Saturday, September 14, 2024
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The atrocity of the construction of the Canal in Nicaragua

[Author]by Ernesto Cardenal



We must denounce to the world what it is happening in Nicaragua.

The President Daniel Ortega with the all-embracing power that he and his wife have on this country, made the National Congress approve in only one day the creation of a law for the construction of an Interoceanic Canal. This law was not consulted by no means with the population.

On the following day of approved of the law was granted an authorization with extraordinary speed, even though it will affect Nicaragua for more than a hundred years. The authorization was granted to a Chinese man till then an unknown name: Wang Jing. The authorization only grants rights to Wang Jing but it does not impose any obligations on him.

President Ortega has admitted that the authorization was done without the existence of any previous study.

The contract establishes that all the information about the construction of the Canal shall be confidential.

The authorization, which was done without any bid, includes an airport, two ports, a railroad and two tax free zones of free commerce.

All the national geography of Nicaragua has been delivered so that these works are done where Wang Jing want them and it will have all the permissions that are based on his decisions. He will be granted any license, permission or authorization that he demands.

Not even a single cent the State of Nicaragua will get by way of taxes or financial liability for any of the projects.

According to the agreement that was signed, the Chinese company is outside any national regulations and is free from any administrative, civil or penal responsibilities, even if it breaks any of its obligations.

The law is contradictory in many aspects of our Political Constitution.

Also it contradicts other projects that perhaps would be more profitable in the long term cutting in two the tourist corridor of the Pacific coast.

The famous Center Humboldt has declared that the construction of this Canal and its Associated Projects are the biggest threat to the environment of the country in its entire history. It has also denounced that this authorization exempts to all the Associate Projects of the fulfillment of the environmental legislation so exposing the country to an ecological irreversible destruction.

The State of Nicaragua would receive only one percent share in the project every year so that it will take one hundred years before it would have 100 percent control of the canal and related projects.

With every ship that passes through the canal, an enormous quantity of fresh water would be lost to the sea.

The Great Lake will have only one utility: (to assist the) navigation of the ships. We will not be able to produce food by means of irrigation, we will only be able to see passing ships.

Nor will it be possible to drink the water of the lake. The lives of the people who survive by fishing in the lake have not been taken into consideration and they will lose their livelihood.

All our water, superficial and underground will be dedicated to a Chinese man.

To the owners of the lands that will be expropriated, this Chinese man will pay these people at price of salvage property and not at market value.

Thirty six cities would be affected by the loss of the lake, in addition to many minor populations.

The Islets of Granada would disappear, since the sluices would raise by two meters the level of the lake.

This frightening panorama has been called the “Promised Land” by the president Daniel Ortega. (Perhaps he promised it to this Chinese man).

Many experts have stated that Nicaragua would gain more money selling drinkable water than through the income from a Canal that it won’t own or control until after a hundred years have passed.

With this Canal, the country will be divided into two, the Nicaragua of the North and that of the South, like the two Germanys and the two Koreas. There will be two different populations of animals (with the exception of those who will be able to fly) that will become more and more different over time, which will harm our biodiversity.

Solentiname has been declared a National Monument, but without the lake there will not be any more Solentiname. A person from there has said: “ I am going to be eating a lot of fish, because later there will be no more fish, but only the ones canned by the Chinese.”

With this Canal the lake of Nicaragua, which for us is a God’s big blessing, will turn into a curse.

To destroy the Lake of Nicaragua would be the biggest crime in the history of our country, and Ortega would become a figure more reviled than William Walker. (This article was translated from Spanish).

Beat insomnia and sleep easy with these herbs and natural

[Author]by Michael Edwards[/Author]


You lie in bed staring at the ceiling, or worse, staring at the clock. Minutes pass. Hours pass. You count the hours until you have to get up. Six hours. Five hours. Four. Once again, regardless of how tired–how utterly exhausted your body and mind feel, you cannot sleep.

Insomnia can be both debilitating and dangerous. According to The National Highway Safety Administration, 100,000 or more auto crashes each year are due to fatigue, with a resultant 1,550 deaths and 71,000 injuries.

A chronic lack of sleep not only affects your work, your relationships, and your enjoyment of life, it also wreaks havoc with your immune system.

