stop it.”

Many pastors are concerned, reported KHOU-TV’s Joe Conger in Houston.

“Ever have a Paula Deen moment – make an off-color joke or hold a religious belief?” Conger said. “[Pastor Steve] Branson [of Village Parkway Baptist Church] says keep it to yourself if you’re involved with San Antonio city government. Proposed changes to the anti-discrimination ordinance could get you fired.”
Get the best deals on Paula Deen’s books at WND’s SuperStore.

“If you voice any opinion, no matter how many years back it’s been, it can be used against you,” Branson told the station. “City employees are going to be greatly affected by this.”

The KHOU report said more than a dozen church leaders met to discuss the looming issue.

An analysis released by pastors said the “ordinance violates Texas and federal Constitutions by creating a religious test for involvement in city government.”
The church leaders said it allows the city council “to prohibit those that speak their religious beliefs regarding homosexuality from serving on city boards.”

“For example, if a person publicly expresses their religious belief that homosexual behavior is a sin – even if this expression is at a church service – that person could be frozen out of involvement with city government.”

The analysis also contends businesses “run by people of faith will be subject to criminal penalties if they refuse to provide services that conflict with their religious beliefs relating to homosexuality.”

The council, which declined to advance the plan when it first was discussed, is scheduled to resume talks on the controversy in August.

Solidarity with Bradley Manning

compiled by the El Reportero’s staff

Nemcatacoa Teatro August 2,3,4, 8:15pm @ 24th Street Mission BART stationNemcatacoa Teatro August 2,3,4, 8:15pm @ 24th Street Mission BART station

Amnesty International called whistleblower Bradley Manning’s prosecution a “travesy of justice.” After more than three years in prison before trial, he still faces possible life imprisonment under the government’s “Aiding the Enemy” charge. NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden fled the country because he fears prosecution like what Bradley Manning has experienced. It’s now up to us, as American citizens, to defend our right to stay informed. Our country’s future depends upon it.

Please join us for the last worldwide day of action during Bradley Manning’s trial, Saturday, July 27. We’re demonstrating to tell Convening Authority Major General Buchanan, the man with the power to reduce Bradley’s sentence, to do the right thing and free him!

There will be speakers, a sing-along, banners, Bradley Manning face masks, and postcards we will mail to Bradley from our historic Berkeley Main Post Office.

On July 25, 2013, from 3 – 4 p.m., at the Berkeley Main Post Office, 2100 Allston Way Berkeley.

The Bradley Manning action will follow the “Save the Post Office” rally taking place from 11-3 p.m. at the same location. Come on out and support our Whistleblowing Hero– Bradley Manning!

Consulates of El Salvador are launching TPS-Mobiles and extended schedules

Consulates of El Salvador in different cities in the United States are launching a series of TPS-Mobile in the coming days in order to bring the re-registration process to the Temporary Protection Statutes (TPS) closer to compatriots in their respective jurisdictions.

The Ambassador of El Salvador in the United States, Rubén Zamora, reminded his fellow Salvadorans that “it is important that Salvadorans do their TPS re-registration as soon as possible to enjoy migration stability for other 18 months. Reenrollment is the best insurance with or without an immigration reform.

If there is an immigration reform, Salvadorans with TPS could enter a special category. If there is no reform, re-registration will guarantee more stability in this country”. Re-registration ends on July 29, 2013.

The Embassy of El Salvador reminded that our advice to TPS is completely free and that there is immigration legal assistance for special cases.

Any questions regarding re-registration can be made at the 1-888-30-111-30 hotline or at the Embassy hotline at 202-595-7500. You can also visit our Facebook site, and twitter @El_Salvador_EMB. Buena Vista Horace Mann School, 3351 23rd St. San Francisco, 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Social engineering and racial división: The Trayvon Martin tragedy

Contrived selective outrage prevents Americans from unifying against national security state

A protest against the innocent verdict in the case of George Zimmerman vs. Trayvon Martin.

by Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones

The rights and wrongs of the confrontation between George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin will continue to be debated, but what has emerged clearly from the relentless coverage of the story is a contrived agenda by the establishment to stir up racial animosity in America in order to undermine everybody’s rights – a form of social engineering that ultimately hurts everybody, no matter what their color or creed.
One of the fundamental questions surrounding the Zimmerman trial is how the whole country was whipped up into a fervor of selective outrage over one black teenager being killed by a hispanic man, falsely labeled “white” by the media, when the problem of black on black violent crime completely dwarfs any notion that black people are being deliberately targeted by whites.

