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Children’s health org sues Facebook for censoring posts critical of COVID vaccine  

The org’s leader, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., claims that the social media giant is an ‘opponent’ of ‘real science and open debate’


Published by (LifeSiteNews)


Wednesday, 19, 2020 — Children’s Health Defense, an organization dedicated to ending childhood health epidemics by eliminating harmful exposures, is suing Facebook and several fact-checking establishments for censorship and defamation, especially relating to the issue of vaccines.

“At a time when the social media platform and its creator claim to be exponents of free expression and the scientific method for discovering truth, this case reveals the opposite: that they are indeed censors, and opponents of real science and open debate,” the lawsuit states.

Led by attorney Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Children’s Health Defense (CHD) is mostly known for being critical of vaccines because of their dangerous side effects. The organization also champions other causes, including the harmful effects of “climate change.”

Filed on Monday with the United States District Court for the Northern District of California, the complaint recounts that Democratic congressman Adam Schiff “threatened to introduce legislation to remove Facebook’s immunity under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act unless Facebook implemented algorithms to ‘distinguish’ and suppress ‘vaccine misinformation’ and advertising.”

In response, “[t]he Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (‘CDC’) and, under its aegis, the World Health Organization (‘WHO’) then collaborated at length with Facebook to suppress vaccine safety speech with a ‘warning label’ and other notices that appear to flag disinformation, but in reality censor valid and truthful speech, including speech critical of those agencies and their policies.”

“Since September 2019, Facebook and [CEO Mark] Zuckerberg have falsely denigrated CHD through a ‘warning label’ on CHD’s page, which conveys a classic false imputation of dishonesty in CHD’s trade,” the lawsuit goes on. “Since March 2019, with increasing frequency, Facebook and its affiliated ‘fact-checkers’ (their Orwellian term) have published ‘false information’ tags on CHD’s page, which materially misrepresent the accuracy of CHD’s own content.”

The lawsuit draws an analogy between censorship of newspapers centuries ago and current censorship on platforms like Facebook. “Here, government actors actively partnered with one of today’s leading ‘printing presses’ (Facebook) to censor Plaintiff’s speech critical of government policy.”

Facebook, the complaint states, has a conflict of interest in fact-checking and slapping warning labels on posts critical of vaccines and other issues like the potential dangers of wireless networks. “Less well-known are Facebook’s efforts as a seller of pharmaceutical ads, purveyor of global 5G and wireless networks and services, and developer of vaccines.”

According to CHD, the current case “arises in a pandemic when the need for public debate on health issues has never been greater. CHD’s vision is a world free of childhood chronic health conditions caused by environmental exposures.”

CHD is critical of potential coronavirus vaccines

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is an outspoken critic of vaccines. During a recent debate with renowned Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, Kennedy warned Americans to be cautious about any new coronavirus vaccine, pointing out that key parts of testing are being skipped.

“The Moderna vaccine, which is the lead candidate, skipped the animal testing altogether,” he said.

Another aspect of testing was equally unsatisfying, Kennedy explained. The Moderna vaccine was tested “on 45 people. They had a high-dose group of 15 people, a medium-dose group of 15 people, and a low-dose group of 15 people.”

“In the low-dose group, one of the people was so sick from the vaccine they had to be hospitalized,” he explained. “That’s six percent. In the high-dose group, three people got so sick they had to be hospitalized. That’s twenty percent.”

In spite of these significant problems, “they’re going ahead, and making two billion doses of that vaccine.”

Another problem with the testing of the coronavirus vaccine is that it’s tested not on “typical Americans,” but on a carefully selected group of people who don’t suffer from certain conditions.

“They use what they call exclusionary criteria,” Kennedy said. “They are only giving these vaccines in these tests that they’re doing to the healthiest people.”

“If you look at their exclusionary idea criteria: You cannot be pregnant, you cannot be overweight, you must have never smoked a cigarette, you must have never vaped, you must have no respiratory problems in your family, you can’t suffer asthma, you can’t have diabetes, you can’t have rheumatoid arthritis or any autoimmune disease. There has to be no history of seizure in the family. These are the people they’re testing the vaccine on.”

He asked, “What happens when they give them to the typical American? You know, Sally Six-Pack and Joe Bag of Donuts who’s 50 pounds overweight and has diabetes.”

Kennedy stressed several times that “any other medicine … that had that kind of profile in its original phase-one study would be [dead on arrival].”

“No medical product in the world would be able to go forward with the profile that Moderna has,” he reiterated.

Biosecurity Theatre – many unanswered questions  



Dear readers:


The Siracusa Principles state that restrictions on human rights under the ICCPR (International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights) must meet standards of legality, evidence-based necessity, proportionality, and gradualism.

Are our rights being violated unnecessarily in the context of stickers on the floor at the supermarket telling you exactly where to stand when lining up at the cash register. The “one-way aisles” telling you which way to walk as you do your shopping. The infrared thermometer guns pointed suggestively at your head before you enter a public building, as if such a device could actually detect a fever within a fraction of a second of “scanning.” The following article, written by investigative journalist, James Corbett, might bring light and ideas to these unanswered questions. – Marvin Ramírez.


by James Corbett


August 15, 2020 – You know about “security theatre,” right? That’s the kind of take-off-your-shoes-and-belt nonsense that was instituted at the airport post-9/11 to give passengers the feeling that the government was protecting them from those dastardly Al-CIA-da terrorists.

