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Mind control research and freedom

by Jon Rappoport

There is a whole brand of mind control that is little more than torture.

In other words, by inflicting duress, coercion, making threats, causing pain and disorientation, an “expert” can make a victim do and say many things. That’s no secret. There are obviously drugs and hypnotic techniques that will soften up a person and/or put him into tremendous confusion, where he is pliable. And microwaves create pain.

One of the foremost lunatic practitioners of torture was world-famous Canadian psychiatrist, Ewen Cameron, who carried out experiments on unwitting patients during the 1950s. Partially funded by a CIA front, Cameron’s method was called psychic driving.

After horrendous electric shocks, very heavy drugs were given to place patients in days of prolonged sleep. Cameron then subjected them to audio tapes he made, in which he repeated phrases thousands of times, in order to produce “new personalities” for them.

This is murderous coercion. There is nothing sophisticated about it.

A 2012 lawsuit filed by veterans’ groups, against the CIA and the DOD, refers to Cameron’s methods. The suit also states that two researchers, Dr. Louis West and Dr. Jose Delgado, working together under the early CIA MKULTRA subproject 95, utilized two protocols: brain implants (“stimoceivers”) and RHIC-EDOM to program the minds of victims. RHIC-EDOM stands for Radio Hypnotic Intracerebral Control-Electronic Dissolution of Memory.

Translation: bury memory, and insert new data. But here again, burying memory, the first phase, is achieved through force. The force of subjecting the brain to massive electromagnetic disruption.

Later and more sophisticated means of mind control can utilize loops, during which a person’s own brainwaves are fed back to him, along with suggestions.

But different people have different degrees of consciousness about their own thoughts and feelings.

No system exists which would make every person believe a thought planted in his brain is his own thought.

There is another gap. Just because certain naturally occurring brain waves can be read and recorded, this does not mean that feeding back those waves will result in “perfect reception” and integration by every person.

The third gap can be enormous, depending on the person. Thought in its basic form isn’t a product of the brain at all. The brain REFLECTS thought that is created by the person in a non-material space.

People who are aware of this wouldn’t fooled by brainwaves fed to them with suggestions.

As I’ve written before, the entire obsession with the brain is misplaced. If this organ is viewed as the fountainhead of all thought, then there is no such thing as freedom. Why? Because the brain, like every material object, is made up of tiny particles or waves that move according to physical laws—in which case the brain is just “another object” where the particles aggregate and mix and match.

There is absolutely nothing inherent in sub-atomic particles that would lead to a notion of free will.

The existence of freedom (choice) directly implies a non-material space. And a non-material individual who is inhabiting a physical form.

Mind control is most successful when inflicted on people who ALREADY have trouble making the distinction between what they think and believe, and what other people around them think and believe.

Ongoing research to take real-time pictures of brain activity is likely to focus on two major targets: people who hold very strong individualistic beliefs and those who are intensely creative.

The aim here is to introduce new brain activity that will cumulatively erode “the determination to believe” and the commitment to create. Why? Because those are distinct threats to a controlled status quo.

This research direction parallels a social propaganda campaign to eliminate the whole concept of “will power.” That phrase has become passe. It is now viewed by many people as a negative and essentially meaningless notion. In its place? Genetic determinism. DNA rules all. A person is what a person is because of his genes, and that’s the beginning and end of the story.

Never mind the fact that research along these lines has turned up precious little to explain human behavior. It’s a propagated myth of “science.” And it’s promoted for its social impact: “you can’t change what you are.”

It has always been true, since the dawn of time, that one person can force another person to take certain actions. But this is no mystery.

These days, with the use, say, of acoustic weapons or other forms of wave-disruption broadcasting, criminals can make people sick, make them feel pain or anger or fatigue—but this is really on the level of an electromagnetic “fist” to the head. Is it dangerous? Of course. But so is a concussion or a heavy blow to the gut or a bullet to the leg.

The people at the CIA, the Pentagon, DARPA, and other agencies, who are trying to change thought and behavior, are even crazier than they appear to be. They assume that the process of thought is so directly a product of the brain that they can make Thought A turn into Thought B with the flip of a switch. They have many surprises in store for them.

The major problem for humanity, vis-a-vis mind control, is the large number of people who already are only dimly aware of what they’re thinking and feeling. They can be manipulated with relative ease. But that is no surprise.

Nor is it a shock when people who are members of a cult do something horrendous to others or themselves. They’ve been subjected to social conditioning every day. They’ve bought the package. They’ve sworn allegiance to a leader. It takes relatively little to push them over the edge.

The SSRI antidepressants (Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, etc.) are themselves a form of mind control. They elicit, in some people, suicide and homicide. But this isn’t a precise process of switching off one thought and inserting another. This is the creation of a wholesale brain storm, in which neurotransmitters go haywire and scramble the brain and the nervous system. The person is literally being tortured, and he responds with violence.

