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Globalism and the push for mandatory universal vaccination

by Jon Rappoport

“Once you really understand the truth behind the lies in a given arena, then you can finally back up far enough and see the actual reasons for the lies. You can see the secret program the lies are protecting. You can see why the program is being pushed. You can see what most people would rather not see.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)
In many previous articles, I have established a number of facts about vaccines.
They are not safe. They are not effective. They were not responsible for the major decline in so-called contagious diseases.
In most if not all cases, the diseases they are supposed to prevent affect only a tiny fraction of the people claimed to be at risk.
In some instances, (e.g., seasonal flu, Swine Flu, SARS), the “outbreaks” have virtually nothing to do with the viruses touted as the cause of illness. Therefore, even if vaccines were safe and effective, they would have no relevant effect, because they are targeting viruses which are not causing illness.
The rabid claim that unvaccinated children pose a threat to vaccinated children is, on its face, a lunatic self-contradiction, since those who are vaccinated are supposed to be protected.
Having established these points, it’s possible to assess the real reasons for the push to vaccinate every human on the face of the Earth.
Among these reasons, you will recognize the controlling hand of elite Globalists, for whom planetary empire is the goal.
One: The most underrated reason for mandated vaccination is: compliance. Secure compliance from citizens. Put them into a medical channel from birth (even before birth). Induce them to obey orders. Produce a deep blind loyalty: march straight ahead, eyes closed, mouths shut, from cradle to grave.
Two: Because vaccines and medical drugs are grossly toxic, the obedience becomes debilitation, illness, confusion. Death. Populations are unable to think about, much less resist, multiple vectors of tyranny.
Three: In the “developing world,” where mega-corporations, in line with the Globalist blueprint, plunder cheap labor, mineral resources, and land, use vaccination as a “solution,” when in fact it is a solution that does not work, causes greater destruction—and functions as a cover story to obscure what is really maiming and killing populations: enforced poverty, provoked war, chronically contaminated water supplies, lack of basic sanitation, stolen land, severe generation to generation malnutrition and starvation, overcrowding, industrial pollution.
These horrendous conditions go unsolved (on purpose), in order to keep populations unable to resist mega-corporate takeovers, while vaccination is touted as a wonderfully humane gift to the people.
Four: The claim of preventing disease before it occurs is one of the strongest propaganda efforts of the global medical cartel. It is used to pump up and justify all other medical druggings and procedures and diagnoses. It is “a banner of pride” flying on the medical flagship.
Five: Vaccination, through its toxic effects, is an attack on what would otherwise be a much healthier early childhood in many countries around the world. In short, if wellness and health staged a strong universal comeback, it would expose the lie that “everyone needs doctors all the time.” That egregious and repulsive lie is one of the cornerstones of modern medicine.
Six: Based on the first five reasons, how confident and trusting would you be, when this medical establishment has gained direct access (by needle) to every individual bloodstream in the world? How confident are you that no one would dare enter secret substances in vaccines? The most obvious of these, documented in the Philippines and Kenya, is a hormone (HCG) that causes miscarriages in women who later become pregnant. The altered vaccines are instruments of birth-prevention and population control. The World Health Organization and the Rockefeller Foundation—Globalism personified—have been researching these vaccines for decades.
Seven: The massive propaganda hailing the miraculous benefits of vaccination obscures very unpleasant truths about the crimes of the medical cartel. For example, see the Journal of the American Medical Association, July 26, 2000, Dr. Barbara Starfield, “Is US health really the best in the world?” Starfield concludes that, every year in the US, the medical establishment kills 225,000 Americans. That’s 2.25 million killings per decade. The strategy is simple: hog and clog the media with positive fairy tales about the medical cartel. Cover up the wholesale destruction.
Eight: The money. Medical care and treatment is a multi-trillion-dollar business, globally.
Nine: Maintaining the all-important fiction that “disease is inevitably caused by germs and nothing else,” the vaccine establishment can trumpet its fairy tale as the triumph of medical science in the war against germs. In doing so, it can, for example, divert attention from the toxic illness-effects of industrial pollution. Needless to say, this diversion is a major goal of polluting mega-corporations who forward the goals of Globalism.
It would be foolish, of course, to suggest that many doctors or medical bureaucrats are aware of all these nine reasons. Most medical personnel are brainwashed, through education, into believing what they support is real and true.
The hallmark of any long-term organized conspiracy is compartmentalization. Each player is only aware of his small part.
Rising through the ranks, players see a bit more of the actual picture, but they continue to believe they are doing the right thing.
And there is always the threat of loss of status, money, job, future career (and even life and limb) to offset the desire to blow the whistle.
At upper levels, players understand still more of whole picture. Few of them, however, are willing to grasp the intentionality of what is being visited on populations.
The top controllers are the contented psychopaths. They, too, believe they’re doing the right thing—but their definition of “right” and “good” is unique. It involves widespread destruction.
Understanding all these points should convince those who resist vaccination that playing defense, hoping for acknowledgment, and pleading for understanding are not enough. Going on the offense with great energy is required.
(Jon Rappoport is the author of three explosive collections, The Matrix Revealed, Exit From The Matrix, and Power Outside The Matrix).