The likes of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Eric Holder and even Barack Obama himself all inserted themselves into the Trayvon Martin controversy in order to hype the threat posed by violent hate crimes against blacks, manufacturing a kind of universal white guilt that demanded “justice for Trayvon” not based on the facts of the case, but on emotional manipulation focused around the erroneous presumption that America had declared “open season” on murdering young black men.

In reality, according to Justice Department figures, 94 percent of all blacks murdered in America every year are murdered by other black people, despite the fact that black Americans make up just 13 per cent of the US population. That’s 7,000 blacks murdered every year by other black people.

This statistic alone completely demolishes the narrative that the Zimmerman case represented a bellwether illustration of the threat posed to black people by racist hate crimes.

In addition, as black radio host Larry Elder points out, half of the murders in America are committed by black people, meaning that when old people and minors are taken out of the equation, 3 per cent of the population, predominantly young black men, are committing nearly 50 per cent of the murders in America. This statistic seems somewhat more concerning than the nationwide hand-wringing that has taken place as a result of the actions of a hispanic neighborhood watch captain in killing one black teen.

If people like Sharpton, Jackson, Holder and Obama really cared about black people being murdered, there would be a national conversation about these statistics, and not an 18 month obsession with one isolated incident in Florida.

The primary threat to black people clearly stems from violent gangs and other black people, but this has been completely ignored by the media in favor of ginning up a racial divide that is completely contrived.

Racial Division: Divide and Conquer

Just as the state has sought to play groups off against each other for their own benefit as part of divide and conquer throughout history, black people are also being targeted with aggressive programs of social engineering to keep them dependent on big government.

The government found it necessary to create a common enemy against which blacks must appear to be defended by the state – racist white people. The Democrat Party, despite being responsible for founding the KKK, then set themselves up as the representatives of black America while behind the scenes scheming to cynically exploit and manipulate them as a voting block through which to undermine constitutional rights.

The likes of Sharpton and Jackson perpetuate racial division by promulgating the myth that racist white America continues to subjugate black people, when in reality such subjugation comes directly from law enforcement, the state, and an establishment pop culture narrative.

Meanwhile, true black leaders like Martin Luther King who encourage racial harmony between blacks and whites are murdered by the state.

Social Engineering

It is very appropriate that Trayvon Martin’s Family Attorney told Fox News that her first role was to act as a “social engineer” given that social engineering lay at the core of the entire George Zimmerman controversy.

The Obama administration seized control of the affair from the very beginning with the Justice Department funding pro-Trayvon protests last year in order to create public pressure that led to Zimmerman’s arrest after local police had already stated that Zimmerman had acted in self defense and that no charges were necessary.

In one sense, the Zimmerman trial served as an extremely useful distraction from the myriad of scandals that plagued the Obama administration in the weeks before the case came to dominate US television networks. The NSA PRISM controversy, the IRS targeting conservative groups story and the AP hacking probe all virtually disappeared from the headlines as the nation obsessed over every development in a Florida courtroom.

However, once the fix was in and the Obama administration secured its show trial, it didn’t really matter whether Zimmerman was found guilty or not. The political hijacking of the case was about contriving selective outrage and then channeling that outrage into the demonization of the right to self-defense, the right to own guns and the sanctity of juries, while at the same time driving a further wedge between black and white America.

Instead of unifying around the universal liberties enshrined in the constitution and coming together to stand up to an out of control national security state that is spying on all Americans, stealing their financial future and erecting a police state, the Trayvon Martin tragedy allowed Americans to be tricked into buying into the politics of racial division while ignoring their true common enemy.

Judge in Zimmerman case pressured by Obama Administration?

by Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones

Speculation is raging that the judge in the George Zimmerman case could have been put under pressure by the Obama administration after she staged a bizarre outburst during which she interrogated Zimmerman while repeatedly silencing his lawyers.

The hostile exchange began when Judge Debra Nelson asked Zimmerman if he planned to testify.

Essentially, Judge Nelson told Zimmerman he had the “absolute right to remain silent” but then proceeded to demand he answer her questions interrogation-style while silencing his lawyers.