You don’t need to resort to pharmaceuticals with dangerous side effects like sleepwalking, eating or driving in your sleep or fatigue upon waking. Instead, use these natural remedies to reset your sleep cycle and end insomnia.

The # 1 guaranteed insomnia cure

If you can get away for a few days, go camping. Leave your electronic devices at home. Leave your phone in the car. Take some time to meditate, write, and do some yoga. Most importantly, sleep on the ground, not in a camper, your car, or a cabin. Get grounded. Your goal is to de-stress, to take a break from distractions and EFTs, to avoid artificial light, and to use natural light and magnetic fields to re-set your circadian rhythms. By the third day almost anyone will be going to sleep shortly after nightfall, as nature intended.

Other steps to end insomnia

Eliminate stimulants from your diet. Coffee, tea, chocolate, soft drinks, energy drinks… If you won’t give these up, be sure to limit them to the early hours of the day. Thyroid and adrenal fatigue can lead to insomnia and poor quality sleep, so address those glands if needed. B vitamins are essential to the nervous system and deficiencies can result in disruption of sleep cycles. Take a high quality B complex vitamin each day. If you do not get daily exposure to sunlight or if you live north of Atlanta, Georgia or Los Angeles, California, supplement with vitamin D.

Get grounded, and take that time to do some peaceful meditation. This can be especially beneficial to our internal clock if done early morning and just before bedtime.

Herbs for insomnia

The following three herbs make a very powerful sleep formula when combined.

Valerian root

Valerian root also aids in sleep onset as well as quality of sleep. Best results are found when combining valerian root with melatonin or hops. Take 400-500 mg at bedtime.


Melatonin is a hormone secreted by the pineal gland. It does not help with length of sleep or sleep quality, but does help with sleep onset. Side effects may include nightmares and daytime drowsiness. Dosage ranges from 1-10 mg.


Hops extract is another sleep aid that improves sleep and aids in sleep onset. It works well with valerian extract and the combination may help increase alpha brain waves.


Once you get your biological clock reset, your new sleep habits require discipline, but you will reap the benefits of healthy, restful sleep. The trick to developing a set sleep schedule is all in the wake up time. If 7 a.m. is when you want to wake up, then that’s when you wake up, no matter what, for the next 6 weeks.

For me, I do have my own protocol, and I use herbs and vitamins to eliminate insomnia. Check out these articles for thyroid issues and adrenal problems. Let us know tricks and tips you have to get to sleep easy. For more on grounding, see the first source. By Natural News.

In search of a sanctuary for migrant workers

[Author]by Jenny Manrique

UC Newsroom

News Report[/Author]



Reverend Deborah Lee (at right) offers a prayer for unaccompanied minors at an Oct. 9 event organized by the Salvadoran National Network Abroad (RENASE). Oakland Mayor Jean Quan (at left) has supported measures that provide aid to the Central American youth. Credit: Courtesy, Mayor’s Office

OAKLAND, Calif. — Edwin can hardly understand Spanish and is slowly learning English, but his biggest dilemma now is finding a way to save his mother from the violence in his native Guatemala, and how to pay the $7,000 he owes lawyers.

Edwin, 14, is a native Mam speaker (the Mayan language of his ethnic group). In spite of his youth, he has already made a dangerous escape from the gang violence of his homeland, crossed the U.S.-Mexico border and spent two months in the El Centro Service Processing Center, an immigrant detention facility south of Los Angeles.

Since his release from detention two months ago, Edwin has found a home at the Primera Iglesia Presbiteriana Hispana (PIPH, First Hispanic Presbyterian Church) in Oakland.

“The church wants me to go to school during the day, but how am I going to cover my expenses if I don’t work,” he asks. “How am I going to pay for rent when I find where to live, and send money back for my mother, my brother and my sister?”

PIPH is one of several religious organizations in the Bay Area that have spearheaded a burgeoning Sanctuary Movement that began last summer in Arizona. So far 24 congregations offering sanctuary in 12 cities across the country have joined.

Inspired by the Sanctuary Movement of the early 1980s, when at least 500 churches offered safe-havens for migrants escaping conflict in Central America, faith leaders today are looking to renew that commitment by providing shelter, food and even legal advice to this latest wave of child refugees.