Of course, these measures do nothing to actually prevent terrorism. Even the MSM mouthpiece media was forced to admit that the TSA never caught a single terrorist with such practices.

But that’s not the point. These procedures are only there to give the impression that agencies like the TSA are actually keeping the public safe.

Well, guess what? As we transition from the post-9/11 “homeland security” paradigm to the post-Covid “biosecurity” paradigm, there is now an equivalent to the security theatre phenomenon taking shape: biosecurity theatre.

I know you’ve noticed it already. The stickers on the floor at the supermarket telling you exactly where to stand when lining up at the cash register. The “one-way aisles” telling you which way to walk as you do your shopping. The infrared thermometer guns pointed suggestively at your head before you enter a public building, as if such a device could actually detect a fever within a fraction of a second of “scanning.”

Of course these gadgets and procedures are not meant to stop the spread of any infectious pathogen. They are merely there to make the public feel better.

Even The Bezos Post is aware of how ridiculous this all is. As Anna Fifield recently noted in a report on how Beijing is coping with the “new normal,” the biosecurity precautions that are being put in place in China’s capital are demonstrably useless.

“Security guards with temperature guns man the gates at supermarkets and residential compounds, pointing them at the wrists of every person who wants to enter. This is largely a formality, as the reading often does not reflect reality. This reporter has recorded temperatures in the low 80s on several occasions, yet was alive enough to walk through the gate.”

Yes, that’s the essence of biosecurity theatre: it’s “largely a formality” and “does not reflect reality.”

But as ridiculous as all of this biosecurity theatre is, it just got 1000x more ridiculous.

Effective August 1st, the state of Wisconsin is requiring all state employees to wear face masks in state facilities. But the state’s Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is going one step further: the department is requiring its employees to wear face masks during teleconferences . . . even when they’re at home alone.

That’s right, people who are sitting at a computer by themselves with no conceivable possibility of spreading any sort of pathogen are being required to mask up. And why? Because, as Natural Resources Secretary Preston Cole reminded DNR workers in a July 31st email, they are “set[ting] the safety example which shows you as a DNR public service employee care about the safety and health of others.”

They’re not even pretending this is about health or safety at this point. The point of this exercise is (in their own words) to shape public expectations of “acceptable” behaviour in the new biosecurity paradigm.

Talk about theatre.

But there’s a deeper level to all of this. The post-9/11 security theatre, for instance, was not just about justifying the budget of bloated agencies like the TSA. It was also there to reinforce the narrative.

“Why are these jackbooted thugs at the airports frisking octogenerians in wheelchairs, making people empty their colostomy bags and generally treating passengers like inmates during a prison lockdown? It must be because the terror threat is real! Thank goodness for those kind-hearted TSA agents keeping us safe from the big bad terror bogeymen.”

Similarly, the Covid World Order biosecurity theatre is there to reinforce the narrative of the Big Bad Virus.

“So why is everyone suddenly forced to wear masks (even in Zoom meetings from home)? Why are we all standing on social distancing stickers in line at the supermarket checkout? Why are students’ desks being encased in perspex? Why are security guards with infrared thermometers checking everybody entering office buildings and other crowded spaces? It must be because the corona threat is real! Thank goodness for those valiant government employees who are working to keep us safe from the big bad viral bogeyman.”

But in fact it’s even worse than that.

In the terror paradigm, at least the “terrorists” were identifiable bad men with evil intentions. According to the terror narrative, these were people who consciously set out to cause death and destruction. Security agencies can and do treat everyone as a potential terrorist because they can claim ignorance of people’s intentions until a thorough examination is done. But in our own mind, we know that we are not terrorists and that if we were to be accused of terrorism it would be a false charge.

But in the biosecurity paradigm people are being accused of spreading a viral pathogen. According to the health authorities, there’s no way to know if you are an “asymptomatic carrier” unless you are tested (multiple times, even). So maybe you are a biosecurity threat. If an agent of the state performs an examination and deems you to be a carrier of the deadly SARS-Cov-2 (or whatever Gates and his minions are dreaming up for “Pandemic II”), how could you refute it? In this case, your intentions don’t matter. You can protest your innocence all you want, but the tests don’t lie.

Of course, the tests do lie. But again, that’s the point. It’s like another feature of the old fashioned security theatre: the metal detectors that operators can trigger to go off at will, or the drug sniffing dogs that can be signaled to give a false alert. When the state wants to detain someone in the future, claiming that their target “tested positive” for *insert scary-sounding virus here* will be all the justification needed for most normies to go along with their incarceration.

In the end, biosecurity theatre is not as harmless as its name might imply. It is part of the societal conditioning that we are being subjected to. The social engineers hope this conditioning will train us to:

  1. a) believe in the seriousness of the biosecurity threat presented by SARS-Cov-2 (or whatever virus they tell us to fear next);
  2. b) comply with agents of the state and other authority figures in whatever tests and screenings that are required to access any given space; and
  3. c) create the uncertainty in us that anyone—even ourselves—could be a grave threat to public safety without even knowing it.

And now, as we are seeing in Melbourne, in Auckland, and in other places around the world where the public have seemingly lost their mind over the “existential threat” posed by this “deadly virus,” there are all too many who are willing to move from biosecurity theatre to biosecurity totalitarianism.

The public is being softened. And the worst is yet to come.

Measures for recycling, considered they will cause greater damage during the pandemic, rejected

by Araceli Martínez


Measures AB 1080 and SB 54 that seek to reduce pollution caused by plastic products such as packing containers, bowls, utensils and lids that are only used once, which often end up in the oceans and landfills, have generated a great rejection among various groups.

