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Drum talk with professor John Santos

[Author]Compiled by the

El Reportero’s staff[/Author]


Drum Talk is a unique, two-week intensive percussion residency, as part of the California State University Summer Arts Program. John will be co-presenting with Mario Pam, director of the world-renowned percussion powerhouse group from Bahia Brazil, Ile Aiyé.

This will be the maestro’s first time to the Bay Area! We will be exploring the roots, commonalities and evolution of the drumming traditions of Cuba and Brazil with daily classes, lectures and a culminating performance by the participants. 3 units of transferable college credit!  Scholarships available. (The May 2nd application deadline was extended). For info call (562) 951-4060, or visit:

Through July 13th, 2014, at Cal State University at Monterey Bay.

— Also with John Santos, a Latin Jazz lecture. At the San Francisco Heritage and the SF Latino Historical Society. Latin Kazz in the San Francisco Bay Area: A Retrospective.

At the Mission Cultural Center, 2868 Mission St., San Francisco, on Thursday, July 17, 2014, at 6:00 p.m. or at


SF Symphony performs annual free outdoor concerts at the Stern Grove Festival

The annual San Francisco Symphony free outdoor concerts return to the Stern Grove Festival Sunday, July 6 and San Francisco’s Civic Center Plaza Sunday, July 27 as part of the Orchestra’s Summer & the Symphony concert series,

These annual free community concerts are a perfect opportunity to bring a picnic lunch and spend a Sunday afternoon listening to the San Francisco Symphony with friends and family, enjoying great music in the beautiful settings of two of San Francisco’s most treasured outdoor spaces.

On Sunday, July 6 at 2 pm, the Orchestra returns to the Stern Grove Festival for its annual free concert in the Sigmund Stern Grove, a beautiful outdoor amphitheater located at 19th Avenue and Sloat Boulevard in San Francisco. Guest soloist, Japanese pianist Makoto Ozone, performs with the SFS improvising on Ravel’s well-known classical pieces Bolero and Pavane pour une infant défunte. The concert includes musically diverse styles from the jazz of Leonard Bernstein and Henry Mancini, to Richard Rodgers’ Broadway sound, to music by American composers Morton Gould, Raymond Scott, and Howard Hanson.

On Sunday, July 27 at 2 pm, the SF Symphony performs at San Francisco’s Civic Center Plaza following the Orchestra’s wildly successful 100th Anniversary Celebration there in the fall of 2011. Violinist Benjamin Beilman takes center stage in Mendelssohn’s Violin Concerto in E minor, Opus 64 and the Orchestra performs additional short classical pieces by Tchaikovsky and Mozart. Food and beverage vendors from Off the Grid, booths and free giveaways add to the festivities.

Jenni Rivera’s family releases 2nd CD of her final show

[Author]by the El Reportero’s news services[/Author]


The family of late singer Jenni Rivera is marking what would have been her 45th birthday with the release of a second disc documenting the Diva de la Banda’s final concert.

“I gave myself the job of promoting my sister’s new production, on which I worked hundreds of hours,” Juan Rivera said in an interview with Efe coinciding with Tuesday’s release of 1969 – Siempre, En Vivo Desde Monterrey Parte 2.

Accompanied by a DVD, the disc includes additional songs from the Dec. 9, 2012, performance in the northern Mexican city.

Rivera, who was born July 2, 1969, died in a plane crash a few hours after the concert.

“It was not a recording my sister planned. To tell the truth, it was accidentally recorded by one of the (sound) engineers,” Juan Rivera said.

When the engineer informed the family he had recorded the show, Juan listened to the recording and polled the singer’s children and other family members to determine whether the recording was “a treasure to be guarded or shared,” he recounted.

“The whole family decided that Jenny would have wanted to share it,” Juan Rivera said.

Part Three of the Monterrey concert is tentatively set for release next year, he said.

The family is also at work on a screenplay for a film about the star’s life and has already talked to several directors.

“Jenni had planned to make her own movie and she left us lots of ideas,” Juan Rivera told Efe. “But after what happened, the story is a little different.”


Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic to work together to boost film industry in region

Organizers of the San Juan International Film Festival will hold in October its first forum on Puerto Rico-Dominican Republic coproductions as a step toward boosting the moviemaking potential of these two Caribbean neighbors.

Their idea is to “promote the development of the film industry in both countries and in that way help expand the regional market,” the executive director of the long-running Puerto Rican festival, Jose Artemio Torres, told Efe.

“The time has come. For years, the festival has been talking about promoting this movie market to stimulate local industry while increasing production in many parts of the Americas,” Torres said.

The 1st Puerto Rico-Dominican Republic Coproduction Meeting is scheduled for Oct. 23-25 and will be coordinated by Dominican producer Tanya Valette, Torres said.