“We are helping these kids with shelter, clothes, food, classes, vaccinations,” says PPIH Pastor Pablo Morataya, adding that many live in fear of being detained again. “That is why we need to become a sanctuary, so they can feel safe.”

Places of resistance

Earlier this month St. John’s Presbyterian Church in nearby Berkeley hosted a forum that drew dozens from congregations around the Bay Area to learn about the history of the Sanctuary Movement and how it is helping today’s migrant youth.

St. John’s Pastor Max Lynn reminded attendees that Berkeley declared itself a sanctuary in 1982, two years after the assassination of the Archbishop of San Salvador, Oscar Arnulfo Romero. “Changing immigration policy is a long path,” he said, “but in the meantime the least we can do is bring support to those who were brutally violated.”

Lynn’s church is currently helping to reunite several families, including the parents of one 10-year old, the youngest of three sons and the last to arrive to the United States. “We are struggling to raise money for the lawyers and the courthouse process,” he said.

Relieving the trauma

Data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) show that between October 2013 and the end of September 2014, 68,541 unaccompanied children from El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala were apprehended along the southwest border. They estimate that by the end of 2014, the number of children seeking protection in the United States will reach 90,000.

Almost 13,000 of them are seeking asylum through immigration courts in California, according to the Transactional Record Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) at Syracuse University.

To meet the costs, Oakland’s City Council last week voted unanimously to adopt a resolution authorizing a grant of up to $577,000 to finance legal representation, mental health services and housing for the migrant youth.

San Francisco approved a similar measure in September that provides more than $2 million in funds to pay for legal support for unaccompanied minors and families registered on the San Francisco Immigration Court’s expedited removal docket.

RENASE is urging Congress to enforce protections for children under the 2008 William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act (TVPRA), a law that guarantees hearings before an immigration judge, and a chance to consult with an attorney, for children arriving from countries that don’t share a border with the United States.

Different faiths

Other religious institutions that have not officially joined the Sanctuary Movement are doing their part to help out as well.

Pastor Juan José Lima from the Church of God in San Francisco’s Mission District said Pentecostal churches help anyone who shows up at their doors in need. “We don’t have a constituted network, but we are helping get medicine for a Honduran girl who has been very sick since her arrival,” he said.

The local Jewish community, meanwhile, is also responding. “We are assisting these kids with mental health and legal support,” said Jessica Trubowitch, director of Intergroup Relations at the San Francisco-based Jewish Community Relations Council. “But we want to extend our response to the humanitarian crisis in the Bay Area [and] identify how we can be of more help.”

Trubowitch says part of that will involve synagogues around the Bay Area holding informational sessions in November on the Sanctuary Movement. “There are few congregations that know about immigrant rights … this approach will help make more people aware about the topic.”

For those already involved in the Sanctuary Movement, meanwhile, the work continues.

“We are now helping this 15-year-old kid from Honduras, sent to the U.S. by his grandmother after one of his best friends at school was killed by gangs,” says Marilyn Chilcote, pastor of the Beacon Presbyterian Fellowship in Oakland.

Chilcote was among those helping the roughly 400 Central American refugees who arrived in Berkeley 30 years earlier. Pointing to this latest case, she said the boy was “abused on his way here and we are praying that he will be able to cope with the trauma. When one witnesses these cases, it’s impossible for our church not to become a Sanctuary.”

This article is part of a Media Consortium collaboration on immigration reform. For more articles, please follow #TMCimm.

The Red Canal: Uncertainties surround Nicaragua’s new waterway project


Due to the lack of space and the length of this article, it will be published in two parts. This is Part 1.


by Jens Gluesing[/Author]


PART ONE – Wearing orange overalls and sun hats, the Chinese arrived in Río Brito by helicopter before being escorted by soldiers to the river bank — right to the spot where José Enot Solís always throws out his fishing net. The Chinese drilled a hole into the ground, then another and another. “They punched holes all over the shore,” the fisherman says. He points to a grapefruit-sized opening in the mud, over one meter deep. Next to it lie bits of paper bearing Chinese writing. Aside from that, though, there isn’t much else to see of the monumental and controversial project that is to be built here: The Interoceanic Grand Canal, a second shipping channel between the Atlantic and Pacific.