Defense attorney Don West twice objected to Nelson’s interrogation, prompting the judge to raised her voice and exclaim, “Your objection is overruled!” in a manner more befitting of an angry parent lecturing a child than a legal professional.

Both of Zimmerman’s lawyers appeared shocked as attorney Mark O’Mara asked under his breath, “what is going on?”

Several legal experts and observers said the outburst was unprecedented.

“I have never seen that in more than 30 years of court reporting,” tweeted journalist Kathi Belich.

Former Senatorial candidate Richard Rivette also expressed his shock at the judge’s behavior.

“This judge is an idiot. I spent five years investigating high profile capital cases defending people from the death penalty, and worked for the Federal judiciary as an independent investigator on other cases. No judge ever inquires as to whether a defendant will testify until the entire defense case is presented. If the defense rests and does not call the defendant then the judge knows there will be no testimony. If the defense calls the defendant then that’s when the judge finds out. They have to get through the entire case first. To see if it is valid after prosecution cross-examines their witnesses and experts as to whether a defendant SHOULD testify, which is decided in private not in public, and NOT on the record. By doing this, the judge has undermined a portion of Zimmerman’s credibility.

He looks like he is waffling and this is normal judge/defendant questioning, which it is NOT,” said Rivette.

Respondents to the story at the National Review Online also expressed their view that Zimmerman was being railroaded.

“A fix is in from the administration to find Zimmerman guilty regardless of what it takes,” commented one.

“By demanding that Zimmerman respond to a question, after she has assured him that he has the right to remain silent, she is undermining his right to remain silent and making it appear as though he and his attorneys are not firm in their convictions. This judge is shameless,” added another.

Judge Nelson also ruled this week that Trayvon Martin’s text messages, which showed that Martin had been involved in fights before and was trying to buy or sell a gun, cannot be shown to the jury, which some suggested was another indication of an anti-Zimmerman bias.

Nelson also granted a request by prosecutors to block the defense’s attempt to show the jury a computer-animated depiction of the fight between Martin and Zimmerman.

She is also likely to allow the jury to consider lesser charges against Zimmerman in light of the prosecution’s probable failure to prove its case for second-degree murder, another indication that the state is desperate to avoid him walking free.

Judge Nelson has been very careful at every stage of the trial to dismiss evidence or testimony that could convince the jury in favor of acquitting Zimmerman.

Now some are asking the question – did Nelson’s aggressive outburst represent an attempt to prejudice the jury against Zimmerman?

Given the likelihood that Zimmerman will be acquitted, has Judge Nelson been put under pressure by the federal government to aggressively advocate for the prosecution, just as Supreme Court Justice John Roberts was apparently pressured to vote to uphold Obamacare?

Ever since President Barack Obama personally inserted himself into the controversy by declaring Trayvon Martin to be akin to the son he never had, higher-ups have constantly meddled in the case in an effort to secure a murder charge for a scenario that Zimmerman would not normally have even been arrested for under Florida’s Stand Your Ground law.

Indeed, ex-Sanford police chief Bill Lee told CNN yesterday that “he felt pressure from city officials to arrest Zimmerman to placate the public rather than as a matter of justice,” and that his investigation “provided no probable cause to arrest Zimmerman at the scene.”

It also emerged this week that the federal government encouraged and funded last year’s protests demanding the arrest of Zimmerman via the Community Relations Service, a division of the Department of Justice. Documents obtained by Judicial Watch show that the CRS was “deployed to Sanford, FL, following the Trayvon Martin shooting to help organize and manage rallies and protests against George Zimmerman,” spending millions of dollars in the process.

Given the plethora of threats by Trayvon supporters to stage violent riots if Zimmerman is acquitted, could Nelson be under pressure to secure a charge of at least manslaughter in order to avoid nationwide civil disorder?

If that’s the case, her apparent effort to prejudice the jury clearly suggests that a mistrial has taken place.

Chilean president show readiness to receive Capriles

by the El Reportero’s wire services

Sebastán Piñera” de MolinaSebastán Piñera

President of Chile, Sebastián Piñera, showed his willingness to receive outside the La Moneda Palace former presidential candidate of the Venezuelan right-wing Henrique Capriles, who will arrive in this southern country today.

During an interview on the 24 hours public channel El Informante,Piñera said that Capriles has not yet requested the meeting, but is very likely to receive him.

