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What you wanted to know about the New World Order

by Marvin Ramirez

Marvin J. RamirezMarvin Ramirez

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: Dear readers of El Reportero, I want share with you the following article, published by a website called, Spoon-Fed Truth, which contains just what I was looking for, information that would define in more detail what the meaning of The New World Order was. Many of you have heard it so many times by the Bushes, and even Obama. Well, I hope you will enjoy it and come up with your conclusions. Remember, this type of information – labeled as Conspiracy Theory, is never covered in the mainstream media, as they are believed to serve the agenda of The New World Order. El Reportero is reproducing it as it was written by its original author/s. This is Part 1 of a series of two.

— “In the New Order, Socialism will triumph by first capturing the culture via infiltration of schools, universities, churches and the media by transforming the consciousness of society.” Antonio Gramsci, Italian Socialist politician.

“We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent.” (February 17, 1950, as he testified before the US Senate).

The term New World Order (NWO) has been used by numerous politicians through the ages, and is a generic term used to refer to a worldwide conspiracy being orchestrated by an extremely powerful and influential group of genetically-related individuals (at least at the highest echelons) which include many of the world’s wealthiest people, top political leaders, and corporate elite, as well as members of the so-called Black Nobility of Europe (dominated by the British Crown) whose goal is to create a One World (fascist) Government, stripped of nationalistic and regional boundaries, that is obedient to their agenda.

Using various organizations and compartments to make up their machine, they rule the world covertly. The elite are the unofficial unelected government that is really ruling our world, they are the CEO’s of the establishment. They have created various branches of their unofficial government, or rather “capitals”. There is the Military capital, in Washington D.C, the Vatican in Rome, which is the spiritual capital, and London, England as the financial Capital. All three of these are independent. They have their own laws, and own constitutions. Using the brute force of war, the guise of spirituality known as religion, the power of money they have been manipulating the world at their will. Behind it all are forces working collectively to unite the world underneath a One World Government with them ruling at the top. The common term used to describe this One World Gov1ernment plan, even used by the elite themselves, is the term “New World Order”.

The New World Order is already nearly complete with the United Nations increasingly assuming the role of world government; the world court already exists in the Netherlands; NATO is in place to expand into the world army; World Bank/IMF are centralizing banking; and Union currencies like the Euro and the coming Amero are consolidating world currency. The European Union has centralized Europe, The North American Union (SPP) is now underway, and so is the Asian Union (APEC). The end result and stated mission is global government under the unelected communist-based United Nations. They want to have one all-powerful world King/President with a world army at his disposal. They want a top-down system of global governance that dictates world law from a centralized body and complete interdependence of all nations, economically, politically, and militarily.

“The supra-national sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.” — David Rockefeller.

They control society from the inside out, and top to bottom. The elite perform manipulating maneuvers and have been “legally” destroying America and other countries all over the world for centuries. They have taken over education, the media, they have rewritten history, The manipulating maneuvers are performed by their minions, often members of secret societies, or fraternities such as The Order of Skull and Bones (hereafter called The Order). Collectively they have focused on specifically changing society with an eye towards the globalist goal of a One World Order. In order to drastically alter civilization, members of The Order infiltrate society’s institutions and use their influence, backed by the vast wealth of the international bankers, to gain absolute control.

The societal elements as defined by Antony C. Sutton in An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones:

· Education – how the population of the future will be have.

· Money – the means of holding wealth and exchanging goods.

· Law – the authority to enforce the will of the state, a world law and a world court is needed for a world state. · Politics – the direction of the state.

· Economy– the creation of wealth.

· History – what people believe happened in the past.

·Psychology– the means of controlling how people think.

· Philanthropy – so that the people think well of the controllers.

· Medicine – the power over health, life and death.

· Religion – people’s spiritual beliefs, the spur to action for many.

·Media – what people know and learn about current events.

· Continuity – the power to appoint who follows in your footsteps.

“The nations of the world are increasingly recognizing the authority of international law. We now have the World Bank, the World Trade Organization, the World Health Organization and the World Court just to name a few.

We have a World Court to adjudicate the international laws of the emerging world government.”– Irvin Baxter.

The war on men: 9 ways masculinity is under attack

by Paul Joseph Watson

Men are facing a full frontal assault on their rights, health and culture like never before. The war on masculinity has never been so brutal – but it’s not a war being waged by women. The attack is coming directly from the top, as the establishment desperately attempts to emasculate and disempower men in order to force women to be more dependent on the state, thereby enabling more power to be centralized and aiding the growth of big government.

Here are ten ways in which the state has declared war on men and masculinity;

1) Falling Fertility

Sperm counts amongst men have significantly decreased over the last half century and particularly over the last 25 years. In some European countries, sperm counts have dropped by as much as a third since 1989. Part of the fall can be explained by exposure to pesticides, endocrine-disrupting chemicals like Bisphenol A, and the many other artificial horrors that increasingly pervade our water and food supply. Many have made the connection between falling sperm counts and the open calls by innumerable elitists to drastically reduce world population by as much as 95 percent. Research shows that underpopulation, not overpopulation, will be the major demographic crisis of the 21st century as a result of humans failing to achieve the replacement rate of 2.1 children.