The waterway is to stretch from Río Brito on the Pacific coast to the mouth of the Punta Gorda river on the Caribbean coast. Beyond that, though, curiously little is known about the details of the project. Only Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega and his closest advisors know how much money has already been invested, what will happen with the people living along the route and when the first construction workers from China arrive. Studies regarding the environmental and social impact of the undertaking don’t exist.

The timeline is tight. The first ship is scheduled to sail into Río Brito, which will become part of the canal, in just five years. When completed, the waterway will be 278 kilometers (173 miles) long, 230 meters (755 feet) wide and up to 30 meters (100 feet) deep, much larger than the Panama Canal to the south. A 500-meter wide security zone is planned for both sides of the waterway. And it will be able to handle enormous vessels belonging to the post-panamax category, some of which can carry more than 18,000 containers.

Thus far, only a few dozen Chinese experts are in Nicaragua and have been carrying out test drilling at the mouth of the river since the end of last year. They are measuring the speed at which the river flows, groundwater levels and soil properties. Not long ago, police established a checkpoint at the site and it is possible that the entire area will ultimately be closed off.

For now, though, the region remains a paradise for natural scientists and surfers. Sea turtles lay their eggs on the beach and a tropical dry forest stretches out behind it to the south, reaching far beyond the border into Costa Rica. But if the river here is dredged and straightened out as planned, the village on Río Brito will cease to exist.

No Answers

The project has created massive uncertainty for those who live here and ever since the arrival of the Chinese workers, they have been wondering when they will be resettled and how much the government will provide as compensation. Thus far, they haven’t received any answers. And they aren’t alone: A total of 30,000 people live close enough to the planned canal route that they will likely have to be resettled, but an exact number has yet to be announced.

Employees of a Chinese company are currently going door-to-door to collect details on residents and property. But with opposition to the project rising, they are accompanied by police and soldiers armed with Kalashnikovs. Thousands of locals along the route have begun protesting against their impending expropriations with several demonstrations having taken place in just the last few weeks. Many of the signs they carry read: “No Chinos!” The anger has become so intense that police have begun patrolling outside of the Chinese engineers’ headquarters in the provincial city of Tola.

But disdain for the project is not universal, leading to a growing split in the country. Many Nicaraguans welcome the Chinese investment and hope that the canal will bring in jobs and prosperity. Others fear a flood of Chinese immigrants.

Making matters worse is the raft of questions surrounding the project. At first glance, the geography looks ideal for the canal. Lake Nicaragua provides a natural waterway in the country’s interior, with just 20 kilometers separating the lake from the mouth of Río Brito. But breaking through to the Caribbean on the other side promises to be difficult. The area is swampy, hardly developed and populated by indigenous peoples. Thousands of square kilometers of forestland would have to be cleared.

It is also unclear if the undertaking will ever be profitable. The Panama Canal is currently being expanded and several other Central American countries are planning “dry canals” consisting of train lines connecting the two oceans across the isthmus. In order to be competitive against the others, the Nicaragua canal would have to transport a vast amount of freight. Furthermore, the small country has neither the money nor the know-how for a project of this magnitude.

Stranglehold on Power

None of these problems, however, seem to be of much concern for the president, hoping as he is that the canal will cement his legacy. But Ortega is far from the first to dream of such a thing. For 200 years now, the idea of a waterway connecting the two oceans has been one pursued by both Nicaraguan leaders and the country’s US occupiers. The Sandinista revolutionaries likewise expressed interest in the project for a time.

Ortega was one of the comandantes who led the 1979 Sandinista revolt against the dictatorship of Anastasio Somoza. In 1990, the Sandinistas were voted out of office, but Daniel Ortega returned to power in elections seven years ago. Since then, he and his family have established a stranglehold on power in the country. The opposition is divided and he faces little resistance in the country’s parliament. At the beginning of the year, Ortega pushed through a constitutional amendment allowing him to stand for re-election indefinitely. Critics accuse him of ruling the country like Somoza did, just without the torture.

