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Marc Anthony marries model Shannon de Lima in Dominican Republic

[Author]by the El Reportero’s news services[/Author]


Puerto Rican singer Marc Anthony married his girlfriend, Venezuelan model Shannon de Lima, on Tuesday in the Dominican Republic, sources close to the artist told Efe.

The ceremony was held at the home Anthony owns in Casa de Campo, in eastern La Romana province, according to the same sources.

Access routes to the area have been closed off and heavily monitored since Monday and entry into the zone is only being permitted for people with specific authorization by local residents.

Dominican singer Juan Luis Guerra and Carlos Vives are scheduled to perform at the post-wedding party, the sources said.

Anthony and Guerra are currently making their joint “Gigante2” singing tour through Latin America, which will conclude on Dec. 4 in Costa Rica.

The former spouse of Jennifer Lopez tied the knot once again in the same province where on April 2 he inaugurated the Niños de Cristo orphanage, which was financed by the Maestro Cares Foundation he heads along with Colombian businessman and concert producer Henry Cardenas.

On that occasion, the singer was accompanied by his girlfriend, who stars in his latest music video, which tells a fictional story of love ending in marriage.

Filmed last August in different spots around La Romana, the video features the song Flor palida and tells a romantic country tale with the singer and De Lima portraying the two lovers.


Sandra Bullock in Puerto Rico filming Our Brand is Crisis

Sandra Bullock is in Puerto Rico to shoot scenes for Our Brand is Crisis, a political comedy-drama co-produced by George Clooney.

Hollywood’s highest-paid actress arrived over the weekend at San Juan’s Luis Muñoz Marin International Airport, Puerto Rican media outlets said.

David Gordon Green is directing the film, which is based on a 2005 documentary of the same name about the role of prominent U.S. political consultants, including James Carville, in the re-election campaign of Bolivian President Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada.

Besides Bullock, the cast includes Scoot McNairy, Billy Bob Thornton, Anthony Mackie and Ann Dowd.

The film began shooting Sept. 29 in New Orleans and the crew is expected to spend around two weeks in Puerto Rico filming the scenes set in Bolivia.

The Puerto Rican government offers generous incentives to film studios.

The move to depopulate planet Earth


Much has been said about a so-called ‘conspiracy theory’ about the depopulation of the planet. In this article, Stephanie R. Pasco, follows the trails of statements – going back decades -made by world leaders confirming that in fact exists a plan to depopulate the planet Earth. You be the judge, readers. Due to the length of the article, El Reportero will publish in several parts, extending to several weeks. THIS IS PART 2 OF A SERIES.


by Stephanie R. Pasco[/Author]


It is my intention to give you clips from documents, many from the United Nations that prove there is a plan to depopulate this planet. I will also provide quotes from various people and organizations that further show this agenda is afoot. I pray the guidance of the Lord God Almighty will be with me in this pursuit to warn others of this dark plot against humanity.

Everything written in this paper is easily verifiable. It may take some time and effort, but I took great pains to make this paper as accurate as I possibly could.

The depopulation agenda is based on nature worship, or Gaia worship. In Genesis, God clearly told Adam and Eve, and then Noah and his family to go forth and multiply to fill the earth. Nowhere in the Bible does God rescind that clearly spoken commandment. Therefore man is attempting to supersede the command of the Lord God in heaven: The Creator! I ask you, who knows more about the state of the earth, the created, or the Creator?

The basis for the depopulation agenda is a standard all elitist’s hold dear. This standard is called:

The Hegelian Dialectic:

Problem – Reaction-Solution


Jacques Cousteau, Population: Opposing Viewpoints:

“If we want our precarious endeavor to succeed, we must convince all human beings to participate in our adventure, and we must urgently find solutions to curb the population explosion that has a direct influence on the impoverishment of the less-favoured communities. Otherwise, generalized resentment will beget hatred, and the ugliest genocide imaginable, involving billions of people, will become unavoidable.”

“Uncontrolled population growth and poverty must not be fought from inside, from Europe, from North America, or any nation or group of nations; it must be attacked from the outside – by international agencies helped in the formidable job by competent and totally non-governmental organizations.”

Bertrand Russell, The Impact Of Science On Society 1953

“I do not pretend that birth control is the only way in which population can be kept from increasing… War… has hitherto been disappointing in this respect, but perhaps bacteriological war may prove more effective. If a Black Death could be spread throughout the world once in every generation survivors could procreate freely without making the world too full… The state of affairs might be somewhat unpleasant, but what of that? Really high-minded people are indifferent to happiness, especially other people’s… There are three ways of securing a society that shall be stable as regards population. The first is that of birth control, the second that of infanticide or really destructive wars, and the third that of general misery except for a powerful minority…”

Henry Kissinger, 1978:

“U.S. policy toward the third world should be one of depopulation”

David Rockefeller, 2000:

“We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.”