The opponents’ argument points out that this is not the time to approve them due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the increased use of plastic containers to pack food as a preventive measure against the virus.

Last year these bills, unique in the nation, that seek to require manufacturers to take responsibility for the fate of single-use products, failed to pass legislators.

Senator Ben Allen’s SB 54 and San Diego Assemblywoman Lorena González’s AB 1080 seek to eliminate 75 percent of single-use containers by 2030.

“These misguided policies threaten to ban the very products that have helped families and businesses in the midst of this crisis,” said Pastor William Smart, president of the Christian Leadership Conference for Southern California.

He found that AB 1080 and SB 54 were undoubtedly written with the best of intentions before the coronavirus turned our lives upside down to reduce waste from single-use products and bags.

However, given the current situation, he said the legislature must press the pause button on two bills that would be unsustainable for families, communities and small business owners.

And it would not only ban products that families and businesses are relying on today such as food containers, and others to keep things safe and hygienic, but it would propose a $ 50,000 fine to businesses that do not meet waste reduction standards.

“It is a fine that would disproportionately harm small businesses, which are already struggling to keep their doors open during the pandemic.”

In addition, the pastor mentioned that these bills do nothing to increase the current recycling infrastructure, which has been damaged during this health crisis.

“Increasing recycling capacity to 300 percent to meet the waste reduction goals proposed by AB 1080 and SB 54 will not happen overnight, and the measures do not include a source of funding to create the facilities. what do we need”.

In a statement, the organization Californians for Recycling and the Environment announced that they support an effective recycling solution that reduces waste in communities.

“But now is not the time to pass a flawed law that fails to fix the state’s recycling problem and drives up costs for families and restaurants.”

And they recalled that during the pandemic, restaurants have seen their sales decline by 20 percent, and given the restrictions to offer food inside, the delivery of orders in person or through home delivery, they have been critical to stay afloat.

“By doubling or tripling the costs of takeout containers, it will make it more difficult for restaurants to stay in business during these difficult times,” they said.

To all this, they concluded, we must add that SB 54 will cost the state $ 20 million in costs to start at a time when California cannot afford that luxury since it faces a budget deficit of $ 54 billion, and the possibility of severe cuts to education, housing and other key programs.

Destroying western media’s “Swedish Public Health Disaster” narrative in two simple charts



Dear readers:


One thing that no one will convince is not true is the fact that the media is the mind control apparatus that serves the elite to make us believe a reality that does not exist. The following article, written by Tyler Durden of Via SkWealthAcademuy, an investment and education blog, designed for critical thinkers, is one of those pieces that make you think and help you remove the veil that the mainstream media has covered you with your eyes, so you can’t see. – Marvin Ramírez.


by Tyler Durden

Via SKWealthAcademy,


“In order to control public opinion of the masses, the ruling class should “regiment the public mind every bit as much as an army regiments [soldiers’] bodies.”

– Edward Bernays, Propaganda (1928)


“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized.”

– Edward Bernays, Propaganda (1928)


Recently, the media has made stories about the public health disaster of Sweden’s no lockdown policy in order to discredit the only science-based approach to Covid-19 undertaken by any nation in the world.

There have been a lot of false and misleading stories about the failures of Sweden’s no lockdown policy and Sweden officials’ choices to not shut down businesses in Sweden, only to suggest that the elderly vulnerable population self-quarantine, and to allow for the normalization of life under these conditions.

No businesses were ordered to close, and GDP in Sweden is forecast to shrink by 4 percent. A 4 percent annual shrinkage in GDP is 1000 times more preferable to the annual pace of a 32.9 percent drop in GDP forecast in America just this past quarter.

If the most human interaction is happening in Stockholm, the most densely populated city in Sweden with a central population of 1.5M and a metropolitan population of over 2.4M, then their no-lockdown, normal-life approach was a resounding success.

Sweden’s logical, science-based approach starkly contrasted with the totalitarian, misanthropic ruling class’s approach to restrict the movements of everyone, including fully-abled healthy people with strong immune systems, and legislating mandated stay-at-home orders for large swaths of entire nations, orders.

In response to Sweden’s success rates with its no lockdown policy, the Western mass media deployed a pre-emptive counterstrike by releasing hundreds of articles about the grave “failure” of Sweden’s no lockdown policy and disseminating these articles to millions of websites online.

I’ve created Charts:

[Top]: When we compare the mortality rates of Covid-19 in Sweden v. the US, including all data until the end of July, the US’s mortality rate of Covid-19 in the age group of less than 39 years of age was 0.58 percent, more than 1,230 times greater than the 0.00047 percent mortality rate of Sweden. In the age demographics of 40-59 and 59-69, the death rate in the US from Covid-19 versus Sweden was respectively 215 times and 211 times greater than Sweden.

[Bottom] Compare Sweden’s mortality rate for different age demographics compared to the US mortality rate for the common flu. For the comprehensive age group of all ages less than 60 years of age, the Swedish mortality rate of Covid-19 is less than 1/3rd of the American mortality rate for the common flu.

As can be observed in the bottom chart, the overall Covid-19 mortality rate for Sweden’s population was skewed by nearly all Covid-19 deaths occurring in the above 70-year old demographic, with the majority of Sweden’s Covid-19 deaths occurring in those older than 80 and 90 years of age!