2) Chemical Warfare “Feminizing” Boys

Exposure to phthalates, which are found in many plastics, is “feminizing” boys by blocking normal male testosterone and causing genital abnormalities, according to scientists. “Boys exposed to high levels of these in the womb were less likely than other boys to play with cars, trains and guns or engage in “rougher” games like playfighting,” according to a BBC News report. According to Elizabeth Salter-Green, director of the chemicals campaign group CHEM Trust, phthalates are a true “gender-bender” because they lead to a reduction in “male behavior”.

3) Degradation of Positive Masculine Role Models

Whereas 50 years ago, advertising, Hollywood and television was filled with examples of positive masculine role models that young men could look up to, today’s entertainment industry routinely portrays men as clueless and bumbling oafs at best (think Homer Simpson, Everybody Loves Raymond, Married With Children) or at worst as aggressive sexual predators. Since advertising is primarily aimed at women, men in commercials are also now routinely depicted as either being emasculated losers or stupefied morons. Young men consuming this content grow up thinking that it is acceptable and even encouraged to aspire to these character traits. In doing so, they are robbed of their natural masculinity and find it extremely difficult to attract well-rounded women, who are rightly disgusted by such behavior.

4) Metrosexual Malaise

Second wave feminism was a creation of the establishment itself and at its core has little whatsoever to do with genuine concern about women’s rights. Radical feminism deliberately confuses gender roles and makes young men apprehensive about exercising their masculinity for fear of being seen as overbearing or aggressive towards women. This has contributed to an entire generation of “metrosexual” men who are promiscuous, unwilling to commit to a relationship and unable to fulfil a women’s basic needs for healthy companionship, destabilizing society and making it more difficult for women to find suitable long term partners with whom to have children.

5) The ‘Men are Paid More’ Myth

The establishment promulgates the myth that men are paid more than women because of discrimination, feeding into feminist doctrines about patriarchal systems oppressing women in the workplace. In reality, the “wage gap” of around 19 per cent between the two sexes in the United States is explained by a number of reasons that have nothing to do with discrimination, including the fact that men work more hours and men seek less desirable jobs that pay higher. As a result, men account for 93% of workplace deaths despite being only 54% of the workforce. 94% of workplace suicides every year are also men. The establishment buries these shockingly high male workplace fatality figures because they completely contradict the myth that the jobs market discriminates against women.

6) The “Privilege” Trap

Statists, collectivists and their mouthpieces in the media and the establishment claim that western men (in particular white men) cannot express a valid opinion on any issue related in any way to a “minority” (such as feminism or immigration) because they have “privilege.

7) The Legal System Discriminates Against Men

In both divorce and child custody proceedings, it is widely acknowledged that courts heavily favor women and discriminate against men. Men are routinely hit with onerous alimony payments even if women are capable of working and earning a good paycheck. Men only receive custody of their children in around 10 per cent of divorce cases in the United States. The ironic thing about this system is that it has primarily been instituted by other men, emphasizing again how the war on men is being waged not by women, but by the primarily male-dominated establishment itself.

8) Masculinity as a Dirty Word

Dissident feminist Camille Paglia recently wrote a Wall Street Journal piece in which she warned, “What you’re seeing is how a civilization commits suicide.” Paglia was referring to how the emancipation of masculine virtues by the establishment threatens to create massive destabilization in society due to less and less men being able to fill traditionally “masculine” roles in the jobs market. Paglia points to schools cutting recess, the effort to deny the biological distinctions between men and women, and the left’s characterizaThe college girls, forced to stay in the house, decide to do a report on the psychological processes they suffer throughout that day.

“It’s a realistic film that could really have happened. Youths use their mobile phones to make videos of themselves at a party or when they’re engaged in some activity, but these girls are filming each other during an entire day,” Carcamo, who took part in the production of “Gloria,” a prizewinning movie at the Berlin Intertion of controversial opinions as “hate speech” as examples of how masculinity is being deliberately eroded. “Masculinity is just becoming something that is imitated from the movies. There’s nothing left. There’s no room for anything manly right now,” warns Paglia, adding that young men have, “no models of manhood.”

9) Domestic Abuse Against Men

Whereas women have numerous safety nets to turn to if they become victims of domestic abuse, men have virtually none, despite the fact that domestic abuse against men is a huge and growing problem. In the UK for example, 44 per cent of domestic abuse victims are male, while more married men suffer abuse at the hands of their spouse than married women. While domestic abuse against women is constantly highlighted by the mass media, domestic abuse against men is a complete non-issue.


A totalitarian society can only survive if the male population has been gelded, emasculated and disenfranchised. With this natural bulwark against tyranny removed, the elite can centralize power and pursue collectivist tyranny unopposed. This is why men and masculinity are under assault on every level – and why both men and women should join forces to fight back against this common enemy.

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FOLLOW Paul Joseph Watson @ (Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for and Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News).

