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Top five foods to eat to avoid belly fat

[Author]By: Aurora Belb
                        Natural News[/Author]

Studies have linked excess belly fat to high blood pressure, heart disease and even premature death, yet millions of Americans remain overweight, packing on pounds and inches each year. (1) While getting adequate exercise is certainly a key component in keeping belly fat at bay, there are dietary changes that you could — and should — be making to help hit fatty deposits with a one-two punch. Here are the top five foods to eat to help get rid of excess belly fat:

Cabbage, kale, broccoli and other cruciferous veggies

These vegetables contain natural chemicals called phytonutrients — specifically, indole-3-carbinol, or I3C. This particular phytonutrient helps counteract the effects of xenoestrogens, which essentially are chemicals that we consume that act like estrogen. Xenoestrogens derive from a wide variety of sources, including plastics, air pollutants, pesticides, herbicides — even meat from animals that have consumed hormones as part of their “fattening-up” diets. Once in the body, they can cause an overload of estrogen that can play a pivotal role in the development of belly fat. I3C works as a kind of industrial scrubbing system, helping to counteract and detoxify xenoestrogens so they can’t cause harmful effects. Eating lots of cruciferous vegetables naturally increases your levels of I3C to boost your body’s ability to protect itself against the harmful effects of xenoestrogens and help avoid belly fat from forming. (2)


Avocados are full of healthy fats, and pretty much everyone knows that that’s good news for your heart. But they also help satisfy food cravings for fatty foods, helping avoid “sugar swings” that can result in binging and unhealthy snacking. The fatty content of avocados also helps manage the hormones that control your appetite and help you feel full longer, lowering your appetite overall. Finally, their high vitamin and fiber contents make them ideal for those trying to lose weight, ensuring that you get the nutrients you need to stay healthy. (3)


Lentils are one of a group of foods that contain digestion-resistant starches. These are starches that resist being broken down and absorbed by the body, which means that they confer all the benefits of a high-fiber diet, including better digestion, without the potential downsides of other types of starches that wind up being stored as fat. And because they’re not absorbed, they help you feel full longer, decreasing your appetite.

Especially for first time users, consuming large quantities of lentils (and many other legumes and beans) may make you think that you’re actually gaining belly mass. That’s because, taken in larger quantities, lentils can cause bloating associated with gas. Most modern diets don’t include a large amount of high-fiber foods. As a result, our bodies “forget” how to break down fiber efficiently and quickly, and a buildup of gas occurs. To avoid this gassy reaction, start out consuming these high-fiber foods in smaller amounts, increasing the amount you eat over time as your body ramps up its natural ability to break down fiber more efficiently. If lentils and beans aren’t your cup of tea, chickpeas, bananas and even potatoes contain resistant starches too.

Proposed legislation would grant New York’s inmigrants state “citizenship”

[Author]By: the El Reportero’s wire services[/Author]

A group led by New York state Sen. Gustavo Rivera launched Monday a campaign that proposes awarding state “citizenship” to the estimated 2.7 million immigrants who live in the Empire State, regardless of their immigration status.

“We have failed with immigration reform nationally and what we want is to provide an opportunity for the almost 3 million people who live and contribute to the public treasury in our state to take part in its political, civic and economic life,” Rivera told Efe Monday before introducing the bill.

Dubbed the New York Is Home Act, the bill contemplates granting citizenship to immigrants who can show they have lived in the state and paid their taxes for the past three years, and who promise to obey state laws,and agree to serve on a jury.

Immigrants who fulfill these requisites will receive a new document allowing students to pay in-state tuition and receive financial aid to attend state universities, be eligible for healthcare under Medicaid, obtain a driver’s license, have the right to vote in local and state elections and even run for public office.

“We’re starting out here in New York but the idea is to extend this movement across the country to other states like California, Illinois and Texas, and to treat our fellow workers, students and store owners as they deserve,” Rivera said.

The campaign that kicked off Monday at Manhattan’s Battery Park, with the Statue of Liberty in the background, has the backing of political and religious leaders of the region, along with the support of organizations like the Center for Popular Democracy, Make the Road New York and the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law.

Juan Manuel Santos re-elected to second term as Colombia’s president

Juan Manuel Santos was re-elected over the weekend to a second term as Colombia’s president, winning with the support of the left and grassroots organizations that backed his agenda of continuing the peace process with guerrillas and achieving social justice.

Santos received 50.95 percent of the vote in Sunday’s runoff election, while challenger Oscar Ivan Zuluaga got 45 percent of the ballots cast, the national elections commission said.

Tough eviction laws in Venezuela dries up rental market Venezuela’s rental market has dried up, with owners reluctant to rent properties three years after enactment of a law that makes it extremely difficult to evict tenants.

Thousands of would-be renters are finding it nearly impossible to rent an apartment, Venezuelan Real Estate Association president Aquiles Martini Pietri told Efe.