This first edition of the forum seeks to be a catalyst for promoting film coproductions by Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic, creating bridges of communication and collaboration between audiovisual producers and professionals of the two islands, in order to make the most of possible synergies and “to join forces,” Torres said.

Possibilities to be discussed at the forum include creating a virtual network of the various components of the sector, as well as a catalogue of producers, technicians, distributors and exhibitors in both countries.

Ten feature films will be screened at the meeting, five from each of the island nations, to be chosen from a submission of entries starting Tuesday and ending Aug. 15.

Inadequate vitamin C levels boost risk of most deadly type of stroke by 50 percent

por John Phillip

Natural Noticias


Cada año en los EE.U.U., más de 800,000 personas sufren los efectos devastadores de un derrame cerebral, y 150,000 morirán como consecuencia de la cuarta causa de mortalidad. La parte triste de esta historia es que muchas de estas muertes se pueden prevenir mediante la alteración de los hábitos de estilo de vida y la adhesión a una dieta que elimina los alimentos altamente procesados ​​a favor de las frutas y verduras, que venden como naturales.

La presión arterial elevada y una cascada de malas elecciones de estilo de vida se combinan para causar rigidez arterial con la edad, lo que aumenta considerablemente el riesgo de un evento isquémico fatal.

Aumentar  la actividad física es una estrategia bien conocida para bajar la presión arterial y una dieta que incluya la ingesta de vitamina C y  ahora no se diga por su capacidad para mejorar la elasticidad arterial, que mejora el riesgo de sufrir un derrame cerebral.


Investigadores del Hospital Universitario Pontchaillou en Francia darán a conocer los resultados de un estudio de la Academia Americana de Neurología que muestra cómo el consumo de alimentos que contengan vitamina C, como naranjas, pimientos, fresas, papaya y el brócoli, puede estar relacionado para reducir el riesgo de accidente cerebrovascular hemorrágico.

El accidente cerebrovascular hemorrágico es una causa menos común de la enfermedad en comparación con un accidente cerebrovascular isquémico, pero es más mortal y se produce cuando un vaso sanguíneo debilitado de sangre en el cerebro se rompe y permite que se filtre en el cerebro y alrededor de este.

La vitamina C y suplementos en la dieta mejoran la elasticidad vascular el riesgo de enfermedad cardíaca y accidente cerebrovascular menor

Para realizar este estudio, los miembros del equipo analizaron 65 pacientes que habían sufrido un accidente cerebrovascular hemorrágico y contrastadas con la edad-y-salud comparable a un grupo de 65 individuos sanos.

El autor principal, Dr. Stephane Vannier señaló: “Nuestros resultados muestran que la deficiencia de vitamina C debe ser considerado un factor de riesgo para este tipo de accidente cerebrovascular grave, al igual que la hipertensión arterial, el consumo de alcohol y el sobrepeso en nuestro estudio.” Después de un análisis de los niveles en sangre de vitamina C, los científicos encontraron que el 41 por ciento de todos los participantes tenían niveles normales, el 45 por ciento había agotado los niveles, y el 14 por ciento tenía niveles tan bajos que se consideraron deficientes en vitamina C.

Después de seguir al grupo de participantes en el transcurso de 10 años, los investigadores determinaron que los participantes que habían sufrido un derrame cerebral habían agotado los niveles, mientras que los que no habían tenido un ataque presentaban niveles normales de la vitamina C en la sangre.

En apoyo de sus conclusiones, el equipo observó que la Universidad de Cambridge en un estudio en 2008 encontró que las personas con niveles altos de vitamina C redujeron su riesgo de accidente cerebrovascular en un 42 por ciento. También citaron un estudio en 2012 que indica que el consumo de chocolate puede reducir el riesgo de cualquier accidente cerebrovascular. Esa investigación reveló que los hombres que consumían las mayores cantidades de chocolate de tenían un riesgo 17 por ciento menor de accidente cerebrovascular que los hombres que nunca o muy rara vez comian.

Catherine Paddock, PhD, escribió en Medical News Today, Una forma que la  vitamina C podría reducir el riesgo de accidente cerebrovascular podría ser mediante la reducción de la presión arterial, y añade que la vitamina C tiene otros beneficios, como ayudar a producir colágeno, una proteína que da estructurar a la piel, los huesos y el tejido”. La mayoría de las frutas cítricas y verduras proporcionan cantidades saludables de vitamina C a la dieta, y la mayoría de los estudios han encontrado que los suplementos con vitamina C (1,500 a 3,000 mg al día) reduce drásticamente el riesgo de enfermedades vasculares como la enfermedad cardíaca y accidente cerebrovascular.

Study: Threats, violence force most Central American children to flee

by the El Reportero’s wire services


Most of the unaccompanied Central American minors who illegally enter the United States across the southern border are fleeing violence in their homelands, a U.S. researcher says.