Several social organizations and political movements have expressed their opposition to the Head of the Chilean State receives Capriles, who lost the election last April and ignored the results issued by the National Electoral Council of Venezuela.

Venezuelan authorities blame him for the post-electoral violence prompted after elections by extreme-right-wing groups that killed 11 people.

Last May 29, the president of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos, received Capriles in his private office of the Nariño House, an attitude that was rejected by the Government of Venezuela and many social sectors.

Political organizations in Chile and other groups fear that Capriles reception by Piñera will generate a similar climate of tension between the two nations.

The president of the Allende Movement towards Socialism, Esteban Silva, along with other political and social leaders, delivered a letter Wednesday in La Moneda, asking the Chilean president not to receive the former presidential candidate.

In his two-day visit to Chile, Capriles is scheduled to meet with leaders of the Christian Democrats and Venezuelan citizens resident here.

Colombia among the most corrupt countries, survey says

Colombia is among the countries with the highest rate of corruption in the world, according to a report of the NGO Transparency International (TI) released here.

According to the Global Corruption Barometer 2013, Colombia was placed 5th among the seven countries whose citizens realize that Congress is one of the most corrupt public bodies.

In this regard, 79 percent of those polled consider that the legislative branch is corrupt and 71 percent have the same opinion about the bureaucracy.

Moreover, 64 percent think corruption is also evident in the judiciary, in a spectrum ranging from judges to other court officials.

About 19 percent of respondents even admitted that they or someone in their immediate family had bribed a justice official in the last 12 months.

According to expert Armando Montero, another worrying fact is that 61 percent of respondents feel that the police have a high rate of corruption.

Regarding the government management to address this problem, 30 percent of respondents said the government is doing very little.

Founded in 1993 and based in Berlin, Germany, the IT has 100 branches and operates in 70 countries.

Health benefits of cinnamon and ginger

by Sandeep Godiyal

Ginger and cinnamon are regarded and used as spices and herbs to make meals more flavorful. But they are also found to be rich in medicinal properties. Among the many benefits of cinnamon and ginger include aid in digestion, anti-viral properties, toothache relief, diabetes prevention, cold, flu, and pain relief among others.

Cinnamon health benefits

Cinnamon is well regarded because of its antioxidant properties. It also contains calcium, manganese, iron and dietary fiber. It is known to help prevent diabetes, improve heart health and brain function, fight off colon cancer and relieve arthritis among others.

Fight off diabetes

Cinnamon can help individuals who are affected by diabetes as it works to improve the natural insulin activity occurring in the body. It helps individuals metabolize sugar in a more efficient manner so that the body will be prompted to produce less insulin. Therefore, it is also effective in regulating blood sugar levels.

Prevent heart disease

Cinnamon has anti-inflammatory properties which make them effective in protecting the heart against damage and infection, particularly in the arteries when they end up clogged by fatty foods. Cinnamon is also regarded for its ability to fight off bad cholesterol thereby preventing heart diseases.

Stimulate brain function

According to research studies, cinnamon also has a powerful effect in the brain function. It can help improve metal alertness. It has soothing properties as well that can calm the nerves.

Relieve arthritis

Individuals suffering from arthritic pain can count on cinnamon for relief. According to a Copenhagen University study, patients with arthritis who take cinnamon powder are more likely to be relieved from pain.

Relieve comm on colds and flu

Cinnamon also contains effective properties in relieving the common cold and flu especially when it is combined with ginger. The mixture can help by stimulating circulation. Such ability is also helpful with arthritic pain and muscle aches.

Ginger health benefits

In addition to cinnamon, ginger also has plenty of medicinal qualities that can relieve certain health conditions. Ginger is known for its anti viral properties and can help with digestion and many others.

Relieve nausea

Among the many issues that pregnant women go through is nausea. Ginger is known to help bring relief to this uncomfortable condition.

Relieve osteoarthritis

Like cinnamon, ginger can also bring comfort to individuals who are stricken by arthritis, particularly osteoarthritis. With cinnamon and ginger combined, pain is less likely to be suffered. Anti-viral properties Because of its antiviral properties, ginger is also an effective aid to the immune system. With this ability, ginger can help the body withstand the many threats of various diseases.

Aid in digestion

According to studies, ginger also has a positive effect on an individual’s digestion. A healthy dose of ginger can help prevent digestive conditions that commonly occur in individuals.