The bottom-line issue in all these heinous methods is freedom of the individual. Freedom to think his thoughts, act on the basis of his chosen goals. Mind control advocates and researchers deny such freedom exists. For them, it’s just a matter of replacing one piece of equipment for another in what they believe humans are: biological machines.

It’s the end-game of philosophic Materialism.

See that. Know that. Understand it.

Jon Rappoport is the author of two explosive collections, the Matrix Revealed and Exit from the Matrix.

Focus group for young professionals ages 40 and under

Compiled by the El Reportero’s staff

Grupo AquarelaGrupo Aquarela

The San Francisco Chamber is launching a new networking group for up and coming young professionals and we want your input. We are seeking young professionals ages 40 and under to participate in a focus group to discuss what you’d like to see in our new program. We will also be recruiting committee members and chair-persons for this new and exciting group. SFUP will be led and evolved through the leadership of people like you. Please join us.

On Thursday, Feb. 20, 2014, from 5:30-7 p.m., San Francisco, Chamber of Commerce, 235 Montgomery St., Suite 760, San Francisco

California renters to converge on the Capitol to demand relief

Ellis Act Reform, homes & jobs act, and renters’ rebate identified as top priorities renters’ day of action. Frustrated with surging rents and evictions, California renters will take to Sacramento for a Renters Day of Action on February 18, 2014. The event is being organized by Tenants Together, California’s statewide organization for renters’ rights. Hundreds of renters are expected to take to the Capitol for the Renters Day of Action.

The Renters’ Day of Action will be the first mass mobilization of tenants in Sacramento in decades. Renters seek to shift the dynamic in Sacramento in which politicians of both major parties are heavily funded by landlords and realtors and routinely ignore the needs of tenants.

There are over 15 million tenants in California, according to Census data.

Most are low and middle income and struggling for daily survival. Rents have soared, as have evictions by speculators. Meanwhile, basic safety net programs like the renters’ rebate have been slashed to the detriment of tenants statewide. March 10 a.m., rally at 11 a.m., Tuesday, Feb, 18 at the Capitol Building, North Steps, 11th & L Streets, Sacramento, California.

Brazilian Carnaval Ball – The Real Thing!

Brazilians can teach the world how to party. San Francisco’s premiere party makers, the Bay Area Brazilian Club, cast their mystic, joyous spell again on Saturday, March 1st. It’s the 47th Friends of Brazil Carnaval Ball Featuring direct from Brazil, back by popular demand, The Sotaque Baiano Band. Sotaque Baiano brings alive authentic, traditional Brazilian Carnaval, Samba Enredos, Pagode, Axé, Frevos, Trio Eletrico, traditional Marchinhas.

Also performing – the one and only Fogo na Roupa Escola de Samba, bringing the sounds of Olodum, Timbalada and Mama Africa, celebrating 25 years showcasing Brazilian/Latin culture in the Bay Area. And parading through the entire evening — colorful costumes, plumage and exotic dancers of the Aquarela Group. And not least of all, the in-sync DJ Ellen, DJ kblo, and more, playing non-stop music from 9:30 p.m. till 2 a.m. on March 1st, 2014.

At the lively night-spot “Roccapulco Super Club”, 3140 Mission St. (at Cesar Chaves St) in San Francisco.

Advance tickets are $30, available at Brazilian stores in the Bay Area. Tickets also online at Brazilian Tickets will also be sold at the door. For more info: or call us at 415-587-4990, or 415-425-7242. Plenty of free parking around Roccapulco Club and in parking lots for small fee.

German Film Festival screens film looking at Mexican emigration to the U.S.

by the El Reportero news services

Salma HayekSalma Hayek

The drama of Mexican immigration to the United States is depicted in “Los Angeles,” a film by American director John Harper that honors the largely forgotten figures of that exodus.

Harper lived for long periods in the Zapotec Indian town of Santa Ana del Valle in southern Mexico, where he shot the film.

The director dispensed with professional actors for the work and wanted the residents of the town to play the characters.

“They are people with a lot of heart. They are intelligent people with a profound humanity,” Harper told Efe, adding that he was “affected (by) … such a strong” community where “they take care of each other.”

The film, which is in the Forum category at the film festival in Germany’s capital, uses both the Zapotec and Spanish languages and tells the story of Mateo, a 17-year-old boy who dreams of traveling to the U.S. city that gives the film its name in search of a better future for himself and his family.

Harper’s work, on the other hand, also captures the lives of the people who return to their hometown after many years only to realize that they have become strangers there, and it also deals with the role of mothers, who are defined in the film as the true supporting figures in the Zapotec community.