I created the above graphics, using official data of both the US Centers for Disease Control and Folkhälsomyndigheten, the Public Health Agency of Sweden.

Despite this scientific evidence of the Swedish approach as the most effective combined dual health and economic-based approach in the entire world, the Western media lies and propagandizes Sweden’s approach as a horrific failure.

Sweden has nearly 10 times the number of COVID-19-related deaths than its Nordic neighbors”,

“Sweden’s coronavirus death rate is nearly 6 times that of neighboring Norway and Finland”,

“A Very Swedish Sort of Failure”, and

“Sweden’s Coronavirus Experiment Has Well and Truly Failed.”

These non-scientific and non-mathematical based stories ensure that the maximum amount of people around the world remain completely unthinking, obedient slaves to State mandated, martial-law style lockdowns and stay-at-home orders, in which the consequent social isolation from others would not only produce devastating financial and psychological effects but also have the added bonus, for the ruling class, of producing a mental state among the global population extremely receptive to hate and fear.

Nearly no one died in Sweden who was under the age of 60 from this virus.

Quoting statistics should not be used when one knows that their use will paint biased, misleading views of the actual situation, yet the mass media engages in such deception with no qualms about doing so.

Sweden possessed a Covid-19 death rate six times higher than Finland and Norway because

(1) Sweden’s elderly population was much greater than the elderly population of either of those two nations; and

(2) As small as was Sweden’s mortality rates were for all age groups except the elderly, Finland and Norway’s mortality rates were even more minute.

Consequently, compare minute to minute statistics, a 6 times higher mortality rate is very easy to manufacture and can be extremely misleading.

If one country reports six deaths out of 100,000 and another country reports 36 deaths out of 100,000 and both nations have populations under 10 million people, reporting a mortality rate six times higher in the former nation versus the latter nation is truly misleading. Now if both nations had populations over 150M people and this were still the case, then it would be okay to report such a statistic as there would be much more truth in such a stat.

As is evident in the bottom chart, the bulk of deaths from coronavirus in Sweden happened in the over 70 year old demographic, but particularly in the over 80 year old category. If a nation has many more elderly citizens, percentage wise than another nation, then of course its overall mortality rate will be much higher, as its overall mortality rate will be greatly skewed by its large elderly population. This is why it would be fake science to extrapolate the high mortality rate of Covid-19 in Lombardy, a region with a high percentage of elderly, to the entire nation of Italy.

The most effective propaganda convinces the victims of the propaganda that they came to the conclusions contained within the propaganda on their own merit, and that they were not ordered to embrace such false beliefs.

Bernays stated in 1925 that for propaganda to be effective, it has to fall under the category of information for which the public has “neither the time nor the inclination to search for facts” because the facts “are not readily available.” 

Quite sadly, this pillar of disseminating effective propaganda is not even necessary today given the century of brainwashing and dumbing down of society that has taken place since 1925. Today, most people do not want to spend even two minutes of time to vet information as wrong or true when the information to do so is readily available.

Instead, society at large prefers to have the parasitic ruling class think for them and tell them what to believe.

Green tea, zinc proving to be BETTER than hydroxychloroquine

Another weapon for fighting coronavirus infections?


Aug. 11, 2020 by Ethan Huff


Back in May, The Washington Post published an article that asked the question: Why has the death toll from covid-19 apparently been lower in Asia than in Western Europe and North America? The answer, it would appear, is that Asian countries tend to drink more green tea than the rest of the world, as well as consume more zinc, both of these things being powerful antiviral nutrients.

Green tea contains a unique polyphenol known as epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG, that research shows is a powerful zinc ionophore, meaning it helps zinc get into cells. Conversely, zinc helps to make EGCG more bioavailable, meaning the two nutrients work hand in hand to enhance each other’s therapeutic potential.

Zinc, as you may recall, is the nutrient that, taken alongside hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), a pharmaceutical zinc ionophore, is showing incredible promise in helping sick patients overcome the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). But green tea and EGCG is an even better solution, and a natural one at that.

In Japan, where green tea consumption is the highest in the world, deaths from the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) have been minimal. The same is true for Vietnam and China, both of which rank second and third, respectively, for green tea consumption.

“Correlation is obviously not causation,” notes Zero Hedge. “But … there is some evidence that these Asian countries’ green tea consumption may be part of what is helping to prevent higher mortality (as it may also be doing with cancer and heart disease).”

Green tea, EGCG are powerful weapons against coronavirus

Besides not having a contentious election coming up that might be influencing the case numbers here in the United States, countries like Japan and China tend to consume more nutrient-dense foods in general. This is another potential factor influencing the case disparity domestically versus internationally.

Another thing to keep in mind about green tea and EGCG, which are heavily consumed throughout Asia, is that they are powerful Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) fighters in other ways. An Indian study found that EGCG has the ability to target numerous key structures inside the virus, disabling its functional capacity.

“EGCG showed a very high binding affinity and a low inhibition constant among all the phytoconstituents screened, especially in the case of 6vw1, which is a potential target of SARS-CoV-2,” the paper found.

“EGCG exhibited better binding with the viral proteins and hence, is expected to show better antiviral activity than the reference drugs, remdesivir and chloroquine,” it added.

Green tea also contains theanine, an amino acid that just so happens to target various coronavirus structural sites.

It is important to remember, though, that by itself, EGCG is both unstable and bio-unavailable unless coupled with nutrients like zinc that studies show help to maximize its transport into cells.