Spanish production team in Hollywood campaigning for Oscar

by the El Reportero’s news services

09 La Película09 La Película

The team behind Spain’s “Aquel no era yo” (“That Wasn’t Me”) were at a reception on the roof of the Andaz West Hollywood Hotel as part of their campaign for the Oscar in the category of Best Short Film, Live Action.

Director Esteban Crespo, star Gustavo Salmeron and members of the crew screened the film for around 100 invited guests, including a substantial contingent from Southern California’s Spanish expat community.

The event, organized by the Madrid regional government and the Spanish Tourist Office in Los Angeles, showcased both Crespo’s film and the attractions of Spain’s capital as a vacation destination.

“I’m enjoying the experience,” the filmmaker told Efe as he gazed down on the city.

Since arriving here at the beginning of the month, Crespo and his colleagues have been taking every opportunity to get “Aquel no era yo” in front of the Academy voters before the March 2 Oscar gala.

“I came with the intention to do everything we could to win that Oscar and we are calm in the knowledge that we have done everything,” he said. “If we don’t win it’s because there is another film that’s better, or because it just works out that way.”

Crespo sees The Voorman Problem, featuring Hobbit star Martin Freeman, as the main rival to his film.

“If you have an actor of that level, your campaign is at another level than ours,” the Spaniard acknowledged.

“I am very conscious of how the Academy works. The best films don’t win,” Crespo said. “For me, in fact, I love watching the ceremony, (but) the film I want never wins.”

Chilean producer unveils first film shot entirely on mobile phones

The first Chilean film shot with mobile phones – “09 La Pelicula” – is a suspense movie produced by Martin Carcamo and filmed with the telephones of its leading characters.

“Three cell phones are filming at the same time during the movie,” Carcamo said in an interview with Efe.

Carcamo, a television host, is making his debut as a screenwriter and executive producer with this creation.

The film, hyperrealistic in style, tells the story from the subjective points of view of Carolina, played by actress Juanita Ringeling, Andrea (Isidora Cabezon) and Florencia (Catalina González).

“It’s a different kind of story, a little dirty in style and was filmed by the actresses themselves,” Carcamo said.

The plot follows the experiences of three journalism students who shut themselves up in a house to work on a university project, when suddenly police warn them that just a few kilometers (miles) away, a couple has been murdered.

The college girls, forced to stay in the house, decide to do a report on the psychological processes they suffer throughout that day.

“It’s a realistic film that could really have happened. Youths use their mobile phones to make videos of themselves at a party or when they’re engaged in some activity, but these girls are filming each other during an entire day,” Carcamo, who took part in the production of “Gloria,” a prizewinning movie at the Berlin Intertionnational Film Festival, said.

“09 La Pelicula,” the first work by director Javier Aguirrezabal, will screen in Chilean theaters starting March 13.

Its creators foresee the movie doing the rounds of international film festivals in the near future.

Unusual Standards music concert

Compiled by the El Reportero staff

7 boxes film7 boxes film

An unforgettable, outside the box concert of funky Afro-Caribbean tinged jazz “standards” with more unusual turns and surprises than a roller coaster, as we deconstruct the standard and reconstruct the familiar.

This world-class team of supreme vocalists are among the most adventurous anywhere.

Featuring The John Santos Sextet: Melecio Magdaluyo, Dr. John Calloway, Saul Sierra Marco Diaz, David Flores. With special guests: Faye Carol, Kenny Washington, Kellye Gray and Destani Wolf.

On Sunday, March 2, 2014, at 4 p.m., at the gorgeous new SFJAZZ Center at 201 Franklin at Fell St., San Francisco. 866-920-5299.

Get on the bus to Sacramento! Defend Community Colleges!

The Save CCSF Coalition is organizing for the annual March on March 3 that brings students, faculty and community to the state capital to let our elected officials know that education is a right and should be accessible to all.

If you would like to ride the bus to Sacramento, fill out the at tached form:

Monday, March 3, 2014. Contact Nancy Reiko Kato at or 415.994.5785 for more info or to get involved. or

Pretty in Ink: North American Women Cartoonists 1896-2013

While the general public is all too familiar with superheroes such as Superman, Spiderman, Batman and others, lesser known is how many women drew comics in the early 20th century. While many of these talented women, like Nell Brinkley, were the superstars of their day, they’ve fallen into relative obscurity.

Through photos, letters, original artwork, toys, comic books and other ephemera, this exhibition showcases women cartoonists from the late 19th century to the present, including the first prewoman comic strip artist, Rose O’Neill, and her comic The Old Subscriber Calls, in Truth Magazine in 1896.

At the San Francisco Main Library, Fourth Floor, 100 Larkin Street, on March 8 – June 5, 2014.

Cine + Latino Film Fest presents 7 Boxes film

7 Boxes (7 Cajas) was an official selection in the last edition of the CMSF Latino Film Fest back in September. It is having its theatrical release this month across the United States and making a stop in San Francisco at the Roxie Theater. We’ll have a meet-up on March 5th. CMSF followers get a $1 off admission buying tickets online or at the door. Scroll down for additional details.