The powerful combination of cinnamon and ginger can be used to treat, relieve and prevent certain health conditions. It is then strongly recommended for individuals to consider these as natural remedies to fight off medical conditions. Natural News.

Militarized police gone wild across America – Part 2

by Marvin Ramirez

Marvin J. RamirezMarvin Ramirez

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: We have seen an incredible increase in police violence against the citizenry on the part of the police around the nation, where not even children, the elderly, people in wheelchair, peaceful protesters marching denouncing injustices in the part of the bankers or the government, have escaped the abused. I received the following article, written by Mike Adams, editor of Natural News, which makes a exceptional narrative of what our society is becoming under our current oppressive government’s militarized police force, a corps that is supposed to be there to protect us, but instead it has become our oppressor.

Because of its length, El Reportero will publishe it in two or three parts, depending on the availability of space. Part 2

by Mike Adams

Police terrorize 20-year-old girl for buying bottled water and cookie dough

The latest example of the terror being dished out by local police operations is found in the story of Ann Downey, a young girl whose vehicle was assaulted by plain clothed “undercover” policewho she thought were trying to carjack her.

It is very important to listen to the audio of Ann’s 911 call begging for help as she and her friend were rushed by six men with guns:

It turns out Ann Downey was being terrorized by members of Virginia’s Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC), which apparently consists of trigger-happy police who are so bored out of their minds that they can think of nothing more useful to do than terrorize young women for buying cookie dough.

Imagine the scene: You’re getting into your car after buying some cookie dough, then suddenly six non-uniformed men rush your car and start screaming at you while wielding guns. At least one of the undercover officers drew his weapon, according to media reports.

Am I the only one here who might have pulled out my own gun and started shooting in self defense, believing my life to be in extreme danger by a rogue gang of armed criminals who were aggressively rushing my vehicle?

As far as I’m concerned, these ABC goons are lucky they didn’t get shot, and if they had been shot, it would be hard to argue that the woman wasn’t exercising her right to self defense in shooting them.

It’s important to note here that the driver of the vehicle, named Elizabeth Daly, was charged with three felonies. In a statement posted online, Daly said:

“This has been an extremely trying experience and one that has called into question what I value most: my integrity, honor and character. …Cookie dough and ice cream for a fundraiser should not put you through an extremely degrading night and afternoon in jail, appearing in court, posting bond, having to pay an attorney …not allowed to leave the state, causing you endless nights of no sleep, [a]ffecting your school work and final exams, wondering if you would be dismissed from school, wondering how this would damage your reputation and ability to get a job, all while waiting on pins and needles to see what the Commonwealth is going to offer you.”

See the interactive map of paramilitary police raids taking place across America.

Here’s a map showing just some of the paramilitary police raids and attacks on American citizens:

To see the full map with interactive pop-ups, visit:

As you view the map above, keep in mind how widespread these events really are. Just last week in Nevada, a couple filed suit against local police there, claiming they were raided and shot with “pepperball rounds” by police that wanted to use their home as a stakeout location. For refusing this demand, the couple were shot at and then arrested for “obstructing justice.”

As the lawsuit reads:

[Police officers] conspired among themselves to force Anthony Mitchell out of his residence and to occupy his home for their own use. It was determined to move to [the home address] and attempt to contact Mitchell. If Mitchell answered the door he would be asked to leave. If he refused to leave he would be arrested for Obstructing a Police Officer. If Mitchell refused to answer the door, force entry would be made and Mitchell would be arrested.

Seconds later, officers, including Officer Rockwell, smashed open plaintiff Anthony Mitchell’s front door with a metal ram as plaintiff stood in his living room. As plaintiff Anthony Mitchell stood in shock, the officers aimed their weapons at Anthony Mitchell and shouted obscenities at him and ordered him to lie down on the floor. Officers, including Officer David Cawthorn, then fired multiple pepperball rounds at plaintiff as he lay defenseless on the floor of his living room. Anthony Mitchell was struck at least three times by shots fired from close range, injuring him and causing him severe pain. Officers then arrested him for obstructing a police officer, searched the house and moved furniture without his permission and set up a place in his home for a lookout.

