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The Latinoamericanizacion of the United States politics

[Author]by Roberto Lovato[/Author]


There’s a sea change taking place in poltics today, and it’s being led by Latinos, according to Roberto Lovato, a writer and a visiting scholar at UC Berkeley’s Center for Latino Policy Research. He spoke with New America Media editor Elena Shore.

Where did Latino voters make a difference in Tuesday’s election?

It’s important to say the difference that Latino voters could have made.

Ex-governors and ex-senators in Colorado, in Florida, could-have-been in Virginia and other states would probably have had the votes they needed to win, had we had a different policy on immigration.

Like it or not, the King Kong of issues for Latinos, bar none, is still immigration. And when you have President Barack Obama giving people a lot of reasons not to go out and vote – there’s 2 million deported reasons, there’s 400,000 jailed reasons, there’s thousands of children terrorized reasons why Latinos were completely dispirited and discouraged.

There was a lot of talk about what Obama’s delay in taking executive action on immigration would have on the election.

I don’t think it’s just the delay. I think it’s those 2 million deportations, and the 400,000 jailings, and all the terror and destruction of immigrant lives that Obama has caused in a community where 56 percent of us that voted in exit polls have a friend or relative who’s an undocumented immigrant.

So what we’re dealing with is a debate that has degenerated to a point where people are reporting on the unicorn vs. La Siguanaba, non-existent fictional entities that are constructed by the media.

What do you think they’re missing?

What’s missing is real deep, serious reporting. When you cover immigration solely within the border of the United States, when you start there, it unleashes a dynamic that defines immigration as primarily an electoral issue – when there are economic, political, foreign policy, Drug War and other issues at play.

Today’s Latino Decisions poll found that if Obama were to act before the end of the year, Latino voters’ enthusiasm for Democrats would go way up, and if Republicans were to block it, they would be much more anti-Republican.

I think that’s one of the foundations for the next way that the Latino political game is going to be played. It’s going to be played around the axes of executive action favorable for Latinos vs. Republican blocking, which is unfavorable.

It’s a false frame for the issue. You have to look at who in the Latino community is responsible for the fact that nobody said anything about the 2 million deportations. How did we get to 2 million deportations and not have any of the major advocates … say anything for almost six years? How did the media not report on all this suffering and destruction that’s at the heart of the Democrats’ electoral law? That’s the story.

So what effect has that had on potential voters?

Right now, most Latino voters know that they don’t like what the Democrats are doing, but they don’t know why Obama is worse on deportation than all presidents in U.S. history combined. So they don’t know what to think and do in the face of it.

There’s a way that reality is curated for us so that we don’t ask real, deep questions about deportations, about Border Patrol killings of innocent people, immigrants, jailing 400,000 mostly non-criminal people a year.

There is no doubt about that. But at the physical level of an actual immigrant body, Barack Obama and the Democrats have been worse than the worst Tea Partier.

What are some of the most interesting races you have been tracking?

I think one of the most interesting things happening right now is in Arizona. Largely unreported is what I would call the beginning of the end of SB 1070 and SB 1062, the racial profiling law and the ethnic studies ban.

You have no better instance than the case of David García, a largely unknown PhD Army vet who ran his campaign [for Superintendent of Public Instruction] against a Tea Party candidate. The most telling thing is… he got the endorsement of the Chamber of Commerce. That’s the same Chamber of Commerce that was being boycotted by Latinos in Arizona and throughout the U.S.

So what does that mean? It means that those forces are now on the retreat. It means that the boycotts, the protests, the Move the Game campaign [launched by Roberto Lovato and], to get the Major League game out of Arizona, all those campaigns, all those efforts on the ground worked.

Can you describe what the latinoamericanización of American politics might look like?

It’s a style of politics where street action, continued organizing in different communities and different sectors, and bold actions and campaigns are intimately linked to electoral processes.

Which is very different from the way “politics” is defined in the U.S. The U.S. is bordered off from Latin America, so our ideas about politics are bordered off in the imagination: Politics mean elections. Punto.

Well, if you have the Arizona Chamber of Commerce endorsing a pro-immigrant candidate, and calling on the Republican Party to tone down and change course, which they’re doing — regardless of who won these elections in Arizona, because you still have about 150,00 votes that are not counted as of right now – that’s a sea change in politics, and a sea change that’s being led by Latinos.

Why do you use the term latinoamericanización of U.S. politics?