“I know several men who were away for a long time, worked, returned and there was a lot of conflict,” Harper said.

The emigrants encounter difficulties upon returning and having “once again (to find) their niche within the family, within the community, within the society,” the director said.

Salma Hayek joins cast of “The Septembers of Shiraz”

Mexican actress Salma Hayek has been cast in the political drama “The Septembers of Shiraz,” the story of a Jewish family caught up in Iran’s 1981 Islamic revolution, The Hollywood Reporter said.

Hayek will be accompanied in the cast by Shoreh Aghdashloo, a 2003 Oscar nominee for “House of Sand and Fog.” The movie, an adaptation of the like-named novel by Dalia Sofer, will be directed by Wayne Blair (“The Sapphires”).

Actor Gerard Butler will produce the film together with partners Alan Siegel and Heidi Jo Markel.

The thriller is based on events that really happened – Sofer was 10 years old when her family escaped from Iran – and centers on the character of a gem merchant in prison who fights to rejoin the rest of his family to leave Tehran.

Hayek plays the long-suffering wife of the main character (a part not yet cast), while Aghdashloo represents the housekeeper whose son once worked for the man in jail.

The filming is planned to start in April.

The Mexican actress will soon be seen in a small role in “Muppets Most Wanted,” to premiere March 21.

“I have a very little cameo,” Hayek said recently. “But I’m very excited because I’m (my daughter Valentina’s) hero now.”

Argentina sets record for longest salami in the Americas

Argentina now holds the record for making the longest salami in the Americas, after presenting a spicy sausage 16 meters (52 feet) long and weighing 45 kilos (100 pounds) at a festival in the town of Tandil in Buenos Aires province, the organizers told Efe.

The salami was presented Friday evening by the Council of the Guarantee of Quality “Salame de Tandil” at the Sierra Festival in that town some 350 kilometers (220 miles) south of the Argentine capital, council spokesman Mariano Frias told Efe.

Salame de Tandil is made with raw materials from this mountainous region, located some 350 kilometers (220 miles) south of Buenos Aires, and is between 54 and 60 percent pork, between 18 and 21 percent beef, and 20-25 percent pork fat.


The Sport of Gentlemen

Boxing” de Molina

Saturday, February 22 – Macao, China (HBO) –

Lightweights: Miguel Vazquez (33-3, 13 KOs) vs. Denis Shaflikov (33-0-1, 18 KOs).

Saturday, March 1 – San Antonio, Texas (HBO) –

Featherweights: Orlando Salido (40-12-2, 28 KOs) vs. Vasyl Lomachenko (1-0, 1 KOs).

Saturday, March 1 – Glasgow, Scotland –

Lightweights: Ricky Burns (36-2-1, 11 KOs) vs. Terence Crawford (22-0, 16 KOs).

Saturday, March 1 – Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany

Junior lightweights: Robert Stieglitz (46-3, 26 KOs) vs. Arthur Abraham (38-4, 28 KOs).

Saturday, March 1 – Johannesburg, South Africa –

Minimumweights: Hekkie Budler (24-1, 7 KOs) vs. Karluis Diaz (21-4, 14 KOs).

Wind megaproject at Isthmus of Tehuantepec moved due to indigenous communities opposition

Wind farm project in Oaxaca, México. (PHOTO BY ORSETTA BELLANI)

by Orsetta Bellini

The mega wind farm project that the company Mareña Renovable wanted to build in Santa Teresa (Oaxaca, Mexico) is dead. This is what spokesman Maurice Wilbrink said, from Dutch pension PGGM – which has a stake in transnational Mareña Renovable – in a January 8, 2014 interview with newspaper De Telegraaf. According to Wilbrink the project, which plans to invest one billion dollars for the construction of 132 wind turbines that will produce 396 megawatts, will be moved from the bar of Santa Teresa (Municipality of San Dionisio del Mar) to the nearby towns of El Espinal and Juchitan.

In December 2012 the Mexican Wind Energy Association (AMDEE), which brings together the leading companies in this sector, already had 15 wind farms in the isthmus. The proliferation of wind turbines in this area known as the Isthmus of Tehuantepec is motivated by the findings of the Atlas of Wind Resources of the State of Oaxaca, published in 2004 by the Department of Energy and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), which claims that the wind potential of much of the isthmus is “excellent.” In addition, the atlas asserts that communities would receive social and economic benefits of renewable energy.

However, until now the benefits from the sale of this energy considered “green” did not reach the residents of the area, but the wind companies that sell electricity (Iberdrola, Acciona, CFE, Enel Green Power, Gamesa, Cemex Peñoles, Eléctrica del Valle de Mexico, Renovalia, Demex) and those who buy it. Wind farms working under a “self-sufficiency” scheme, which stipulates that the energy produced is not enjoyed by the local population, but by large corporations such as Nestlé, Coca-Cola Femsa, Bimbo, Nissan and Mitsubishi.