“Today, it’s practically impossible to rent” in Venezuela, Martini said.

“Once you rent your property, it becomes practically impossible to get it back,” Martini said.

The Law for the Regulation and Control of Rental Housing was one of a series of measures enacted by the government in 2011 to protect tenants.

The government enacted the law in response to a study that found that Venezuela had a shortage of 3 million rental units.

The law, among other provisions, gave tenants the right to acquire a dwelling after paying rent for 20 years and expanded government control over landlord-tenant relations.

“Ten years ago, renting accounted for 30 percent of housing options and 10 years later … the rental market accounts for just 1 percent of the real estate market,” Urban Property Owners Association, or Apiur, president Roberto Orta told Efe.

The National Rental Housing Administration, or Sunavi, is currently handling about 20,000 eviction cases and has resolved just two cases, Apiur figures show.

Leftist lawmaker Claudio Farias disputed the figures, saying that just 20,000 eviction cases were in Sunavi’s pipeline and 15 had been resolved.

A second chance at practicing medicine for doctors graduated abroad

[Author]By: Christina Johnson
                                     UC Newsroom[/Author]

Thousands of well-educated foreign-trained physicians in California face daunting barriers to becoming doctors here, and UC San Diego School of Medicine physicians are trying to help – out of altruism and to improve patient care in San Diego County.

A group of doctors in the UC San Diego Department of Family and Preventive Medicine recently hosted a forum for approximately 50 local foreign-trained doctors, during which they explained and fielded questions about the U.S. primary health care system and its residency acceptance criteria.

It’s hoped the event, “An Evening with UCSD Family Medicine Doctors,” will plant the seed for greater UC San Diego involvement in re-training international medical school graduates, and that sustained involvement in such an effort will eventually help supply the county’s growing immigrant and refugee communities with much-needed multi-lingual, “culturally competent” family doctors.

“We hear these heartbreaking stories of people who were heads of departments and are now almost ashamed in front of their families about being unemployed,” said Dr. Wael Al-Delaimy, professor and chief of the Division of Global Health in the Department of Family and Preventive Medicine and the forum’s moderator. “These people’s stories are so compelling, but we also need and are in short supply of people with their training and cultural reference points.”

Studies show that patients fare better when they are treated by physicians who speak their language and have shared cultural backgrounds.

“We know that cultural competency is a huge piece of the racial and ethnic divide in health care outcomes,” said Gail Patterson, a project manager at Welcome Back Center, a non-profit at Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District that offers educational programs to internationally trained health care professionals and co-sponsored the forum.

There is also evidence, she said, that foreign-trained doctors who become licensed in California are more likely to become primary care physicians in underserved communities.

This has particular relevance for patient care in San Diego County, which has become a major hub for refugee resettlement.

More refugees arrived in San Diego County than any other county in the state between October 2008 and September 2013 – an estimated 15,308 refugees, compared with 9,611 refugees in Los Angeles County, the second highest county. In comparison, over the same five-year period, just four refugees resettled in Santa Cruz County, seven in San Luis Obispo County and 11 in Santa Barbara County.

San Diego’s refugee community is populous and also educated, in large part because of the high proportion of Iraqi refugees, who fled the country’s sectarian violence and were disproportionally part of the country’s cultural elite. By one estimate (PDF), 63 percent of all recent Iraqi refugees in America are college-educated. About 30 percent of Americans older than 25 hold bachelor’s degrees, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

“After World War II, the term was ‘brain drain,’ but there is a new phrase, ‘brain waste,’” Patterson said. “I know a neurosurgeon who is driving a cab. The stories go on and on.”

The path to becoming medically licensed in the U.S. is long and difficult for a reason – to protect and maintain the quality of the nation’s health care. Some doctors and immigrant advocates, however, say the standards are duplicative, outdated and unduly expensive.

Fahima Nadi, a refugee from Afghanistan who completed seven years of medical school and a year of residency training in Kabul before fleeing the country in 2009, can attest to the cost of re-establishing herself professionally. She says she has spent about $1,200 to have her diplomas and transcripts verified and to take the first of three exams required to obtain medical licensure in the U.S.

Her biggest fear, though, is failing to get matched into a medical residency program. “I will become a doctor and help people no matter where they are from,” said Nadi, who attended the doctors’ forum. “The only concern is I hear people saying that they give priority to U.S. medical graduates.”

All doctors, no matter what their status abroad, unless they are from Canada, must complete a 3-plus-year residency program at an American academic health system. During this residency period, doctors are trained in their medical specialty, before going on to take medical licensing boards.

Nadi’s concerns about being placed into a residency program are grounded in statistical reality, as foreign medical graduates are about half as likely to land a residency as those from U.S. medical schools. This year, for example, 49.5 percent of foreign-trained immigrant doctors were matched in a U.S. residency program, compared with 94.4 percent of U.S. medical school seniors.

