Wednesday, March 5, 2025
HomeWhy Obama's financial bailouts stimulus won't work

Why Obama’s financial bailouts stimulus won’t work


by Marvin J. Ramirez

Marvin J. RamirezMarvin J. Ram­írez­­­

Did you notice how convincing have been the TV networks and print media in presenting and covering the government propaganda in support of the stimulus bailout money for private companies?

Many of you probably won’t be able to tell, they are presented in such a credible manner, that even the most skeptical could be deceived.

In an article headlined, How can the U.S. economy recover without manufacturing capacity?”, authored by Glen Ford, of Black Agenda Radio, he describes the hoax that North Americans were exposed to with the so much publicized bailouts.

“The strength of the federal economic stimulus package is seriously diluted by the fact that many of the manufactured goods that will be purchased for the attempted recovery must be imported from outside the United States., said Ford. “America simply doesn’t make lots of things, anymore.

That means many billions of dollars that folks assumed would go towards fueling an American economic comeback, will instead provide work and paychecks to employees in other countries, that still have manufacturing bases.

He accuses the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which is he says, is dominated by large multinational corporations – the same guys that began stripping the United States of manufacturing jobs decades ago.

He says that the United States’ lack of a manufacturing capacity makes it even less likely that anything resembling a lasting recovery can emerge from President Obama’s approach to the economic crisis, since, he says much of what will have to be bought is only available in other countries, made by foreign workers.

Barack Obama has put a huge emphasis on building a green economy. However, according to the New York Times (­pagewanted=2) most of the sources of solar panels and wind turbines are located in Europe and Asia. There can be no green economy without a mass transit makeover of the United States, but the U.S. hasn’t made subway and light rail cars in many years. They’d have to be imported, explains the article.

“Most of the sources of solar panels and wind turbines are located in Europe and Asia.”

How can Obama claim that most of the stimulus package will help the economy, when every product that must be imported for the infrastructure project means a watering down of the stimulus impact of the dollars spent. You can’t put people to work in American factories that don’t exist, Ford continues.

For Ford, it has to be a true national recovery effort, which would mean reindustrialization, on a grand scale and a green model. And he quotes Billy Preston: “Nothing’ from noth in’ leaves nothing’.” The U.S. cannot create the conditions for economic health without rebuilding a manufacturing capacity. And the remnants of Wall Street have nothing to contribute to an economic recovery, but an infi nite capacity to steal.­

Congress can pass all the stimulus packages they want for their big financial supporters, including their international bankers lords, but without a production infrastructure based in the U.S. it’s only be another theft to North American taxpayers.


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