People in the U.S. only get political when it’s elections time. In Latin America, that’s not how politics are thought of, conceived of or practiced. It’s more organic and from the ground up, and opens up possibilities that we absolutely have to have now here in the U.S.

In the face of such a dictatorship of corporations, we have really no choice at this point but to fight and organize outside of the two-party system that’s controlled by those corporations.

We have before us a dictatorship. So if we have a dictatorship – it’s not just military, but corporations that are in cahoots with the military, and that profit from military funding – then we have to go to those who know about how to fight military dictatorship, like the ones that the U.S. created in Latin America. We have to go to Latin American-style politics, from below.

Roberto Lovato is a Visiting Scholar at UC Berkeley’s Center for Latino Policy Research. He was a founding member of and longtime contributor with New America Media. Prior to becoming a writer, he was the executive director of the Central American Resource Center (CARECEN). You can follow Roberto on Twitter @robvato.

The John Santos Sextet with special guess in Latin Jazz special evening

[Author]Compiled by the

El Reportero’s staf[/Author]


John Santos and his Sextet will be performing with special guests: Bay Area legend Roger Glenn (Mongo Santamaria, Cal Tjader) – vibes and Grammy winner Mads Tolling (Stanley Clarke, Turtle Island) – violin in concert! A unique cross-cultural collaboration!

Friday, Dec. 5, 2014, at 8 and 10 p.m. shows, at Yoshi’s, 510 Embarcadero W., Oakland, For info call 510-238-9200 or visit


Fifth annual essential SF, honoring local cinematic luminaries

Intimate Celebration Will Induct a New Group into Film Society’s Ongoing Compendium of Essential Figures in the Local Film Community.

The San Francisco Film Society will present its fifth annual Essential SF event, . Essential SF is the Film Society’s ongoing compendium of the Bay Area film community’s most vital figures and institutions, and each fall a new group of local cinematic luminaries is added to the growing list of diverse talent.

At a brief ceremony, this year’s inductees – actress and filmmaker Joan Chen, arts journalist Cheryl Eddy, film curator Liz Keim, author and film professor B. Ruby Rich, production company and distributor ro*co films and sound designer Kent Sparling – will be feted by special guest presenters and Film Society staff. This event is free and open to the public. Essential S.F. 2014 is made possible by the generous support of the San Francisco Film Commission.

On Sunday Dec. 7, at 4 p.m. at the Roxie Theater, 3117 16th Street.


Children and families a chance to read and play during school break with bingo

In December, the library will distribute cards for its new “Winter Bingo” game, encouraging children in grades K-5, and parents of younger children and babies, to do activities that stimulate literacy and learning. Any child or parent may return a bingo card with five activities marked in a row to any Oakland Public Library between Dec. 18, 2014, and Jan. 31, 2015, to select a free paperback book to keep, as a prize.

Activities include direct reading activities such as “Listen to a story” or “Read about your favorite thing” as well as social activities such as “Make someone laugh,” or “Bring a friend to the library,” and active play such as “Dance” or “Play outside.” Activities for parents to do with babies and preschoolers include “Use a recipe to make a snack,” and “Ask your child to turn the page.” Bingo cards will be available at all library locations and distributed to partner organizations, and are available in Spanish, Chinese, and English.

For more information, please visit or contact Nina Lindsay, Supervising Librarian for Children’s Services, at, or 510-238-6706.

Argentina judge orders Justin Bieber to appear on assault charges

[Author]by the El Reportero’s news services[/Author]


An Argentine judge summoned pop singer Justin Bieber for questioning over an alleged incident at a discotheque in this capital last year, when the Canadian performer was on tour here, court officials said.

Judge Facundo Cubas issued an order to the Interpol department within the Argentine Federal Police to locate the artist and one of his bodyguards and notify them that they must appear in court to give statements.

According to court sources cited by the official Telam news agency, the judge warned that if Bieber does not show up to testify within 60 days after being notified, he will order his arrest.

Bieber, 20, and one of his bodyguards were cited in incidents at the Ink disco in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Palermo on Nov. 9, 2013, where the singer and his friends were partying.

Among other things, the pair are accused of allegedly attacking a photographer and stealing his camera and then leaving the disco without paying their tab.

Argentine photographer Diego Pesoa claims Bieber’s bodyguards chased him and beat him up outside the nightspot.

Bieber could spend up to a year in prison if convicted of causing minor injuries to the man.

