by Marvin Ramírez
Marvin Ramírez
FROM THE EDITOR: Given the latest tsunamis, earthquakes and hurricanes that have stricken several nations in the world, leaving many deaths and destruction, there are beliefs – based on scientific analysis – that those events might have been man-made. El Reportero found the following article, which due to its length it will be published in six parts. The is the eighth and last part.
In order to better read and follow up the complete story, we suggest you read part one, two and three in older editions in our website. You may access older editions at:
The Alaska location was partially picked for its alignment with the earth’s magnetic force lines. Military experiments with the magnetosphere also appear to be planned. And again the scientists warn of possible dire consequences, including setting the earth into some unexpected vibration or oscillation, similar to an axis wobble. Many scientists such as Richard Williams writing in Physics and Society in April, 1988 have denounced this kind of testing as irresponsible and downright dangerous, fearing long term negative ionospheric effects. Also, like any magnet, the force lines will react at their opposite pole, near Australia and New Zealand. Australians are concerned enough to consider sending a team to Alaska to document and investigate HAARP. Shouldn’t Alaskans be interested too?
A group of NO HAARP activists is seeking to formalize their opposition by incorporating as a non-profit organization or affiliating with an existing group. Their prime purposes will be 4to promote awareness, file legal actions and other activities focused specifically on HAARP, something no group is currently doing. In fact, probably due to the remoteness of the Gakona location, it has been difficult to get outsiders interested. We are quite aware that the promoters of HAARP fullyrealize that they have the upper organizational hand and the money to outlast our grassroots opposition.
Those of us in NO HAARP are committed to doing what we can to stop the project before it comes online with full power in 1997. Considering the project has been underway since the mid-1980’s, this will be a difficult task. Luckily it was not completely funded as of a year ago. There is hope that legislative alternatives to stop it may exist as well. John Heckscher was quoted by Microwave News in the May/June, 1994 issue saying that “money for completion of the demonstration project is in place . . . but the larger facility would require additional funding from Congress”. Unfortunately, this additional funding is likely to be buried deep i n t h e D O D b u d g e t . What can you do?
Of course you can try to “write your congress person”. The Alaska delegation to congress is noted for their alignment with the military so don’t expect too much action from them. Send contributions for the NO HAARP effort to Jim Roderick, P.O. Box 916, Homer, AK 99603.
You can lobby with the NTIA to turn down the HAARP frequency/power request. You can make others aware of the HAARP project and the questions it raises. Contact Eric Nashlund at 907-8223602 or snail at HCO-1 Box 271 Copper Center, AK. 99573 Kirtland AFB is the source of information through FOIA that we have received info on this project.