“The companies divided our territory, in the same way the Spanish did when they arrived in America,” complains Bettina Cruz Velázquez, a member of the Assembly of Indigenous Peoples of the Isthmus in Defense of Land and Territory. “I recognize that there is a global concern about climate change, but what drives our business is to turn our air into money. Green energy is a for profit business cheating communities, destroy our way of life and threaten our food sovereignty, forcing displacement”.

The decision to halt the construction of wind turbines in the bar of Santa Teresa, a strip of about 27 km of sand and mangroves, has been adopted because of the opposition by the Oaxacan indigenous communities. For months, the community Álvaro Obregón blocked the only land access to the bar of Santa Teresa, while in San Dionisio del Mar residents occupied the town hall.

“When they started doing studies there was a massive fish kill. Here we live of fishing and we get our daily food from Santa Teresa. We do not want this project and fighting became very strong after the mayor Miguel López Castilian was sold to the company, signing permission for their entry,” tells a commoner of San Dionisio del Mar who preferred to remain anonymous.

Clampdown against those opposing the project has been strong, with the actions by public security forces and shock groups of PRI (affiliated to ruling party PRI). In February 2013, Oaxaca Governor Gabino Cue Monteagudo said that he would make “all necessary action to prevent such a major investment is withdrawn from the state.”

In fact, although the struggle by communities has been successful, the investment has not been removed from the state of Oaxaca, moving the problem only a few miles away.

According to De Telegraaf, statements by Maurice Wilbrink, spokesman of Dutch pension PGGM, in El Espinal the consultation with local residents is more or less complete and in the city of Juchitan it will begin shortly for the construction of the wind farm starting in the first quarter of this year. The lack of consultation with the communities affected by the project – a mechanism provided by Convention 169 on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples of the International Labour Organization (ILO), and some national laws – was one of the facts that led a local court to temporarily suspend the construction of the project on October 9, 2013.

In addition, the Mareña Renovable´s wind farm is illegal because, as in many other wind farms in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, it wants to occupy a land that is not private but communal. “This land ownership belongs to the community, families have the usufruct without owning it,” says attorney Raul Gonzalez Rangel. “Only the community assembly can give the company the right to operate.”

Yet there were not community assemblies to authorize the construction of wind turbines: for the right of possession of the land for 30 years, representatives of companies are going house to house, asking peasant families to sign unfair contracts where they fix the amounts for the payment of land lease, promising work, development and investment in infrastructure.

Mexico’s Peña Nieto rocked by Michoacán mayhem

by the El Reportero’s wire services

Enrique Peña NietoEnrique Peña Nieto

Despite his level best effort to divert the focus away from insecurity in Mexico since taking office in December 2012, President Enrique Peña Nieto was compelled to take urgent action this week when the conflict-torn south-western state of Michoacán was thrust into the global media spotlight.

The interior minister, Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong, announced that federal forces would take charge of security in the inflamed area of Tierra Caliente in Michoacán after meeting Governor Fausto Vallejo in the state capital, Morelia, on 13 January. The catalyst for the deployment of hundreds of soldiers and 2,000 members of the federal police (PF) was the imminent risk of a blood bath in Apatzingán, a city of 90,000. ‘Self-defence groups’ had taken control of much of the surrounding area in the previous week, and announced that they would drive the drug trafficking organisation (DTO) Los Caballeros Templarios (LCT) out of the city. Reported Latin News.

Mexican Federal Police takes control in southern Michoacan

The Mexican Federal Police with the support of Army now controls security in the entire southern region of Michoacan, where the government launched an operation this week because of the growing violence.

In a joint statement, the Ministries of the Interior (Segob) and National Defense (Sedena) emphasized that none of the actions in the different municipalities arose incidents. The takeover by the elements of the Executive occurs within a week of the head of the Interior Ministry, Miguel Angel Osorio, and the governor of Michoacan, Fausto Vallejo, signed the agreement to support the security of the state.

The forces led by the Federal Police, with the support of Army concluded the task of assuming police responsibility in all the municipalities that are facing operational action, government agencies said. As part of the actions, the military destroyed three marijuana plantations located in the town of Aquila, with a combined area of 3500 square meters.

At the same time, the Department of Defense concluded the collection of weapons from the local police for review and evaluation in accordance with the collective license for these corporations. As a result of this disarmament, 393 municipal police officers from Huetamo, Miigica, Aquila, Gabriel Zamora, Parácuaro, Ario de Rosales, Coahuayana, New Urecho and Chinicuila were taken for evaluation at the Center for Regional Training of the Sixth Military Region, in Tlaxcala.