“Minors and their parents think the risk for children en route to the United States is not nearly as great as the risk of staying in their own country, because they feel that staying there is to die,” Elizabeth Kennedy told Efe.

“In my original research with Salvadoran minors, I found that out of 400 respondents, of whom I analyzed 322, 60 percent said they are fleeing from gang threats or fear of the police, which signifies forced migration,” she said.

Kennedy, a joint doctoral student at the University of California, Santa Barbara and San Diego State University, received a U.S. Fulbright Student Award to carry out the study in El Salvador.

Her numbers are similar to the figures released last month by the U.N. Refugee Agency, which shows that fear is the reason that 66 percent of Salvadoran children migrate and 54 percent of Hondurans.

“The migration of children from El Salvador is due to the violence of the Mara Salvatrucha and Mara 18 (gangs). It’s the same in Honduras, but in that country there are other elements of pressure, which are a life of poverty, drug cartels and other criminal groups,” Kennedy said.

“In Guatemala, besides street gangs and cartels, children emigrate because of the extreme poverty and so much domestic violence. Most Guatemalan minors who emigrate are low-income Indians from rural areas who are discriminated against,” she said.

According to official figures, so far in fiscal year 2014, which started last Oct. 1, more than 52,000 unaccompanied minors were detained when they tried to enter U.S. territory illegally.


Caribbean’s Chikungunya virus spreads to Mexico

Mexico’s National Epidemic Surveillance System has identified an “imported” case of the chikungunya virus, the Health Secretariat said in a statement.

The patient had traveled to a sports event in Antigua and Barbuda, where the Pan American Health Organization has reported four confirmed cases.

“Up to now no domestic cases have been detected in our country,” the official statement said.

Mexico joins the list of countries affected by a virus that up to seven months ago was unknown in this part of the world.

In December 2013, a local infection of the chikungunya virus was detected for the first time in the Americas with the confirmation of two cases on the island of St. Martin.

The chikungunya virus was originally reported in the 1950s when an outbreak occurred in a village in southeastern Africa.

Chikungunya is a virus transmitted to man and monkey by the same mosquitos that spread dengue fever: the Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus species.

The disease has symptoms similar to dengue, including muscle pain, high fevers and general fatigue.

The Health Secretariat said that no vaccine exists to prevent infection by this virus nor any specific treatment, and that it can only be managed by relieving the symptoms.

The number of suspected chikungunya cases in the Americas rose to more than 185,000 by June 20 and the illness has caused 21 deaths.

Dissident militia leader arrested, charged with drugs

[Author]by Rafael Castillo

VICE news
A prominent figure in the tangled vigilante movement in western Mexico is under arrest and facing drugs and weapons charges, which has become the latest development to cast uncertainty over the troubled agricultural and mining state of Michoacán.

Dr. Jose Manuel Mireles, a lanky gray-haired physician who came to prominence earlier this year as the symbolic face of the autodefensa movement in Michoacán, was arrested on Friday during a heavy federal and military operation, along with 82 other dissident militia members in a small community in the region known as Tierra Caliente, or Hot Land.

Mireles had previously refused to go along with a plan by Mexico’s government that required all citizen militias in the state to lay down their arms by May 10 and fold their efforts into a little-known agency known as the Rural Forces. He frequently called the government corrupt and claimed authorities were colluding with Michoacán’s most powerful cartel, the Knights Templar.

Mireles said he wouldn’t disband the vigilantes he had helped organize until Mexico’s government met its end of an earlier bargain with the groups, which called for authorities to locate and capture the Knights Templar leader known as “La Tuta.” Servando “La Tuta” Gómez remains at large.

In May, the government successfully convinced other leaders and their militias to join the Rural Forces, a push aimed at diffusing the widening influence of the grassroots autodefensa groups that proliferated in response to the Knights’ unchecked use of extortion and kidnapping in towns and cities across the state.

Alfredo Castillo, the federal-level special commissioner in charge of bringing order to Michoacán, said during a press conference on Monday that Mireles and three bodyguards were found with 14 firearms, as well as ammunition, marijuana, cocaine, and 30,000 pesos in cash, or about $2,300.

“With these actions, the state institutions and the federal government are making the law count … with the only goal being the return of peace and tranquility to all the people of Michoacán,” Castillo told reporters.

Mireles was transported to a prison in the state of Sonora, north of Michoacán, and awaits an indictment, officials said.

The doctor’s supporters immediately cried foul. Ándres Manuel López Obrador, a former two-time leftist presidential candidate, said while visiting Michoacán on Monday that Mireles’s arrest was political in nature.

“The doctor was jailed because he didn’t fall in line behind the commissioner,” López Obrador said in the community of Nueva Italia.

Nonetheless, Mireles’s record isn’t exactly clean. In 1988, he was arrested by federal authorities after being caught with 86 kilos of marijuana, the Mexican daily Excelsior reported in January. He served three years and eight months in prison for the related charges.