Al-Delaimy, an Iraqi native who came to the U.S. from New Zealand to accept a post-doctoral position at Harvard, said that “our plan is to develop a structured academic-community partnership to retrain highly selected candidates and offer them curricular material about the U.S. health system, patient-doctor relationship, case studies and simulated patients, as well as financial support to sit for the qualifying exams.”

One of the main benefits of a structured program would be that the foreign doctors would be able to formally network with UC San Diego doctors and obtain letters of recommendation for medical residency training. “This would be a huge step forward for foreign doctors,” he said.

He and colleagues believe that society cannot afford to let the refugees’ medical training go to waste, especially in light of the growing shortage of family doctors in some underserved communities.

“A newly graduating medical student costs around $250,000 to educate, while retraining a skilled international graduate might not cost more than $25,000,” Al-Delaimy said. “We are looking at a win-win situation if they get licensed.”

West declaring ISIS villainous in an attempt to directly intervene in northern Irak and Syria

[Author]por: Tony Cartalucci.
                                 Land Destroyer

Heavily armed, well funded, and organized as a professional, standing army, the forces of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) swept southward into Iraq from Turkey and northeastern Syria, taking the cities of Mosul and Tikrit, and now threaten the Iraqi capital city of Baghdad itself. The United States was sure to prop up two unfounded narratives – the first being that US intelligence agencies, despite assets in Iraq and above it in the form of surveillance drones, failed to give warning of the invasion, and that ISIS issome sort of self-sustaining terror organization carving out a “state” by “robbing banks” and collecting “donations” on Twitter.

The Wall Street Journal in its report, Iraqi Drama Catches U.S. Off Guard, stated:

The quickly unfolding drama prompted a White House meeting Wednesday of top policy makers and military leaders who were caught off guard by the swift collapse of Iraqi security forces, officials acknowledged.

In another WSJ post, “U.S. Secretly Flying Drones Over Iraq,” it claimed:

A senior U.S. official said the intelligence collected under the small [secret U.S. drone] program was shared with Iraqi forces, but added: “It’s not like it did any good.” The rapid territorial gains by the Islamist forces loyal to Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, or ISIS, an al Qaeda offshoot, caught the U.S. by surprise, the officials said.

Despite drone flights collecting intelligence, and a 3-year ongoing CIA program (here, here, and here) all along the Turkish-Syrian border to “monitor” and “arm” “moderate” militants fighting the Syrian government, the US claims it was caught “by surprise.” If drones and CIA operatives operating in ISIS territory weren’t enough to detect the impending invasion, perhaps the CIA should have just picked up a newspaper.

Indeed, the Lebanon Daily Start in March 2014 reported that ISIS openly withdrew its forces from Latakia and Idlib provinces in western Syria, and redeployed them in Syria’s east – along the Syrian-Iraqi border. The article titled, “Al-Qaeda splinter group in Syria leaves two provinces: activists,” stated explicitly that: On Friday, ISIS – which alienated many rebels by seizing territory and killing rival commanders – finished withdrawing from the Idlib and Latakia provinces and moved its forces toward the eastern Raqqa province and the eastern outskirts of the northern city of Aleppo, activists said.

The question remains, if a Lebanese newspaper knew ISIS was on the move eastward, why didn’t the CIA? The obvious answer is the CIA did know, and is simply feigning ignorance at the expense of their reputation to bait its enemies into suspecting the agency of incompetency rather than complicity in the horrific terroristic swath ISIS is now carving through northern Iraq.

Described extensively in the full New Eastern Outlook Journal (NEO) report, “NATO’s Terror Hordes in Iraq a Pretext for Syria Invasion,” the United States, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, have funded and armed terrorists operating in Syria for the past 3 years to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars – coincidentally the same amount that ISIS would require to gain primacy among militant groups fighting in Syria and to mobilize forces capable of crossing into Iraq and overwhelming Baghdad’s national defenses.

The NEO report includes links to the US Army’s West Point Countering Terrorism Center reports, “Bombers, Bank Accounts and Bleedout: al-Qa’ida’s Road In and Out of Iraq,” and “Al-Qa’ida’s Foreign Fighters in Iraq,” which detail extensively the terror network used to flood Iraq with foreign terrorists, weapons, and cash to fuel an artificial “sectarian war” during the US occupation, and then turned over to flood Syria with terrorists in the West’s bid to overthrow the government in Damascus.

What’s ISIS doing in Iraq?

The NEO report would also post Seymour Hersh’s 2007 article, “The Redirection,” documenting over the course of nine pages US, Saudi, and Israeli intentions to create and deploy sectarian extremists region-wide to confront Iran, Syria, and Hezbollah in Lebanon. Hersh would note that these “sectarian extremists” were either tied to Al Qaeda, or Al Qaeda itself. The ISIS army moving toward Baghdad is the final manifestation of this conspiracy, a standing army operating with impunity, threatening to topple the Syrian government, purge pro-Iranian forces in Iraq, and even threatening Iran itself by building a bridge from Al Qaeda’s NATO safe havens in Turkey, across northern Iraq, and up to Iran’s borders directly. Labeled “terrorists” by the West, grants the West plausible deniability in its creation, deployment, and across the broad spectrum of atrocities it is now carrying out.