How the public education system is rigged to turn individuals into automatons – Part 1


DEAR READERS: In the course of a research I found this excellent article that deals with a hidden truth behind the current educational system. Written in 2004, the content of this piece may enlighten many who still believe our current schools curriculum is far away from what, we as people, need to learn and acquire knowledge, and to make us independent and develop our highest potential to make a better world. You be the judge. This is PART OF A SERIES

Advice for anyone still in school    

by Montalk.net
from Montalk Website

“School sucks”
Most students will agree, and many have voiced their disgust concerning this abomination we call public education. They spite the good students who obey like little sheep, frown at imposed conformity, and laugh at the hypocritical nature of the system.
The same will be done here, but there is a big difference between these defiant students and me, the author. I was one of those good little sheep. I graduated high school with a 4.0, perfect attendance record, two years of student council under my belt, and a host of top scholarships to get me through college.
Teachers loved me, students both feared and respected me, and the principal knew me better than I knew him.
It’s enough to make you sick. I know it made me sick. So here I am, biting the hand that feeds because it’s been feeding nothing but propaganda and sour grapes.
I’m not writing this article because of envy or spite against system-indoctrinated valedictorians, nor am I trying to put blame on my school for all my academic failures. In fact, I cannot because I was that valedictorian and had few if any academic failures.
I’m writing this article because the system itself is messed up. Having been to many different public school systems over the past 15 years, I have more than adequate credibility to make this claim.
What is taught is random, useless, and meaningless
In class, too much time is wasted on useless topics.
The quality of education has been sacrificed for quantity, and as a result, academic inflation and the devaluation of information has turned intellectual ambition into apathy and bright minds into gray mush.
In an effort to be multicultural and eclectic, class curricula have become shallow and disorganized in their effort to teach students a global viewpoint. Topics are taught piecemeal, and never do teachers spend time to help students integrate the pieces into a coherent picture that can be used or built upon. And even if within a class the ideas are put together, between classes the grand education still remains compartmentalized.
For example, both geometry and physics can be mastered by the average student, but the connection and communication between the two often are not. When physics is taught in a junior high or high school physics class, it involves only the most elementary of geometry concepts, and vice versa. Without synthesis of the two, each remains without purpose or effectiveness.
Such synthesis between topics is neglected in the school curriculum, and consequently one’s experience in the public education system becomes a vague memory of random, meaningless, and useless facts, just as a disassembled engine is just a junk heap of random metal parts.
Most school subjects themselves aren’t even real knowledge.
History books are full of purposely engineered inaccuracies and distortions for the sake of corporate gain and political correctness.
Much of school is wasted time
The purpose of education is to make one an independent, competent thinker, one who can make a difference in the world for the better, and one who has the best chance for survival and success in the world.
So what the hell are we doing with such profundity of pep rallies, football and basketball games, proms, crazy hair days, sex education, death education, quiz bowls, and student council meetings?
Sure, without them, school would be dull.
But, school is supposed to be an incubator of young humans to prepare them for excitement in the real world. School is doing more than it’s supposed to and has instead become a surrogate provider of such excitement, turning it artificial and socially harmful. Is your vacuum cleaner also supposed to do the dishes, trim your hair, balance your checkbook, and be your Friday night date?
So much in school concerns extracurricular activities that time which could be spent on real world activities is instead being wasted in these trivialities. The effect is the amassing of students dependent upon the system and isolated from the real world. Social, financial, and academic dysfunction result.
Once again, quantity over quality has prevailed, because there is no profit for the supplier in quality. Quality only helps those in the demand, but when consumers of education have themselves been dumbed down to primal levels, discernment and appreciation of quality disappear.
Despite these problems, almost everyone is happy.
Parents are happy. Moms get to watch their soap operas and dads get to work while their kids are being babysat. They don’t have to worry about teaching morality or ethics to their children because it’s being done for them in school.
They don’t have to entertain them or spend genuine time with them because these children are too busy being entertained in school functions. Moms just have to drive their girls to soccer practice, and dads toss the football a few times.
Perfectionist parents keep their child competitive not by guiding them and helping them on a daily basis, but by yelling them once a school quarter when report cards come out.
Teachers are happy, as they have a secure job from 8 to 5, and the more they work, the more they get paid. The more school programs there are with federal or state funding, the more money they get. The more schools have the programs, the more funding and perks they receive from federal benefactors.
Everyone is happy, that is, except for the students.