According to the summons, the singer had ordered his bodyguards to prevent him from being photographed when he left the establishment.

The judge’s ruling asks Interpol to locate the artist and his bodyguard at their homes, at the site of a scheduled event or anywhere else and present the summons to them.


Sandra Bullock in Puerto Rico Filming “Our Brand is Crisis”

Sandra Bullock is in Puerto Rico to shoot scenes for “Our Brand is Crisis,” a political comedy-drama co-produced by George Clooney.

Hollywood’s highest-paid actress arrived over the weekend at San Juan’s Luis Muñoz Marin International Airport, Puerto Rican media outlets said.

David Gordon Green is directing the film, which is based on a 2005 documentary of the same name about the role of prominent U.S. political consultants, including James Carville, in the re-election campaign of Bolivian President Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada.

Besides Bullock, the cast includes Scoot McNairy, Billy Bob Thornton, Anthony Mackie and Ann Dowd.

The film began shooting Sept. 29 in New Orleans and the crew is expected to spend around two weeks in Puerto Rico filming the scenes set in Bolivia.

The Puerto Rican government offers generous incentives to film studios.


Molotov returns to The U.S. for “Agua Maldita Navidad Tour”

Latin Grammy Award winning Mexican rock band Molotov will be returning to the U.S. in December for their “Agua Maldita Navidad Tour.” Celebrating Christmas with their signature Latin rock flair, Molotov will kick off the tour in Los Angeles on Dec. 3 and will wrap it up in Dallas on Dec. 21. Tickets are on sale now!

After nearly two decades on stage, eight albums, a documentary, four Latin Grammys and over 3 million+ records sold, legendary Mexican rock band Molotov has returned in 2014 with an incendiary new record, Agua Maldita. The band’s latest effort was produced by Jason Perry at East West Studios in Hollywood, and features 10 tracks, including the singles Lagunas Metales and La Raza featuring DMC from iconic hip-hop group RUN-DMC.

Molotov continues to push the boundaries of their music with lyrics exploring social and political topics on one of their best records to date.

Catch the band on their “Agua Maldita Navidad Tour” in the U.S.A. this December.

The move to depopulate planet Earth

Much has been said about a so-called ‘conspiracy theory’ about the depopulation of the planet. In this article, Stephanie R. Pasco, follows the trails of statements – going back decades -made by world leaders confirming that in fact exists a plan to depopulate the planet Earth. You be the judge, readers. Due to the length of the article, El Reportero will publish in several parts, extending to several weeks. THIS IS PART 3 OF A SERIES.


by Stephanie R. Pasco


It is my intention to give you clips from documents, many from the United Nations that prove there is a plan to depopulate this planet. I will also provide quotes from various people and organizations that further show this agenda is afoot. I pray the guidance of the Lord God Almighty will be with me in this pursuit to warn others of this dark plot against humanity.

Everything written in this paper is easily verifiable. It may take some time and effort, but I took great pains to make this paper as accurate as I possibly could.

The depopulation agenda is based on nature worship, or Gaia worship. In Genesis, God clearly told Adam and Eve, and then Noah and his family to go forth and multiply to fill the earth. Nowhere in the Bible does God rescind that clearly spoken commandment. Therefore man is attempting to supersede the command of the Lord God in heaven: The Creator! I ask you, who knows more about the state of the earth, the created, or the Creator?

The basis for the depopulation agenda is a standard all elitist’s hold dear. This standard is called:


The Hegelian Dialectic:

Problem – Reaction-Solution


Sir Julian Huxley, UNESCO: its purpose and its philosophy:

“Political unification in some sort of world government will be required… Even though… any radical eugenic policy will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care, and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that now is unthinkable may at least become thinkable.” In the early 1950s, former Communist Joseph Z. Kornfeder expressed the opinion that UNESCO was comparable to a Communist Party agitation and propaganda department. He stated that such a party apparatus ‘handles the strategy and method of getting at the public mind, young and old.’ Huxley would lard the agency with a motley collection of Communists and fellow travelers.