Mireles’s lawyer, Talía Vázquez, claimed in an interview with VICE News this week that the government must have planted the drugs on Mireles in order to detain him. She also alleged that the doctor was “tortured” by authorities and kept isolated for 24 hours before being permitted to meet with her.

“Doctor Mireles was detained in an irregular manner for creating discomfort for the government and because they want to police a social problem with force,” Vázquez said. “Since there is a grave conflict in Michoacán and since they are unable to arrest the Templarios, it’s better to arrest Mireles.”

She added: “The autodefensas are not the root of the problem, they are the solution that the people gave to the problem.”

Castillo on Monday denied that Mireles had been tortured, but did not address the other claims against the doctor’s arrest. He also said the investigation of Mireles is ongoing and that other charges could follow.

The operation that led to Mireles’s arrest was unusual because it involved all the major Mexican security forces, including the army, the navy, the federal police, and state-level police and prosecutors. The doctor was captured as he attempted to organize a fresh autodefensa group in La Mira, which lies on a highway to the Pacific port of Lázaro Cárdenas that is strategic for illegal mining and other criminal interests, his lawyer said, calling the coincidence suspicious.

“La Mira is strategic for the Templarios,” Vázquez said. “It’s a very small community but it is an obligatory stop from the mountains to the port [Lázaro Cárdenas]. Drugs, guns, and minerals pass through there, and it is a position that belongs to La Tuta.”

The Mireles arrest comes nearly two weeks after the resignation of Michoacán’s governor, Fausto Vallejo. Vallejo is reportedly battling a serious illness, which had forced him to designate most of his duties to a substitute. A few days before Vallejo announced his resignation, photos emerged that allegedly depict his son, Rodrigo Vallejo Mora, in a meeting with “La Tuta.”

Vallejo has been dogged by allegations of links to organized crime almost since the start of his term in office in 2012.

Mexico’s federal government says that so far 5,000 former militia members have registered for the Rural Forces, with more than 800 of them already active.

But the Rural Forces have not avoided their own problems. Claims of corruption against some recently integrated members are already casting doubt on the ability of the Rural Forces to help bring order to the state of Michoacán. A town hall meeting with the Rural Forces in the community of Aguililla descended into a brawl and then gunfire in mid-June, leaving one dead.

Flagging kids in early age as ‘at risk” in early grades – does it help or harm?

[Author]by Alyson Bryant

VoiceWaves / New America Media[/Author]


Long before students have even entered ninth grade, teachers are looking to detailed data to figure out which kids are most likely to drop out of high school. Though this flagging system can call attention to a need for additional help to a potential dropout, there may be concerns, like inaccurate predictions, or worse, lowered expectations.

At Clinton Middle School in East Los Angeles, teachers are using a system called Early Warning Indicators, or EWI, which is part of a school transformation program called Diplomas Now, currently used in 14 cities around the country. The system is based on recent research out of Johns Hopkins University that shows what specific factors best predict the likelihood of dropping out of high school. The warning system uses three data points – suspensions or behavior, attendance, and grades in middle school — to identify kids at risk of not making it to high school graduation. According to an op-ed written by Diplomas Now in the New York Times, in the 2012-13 school year, “the program achieved a 41 percent reduction in chronically absent students, a 70 percent reduction in suspended students, a 69 percent reduction in students failing English and a 52 percent reduction in students failing math.”

Here’s how it works: After reviewing the trends, the teachers examine students’ names that are colored red or yellow, considered off-track or in danger of being off-track. At Clinton, signs of being off-track include coming to school less than 85 percent of the time, getting a bad behavior grade, or an F in any class. Students who show two or more of these signs are flagged.

The teachers then discuss the circumstances around each student, things like how often he or she visits the nurse, or what’s going on in the family. Then they brainstorm interventions. These can be simple, like saving an extra breakfast for a student, or more involved, like assigning tutoring or Saturday school.

Though teachers have always kept students’ needs in mind when grades have dipped or behavior has changed, typically those decisions were made within the teacher’s own classroom. Teachers don’t always know what’s going on in the classroom next door, and it’s fairly rare to have time carved out of the school day just to problem-solve around student data. Likewise, students often don’t realize that teachers are paying attention to their personal lives.

At Clinton, a student doing poorly in math class is every teacher’s problem, because that student is considered more likely to drop out. The faculty meets every month, hoping that within a month, they can bump a student back on-track — a process they call “recovery.”

But does being off-track definitely mean that a student will drop out? The kids interviewed at Clinton are in seventh grade and only 12 years old. Can data accurately predict if one of them is going to drop out of high school five years down the line?

That’s a question Chris West is wrestling with, based on his work developing an Early Warning Indicator system for Montgomery County Schools in Maryland. His system flagged “at-risk” students as young as first grade. One of his concerns is whether all this information can even be acted upon. He found that 76 percent of the students who dropped out had these warning indicators, but 47.4 percent of the non-dropouts had these indicators, too. What’s the risk of “mis-predicting”?