“UV-VIS spectrometry revealed that the absorption of EGCG increased and its peak became large by adding zinc,” one Japanese study found. “Zinc enhances the hepatoprotective [i.e. liver-protecting] activity of EGCG.”

Chinese scientists have also found that EGCG more easily permeates cells when in the presence of zinc. It is almost as if these two nutrients were made for one another, working synergistically to support a healthy immune system.

There is also evidence to suggest that zinc can help to reduce the oxidation of EGCG before it gets transported into cells. While more research is certainly needed to confirm all of this, it absolutely would not cause any harm to start incorporating this regimen into your daily routine for protection against the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).

“Quercetin is the nearest naturally occurring bioflavonoid to the HCQ complex,” notes one Zero Hedge commenter. “It’s also in … green tea. Quercetin and zinc. There are even combo tabs already on the market.”

More related news stories about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) are available at

Sources for this article include:

Threats reported after returning to classes at City College

by Araceli Martínez


San Francisco City College students and teachers denounced the threats and challenges they face with returning to school remotely for the fall 2020 semester due to the pandemic.

During a press conference, they questioned why if City College of San Francisco is key to getting back to work in a post-pandemic economy, the administration and Board of Trustees is making decisions to reduce and destroy it.

“Why in this age of the Black Lives Matter movement are they weakening the Department of Black Studies? Why in times of a global pandemic are 60 percent of teachers of English as a Second Language fired, leaving immigrant students without the resources to integrate into the economy?” they questioned.

But that was not all. They also demanded to know why in this time of the affordable housing crisis they ignored protecting the interests of the college on land that City College has used since 1946.

Malaika Finkelstein, president of the AFT 2121 union, asked the administration not to use the pandemic as an excuse to cut classes for the already suffering young people.

And she said that the rumors that the rectors and heads of departments have ordered to cut classes with less than 10 students, have been confirmed. Nor is there a tuition plan, she lamented, that takes into account the global pandemic and the economic crisis that students and the community face.

“Students and school employees are struggling to find health and child care, financial security, and how to deal with the crisis. We must be there for them. Leave classes open and give them time to sign up,” the union leader said in a letter to City College councilors and Chancellor Rajen Vurdien.

“We have to keep classes open, and fulfill our mission in times of crisis. Our community needs us more than ever. We are critical to the recovery of San Francisco,” she said.

More than a dozen librarians who recently received notices of layoffs or cuts in their hours during the fall semester urged City College administration and counselors to reconsider their decision.

The reasons for the fall layoffs are that libraries are closed and librarians do not serve students in person.

“This confirms to us that much of our valuable work is not seen. Since the school closed in March, the adjunct librarians have answered questions via our chat service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, we classify online workshops with individual comments, we offer research workshops via Zoom and we give individual follow-up to students,” they said when listing the series of activities they have carried out while working from home.

Kelvin Ming Young, head of the Aging Department (OLAD), lamented that the College’s administration canceled more than 90 percent of their original schedule and left them with only five classes for the semester.

“Senior programs at San Francisco City College are among the first of their kind in the nation. They are essential services for the health and physical and mental well-being of the adults of our community through a variety of courses such as art, music, theater, literature, yoga, Tai Chi, mind and body health”.

He added that without this robust and comprehensive program, many of his adult students will face isolation, loneliness, anxiety, depression, and physical injury.

“Now more than ever as COVID-19 continues to cause harm, we must maintain our program and classes to serve the adult residents of San Francisco.”

In an open letter addressed to the City College Board by 60 English as a Second Language (ESL) assistant teachers who were suddenly laid off this spring, they said they understand that tough decisions are needed given the nature of the current crisis.

However, they stated that COVID-19 should not serve as a scapegoat for the continued mismatch of the school’s goals with the administrative actions that are taken behind closed doors.

“Our students are the hardest hit, while they lose their classes, teachers lose jobs and students we love,” they indicated.

And they called for a change for greater transparency and communication of the present administration even towards the Board of Directors.

“We demand a change of direction from our city, our students and ourselves.”

On the other hand, they also protested against the vote of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors that approved the development of a housing project on the site where the Balboa Dam was planned 100 years ago next to San Francisco City College.

The Balboa Dam was designed to fill with water to a depth of 25 feet. But it was never used, and it was left as an empty space that is currently used as a parking lot by San Francisco City College without being its property.

But the place belongs to the City of San Francisco; the president of the Board of Supervisors, Norman Yee wants houses to be built there, and he already has a project to build 1,100 new houses, 50 percent would be for essential workers supposedly to affordable prices.

It is also planned to dedicate 150 units for City College staff and faculty.

San Francisco Mayor London Breed said around the project that San Francisco is in the midst of a housing shortage and they need to build more houses across the city.

“The Balboa Dam project will create more than 1,000 new homes for families, workers, and teachers, while also providing the necessary childcare facilities and open spaces,” he said in a statement.

However, dozens of community members and organizations such as CCSF4All, Our City SF, Richmond District Rising, and Defend City College Alliance among many others said that this project will cause significant damage to City College and the surrounding neighborhoods as it will make access impossible for many and very difficult for others; it will create problems with public transportation, traffic congestion and safety.

“This valuable public land should not be privatized. It should be kept in public hands and used for a project that is 100 percent accessible that meets the growing need for affordable housing, not market rates, and at the same time that it protects the City College”.

However, dozens of community members and organizations such as CCSF4All, Our City SF, Richmond District Rising, and Defend City College Alliance among many others, said that this project will cause significant damage to City College and surrounding neighborhoods by doing the access impossible for many and very difficult for others; it will create problems with public transportation, traffic congestion and safety.