President Richard Nixon believed abortion was necessary as a form of eugenics to prevent interracial breeding

Theodore Roosevelt to Charles B. Davenport, January 3, 1913, Charles B. Davenport Papers, Department of Genetics, Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.:

“I wish very much that the wrong people could be prevented entirely from breeding; and when the evil nature of these people is sufficiently flagrant, this should be done. Criminals should be sterilized and feebleminded persons forbidden to leave offspring behind them…The emphasis should be laid on getting desirable people to breed…”

Theodore Roosevelt:

“Society has no business to permit degenerates to reproduce their kind…. Any group of farmers, who permitted their best stock not to breed, and let all the increase come from the worst stock, would be treated as fit inmates for an asylum…. Some day we will realize that the prime duty, the inescapable duty of the good citizens of the right type is to leave his or her blood behind him in the world; and that we have no business to permit the perpetuation of citizens of the wrong type. The great problem of civilization is to secure a relative increase of the valuable as compared with the less valuable or noxious elements in the population… The problem cannot be met unless we give full consideration to the immense influence of heredity…” “I wish very much that the wrong people could be prevented entirely from breeding; and when the evil nature of these people is sufficiently flagrant, this should be done. Criminals should be sterilized and feebleminded persons forbidden to leave offspring behind them… The emphasis should be laid on getting desirable people to breed…”

By Carl Teichrib:

“The Georgia Guidestones, a massive granite edifice planted in the Georgia countryside, contains a list of ten new commandments for Earth’s citizens. The first commandment, and the one which concerns this article, simply states; “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.”

Robert Walker, former chair of PepsiCo and Proctor & Gamble on water:

Water is a gift of nature. Its delivery is not. It must be priced to insure it is used sustainably.

Ted Turner makes the radical statement that, “A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95 percent decline from present levels, would be ideal,”

Margaret Sanger (founder of Planned Parenthood, funded by the Rockefellers) said in her proposed “The American Baby Code”, intended to become law:

“The most merciful thing that a family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.”

This is the woman (Margaret Sanger) whom Hillary Clinton publicly declared she looked up to, during the 2008 presidential debates.

Here is a short list of some advocates of eugenics; Alexander Graham Bell, George Bernard Shaw H. G. Wells, Sidney Webb, William Beveridge, John Maynard Keynes, Margaret Sanger, Marie Stopes, Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt, Emile Zola, George Bernard Shaw, John Maynard Keynes, John Harvey Kellogg, Winston Churchill, Linus Pauling, Sidney Webb, Sir Francis Galton, Charles B. Davenport Futurist Barbara Marx Hubbard (who wanted to create a Dept. of Peace):

“Out of the full spectrum of human personality, one-fourth is electing to transcend…One-fourth is ready to so choose, given the example of one other…One-fourth is resistant to election. They are unattracted by life ever evolving. One-fourth is destructive. They are born angry with God…They are defective seeds…There have always been defective seeds. In the past they were permitted to die a ‘natural death’…we, the elders, have been patiently waiting until the very last moment before the quantum transformation, to take action to cut out this corrupted and corrupting element in the body of humanity. It is like watching a cancer grow…Now, as we approach the quantum shift from creature-human to co-creative human—the human who is an inheritor of god-like powers—the destructive one-fourth must be eliminated from the social body. We have no choice, dearly beloveds. Fortunately you, dearly beloveds, are not responsible for this act. We are. We are in charge of God’s selection process for planet Earth. He selects, we destroy. We are the riders of the pale horse, Death. We come to bring death to those who are unable to know God…the riders of the pale horse are about to pass among you. Grim reapers, they will separate the wheat from the chaff. This is the most painful period in the history of humanity…”


Minors from Central America can now apply for political asylum in U.S.

by the El Reportero’s wire services


The U.S. government will now allow minors in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras who have a relative living legally in the United States to apply for asylum or a residency permit at offices in their own country, Vice President Joe Biden said Friday.

The program, which begins in December, “will provide a safe, legal, and orderly alternative to the dangerous journey that some children make – and some children don’t ever arrive, don’t ever make,” the vice president said at a conference attended by the presidents of Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador in Washington.

Parents in the United States will kick off the process by filling out an application form for their child – who must be younger than age 21 and unmarried – requesting that he or she be granted an interview at a U.S. office in El Salvador, Guatemala or Honduras, the State Department said.

The State Department stressed that the applications will be studied case by case.

Nonetheless, children who do not comply with the requisites for refugee status, but are in danger of being harmed if they stay where they are, will be considered for a special residency permit on humanitarian grounds.

The permit for humanitarian asylum allows a temporary entry into the United States for urgent humanitarian reasons but does not grant long-term immigration benefits.