This is America? Think again…

George Zimmerman, prosecutoral abuse, and the sorry politics of race

by William L. Anderson

As a somewhat casual observer of George Zimmerman’s show trial, I was surprised that it ended with a “not guilty” verdict, given how the politics of race had so infected the entire saga from beginning to the announcement of the jury’s decision. After all, not only was Zimmerman indicted on charges that assumed he had intentionally pursued Trayvon Martin with personal ill will and animosity with his being in that supposed frame of mind when he shot the teenager, but the very President of the United States already had effectively declared Zimmerman guilty of a racially-motivated murder.

There will be no shortfall of commentary on the verdict and the outlandish media coverage (which declared Zimmerman to be a “white Hispanic” in hopes that the racial angle in the case could be most fully exploited), I would like to deal with another perspective with which I am more familiar, that being the prosecutorial abuse that helped drive this case. The politics of race, while front-and-center, did drive the push for criminal charges, but so did electoral politics, and specifically electoral politics that have defined the recent career of Special Prosecutor Angela Corey.

At this point, let me say that even after the trial has ended, I am not sure what happened, but it also was clear that the State of Florida did not meet the legal burden of proof needed for a conviction. That is important to remember, because President Obama, Al Sharpton, and any number of commentators openly are declaring that when there is a high-profile action involving race and a trial, the law should be bypassed and mob rule installed. Make no mistake; Obama, Sharpton, and the New York Times were declaring their belief that the jury should have ignored legal standards of proof in exchange for a verdict that the NYT declared would have been an “emotional catharsis.”

The NYT and most news outlets had refused to note that the gated community where Zimmerman lived had been hit hard with numerous burglaries, thefts, and break-ins in recent months. While the NAACP already has publicly declared Zimmerman a racist because he had made a number of calls before when on neighborhood watch, both blacks and whites who lived there were adamant in their statements about the problems of crime:

One black neighbor of George Zimmerman said the neighborhood’s recent history should be taken into account.

“Let’s talk about the elephant in the room. I’m black, OK?” the woman said, declining to be identified because she anticipated backlash due to her race. She leaned in to look a reporter directly in the eyes. “There were black boys robbing houses in this neighborhood,” she said. “That’s why George was suspicious of Trayvon Martin.”

Understand that this information was easily available to any journalist who was interested in finding out some fact, but in retrospect, most mainstream journalists and pundits had no interest in going outside of their narrow narratives of race.

Early on, the media from CNN to the New York Times to NBC News (and especially its sister network, MSNBC) falsely claimed that the Hispanic Zimmerman was “white,” and that he killed Martin for “racial reasons.” There was no proof, but that didn’t matter as journalists simply declared what they wanted to say.

Perhaps the lowest point of what was a very low standard for media coverage came when NBC News literally spliced together quotes from Zimmerman on a 911 call in order to make it look as though Zimmerman was racially profiling Martin. NBC reported the conversation between Zimmerman and the 911 dispatcher as follows:

Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. He looks black. This actually is what transpired during the call:

Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. Or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about.

Dispatcher: OK, and this guy — is he black, white or Hispanic?

Zimmerman: He looks black.

The contrast is obvious, as NBC deliberately tried to make the conversation something that it wasn’t for the purpose of painting Zimmerman as a homicidal racist. (The NBC brass first insisted that the network had done no wrong, but later quietly fired some people as even by the abysmal standards to which mainstream journalists adhere this was over the top.)

However, the mainstream journalists hardly were finished completing their self-appointed tasks of trying to railroad Zimmerman to prison. About the time NBC News was busy splicing together Zimmerman’s comments, CNN solemnly broadcast that Zimmerman had called Martin a “f*cking coon.” The left-wing Daily Kos picked it up, as did other news outlets. Two weeks later, CNN finally admitted that he was saying, “f*cking cold,” but not before legal analysts all over the country were declaring that the statement “proved” Zimmerman was targeting and intending to kill black people.

Not to be outdone by its competitors, ABC News declared to its viewers that Zimmerman had “no injuries” from his encounter with Martin. Finally, President Barack Obama himself weighed in, essentially claiming that Zimmerman was a racist murderer who needed to be prosecuted. (He and his attorney general Eric Holder – the same Eric Holder who was in charge of covering up the federal murders at Waco in 1993 – would look into pursuing federal charges against Zimmerman, something the journalists applauded. (Obama made more inflammatory statements at a press conference the afternoon after the announcement of the verdict.)