Join us for a drink & film viewing! Meet up at Dalva Bar next door from the Roxie at 5:30 p.m. Film starts at 7 p.m. No host bar.

7 Cajas / 7 Boxes starts Friday February 28- thru March 6th at the Roxie Theater 3117 16th Street (Between Valencia & Guerreo). The discount code is ‘CineMas’ – online or at the door March 5th 7pm screening.

In Spanish & Guainformaciónrani with English subtitles. 100 mins.

Abrazos de San Pancho: the San Francisco Nicaragua Solidarity Movement film

An exciting documentary about the Nicaraguan Revolution and the San Francisco based Nicaragua Solidarity Movement that was part of from the 70s to 1990.

You are invited to the first showing of our trailer for “Abrazos de San Pancho: the San Francisco Nicaragua Solidarity Movement,” which will be shown along with the Bay Area premiere of the documentary “En la Casa, la Cama y la Calle” (in the Home, the Bed and the Streets), and will feature San Francisco Poet Laureate, Professor, and Activist Alejandro Murguia.

Join us for a great evening. Check out all the details below.

On Thursday, March 20, from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m., at the Eric Quesada Community Center- 518 Valencia St (near 16th St.)

There will be wine, food, poetry, music and networking. Cash, checkes and credit card donations welcome at the door or online at


The Sport of Gentlemen

Boxing” de Molina

Saturday, March 1 – San Antonio, Texas (HBO) –

Featherweights: Orlando Salido (40-12-2, 28 KOs) vs. Vasyl Lomachenko (1-0, 1 KOs).

Saturday, March 1 – Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany

Junior lightweights: Robert Stieglitz (46-3, 26 KOs) vs. Arthur Abraham (38-4, 28 KOs).

Saturday, March 1 – Johannesburg, South Africa –

Minimumweights: Hekkie Budler (24-1, 7 KOs) vs. Karluis Diaz (21-4, 14 KOs)

Saturday, March 8 – Las Vegas, Nevada (SHOWTIME) –

Junior middleweights: Carlos Molina (22-5-2, 6 KOs) vs. Jermell Charlo (17-0, 13 KOs);

Lightweights: Omar Figueroa (22-0-1, 17 KOs) vs. Ricardo Alvarez (23-2-3, 14 KOs);

Junior featherweights: Leo Santa Cruz (26-0-1, 15 KOs) vs. Cristian Mijares (49-7-2, 24 KOs).

NAFTA hurt workers on both sides of the border

Anti NAFTA activists protest at the border against the lost of jobs at both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border.

by Jaisal Noor
The Real News
Question & Answer

This week marks the 20th anniversary of the implementation of the North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA. NAFTA made the United States, Canada, and Mexico the largest free trade area in the world, linking 450 million people producing $17 trillion worth of goods and services.

Now joining us is David Bacon. He’s an award winning photojournalist, author, immigrant rights activist, who spent over two decades as a labor organizer. His most recent book is The Right to Stay Home: How U.S. Policy Drives Mexican Migration.


NOOR: So, David, this 20-year anniversary of NAFTA has been both celebrated and sort of mourned, depending on what side you lie on this debate. I wanted to get your response from this quote in The Economist that was just published earlier today. The quote goes:

“… Mexico—an emerging market hitched to two larger, rich ones—has been NAFTA’s biggest beneficiary. Import competition has improved Mexican manufacturing productivity; foreign direct investment has surged. More important, membership of NAFTA has shored up Mexico’s domestic political commitment to open markets, and provided a template for the country’s other free-trade agreements. . . . The deal has not closed the vast income gap with Canada and America … but it has helped make Mexico more stable and prosperous. That should be a cause for celebration on both sides of the border.”

David Bacon, what is your response?

BACON: Well, actually, I think that’s a pretty honest quote, because what it’s really saying is that NAFTA was a source of profits because of the way the markets in Mexico were opened to large corporations, especially U.S. corporations. So there were some people who benefited from the last 20 years of the agreement. And they include Mexican billionaires. Mexico created a large number of billionaires, especially during the first ten years of the agreement. One of them, Carlos Slim, went on to become the world’s richest person for quite a while. And U.S. corporations also did very well in Mexico because of this opening of the market.

Ordinary Mexicans, however, did very poorly as a result. And I think the best and the most telling statistic is that during the period of NAFTA, from ‘94 to the present, about 12.6 million people from Mexico are now living in the United States. When the treaty went into effect, it was only about 4.6 million people. So 8 million people came to the United States overwhelmingly because they had little alternative to doing that if they wanted to survive economically. So NAFTA produced changes in Mexico which affected drastically the lives of ordinary working people and farmers.

This opening of the market essentially led to, for instance, Mexico losing a lot of its auto parts industry [that were] producing for auto manufacturers in Mexico. Mexico became an export platform, where the purpose of auto plants, assembly plants, parts plants was to produce for the U.S. market [inaud.] because [incompr.] other Mexican market, when in effect the income for most Mexicans really went down during the NAFTA period.

