Monday, March 3, 2025
HomeFrontpageWomen: Before getting pregnant, check your man’s diet

Women: Before getting pregnant, check your man’s diet

by Mike Adams
Natural News
Part 1 of 2

The day will soon come that informed women will refuse to date, marry or have children with men who follow poor nutritional habits.

“You eat junk foods? Put your pants back on and get out!”

You see, scientific evidence is mounting on the relationship between food choice and genetic integrity. Men who eat a lot of processed meats, fast foods and junk foods have low sperm quality. But it’s more than just an infertility question… it’s also a question of the transgenerational genetic integrity of his offspring.

A man who pursues an unhealthy diet, it turns out, not only increases the risk of numerous diseases in his direct offspring (cancer, diabetes, infertility, etc.), he also increases that risk for multiple generations of offspring.

This was recently demonstrates in a laboratory study conducted by Georgetown University Medical Center and presented at the American Association for Cancer Research (http://www. which showed that cancer risk attributable to the junk food fed to parent rats was passed through two generations even if the direct offspring ate a healthy diet.

In other words, for all you women out there, if you choose to have children with a man who’s eating junk foods, not only will your children have an increased risk of disease, but their children will, too! And that’s true even if your children follow a healthy lifestyle!

Now sure, if you’re not concerned about your family line, then just mate with anybody who can produce sperm — and there are a lot of those to choose from. But two, three or four generations from now, the sperm that you chose to combine with your own eggs may turn out to be a ticking genetic time bomb that ends your family line forever through DNA mutations leading to disease and infertility. The genopocalypse I call this coming wave of global infertility the “genopocalypse,” which of course means the “genetic apocalypse.” This is all explained in a video I recently posted on www.Natural- News.TV which you can view at:

The genetic integrity of the human race is collapsing due to exposure to DNA-altering toxic chemicals in foods, medicines, household products and personal care products. The cumulative toxic burden in first-world citizens has now reached such a high level of toxicity that genetic integrity may no longer be guaranteed from one generation to the next.

Infertility rates are skyrocketing, and even when babies are born through infertility intervention clinics, they suffer far higher rates of genetic mutations and abnormalities than babies conceived naturally.

We are now watching the genetic migration of the human race. It is slowly transitioning to a race of infertile mutants who express very high rates of diseases like cancer and health conditions like infertility. No one knows whether genetic integrity can be recovered once it compromised. The very nature of gene inheritance leaves that doubtful. The upshot of all this is that people who want a family future must be careful to choose healthy reproductive partners. Beyond the quality of the person you are deciding to have children with, you need to consider the quality of their eggs and sperm.

W­atchout for damaged eggs So far, we’ve talked about how women need to watch out for damaged sperm. But the good news for men is that sperm regenerates every few days, so by simply changing your diet right now, you can begin to produce healthier sperm a few days later. Switching to a healthy diet for 3 – 6 months can result in radically improved sperm quality.

But even this has its limits: The upper limit of male sperm viability is still heavily influenced by the diet of his mother during her pregnancy. Yep: The nutritional factors present during the growth of the fetus also strongly influence the lifetime reproductive viability of males.

For women, it’s even more serious. Women, you see, are born with all the eggs they’ll ever have in their lives. Those eggs were formed as a fetus, and the health of those eggs is largely determined by the diet of the pregnant mom carrying the female fetus.

So if you’re a woman, it is your mom’s diet that determined the genetic integrity of the eggs you carry right now. And changing your own diet won’t regenerate healthier eggs. So if you’re a man seeking a healthy partner to have children with, you need to ask about not just the diet of your female partner, but also the diet of her mother during that pregnancy.

It’s getting tricky, isn’t it? There’s nothing quite like interrogating your future mother-in-law about her eating habits… But it gets even more complicated than that. Next week 2nd part: Irradiated women’s eggs

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