The text also refers that the government sent this week 11 helicopter to reinforce security tasks confronting the actions of the The Templar Knights cartel and the extent of self-defense groups. These groups of armed civilians, emerged in February 2013, have expanded their presence in the area of Michoacán to deal with organized crime members accused of crimes such as extortion, kidnapping, theft and murder. Amid increasing insecurity, the Mexican administration called selfdefense groups to be integrated into the police or leave their weapons and return to their places of origin. By Prensa Latina.

Forestry model violates rights of Chilean Mapuche, study says

The current forestry model in Chile violates the rights of the Mapuche people and is an obstacle to its development, a study revealed today.

An investigation of the City Observatory and the International Work Group on Indigenous Peoples notes that Decree 701 of 1974 is harmful to the community.

The initiative aims to promote the exotic tree plantations on native forest care, causing irreparable damage to biodiversity and the Mapuches, the study stresses.
Quoted by radio station Radio Universidad de Chile, Pablo Huaiquilao, forestry engineer member of the Pewun Kimun Corporation, stated that it is large-scale monoculture exotic model.

“The state subsidizes it and generates money with subsidy of the Mapuches, we are those who pay the costs”, the expert said.

According to the City Observatory, despite it “ensure prevention of degradation, protection and recovery of soils of the national territory”, the decree is harmful because “nor the companies, nor the State have been responsible for the adverse effects.”

U.S. Army continues cover-up of secret experimentation 65 years later

Pentagon moves to block release of court documents

by Adan Salazar

The D.O.D. and U.S. Army are attempting to delay a court order that would force them to provide certain notice to Vietnam veterans disclosing the extent to which they had secretly been used as test subjects for experimentation during the Cold War.

The federal lawsuit, filed by Vietnam Veterans of America as well as individual soldiers, has dragged on since January 2009, and requests the Army disclose details about covert testing performed during “Project Paperclip,” an operation through which the U.S. Office of Strategic Services recruited Nazi scientists for “postwar intelligence purposes.”

“With the help of Nazi scientists recruited through ‘Project Paperclip,’ the Army and CIA used at least 7,800 veterans as human guinea pigs at the Edgewood Arsenal, [Maryland] alone,” the veterans’ class action suit states.

Starting in the 50s, the Army casually went about using troops to research the effects of various psychoactive elements on the human mind. “[T]he U.S. government sought drugs to control human behavior, cause confusion, promote weakness or temporary loss of hearing and vision, induce hypnosis, and enhance a person’s ability to withstand torture,” the lawsuit states.

“These experiments also used civilian ‘volunteers’ such as college students, who were paid small sums to participate, or prisoners,” the complaint alleges.

Carried out under project names such as “Bluebird,” “Pandora,” “Monarch,” “Artichoke” and “MKUltra,” subjects were unknowingly “administered at least 250 and perhaps as many as 400 types of drugs, among them Sarin, one of the most deadly drugs known, amphetamines, barbiturates, mustard gas, phosgene gas and LSD,” in efforts to develop drugs that would produce the desired effects.

“Defendants videotaped many of the experiments involving ‘volunteers; at Edgewood, as evidence by releases signed by many of the ‘volunteers.’ Varying doses of each substance were administered to the ‘volunteers,’ typically through multiple pathways, including through intravenous, inhalation, oral and percutaneous,” the suit states (.pdf).

It is also alleged chemicals administered were “above the known toxic threshold,” and left many service members suffering “excruciating pain, blackouts, memory loss, hallucinations, flashbacks, trauma, psychotic disorders, and other lasting health problems.”

“The crux of the veterans’ argument,” reports Courthouse News, “is that the Administrative Procedure Act obligates the defendants to provide notice to test subjects and to provide them medical care.”

Additionally, plaintiffs are citing a 1962 Army regulation mandating that experiment participants “will be told as much of the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment, the method and means by which it is to be conducted, and the inconveniences and hazards to be expected, as will not invalidate the results.”

Among several claims for relief, the veterans are chiefly seeking the disclosure of medical information “concerning all tests conducted on Plaintiffs (including any results thereof),” as well as a court order “stating Defendants’ duty to provide Plaintiffs with all necessary medical treatment on an ongoing basis is mandatory.”

Whistleblower: Google Chrome can listen to your conversations Programmer goes public four months after company failed to fix exploit

by Paul Joseph Watson

Whistleblower who privately informed Google four months ago that their Chrome browser had the ability to record conversations without the user’s knowledge has gone public after the tech giant failed to fix the issue.

In the video above, the programmer explains how Google Chrome’s speech recognition function remains operational even after the user has left the website on which they gave permission for the browser to record their voice.