The erstwhile socialist Ortega has cemented his power by making peace with the church and with the country’s business leaders. Furthermore, his Sandinistas have firm control of the Judiciary, Parliament and the Executive while Ortega’s children own several television channels. He is fond of presenting himself as a kind of Christian savior.

Ortega’s wife, Rosario Murillo, is the government spokeswoman, but in reality she has much more power than that. People in the country refer to the esoteric First Lady as “La Bruja,” the witch. In the capital Managua, she has installed gigantic steel trees covered with thousands of lights on important arterials. They are lit up throughout the year as though it were eternally Christmas — many of them are decorated with glowing stars, reindeer and Santas. She has also had several public buildings painted pink, her favorite color.

Because Nicaragua is unable to build the canal on its own, Ortega brought the Chinese on board as a partner. Ever since the revolution, the Sandinistas have had close relations with the Communist Party of China. Two years ago, the president sent his son Laureano to Beijing to explore the possibilities for economic cooperation.


An all-star concert to send Juke Joint to Europe

[Author]Compiled by the

El Reportero’s staff[/Author]


One hundred percent of proceeds benefit the bands travel expenses for their upcoming European Tour! Featuring Ashling Cole, Zoe Ellis, Tito González, Hector Lugo y la Mixta Criolla, Tony Saunders, Lavay Smith, Linda Tillery, and of course JUKE JOINT! At Birdland Jazzista Social Club, 4318 Martin Luther King Jr. Way, Oakland. On Sunday, October 26, from 2 p.m. – 4 p.m. $20.

Buy Tickets at the Door. For more info please Visit or


Celebrating the Day of the Dead in Redwood City

Come help celebrate Halloween/Día de Los Muertos. Wear a costume if you’d like.

Invite you to Platinum Award winner in Germany Mission Varrio Project (MVP) next show at the “Club Fox” in Redwood City, CA.

This epic amazing one of a kind event will take place on Saturday, Nov. 1, 2014. Doors open at 7 p.m. Opening for MVP will be “Jamming.” A fantastic up beat band from San Jose, California. MVP will go on at 10:15 p.m. for and hour and half set.


Amazing musician Catalina Claro back in the Bay Area

Prize winning pianist, composer, and singer Catalina Claro returns to the Bay Area after 2 years for a concert of her captivating original songs. Claro has written scores for films, theatre, and television, and has shared the stage with renowned musicians and with Cirque du Soleil.

Her genre is music, claims the artist. “The music I write is truly feminine. It reaches softly into the profound. I believe that, as a musician, I am merely a vehicle. The musical ideas are not mine. They exist, and I just channel them,” says Claro.

Fresh off her triumphant European tour including the illustrious Brassens Festival in Basdorf, Berlin and Festival GeorJacLéo, Vianne, France, don’t miss your chance to see Catalina Claro at La Peña Cultural Center, Berkeley, on Friday, Nov. 14, or the Make Out Room, on Sunday, Nov. 16. Get your tickets today.

REPORT: Latinos love going to the movie

[Author]by the El Reportero’s news service[/Author]


The Hispanic market is still a mystery for Hollywood and the film industry, eager to benefit from Latinos’ growing purchasing power, continues to struggle to understand what is a diverse population.

Research by the Motion Pictures Association of America confirms a trend the studios know well: Hispanics like to go to the movies with their families, and they like it a lot. So much that, adjusting for their demographic presence, they are the most loyal moviegoers.

Hispanics, who are about 17 percent of the population, last year made up 32 percent of the audience for Hollywood movies in the United States. Whites, who are 63 percent of the population, accounted for 43 percent.

Blacks, about 12 percent of the U.S. population, also made up 12 percent of moviegoers.

This statistical bump is what has been labeled the Hispanic market, a generalization that covers tens of millions of people who come from different countries and have a wide variety of traditions.

“It is not a huge single market, nor is it many small markets either,” Rick Ramirez, Warner Bros’ vice president for Targeted Marketing, told Efe.

“There is not a single promotion formula” that works all the time with Latino audiences, he said.

Studios tackle this conundrum on a case-by-case basis, because each movie is a challenge different from the previous one.

“A Puerto Rican in New York is completely different from a Mexican in Los Angeles,” according to Fabian Castro, Universal Pictures’ vice president for Multicultural Marketing.