“This valuable public land should not be privatized. It should be kept in public hands and used for a project that is 100 percent accessible; that meets the growing need for affordable housing, not market rates; and at the same time that it protects the City College.

Business resource center in Palo Alto

Summer Streets continues with partial closure of Ramona St, starting August 7


compiled by the El Reportero staff


The Summer Streets program is designed to be a nimble and flexible initiative to evolve with the public health emergency and support both our community and local businesses.

Our Business Assistance Center has up to date information for businesses that continue to operate and for those businesses that are closed and experiencing hardship during the shelter in place order. If you are a restaurant or retail business that would like to provide outdoor dining or shopping experiences, please learn more on our Summer Streets for Business page.

Thought Leaders: Stanford’s eCorner Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders series features Kevin Weil, VP of Product at Novi Wednesday, Aug. 5 at 4:30 p.m. Join virtually as they bring founders, investors, and industry influencers to center stage and invite them to share what it takes to become a disruptor.

Grants for Artists and Cultural Practitioners: The California Relief Fund for Artists and Cultural Practitioners is distributing $920,000 from the CAC’s general fund in the form of $1,000 grants to help artists and cultural practitioners (including fine and performing artists, teaching artists, culture bearers, and maker-based sole or collective creative entrepreneurs) who comprise the various and diverse cultural communities of the state of California. The application cycle closes Tuesday, Aug. 18 at 3 p.m.

Coffee & Community: Join the Renaissance Women’s Business Center for “Coffee & Community,” a space for entrepreneurs to share stories of resiliency, strength, and support during these challenging times. Be prepared for an interactive morning with fellow entrepreneurs and the Renaissance team. Bring a cup of coffee or tea, and join the group on Wednesday, Aug. 12, 2020, from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.


Best of the fest season finale – Michael Franti, Los Lobos, and more

Headline One-Hour Special Broadcast On KPIX-TV


SAN FRANCISCO, CA (July 29, 2020)—Stern Grove Festival celebrates the conclusion of their 83rd season with a one-hour special featuring exclusive, newly-recorded performances from Michael Franti, Los Lobos, Ben Gibbard, Bebel Gilberto, Fantastic Negrito featuring Tarriona “Tank” Ball, ALO and Con Brio. The Best of the Fest finale, hosted by TV and radio personality and season emcee Liam Mayclem,

The Festival created Best of the Fest in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the moratorium on large gatherings. The nine-week series of video playlists, featuring performances and historic footage from its archives, began on Sunday, June 14, and has garnered a significant audience on KPIX-TV and its sister station KBCW 44/Cable 12.

It will be televised on KPIX-TV/CBS on Sunday, Aug. 16 at 4 p.m., and simultaneously on the Festival’s Facebook page, where Mayclem will host a Watch Party.


Some SF libraries expected to start servicing its clients

The City Librarian, Michael Lambert, is planning the first reopening of the Main Library and the Excelsior Branch to curbside service a local news source reported.

Named SFPL To Go, the program will allow pick up and return of pre-ordered books and materials. The exact dates of reopening will be announced soon and we will let you know the details at once. Please continue to check our home page at


Save the Dates: D1, D7, & D11 Board of Supervisors Candidate Forums

Save the dates for our upcoming D1, D7, & D11 San Francisco Board of Supervisors Candidate Forums. In our LWVSF hosted online forums, candidates for Board of Supervisors will answer questions submitted in advance about issues important to San Francisco voters:

– District 1: Thursday, September 17, 7-8:30 p.m.

– District 7: Wednesday, September 23, 7-8:30 p.m.

– District 11: Wednesday, September 30, 7-8:30 p.m.

– Registration is required; Zoom details will be emailed prior to the forum. Please register and share with your friends, family, colleagues, and online communities by forwarding this email or sharing the event on Facebook! Register here:



Cuban regime wants to take rapper Maykel Osorbo custody of his daughter

by the El Reportero‘s news services


The threat to opponents of depriving them of parental authority over their children has been a common practice of the political police for many years, but it has rarely been carried out, says a report by ADN Cuba.

An Interior Ministry official threatened rapper Maykel Osorbo and his partner Rosmelis Hernández to strip them of the custody of their 4-year-old daughter, Jade de la Caridad.

Hernández was summoned to the Old Havana police station, located at the intersection of Cuba and Chacón streets, to alert her to the education she is providing her little girl.

“I was not allowed to enter the interview, even though I was the girl’s father. However, I could see that there were many State Security agents inside the police unit, ”the rapper told Radio Televisión Martí.

“Rosmelis was received by a Major [of the Department] of Minors of Old Havana who told her about the upbringing that we are giving to our daughter. They told her that the girl is starting school in the next academic year (…), that we are not teaching her the real concepts of the Revolution and that this was going to create a disorder in her behavior.

“And that is why, at any time, they could take away the custody of the girl, who will analyze whether the state is raising her or her grandmother is raising, which they will determine,” said the rapper.

A day earlier, the same unit had been summoned to the same unit by Felicia Hernández, Rosmelis’s mother, to order her to expel Osorbo from her home, because, according to what they alleged, he is “an anti-social element.”


Film by Cuban Edesio Alejandro wins new award

Jul 29 – The film Mambo Man, by Cuban musician Edesio Alejandro and British-Iranian film-maker Mo Fini, received today a new award after being chosen as the Best Feature Film of the season at Best Global Shorts festival.