Ultimately, West said if you identify someone incorrectly, but they still show signs of disengagement, the effects of intervening could still be positive.

There’s another concern about these early flagging systems. What if knowing that certain kids are on the “at-risk” list colors the way teachers see them, and they start to expect less? Or what if the students start to expect less of themselves?

David Yeager, an adolescent psychologist at the University of Texas, worries that early warning systems could undermine a student’s resilience. “What if what’s the cure for under-performance in middle school becomes a disease when they move on to college, because they’ve been told they can’t do it on their own?” he said.

At Clinton, the students don’t necessarily know that they’ve been flagged. Principal Sissi O’Reilly said that her staff never uses the term “at-risk” to describe students. And because the teachers are intervening as soon as a student slips up, the interventions themselves can be small. “I’m not putting out fires, going around trying to solve problems. I’m supporting the system that supports individual kids,” said O’Reilly.

But English teacher Jason Black says he thinks it is okay to tell students outright if they’re being targeted. “I think that actually makes them feel good, knowing they have a team behind them, knowing that they have a lot of people they will let down,” said Black.

Eighth-grader Gabby said that she appreciated the intervention, because she already knew she was messing up. “My math teacher, she came to talk to me, she pulled me out individually and told me about my grades and she said English needs to be better… Then my history teacher pulled me out as well, so I knew that they really cared,” said Gabby.

And teachers end up grading themselves too, using the data trends to set goals for their own classrooms.

Creating the structure for this kind of data-driven attention doesn’t come cheap. There are almost as many support staff at Clinton as there are teachers, to provide wrap-around services, according to the principal.

Gabby went from an F to a B in English. But what happens when Gabby graduates from Clinton, and this strong support network disappears? For Andrea Schwartz who crunches the data at Clinton, that’s her biggest concern. “It keeps me up at night… How do we build up these kids so that they have a solid enough foundation that they can go on and progress?”

Outside of the Clinton campus, early warning data are collected on students throughout the Los Angeles School District. But according to Cynthia Lim at the Office of Data and Accountability, other schools don’t have the human capital to help teachers analyze and respond to that data consistently.

Alyson Bryant is a youth reporter for VoiceWaves in Long Beach.  This story was produced by Youth Radio in collaboration with VoiceWaves, a youth-led community media project in Long Beach founded by New America Media. Additional reporting by Robyn Gee at Youth Radio. Edited by Elizabeth Soep.s

How many covert ops can dance on the head of a pin?

[Author]by Jon Rappoport[/Author]


These are notes on covert ops I’ve made over the years. They apply to any arena where deception is the name of the game.

Every covert op needs a cover story. That is, the public must be made to look in the wrong direction.

A cover story not only hides the identity of perpetrators, it also imparts the wrong meaning to the event being staged.

Example: a war is set in motion, in order to bankrupt several governments. But the public is told the war means: “protecting democracy.”

Major covert ops have more than one objective. A war will bankrupt governments; it will also result in a peace treaty that creates a larger cooperative structure than previously existed, spanning several nations – and the men who end up running that larger structure are the same men who triggered the war in the first place. They wind up with more control and power than they had before.

Covert ops of great size and importance must include the laying of false trails. Thus, in the wake of the op, investigators will find clues that lead them down roads that come, eventually, to alleys that dead-end against blank walls.

In the process, they discover perpetrators who weren’t really perpetrators. They discover motives that weren’t true motives. They pick up hints that were deposited like break crumbs to divert and mislead.

In case some element of the actual covert op is revealed, there is the limited hangout. This is a confession. It offers a mea culpa, but only concerning a relatively trivial factor.

“Yes, our agency did make mistakes, and those mistakes led to the loss of public funds. But we are taking steps to assure nothing like this ever happens again…”

And of course, in order to “take steps,” the agency needs a larger budget.

A massive series of connected covert ops, over a long period of time, are built, as a kind of hierarchy that leads to some ultimate objective. This is the “ops within ops” strategy.

Identifying and derailing a handful of ops will not stop the overall program.

For example, an ultimate objective would be: the triumph of Globalism. This means putting the nations and peoples of the world under a single management system.

That system, an enormous bureaucracy run at the very top by a small secret group, would eventually make all important decisions involving: politics; the economy; money; credit; production and distribution of goods and services; energy; military use of force; media/propaganda content; medical treatment; mega-corporate power; natural resources; food; water; geo-engineering; freedom of speech; education; geo-distribution of populations.

In order to create this overarching reality, multiple systems of mind control, indoctrination, self-policing, and operant conditioning must be enacted and expanded.