So what NAFTA did was it made Mexico even more of a kind of a lo-wage reserve area in which U.S. corporations could then relocate production in order to make goods not for the sake of sale in Mexico, but for the sake of sale in the United States. So Mexico became tied very tightly to the U.S., but not in a way that benefited ordinary Mexicans. It benefited people at the top, but did not benefit people at the bottom. NOOR: And you’ve done a lot of reporting on the conditions at the Mexican side of the U.S. border.

Often when NAFTA is discussed, we only talk about the impact on the U.S. itself. Talk about what–talk about the factories that have been created on the Mexican side of the U.S.-Mexico border and the conditions that workers endure in those factories.

BACON: Okay. Well, NAFTA accelerated the development of these factories called maquiladoras along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Those factories existed there before NAFTA went into effect. But the number of factories and the number of workers in those factories mushroomed as U.S. corporations–and not just U.S. corporations, but other corporations wanting to use Mexican labor to produce for the U.S. market located factories there.

So the average wage in a Mexican maquiladora stayed flat during the entire NAFTA period. So workers in a maquiladora today are making maybe $6, $7 a day.

The price of a gallon of milk in a Mexican supermarket is not very much different from what it is on the U.S. side of the border. So a woman working assembling televisions for Sony or Sanyo or Panasonic in a maquiladora in Tijuana, for instance, has to work half a day just to buy a gallon of milk for her children.

So you find hundreds of thousands of workers who are living in neighborhoods, barrios, in which people are–the streets are unpaved, there’s no sewer system, people are stealing electricity from the wires because there are no social services or electrical services. People couldn’t afford to pay for them even if they could. And this is when people are working.

And, of course, by tying the Mexican economy so tightly to the U.S. one, what also happened is that when we went into a recession in the United States, we  stopped buying what those factories were producing, which meant that hundreds of thousands of workers lost their jobs in those factories.

Since the border was right there, a stone’s throw away, many of those workers really had no alternative but to cross the border and look for work in the United States if they wanted to survive.

So NAFTA led to increased displacement of people, it led to increased migration because of these poor working conditions.

Those working conditions and those low wages were the selling point, really, to get corporations to build those factories and to invest in Mexico. So what NAFTA did was it created an incentive on the part of the Mexican government for holding incomes down, actually, for the vast majority of Mexican people as a way of kind of encouraging corporate investment.

And it wasn’t just holding incomes down and wages down. Other things happened as a result of this policy of trying to do anything to encourage corporate investment.

One of the things that we saw in the last few years was the Mexican government declaring that the state-owned power and light company in Central Mexico no longer existed, because essentially they were setting up the electricity system in Mexico for privatization. As a result of that, they fired the 44,000 workers who worked for this stateowned power company and destroyed their union.

Now the Mexican government and the Mexican Congress and the new administration there has passed a change to the Mexican Constitution which will now allow for the privatization of Mexico’s number-one economic asset, which is its oil industry, and also the electrical industry. So certainly some people are going to gain by that. You know, you can call that progress or growth if you want to, but in fact for most Mexicans what it really means is that they lose control over the key assets, the key economic assets that the Mexican state and the Mexican government controls, in the interests of selling them off to private investors. And at the same time, the people who work in those industries, they lose their unions, they lose their jobs, their wages go down. So really for most people it results in a loss.

That’s why so many people are coming to the United States, as a result of that.

Nicaraguan constitutional changes go into effect allowing Ortega to remain in office

by the El Reportero’s wire services

EDaniel OrtegaoDaniel Ortega

Changes to the Nicaraguan constitution that allow President Daniel Ortega to run for re-election as many times as he wishes entered into force Tuesday with their publication in the official gazette.

The document was dated Feb. 10, but the Web site of the official gazette was knocked out Monday by a group of hackers calling themselves the Algerian Ghosts.

The amended constitution eliminates both term limits for presidents and the requirement to win an absolute majority at the ballot box to become head of state.
From now on, a plurality will be sufficient.

Other new provisions give Ortega the authority to reactive retired military personnel and police and to place them in civilian organizations within the executive branch.

The president will also be able to keep public officials in posts for the time he deems appropriate.

The reforms were pushed through at the end of last year by the governing Sandinista party’s majority in congress and approved despite the rejection of the opposition, social movements, civic groups, feminist organizations and businessmen. “We reject the reforms because they were born illegally,” the leader of the Sandinista Renewal Movement, Ana Margarita Vigil, told Efe.

The opposition’s argument is that there was insufficient consultation regarding the reforms and, because of their impact, they should have been submitted to a referendum.

Ortega, 68, who won reelection in 2011 with 62.45 percent of the vote in an process plagued by accusations of irregularities, is currently in his second consecutive term and third overall.

The president has spent almost half his life as the undisputed leader of the Sandinista National Liberation Front, or FSLN, which toppled the fourdecade- long Somoza dictatorship in the late 1970s Nicaragua’s next general elections are scheduled for 2016.