But who cares? Who are they to complain?
Those with the gold make the rules, and all students have is some pocket change for cookies and milk. As is well known, in school, you spend more time learning how to obey and what to think, instead of and how to think and think for yourself.
Fact of the matter is that at least 3/4 of the time spent in school is waste.

Breastfeeding can cut childhood leukemia risk

by Amy Goodrich

Breastfeeding is the healthiest option to give your little one the best start in life. The benefits go way beyond providing basic nutrition. In addition to providing all the vitamins, nutrients and immune-building substances a baby needs, researchers at the University of Haifa in Israel suggest that it can cut the risk of childhood leukemia as well.
“Breast milk is a total food, intended by nature to exclusively supply all of the infant’s nutritional needs for the first few months of life. Breast milk is a live substance, containing antibodies manufactured by the mother and other unique qualities that promote a healthy flora in the intestines of the infant and influence the development of the child’s immune system,” said the study’s lead author, Efrat Amitay, of the School of Public Health at the University of Haifa in Israel.
Around 175,000 cases of childhood cancer occur worldwide every year. Leukemia accounts for about 30 percent of all childhood cancers. Very little is known about the cause and development, but these researchers found that breastfeeding may be the key to cut the risk by nearly one-fifth.
They based their findings on 18 different studies from around the world. They included more than 10,000 children with leukemia and about 17,500 healthy children.
This new study was published online on June 1 in JAMA Pediatrics. Efrat Amitay and his team report that there is strong evidence that breastfeeding for six months or longer is linked to a 19 percent decreased risk of leukemia compared with no breastfeeding or breastfeeding for a shorter period.
It is still not entirely clear why breast milk seems to have a protective role. Scientists believe that chemicals are transferred through the milk which boost the infants’ immune system and work as an anti-inflammatory agent which may reduce the risk of childhood leukemia.
While more research is needed to unravel the whole process, the scientists stress how important it is to educate women on the health benefits of breastfeeding. They also note that there is a need for making breastfeeding more openly accepted by the public.
“Because the primary goal of public health is prevention of morbidity, health care professionals should be taught the potential health benefits of breastfeeding and given tools to assist mothers with breastfeeding, whether themselves or with referrals to others who can help,” they wrote.
“The many potential preventive health benefits of breastfeeding should also be communicated openly to the general public, not only to mothers, so breastfeeding can be more socially accepted and facilitated,” they added.
This is not the first study to find a positive link between breastfeeding and health. Previous studies already associated it with a higher IQ, fewer ear or chest infections, a lower risk for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), and protection from becoming obese or developing diabetes later in life.
Most scientists will definitely agree that breast milk is the best option, but Professor Chris Bunce, of the Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research charity, says that more research is needed and mothers who feed their baby formula shouldn’t be too concerned about this study.
“We do not want mothers who are unable to or choose not to breastfeed to worry as a result of this research,” he said in the Daily Mail.
“Although this research represents a comprehensive analysis of many different studies, it can still only tell us about associations rather than proven causes, which may be complicated by other background factors,” he added.

Mexico elections go sour

by the El Reportero’s wire services

In the middle of the recent disturbances that have shaken Mexico during the past June 7 elections Eduardo Ceja Gil won the election as mayor of the city of Santiago Tangamandapio, Michoacán. He is a close relative of one of our colleagues in El ReporteroTV.
The mayor-elect, who won by a small margin of 31 votes, and whose candidacy was his first political experience, faces now the PRI machine, which is not accepting  defeat. The PRI, which has been the incumbent for more than three periods, have begun a process to contest the votes, according to sources.
Sources describe Ceja-Gil campaign, as clean and without affronts to his opponents, nor buying votes.
In a wall of Facebook, Hugo Gutiérrez expressed his frustruación against the Revolutionary Independent Party (PRI):
“It is a shame that (after) the people decided that Eduardo Ceja Gil should be our (municipal president), the dinosaurus of the PRI are even capable of manipulating false voting prescinds to steal from him the legitimate victory he obtained … they already invented reforms to destroy the people, they already disappeared 43 students, they already sold our oil, our water, what more proof do you people want that the PRI is not good…”