David Rockefeller: Memoirs 2002 Founder of the CFR:

“We wield over American political and economical institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political structure, one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

David Rockefeller, Co-founder of the Trilateral Commission:

“We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine & other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promise of discretion for almost 40 years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plans for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. Thomas Ferguson, the Latin American Case Officer for the State Department’s Office of Population Affairs (OPA) (now the US State Dept. Office of Population Affairs, est. by Henry Kissinger in 1975): “There is a single theme behind all our work -we must reduce population levels,” said Thomas Ferguson, the Latin American case officer for the State Department’s Office of Population Affairs (OPA). “Either they [governments] do it our way, through nice clean methods or they will get the kind of mess that we have in El Salvador, or in Iran, or in Beirut. Population is a political problem. Once population is out of control it requires authoritarian government, even fascism, to reduce it. “The professionals,” said Ferguson, “aren’t interested in lowering population for humanitarian reasons. That sounds nice. We look at resources and environmental constraints. We look at our strategic needs, and we say that this country must lower its population -or else we will have trouble.

“So steps are taken. El Salvador is an example where our failure to lower population by simple means has created the basis for a national security crisis. The government of El Salvador failed to use our programs to lower their population. Now they get a civil war because of it…. There will be dislocation and food shortages. They still have too many people there.” (1981)

Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, April 28, 1997; Testimony before Congressional Committee:

“And advanced forms of biological warfare that can target specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.”


Flu shot paralyzed healthy Florida girl

[Author]by Jonathan Benson[/Author]


Sure, vaccines are safe — except when they randomly trigger extreme brain inflammation that leads to vision loss, paralysis and an inability to speak. This is what happened to now-10-year-old Marysue Grivna of Tampa, Florida, just four days after she received a flu vaccine, which left her completely debilitated with a serious brain disease known as acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, or ADEM.

It all began on November 22, 2013, when young Marysue was taken in to get a seasonal flu vaccine. Just days later, the child began to get sick and quickly developed symptoms of paralysis. Worried, her parents took her in for an evaluation and it was determined that she had succumbed to an immune disorder caused by inflammation of the brain.

Similar to multiple sclerosis, ADEM manifests as an autoimmune disorder in which the body attacks itself, in this case targeting the protective coverings surrounding nerve fibers. Known as myelin, these coverings are meant to protect nerves in the brain and spinal cord, for instance, from being harmed. In their absence, symptoms like loss of vision and paralysis can occur.

“Her father Steven and I are certain, due to all our research, that this was what caused Marysue’s condition,” stated the girl’s mother, Carla, during a recent interview with Fox & Friends. “The doctors won’t confirm it or deny it… [but] she was a happy, healthy, running, and playing nine-year-old. Then this happened.”

5 percent of ADEM cases emerge after vaccination, says NIH

Though the doctors involved were reluctant to admit that the flu shot was the cause, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) admits that as many as 5 percent of ADEM cases emerge immediately following vaccination. The disease can also emerge following certain surgical procedures, says Dr. Juan Dumois, director of All Children’s Hospital, where Marysue was admitted.

“It can just appear out of the blue or after maybe a surgical procedure,” he told CBS 10 News.

A similar case occurred in 2008 when a 75-year-old woman developed ADEM just two days after getting a flu shot. According to the Daily Mail, the woman began to suffer symptoms of numbness and paralysis, and later died — all from a vaccine that as we reported back in 2011 is almost completely ineffective at preventing the flu.

“Marysue is now nonverbal, confined to a wheelchair/hospital bed, is primarily eating via a g-tube though we are now able to start feeding her stage two baby food by mouth,” says the family on a GoFundMe page seeking financial assistance for the construction of a new room that will accommodate Marysue’s special needs.

“Our house is very small and her hospital bed is in our living room because the doors in our house are too narrow to accommodate her bed or wheelchair,” they say. “We are also trying to raise funds to purchase a wheelchair van. If we had this, we feel we could possibly get one of our neighbors to put her in her wheelchair… thus providing me and her grandmother the ability to take her [to the doctor] and relieving her father having to carry her.”

The Grivna family’s GoFundMe page, which contains further details of the girl’s demise following her flu shot, can be accessed here:

For more on the ineffectiveness and dangers of flu vaccines, be sure to check out this brief report by Dr. Kelly Brogan, M.D., published by the International Medical Council on Vaccination:

New York Times urges the president to take executive action on immigration

[Author]by the El Reportero’s wire services[/Author]


The New York Times on Friday urged President Barack Obama to take executive action on immigration reform as soon as possible and to “make it big” – despite recent Republican warnings against taking such steps on his own.

In an editorial, the newspaper defended the need for the president to take action immediately and not cave in to calls from a part of Congress where the speaker of the House of Representatives, John Boehner, has said that if Obama attempts to resolve the issue by executive action, it will destroy any chance of immigration reform in the future.

“But Republicans have had many, many opportunities to move on immigration, and never have,” The New York Times said, recalling how bipartisan reform bills introduced into Congress since 2006 have all been killed.

The New York daily considers that the president has strong arguments for using his executive power in order to protect millions of the undocumented from deportation and give them the chance to have legal employment.

Among them, the paper recalls that this will benefit the entire country because it will “boost the economy, undercut labor exploitation and ease the strain on law enforcement” so it can concentrate on fighting violent criminals, terrorists and other public-safety threats.

