Monday, March 3, 2025
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Your uncle and mine

Jorge Mújica Murias

It is not news anywhere in the United States. Somebody makes a mistake one night, has one drink too many and gets stopped for driving under the influence. Driving drunk or semi-drunk is dangerous and a bad, no doubt about it, and some day we should end that practice making cars that will not start unless the driver blows into a breathalyzer or something like that, or ending alcohol once and forever, but we already know the second choice really does not work.

While that happens, we all are at the risk of our uncle calling us telling he got arrested and charged with a DUI, that he is in jail and that La Migra is Cumming to get him. And when I say “all” I mean “all”, including the President of the United States, Mr. Barack Obama.

That exactly happened to Barack a few days ago, when a 67 year old someone by the name Onyango Obama, in Framingham, Massachusetts, passed a red light and crashed with a police car, so he was arrested on the suspicion of DUI. He had a Social Security number and driver license, but he also had a deportation order. Known as “Uncle Omar” in Barack Obama’s book “Memories of my Father”, Obama admitted to have had two beers, and he was placed under an “immigration hold”. When he was asked if he wanted to make a phone call, he responded “yes, I will call the White House”.

He is the half-brother of Barack Obama’s father, brother of the now famous Zeituni Onyango, Barack’s aunt who was discovered living in subsidized housing and with another pending order for deportation. Her case was solved by reviewing her asylum case and miraculously finding that she was right and the immigration Judie was wrong and she had the right to remain in the United States.

The Three Hundred Thousand U­ncles

Onyango case falls right in the middle of his nephew’s announcement that La Migra will review some 300 thousand cases of immigrants in deportation proceedings and will not deport those without criminal records, meaning are not assassins, terrorists, rapists or drug dialers. It sounds good, but it contains a trap right in the announcement itself.

Onyango, and by all means his sister Zeituni are “criminals” according the law. Both had deportation orders because they did not leave the country when ordered to do so, when they lost their immigration cases, Even worse, in some states, And that is interesting. If Onyango was a commoner, just an immigrant, is case would be simple: he is a “criminal” and should be deported. But since he is Barack Obama’s relative, maybe another Miracle would happen and he will get to stay by the order o fan immigration judge that will say that the first immigration Judie was wrong, as it happened to his sister Zeituni last year.

That would put Obama’s (Barack) “new immigration policy” under harsh scrutiny. If his uncle is a criminal, then all our uncles are because they drive under the influence and crash against police cars and the like, and for having pending deportation orders.

But if his uncle gets to stay because he does not have other “criminal” background and his case can be reviewed, then all of our uncles should be able to stay, even if they can’t make a call to the White House.

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