Around Mexico elections leave 21 dead
Twenty one people were killed in situation of violence related with political parties and election process in Mexico, broadcast the local media today.
The list includes candidates on the short list and candidates for a popular election position, campaign managers, officials or former officials, activists, relatives or companions of the victims who were killed from October to date, when three days left for June 7 elections.
That day will be chosen 996,000 popular election posts, including the full House of Representatives, nine governors and other state and municipal posts.
The most recent victim was Miguel Angel Luna, a candidate for federal deputy for the Democratic Revolution Party (DRP), in a district of the Mexico state, two days ago.
On May 27 at night, Israel Hernández, coordinator of the campaign of the candidate of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) to local deputy for the district three of Azcapotzalco, Aida Beltrán Sánchez district, was killed in the garage of her home in Mexico DF.
In Puebla, on May 26, was assassinated, Jose Salvador Mendez, campaign coordinator of Lorenzo Rivera, PRI candidate to federal deputy, when talking with the man outside of the party offices in the state capital.
One case that drew national attention was that of Enrique Hernandez, candidate of the National Regeneration Movement (Morena) to the municipal presidency of Yurécuaro, Michoacan, killed on May 14.
The corpses of Martin Alonso Colmenero and Francisco Javier Aguilar, members of the Ministry of Youth Action of the National Action Party, in Chihuahua, were located in an area of sthe state capital, last March 21.
The long list includes several representatives of various political organizations and not very few of these deaths were attributed to organized crime, a factor present in the current Mexican elections.

California farmworker: picking peas should bring a better life

by Rosalia Martínez, as told to David Bacon
New America Media

Editor’’s note: In this last installment in a three part series on California farmworkers by NAM contributor, David Bacon, an undocumented Triqui Indian farmworker in Greenfield, Ca., speaks of poverty and health problems as the result of long hours working in the fields. Her story, as told to Bacon, helps contextualize the struggles of many farmworkers in California who are working at a time of the drought and dwindling jobs availabilities, and without health care.
I’m Triqui, from Rio Venado in Oaxaca. I’ve been here 7 years, working in the fields all the time. Right now I’m picking peas. Other times in the year I work in the broccoli.
The worst part about working in the peas is that you have to work on your knees. After a day on your knees they hurt a lot, and when you stop it’s hard to extend your leg. It hurts, even when they give you a break for 15 minutes every two hours. I don’t take pills for the pain, but I know many people who do.
Sometimes your knees break down. That’s happened to a lot of people. Their knees go out permanently and they can’t work anymore.
Another problem is the dust, which has chemicals in it. Until two years ago they didn’t give you glasses to keep the dust out. Now they do, but by now most people who work in the peas have problems with their eyes.
What they pay us is not fair. They want you to pick 130 pounds in ten hours, and the piece rate is 45¢, so we make very little. The hourly wage is supposed to be $9.50 per hour, but when you’re working on the piece rate it’s less. You can make $100 in a day sometimes, but other times it’s $80 or $70. It depends on how much you can pick.
I have a family I have to support. There are six of us — myself and my husband, and our four children. These wages aren’t enough. We live in an apartment and have to pay rent, electricity and food. The little they pay us doesn’t cover it.
It’s a disaster if anyone gets sick because we don’t have any insurance. If it’s not really bad we don’t go to the doctor. But if it’s really serious we have to, and then we end up owing a lot of money. We’re just now recovering from the last time we had to do this. We had to take one of the kids and didn’t have the money to pay.
Normally we get six months every year when we can work all the time. Other times work is hard to find. A paycheck for a week is $300, or even $100. When the work is good we try to save a little for the times when work slows down.
The majority of the people in my crew are Triqui. There are also Mixtecos, and people who speak Spanish. Almost everyone is indigenous.
The Triqui people don’t agree with the low wages. We want a salary that our work deserves. The boss now says they have a water crisis, but I really think he says this to intimidate us. When we complain about the wages they tell us, “If you want to work, there’s the work, and if you don’t, so what?” What can we do?
If people get together and demand more, I think things could change. But instead we stay quiet. Many of my coworkers are afraid they’ll lose their jobs.
I heard about what was happening in San Quintin on Facebook [when thousands of indigenous Triqui and Mixtec farm workers went on strike in Baja California this spring]. I worked down there for a number of years, picking tomatoes. They paid really low there. I think what they did there was really good. They tried to do something for themselves.
We agree with what they did. We come from the same towns. We’re brothers. We are the same community. We are indigenous people, and we have to do whatever we can to keep our children eating, no matter what they pay. But if we don’t work and harvest the crops, there’s nothing for the growers either.
We are thinking of doing something like they did in San Quintin. What we demand from the growers is that they recognize that just as we work for them they should work for us. Things should be more equal between us.
I’m going to keep working in the fields, because I have no other work. But I don’t want my children to work in the fields. We’re doing it so that our children can leave the fields and move forward. I want to give them a better life.