The New York Times also expresses concern that the measures planned by Obama might be “too cautious, small and narrow,” and encourages the president to at least offer protection to those immigrants who could have applied to have their status legalized under the law passed by the Senate in 2013 but blocked by the House of Representatives.

That legislation would have opened the door to legal residence in the country for millions of people if they accepted being fined and paid their overdue taxes.

“Mr. Obama strongly endorsed the bill. His executive action should be just as broad,” the daily said, adding that if undocumented immigrants have strong bonds to the United States and their deportation contributes nothing to the national interest, they should be given the chance to stay.

Obama promised last Wednesday after the midterm elections that he will undertake, before the end of the year, executive action to fix as much as possible the immigration system while neutralizing congressional obstruction, though he has not yet provided any details about the kind of measures being considered.


Protesters seeking answers on students disappearance set fire to National Palace

About 20 masked protesters broke through the security barriers around the National Palace in Mexico City and set fire to the historic building’s main door, an Efe reporter confirmed on the scene.

The incident occurred at the end of a huge march Saturday from the Attorney General’s Office to the Zocalo, the Mexican capital’s main plaza, to demand the return of 43 education students who disappeared on Sept. 26 in Iguala, a city in the southern state of Guerrero.

Thousands of demonstrations dropped to the ground in the plaza at the end of the march to simulate being murdered.

The names of the missing students from the Ayotzinapa Rural Normal School were then read as protesters listened.

Organizers called on the marchers to disperse, but a group of protesters headed to the National Palace, pushed aside the security barriers and tried to enter the building.

The protesters threw different objects, including homemade bombs, at the building, which was constructed between 1522 and 1526.

Federal Police riot units and presidential security service personnel responded to the attack and forced the masked assailants to disperse.

NYPD upset they may have to abide by U.S. Constitution

[Author]Cops irate over proposed bill which would force them to adhere to Fourth Amendment


by Adan Salazar[/Author]


Members of the New York Police Department are rejecting a new proposal which would require them to inform citizens of their rights to refuse searches prior to unwarranted searches being conducted.

The bill, introduced today, forces police to obtain consent from citizens before they search them, a rule which was already pretty much established by the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which guarantees “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures…”

“The bill covers cases when police don’t have a warrant, are not making an arrest, or don’t have probable cause,” reports CBS New York.

Under the proposed bill, police would also be forced to obtain proof of a suspect’s consent, either in writing or with a recording of their verbal agreement.

A police union representative calls the new bill, which aims to keep citizens’ rights intact, a score for the criminals.

“This is one more time that the City Council is trying to protect criminals rather than New York City police officers,” Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association President Patrick Lynch told CBS New York.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is also apparently still on the fence about whether or not protecting his fellow citizen’s rights is a good thing.

“We obviously have to protect the rights of our people, but we also have to make sure we are not undermining in any way for law enforcement to do its job,” de Blasio stated.

Evidently, police had grown accustomed to the lawless stop-and-frisk policies of the Mayor Michael Bloomberg era, which granted police broad search powers and which civil liberties organizations argued unfairly targeted minorities.

Last year, a New York judge ruled provisions of the “stop-and-frisk” law to be unconstitutional. That decision was echoed a few months later by a 2nd US circuit court of appeals which also found that searches were being carried out in a discriminatory, unconstitutional manner.

“Good idea,” an informed New York resident said of the new proposal, “because it protects our right to privacy by the First, Fourth and 14th Amendment.”

Other residents felt cops being required to uphold Fourth Amendment protections might hinder police work.

“If they ask, the answer is certainly gonna be, ‘No.’ So I don’t know what the point is,” a New Jersey resident stated.

Ironically the same officers who have no problem prodding into the affairs of innocent passersby fear their own privacy being violated.

In a recent poll conducted by pro-cop website, for example, police respondents said their biggest concern with body cameras was “A lack of privacy for the officers wearing them,” illustrating how police lift their own interests above the public’s.

The right of citizens to go about their business without the fear of being accosted by authority figures is one of the reasons the Founding Fathers included privacy protections in the Bill of Rights, whose Fourth Amendment states in full:

“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”


In other police related news:


Police claim minority report-style pre-crime program reduces crime rate

Officers struggle to shake dystopian sci-fi reputation surrounding crime software


by Mikael Thalen


Police in Modesto, California are attributing a recent crime drop to special software reminiscent of the Hollywood blockbuster “Minority Report.”

Predictive policing software, which utilizes mathematical algorithms often used in earthquake prediction, examines several years’ worth of crime and sociological data in order to predict where a crime will likely occur down to a 500-square-foot area.

According to Capt. Rick Armendariz, the software has brought crime down to a three-year low, despite less officers patrolling the streets due to budget cuts.

“It looks at our crime history the last 10 years using a mathematical equation and it gives us what we call a high probability of where the next crime is going to occur,” Armendariz told CBS Sacramento.

Armendariz believes the software is responsible for a drop in multiple crimes including burglaries, commercial theft and robberies.

Officers rely on a top 10 list produced by the software to give them insight into problem areas around the city.

“Telling our officers this is where you need to be at at those times,” Armendariz said.