“There are some things that unify this market such as language, food, their interest in some sports, religion,” he said.

Another key factor is the Spanish language and, Ramirez and Castro say, it helps to have a bilingual cast.

“A particularly effective tactic” is to have Anglo stars such as Vin Diesel and Tom Hanks making the tours of national television shows in Spanish, Castro said.


Singer Miguel Bose unveils plans to help Mexico’s Native Indians

Spanish singer Miguel Bose has unveiled a project aimed at helping children in Mexico’s Indian communities.

These children are “the future” of Mexico, the singer said during a press conference on Monday.

The Alliance for the Development and Welfare of Indian Peoples plans to renovate existing Casas del Niño Indigena and build new ones, giving Indian children the tools they need to promote “sustainable” development in their communities, Bose said.

“This is a project that is going to make a difference, that is going to turn the country around, because they are the future,” the singer said.

National Commission for the Development of Indian Peoples, or CDI, director Nuvia Mayorga Delgado and representatives of several companies participating in the project were present at the press conference.

Penelope Cruz:  Esquire Magazine’s ‘sexiest woman alive”

Esquire magazine devoted the cover of its November issue to Spanish actress Penelope Cruz, whom the magazine selected as this year’s “sexiest woman alive,” an honor given in the past to the likes of Angelina Jolie, Scarlett Johanssen and Rihanna, among others.

The magazine, owned by the Hearst Corp., includes an interview with the actress.

FISA court: The 21st century star chamber of the secrete U.S. government


Many of you readers have probably heard or read about the secret government behind the United States government. The following article, authored by David Knight, brings to light some of the abuses of power perpetrated by the government, the surveillance state, and how the secret government works, which the people live under – without knowing it.[/Author]


A dragnet warrant for “certain tangible things” by a judge who operates in secret and whose decisions are “Top Secret”


by David Knight


Help, master, help! here’s a fish hangs in the net, like a poor man’s right in the law. (Pericles — Shakespeare)


— Is there a shadow government with a secret set of laws that have nothing to do with statutory law, much less the Constitution?

Revelations about the secretive FISA “court” (FISC) have been trickling out in the wake of the Snowden NSA leaks. What has emerged indicates that the Federal government believes it can secretly set precedents that amend the Constitution in a “court” that consists of a single judge acting in a process that allows no argument by opposing sides. The resulting opinion is then classified “Top Secret” and used as legal cover for government actions that are clearly in violation of the Constitution.

This secret FISC issued a decision over the weekend extending “authority to collect telephony metadata in bulk”. We know about this secret decision only because DNI Clapper “decided to declassify and disclose” it publicly.

That same day, Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner, co-architect of the Patriot Act, (R) publicly came out against the NSA’s phone data dragnet calling it abusive, excessive and un-American and saying it was time “to put their metadata program out of business”.

We can always hope that Sensenbrenner has finally come to his senses about government abuse of power. But besides the Patriot Act, he was also author of the Real ID Act, supporter of Gitmo violations of human rights, author of the Digital Transition Content Security Act that attacked fair use of intellectual property and an advocate of extending the Espionage Act of 1917 to go after journalists. It’s much more likely that he’s just trying to distance himself from public outrage. The villagers are grabbing pitchforks and lighting torches over phone surveillance even if they don’t understand the full spectrum of the Frankenstein monster Sensenbrenner has worked so hard to build for over a decade.

A 21st Century Star Chamber

These authoritarians don’t just torture suspects at Gitmo and rendition sites. They torture logic and language to justify their criminal behavior. For example when DNI Clapper released a secret court opinion on Sep 17 he said, “The release of this opinion is consistent with the President’s call for more transparency on these valuable intelligence programs”.

Clapper and Obama brag about transparency when we continue to have a secret “court” issuing classified “top secret” decisions that impinge on Constitutionally recognized rights of the people. If they wanted to be transparent, they would only use a real court where arguments are heard and opinions are public, not classified.

The heavily redacted, “top secret” FISC opinion replaces Constitutional warrants from judges with “reasonable, articulable suspicion (RAS) as determined by a limited set of personnel”.