64% of reporters admit former “conspiracy theory” of surveillance now happening to them

by Daniel Barker

The concept of a “free press” is all but dead and buried in America today, it seems. A recent poll conducted by the Pew Research Center revealed that nearly two-thirds (64 percent) of investigative reporters in the United States believe that the government has “probably collected data about their phone calls, emails or online communications, and eight-in-ten believe that being a journalist increases the likelihood that their data will be collected.”
This is a shocking revelation, especially considering the fact that the current administration promised to be “the most transparent” in the nation’s history. In fact, the Obama Administration has shown itself to be remorseless in pursuing those who leak information to the press and in spying on reporters who dare to investigate its activities.
A free press is fundamental to a free society, and perhaps the most troubling aspect of this story is the fact that so few reporters seem outraged or even concerned about the government’s interference in their profession. It’s as if we as a society have become used to the idea that privacy is no longer a basic human right.
It’s bad enough when the average citizen has given up on the idea that it’s wrong for our government to spy on us, but when members of the press accept surveillance as a fact of life, it would seem to indicate that our society is in deep trouble.
Although most investigative reporters say that the spying has not affected their reporting, a significant percentage admit that they have modified their journalistic approach.
From the Pew report:
Just 14 percent say that in the past 12 months, such concerns have kept them from pursuing a story or reaching out to a particular source, or have led them to consider leaving investigative journalism altogether.
However, 49 percent say they have “at least somewhat changed the way they store or share sensitive documents.” And 29 percent admit they have changed the way they communicate with “other reporters, editors or producers.”
Within the past year, nearly 40 percent “have at least somewhat changed the way they communicate with sources.” As Paul Bedard of the Washington Examiner put it, the survey “makes Richard Nixon’s enemies list look like child’s play.” The Nixon Administration was notorious for its monitoring and harassment of members of the press, but compared to Obama, his activities do seem rather tame in retrospect.
One of the few journalists who has been outspoken on the matter is Sharyl Attkisson. She is the author of a new book entitled Stonewalled: My Fight for Truth Against the Forces of Obstruction, Intimidation, and Harassment in Obama’s Washington, in which she claims that the government has harassed her, spied on her and even planted “incriminating evidence” on her computer’s hard drive.
Attkisson has filed a lawsuit against the Justice Department, charging that her computer was hacked by the government while she was working on new stories concerning the attack on Benghazi, Obamacare, and the ATF’s “Fast and Furious” gunwalking program.
While Attkisson should, of course, be applauded for defending journalistic integrity, many other members of the press should be ashamed for allowing the government to stifle their voices. It seems as if the mainstream news has become mere entertainment, designed to sell airtime to commercial interests and to pacify a dumbed-down populace.
Luckily, with the advent of the internet, other sources of information are available to those who know where to look. But the majority of Americans still get their news from the big networks, which — no matter what their political affiliation — seem content to provide the masses with watered-down stories of little substance, or even truth.
If we don’t manage to restore the practice of real journalism in America, we shall have very little hope for the future of our once-free society.

64 % of reporters admit former “conspiracy theory” of surveillance now happening to them

by Daniel Barker

The concept of a “free press” is all but dead and buried in America today, it seems. A recent poll conducted by the Pew Research Center revealed that nearly two-thirds (64 percent) of investigative reporters in the United States believe that the government has “probably collected data about their phone calls, emails or online communications, and eight-in-ten believe that being a journalist increases the likelihood that their data will be collected.”
This is a shocking revelation, especially considering the fact that the current administration promised to be “the most transparent” in the nation’s history. In fact, the Obama Administration has shown itself to be remorseless in pursuing those who leak information to the press and in spying on reporters who dare to investigate its activities.
A free press is fundamental to a free society, and perhaps the most troubling aspect of this story is the fact that so few reporters seem outraged or even concerned about the government’s interference in their profession. It’s as if we as a society have become used to the idea that privacy is no longer a basic human right.
It’s bad enough when the average citizen has given up on the idea that it’s wrong for our government to spy on us, but when members of the press accept surveillance as a fact of life, it would seem to indicate that our society is in deep trouble.
Although most investigative reporters say that the spying has not affected their reporting, a significant percentage admit that they have modified their journalistic approach.
From the Pew report:
Just 14 percent say that in the past 12 months, such concerns have kept them from pursuing a story or reaching out to a particular source, or have led them to consider leaving investigative journalism altogether.
However, 49 percent say they have “at least somewhat changed the way they store or share sensitive documents.” And 29 percent admit they have changed the way they communicate with “other reporters, editors or producers.”
Within the past year, nearly 40 percent “have at least somewhat changed the way they communicate with sources.” As Paul Bedard of the Washington Examiner put it, the survey “makes Richard Nixon’s enemies list look like child’s play.” The Nixon Administration was notorious for its monitoring and harassment of members of the press, but compared to Obama, his activities do seem rather tame in retrospect.
One of the few journalists who has been outspoken on the matter is Sharyl Attkisson. She is the author of a new book entitled Stonewalled: My Fight for Truth Against the Forces of Obstruction, Intimidation, and Harassment in Obama’s Washington, in which she claims that the government has harassed her, spied on her and even planted “incriminating evidence” on her computer’s hard drive.
Attkisson has filed a lawsuit against the Justice Department, charging that her computer was hacked by the government while she was working on new stories concerning the attack on Benghazi, Obamacare, and the ATF’s “Fast and Furious” gunwalking program.
While Attkisson should, of course, be applauded for defending journalistic integrity, many other members of the press should be ashamed for allowing the government to stifle their voices. It seems as if the mainstream news has become mere entertainment, designed to sell airtime to commercial interests and to pacify a dumbed-down populace.
Luckily, with the advent of the internet, other sources of information are available to those who know where to look. But the majority of Americans still get their news from the big networks, which — no matter what their political affiliation — seem content to provide the masses with watered-down stories of little substance, or even truth.
If we don’t manage to restore the practice of real journalism in America, we shall have very little hope for the future of our once-free society.