Spain-China relations tense following arrest warrants for ex-president

A Spanish judge’s decision to issue arrest warrants for China’s former president and other senior officials in a case over alleged genocide in Tibet could harm relations between the two countries, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said Tuesday. “China is strongly dissatisfied and firmly opposed to the erroneous acts taken by the Spanish agencies in disregard of China’s position,” ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying.

“Whether or not this issue can be appropriately dealt with is related to the healthy development of ties,” she told reporters during the ministry’s regular daily briefing. She commented a day after Spanish National Court Judge Ismael Moreno issued warrants for the arrest of former Chinese President Jiang Zemin, who retired a decade ago, and four other erstwhile top officials.

The case was brought by pro-Tibetan activists in Spain. The National Court agreed to hear the case based on the principle of universal jurisdiction and on the fact that one of the plaintiffs – a Tibetan monk – has Spanish citizenship.

pain’s Parliament was set on Tuesday to debate a bill presented by the governing conservative Popular Party to restrict the conditions under which Spanish courts may investigate alleged crimes committed outside the national territory.

If approved, the measure would paralyze the case against the former Chinese officials.

China respects the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries and, therefore, it is not commenting on what may occur in the Spanish Parliament, the foreign ministry’s Hua said Tuesday.

China insists Tibet has been part of its territory for centuries, though Tibetans say the “Roof of the World” was effectively independent until being occupied by the Red Army in the early 1950s.

Tibet’s spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, fled to India after a failed uprising in the late 50s.

Wash. State legislation ending illegal drone surveillance gains bipartisan support

by Mikael Thalen

Two Washington state bills that protect residents from illegal drone surveillance in the public and private sector are quickly gaining large bi-partisan support.

The first bill, HB 1771, not only prohibits the acquisition of unmanned aerial vehicles by government agencies without prior approval by the state legislature, but also protects residents by requiring law enforcement to obtain warrants for any drone surveillance. Originally introduced last year, the bill’s popularity has grown with Republican and Democrat sponsors.

“We’ve been working collaboratively across the aisle to address some of the concerns raised over the last year,” Rep. David Taylor (R), the bill’s primary sponsor, told Storyleak. “The bill will protect the citizens of Washington from warrantless surveillance using UAVs.”

The bill also protects citizens who may inadvertently be captured by a drone’s camera during warranted use, requiring that any and all identifying information be deleted within twenty-four hours.

“No personal information collected on an individual or area other than the target that justified the issuance of a search warrant may be used, copied, or disclosed for any purpose. Such personal information shall be deleted as soon as possible, and in no event later than twenty-four hours after collection,” Section 11 of the bill reads.

According to the legislation, law enforcement would also be required to conduct yearly comprehensive audits on all drone operations. The audits, which would be made available to the public, would include copies of all warrants, the law enforcement log book and any corresponding emergency telephone calls.

The second bill, HB 2178, gives the same protection to Washington residents from private drone usage as well. Any individual with a reasonable expectation of privacy must give consent before being filmed by any privately owned drone.

“Prohibits operation of an unmanned aircraft in Washington airspace if the unmanned aircraft has active sensory devices onboard that collect personal information about any individual without the individual’s consent,” the bill’s summary reads. The bill also establishes “a private right of action for an individual whose reasonable expectation of privacy is violated.”

While both bills grow in popularity among surveillance-weary residents, aerospace giant Boeing as well as the Washington Association of Sheriffs & Police Chiefs remain likely opponents. While Boeing successfully lobbied the Democratic leadership to reject drone regulation last year, Democrats have now jumped on board, likely responding to public pressure.

A leaked email also revealed a Washington lawmaker’s attempt to hide a drone demonstration from the public last March, citing fear over “demonstrations and security” issues.

Others such as industry lobbyist Paul Applewhite attempted to derail the legislation as well, shockingly advocating for “lethal force” within the United States during a House Committee hearing last February.

Despite the minor hiccup last year, residents did successfully end the Seattle Police Department’s attempts to use surveillance drones, forcing the department to return two drones to their vendor.

With the Obama administration attempting to assassinate yet another American overseas, the public’s support of drones may be shifting. Given different police departments’ vocal support for adding “rubber bullets and tear gas” to UAVs, few Americans are willing to wait and see how far the government is willing to take armed drones.

As experts predict the arrival of more than 30,000 drones over US skies by 2020, constitutional lawmakers are desperately working to restrain the government’s attempts at indiscriminate drone use.

Supporters of these bills are encouraged to contact members of the Washington Association of Sheriffs & Police Chiefs to politely demand they support constitutional drone guidelines.
Phone: (360) 486-2380

In other news:

The global warming tipping point is near

by Andrew Thomas
American Thinker

Malcolm Gladwell’s great book The Tipping Point presents the case that sudden seismic shifts in society can result from small events, if the right factors are present. Tipping points happen when momentum toward an idea builds and finally crosses a threshold where it is evident that a major cultural change has occurred. The global warming tipping point is coming, but not the one anticipated by climate change “experts.”

Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) theory has been dominant for the past three decades as absolute fact in the public mind. In the last several years, however, cracks in the fortress of “settled science” have appeared, and public opinion has begun to shift. Increasingly, alarmist predictions have failed to come to fruition.