With this prize this film increased to 15 the awards won, including Best Director and Best Fiction Film at the Festigious International Film Festival; Best Feature Film at the Florence Film Awards; and Best Foreign Film at the Moody Crab Film in India.

‘And today we reached 15 awards, […], I am very happy, congratulations to all my Mambo Man team, these awards belong to us all, […], all of you are indispensable, thanks to all,’ Edesio Alejandro wrote on Facebook

This independent film, shot in locations of the eastern region of Cuba, was produced by Tumi Music, a British company that has recorded Cuban traditional musicians for years.

The film is starred by renowned Cuban actor Héctor Noas, with the special feature of musicians Cándido Fabré, María Ochoa, Arturo Jorge, David Álvarez, and Julio Montoro.


Selena tribute during Premios Juventud 2020

Premios Juventud 2020 is officially 10 days away and today (Aug. 3), Billboard exclusively reveals more exciting news.

As part of the forthcoming 17th annual awards show, Univision announced that a special segment, honoring 25 years of Selena Quintanilla’s music and legacy, will air during the star-studded event.

Her brother and producer of her biggest hits, A.B. Quintanilla III, as well as Karol G, Natti Natasha, Danna Paola, Ally Brooke and Greeicy, will participate in the motivating special.

“For me being part of this special was a real honor. She is a woman that after all these years, and everything that has happened, is a legend. I never hard the chance to meet her while she was here but she is an icon, an icon that lasts a lifetime,” Greeicy tells Billboard.

“How amazing is it that she has inspired so many with her music. It was very challenging for me to create the energy and portray her flavors of cumbia. It was a beautifully difficult challenge and it was very special because I learned from her music and I’m going to keep enjoying it with respect and I hope to honor her. To have the privilege to prepare this special with her brother, who knew her, lived with her, and spent her life with her, is very special. It was a hard challenge for me because I felt like I was speaking directly to her. The special is going to be really great, it was beautiful to be able to create it with him, he was wonderful to work with,” she adds.

Is racism responsible for today’s Black problems?

by Walter E. Williams


I doubt whether any American would defend the police treatment of George Floyd that led to his death. But many Americans are supporting some of the responses to Floyd’s death — rioting, looting, wanton property destruction, assaults on police and other kinds of mayhem by both whites and blacks.

The pretense is that police conduct stands as the root of black problems. According to the NAACP, from 1882-1968, there were 3,446 black people lynched at the hands of whites. Today, being murdered by whites or policemen should be the least of black worries. In recent times, there is an average of 9,252 black-on-black murders every year. Over the past 35 years, that translates into nearly 324,000 blacks murdered at the hands of other blacks. Only a tiny percentage of blacks are killed by police.

For example, in Chicago this year, there were 414 homicides, with a total of 2,078 people shot. So far in 2020, three people have been killed by police and four were shot. Manhattan Institute scholar Heather Mac Donald reports that “a police officer is 18 1/2 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male is to be killed by a police officer.” Crime is a major problem for many black communities, but how much of it can be attributed to causes such as institutional racism, systemic racism and white privilege?

The most devastating problem is the very weak black family structure. Less than a third of black children live in two-parent households and illegitimacy stands at 75 percent. The “legacy of slavery” is often blamed. Such an explanation turns out to be sheer nonsense when one examines black history. Even during slavery, where marriage was forbidden, most black children lived in biological two-parent families.

Professor Herbert G. Gutman’s research in “The Black Family in Slavery and Freedom 1750-1925” found that in three-fourths of 19th-century slave families, all the children had the same mother and father. In New York City, in 1925, 85 percent of black households were two-parent. In fact, “Five in six children under the age of six lived with both parents.” During slavery and as late as 1920, a black teenage girl raising a child without a man present was a rarity.

An 1880 study of family structure in Philadelphia shows that three-quarters of all black families were nuclear families. There were only slight differences in family structure between racial groups. The percentages of nuclear families were: black (75.2 percent), Irish (82.2 percent), German (84.5 percent) and native white Americans (73.1 percent). Only one-quarter of black families were female-headed. Female-headed families among Irish, German and native white Americans averaged 11 percent. According to the 1938 Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences, only 11 percent of black children and 3 percent of white children were born to unwed mothers.

As Thomas Sowell reported: “Going back a hundred years, when blacks were just one generation out of slavery, we find that census data of that era showed that a slightly higher percentage of black adults had married than white adults. This fact remained true in every census from 1890 to 1940.”

The absence of a father in the home predisposes children, especially boys, to academic failure, criminal behavior and economic hardship, not to mention an intergenerational repeating of handicaps. If today’s weak family structure is a legacy of slavery, then the people who make such a claim must tell us how it has managed to skip nearly five generations to have an effect.

There are problems such as grossly poor education, economic stagnation and poverty that impact the black community heavily.

I would like someone to explain how tearing down statues of Christopher Columbus, Thomas Jefferson and Confederate generals help the black cause. Destruction of symbols of American history might help relieve the frustrations of all those white college students and their professors frustrated by the 2016 election of President Donald Trump. Problems that black people face give white leftists cover for their anti-American agenda.

Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University. To find out more about Walter E. Williams and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate webpage at

Rejoice! The Agora is growing!