UCSB Library acquires major Chicano/Latino graphic art collection from MCCLA

Compiled by the
El Reportero’s staff

The UC Santa Barbara Library has acquired the Mission Gráfica Collection and La Raza Graphics Collection from the Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts (MCCLA) in San Francisco’s Mission District. These two discrete collections together consist of an estimated 2,000 historical silkscreen print posters from the Chicano/Latino visual arts movement, plus organizational records from the MCCLA. The archives will become part of the California Ethnic and Multicultural Archives (CEMA), a division of UCSB Library’s Special Research Collections.
This event is open to the public to enjoy a Mission Gráfica art display, musical performances, and snacks and refreshments.
The collections “are now housed in an institution of higher education that values the archives, and understands the social and political context that gave rise to them,” said Linda Lucero, former executive director of La Raza Silkscreen Center/La Raza Graphics (which was once a separate organization and later merged with the MCCLA.) “Knowing the archives are preserved and accessible to current and future scholars, curators, historians, and others is a dream come true,” Lucero said.
“Not only are we procuring the long-term preservation of this unique collection, said MCCLA Executive Director Jennie Emire Rodríguez, “but we are also providing access to our local and global community.
Some of the artists featured in the collections are Juana Alicia, Rene Castro, Juan Fuentes, Pete Gallegos, Linda Lucero, Ralph Maradiaga, Oscar Melara, Consuelo Méndez, Irene Pérez, Michael Ríos, Patricia Rodrigues, Jos Sances and Hebert Siguenza.
Artist Gallegos, one of the founders of La Raza Silkscreen Center/La Raza Graphics, said, “This artwork in its entirety represents and memorializes an important and crucial period of community action, organizing and passion of what we used to call ‘El Movimiento’ (the Chicano Movement). Precipitated by the 60s civil rights and anti-war movements, the artwork… documents the Latino/Chicano experience, aspirations, contributions, and expectations of the 70s, 80s, and right up to the present day. As the artists move on and the arts organizations adapt to the new times, the artwork in this collection/archive will remain for the rest of the world to see who we were and what we did for our community.”
A reception to celebrate the acquisition will take place from 10:30-12 p.m. on Thursday, June 11, 2015, at the MCCLA, 2868 Mission St., San Francisco.
Please RSVP your attendance by emailing events@missionculturalcenter.org

Eliana López in her biligual monologue ¿Cual es el Escándalo? for a three-weekend-long series
Award-winning film, theater, and television actress, Eliana López, presents an original piece created by her and her brother Alfonso López and produced by Ivette Carolina Agudelo, celebrating Latina women’s values through a comedic one-woman show. Through her various characterizations, López covers themes such as immigration, discrimination, and racism, demonstrating the power of one woman daring enough to speak her truth.
Eliana López born in Caracas, Venezuela, made her debut at 16 as the main actress in the prestigious National Theatre Company of Venezuela. She has since worked in Mexico and Venezuela, and her most recent work includes Spanish theatrical performances of The Vagina Monologues.
General admission for this event costs $18 Advance until May 3, and $20 after May 4. Admission to week one and week two performances are guaranteed, and admission to week three performances will be by popular demand only.
At the Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts (MCCLA), beginning Friday, May 29 from 8-9:15 p.m. through Sunday June 14 from 6–7:15 p.m.

Eliana López tells in What is the Scandal? the story that was suppressed at City Hall