Such a conspiracy (Globalism) does not need the conscious cooperation of many people who are “in on the secret.” That childish position is repeated intentionally by idiots and dupes and pawns and infiltrators.

Compartmentalization is the key. You can take any group and assign it various separate tasks, each one masked by “humanitarian” slogans, and you will get eager compliance.

Only a few people in charge see the big picture and understand how the separate tasks (ops) combine to achieve the overall goal.

The art and skill of covert ops involve coordinating such machinery to yield the desired result.

The main propaganda/media approach is: “Events that are taking place in the world are unrelated. These crises and problems are separate fires breaking out, without a central cause.”

To view this in action, just watch the network evening news. It’s an exercise meant to engender partitioned minds, which nibble a bit here, a bit there. Stories break out, are covered, and then disappear, to be replaced by new material.

The elite anchors are inducers of short-term memory and long-term amnesia.

Alongside media, a continuous downpour of propaganda urges the primacy of the group and the mass and the collective beyond any “selfish” concerns.

This op is intended to erase the very concept of the individual.

Why? Because the free, powerful, and independent individual can expose how “the group” is being recreated every day as a mythological symbol.

A symbol of (false) hope, caring, dependence, passivity, acquiescence, surrender, and envelopment within the banner of “enlightened humane leadership.”

If it quacks and walks like an organized religion, it is some version of an organized religion. It doesn’t need a God. It just needs a priest class to preach Rescue For All People.

Quack, quack. Op, op.

(Jon Rappoport is the author of three explosive collections, The Matrix Revealed, Exit From The Matrix, and Power Outside The Matrix).

What is the State, who is the government and who is the public?


Dear readers:[/Author]

I received the following article (below) from a very knowledgeable man in the Constitution of the United States, who has written intensely on the subject of freedom and government corruption for many years. He wrote me back and emailed me this following article. I won’t say his name to protect his privacy.

Please make your judgment and don’t believe what he says. Do your own research if you can, but you and all of us must understand how the system that governs us all, works.

The email that I sent out was about a message from Anonymous, the personage that wears a stylised Guy Fawkes mask that you’ve probably seen before in emails or in news.

After seeing the video, he responded with the article below:

“Disrupting and ridicule is a waste of time. Knowledge is where our salvation lies. See the following and let others have access to it.”


(THE OFFICE OF PERSON) Public “means” State


Any time you see things like, “public servant,” it means “State Servant”. Or when you see anything that refers to THE PUBLIC, it means, “The State.”

Everyone assumes that “public” means: the people. It has nothing to do with “people”. It means the STATE! Or State: They are synonymous.

In other words, a “Public Servant” does not serve YOU, meaning YOU are not the public. A “Public Servant” means a “State Servant” who only serves the fictitious corporation called the “State.”.

This is why no attorney working for a “State” [Public] Office serving only the “State” can answer any legal questions for YOU, and why they will always tell you they can NOT give YOU any legal advice!

Now think about that. “IF” government [State, Federal] was by the “private people” for the “private people”, where WE the “private people” created government [State] for OURSELVES to serve us, then wouldn’t every “State” [Public] Official be obligated to answer any of your legal questions? Wouldn’t they be obligated to provide YOU will any legal advice you ask for? Well “IF” they were truly YOUR State [Public] Officials serving YOU as the creator of the government [State] then, yes, they most certainly would be obligated to provide you with any legal advice you ask for?

However, if YOU as one of the “private people” actually are NOT the creator of government [State] and that government [State] was actually just created by only a select group of men who are the only creators of it, then that would make government [State] completely foreign to you as one of the “private people.”

Now that would be more logical as to why all government [State] Officials and their attorneys would always tell you that they cannot give you any legal advice and tell you that you must contact a private attorney instead.

By the way, speaking of attorneys in general regardless of whether they are government [State] attorneys or private attorneys, have you ever seen any attorney ever actually give you any legal FACTS? Have you ever seen any attorney willing to put his legal determination in writing swearing that his legal determination is indeed FACT?

The only thing I have seen is OPINIONS being given. Even the government [State] State Attorney General that issues written legal determinations are nothing but written OPINIONS of the State Attorney General. Every single letter ever written by a State Attorney General issued to a State Office or State Official or Judge is just that attorney’s own personal OPINION!

You know what they say about opinions. “Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one!”

If the best any attorney can ever offer you is just their own personal “opinion” when it comes to any legal matter or written law, then how could you ever possibly find an attorney that can ever properly defend you?

If you have for example, one attorney representing a plaintiff who presents nothing but his personal “opinions” of what some law may say, and then some other attorney who represents a defendant who presents his personal “opinions” of what some law may say, then some Judge will provide his personal “opinion” based on the two attorneys personal “opinions” they offered, and whatever personal “opinion” the Judge comes up with will be become his written “opinion” that will become a final order issued by the court. ALL based on nothing but personal “OPINIONS” and not one single FACT!