But don’t worry, there are safeguards and oversight. The FISC decision “requires the government to notify the Court [remember it’s really just a single FISA judge] in writing immediately concerning any instance of non-compliance.” Not surprisingly, the opinion continues adds, “According to the government, in the prior authorization period there have been no compliance incidents.” Move along, there’s nothing to worry about. Do we really believe that the government is going to blow the whistle on itself when it zealously persecutes and prosecutes whistleblowers?

The Obama administration continues to extend the surveillance state but this is not something that started with Obama. Just like the infamous Star Chamber, the FISA “court” was established in 1978 as a reform measure. In the aftermath of the Church Committee hearings it was designed to prevent the violations of the Fourth Amendment under President Nixon. But it had a fundamental flaw. It did an end run around the Constitution in the name of expediency allowing surveillance without court order and allowing it to act in secrecy.

The original Star Chamber was created as a tool against those who were too big to jail. But there are terrible consequences whenever we violate the principles of jury trials, open to the public. The Star Chamber, meeting secretly with no indictments and no witnesses, didn’t restrain the powerful but became their most feared tool of oppression. In the same way, the FISA “court” with its secret process and secret decisions has not protected the Fourth Amendment but has become a tool of oppression.

Here’s what Chief Supreme Court Justice Roberts said about FISC in July, after the Snowden revelations brought it to public attention:

“When I first learned about the FISA court, I was surprised,” Roberts told the committee. “It’s not what we usually think of when we think of a court. We think of a place where we can go, we can watch, the lawyers argue, and it’s subject to the glare of publicity. And the judges explain their decision to the public and they can examine them.”

He was surprised that it existed. Why? Because there is nothing in the Constitution about a secret “court” of one judge, no jury and no argument. But Roberts played along and appointed judges anyway. And most of the public outrage from Congress and the crony media has been that it’s mainly Republicans getting appointed to FISC and not enough Democrats. That’s the sorry state of our republic.

Our Rights in the Fickle Hands of Political Judges

The FISC decision that Clapper released says that to authorize a dragnet search of phone data “the Court [a single judge] considered whether the Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution imposed any impediment to the government’s proposed collection”. These statists pretended the Fourth Amendment’s simple and clear prohibitions weren’t applicable and they looked to guidance from Supreme Court (SCOTUS) decisions.

The FISC decision cites three SCOTUS cases. The first, Olmstead v US (1928) was written in the throes of Alcohol Prohibition and said that wiretapping private telephone conversations wasn’t a violation of the 4th and 5th Amendments.

That decision was overturned in the period of temporary sanity between the Prohibition Wars by Katz v US (1967) which held that unreasonable search & seizure referred to all areas where a person has a “reasonable expectation of privacy”.

But under the political pressures of Prohibition II, the War on Drugs, the SCOTUS decision on Smith v Maryland (1979) produced a new twist on the idea of an “expectation of privacy”. The trial focused on phone company pen registers. Pen registers are devices that record all numbers called from a particular phone. The SCOTUS decision reasoned that there was no “expectation of privacy” since the caller voluntarily provided the numbers to the phone company when they dialed the phone numbers.

Business Records Not Private?

That SCOTUS decision is the FISC excuse for ignoring the Fourth Amendment in its dragnet collection of phone data. It is also the rationale for the government collecting data from internet companies as part of the PRISM program. And it is the argument that government at every level is using to track you constantly via your cellphone.

In mid-July the NJ State Supreme Court ruled that police required a warrant to track someone by cellphone. But two weeks later, the federal Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, ruled that there was no expectation of privacy because your cellphone location is “a business record” that they can get from a third party. It looks like this will also go to the Supreme Court.

The “logic” of Smith v Maryland — that any records that any business has about you are not private and that the government needs no warrant — is the legal evasion at the heart of the surveillance state. THAT is the issue with meta-data and that is why it is a fight the people must not lose to the authoritarians.

The remedies against an American Star Chamber were the 4th, 5th Amendments and open trial by jury. The remedy against the 21st Century Star Chamber — the secretive FISA Court — is their reinstatement.  By

The health benefits of cilantro

[Author]by First published by Global Healing Center[/Author]


If there is one herb with a fantastic flavor, it is cilantro. Nothing opens up the flavor in black bean tacos quite the same way. Cilantro isn’t a recent addition to our lexicon and its uses extend well beyond culinary delight. Ancient Greece used cilantro essential oil as a component of perfume. During medieval times, the Romans used cilantro to mask the smell of rotten meat. Today, it’s still used by naturopaths and has been the subject of many positive inquiries by formal research institutions.