by Marvin Ramírez

There isn’t a better story than the one inspired and written by and from one’s own experiences, right?
And that is the case of “What is the Scandal?,” a one-woman piece spoken and acted by Eliana López, a Venezuelan actress who, along with her family, became victims of those who claim to help victims of domestic violence, but instead they ultimately victimize the victims they propose to protect. The show, written by Eliana’s brother Alfonzo López, premiered on Thursday, May 27, at the Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts in a sold-out event.
For those who may not remember the odyssey or, we should say, the nightmare, that this family, Eliana López, her husband Ross Mirkarimi and their 6-year-old son, Theo, endured for more than six months at the hands of a political machine whose real aim, according to many, was to depose the rightfully-elected Sheriff of San Francisco from office. This is the story that the alleged Machine, lead by the San Francisco Mayor, tried to cover up, according Eliana and her thousands of followers in the City by the Bay who supported her husband and her family during the ordeal.
Eliana, through her talented acting and her brother’s writing skills, very cleverly and with firm determination to have her side of the story told, brings the events that shook San Francisco politics, back to the attention of the public in the monoplay “What is the Scandal?” And it is election time when her husband Sheriff position will be up for re-election.
She brings the 2012 events that occurred prior to the trial, during the trial and post trial, playing a dozen different characters, including the impersonation of the man who became the forefront political enemy of her husband, current Mayor Ed Lee, as “Mr. Lie.” But of course, the Eliana’s team will deny this assertion.
In the monologue, the Award-winning film, theater, and television actress, “Eliana López takes the audience through the adventures of her youth in her native Venezuela, the culture shock she experienced in moving to the United States, her love story with an elected official whom she marries and with whom she starts a family, and the unexpected twists in their lives as a result of a family quarrel.
“She decided in 2014 to tell her story and to do something that would allow her to heal and forgive. The medium that she knows best is theater, so in collaboration with her brother Alfonso Lopez, they wrote the script for this play. Their goal is to show to the community the human side of the ‘scandal,’” said an attendee at the show.
“The work that Alfonzo and Eliana have done in these moments, especially in San Francisco, is very brave and an important one. The play raised themes that are still very hot, but in my opinion, it is good to do this in the theater. I loved her performance, it was something intelligent and there was intelligence and delight in these scenes,” said Carlos Barón, former professor of theater San Francisco at San Francisco State University, in an interview.
Said Steven T. Jones former SF Bay Guardian writer: “The play highlights the hypocrisy of those who claimed to be acting to protect and help her — particularly the overly friendly neighbor, Ivory Madison, who betrayed Lopez’s trust and called the cops; and Mayor Lee, who overreached on his accusations against Mirkarimi before even launching an investigation and without ever trying to talk to López — which resulted in causing real damage to her and her family.”
From Nancy Chárraga: “Everybody who enjoys politics should come watch the play, to see that Eliana was able to transform something so nasty and vicious into something so creative, because energy cannot be destroyed, only transformed, and this is what Eliana really did.
As a journalist who covered Ross Mirkarimi’s trial, I found that this monologue narrated by Eliana, reflects much of the real story that I witnessed first-hand and followed at San Francisco City Hall and in the media at the time. This is a must-see show that no one should miss, especially San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee and those who never gave Eliana Lopez a chance to tell her side of the story.
The show can be viewed on these dates: Week 1: Fri May 29–Sat May 30, 8 p.m., Sun May 31, 6 p.m., Week 2: Fri June 5, Sat June 6, 8 p.m., Sun June 7, 6 p.m. At the Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts, 2868 Mission Street, San Francisco. Tickets: $20  Box Office:  http://www.missionculturalcenter.org/events.htmlhttp://www.missionculturalcenter.org/events.html  or call 415.643.2785
More Information:  http://www.elianalopez.net/http://www.elianalopez.net.

The Feminist Movement was a CIA project of social programming

by Cary
Written in Oct. 04, 2007

No, I’m not some sexist that believes women should be bare foot and pregnant, slaving away take care of the home. I believe that all people regardless of sex, ethnicity and whatever qualifier you come up with should have equal rights, equal pay and respect and dignity given as a human being.
And the feminist movement was social programming by the CIA, the Ford Foundation and other globalist organizations like the Council on Foreign Relations. The CFR is a creation of John D. Rockefeller and is run by his grandson, David Rockefeller. This is all well documented. Ms. Steinem herself has admitted this, although she didn’t want the information to get out in the 1970’s. Under “Operation Mockingbird” the CIA infiltrated the US media organizations and recruited writers and broadcasters to control what we refer to as the “main stream media.” The CIA has been practicing spying on dissidents since the 1950’s in what they call COINTELPRO operations, or “Counter Intelligence Programs.” Cord Meyers of the CIA recruited Steinem into the CIA in 1958. Her job was to direct “activists” in a group called the “Independent Research Service.”
The following some snips from an article published in The Village Voice on May 21, 1979.

“Inside the CIA with Gloria Steinem”

by Nancy Borman

The near-total blackout on the Steinem/Random House censorship story is reminiscent of the level of enthusiasm Redstockings encountered when they first tried to get coverage for the story of Steinem and the CIA.
Their 16-page tabloid “press release” charging that Steinem had covered up a 10-year association with the CIA and that Ms. magazine, which she had founded, was endangering the women’s liberation movement struck the 1975 MORE conference like a new war coming over the wire. The hotel was abuzz and people snatched up the releases, but when it came to actually writing the story, nearly everyone bowed out. One reporter criticized the women for not obtaining Steinem’s side of the story before publishing the release.