In 2004, NASA’s chief scientist James Hansen authoritatively announced that there is only a ten-year window to act on AGW (presumably by transferring mass quantities of taxpayer funds to global warmist causes) before climate Armageddon destroys humanity. Well, that window has now shut tight, and AGW is AWOL.

Al Gore, the high priest of AGW theory, has closed all of his Alliance for Climate Protection field offices, and laid off 90 percent of his staff. Contributions have all but dried up since 2008.

Australia’s conservative government has severely curtailed the country’s climate change initiatives and is in the process of repealing its business-killing carbon tax. A group of German scientists predicts dramatic global cooling over the next 90 years toward a new “little ice age.”

Of course, even many “low information” folks have an awareness of the record increase in Arctic sea ice, as well as the current highly-publicized predicament of the cadre of wealthy global warmists stuck in record-high sea ice while on a cruise to the Antarctic to prove the absence of sea ice.

Now the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has quietly downgraded their prediction for global warming for the next 30 years in the final draft of their landmark “Fifth Assessment Report.” The effect of this is that they are tacitly admitting that the computer models they have religiously relied-upon for decades as “proof” of AGW theory are dead wrong.

The tipping point is near. I can smell it.

Fish oil dramatically improves brain health

by Sandeep Godiyal

Researchers have known for quite some time that fish oil is highly beneficial to optimal human health. These benefits include better brain health, which is why so many manufacturers of infant milk substitutes rushed to add both DHA and omega-3 fatty acids, amino acids found in high quantities in fish, to their products. Some recent research has shown that these benefits go beyond the developing brains of the smallest people and can help people of all ages enjoy a dramatic increase in the health of their brains.

Much needed help for severe traumatic brain injuries

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that there are about 1.7 million brain injuries each year that can be classified as traumatic. Recent research literature highlights the use of large amounts of fish oil, which is very high in omega-3 fatty acids, to help with cases of brain injury that are classified as severe.

Severely brain injured teen defies odds

One such case is Grant Virgin. The 16-year-old from Palm Desert, California, was struck by a hitand-run driver while out for a walk. His resulting injuries were severe and necessitated him having to be airlifted from the scene and rushed to a trauma center nearby. Grant’s parents were given a long list of his injuries which included a torn aorta, spinal fractures and a traumatic brain injury consisting of bleeding throughout the brain and skull fractures.

Grant’s prognosis was grim – his doctors essentially told his parents that there was nothing further that could be done for the teen. He would never walk again, nor would he even be able to recognize members of his family. There was little to no hope of him ever being able to recover. Grant spent nine weeks in acute care at the trauma center before he was transferred to a rehabilitation hospital. It was at this time that his parents began to give him high doses – 20 grams – of fish oil each day. Though they had been giving fish oil to the teen while he was in acute care, the dosage was not as high.

Dramatic results

After just 48 hours, Grant awoke, asked for a cell phone and called his mother at midnight. She was so stunned that she thought she was dreaming until she visited the hospital the next day and discovered that a nurse had fetched a cell phone for Grant’s use the night before. Now, nearly 16 months after his accident, Grant continues to progress in his recovery.

Promise for the elderly brain as well

The developing brains of infants and teens are not the only ones who have been shown to benefit from using fish oil. Neurology, a medical journal, recently published the results of a study which showed that elderly women with high levels of omega-3s had better brain functioning. Regardless of an individual’s age, fish oil holds great promise to increase the health of their brain.

TV propaganda and the mind control culture

by Marvin Ramirez

Marvin J. RamirezMarvin Ramirez

NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: Many of you, my readers, have no idea of the destructive effects caused by the current television programming that is offered to the people. Programming that is geared at controlling our lives, behavior, in every aspect of our existence – by design, with one agenda in mind: to make of us slaves. This week’s edition is dedicated to that subject of mind control by television. I found the following article and the column next to this editorial, which expose those dangers to our mind and body.

by Sartre

Few subjects present an indisputable window into modern society than the electronic version of reality that is dispensed through television broadcasts. This technology does not require interactive skills or critical thinking acumen. Just watch and fall into a daydream trance. TV is the stealth killer that penetrates 114.7 million American households. According to Nielsen, the 2012 Universe Estimate (UE), reflects a reduction in the estimated percent of U.S. homes with a television set (TV penetration), which declined to 96.7 percent from 98.9 percent. Should this turn down suggest promise or is it merely a result of internet substitution?

With the proliferation of cable channels and 24 hour programming, the landscape of TV addiction vastly impacts perception and dramatically excludes normal interpersonal relations. Melissa Melton cites the following in her article, TV: Your Mind. Controlled.

Television’s reporting on politics is miserable by any coherent standard of journalism. The business of television has little to do with an accurate chronicle of events or the meaning of decisions and actions. In order to understand the objectives of the content producers and the basic purpose behind the cultural soothsayers, a review of Mind Control Theories and Techniques used by Mass Media, which is a well-documented source that outlines how the mass media really operates, is useful. Examine the specifics and draw your own lessons.