It is a defacto re-invasion of Iraq by Western interests – but this time without Western forces directly participating – rather a proxy force the West is desperately attempting to disavow any knowledge of or any connection to. However, no other explanation can account for the size and prowess of ISIS beyond state sponsorship. And since ISIS is the clear benefactor of state sponsorship, the question is, which states are sponsoring it? With Iraq, Syria, and Iran along with Lebanese-based Hezbollah locked in armed struggle with ISIS and other Al Qaeda franchises across the region, the only blocs left are NATO and the GCC (Saudi Arabia and Qatar in particular).

With the West declaring ISIS fully villainous in an attempt to intervene more directly in northern Iraq and eastern Syria, creating a long desired “buffer zone” within which to harbor, arm, and fund an even larger terrorist expeditionary force, Syria, Iraq, Iran, and others are offered an opportunity to preempt Western involvement and to crush the ISIS – cornering and eliminating NATO-GCC’s expeditionary force while scoring geopolitical points of vanquishing Washington’s latest “villain.” Joint Iraq-Iranian operations in the north and south of ISIS’s locations, and just along Turkey’s borders could envelop and trap ISIS to then be whittled down and destroyed – just as Syria has been doing to NATO’s proxy terrorist forces within its own borders.

Whatever the regional outcome may be, the fact is the West has re-invaded Iraq, with a force as brutal, if not worse than the “shock and awe” doctrine of 2003. Iraq faces another difficult occupation if it cannot summon a response from within, and among its allies abroad, to counter and crush this threat with utmost expediency. Infowars.

Why the FDA should be charged with murder

[Author]by Jon Rappoport[/Author]

[url href=””][/url]


If you worked for a federal agency that was killing people at the rate of 100,000 a year, every year, like clockwork, and if you knew it, wouldn’t you feel compelled to say or do something about it?

At the FDA, which is, in fact, killing Americans at that rate, no one has ever felt the need to step forward and speak up.

Let’s shift the venue and ask the same question. If you were a medical reporter for a major media outlet in the US, and you knew the above fact, wouldn’t you make it a priority to say something, write something, do something?

I’m talking about people like Sanjay Gupta (CNN, CBS), Gina Kolata (NY Times), Tim Johnson (ABC News), and Thomas Maugh II (LA Times).

And with that, let’s go to the smoking guns. The citation is: BMJ June 7, 2012 (BMJ 2012:344:e3989). Author, Jeanne Lenzer.

Lenzer refers to a report by the Institute for Safe Medication Practices: “It calculated that in 2011 prescription drugs were associated with two to four million people in the US experiencing ‘serious, disabling, or fatal injuries, including 128,000 deaths.’”

The report called this “one of the most significant perils to humans resulting from human activity.”

And here is the final dagger. The report was compiled by outside researchers who went into the FDA’s own database of “serious adverse [medical-drug] events.”

Therefore, to say the FDA isn’t aware of this finding would be absurd. The FDA knows. The FDA knows and it isn’t saying anything about it, because the FDA certifies, as safe and effective, all the medical drugs that are routinely maiming and killing Americans.

Previously, I have documented that the FDA knows; because the FDA has a page on its own website that admits 100,000 people are killed every year by medical drugs, and two million more people are severely injured by the drugs. (Google “FDA Why Learn About Adverse Drug Reactions”)

And for the past five years or so, I have been writing about and citing a published report by the late Dr. Barbara Starfield that indicates 106,000 people in the U.S. are killed by medical drugs every year. Until her death in 2011, Dr. Starfield worked at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. Her report, “Is U.S. health really the best in the world?”, was published in the Journal of American Medical Association on July 26, 2000.

Since the Department of Homeland Security is working its way into every nook and corner of American life, hyper-extending its mandate to protect all of us from everything, why shouldn’t I go along with Janet Napolitano’s advice: see something, say something.

This is what I see and this is what I’m saying. Maybe DHS would like to investigate the FDA as a terrorist organization.

How many smoking guns do we need before a sitting president shuts down the FDA buildings, fumigates the place, and prosecutes very large numbers of FDA employees?

Do we need 100,000 smoking guns every year? Do we need relatives of the people who’ve all died in the span of merely a year, from the poisonous effects of FDA-approved medical drugs, to bring their corpses to the doors of FDA headquarters?

And let me ask another question. If instead of drugs like warfarin, dabigatran, levofloxacin, carboplatin, and lisinopril (the five leading killers in the FDA database), the 100,000 deaths per year were led by gingko, ginseng, vitamin D, niacin, and raw milk, what do you think would happen?