Now, who in their right frame of mind would ever choose to play such a game like that where you consent to be bound by a few “OPINIONS” that come from a few educated idiots? Since all they can offer is just “OPINIONS” then that means they can just make up anything they want because it is nothing but an “opinion” and they get immunity from liability no matter who is wronged in their personal “opinion.” YOU are the only one who is left holding the bag who is affected by the outcome of someone else’s personal “opinion” that is not based on actual FACT, but merely “OPINIONS”.

For those who choose to play the game, then this may be one way to stop a case from proceeding since to play the game, their rules entitle one to be represented by an attorney. If there is no attorney that can be found that can provide just the FACTS to properly represent one, then one cannot get an attorney to represent one’s self which is a violation of their rules of their game. Since the rules cannot be properly adhered to by being able to have an attorney that can represent one, then there is no way for the game [case] to be able to proceed leaving no choice but to fold up the game and just return everything back to its box!

Here is what Bouvier’s says for “STATE”


In search for a verbal expression of that ENTITY which has been variously phrased as the “state”, the nation, the commonwealth, or the public, the first mentioned term was slow in coming into general use.

The “state” is just an ENTITY and that entity not being a real man or woman it is in fact fictitious in its existence.

Queen Elizabeth used the word republica in Latin or commonwealth in English. A statute referred to Guy Fawkes and others as having attempted “the overthrow of the whole state and commonwealth”: 3 Jac. I, c. 3; the Exchequer Chamber, in 1623, spoke of inconveniences introduced “in the republic” by remote limitations; Palm 335. The words “republic” and “commonwealth,” implying absence of a king, were abandoned only after 1600 when the word “state” came into use. It is little used in Blackstone, though he does speak of the “danger of the state”; 1 Com. 135.

Since 1600 the word “republic” and commonwealth” was replaced with the word “state.” Perhaps this is why there really was never a republic as a government and instead only a republican FORM of government which is a “state”.  The people did not answer, since there is in opposition, the king and together they constitute the state or commonwealth. See “The Crown as Corporation,” by F.W. Maitland, 17 L. Q. R. 131, 136, which begins with this question: “The greatest artificial persons, politically speaking, are the state. But it depends on the legal institutions and forms of every commonwealth whether and how far the state or its titular head is officially treated as an artificial person.” Pollock, First Bk. of Jur.113. There, you have it! The “state” is an artificial person.

Body Politic! The body politic of the “state” is the people as members. The only members are those elected and appointed who becomes a member upon being elected or appointed. So the word “public” MEANS the “state” and only its members who are only those elected or appointed.

You, a private man or woman is not a member because you were not elected or appointed to become a member. Therefore whenever you hear the word, the public, it means the STATE and those who are members of the “STATE” who are only those who are elected or appointed to become members and serve the STATE as State [public] Officials.

“BPA-free baby bottles found to emit other harmful estrogen mimickers

[Author]by Mike Adams
Baby bottles from AVENT, Born Free, Green to Grow, Evenflo and Weil Baby all emit high or very high levels of hormone-altering chemicals, says new research published in the peer-reviewed journal Environmental Health. (1)

“Many PC-replacement-products made from acrylic, polystyrene, polyethersulfone, and Tritan resins leached chemicals with [estrogenic activity], including products made for use by babies. Exposure to various forms of UV radiation often increased the leaching of chemicals with estrogenic activity,” write the study authors.

The conclusion of the study will send shockwaves across the baby products industry, stunning many parents who thought “BPA-free” meant “free from all hormone-disrupting chemicals.”

The study authors write:

Many BPA-free PC- replacement products still leached chemicals having significant levels of estrogenic activity, as did BPA-containing PC counterparts they were meant to replace. That is, BPA-free did not mean [free from estrogenic activity].

UV rays unlock hormone-disrupting chemicals

An article published by Mother Jones (2) reports the research, revealing that ultraviolet rays (UV) activate and “unlock” hormone-mimicking chemicals in BPA-free bottles made out of polyester (PES) and Tritan, the materials most commonly used in BPA-free bottles.

Over the last several years, the negative press about the hormone-disrupting properties of BPA (Bisphenol-A) led to a wave of new “BPA-free” baby bottles, water bottles and sippy cups. But just because a bottle is free of BPA doesn’t means it’s free of other hormone-disrupting chemicals.

“Many of the items above are advertised as healthy alternatives to plastics containing BPA and the hormone-altering chemicals known as phthalates,” writes Mother Jones. “Born Free markets its baby products as the ‘natural choice for moms who want a safe, calm experience every time they feed their baby.’ Weil Baby claims that its bottles are made from ‘revolutionary new materials’ that are ‘ultra-safe.’ After UV exposure, CertiChem’s study found that both companies’ products leached potent synthetic estrogens.”