“Mass media is the most powerful tool used by the ruling class to manipulate the masses. It shapes and molds opinions and attitudes and defines what is normal and acceptable. This article looks at the workings of mass media through the theories of its major thinkers, its power structure and the techniques it uses, in order to understand its true role in society.”

The conclusion of this account is a valid summary.

“Lippmann, Bernays and Lasswell have all declared that the public are not fit to decide their own fate, which is the inherent goal of democracy. Instead, they called for a cryptocracy, a hidden government, a ruling class in charge of the “bewildered herd.” As their ideas continue to be applied to society, it is increasingly apparent that an ignorant population is not an obstacle that the rulers must deal with: It is something that is DESIRABLE and, indeed, necessary, to insure total leadership. An ignorant population does not know its rights, does not seek a greater understanding of issues and does not question authorities. It simply follows trends. Popular culture caters to and nurtures ignorance by continually serving up brain-numbing entertainment and spotlighting degenerate celebrities to be idolized. Many people ask me: “Is there a way to stop this?” Yes, there is. STOP BUYING THEIR CRAP AND READ A BOOK.”

Such a sensible solution as turning off the misinformation screen is not an option for most of the typical dullards that think of themselves as normal and informed citizens.

Society is populated with marginally functional and enthusiastic compliant serfs. Contentment is judged by actions not merely by sentiment. An unquestioning and obedient populace perpetually distracted from serious issues and unaware of comprehending the linkage and ultimate aims behind world events, has always been the goal.

The most profound use of these media techniques usually deal with War & Peace: Media and War. Stanford University publishes this account by Johnnie Manzaria & Jonathon Bruck, Media’s Use of Propaganda to Persuade People’s Attitude, Beliefs and Behaviors.

“Propaganda is so powerful because everyone is susceptible to it. This is true as explained by Robert Cialdini, an expert in influence, because people exist in a rapidly moving and complex world. In order to deal with it, we need shortcuts.

We cannot be expected to recognize and analyze all the aspects in each person, event, and situation we encounter in even one day. We do not have the time, energy, or capacity to process the information; and instead we must very often use our stereotypes, our rules of thumb, to classify things according to a few key features and then to respond without thinking when one or another of these trigger feature are present (Cialdini6). While this makes people highly susceptible to a propagandist who understands persuasion, in general it is the most efficient form of behaving, and in other cases it is simply necessary.

Additionally, propaganda includes the reinforcement of societal myths and stereotypes that are so deeply embedded within a culture that it is often difficult to recognize the message as propaganda.”

The attitude that such practices are “most efficient form of behaving, and in other cases it is simply necessary”, is most disturbing and certainly fits the mold of how TV operates.The examples cited in this case study deal with foreign policy issues. However, the summary on How to Defend Against Propaganda, is worth a look.

“As a result of our increasing sophistication and to build our civilization, we have created and environment so complex, so fast-paced, and informationladen, that we must increasingly deal with it in the fashion of the animals we long ago transcended. Thus, from the case studies on how the media uses propaganda, we can understand that the media does more than presentation facts and information.

The media has the ability to exploit persuasive tactics to the specific definition of propaganda: the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person.”

Now ponder the disclaimer from this academia project: “We are not advocating that propaganda is wrong; we have tried to show, that overall it is usually helpful to respond to messages mindlessly, and that the truly only way to defend against it is to be more aware of the tactics being used.”Also referenced in this study is Phil Zimbardo.

1) Be aware of the general perspective that others use to frame the problem or issue at hand, because accepting their frame on their terms gives them a powerful advantage.

2) Be sensitive to situational demands however trivial they may seem: group norms, group pressures, symbols of authority, slogans, and commitments. Don’t believe in simple solutions to complex personal, social, and political problems.

3) In the end, it must be remembered that it is not enough to dissent vocally — one must be willing to disobey, to defy, to challenge, and to suffer any ensuing consequences of these actions.

Relate this thinking to the television broadcasts and series that occupy the gratuitous viewing of the general-public. It may be functionally realistic not to expect current event discernment from the mediocre crowd, but what motivates these distraction deprived viewers from absorbing the brainwashing message? Escape from reality probably is the most adept answer.

Nonetheless, the dependency on relinquishing individual responsibility and living under the principle of personal integrity is too difficult for most. The easy way out is to believe the junk fed from the TV screen.

Newspeak has become the dominant culture and TV is the chief vehicle for spreading the lies and deceit. Jack Blood provides a succinct summary in, TV = Mind Control (Why do you think they call it Programming?)

“Once again the system is at work, knowing how easy it is to control the minds of a dumbed down population that has been well trained, and some might say socially engineered, to never question authority, never think outside the box, never seek accountability and never think for itself. Easily manipulated, millions of people are conditioned to believe, from a very early age, that anything emanating from television is sacrosanct. Thus, everything they watch is reality and anything they hear is truth. Anchors and reporters become trusted personalities voicing reticent opinions whose veracity are seldom, if ever, questioned.
Is it not time to make a clean break from this self-induced imprisonment of images and sounds that spills out of the television machine?