I’ll tell you what would happen. SEALS, Delta Force, SWAT teams, snipers, predator drones, tanks, and infantry would be attacking every health-food store in America. The resulting fatalities would be written off as necessary collateral damage in the fight to keep America safe and healthy.

All those phony stories in the press, reported dutifully by so-called medical reporters? The stories about maybe-could-be-possible-miracle breakthroughs just over the horizon of state-of-the-art medical research? Those stories are there to obscure the very, very hard facts of medically-caused death on the ground.

The buck stops at the FDA.

Except in the real world, it doesn’t. Which tells you something about the so-called real world and how much of it is composed of propaganda.

Here is the situation. No medical drug in the US can be released for public use unless and until the FDA says it is safe and effective. That’s the rule. The FDA is spitting out drug approvals month after month and year after year, and the drugs are routinely killing 100,000 people a year and maiming two million more, which adds up to a million deaths per decade and 20 million maimings per decade.  The FDA and the federal government are doing nothing about it, even though they know what’s going on. This is mass murder. Not accidental death. Murder. A holocaust.

(Jon Rappoport  is the author of three explosive collections, the Matrix Revealed, Exit From The Matrix, and Power Outside The Matrix).

The U.S., what is it, how much do we know? ¿Is it a corporation? Are we free?

FROM THE EDITOR:Marvin Ramirez


My fascination about themes like Constitutional Law vs. Common Law, Republic vs. Democracy, Liberty and Freedom, has led me to continuously search for articles that uncover these subject matters that no mainstream media bring about for public consumption. And, instead of writing about those subject matter by quoting from their content, I bring them to you intact, without being edited, while giving credit to the authors. The following article is authored by Lisa Guliani.


by Lisa Guliani


“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

— Preamble of the original “organic” Constitution.


“We hold these truths to be self-evident. That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.”

— Excerpted from the Declaration of Independence of the original thirteen united states of America, July 4, 1776.


— Fourth of July 2002 has come and gone, and Americans honored the holiday with a renewed patriotic fervor that reminded me of the Bicentennial celebrations of 1976. As is customary, traditional fireworks displays took center stage and scores of people turned out to witness the dazzling show in the summer sky. With mixed feelings, I sat with friends on a crowded Pennsylvania sidewalk beneath a glittering, mesmerizing explosion of color, pondering the keen sense of sadness and betrayal that overwhelmed my spirit. Looking around at the huge crowds gathered for the annual events, I thought silently, “We are not free.” In truth, we have not been a free people for a very long time.

We celebrate this day in honor of our “independence”. We call ourselves a free people in a land of liberty. Our anthems proudly sing the praises of this nation, and we raise our voices, wave our flags and join in song — but how many Americans realize they are not free? This is a myth perpetuated by the powers-that-be in order to avoid any major civil unrest, and to keep us all living under the thumb of a militaristic corporate Big Brother within the illusions that have been created for us. The truth of the matter is this: what freedom has not been stolen from us, we have surrendered willingly through our silence and ignorance. As Americans, most of us have no idea how our freedoms are maintained — or lost. Apparently, our ancestors didn’t have a good grasp of this either. It is sad, but it is also very true.

Don’t point to that beloved parchment, the Constitution, as a symbol of your enduring freedom. It is representative of a form of government which seemingly no longer exists in this country today. The Constitution has been thrown out the window, the Republic shoved aside and replaced with a democracy. The thing is; most people in this country remain unaware that this is so because they simply do not know the truth — what lies beyond the myths. Your so-called government is not going to tell you, either.

To even begin to understand what has happened to the Republic, we must look backward in time to the period following the Civil War. We must go back to the year 1871, which was the beginning of the decline of the Republic. When we examine what happened during that time in our history, we begin to piece together this troubling, perplexing puzzle that is “America” — only then should we answer as to whether we are indeed a “free” people or not.

So, let’s roll backward into the past for a moment. It is time we learned what they didn’t teach us in school. It is far more interesting than what they DID tell us. I think you’ll stay awake for this lesson.

Lisa Guliani is the co-host of WING TV, an online television and radio show. She is the author of THE NEW WORLD ORDER ILLUSION and HUNTERS OF SOULS; and along with Victor Thorne she co-wrote PHANTOM FLIGHT 93, which deals with the Shanksville crash.

Five powerful antibiotics that don’t require prescription

[Author]by Derek Henry[/Author]


Hospital antibiotics have become one of the most over prescribed “medicines” today. As a result people have ruined their digestive systems, and ironically, have lowered their natural immunity to all types of infections in the future. Get rid if infections without the digestive destruction, with these five powerful natural antibiotics.


Garlic has been used medicinally by cultures around the world for thousands of years. In fact, it was used in the 1700s to ward off plague.

Garlic possesses potent antibiotic, antiviral, antifungal, and antimicrobial properties and is able to help protect and facilitate removal of unfriendly bacteria. It is also very high in natural antioxidants that destroy free radicals, which also supports a strong immune system.