In addition, if the spouse of a person living legally in the United States continues to dwell in their country of origin, “under certain circumstances” they can be included in the minor’s application for refugee status.

Once the family member fills out the form in the United States, the minors will be interviewed in their country of origin to make sure they comply with security regulations, have an up-to-date medical report, and must undergo DNA tests to verify that children and parents are related.

The United States “provides those seeking asylum a right way to come to our country, as opposed to crossing the border illegally,” Vice President Biden said.


Former Mayor of Iguala to Face Kidnapping & Murder Charges for 43 Missing Students

Former Iguala Mayor Jose Luis Abarca Velazquez, who has been linked to the disappearance of 43 education students in September, will remain in custody and face a criminal trial, Mexican judicial officials said.

A federal criminal court in Toluca, a city in Mexico state, will try Abarca on organized crime, kidnapping and murder charges, the Federal Judiciary Council, or CJF, said.

The court issued the order as part of proceedings initiated by a court in Matamoros, a border city in the northeastern state of Tamaulipas.

Abarca is being held at the Altiplano federal penitentiary in Mexico state, which surrounds the Federal District and forms part of the Mexico City metropolitan area.

Abarca served as mayor of Iguala, a city in the southern state of Guerrero.

The politician and his wife, Maria de los Angeles Pineda Villa, were arrested by the Federal Police on Nov. 4 in Mexico City.

Pineda is being held in preventive detention so prosecutors can gather more evidence in the case.

Six people died, 25 were wounded and 43 students disappeared in the incident.

The 43 students, the majority of them ages 18 to 21, were detained by police and handed over to the Guerreros Unidos drug cartel, which killed them and burned the bodies to eliminate all traces of the victims, officials said, citing statements by suspects in the case.

The students’ disappearance has sparked protests across Mexico.

Olive oil protects heart from air polution, lowers blood

[Author]by Ethan A. Huff

Natural News[/Author]


The Mediterranean Diet has received plenty of praise in recent years for its role in protecting against disease. And two new studies provide further clarity as to why this is the case, having found that the olive oil component of the popular diet helps to not only protect against the damaging effects of environmental pollution but also lower blood pressure in folks who consume it alongside nitrate-rich vegetables.

Researchers from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), presenting their findings at the recent American Thoracic Society International Conference, tested the effects of olive oil in mitigating harm caused by air pollution on 42 healthy adults. Each of the adults was given 3 grams of either olive oil or fish oil daily, or neither, for four weeks, followed by exposure to both clean and polluted air.

After a month of supplementation with either one of the oils or a placebo, participants were exposed to two hours of filtered air to get baseline readings. The next day, they were exposed to two hours of polluted air. Using an ultrasound, scientists evaluated the participants’ blood vessels for any blood vessel narrowing both immediately after and 20 hours after each exposure.

They noticed that folks taking the olive oil supplement did not experience any significant narrowing of their blood vessels, which typically occurs as a result of exposure to microscopic particles like the kind emitted from diesel engines. Such hardening can lead to increased blood pressure, a heightened risk of blood clots and other health problems.

Those taking the fish oil or placebo, on the other hand, experienced typical blood vessel narrowing, suggesting that olive oil possesses a unique protective benefit. If these results are affirmed through further research, scientists say regular supplementation with olive oil could be a beneficial public health recommendation.

“Our study suggests that use of olive oil supplements may protect against the adverse vascular effects of exposure to air pollution particles,” stated Dr. Haiyan Tong, as quoted by the U.K.’s Telegraph. “If these results are replicated in further studies, use of these supplements might offer a safe, low cost, and effective means of counteracting some of the health consequences of exposure to air pollution.”

Unsaturated fats combine with vegetable-based nitrates to form beneficial ‘nitro fatty acids’

In a related study, researchers from King’s College London noted beneficial effects from consuming olive oil alongside lettuce and other vegetables rich in naturally occurring nitrates. Publishing their findings in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), the research observed that the unsaturated fats in olive oil combine with nitrates to form an entirely new compound that helps regulate blood pressure.

Based on the research, consuming olive oil daily with foods like spinach, celery and carrots results in the formation of nitro fatty acids that experts say can help lower blood pressure and prevent blood clots. In the long term, regular consumption of these foods in conjunction with one another can help reduce the risk of major cardiovascular events.