While police hail the program as an effective crime fighting tool, local residents were not as quick to support the department’s findings.

“If you don’t take the reports, the crime stats go down,” one resident said on social media. “Try reporting a minor theft in Modesto and see what I mean.”

“Just like the one gentleman said, if it’s not reported of course crime will drop. No PDs do. So then less reports=less crime. Funny how they’re giving the PD credit when all they’re doing is less work…”

Others feel the software could begin targeting individuals, leading to false positives and potentially dangerous situations.

Just like Modesto, nearly every department in possession of such software was able to obtain it through federal grants.

Earlier this year, two departments in Washington state publicly announced their acquisition of the PredPol predictive policing software.

With big data collection becoming increasingly unpopular due to revelations surrounding the NSA, fewer and fewer Americans are trusting public servants to use the technology responsibly, especially including police given their illegal activities with Stingrays cell phone interceptors. Infowars.

ISIS is the United States’s dream rebel army

[Author]Attempt to topple Damascus before ISIS vanishes from US geopolitical toolbox


by Tony Cartalucci[/Author]


US policy paper reveals desire for construction of full-scale extraterritorial army to invade Syria. Such an army is being built in Iraq and Turkey and it’s called “ISIS.”

The corporate-financier funded and directed policy think tank, the Brookings Institution, has served as one of several prominent forums documenting and disseminating US foreign policy. It would host in part the architects of the so-called “surge” during the nearly decade-spanning US occupation of Iraq, as well as battle plans for waging a covert war against Iran now well under way.

Part of this covert war against Iran involved the arming and backing of listed terrorist groups, and in particular, the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq (MEK) which has killed US servicemen, American civilians, as well as countless innocent Iranians over the decades. Among those signing their name to this plan found within Brookings’ “Which Path to Persia?” report, was Kenneth Pollack. Now, in efforts to overthrow the government of Syria, also a stated and integral part of undermining, isolating, and destroying Iran, Pollack has revealed another element of the plan – to create a full-scale proxy military force outside of Syria, then subsequently invading and occupying Syria with it.

In the report titled, “Building a Better Syrian Opposition Army: How and Why,” Pollack cites the so-called “Islamic State” or “ISIS” as the ultimate impetus for expanded US intervention. However, upon looking at Pollack’s proposal, it merely looks as if the US is using ISIS as a pretext to more overtly intervene in order to overthrow the government of Syria – not in fact neutralize ISIS.

After a considerable preamble assuring readers that the aim of creating a “better Syrian opposition army” would exclude sectarian extremists and result in the same “success” the US had in training the Iraqi army, the document explains:

…building a new Syrian army is best not done in Syria itself. At least not at first. The program would need the time and sanctuary to perform the necessary training, reorganization, sorting  and  socialization  into  a  new  Syrian  army  without the distractions and pressures of Syria itself.  The  Saudi  offer  to  provide  facilities  to  train 10,000 Syrian opposition fighters is one of reasonable possibility, although one of Syria’s neighbors would probably be preferable. Jordan already serves as  training  ground  for  America’s  current  training program and it would be an ideal locale to build a real Syrian army. However, Turkey could also conceivably serve that purpose if the Turks were willing.

Clearly, not only is this already being done as admitted by Pollack himself, it is being done on a scale already eclipsing Pollack’s alleged plan – the only difference is it is being done through the use of sectarian extremists – not the imaginary, nonexistent secular professionals Pollack uses as a marketing gimmick to sell this scheme.

More tellingly, Pollack’s plan continues by stating (emphasis added):

In addition to being armed, trained and officered like a conventional military, a new Syrian army would also have to be equipped like one. That would mean not just small arms and crew-served weapons, such as the United States and its allies are already providing, but heavy weapons and logistical support. Like the Croats and Bosniaks, a new Syrian army will need the wherewithal to defeat both the regime and the Islamist extremists. That will require tanks, armored personnel carriers, artillery, surface-to-air missiles and the like to match the regime’s own heavy weapons—and so eliminate the firepower imbalance that the regime’s forces have employed to such advantage so far.

Surely, Pollack’s plan will never materialize in any practical dimension – however it may be possible to use such a marketing ploy to pour more resources into both the ongoing proxy war against Syria and Iran in general, and more specifically into the terrorist battalions already being armed, funded, trained, equipped, and sent off from Jordan and Turkey into Syrian territory. Handing advanced weapon systems into the hands of front groups consisting of intentionally ineffectual, immensely corrupt, incompetent US proxies is as good as handing the weapons directly to ISIS – and of course – this is precisely how the US is building its actual “new opposition army” – namely, in the form of ISIS itself.

ISIS Has Tanks, Missiles, and Aircraft – Everything America’s Dream “Opposition Army” Needs Removing Pollack’s rhetoric about secular professionals, and inserting “ISIS” reveals Pollack’s paper as the actual already ongoing plan to overrun not only Syria, but pro-Iranian factions in Iraq, and perhaps even Iran itself. ISIS is a massive mercenary army trained and funded abroad by the US with its support laundered via Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, and Turkey, staged along Syria’s borders in both Jordan and Turkey, and acquiring an impressive arsenal just as what is required in Pollack’s plan to enter into and overthrow the government of Syria – minus eradicating extremists of course.