The active ingredient in garlic, allicin, is the key component to killing and warding off harmful bacteria. Crush it to activate these compounds, and eat it raw, in a warm tea, or in lightly cooked food.

Colloidal silver

Colloidal silver has been known as an effective antibiotic for centuries. In the early 1900s, Alfred Searle, founder of the Searle pharmaceutical company, discovered that it could kill the most deadly pathogens.

Searle stated that applying colloidal silver to human subjects has been done in a large number of cases with astonishing results. The main advantage was that it was rapidly fatal to microbes without toxic action on its host.

Recent research has also stated that colloidal silver can destroy antibiotic resistant microbes like MRSA, the bird flu, and SARS.

Oil of oregano

Oil of oregano takes care of pathogenic bacteria without disrupting beneficial bacteria. It is also antiviral and antifungal which makes it a powerful three-in-one combination that rivals pharmaceuticals while not encouraging antibiotic resistance.

The key antimicrobial ingredient in oil of oregano is carvacrol. You should ensure that your source is at least 70 percent carvacrol content in order to be effective.


Echinacea has been used to treat a wide variety of infections for hundreds of years. Traditionally, it was used to treat open wounds, diphtheria, blood poisoning, and other bacterial related illnesses.

Today, this potent herb is used mostly for colds and flu, due to its ability to destroy the most dangerous forms of bacteria such as staphylococcus aureus, which causes deadly MRSA.

Manuka honey

Perhaps the most palatable antibiotic comes in the form of manuka honey. Applied topically it can kill a wide range of pathogens including MRSA and flesh eating bacteria. It was also found that the treated bacteria did not build up any resistance, which would eventually render manuka honey ineffective.

This is certainly not an exhaustive list of natural antibiotics, but a great start for an all natural pharmacy. Also consider reishi, pau d’arco, una de gato, olive leaf extract, cloves, turmeric, and even lemons to round out your antibiotic arsenal.

Immigrants activists begin trek through Arizona desert, same taken by undocumented

[Author]by the El Reportero’s news services[/Author]


Fifty activists from the United States, Canada, Central America and Mexico on Monday began a trek on foot that will take them to Arizona by the same route used by undocumented migrants in crossing the desert.

The group began the march in the Mexican state of Sonora and in the coming days will cross the border on a journey of 120 kilometers (74 miles) that will bring them to Tucson next Sunday.

“It’s very sad to note that we continue hearing the same stories again and again,” Todd Miller, one of the founders of the 11-year-old Migrant Trail initiative, said at a press conference.

Miller related the story of an undocumented woman from Sonora who tried to cross the Arizona desert on foot as part of a group of migrants.

“On the third day, the water and food ran out, on the fifth she said that she could only describe it as if ‘the mountain talked to them,’ on the sixth, her nose began to bleed profusely and she suffered convulsions,” he said.

The group was rescued by the U.S. Border Patrol and the woman had to be revived in a hospital, Miller said.

At least 62 migrants have died in the Sonoran Desert since last October.

Miller said that when the trek was first started years ago they had hope that it would not need to go on for very long and that soon they could celebrate the approval of immigration reform. “Unfortunately, that hasn’t happened,” he added.

Immigration reform has remained blocked in the U.S. House of Representatives almost a year after a bipartisan reform bill was approved in the Senate.


Colombian Presidential Election Heads to Run-off

President Juan Manuel Santos and challenger Oscar Ivan Zuluaga are headed to a runoff on June 15 to determine who will be Colombia’s next president.

Zuluaga won 29.26 percent of the vote in Sunday’s presidential election, while Santos came in second with 25.66 percent.

“What came out clearly today is that Colombians will have two options in three weeks: they can choose between those of us who want an end to the war and those who prefer a war without end, and we are going to win with peace,” Santos told supporters after the results were released on Sunday night.

Zuluaga, who is backed by former President Alvaro Uribe, told his supporters he would work for peace with justice.

“I am going to work every day so that Colombia can achieve peace, but a peace that benefits only the Colombian people,” Zuluaga told supporters at a convention center in Bogota.

Zuluaga has been a harsh critic of the Santos administration’s peace negotiations with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC, guerrilla group.

The politician has said he would not allow FARC members to go unpunished for the crimes they committed.

Zuluaga got the biggest applause when he mentioned Uribe, his political godfather, vowing to take up the former president’s “standard” and give the country hope.

Santos, for his part, is pinning his hopes for a win in the runoff on support from the losing candidates.

“Today, those who want peace are the majority,” Santos said, referring to the support that the losing candidates received in Sunday’s election.

Bilderberg agenda revealed: Elite desperate to rescue unipolar world

[Author]by Paul Joseph Watson[/Author]


The 2014 Bilderberg meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark is taking place amidst a climate of panic for many of the 120 globalists set to attend the secretive confab, with Russia’s intransigence on the crisis in Ukraine and the anti-EU revolution sweeping Europe posing a serious threat to the unipolar world order Bilderberg spent over 60 years helping to build.