“The findings of our study help to explain why previous research has shown that a Mediterranean diet supplemented with extra-virgin olive oil or nuts can reduce the incidence of cardiovascular problems like stroke, heart failure and heart attacks,” stated Professor Philip Eaton, a professor of cardiovascular biochemistry at King’s and one of the authors of the study.

The study was supported by the British Heart Foundation and is among the first to demonstrate how olive oil specifically inhibits an enzyme known as soluble epoxide hydrolase that is responsible for regulating blood pressure.

In border disaster, advocates seek names of the

When an undocumented migrant dies trying to cross the U.S.-Mexico border, the clock begins ticking. If the body is found before it has decomposed or been eaten by animals, investigators can determine the person’s weight and find scars or tattoos that might aid in identification. There’s also a better chance that clothing and personal items will be found.

Reineke collected data from consulates – including paper records – and took reports from families.

Colibrí, a nonprofit that grew out of this work, receives as many as 60 reports from families each week and also collects missing-person reports from consulates, nonprofits, journalists and BORSTAR, the Border Patrol’s search-and-rescue unit.

In 2008, the body of a young woman was brought in to the Pima County ME’s office. Found with the body was an ID card, and the face of the woman matched the photo on the ID, which also had a name. Despite all this, Reineke was unable to locate the woman’s family.

Family members may not file a missing-person report because they are estranged from the relative, involved in the drug trade or too scared, because of their own undocumented status, to make a report.

“A Mass Disaster”

Kate Spradley knows all too well the challenges of unidentified remains. A forensic anthropologist at Texas State University, she is conducting an analysis of the remains of 65 unidentified border crossers exhumed from Brooks County’s Sacred Heart cemetery.

The project, she said, is “a mass disaster that was dropped off at our lab.”

Texas state law requires DNA sampling of all unidentified remains, but the law, Spradley said, is rarely enforced.

Texas has 254 counties, only 13 of which have medical examiners, and those examiners serve only their own counties, Spradley said. There are three medical examiners in the border area. An autopsy of unidentified remains costs about $1,500, plus another $1,500 for transport.

As a result, no one knows for sure how many unidentified border crossers are buried in Texas cemeteries.

(Amy Roe is the reporter for Equal Voice News. Maria Rigou, the social media marketing manager for Equal Voice News and the Marguerite Casey Foundation, contributed reporting).

Toxic airborne pollutants linger long after tobacco smoke clears

[Author]by Julie Chao[/Author]


Ever walked into a hotel room and smelled old cigarette smoke? While the last smoker may have left the room hours or even days ago, the lingering odors — resulting from noxious residue that clings to walls, carpets, furniture or dust particles — are thanks to thirdhand smoke.

Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, who have made important findings on the dangers of thirdhand smoke and how it adsorbs strongly onto indoor surfaces, have published a new study assessing the health effects of thirdhand smoke constituents present in indoor air. Looking at levels of more than 50 volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and airborne particles for 18 hours after smoking had taken place, they found that thirdhand smoke continues to have harmful health impacts for many hours after a cigarette has been extinguished.

“In the U.S., the home is now where nonsmokers are most exposed to second- and thirdhand smoke. The goal of our study is to provide information supporting effective protective measures in the home. The amount of harm is measurable even several hours after smoking ends,” said chemist Hugo Destaillats, lead author of the study. “Many smokers know secondhand smoke is harmful, so they don’t smoke when their kids are present. But if, for example, they stop smoking at 2 p.m. and the kids come home at 4 p.m., our work shows that up to 60 percent of the harm from inhaling thirdhand smoke remains.”

Their study, “Inhalable Constituents of Thirdhand Tobacco Smoke: Chemical Characterization and Health Impact Considerations,” has been published online in the journal Environmental Science & Technology. Other co-authors were Berkeley Lab scientists Mohamad Sleiman, Jennifer Logue, and Lara Gundel, and Portland State University professor James F. Pankow and researcher Wentai Luo.

The Berkeley Lab team has done previous studies establishing the formation of harmful thirdhand smoke constituents by reaction of nicotine with indoor nitrous acid, showing that nicotine can react with ozone to form potentially harmful ultrafine particles, and finding that thirdhand smoke can cause genetic damage in human cells. These studies focused primarily on chemical contaminants adsorbed to indoor surfaces, entering the human body through dermal uptake or ingestion of dust. The new study focuses on a third type of exposure, inhalation. The study shows that this route of exposure, even after the smoke dissipates, is also significant.