Dear readers:

Did you know that if you don’t follow the state’s orders to obey everything they say – during this so-called epidemic, regardless of whether it goes against your own freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution and God, you are working against the state economy? So you are a criminal in thought, as described by investigative journalist James Corbett, in the following article, which I hope you fully enjoy and learn something new from it. – Marvin Ramírez


by James Corbett

August 1, 2020


Have you entered a store without the mandated mask affixed to your face?

Visited a friend in violation of a lockdown order?

Frequented a New York bar that didn’t offer “substantive” food to go with your beer?

Congratulations! You’re a thought criminal!

And here’s the best part: There are more thought criminals being born every day!

What am I talking about? The counter-economy, that’s what!

As you’ll no doubt remember from my previous writing on the subject, counter-economics is not what the Pentagon does to cook its books each year. No, it’s both an idea and a practice that was pioneered by Samuel Edward Konkin III, everyone’s second favourite Canadian emigre anarchist.

In An Agorist Primer, Konkin explains that “All (non-coercive) human action committed in defiance of the State constitutes the Counter-Economy.” That’s a deceptively simple definition, so let’s tease out some of the nuance here:

  • “Non-coercive” is important because murder, theft, assault, fraud, extortion and other forms of coercion are not part of the counter-economy, but, as Konkin notes, are simply “other forms of statism.”
  • “Human action” is important because, as Konkin was at pains to stress, counter-economics is not a dry, dusty theory to be discussed in a philosophy classroom, but an idea that can only be realized in practice.
  • And “in defiance of the State” is important because the purpose of counter-economics is to undermine, and, eventually, shrink the state out of existence.

So, you walk into a store without a mask in defiance of your city’s ordinances? Congratulations! You’re a practicing counter-economist.

You pay a barber under the table to cut your hair despite lockdown orders to the contrary? Congratulations! You’re a practicing counter-economist.

You’re a business owner who fails to implement the government-mandated physical distancing and disinfection standards in your workplace? Congratulations! You’re a practicing counter-economist.

Now, this idea could be extended to the point of inanity. Yes, you could technically be a counter-economist if you drive 51 km/h in a 50 km/h zone, but such action is less likely to be an attempt to undermine the authority of the state and more likely to be an attempt to get to a dental appointment on time.

A key part of counter-economics is that this “human action committed in defiance of the state” is consciously directed action. Its purpose is to defy the state, or to carve out a space for people to interact and transact with each other in ways that defy the state’s edicts. This space—the truly free market, unfettered by concern for the state and its mandates—is the agora. Derived from the Greek word for the marketplace, the agora is the space where counter-economic activity flourishes. (But you already knew that, right?)

As Konkin puts it: “The goal is living in the agora and the path is expanding Counter-Economics.”

It should now be apparent how applicable these ideas are to our current situation.

Take the recent demonstration in Berlin. Depending on which source you rely on, there were thousands or hundreds of thousands of Germans that just took to the streets of Berlin to protest the stifling coronavirus restrictions in their country. But this wasn’t just a protest, it was human action in defiance of the state. Note well: These Germans didn’t protest these restrictions by writing scholarly papers on the situation or starting an online petition. They physically took to the streets in defiance of the very orders they were opposing. That is counter-economics in action.

Or take the recent action by Defending Utah, a liberty-minded organization based in Utah. To protest local face mask ordinances they began a regular Thursday event whereby interested members would be texted the location of a particular grocery store and a particular time. At the appointed time, members of the group would all enter the store without masks. They can’t be stopped on their way in because there are simply too many of them, and they can’t be ignored by the establishment mouthpiece media, who have to resort to smearing them instead. That is counter-economics in action.

There are plenty of other examples. Like the Texas salon owner who cut hair in defiance of lockdown orders and who chose jail time rather than make a court-ordered statement that she was wrong and selfish. Or the New Jersey businessmen who were thrown in jail for refusing to shut down their gym despite statewide shutdown orders.

You see? This whole COVID-1984 phenomenon is giving plenty of otherwise ordinary, obedient tax cattle the chance to become counter-economists. It is growing the agora.

But it needs to be restated: All of these counter-economic activities that are happening as a natural response to the lockdowns and restrictions mean nothing if they are not consciously directed counter-economic activity. If people are not aware of the importance of their decisions, if they don’t understand why we must expand the agora and broaden popular support for unsanctioned activities, then they will be easily led back into the system at the first convenient on-ramp.

If the state slackens the rules here or creates some leeway there, then people will—as usual—take the path of least resistance.

“Sure, we could form trading communities outside of the purview of the state. We could begin building up alternative currencies, supporting local businesses, disconnecting ourselves from the Big Brother enslavement grid . . . but that seems like a lot of work. And what if we get caught? What if we face resistance? What if we get a bad social credit score! No, much safer to just sign up for our new Digital Dollar account with the Fed and receive our monthly UBI payment. Of course, it means we’ll have to roll up our sleeve for the coronavirus vaccine and keep our COVI-PASS app up to date, but what’s the harm in that? At least we’ll be taken care of!”

It’s impossible to argue that the counter-economic path is going to be an easy one, because it’s not. But for those who care about human freedom, it’s the only path. And, as the technology of control available to the state increases in sophistication—from brain chips to 5G to gene editing—the agorist path becomes even more important. It is not exaggeration to say that there will be no humanity as we’ve known it by the end of this century if the would-be societal controllers get their way.

The choice of whether or not we grow the agora is quickly becoming an existential one.

In the end that choice is ours to make, but we better make it quickly. Are we counter-economists committed to growing the agora and ending the state? Or are we merely tax cattle to be slaughtered when the state deems us to be sufficiently fattened?