“When you click the button to start or stop the speech recognition on the site, what you won’t notice is that the site may have also opened another hidden pop under window. This window can wait until the main site is closed, and then start listening in without asking for permission. This can be done in a window that you never saw, never interacted with, and probably didn’t even know was there,” writes the whistleblower. The video shows a pop-under browser window recording and typing the programmer’s words as she speaks. The window can be disguised as an advertising banner so the user has no indication that Chrome is listening to their voice, whether that be on the phone, talking to someone on Skype, or merely having a conversation with someone near the computer.

The exploit is a “serious security breach” that has compromised the privacy of millions of Google Chrome users, according to the programmer, who warns, “as long as Chrome is still running, nothing said next to your computer is private.”

The exploit turns Google Chrome into an “espionage tool,” adds the programmer, noting that the recording function can be activated by the use of sensitive keywords and be passed on “to your friends at the NSA.”

The programmer reported the exploit to Google on September 19 last year and was met with assurances that it would be quickly fixed. However, despite apparently fixing the bug within two weeks, the update was never released to Chrome users, with Google telling the programmer, “Nothing is decided yet.”

As far back as 2006, we warned that computers would use in-built microphones to spy on users. We also revealed how digital cable boxes had embedded microphones that had the capability of recording conversations since the late 1990’s.

As we have previously highlighted, terms of agreement for both Android and iPhone apps now require users to agree to allow their microphone to be activated at any time without confirmation before they can download the app. Facebook’s term’s of agreement also allow the social network giant to record your phone calls, read your phone’s call log and “read data about contacts stored on your phone, including the frequency with which you’ve called, emailed or communicated in other ways with specific individuals.”

We are now fully ensconced in a world that even George Orwell would have laughed off as inconceivable. Embedded microphones in everything from Xbox Kinect consoles to high-tech street lights that can record private conversations in real time represent the final nail in the coffin of privacy.

Five organic foods that my be damaging your digestive system

by Derek Henry

The organic movement was initially dubbed a fad, but as time wore on it became obvious that people were concerned about a polluted food supply, and for good reason. However, what many failed to consider is that NOT ALL organic foods are healthy for everyone, and some could actually cause serious damage to their digestive systems.

The five organic foods to watch:


Wheat has enjoyed a long run of being the darling of the grains but in recent years has taken a serious hit, with gluten sensitivity plaguing people across North America. It’s not that organic wheat is necessarily bad in and of itself, but rather, our digestive systems have become severely compromised, and as a result we lack the friendly bacteria that helps digest this component of wheat which leaves many people in pain and distress. This may be partially alleviated for some by simply consuming wheat that is only sprouted, but for many, this will still not resolve the issue. Wheat can be substituted in a number of ways, the more popular being amaranth, oats, almond, coconut, millet, buckwheat, corn, rice and quinoa flour.


Soy was at the tip of everyone’s tongues when the soy industry convinced us that their products were not only safe for consumption but also actually good for you.

However, research is starting to uncover the opposite. Soy has now been attributed to endocrine disruption, digestive problems, hormone issues, thyroid challenges and fertility complications.

Soy promoters deny this research and point to epidemiological studies of Asians and their reduced rates of breast and prostate cancers, even though their traditional diet is soy-dominated. However, these studies fail to point out that these soy products are primarily fermented, which creates healthpromoting probiotics that facilitate proper digestion. Choose soy products that are organic and fermented.

Penut butter

Peanuts, unlike hardshelled nuts, are encased in a very soft and porous shell, which allows contaminants such as fungi to bind to them. As a result, aflatoxin, a cancer-causing chemical produced by naturally occurring fungi in the soil, can easily attach itself to the developing nut.

Since systematic fungal infections are affecting 70% of people, it may not be a wise idea to consume a food that naturally contains it, as it can exacerbate the problem and cause severe reactions and even death. If you do choose to buy organic peanut butter, refrigerate it at all times to inhibit the growth of this naturally occurring fungus.

Cow’s milk

Organic cow’s milk eliminates some of the primary concerns of consuming milk, namely antibiotics, hormones and other chemicals.

However, organic milk is also commonly pasteurized, which tively removes all beneficial bacteria and enzymes and makes it much more difficult for the human digestive tract to properly break down and absorb it. If you choose organic cow’s milk, look for raw.


Pigs are dirty animals and eat everything in sight (including their own feces). Since their digestive systems work quickly, there is no opportunity to eliminate any toxins that may be present in what they eat.

Not only that, but a pig also does not have any sweat glands, which takes away an effective toxin removal process, allowing more toxins to stay inside their body.

Even though organically raised pigs should have toxin-free diets, there is great difficulty in monitoring and circumventing their insatiable desire to eat nearly everything in sight. Instead of pork, try turkey bacon or organic, grass-fed beef, which is much friendlier to your intestinal system.