Toxic metal cleansing

Cilantro is most often cited as being effective for toxic metal cleansing and rightfully so, this herb is a powerful, natural cleansing agent. The chemical compounds in cilantro bind to toxic metals and loosen them from the tissue. Many people suffering from mercury exposure report a reduction in the often-cited feeling of disorientation after consuming large and regular amounts of cilantro over an extended period. [1]

Other benefits of cilantro

Health benefits of cilantro leaves (coriander). Cilantro herb is very low in calories and contains no cholesterol. However, its deep-green leaves possess good amounts of antioxidants, essential oils, vitamins, and dietary fiber, which help reduce LDL or “bad cholesterol” while rising HDL or “good cholesterol” levels.

Its leaves and seeds contain many essential volatile oils such as borneol, linalool, cineole, cymene, terpineol, dipentene, phellandrene, pinene, and terpinolene.

The leaves and stem tips are also rich in numerous anti-oxidant polyphenolic flavonoids such as quercetin, kaempferol, rhamnetin, and epigenin.

The herb is a good source of minerals like potassium, calcium, manganese, iron, and magnesium. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps control heart rate and blood pressure. Iron is essential for red blood cell production. Manganese is used by the body as a co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase.

It is also rich in many vital vitamins, including folic-acid, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin-A, beta carotene, vitamin-C, which are essential for optimum health. Vitamin-C is a powerful natural antioxidant. 100 g of cilantro leaves provide 30 percent of daily recommended levels of vitamin-C.

It provides 6748 IU of vitamin-A per 100 g, about 225 percent of recommended daily intake. Vitamin-A, an important fat soluble vitamin and anti-oxidant, is also required for maintaining healthy mucus membranes and skin and is also essential for vision. Consumption of natural foods rich in vitamin-A and flavonoids (carotenes) helps body protect from lung and oral cavity cancers.

Cilantro is one of the richest herbal sources for vitamin K; provide about 258 percent of DRI. Vitamin-K has a potential role in bone mass building by promoting osteotrophic activity in the bones. It also has established role in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease patients by limiting neuronal damage in their brain.

Wonderful! Cilantro leaves provide only 23 calories/100 g, but their phyto-nutrients profile is no less than any superfoods around us!

This humble backyard herb provides ( percent of RDA/100g):

15 percent of folates,

11 percent of vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine),

45 percent of vitamin C,

225 percent of vitamin A,

258 percent of vitamin K,

22 percent of iron and

18 percent of manganese.

(Note: RDA-Recommended daily allowance)

Republicans say president about to legalize millions of undocumented

[Author]by the El Reportero’s wire services
Conservative politicians are warning that President Barack Obama is preparing a plan to legalize the status of millions of undocumented immigrants after learning of a procurement request made by the U.S. Citizen and Immigration Service for up to 34 million work permits and green cards over the next five years.

Obama “is preparing to issue work authorization and ‘legal’ status to millions of individuals illegally present in the country, in violation of plain statute,” Senate Budget Committee Chairman Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) said, as quoted Thursday by the online daily The Hill.

Similar speculation has been circulating on the social networks and in conservative blogs since, last Sunday, Breitbart News reported that the USCIS had requested the supplies to be able to produce millions of green cards and work permits.

USCIS spokesman Christopher Bentley said in a statement that requests of this kind “are frequent practice for all USCIS contracts and allow the agency to be prepared for fluctuations in the number of immigration applications received, which can arise for any number of reasons.”

In addition, at his daily press conference, White House press secretary Josh Earnest cautioned reporters on Wednesday not to make “assumptions about what will be in those announcements based on the procurement practices of the Department of Homeland Security.”

Obama had promised to announce executive action on immigration before the end of the summer, but later he backpedaled and decided to postpone such an announcement until after the Nov. 4 midterm elections so as not to harm the election chances of Democratic candidates, the White House said.