UV rays are not only found in sunlight; they’re also used by parents to sanitize battle bottles (UV light exposure kills bacteria). According to this research, the very process that parents use to sanitize baby bottles may be releasing hormone-disrupting chemicals that harm their babies.

These brands of bottles showed estrogen-mimicking activity

According to researchers, all the following brands of bottles, baby bottles, sippy cups and water containers tested positive for estrogen-mimicking activity:

Baby bottles: AVENT, Born Free, Green to Grow, Evenflo, Weil Baby

Sippy cups: CamelBak (blue), Weil Baby

Water bottles: CamelBak (black), CamelBak (blue), Nalgene (blue)

Other products: Crate & Barrel acrylic wine glasses (red), Lock & Lock food  containers

Hormone-disrupting chemicals linked to cancer; multi-generational effects

What’s wrong with BPA and other hormone-disrupting chemicals? They’re linked to cancer, for starters. Even at tiny doses — just parts per billion — they may cause infertility problems, liver abnormalities, asthma and heart disease, according to scientists.

Even worse, some of these effects appear to be epigenetic and trans-generational, meaning they pass from one generation to the next. So a young mother who feeds her baby with baby bottles containing hormone-disrupting chemicals is not merely potentially harming her own baby; she’s may be harming her baby’s future babies as well, down through an unknown number of generations.

BPA-free isn’t good enough: TOPAS and ZEONOR polymers are the new “green”

This research also revealed that two brand-name copolymers named TOPAS and ZEONOR showed no signs of hormone-disrupting estrogenic activity, even when exposed to UV rays.

TOPAS and ZEONOR are “cyclic olefin polymers” or copolymers developed by materials scientists in Germany and Japan. They are both very expensive compared to the lower costs of Tritan and PES.

“TOPAS is the trade name of a cyclic olefin copolymer (COC) developed by TOPAS ADVANCED POLYMERS GmbH,” reports (3)

ZEONOR is a product created by ZEON chemicals, a Japanese company, and is used in medical applications, optical components and barrier films. (4)

To my knowledge, there are currently no baby bottles or water bottles available which are manufactured out of TOPAS or ZEONOR.

Interestingly, Nalgene green bottles made out of Tritan tested negative for estrogenic activity after exposure to UV rays, most likely due to the green dye acting as a kind of internal UV block. So if you’re looking for a plastic water bottle that’s available right now and shows no estrogenic activity, a green Nalgene bottle seems to be the way to go, based on this research.

Huge market opportunity for someone to launch water bottles made out of Zeonor or Topas

This research opens up a tremendous market opportunity for someone enterprising enough to introduce baby bottles and water bottles made out of cyclic olefin copolymers (COP or COC).

It might turn out to be the world’s most expensive water bottle ever, but there’s a huge demand for containers that don’t leach toxic chemicals into the liquids they’re holding.

If anyone reading this is seriously looking into launching COP or COC-based bottles, please contact us here at Natural News so we can help support your product launch.

Mexican Indian women ask for apology and damages for human rights violations

[Author]by the El Reportero’s wire services[/Author]


Human rights groups called Monday on the Mexican government to comply with judicial rulings by apologizing and paying compensation to three Otomi Indian women who spent time in prison on kidnapping convictions that were later thrown out by the courts.

Amnesty International and the Miguel Agustin Pro Juarez Human Rights Center have launched a campaign aimed at getting the Attorney General’s Office to adhere to the terms of court rulings on the women, who “were victims of unjust acts by Mexican authorities.”

Jacinta Francisco Marcial, Alberta Alcántara and Teresa González, who operated market stalls in Queretaro, were arrested in August 2006.

The three women were sentenced to 21 years in prison on charges they kidnapped six federal agents who claimed that the vendors took them hostage in March 2006 during an operation targeting sellers of pirated DVDs.

The women were imprisoned for “a crime they did not commit,” the human rights groups said.

The Supreme Court ordered the women released from prison in 2010.

Marcial was released from prison in September 2009, followed by Alcántara and Gonzalez on April 28, 2010.

A special federal court issued rulings in November 2013 and in May of this year that “established an important precedent in Mexico in the area of reparation of damages for victims of human rights violations,” the human rights groups said.

The rulings impose limits on the actions of representatives of the state and require them to respect human rights, the groups said in a joint statement.

Compliance without delay is essential for the well-being of the victims and to show that such abuses will not be committed in the future, the human rights groups said.

The court ordered the AG’s office to pay compensation to the three women and to make a public apology.

The AG’s office, however, appealed the rulings in the Alcántara and González cases last November and could take similar action with regard to the Francisco Marcial.

The AG’s office contends that providing compensation to the three women would lead to paying damages to anyone acquitted in a criminal case.

The human rights groups want Attorney General Jesus Murillo to drop the appeals in the Alcántara and González cases, to not file an appeal in the Francisco Marcial case and to order his staff to comply with the court rulings.