Inside sources confirmed that the elite conference, which will take place from Thursday onwards at the five star Marriott Hotel, will center around how to derail a global political awakening that threatens to hinder Bilderberg’s long standing agenda to centralize power into a one world political federation, a goal set to be advanced with the passage of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), which will undoubtedly be a central topic of discussion at this year’s meeting.

The TTIP represents an integral component of Bilderberg’s attempt to rescue the unipolar world by creating a “world company,” initially a free trade area, which would connect the United States with Europe. Just as the European Union started as a mere free trade area and was eventually transformed into a political federation which controls upwards of 50 per cent of its member states’ laws and regulations with total contempt for national sovereignty and democracy, TTIP is designed to accomplish the same goal, only on a bigger scale.

The deal is being spearheaded by Obama’s U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman, a Wall Street insider and a CFR member, Bilderberg’s sister organization. Froman is simultaneously helping to build another block of this global government, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which is a similar project involving Asian countries.

Given that Bilderberg schemed to create the Euro single currency as far back as 1955 (Bilderberg chairman Étienne Davignon bragged about how the Euro single currency was a brainchild of the Bilderberg in 2009 interview), the results of the European elections are sure to have stirred outright alarm amongst Bilderberg globalists who are aghast that their planned EU superstate is being eroded as a result of a populist resistance mainly centered around animosity towards uncontrolled immigration policies.

In Denmark itself, the buzz is centered around Morten Messerschmidt and the Danish People’s party, which won 27 percent of the vote in the Euro elections and doubled its number of MEPs. Although some are wary of Messerschmidt’s far right inclinations, his success reflects a general resentment not only in Denmark but across Europe towards immigration and the welfare state, concerns that the EU has only exasperated.

Meanwhile in France, Marine Le Pen is carving out a role as the face of a conservative movement that threatens “to break up one united Europe,” with her European election win being described as an “earthquake” that has rattled the political heart of Europe.

Voters in the United Kingdom also delivered a thumping rejection of the EU and in turn Bilderberg with the success of Nigel Farage and UKIP, a Euroskeptic triumph some are labeling the “most extraordinary” election result for 100 years.

As well as TTIP and the fallout from the European election disaster, Bilderberg will be tackling a number of other key issues, most of which will revolve around the continued effort to centralize economic power under several different guises, including a carbon tax paid directly to the United Nations, with the financial hit being taken by individuals as big companies are granted special “waivers” that will allow them to continue to pollute.

The rumbling crisis in Ukraine and the relationship between Russia and NATO will also be a focal point of Bilderberg 2014. Globalists now consider Vladimir Putin to have ostracized Russia from the new world order because he dared to “challenge the international system,” as John Kerry put it.

Bilderberg will discuss fears that Putin is intent on constructing an alternative world order based around the BRICS countries, a “multi-polar” system that would devastate the dollar as the world reserve currency and also heavily dilute the current US-EU-NATO power axis.

Infowars reporters will be on the ground all this week to cover the 2014 Bilderberg Group conference in Copenhagen, Denmark.


In the U.S.: Four major news networks, zero Bilderberg 2014 coverage

Full-on press blackout testament to dinosaur media’s growing irrelevance


[Author]by Adam Salazar[/Author]


With the exception of 24-hour cable news providers, Americans rely on 4 major television networks to deliver them information regarding important world events: ABC, NBC, CBS and Fox.

It is with predictable disappointment to announce all four networks failed to inform the public of a secretive and extremely exclusive meeting of central bankers, CEOs, public officials and world dignitaries taking place this weekend.

From May 29 through today, June 1, esteemed academicians, hand picked journalists, intelligence officials, world banking oligarchs and the CEOs and bosses of Royal Dutch Shell, Google and Microsoft, to name just a few, slinked behind closed doors at the Marriott hotel in Copenhagen, Denmark, to do God knows what.

But watching the major news networks and monitoring the domestic news wires, you’d never guess this meeting happened.

With the conference now into its fourth and final day, one would expect at least a trickle of articles from the mainstream press regarding Bilderberg 2014, if at the least to perform the routine mock, shame and ridicule of “tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists” claiming participants are working towards a “new world order.”

Is it a rule in MSM that any Bilderberg coverage has to include the words “tin foil hat” or “lizard” in the first paragraph?

— Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) May 30, 2014

While past meetings have been afforded at least some press, this year neither of the four networks opted to cover Bilderberg 2014. Inforwars.

California property taxes due to rise significantly

Through technology, we may eventually cheat death, but taxes are here to stay

[Author]by Russ Wetherill
Oc Housing News


The only things certain in life are death and taxes. Through technology, we may eventually cheat death, but taxes are here to stay.