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This is how you create jobs in the United States Part 4 and last

by Marvin Ramirez

Marvin J. RamirezMarvin Ramirez

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: The following article is very meaningful in terms of protecting the United States from falling onto another totalitarian, Soviet-style dictatorship, and every American should know where our country is heading to. Americans, including Latinos, African Americans, Asian Americans, European Americans, etc., have much to lose. This is the nation where most people came to grab the American dream, the right to have an education, own a place one can call home, have a job, and be happy. But all this is disappearing, because we have a government that doesn’t serve the interests of its own people, but rather those of foreign corporations. PART 4 and LAST

by Devvy Kidd

“The measure of the wealth of a nation is indicated by the measure of its protection of its industry; the measure of the poverty of a nation is marked by the degree in which it neglects and abandons the care of its own industry, leaving it exposed to the action of foreign powers.” – Congressman Henry Clay, 1824.

The Insourcing Boom (Do read)

“After years of offshore production, General Electric is moving much of its far-flung appliance-manufacturing operations back home. It is not alone. An exploration of the startling, sustainable, just-getting-started return of industry to the United States.”

School district urges: ‘Buy American’ this year.’

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — “It started as a test by ABC News to build a home made entirely of American-made products. But it’s grown to include a challenge to large purchasers of goods to think “Made in America” and help in the country’s economic recovery. Indian River County School District purchasing director Rick Chuma likes the idea of buying American.”

Out of stock here: All imports – New York store dedicated to 100 percent domestic merchandise

“When it comes to the commitment to carrying 100 percent made-in-America merchandise, few stores measure up to the in Elma, New York.”

“Since opening day on April 3, 2010, Made in America Store owner Mark Andol has been able to boast that all of the products in his brick 1and-mortar store are 100 percent made in USA. The Made in America Store offers hundreds of products from more than 50 patriotic vendors so the American consumer can patronize American products to support the U.S. economy. If there’s one thing that the economic downturn has taught us, it’s that Americans can use the power of their pocketbook to buy American-manufactured goods, thereby creating more American jobs.”

How many years I have kept pounding on this keyboard in my columns: If you can’t find Made in USA tell the retailer you want a quality product made here by Americans workers and sorry, but I’ll shop on line. They’re getting the message.

Know who’s making this happen? You, me, our family members, friends – we consumers. WE are the ones making the difference by refusing to buy foreign products. Do I buy any? Yes, because I am not against fair trade. I purchase Trilogy Certified Organic Rosehip Oil. It’s the first thing I put on my face when doing the make up thing. I also use their face cream. Those two products are for me, the finest, purest products on the market, no animal testing used; the company is in New Zealand. But, everything else except this computer is made in this country by American workers or I simply go without. Folks are starting their Christmas shopping. Shopping on line does take a little time so you need to order in advance to make sure the item arrives before Christmas.

If you find something on line, but don’t have time to order, call the company and ask them where the nearest retail outlet is to your zip code. Every time you buy one product made in America you help the economy by keeping our fellow Americans employed – not workers in foreign countries. We became the greatest debt free nation on this earth because we manufactured what we needed and kept the money in OUR country by buying everything we need here. Other countries can do the same thing and prosper; America’s Protectionist Takeoff 1815-1914: The Neglected American School of Political Economy by Michael Hudson.

Will you make the commitment to buy Made in America this Christmas and in the future? It’s up to us to rebuild what we once had that benefited all Americans, not political parties or our enemies like communist China. We have the solution. Please pass it along to friends and family. I know money is awfully tight for tens of millions. Christmas gift giving can be painful and embarrassing for those hurting financially, but you don’t have to give cheap junk from communist China.

Maybe make a family gift like a gift certificate to your local museum. Most have wonderful programs all year long and a family gift certificate can cost as little as $50.00 a year. The money stays in your community creating jobs. There are thousands of products, in cluding toys made here. I’ve had that section up on my site for more than a decade. If you manufacture here, I will list your company; there is absolutely no charge, never has been. It doesn’t matter if you are a single proprietor making jewelry or a larger company employing hundreds. All I want is to help keep Americans employed. Remember: The more we buy Made in USA, the more competitive the market becomes and prices get lower.

Eight immigration wins in 2013

by Rebecca Leber and Esther Yu-Hsi Lee

Despite a landmark comprehensive immigration reform bill that cleared the Senate in June, a corresponding bill that addresses the 11.7 million undocumented immigrants in the United States has yet to come to a vote in the House. In fact, the only immigration-related bill that House members brought to a floor vote was a measure to pave the way for deporting undocumented immigrants between the ages of 16 and 31. But although the year ended without a victory on the greatest potential avenue for reform through a bill in Congress, the immigration reform movement achieved other crucial victories in 2013.