The team collected data from two environments: one was a room-sized chamber at Berkeley Lab where six cigarettes were machine-smoked and levels of particulate matter and 58 VOCs were monitored during an aging period of 18 hours; the second was a smoker’s home, where field measurements were made 8 hours after the last cigarette was smoked. Logue led the health analysis, using an impact assessment approach that she has used for studying indoor air pollutants.

Health data was available for only about half of the measured chemicals. For those Logue used a metric called DALY, or disability-adjusted life year, to quantify the health impact. The DALY is commonly used by the World Health Organization (WHO) and others in the public health field as a way to combine loss of life with loss of quality of life in a single metric.

Looking at DALYs lost as a function of time, the study found that the total integrated harm rises sharply in the first five hours after a cigarette has been smoked, continues to rise for another five hours, and doesn’t start to level off until after 10 hours.

“We ranked the health damage due to each of the pollutants for which we had data,” Logue said. “We found that particulate matter, or PM2.5, accounted for 90 percent of the health damage.”

PM2.5, or particles that are less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter, can be inhaled deeply into the lungs and cause serious health problems. The study identified also those tobacco VOCs with the highest health impacts, some of which exceeded concentrations considered harmful by the state of California over the entire 18-hour period.

The researchers caution that this was an initial scoping study, in which they had to rely on health data available for outdoor air particles. Common outdoor sources include vehicle exhaust, forest fires, and burning of fuels. “Tobacco particles have a different composition than outdoor air particles, but there are chemical similarities,” Gundel said. “This is a first-order approximation.”

Another purpose of the study was to better understand the transition between secondhand smoke and thirdhand smoke. Depending on the criteria used, the predicted health damage caused by thirdhand smoke could range from 5 percent to 60 percent of the total harm. “A lot of the harm attributed to secondhand smoke could be due to thirdhand smoke,” Gundel said. “Because there’s a gradual transition from one to the other, we don’t really know yet what the chronic effects of thirdhand smoke are.”

The study is part of a research agenda developed by the California Consortium on Thirdhand Smoke, which was established in 2011 largely as a result of work published in 2010 by Destaillats, Gundel, Sleiman, and others. The consortium, which includes researchers from Berkeley Lab, UC San Francisco, UC Riverside, the University of Southern California and San Diego State University, is funded by the Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program, managed by the University of California. Its goals are better understanding the health effects of thirdhand smoke, identifying the most effective control policies and practices to protect nonsmokers, and developing methods to remediate indoor environments contaminated with thirdhand smoke. UC Newsroom

Gruber’s goober: Obamacare deception

by Jon Rappoport


Everybody knows Jonathan Gruber now. He was a consultant who helped frame the Obamacare law.

He’s stated that that, yes, Obamacare has a tax in its provisions, and yes the public was deceived.

Gruber: “This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes. If CBO scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies… [I]f you had a law which said that healthy people are going to pay in – you made explicit healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed… Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really really critical for the thing to pass… Look, I wish Mark was right that we could make it all transparent, but I’d rather have this law than not.”

Tax? Penalty? Tax? Penalty?

Either way, Obamacare is an order, a command, from on high.

The whole debate hides the real fact: people are being coerced into a system that kill and maims at a staggeringly high level.

No one in Congress or the White House brought that up during the process of promoting and passing the bill. Too hot to handle. Much too hot.

If you have a system that is already killing a huge number of people, and you make that system bigger and bring millions more people under the same umbrella, the death toll will accelerate.

The key journal paper on medical destruction is: Dr. Barbara Starfield, Journal of the American Medical Association, July 26, 2000, “Is US Health Really the Best in the World?”

Every year in the US, the medical system kills 225,000 people. 106,000 die as a result of FDA-approved medical drugs. The other 119,000 die as a result of mistreatment in hospitals.

I use the Starfield report because it is right down the middle of mainstream medicine. Before her death, Starfield was a widely respected public health expert. For many years, she worked at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. The Journal of the American Medical Association is as mainstream and prestigious as you can get.

I’m fully aware that independent researchers have pegged the death toll from the US medical system at a much higher number. But I wanted to show that, even in “The Club,” the statistics are known to be horrendous.

Think about it. The US medical system kills 225,000 Americans per year. That adds up to 2.25 MILLION deaths per decade.

Not long before her death, I interviewed Dr. Starfield. I asked her whether anyone from the federal government had ever asked her to consult, to help fix the medical system. Her answer was a stark No.