Others skimmed the material and dismissed it as old news, which was partially true. Still others thought it was McCarthyistic both in tone and casual conclusions.
In 1967 both the New York Times and the Washington Post carried interviews with Steinem in the wake of Ramparts’ expose of CIA funding of the National Student Association and other organizations. Steinem was the founder and director of one of those groups, Independent Research Service, for which she had solicited and obtained CIA money to carry out covert operations at Communist youth festivals in Vienna and Helsinki in 1959 and 1952. Unlike most of the other principals in the scandal, who had repudiated their past work with the agency and turned over information to the press, Steinem defended her secret deal with the CIA, calling the undermining of the youth festivals “the CIA’s finest hour.”
There’s a lot more background in the article, but I’ll let you go to the link above and read it yourself. Basically, Gloria Steinem was part of the CIA’s “Operation Mockingbird.”

“Operation Mockingbird”

This CIA operation was the infiltration of corporate media in an effort to take over major news outlets. Deborah Davis’ book, Katharine the Great : Katharine Graham and Her Washington Post Empire, shows that the CIA “owned” journalists of the New York Times, Newsweek, CBS and other media outlets. A quote from Ms. Davis’ book.
“By the early 1950´s, the CIA owned respected members of the New York Times, Newsweek, CBS and other communication vehicles, plus stringers, four to six hundred in all according to a former CIA analyst.”
The CIA admitted in 1982 that reporters on the CIA payroll had acted as case officers for field agents. Philip Graham, who published the Washington Post, ran the operation until his suicide in 1963. Graham has been quoted as saying, “you could get a journalist cheaper than a good call girl, for a couple of hundred dollars a month.” Allen Dulles of the CIA oversaw the operation.
Here’s a link to an article by writer, Alex Constantine on Operation Mockingbird that gives a good overview of the project.
Tales from the Crypt: The Depraved Spies and Moguls of the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird
Here’s a link to an article about Operation Mockingbird.
There are numerous links in the about article on a lot of the prominent players in this project.
There is ample documentation on the internet and in books making the CIA-Steinem connection and Operation Mockingbird. Do the research if you’re still skeptical about this issue.
The next big question is “why.” Why would the CIA want to infiltrate the mainstream media? If you read enough about Operation Mockingbird, the original impetus was to counteract communist groups and provide propaganda that would produce loyalty to the American government. It sounds innocent enough, but it got twisted into a total control of what is supposed to be a “free press.” It hasn’t been “free” for decades. Another interesting topic to research is the CIA’s “family jewels” information released on June 26, 2007 under a Freedom of Information request. It documents the CIA’s meddling in US media and the illegal wiretapping of journalists and dissidents. Here’s a link to a site that has all the details.
Another big “why” question, is why did the CIA want to infiltrate and guide the women’s liberation movement? Nicholas Rockefeller, of the powerful Rockefeller family, had befriended filmmaker Aaron Russo, during the 1990’s. According to Russo, Rockefeller had told him that the Rockefeller Foundation had helped to fund the feminist movement. There were several reasons for this. One, it got women into the work force. This provided more income for taxation. If you haven’t read it, you might want to check out the article I wrote on the income tax system, “There Is No Law Requiring Most People to File and Pay Income Tax in the US.”
Second, it got kids in government funded schools at an earlier age for indoctrination. The intent was to break up the traditional family and the acceptance of the government as the primary family. Here’s an article on Russo and his memories of his relationship with Nick Rockefeller.
Russo reveals a lot more than just the manipulation of the women’s liberation movement in this article. There are also a few videos of Aaron Russo being interviewed about his relationship with Nick Rockefeller. Here’s a link to a 15-minute clip from the interview.
Rockefeller admitted elite goal of microchipped population
Here’s the expanded version of the interview, 1 hour and 9 minutes long. Fascinating stuff to say the least.
Historic Interview with Aaron Russo, Fighting Cancer and the New World Order
I know all this sounds like “conspiracy nutjob central” stuff. It’s hard to accept. But Aaron Russo was no fool. He was an accomplished filmmaker and entertainment big shot. He was a true patriot. And the chip is coming. Do some research on the Real ID Act, which will require “chipped” identification cards for anyone who wants to enter federal buildings, use public transportation (flights, trains, buses, ships), have a bank account at a federally chartered bank, have an investment account with a registered investment firm, receive federal benefits (Social Security, Medicare, etc.). This is supposed to be in effect by May 2008. Several states have voted not to participate in the program. US passports are now being chipped. Several companies are requiring RFID chips for employees for “security” reasons. RFID chips are being touted on networks like CNBC as the wave of the future. There is a movement in the medical community to have people chipped so that medical records could be accessed in emergency situations. The movement is to have the chips implanted in people eventually. You can take one if you want to, but I’m not getting chipped like an animal.
So believe what you will about what’s really going on behind all this. The information is out there if you’re willing to look.