What Proposition 8 giveth, Proposition 8 taketh away. California tax code section 51(e), enacted at the same time as Proposition 13, requires the tax assessor to annually adjust tax levies based on current full-market value. This was great when property values were falling and property tax bills fell dramatically. Now, property taxes are set to jump back up for homes bought during the bubble years.

Will a jump in property taxes cause more defaults, or will more equity owners sell at a loss because of cash-flow issues?

The CALIFORNIA TAX CODE SECTIONS 51(a) [Prop 13], and 51(e) [Prop 8], state the following:

51. (a) For purposes of subdivision (b) of Section 2 of Article

XIII A of the California Constitution, for each lien date after the

lien date in which the base year value is determined pursuant to

Section 110.1, the taxable value of real property shall, except as

otherwise provided in subdivision (b) or (c), be the lesser of:

(1) Its base year value, compounded annually since the base year

by an inflation factor, which shall be determined as follows:

(C) For any assessment year commencing on or after January 1,

1998, the inflation factor shall be the percentage change, rounded to

the nearest one-thousandth of 1 percent, from October of the prior

fiscal year to October of the current fiscal year in the California

Consumer Price Index for all items, as determined by the California

Department of Industrial Relations.

(D) In no event shall the percentage increase for any assessment

year determined pursuant to subparagraph (A), (B), or (C) exceed 2

percent of the prior year’s value.

51. (e) Nothing in this section shall be construed to require the

assessor to make an annual reappraisal of all assessable property.

However, for each lien date after the first lien date for which the

taxable value of property is reduced pursuant to paragraph (2) of

subdivision (a), the value of that property shall be annually

reappraised at its full cash value as defined in Section 110 until

that value exceeds the value determined pursuant to paragraph (1) of

subdivision (a). In no event shall the assessor condition the

implementation of the preceding sentence in any year upon the filing

of an assessment appeal.

As California property values rise, owners see big tax bill hikes

The revival of California’s economy and a rising housing market mean some hefty property tax increases for homeowners, the Legislature’s budget analyst believes.

When property values were dropping sharply during recession, county tax assessors adjusted tax rolls downward, which then lowered property tax bills. Many property owners also applied for reductions.

The average homeowner saw a $1,600 property tax cut while those for commercial property averaged $7,500. “In total, temporary property tax reductions depressed local government property tax revenues by an estimated $7 billion in 2013-14, amounting to a 15 percent reduction statewide,” the Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO) says in a new report.

Maybe the legislature will refund the excess tax revenue out of the goodness of their hearts? Clearly they don’t need the extra money – we have a balanced budget after all. Or maybe we could reduce the sales tax and roll back income taxes? In my opinion, we will see daily commutes to Mars and people breathing water before the legislature gives “unneeded” revenue back to taxpayers. I bet there is already a line forming in Sacramento to receive all the extra property tax money.

But with a rising market, the LAO says those cuts are being rescinded, as state law allows, and some property owners may see tax increases as high as 20 percent. It notes that home values rose statewide by 12 percent in 2012, but those increases were not immediately reflected in property tax bills.

Proposition 13, passed by voters in 1978, limits annual increases in taxable values to 2 percent, but state tax law also allows temporary decreases in those values to be fully recovered later if the market increases. Increases of up to 20 percent were reported during the 2013-14 fiscal year, based on the 2012 market rise.

“Looking ahead, property tax payments for many owners that received temporary property tax reductions during the real estate crisis could increase by more than 10 percent annually for the next several years,” the LAO said. “These increases likely will cause local property tax revenues to grow swiftly over the next several years as well.”

And I’m sure all this extra revenue will be spent efficiently, right? The easiest way to spend the money is to raise salaries of current workers. That way no extra work has to be done to deal with the problem of all these extra revenues.

The taxable value decreases were heaviest in communities — mostly in inland areas — that had felt the sharpest effect of the housing industry meltdown. Stanislaus County saw the steepest decline in home sale prices, 65 percent, and tax assessments were reduced for 51 percent of the county’s properties, so it could see the one of the biggest upticks.

I wonder how many properties there are left in these areas from the bubble days? Many of these were foreclosed on. Will banks holding REO continue to hold them when they get these higher tax bills? Will this slow the foreclosure process since banks don’t want to pay these high taxes?

The $7 billion reduction in local property tax revenues also affected the state budget because the state was required to make up the schools’ losses of about $3.2 billion. Therefore, the increases in property values and property taxes not only are increasing revenues to local governments but reducing the state’s constitutionally required level of education spending.

There is your answer. The state will take all the extra property tax revenue and reduce local contributions dollar-for-dollar. Once the initial $3.2B shortfall is zeroed-out, then extra taxes go to schools at 55% of the increase, I assume. I’m not sure if the local tax base will see any increase – it pays to be upriver, I guess. If you’re the state, you can take all the water, and send the sewage to the land of elsewhere.

Tax bills are going up for bubble owners. What is going to happen?