There was another reason other than sheer dishonesty and the desire to railroad a man into prison that led ABC to cover up the fact that Zimmerman, indeed, had received some injuries during that fateful encounter. It turns out that Corey herself had withheld photographs and other evidence that Martin had injured Zimmerman before gaining the indictment, an action that has enraged the famed defense attorney Alan Dershowitz, who publicly criticized her.

As I noted at the beginning of this article, I do not know what happened in that encounter, other than Trayvon Martin was shot dead. At some point, Martin and Zimmerman tangled and it looks as though Zimmerman was getting the worst of it, which led to the shooting. What I do know, however, is that Corey’s people did not come close to presenting evidence that matched their rhetoric and the poisonous rhetoric that American politicians and journalists have been spewing.

The trial of George Zimmerman was a show trial, but somewhere along the line, the six female jurors did not adhere to their pre-written script. However, that will not stop those in power and those who supposedly make a living as journalists from making ludicrous claims that Trayvon Martin was the Second Coming of Emmett Till and that Zimmerman was guilty of second-degree murder because Al Sharpton said so. That is the sorry state of current “justice” in the United States and it will only become worse.

Fans continue to remember the “Queen of Salsa Celia Cruz”

by the El Reportero’s news services

Celia Cruz and husband Pedro Knight.Celia Cruz and husband Pedro Knight.

Devoted fans of singer Celia Cruz flocked to her mausoleum in New York’s Woodlawn Cemetery to mark the 10th anniversary of her death.

The powerful voice of the Cuban-born “Queen of Salsa” rang out at the site where she rests alongside husband Pedro Knight.

“Quimbara,” “Cucala” and “La vida es un carnaval” were among the songs selected by Woodlawn historian Cristiana Peña for the observance, which was organized in coordination with the Celia Cruz Foundation.

“I am the first to come every year and bring her flowers,” Rafael Rodriguez told Efe. “I can’t believe it’s already been 10 years.”

Cruz died July 16, 2003, in New Jersey, after a battle with brain cancer. She was 77.

A multiple-Grammy winner, Cruz had a worldwide following and earned a score of gold records over the course of a decades-long career.

Alejandro Sanz announces two concerts in Mexico City in October

Spanish singer Alejandro Sanz will offer two concerts this October in Mexico City as part of his international tour “La Musica No Se Toca” (Don’t Mess with the Music), the promoter of the shows said in a communique.

The artist will appear Oct. 1-2 in the Mexican capital’s National Auditorium, where he will sing two numbers from his latest disc “La Musica No Se Toca,” as well as some of his greatest hits like “Amiga Mia” and “Corazon Partio.”

It was in Mexico City at the Foro Sol arena last October that Sanz kicked off the tour that has taken him to cities around the United States, Latin America and Spain.

Before his concerts here, Sanz plans to visit Mexico to take part in the International Mariachi Conference to be held between Aug. 28 and Sept. 8 in the western city of Guadalajara.

Spain will be the guest country at that event and so the Spanish singer-song-writer will give a concert on Sept. 7 at Guadalajara’s Telmex Auditorium.

Taking a break from the tour, the artist is currently on a trip to the Arctic with Greenpeace to raise awareness about the importance of preserving that polar region and to try and stop its commercial exploitation, basically by unsustainable industrial fishing and drilling for oil.

Venezuela: Caracas hosts 7th Int’l Puppet Festival

Puppeteers from Argentina, France and Cuba are in Venezuela’s capital for the 7th International Puppet Theater Festival.

More than 100 people, the majority of them parents with children, packed into the Teatro Teresa Carreño in downtown Caracas on Wednesday for a puppet show.

Puppeteers are staging morning and afternoon shows at other venues in the capital, as well as in Miranda and Vargas states, which border the Capital District.

Argentina’s Los Cuatro Vientos, Fifiriches and El Gorrion companies will be presenting the “Titeres a los Cuatro Vientos” (Puppets from the Four Winds), “De payasos y domadores” (Of Clowns and Tamers) and “Que viva el queso!” (Long Live the Cheese!) shows.

Cuba’s Las Compañias Hilos Magicos and Las Cuatro Estaciones companies are participating in the festival. France’s Phillippe Genty company is putting on its “La llamada del mar” (Call of the Sea) show with an introduction to the world of poetry. Venezuela has 35 different companies and groups participating in the festival.