Even a cursory look at ISIS’ holdings across the region reveal ratlines leading into NATO-member Turkey’s territory and all along the Turkish-Syrian border where news outlets like the New York Times and Washington Post have reported for years the CIA had been operating – unloading billions in aid, gear, weapons, and even vehicles to militants fighting within Syria.

Headlines over the past 3-4 years including, “C.I.A. Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Opposition,” “First Syria rebels armed and trained by CIA ‘on way to battlefield’,” “Arms Airlift to Syria Rebels Expands, With Aid From C.I.A.,” and “Official says CIA-funded weapons have begun to reach Syrian rebels; rebels deny receipt,” reveal precisely how ISIS acquired its vast resources.

ISIS is organized on a professional level precisely as described by Pollack, most likely the result of US military advisers and their counterparts in Saudi and Qatari special operations. ISIS is also heavily armed precisely as was required by Pollack’s plan. They now possess an impressive and ever growing arsenal of weapons including tanks, missiles of all kinds, artillery, and even a small collection of aircraft including Russian warplanes and American helicopters.

The New York Times, after years of reporting on the CIA’s delivery of weapon systems to “moderate” militants, now laments of ISIS’ possession of advanced anti-air missiles. In its article, “Missiles of ISIS May Pose Peril for Aircrews in Iraq,” it reports:

Syrian rebels have amassed multiple Manpad models since 2012, and the Islamic State has generally had little trouble acquiring any weapon used by Syrian rebels either through purchase or capture, military analysts say.

Unprepared Iraqi troops – the result of what Pollack claims as an American “success” – have also augmented ISIS with precisely the weapons needed for Pollack’s dream “opposition army.” No less than 30 M1 Abrams main battle tanks have fallen into ISIS’ hands.

Prolific Neo-Conservative propagandist Michael Weiss in the Wall Street Journal attempts to downplay the implications of such weapons falling into ISIS’ hands by stating in his op-ed titled, “Exploiting the ISIS Vulnerabilities in Iraq – The terrorists’ heavy military equipment is hard to maintain, easy to target from the air,” that:

Today, we estimate that ISIS has less than a total of 30 working M1 Abrams tanks and howitzers that are either self-propelled or towed behind trucks (based on our knowledge of how the Iraqi army is equipped and what divisions were in the north). These are the weapons that gave the Islamic State the advantage over the Peshmerga in recent firefights. Yet ISIS does not have the highly trained maintenance crews that are necessary to keep these weapons in good working order. The same problem exists for its armored Humvees and Mine Resistant Ambush Protected personnel carriers. Without maintenance, these captured U.S. vehicles and weapons will break down.

Only, ISIS’ Saudi, Qatari, and Jordanian sponsors most definitely do possess the highly trained maintenance crews necessary to keep these weapons in good working order – since these despotic regimes each in turn possess a large number of exactly these weapon systems purchased from the United States itself. If the Saudis in particular, can fund, train, and arm ISIS with small arms and missiles, how difficult would it be to supply them with spare parts and properly trained maintenance crews? Turkey also maintains a number of US weapon systems, and possesses the ability to maintain modern battle tanks if not the M1 specifically – and is already harboring, supplying, and backing ISIS – another inconvenient truth challenging Weiss’ attempts to mislead readers.

In fact, Pollack’s “proposal” appears more like an after-action report. ISIS is the “better Syrian opposition army” the West has sought all along. That is probably why attempts by the US to “fight” ISIS appear half-hearted and why those the US is supposedly “saving” from ISIS see Western intervention as more of a threat than ISIS itself believing it is designed simply to prolong ISIS’ existence in the face of growing and increasingly more formidable indigenous opposition.

Any provisions to build Pollack’s “army” will undoubtedly end up only bolstering ISIS and its affiliates – just as military aid policymakers like Pollack at Brookings advocated for the arming of “moderates” resulted in the creation of ISIS in the first place. While the US desperately attempts to disown responsibility for ISIS’ creation and perpetuation through an unconvincing propaganda campaign, false flag terror strikes against the “homeland,” and a series of increasingly ludicrous, orchestrated strawman victories in Iraq and Syria – Damascus, Baghdad, and Tehran are leading the real fight against ISIS.

The US apparently plans on protecting ISIS for as long as possible under the guise of being the sole force “fighting it,” while ISIS consolidates and moves on Western designated targets. In the process of “fighting” ISIS, the US is managing to destroy Syrian infrastructure and defenses. The US, however, has failed in attempts to exclude Syrian, Iraqi, and Iranian forces from countering the ISIS threat and now the region is witnessing a race between ISIS’ inevitable destruction and America’s attempts to topple Damascus before ISIS vanishes from its geopolitical toolbox.

