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HomeWhat is HAARP? Part 5

What is HAARP? Part 5

­by Marvin Ramíre­z­

­­Marvin  J. Ramírez­Ma­rv­in­ R­­­­a­­m­­­­í­r­­­e­z­­­­­­

FROM THE EDITOR: Given the latest tsunamis, earthquakes and hurricanes that have stricken several nations in the world, leaving many deaths and destruction, there are beliefs – based on scientific analysis – that those events might have been man-made. El Reportero found the following article, which due to its length it will be published in six parts. The is the fifth part.

In order to better read and follow up the complete story, we suggest you read part one, two and three in older editions in our website. You may access older editions at:

— Geophysical probing to identify and characterize natural ionospheric processes … so that techniques can be developed to mitigate or control them.

Generation of ionospheric lenses to focus large amounts of HF energy … thus providing a means for triggering ionospheric processes that potentially could be exploited for DoD purposes. Electron acceleration for the generation of IR (infrared) and other optical emissions … that could be used to control radio wave propagation properties.

Generation of geomagnetic- field aligned ionization to control the reflection/scattering properties of radio waves. Oblique heating to produce effects on radio wave propagation at great distances from the heater, thus broadening the potential military applications of ionospheric enhancement technology.

Generation of ionization layers below 90 km to provide radio wave reflectors (“mirrors”) which can be exploited for long range, overthe-horizon, HF/VHF/UHF surveillance purposes …. Why are the citizens of the United States being asked to pay for such a project? Why do those associated closely with the project reference its use as submarine communications and other apparently innocuous purposes?


Monster in the Wilderness

by C. Zickuhr

The HAARP project being constructed near Gakona, Alaska will create the largest-of-its-kind ionospheric heater using computer controlled radio frequency transmitters. HAARP, which stands for High Frequency Active Auroral Research.

Project, is a joint effort of the Air Force and the Navy. HAARP program manager, John Heckscher, claims that it is a research project with both military and civilian benefits yet only military experiments can be found in the documentation for the project. The acronym implies something to do with the aurora, but none of the project papers mention that aspect. What sounds like an engineering feat deserving of public accolade, has remained suspiciously low profile, almost unknown to most Alaskans as well as the rest of the country.

Documents acquired from the Office of Naval Research via the Freedom Of Information Act reveal a more ominous purpose for HAARP. According to these documents, the U.S. military believes the former Soviet Union has similar heaters with which they claim to have achieved higher levels of ionospheric reaction than possible so far in the “West”. Although smaller in size than the HAARP project, there are many other ground based transmitting heaters in operation around the world; Tromso, Norway and Arecibo, Puerto Rico among them.

somehow contributed toCan these heaters already be changing the weather, and have they the recent climate-based catastrophes in the U.S? Might migratory species traveling through the “rays” have already experienced irreversible damage? How many humans have contracted cancers that might have remained dormant if not “excited” by these transmissions? When Russia’s Zhirinovsky speaks of secret weapons, is he referring to their version of HAARP?

HAARP first came to my attention in the spring of 1993, when a neighbor and airline pilot brought me materials on the project. The FAA had briefed commercial pilots in Alaska on changes needed to avoid interference from future HAARP transmissions. As a ham radio operator, my neighbor assumed that I had some knowledge of the “giant transmitter” and its effect on other communications.

After making inquiries to other hams, a few recalled seeing announcements for public meetings in Glenallen and Anderson, Alaska. Several then attended these Draft Environmental Impact meetings and gathered information. FAA personnel, pilots, communications engineers and others raised serious questions during the HAARP Draft Environmental Impact Statement process.

According to official statements, these questions were all properly addressed in the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS). Closer examination reveals a different story. Local FAA engineers, aware of the heavy safety dependency of airplane communications, voiced strong objections.

The national FAA, however, overrode these objections ­and gave HAARP the green light after “assurances” that lower level concerns would be accommodated. The FEIS admits that all forms of radio communication are subject to interference, yet completely ignores the concerns expressed in many of the comments. Individuals, organizations and agencies that use radio for their day-to-day livelihood were left with a “let us know and we’ll try to mitigate it” promise. It is important to remember the defi nition of mitigation is “to reduce”, not “to eliminate”. What recourse does the Alaskan Bush communicator have when their radio transmissions are rendered useless by HAARP? That is their only form of communication. IT WILL CONTINUE ON THE NEXT EDITION.

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