by Marvin J. Ramirez
Marvin J. Ramírez
On Nov. 3, most of us witnessed one more celebration of election day, a day we are supposed to vote for anyone we don’t even know – but whom the propaganda machine (mainstream media) of the banking elite tell us in the last minute how cute they are, and how they can create change. I haven’t seen a change for the better for the last 25 years or more – or have you?
The media also ask us through hidden messages to approve those perennial bills (or ordinances- same thing) offered to voters every year. Every year thousands of bills are passed. Those bills are nothing more than bills, like utility bills. We stupidly approve them, even though they are nothing more that an acceptance to surrender our money… until we don’t have enough to give our families a better standard of living.
An article I read, points out to the truth about the big lie this current political system is all about.
The more we work, the less wealth we get, and less liberty from the enslavering government. And this keeps going on and on while the government gives away millions of TV boxes so we won’t miss our favorite TV newscast, movie or soap opera (their control over us). Because of our dreamy-like trance state of mind, we have forgotten what reality looks like. And all this has been done on purpose, to keep us in a sleeping-like state. Those who went to college to get educated, did you know the following?
March 9,1933, “A day that will go down in history in infamy”, spoken on a different day but applies more surely for this day, by Franklin Roosevelt. For on this day by the “Trading with the Enemies Act” and the declaration of Bankruptcy by the Congress for the United States (A CORPORATION), the American Dream turned into a NIGHTMARE.
At this point in history, slowly but surely, the Bankers proceeded by taking over the Federal Court System. The taking over of the American Court System is now complete as the Federal rules can be used in State Courts. Congress having never lawfully Assembled (after Abraham Lincoln dissolved Congress after the Southern states walked out during the debate over the Civil War) and having never been passed into positive law, now sits outside the Constitution, just as the Court System does.
This is the reason for the Voting Registration-for registering, you are given the privilege of voting and any one who signs and votes in the Federal Elections (or any election) are voting as CORPORATE ENTITIES and you are agreeing that Congress has the authority to act from a Foreign Jurisdiction.
The entire court system is now ruled by and comes under the Foreign Jurisdiction Flag. It has a gold rope, a gold fringe around the edge, a gold eagle or gold symbol on top the fl ag, and now some courts will make a mockery for the united States Flag by the positioning in a vertical slope (united in lowercase is the real name of this country).
No, those who went to college were not taught any of the above.
People wake up. Stop acting and living like zombies. (Continues on the next edition.)