The move to depopulate planet Earth


Much has been said about a so-called ‘conspiracy theory’ about the depopulation of the planet. In this article, Stephanie R. Pasco, follows the trails of statements – going back decades -made by world leaders confirming that in fact exists a plan to depopulate the planet Earth. You be the judge, readers. Due to the length of the article, El Reportero will publish in several parts, extending to several weeks. THIS IS PART 1 OF A SERIES.


by Stephanie R. Pasco[/Author]


It is my intention to give you clips from documents, many from the United Nations that prove there is a plan to depopulate this planet. I will also provide quotes from various people and organizations that further show this agenda is afoot. I pray the guidance of the Lord God Almighty will be with me in this pursuit to warn others of this dark plot against humanity.

Everything written in this paper is easily verifiable. It may take some time and effort, but I took great pains to make this paper as accurate as I possibly could.

The depopulation agenda is based on nature worship, or Gaia worship. In Genesis, God clearly told Adam and Eve, and then Noah and his family to go forth and multiply to fill the earth. Nowhere in the Bible does God rescind that clearly spoken commandment. Therefore man is attempting to supersede the command of the Lord God in heaven: The Creator! I ask you, who knows more about the state of the earth, the created, or the Creator?

The basis for the depopulation agenda is a standard all elitist’s hold dear. This standard is called:

The Hegelian Dialectic:

Problem – Reaction-Solution

Create the Problem Cause a Reaction Offer a Solution

You will see exactly how they have created the problem; caused a reaction so widespread it is really quite impressive how successful they have been; and offered a solution: A deadly solution.

I ask that you please make an attempt to distribute this paper everywhere you possibly can. The time grows short and so many are going to be caught unawares. By getting the word out, you may be able to prevent someone from needless pain and suffering.

William Benton, Assistant U.S. Secretary of State at UNESCO 1946: (UNESCO is the United Nations Education, Science and Cultural Organization)

“As long as a child breathes the poisoned air of nationalism, education in world-mindedness can produce only precarious results. As we have pointed out, it is frequently the family that infects the child with extreme nationalism. The schools therefore use the means described earlier to combat family attitudes that favor jingoism (nationalism)…we shall presently recognize in nationalism the major obstacle to development of world mindedness. We are at the beginning of a long process of breaking down the walls of national sovereignty. UNESCO must be the pioneer.” (Emphasis mine throughout)

Club of Rome, The First Global Revolution, 1991:

“In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill (this is absolute proof that man made global warming is a fabrication)…. But in designating them as the enemy, we fall into the trap of mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.”

Mikhail Gorbachev:

“We must speak more clearly about sexuality, contraception, about abortion, about values that control population, because the ecological crisis, in short, is the population crisis. Cut the population by 90% and there aren’t enough people left to do a great deal of ecological damage.”

Aldous Huxley, Brave New World 1946:

“There is, of course, no reason why the new totalitarians should resemble the old. Government by clubs and firing squads, by artificial famine, mass imprisonment and mass deportation, is not merely inhumane (nobody cares much about that nowadays); it is demonstrably inefficient and in an age of advanced technology, inefficiency is the sin against the Holy Ghost.”

Aldous Huxley, Lecture named Population Explosion 1959:

“…Let us ask ourselves what the practical alternatives are as we confront this problem of population growth. One alternative is to do nothing in particular about it and just let things go on as they are…The question is: Are we going to restore the balance in the natural way, which is a brutal and entirely anti-human way, or are we going to restore it in some intelligent, rational, and humane way…Try to increase production as much as possible and at the same time try to re-establish the balance between the birth rate by means less gruesome than those which are used by nature – by intelligent and human methods?…There are colossal difficulties in the way of implementing any large-scale policy of limitation of population; whereas death control is extremely easy under modern circumstances, birth control is extremely difficult. The reason is very simple: death control – the control, for example, of infectious diseases – can be accomplished by a handful of experts and quite a small labour force of unskilled persons and requires a very small capital expenditure.”

Barry Commoner, Making Peace with the Planet:

“There have been ‘triage’ proposals that would condemn whole nations to death through some species of global ‘benign neglect’. There have been schemes for coercing people to curtail their fertility, by physical and legal means that are ominously left unspecified. Now we are told that we must curtail rather than extend our efforts to feed the hungry peoples of the world. Where will it end?” Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, April 28, 1997, Testimony before Congressional Committee: “There are some reports, for example, that some countries have been trying to construct something like an Ebola Virus, and that would be a very dangerous phenomenon, to say the least. Alvin Toeffler has written about this in terms of some scientists in their laboratories trying to devise certain types of pathogens that would be ethnic specific so that they could just eliminate certain ethnic groups and races; and others are designing some sort of engineering, some sort of insects that can destroy specific crops. Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves. So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations. It’s real, and that’s the reason why we have to intensify our efforts, and that’s why this is so important.”

Jacques Cousteau UNESCO Courier 1991:

“In order to save the planet it would be necessary to kill 350,000 people per day.”


Prop 47: As California goes, so goes the nation

[Author]by Barry Krisberg



An earlier version of this column first appeared in The Conversation


This week, Californians resoundingly approved a ballot initiative—Proposition 47, the Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act—that will not only have a major impact on California’s prison population, but have significant resonance across the U.S.

The initiative, which passed with 58.5 percent of the vote, changes many crimes from felonies, which generally require prison terms, to misdemeanors that usually carry penalties of probation, fines or very short jail time. Most instances of drug possession and property crime under $950 are no longer felonies. Current prisoners who were charged with these crimes can now petition to have their sentences reduced.