Here are eight:

1. Driver’s licenses and state tuition: In 2012, only three states granted driver’s licenses to the undocumented. Now, 11 states — California, New Mexico, Utah, Washington, Illinois, Nevada, Oregon, Maryland, Vermont, Colorado, and Connecticut — and the District of Columbia have passed legislation that allows the undocumented to legally drive. Studies show that giving driver’s licenses to unlicensed drivers, a category that includes many undocumented immigrants, would vastly improve public safety because drivers would have to pass a test before they obtain a license and buy auto insurance. This year, Colorado, Minnesota, and Oregon also passed laws that permit in-state tuition for undocumented students.

2. Key anti-immigrant research discredited: The Heritage Foundation published a report in April that reform opponents hoped to use against the Senate bill. The paper, which argued that immigration reform would be a $6.3 trillion burden on the economy, was immediately slammed by Republicans, Grover Norquist’s Americans for Tax Reform, American Action Forum, and the libertarian CATO Institute for its dishonest methodology. Soon after, co-author Jason Richwine resigned from Heritage over his controversial Harvard University thesis that argued Hispanics are less intelligent. A report that once was the opponents’ powerful weapon during debates on reform was now seen as widely discredited.


3. Local and state anti-immigrant laws blocked: In Arizona, the Ninth Circuit of Appeals upheld a district court’s preliminary injunction on a key provision of the state’s controversial anti-immigrant law which would have made it illegal to give rides or provide shelter to undocumented immigrants. The opinion called the statute “incomprehensible to a person of ordinary intelligence and is therefore void for vagueness.”
Alabama passed the nation’s strictest immigration law in 2011, modeled after ALEC’s “No Sanctuary Cities for Illegal Immigrants Act.” Key provisions of HB 56 designed to encourage últimaracial profiling and make immigrants’ daily lives difficult to impossible, have been permanently blocked. The final legal settlement this fall with the Justice Department, civil rights groups, and plaintiffs prevents the worst of the law, which barred school enrollment, business, and daily interaction with undocumented immigrants.

Elsewhere, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit struck down a Texas town’s ordinance that prohibited landlords from renting to undocumented residents. The Third Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia also ruled that anti-immigration city ordinances in Hazleton, PA infringed on federal immigration policies and the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals similarly issued decisions against an anti-immigration South Carolina law that would have among other violations of federal immigration policies, criminalized undocumented immigrants seeking “shelter.”

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4. Obama used administrative measures to ease restrictions on undocumented immigrants: One year after the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program was implemented, at least 455,455 undocumented immigrants under the age of 31 got a taste of what it would feel like to have legal status, when they were granted work authorization and temporary relief from deportation. The President also issued a few “prosecutorial discretion” memos, advising federal immigration officials to avoid deporting people who are parents of U.S. citizens or if they are immediate family members of military personnel. Still, neither the work authorization nor the temporary deportation reprieve is permanent and many immigrants who would otherwise qualify for discretion are still flagged for deportation.

5. CA and CT limited deportations of non-violent immigrants: The TRUST Act rebukes federal policy by limiting local law enforcement’s compliance in screening and detaining undocumented nonviolent immigrants. The new law in California, a state with 2.45 million undocumented immigrants, should ease community fears of reporting crime because of deportation threats.

6. Republicans joined the call for citizenship: Within the span of one week in November, three House Republicans — Reps. Jeff Denham (R-CA), Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), and David Valadao (R-CA) — signed onto a comprehensive immigration bill introduced by House Democrats. They pressed House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) to allow the bill to come to a vote on the House floor before the end of the Congressional year. That plan never transpired, but Boehner’s choice to hire Rebecca Tallent to lead immigration efforts renewed hope that House Republican would act on the issue in 2014.

7. People are limiting their use of the term “illegal immigrant”: A Pew research study released in June found that the use of the phrase “illegal alien” declined in 2013 and that the term “undocumented immigrant” rose (especially among immigrant advocates). Not coincidentally, immigration advocates have campaigned hard to make people understand that the phrase is derogatory because “no human is illegal.” Newspapers like the Associated Press, the Los Angeles Times, and the New York Times have all limited their use of the phrase “illegal immigrant.” And after a college conservative group was set to hold a “Catch An Illegal Immigrant” game on the University of Texas at Austin campus, the event sparked a protest held by hundreds of solidarity activists and the actress America Ferrera.

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8. Majority of Americans support comprehensive immigration reform that includes a citizenship provision: The final g”immigration win” involves the strong backing of the American public. A November 2013 poll found that 63 percent of American voters support allowing undocumented immigrants to become citizens as long as they meet certain requirements (like paying back taxes and fines, learning English, and passing a background check). Even voters living in 17 key Congressional districts represented by House Republicans opposed to immigration reform similarly support reform legislation when the details of the bill are fleshed out.