I asked her whether she was aware of any significant government program directed at fixing the system. Again, she answered: No.

Try this fictional analogy. You work for the government in auto safety. You know two things. Every tenth car in America contains a fatal flaw that will cause a crash at speeds in excess of 40mph. And, as a result of new legislation lowering the driving age, millions more Americans will be on the road. What would you do?

US politics lives and thrives on PR, and PR makes its money from empty generalizations and promises. In the medical arena, it’s all about “better care for all,” “humane concern for everyone,” “breakthroughs coming soon,” “money for more research,” etc.

This has nothing to do with the actual effects of the system. It has nothing to do with reality.

Well, here is the reality. By the most conservative estimate, the US medical system kills 2,250,000 people per decade.

That’s the system that’s heading for massive expansion under Obamacare.

You have a choice. You can go with the empty PR, or you can face the facts and realize what’s going to happen.

“Well,” some people have told me, “the politicians in charge don’t really understand what the medical system is doing to people. It’s just ignorance. Their hearts are in the right place.”

And that matters? That argument has nothing to do with ongoing death stemming from standard medical practice.

The death statistics I’m citing in this article aren’t a state secret.

Doctors chopping off women’s breasts for no reason. Medical drugs putting people into the grave. Vaccines causing neurological damage. Psychiatric drugs blasting brains and pushing people over into suicide and murder…no problem. The politicians’ hearts are in the right place.

Walk through a cemetery and try that defense.

Tax? Penalty? Tax? Penalty?

I just did the math. The US medical system killed 25 people while I was writing this article.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX,

Mole to Die for Contest

[Author]by the El Reportero’s staff[/Author]


The history of the mole goes back to the pre-Columbian era and there are several versions of its origin as we know it today.

It is said that the Aztecs prepared for the great lords a complex dish called “mulli,” meaning porridge or mixture. Another story places the mole poblano in the Convent of Santa Rosa in Puebla (Mexico) when a nun grounded together various chilies and other seasonings in a metate. Another version says that Spaniards brought different condiments to the natives, who then used them to transform the fusion of the mole.

As you can see, there are many histories of the mole, but it is clear that the Mole is a special dish for the nobility, it represents one of the greatest gifts that indigenous people have contributed to the world, and symbolizes the interconnection between two cultures. Wednesday, Nov. 19 from 6:30 – 10:00 p.m. $7 / 2nd Floor Gallery.


A Weekend with Pablo Picasso, by Culture Clash’s Herbert Siguenza

Siguenza created the original play at San Diego Repertory (2011) and stars as Pablo Picasso, the most influential artist in modern history. Set in the 1957 artist’s studio in southern France, the artist paints and speaks directly to the audience. Siguenza takes on the persona of Picasso, even in his art. Based upon the writings of Picasso, Siguenza creates six masterpieces live on stage each night of the performance.

The Culture Clash artist, Siguenza’s one-man show, will amaze and promises a weekend you will never forget.

Herbert Siguenza’s one-man show, A Weekend with Pablo Picasso, will run at the San Jose Stage Company with previews Nov 12-14; opens Nov 15 – Dec 7 with two performances in Spanish on Sat. Nov 22 & Nov 29, 2pm.


Holiday mixer with the Hispanic Chambers of Commerce

You are invited to attend our holiday mixer with the members of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, which will take place on Nov. 20 from 5 to 8 p.m., at Azucar Lounge, 299 – 9th Street, San Francisco. RSVP at 735-6120. There will be lots of food and fun.


Also with the Hispanic Chambers of Commerce:


Silicon Valley’s largest mobile internet conference!

Don’t miss GMIC SV 2014, the largest mobile Internet conference in the Silicon Valley’s three days of thought-provoking presentations on the industry’s hottest topics, exclusive networking opportunities and unforgettable parties.

Join the Hispanic Chambers of Commerce of San Francisco and 200+ of the most disruptive mobile-thought leaders and experts on the journey to Mobilizing the Next 5 Billion mobile users. Confirmed GMIC SV 2014 Tracks include: User Acquisition Summit, AppSpace, Grow Asia, Mobile Education, Global Games Summit, Robotics, Smarter Hardware, and Thought Leader.

HCCSF community receive 20 percent off passes. Promo code: GMICSV-HCCSF20G. On December 1-3, at Hilton Union Square, San Francisco.