A modest estimate is that Proposition 47 will reduce the California prison population by 10,000 inmates although there will still be about 125,000 prisoners in the state’s prison system after the reforms take hold. It will save California taxpayers hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars and use those savings to support education, mental health and substance abuse counseling, and help for victims of crime.

Proposition 47 is one of the most far reaching pieces of criminal justice reform anywhere in the nation. The initiative may be the beginning of a national trend.

The Golden State has a long tradition of deciding important social policy questions via the general electoral process.

In the 1970s and 1980s advocates of tougher crime laws used ballot measures to break through the perceived dominance of San Francisco Bay Area liberals in the state legislature.

Almost every election year there were new initiatives that created mandatory prison terms for a range of offenses. The most well-known of these measures was 184, popularly known as “Three Strikes and You’re Out.” This measure was approved by 71 percent of voters in the 1994 election. It mandated a life sentence for almost any crime, no matter how minor?

As a result of these voter-approved laws, California’s prison population soared—increasing by 900 percent between 1980 and 1995. But this came at an added cost of almost $9 billion annually. The increase in the number of prisoners led to the construction of almost two dozen new prisons. Even these new prisons could not avoid severe crowding conditions.

Money played a huge role in determining the outcome of these measures at the ballot box.

The television and radio spots often contained flagrant misrepresentations to sway voters to support these “tough on crime. For example, in 2004 reformers managed to get Proposition 66 on the ballot, a measure that would require that the “third strike” putting someone behind bars for life be a violent crime. In response, then Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger saturated television with ads claiming that Proposition 66 would release 26,000 dangerous criminals and rapists.

The TV spots showed pictures of notorious criminals who were already sentenced to death and would not be affected by Prop 66. The opponents of Prop 66 poured over $ 3 million into the print and electronic campaign. Public opinion turned negative on Prop 66 in the final days before election and the measure was ultimately defeated.

Earlier in 1996, Californians voted to decriminalize marijuana for medical use; and in 2012 another ballot measure, “Changes in the ‘Three Strikes’ Law” reduced the harshest penalties introduced by Proposition 184.

Over the course of these campaigns, progressive reformers have become better at raising money and competing in California’s vast media market. However, initiatives increasing penalties for sex offenders and efforts to increase the time served by life sentenced inmates such as Marsy’s Law are still very popular with the public.

Which brings us to Prop 47.

The Yes campaign brought together a wide assortment of interest groups that had not agreed about criminal justice policy in the past. Recent campaigns to challenge capital punishment and to reform the three-strike law helped forge a broad coalition of some victims’ rights groups along with powerful allies such as organized labor, the California Teachers Association, the California Nurses Association and state Democratic Party.

The most visible advocates for Prop 47 were San Francisco district attorney George Gascón, Santa Clara district attorney Jeff Rosen and former San Diego Police Chief William Landsdowne. These respected law enforcement officials viewed California’s mass incarceration policies as fiscally unsustainable and harmful to low income communities.

Even prominent national conservative figures like Newt Gingrich and Rand Paul announced their support for Proposition 47, arguing that current sentencing laws waste taxpayers’ dollars and do not curtail drug use. They prefer a focus on locking up violent offenders.

While Senator Dianne Feinstein spoke out against Prop 47, many other state leaders such as Gov. Jerry Brown and Attorney General Kamala Harris remained neutral. One traditionally powerful lobby group, the Corrections Peace Officers Association took no position on Prop 47.

It is significant that virtually all the past California governors and attorneys general almost always sided with the tough-on-crime position in ballot initiatives. In the case of Prop 47, their silence was deafening and hampered fundraising for the No camp.

The advocates of Prop 47 raised over $10 million to run their campaign. In contrast, their opponents (who were mostly police chiefs and a few district attorneys) raised only about $1 million. The opponents of Prop 47 got virtually no traction among the editorial boards of the largest news outlets.

Since 1994, California has suffered a severe economic recession and government services at every level were slashed. Tuition at state colleges and universities skyrocketed, and some cities have been on the edge of bankruptcy. Many cities and towns have been forced to cut basic services including police and fire departments. Recent tax increases have helped but they are temporary.

But it’s not just about the money. Public confidence in the state’s prison policies has eroded.

Even the US Supreme Court declared the prisons so crowded and inhumane that it ordered the release some inmates. This dramatic court judgment led Californians to reconsider who should go to prison. Harsh criminal justice laws have been on the books long enough for Californians to be able to weigh the cost and benefit of these measures. The well-publicized failure and financial drain of the so-called “War on Drugs” has created has an environment in which voters are seeking new ideas.

More generally, the popularity of Prop 47 resonates with a growing distrust of government overreach into citizens’ lives and a preference for decision making that is closer to where people live. The demographics of the voting public which is younger, more ethnically diverse, and more highly educated than ever before is also favorable towards more progressive social policies.

If California helped lead the national charge in favor of more tough on crime laws, the state could lead the charge in the opposite direction.

California has traditionally been ahead of national developments, but a good predictor of future political trends. Since California is the largest state in the country, if Prop 47 passes other states may well follow suit. As California goes, so goes the nation.

Barry Krisberg is a Senior Fellow at the University of California Berkeley Law School.

War comes home

[Author]Compiled by the

El Reportero’s staff[/Author]


San Francisco Public Library and San Francisco State University Explore Veterans’ Experiences as part of statewide program with talks, exhibits, books & resources

In partnership with Cal Humanities’ War Comes Home, a multi-year initiative to raise awareness of and promote greater understanding of our veterans and explore the impact of war on our communities, San Francisco Public Library and San Francisco State University celebrate our veterans with programs, exhibits and readings throughout the month.

To commemorate Veteran’s Day on November 11, the Library’s On the Same Page citywide book club featured title for the fall is What It Is Like to Go to War (Grove/Atlantic 2011), by New York Times bestselling author, Karl Marlantes. This account of combat during the Vietnam War is this year’s California Reads selection of Cal Humanities, in partnership with the California Center for the Book.

Tell your story at the StoryCorps booth at San Francisco Public Library by calling (415) 557-4277 or sending an email to

The San Francisco Public Library is also participating in Veterans Connect @ the Library. In partnership with the California Department of Veterans affairs, San Francisco Public Library will be opening a Veteran Resource Center (VRC) on the 5th Floor of the Main Library, starting in December.


Amazing musician Catalina Claro back in the Bay Area

Prize winning pianist, composer, and singer Catalina Claro returns to the Bay Area after 2 years for a concert of her captivating original songs. Claro has written scores for films, theatre, and television, and has shared the stage with renowned musicians and with Cirque du Soleil.

Her genre is music, claims the artist. “The music I write is truly feminine. It reaches softly into the profound. I believe that, as a musician, I am merely a vehicle. The musical ideas are not mine. They exist, and I just channel them,” says Claro.

Fresh off her triumphant European tour including the illustrious Brassens Festival in Basdorf, Berlin and Festival GeorJacLéo, Vianne, France, don’t miss your chance to see Catalina Claro at La Peña Cultural Center, Berkeley, on Friday, Nov. 14, or the Make Out Room, on Sunday, Nov. 16. Get your tickets today.


Mole To Die For Contest

The history of the mole goes back to the pre-Columbian era and there are several versions of its origen as we know it today.

It is said that the Aztecs prepared for the great lords a complex dish called “mulli,” meaning porridge or mixture. Another story places the mole poblano in the Convent of Santa Rosa in Puebla (Mexico) when a nun grounded together various chilies and other seasonings in a metate. Another version says that Spaniards brought different condiments to the natives, who then used them to transform the fusion of the mole.

As you can see, there are many histories of the mole, but it is clear that the Mole is a special dish for the nobility, it represents one of the greatest gifts that indigenous people have contributed to the world, and symbolizes the interconnection between two cultures. Wednesday, Nov. 19 from 6:30 – 10:00 p.m. $7 / 2nd Floor Gallery

Book The Forgotten Children of Immigrants hightlights negative impact of deportations

by the El Reportero’s news services


A journalist and a writer, both Mexicans who have lived many years in Colorado, present the “forgotten children” of immigration in the United States with a work written in both English and Spanish, and which gathers together the testimonies of immigrants’ children.

Their book Broken: La Cara Infantil de la Inmigración/The Forgotten Children of Immigration, launched this week, tells 18 immigration stories that have as their leading characters children who have suffered the deportation of one or both of their parents, as one of its authors, journalist German González, told Efe.

“The intention of these stories is to inform people about the terrible problems that millions of children and their families are going through, as well as to raise awareness among the political class so that once and for all they pass a comprehensive immigration overhaul that stops families from being broken up,” writer Arturo García added.

By means of contacts in Denver and surrounding areas, González and García managed to win the confidence of a number of immigrants and their children, so that finally close to 20 of those families allowed their kids to tell their stories.

González believes these stories echo “broken voices that reveal the sad reality that enshrouds these youngsters as a result of the implacable deportations” of parents “without papers.”

According to the Executive Office for Immigration Review, an agency of the U.S. Department of Justice, some 5,200 cases of deportation or removal of immigrants were processed in Colorado in the year 2013, while around 7,500 cases are still pending.

For González, these statistics “do not show us the human side of history,” something that can only be achieved “by listening to the cries of the children.”

Singer Luz Ríos and husband welcome baby boy

Mexican singer Luz Ríos gave birth to her first child – Benjamin – in Upland, California on Oct. 23, representatives of the artist announced Monday.

Benjamin Raymond Carpenter is “the one who lit up my life and my heart,” said the singer in a communique.

The first child of Ríos and husband Richard Carpenter, the executive producer of LCR Registros Inc., which he founded along with the singer, was born in San Antonio Community Hospital in Upland.

The singer received two Latin Grammy nominations in 2009 for her album “Aire” in the best new artist and best female pop vocal album categories.

The album’s same-named single, a duet that Ríos sang with countryman Joan Sebastian, also received the Billboard Latino Music nomination for Hot Latin Song of the Year.